Home Corona Herd Immunity Enjoyed by Unvaccinated Countries v “Chronic Covid”

Herd Immunity Enjoyed by Unvaccinated Countries v “Chronic Covid”


by Dee McLachlan

Consider “World No. 2 golfer Nelly Korda receiving treatment for a blood clot.” Korda is 23.

Many people dear to me are suffering, I believe, from jab-spike consequences. It angers me greatly. I read in The Age this morning that hospitals are over-flowing in their Emergency departments with a man dying in the corridor on an ambulance stretcher after waiting more than three hours for treatment at a regional hospital in Victoria.

What’s the excuse? To quote The Age “…’increasingly desperate situation’ amid severe staffing shortages and ambulance ramping outside the hospital ‘is rife and the worst it ever has been’.” There are more sick than beds available.

So today I will quote from the article, “AIDS-Like “Chronic Covid” is Taking Over Europe, Australia and NZ” by Igor Chudov

“When Omicron appeared around December of last year, the powers-to-be in most Western countries found themselves in a situation of mass vaccine failure, where a Covid variant Omicron, about infectious as measles, was spreading like wildfire, while at the same time evading vaccine immunity.

“So, the clever solution was to abolish containment altogether, wish “illness and death” on the unvaccinated people, and hope that the vaccinated world gains “herd immunity” while enjoying relatively low mortality.

“Unfortunately for them and for us, things did not work out this way. Hospitals are overwhelmed by the vaccinated. Endless Covid short-term reinfections, plaguing the UK and the rest of the Western world, are sliding towards “Chronic Covid”. Herd immunity is enjoyed only by unvaccinated countries.

“Chronic Covid is a situation where the vaccinated cannot develop natural immunity, cannot quickly clear infections, and remain ill and infectious for an extended period of time. Such repeat infections progressively damage their immunity to the point of not being able to clear Covid at all. That would lead to people being chronically infected, infecting others, and overwhelmed with toxic Covid viral proteins, while remaining immunosuppressed.”

Original Antigenic Sin

There’s the likelihood that the vaccinated cannot acquire proper “natural immunity”, like unvaccinated people do. This is due to so-called Original Antigenic Sin, or “immune imprinting”.

In Unglossed, Brian Mowrey, published an article, “The Hot Spot … The UK’s tedious Infinite Covid Apocalypse, reexamined.”

“…One way to characterize this might be as the antithesis of Herd Immunity (however, “Herd Immunity” is also a myth9). A simpler route, though it violates the official Unglossed style guide, is to use analogy:

    • If you are lazy with cleaning up crumbs in your kitchen, you are still unlikely to get roaches in an apartment building without other dirty neighbors. You don’t have a “problem” with your kitchen habits.
    • If a good handful of your neighbors are dirty, you will not get away with leaving out crumbs. Your kitchen habits are a “problem.”
    • If half or almost all of your neighbors are dirty, you will have roaches in your kitchen no matter how strictly you clean it. Your residence in the apartment is the problem.

Slow Viral Clearance in the Boosted

To refer back to Chudov’s article:

Another groundbreaking article shows not only that “Covid vaccine” does not prevent infection, but also that the boosted remain infections and Covid positive for extremely long times after apparent resolution of their symptoms.

It seems that the boosted participants, despite appearing to resolve their symptoms, remain infections FAR LONGER and still show high viral loads (Ct < 30) even at day 9. Such a long viral clearance is extremely concerning.



  1. Some important notes on the above Vid.

    1 – Venom poisoning – neurotoxins from viper venom cross the blood / brain barrier to attack nicotine receptors in brain stem that control your diaphragm’s ability to breathe. This is the reason it is hailed as a virus which attacks the lungs – WRONG

    2 – Covid 19 is blocked by nicotine which binds to those breathing controlling nicotine receptors. that’s why ONLY 5% of smokers get Covid ! – nicotine patches or chews work –

    3 – Zinc also blocks negative effects of snake venom – which is WHY it is recommended for Covid treatment.

    4 – If you suspect Covid get a D dimer test to see if your levels are elevated- YES the same one used for snake venom.

    5 – Snake venom creates micro blood clotting just like Covid – HELL:O !

  2. Dr. Bryan Ardis: “COVID-19 is not a virus – people die by being given a snake venom.”


    What does “virus” really mean? A pandemic etymology

    Posted on April 12, 2020 by David Porush

    The etymology of virus has gone viral

    According to the Internet god of all things virtually true, the word virus comes from the Latin root meaning “snake’s venom.”

    “Virus: [L(atin) ‘slimy liquid, poison…] 1. venom such as emitted by a poisonous animal.”


    Poisoned fangs –
    The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast?
    by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News
    All the symbols and emblems for modern medicine have one thing in common: a serpent.
    The “Mark of the Beast”
    Who or what is the beast?
    Strongs Concordance 2342 describes it as a venomous dangerous animal.
    “Mark “Strongs concordance 5482 to sharpen to a point
    Why does the pharmaceutical industry symbolise itself with serpents slithering up a pole?


    PROTOCOL No. 3
    1. To-day I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off. There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people. When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice.




    Is it “hate speech” to point out the truth with a few facts?

    Vaccines have Jewish kinks

    “Even the latest technology platform stated to have been invented to be able to design a new vaccine to cope with any COVID variant within 2 hours and not only design it, but even have the finished product ready to distribute within 48 hours was invented by a Jewish professor, and here are other examples of Jewish-based COVID ‘vaccine’ death shot work”

    COVID-19 Vaccines Have Jewish Links https://atlantajewishtimes.timesofisrael.com/covid-19-vaccines-have-jewish-links/

    Modified RNA vaccines
    Local Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania abortion providers supply the aborted fetuses, while Pitt sponsors the local Planned Parenthood’s operations, in what looks like an illegal Quid Pro Quo for fetal body parts, forbidden by 42 U.S. Code 289g-2 and 18 Pennsylvania Statutes 3216. Pennsylvania law also makes it a felony to experiment on a living fetus or to fail to provide immediate medical care to an infant born alive.


    The jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-jews-behind-all-these-anti-covid-vaccines/

    6 coronavirus vaccine developments from Israel to watch https://www.israel21c.org/6-coronavirus-vaccine-developments-from-israel-to-watch/

    Israeli scientists: ‘In a few weeks, we will have coronavirus vaccine’ https://www.jpost.com/HEALTH-SCIENCE/Israeli-scientists-In-three-weeks-we-will-have-coronavirus-vaccine-619101

    “Israeli scientists are on the cusp of developing the first vaccine against the novel coronavirus, according to Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis.”

    Latest information about the coronavirus https://www.weizmann.ca/covid19/

    These people do not look like German ‘Nazis’ to me, they are all members of the Tribe. I could go on…


    Would the Synagogue of Satan (Rev.2:9 & 3:9) make vaccines for your benefit or harm?

      • The Protocols

        But, what are the facts?

        “We rejoice to learn that on May 14, 1935, the Cantonal Court of Berne, Switzerland, openly denounced the so-called ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ as forgeries, obvious plagiarism, immoral, and manifestly prepared for the purpose of inciting popular passion against the Jews”. Thus said the “New York Evening Post”, May 14, 1935.


        This has been repeated endlessly ever since.

        BUT when the Swiss Court of Appeals on Nov. 1, 1937 not only acquitted the principal defendant, Sylvio Schnell, and assessed the entire cost of the trial, 30,000 francs, against the state and reversed the verdict, Jewry kept SILENCE! The decision cited the fact that the Marxist-Judge Meyer had heard not one witness for the defense; had kept no Court record of the proceedings; and detailed other irregularities of the trial.

        The defendants had been arrested on complaint of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Switzerland on the charge that they had violated Article 14 of the Swiss law against distributing obscene literature, at a public meeting – the Protocols. The Appeals Court ruled that the “experts” for the Jews, C. A. Loosi and Prof. A. Baumgarten, appointed by Judge Meyer, not only were biased on the Jewish question, but, moreover, the authenticity of the Protocols had no bearing on the case since they are of a political nature and do not belong in the category of obscene literature.

        The Appeals Court also denounced “the prejudice and gross irregularities” which had been committed in the trial. Not a single one of the 40 witnesses for the defense had been permitted to testify, while all sixteen of the witnesses for the Jewish Community which brought the suit had been heard. . .”

        “The proceedings were accordingly carried on solely upon the testimony of the Jewish plaintiffs. And further, although Swiss law demands that in the case of every law suit, shorthand minutes of the proceedings be taken by an official of the court, the Judge did not adhere to this condition, but permitted the Jewish plaintiffs to appoint two private stenographers to keep the register of the official proceedings during the hearing of their own witnesses. As, therefore, no legal record of the proceedings was kept, it follows that the whole procedure, and the verdict itself, are both null and void”.

        One is tempted to say the same for the pompous “Report of the Senate Committee (Benny Mandel’s) concerning the Protocols”. [END]



        Validity of “The Protocols”
        A Huge Compendium of Arguments
        by Willie Martin


        • It stands to the most basic reason that a PATSY is fabricated early on and “the jews” have been the patsy since Jesus run-in with Rome, but probably before that in Egypt too, ( I haven’t read “Exodus” so I may have missed something there ). It’s just so basic I don’t know why it needs explaining, the whole premise of your “Protocols” appeals to basic xenophobia. I don’t decry your xenophobia, people are carrying on about Russians and so forth all the time. The problem is you are taken in by what is clearly a hoax and keep going on and on about this hoax. Things are done using Patsys and frontmen, that’s always the case. The new city in Kazakhstan is another fake. It’s all happening in Switzerland and the branch offices, traditionally mini-states around Europe but now Global.

  3. Dr. Bryan Ardis: “COVID-19 is not a virus – people die by being given a snake venom.”


    What does “virus” really mean? A pandemic etymology

    Posted on April 12, 2020 by David Porush

    The etymology of virus has gone viral

    According to the Internet god of all things virtually true, the word virus comes from the Latin root meaning “snake’s venom.”

    “Virus: [L(atin) ‘slimy liquid, poison…] 1. venom such as emitted by a poisonous animal.”


    Poisoned fangs –
    The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast?
    by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News
    All the symbols and emblems for modern medicine have one thing in common: a serpent.
    The “Mark of the Beast”
    Who or what is the beast?
    Strongs Concordance 2342 describes it as a venomous dangerous animal.
    “Mark “Strongs concordance 5482 to sharpen to a point
    Why does the pharmaceutical industry symbolise itself with serpents slithering up a pole?


    PROTOCOL No. 3
    1. To-day I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off. There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people. When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice.

  4. The most unexpected aspect of this war, for me, is that my closest allies are devout Christians, and here’s me a devout atheist.

    Having said that, the two most vulnerable groups in society to the WEF embedded traps are the upper-middleclass and Christians. Both will march joyously to their deaths.

    I am now waiting for the working class to see their children die, and hear the penny drop, which will be followed by the shortest civil war in history.

    When a bunch of drunks attending a mRNA-jabbed child’s funeral wake, listen to a charismatic relative who has finally read the evidence correctly, they will storm off and massacre an assembly of local politicians, videoing the bloodbath and transmitting this to every rellie across Australia.

    Mere minutes later this scene will be repeated across the nation, in waves of slaughter as the categorical identities of the tyrants are realised: medical bureaucrats, doctors and nurses, journalists, media owners, and not a few police officers whose recent brutality will be repaid with interest.

    Higher echelon politicians will be dragged off the planes in which they attempted to flee, only to be tossed into a jet engine, or squashed slowly under the tyres of an aircraft tow unit. As the nation comes to terms with the sheer horror of what has been done to human beings in the name of public health, the executions will take place until none of the guilty are left alive.

    And as quickly as the people’s defence and justice began, it will cease.

    However, if the nation fails to understand why all of this happened in the first place, it will be visited on us all over again.

    • Tony, ref your post, Now that IS something I’d save my very last breath to stay alive to see happen. But sadly, knowing how the average Australian citizen thinks and works, it’ll never happen in my lifetime. No way. I see mention of folks being held to account now nearly on a daily basis, but no one has bothered to explain to me, or any readers, on WHO they expect to dish out this justice. When it’s common knowledge, that ALL our justice systems, and authoritive bodies are ALL compromised, and extremely reluctant to take action against these criminals. I can’t see Australians forming lynching mobs, as happens in other countries. So how exactly are these criminals going to be held to account and by WHOM ?

      • The MSM reports the NorthWest is going out of control with constant looting, ramraids, civil disobedience, attacks on police vehicles etc. It has become a 3rd world country, they say. Now what could have brought this on. Perhaps the word has got around, a few of them died after injections, but the MSM won’t be telling us anything about that. Instead their next story is about Elbow who has correctly identified his constituents as very gullible, and promises them more medical services. And the NorthWest is tipped to get more cops. Well as long as the government keeps printing $200 billion every year I guess that’s OK.

      • Not so fast, fellas. Don’t jump to conclusions.

        Perusing history, I concluded that the book “1984”, rather than warning freedom-loving citizens of potential totalitarianism and tyranny, actually inspired the elite to emulate and to embellish the concept. Thus, we are now living 1984, logically and technologically extended.

        Copying from the elite’s own copybook, my hopeful theory is that by dropping the idea, socrates-like, into working class ears, or by osmosis, unAustralian-like behaviour might be reversed and precipitate the required mass-violence.

        So, I have written the above scenario on websites around the world, one even being published in GlobalResearch.com and in 51 languages. There is no rule that says we mongrel red-neck peasants are not allowed to apply propaganda techniques.

        I am not optimistic this will work, and I agree with Eddy and W3’s comments above. Nevertheless, I am now kneeling at a shrine to Theis, the god of all skeptics and cynics, praying that he joins with the Christian and any other gods, to nudge the Oz working class psyche to flip over in our favour and massacre all mainstream pollies and their minions.

        I don’t know if it’s my imagination, but the shrine candles flickered violently the other night, spilling white wax on the black velvet, and so when I immediately turned on the TV it was to witness AFL players, coaches and commentators speculating that the 800 deaths of young athletes was caused by the Jab.

        Am I reading too much into this? I don’t think so. The first penny has evidently dropped. I firmly believe that Theis has heeded my prayers and is nudging events in the right direction. I have promised Him that if Australia becomes a polly bloodbath, I will devote the rest of my life to establishing the Church of Inverted Atheism. Amen.

        And, Peter, it is my devout wish that you be converted.

  5. Why has no scientists investigated my belief that Omicron is a cause of the “vaccine”? To me it is so obvious. From my understanding, only those “vaccinated” are attacked by Omicron.

    I also subscribe to Dr Ardis’s belief that there is no such thing as a virus. There have been many experiments over time, during and since the Spanish Flu that prove a “virus” is not contagious.

    “For the unvaccinated, you are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm”.

    How much further from the truth can they get? The hospitals are currently overwhelmed here in Australia by the “vaccinated” and winter has not even started.

    • re: virus
      Like a rotten tomato or a mouldy orange, it can rot from inside or become infected from the outside, there’s no contradiction in both being true

    • Aussiemal…I well recall your conclusions and I think of these every time new evidence supports your hypothesis. Time will prove you right. Incidentally, I do not support Germ Theory and have not since 2014.

  6. As I write this another ambulance with siren blaring is passing.

    Now the the director of the AFL has succumbed to reality maybe the footy stalwarts will begin to awaken after several of their heroes have fallen victim to the “vaccine” in front of their eyes. Then again maybe not.

      • They told us don’t go out and buy it, wait for the qualified personnel to do their research. Oh these qualified personnel. What would we do without them, there would be no plandemic at all I guess.

  7. If you listened carefully, a new narrative has been born. Erase Pierre Cory, Michael Yeadon, Cherri Tenpenny, and the dozens of other world experts who have pointed to 40 years of 61 medical studies and a nobel prize; or the experiences of Goa, and Japan, and Uttar Pradesh in containing covid with Ivermecton. None of this happened. Monash University is now the world saviour of humanity.

    This is clearly are long-planned delaying tactic, holding back what was always inevitable.

    Now is the time to up the anti (or is that ante?) and jab the fuck out of everybody still sane. I see this as a warning to disappear.

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