by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Being a crime reporter is not my job, but in the last month three separate people in South Australia came to me asking me to tell their stories. I am now going to act as reporter for one of them, Rachel McIntyre.
I also wish to announce that the avalanche is now happening. The silly little cabal overplayed its hand bigtime and the world of its members is crashing down on them. They believed it was sufficient for them to control our institutions. They knew how to rely on mafia hit men if whistle blowers got out of hand. OK, they were fantastically successful using such means as that, but now the jig is up.
Oh Cabaliers, you would be wise to come out with your hands up. Believe me you cannot hide your activities any longer. And, while you brainwashed an impressive percentage of the population, and you had police, judges, and media all cozy in your employ, whistle blowers will be whistle blowers. You are up that famous creek, and in a paddle-less condition.
I advise you to face reality and plead for mercy.
The Beaumont Children
In South Australia’s history of murders, the most famous cold case is that of the three lovely Beaumont children. On Australia Day, January 26, 1966, they took a bus to Glenelg Beach. Don’t be shocked that they went without parents. The older girl at 9 was a responsible child and in those days Adelaide was very safe.
By 7.30pm when they had not returned home, the parents called “000” and thus began the biggest manhunt in the country.
Stop right there.
There was no need for a manhunt. The children had been kidnapped by a member of the pedophile ring who then murdered them. The body-boy who worked for that group is Max McIntyre. He and his co-slave Tony Munro brought them home in the boot of their car and later buried them.
The main piece of news here – and it is regrettable that members of the Beaumont family will have to read such a thing – is that two police women were in the McIntyre house that night. Not off-duty cops but on-duty cops. The South Australian Police (known as SAPOL) have never been unaware of the fate of the three children. The “great mystery” of their disappearance is – pardon me – a crock.
The McIntyre Family
Names may be a bit confusing. So let me identify the members of the McIntyre family. There is a grand-dad, James Duncan McIntyre. He survived the Kokoda Trail in World War II and was a genuine hero. His son Allan “Max” McIntyre was born in 1929 and had a career as a wire-taper with Telecom.
I will refer to Max as Max, not as Allan. He married Margaret. They had three kids as shown here. Andrew, born 1954, is on the left. Clare, born 1951, is on the right, and Ruth, born 1957, is obscured under Dad’s arm.

Both his wife Margaret and his daughter Clare died in suspicious circumstances. I don’t mean to imply that he got rid of them – I’d guess that The Powers That Be wanted them out of the way so they would not spill any beans. But Andrew and Ruth have spilled beans.
Later Max got married again, to Suzanne Appleby, and one of his children from that marriage, Rachel, is a dedicated bean-spiller. (Thank you, Rachel.) She was born in 1973 and is almost 20 years younger than her half-brother Andrew.
Max, the father, died last year (November 2017) at age 88. He was a very bad man, but I don’t know how he came to be that way. His children are good people so I suspect he started out good and got twisted by… by the twisters. Rachel thinks he may have been a victim of MK-Ultra.
He was violent toward his kids and she was very relieved when he died. His day job was as a wire-tapper for Telecom, and he had many skills.
Rachel knows him to have been both a pedophile and a body-boy for other pedophiles, in cases where the child was “disposable.” He would chop them up. Indeed, she saw one chopped up on his bathroom floor in 1977 when she herself was only 4 years old.
You may recall from the 2018 Adelaide Fringe show, a statement by Kathleen A. Sullivan (taken from her book Unshackled) that her duty on the CIA’s MK-Naomi program was to chop up bodies. If a CIA operative got killed overseas, she would be rushed over there to “do her bit” with the body so that the host country would not realize a CIA person had died.
(Really, you can’t make this stuff up, can you?)
Why You Should Believe Rachel Vaughn, nee McIntyre
Recall that one of the most compelling elements of Fiona Barnett’s credibility is that she did not wait till recent years to inform the public of what was going on. She started in the 1980s but couldn’t get ordinary people to believe her (naturally enough) and was never able to get law enforcement to listen.
After the Royal Commissions findings we naturally are inclined to believe Ms Barnett, and scores of victims have corroborated her allegations.
Rachel Vaughn ought to win a gold medal for keeping records of her attempts to report to the police the criminal activities of her father. For example, in relation to the aforementioned incident she has this in her notebook:
4? Sep 2007 — Phone call to, and conversation with, 21 Aug 2007 INTERVIEW with Annette Burden of SCIB, at Goolwa Police Station, detailing my sexual abuse and witness account of small child’s body as well as a man’s right foot in our Macklin Street bathroom 1977.
Annette Burden of SCIB to see how case has progressed. Burden says Scott Barker now handling my case but is on five weeks leave. No-one else is handling Barker’s portfolio in his absence.
One can only hope that the man lost his right foot after death and not while he was still living.
A later entry:
“Later in 2007, phone conversation with Scott Barker of SCIB. Told by Barker (taped conversation): ‘you are just one in a long line of victims and you have to wait your turn’.”
Imagine how you would feel after reporting a cut-off foot if you were treated so rudely. It boggles the mind. Yet this is what many reporting victims say! Surely this is a sign that the various police persons ARE ALL IN THE EMPLOY OF THE PEDOPHILES AND MURDERERS.
The alternative interpretation is that they are just doing their job properly and they think the allegations are incorrect. But even so, cops get paid to investigate. They have whole bureaucracies of file keepers and if similar stories kept cropping up from unrelated people how could they not deduce that something was afoot. Oh, sorry, I mean that something was happening.
In a later entry Rachel says: “Sister Ruth saw 5 cadavers brought into our home in body bags [on that same day in 1977].”
Trying to Tell Politicians
Rachel has given me much more information but I am withholding it for now as I wish to concentrate on one aspect of her “ledger.” From time to time she sums up what she has been doing with police and send a letter to numerous politicians. For example:
28 Jun 2007 MLC: Re: form letter number 1 – Paedophilia and Police Corruption in South Australia.
1) “I believe my father to be the body boy for the infamous paedophile ring: The Family.”
2) the accounts of two witnesses (mine and Ruth’s) to the mutilated body of a young girl in Max’s bathroom 1977/78 (me at four years of age, Ruth an adult at 22 years of age) are being ignored by SAPOL (namely Paul Tucker of Major Crime);
3) three siblings’ (Rachel, Andrew, Ruth) accounts of incest perpetrated by their father ignored by SAPOL. I also state that Max was friend to convicted paedophiles Peter Liddy and Tony Munro.
Sent to:
David Ridgeway, MP
Dennis Hood, MP
Paedophile Task Force, Queensland (Denzel Clarke, Task Force Argus)
Doug Barr, Det. Insp. Major Crime
Paul Holloway, MP
Michael O’Connor, Victims of Crime Officer
Ted Mulligan, QC, Mulligan Inquiry
Australian Federal Police
Kris Hannah, MP
Jane Lomax-Smith, MP
Michael Atkinson, MP
Jay Weatherill, MP
Carmel Zollo, MP
Nick Xenophon, MP
Det. Supt. Phillip Hoff (SAPOL)
Attorney-General Robert McClelland, MP
She occasionally gets a reply but it is usually the bedbug letter, as in “This is not handled by our department.”
What Does This Signify?
I think we have to deduce from the above list that our politicians do know what is happening regarding the pedophile ring. It is rumoured to include many top people in Australia, strange as that may seem. The pollies’ ability to ignore Rachel (and maybe dozens of Rachels) is therefore deliberate.
Granted, it may be unconscious, but nevertheless deliberate. It’s not based on any real decision by them that Rachel is making it up. So, while the TV audience is being fed spooky stories every now and then about the Beaumont children, or “the Family” or other cases, the real story is known to many, many public servants such as policemen and parliamentarians.
Rachel did get a few non-bedbug replies. For example:
Aug 2007 RESPONSE: Letter received from Paul Holloway, then Minister for Police, Ref: MPOL 06/0035 – MP07/D0482. Thanks me for letter of 28 June 2007 re lack of police action against Max. Declares that Major Crime Detectives:
‘have investigated the allegations of Mr Allan McIntyre’s involvement in the 1966 Beaumont children disappearance and the murders of Kelvin, Langley, Stogneff and Barnes. Police investigations show there is no evidence linking Mr Allan McIntyre to these matters.’
I might mention that Spence Bevan von Einem is in Yatala Prison hiving been convicted of the death of Kelvin, while the deaths of Langley, Strogneff and Barnes are famous cold cases. Possibly the reason the Kelvin murder got “solved” was the fact that Richard Kelvin age 15, was the son of a well-known newsreader, Robert Kelvin and the public expected “answers.”
It is nevertheless widely rumoured in Adelaide that von Einem was made to take the rap for someone higher up. He, von Einem, remains in jail now, years beyond the date his sentence ended. This could be so he does not again become a danger to the community. Or it could mean he must remain incommunicado.
There are also some astounding rumors as to whom von Einem is covering up for.
— Mary W Maxwell is an Adelaidean “on sabbatical’ in New Hampshire where she worries about being bitten by a tick and coming down with Lyme disease. All drone ticks will be examined.
Stunning material Mary. In 2007, this was in the decade before the Royal Commission where victims seemed to be brushed aside. But now at the RC its a different story.
Dee, there is no longer an RC, it is completely finished.
I recommend that some citizens set out to continue it as a Truth Commission. They would inherit some of the prestige of the official RC.
This is astounding news. The Minister of Police has been informed by police “that Mr McIntrye can not be connected to the Beaumont children’s disappearance”, but does not then go on to mention the other atrocity allegations against McIntrye.
That this number of people and members of the AFP have not taken the action that the public should expect, is absolutely absurd. Does this suggest that these people and their distinguished friends are all involved. I expect the AFP would have come up with the answer, this investigation is outside their jurisdiction as it is a State investigation. This appears to be their stock-in-trade answer.
How can the authorities just brush off these allegations by Ruth, without any investigations or personal interviews with her?
It is really scary that all those contacted by these family members have done nothing to put pressure on law enforcement to come up with answers and prosecutions.
Heads must roll and pensions of police officers who were involved in hiding the known results of the Beaumont Family disappearance, must be revoked with prison sentences for life to be given. This hidden crime is as bad as the Port Arthur Massacre outcome.
How many other victims were overcome, since the disappearance of the Beaumont family with the known result hidden from the community and no criminal proceedings? At least some of these victims could have been spared had the proper course of action been taken.
One of the state Parliamentarians listed, Jane Lomax-Smith, is also a medical doctor. You’d think she might have twigged.
Doctors have a legal obligation to report child abuse when they see it, as do nurses, social workers, teachers. (I don’t dare say priests.)
How about making it a legal obligation for MPs too.
Mary Maxwell your right about Jane Lomax-Smith she’s a Histopathologist (Biopsy and Autopsy). She alone would know the ramifications of the outcome of their deaths. But like the rest who were informed did nothing about the case.
Dear Aussiemal (Malcolm R Hughes of Don’t-put-up-with-Holsworthy-lies fame),
You say:
This is astounding news. The Minister of Police has been informed by police “that Mr McIntrye can not be connected to the Beaumont children’s disappearance”, but does not then go on to mention the other atrocity allegations against McIntrye.
Astounding, Mal? It is supposed to be the new normal. We are supposed to somehow intuit that the cops can’t go after McIntyre because he is a protected person and that “Hey that’s how it is, Folks.”
Geez, I’m glad you’re “not normal,” Mal.
Hey, I am not normal? Good on you Mary. What I meant by astounding news, was your article, that the police knew pretty well right away where the Beaumont children were buried. Yet the public is still being asked to give any information as to the where-abouts, of these children. Unless I am missing something. I don’t remember anything in the “Media” about the bodies being located.
…never heard any mention of looking in a disused well. Amazing.
I see that there is a change.org petition which asks the Police to dig up the well at Stansbury where the McIntyres say the Beaumont children were left. (It was later filled in with cement.)
Get this. At some point, the offspring of Max went on to the Stansbury property to inspect the well and Daddy took out a restring order against them being there,
Imagine the cheek. He is a major criminal but feels relaxed enough with the SA court system that he can risk facing a judge.
Also imagine him worrying enough about his kids possible findings at the well, to motivate him to seek that restraining order.
Clearly you cannot possibly believe Rachel McIntyre story You call yourself a crime reporter ? Max McIntyre was cleared by the south Australian police. Rachel was not even born of the Beaumont’s. Rachel McIntyre is not credible and needs to be stopped !!!
Hello to all at Gumshoe News, and thank you Mary for your article. Hello to you again Bobby Longlegs/Fact-checker AKA my sister Simone’s best friend from high school who likes to call herself a journalist. Again, I am sorry that my story is so offensive to you, and again I wonder why you have invested so much time and energy, and devoted such passion to dogging Ruth, Andrew and myself for the past 12 years? Again, I must point out to you that you do not know all the facts. Again I must question your motives and interest in the McIntyre Stansbury property. And again I must insist that you do some research. Look into the Fritzl case in Austria perhaps. There are lots of correlations to the McIntyre abuses in the Fritzl situation; including siblings of the abused daughter Elizabeth who did not report being abused by their father; the matriarch of the family being completely oblivious to the abuse right under her nose (and under the floorboards); and grandchildren who were also unaware of the abuses occurring in/under the house. You also need to look deeply into the roots of False Memory Syndrome. Please also look up Stockholm Syndrome as well, you need to.
Thanks for the explanation Rachel (and I made the corrections).
Go play with your 🔮
Your not credible !!! Take your entourage of lies and seek help !!!! Tell people the truth Rachel & stop the atrocities you are causing on your family members!!! It’s all fantasy !! SAPOL do not take you seriously sweetheart. Your lies that you continue to tell the public ??? Seriously hired a private investigator to get the will ? You were at the will reading but you lie to the public. Your a compulsive liar who needs help !!!
You need lots of help with your spelling and grammar, I see….Sweetheart.
Some journalist.
Sorry boots
As that’s all I can see from you hanging out of his %%**
Ah, Booby longlegs, but you haven’t seen Parts 2 and 3 of this series.
It is true that Rachel, having not gotten herself born till 1973, was not present on the day of the Disappearance in 1966. But neither does she claim to have been there. It is her half-sister Ruth that saw the bodies in the trunk.
You probably think Ruth “needs to be stopped” too. As I mentioned the older girl Clare WAS stopped. Clare was eager to talk (you can see how eager to talk Rachel is by her persistence with those disgraceful MPs) and then she died of “suicide.”
Sometimes a suicide is really a suicide. But no person who is “eager to talk” just carks it for the hell of it.
Two more rejoinders to your comment — for which I thank you. First, I do NOT call myself a crime reporter. (And by the way, are there any crime reporters? I’d like to meet ’em.)
Second, your statement “Max McIntyre was cleared by SAPOL.” That, I’m afraid, is the main thing I’m writing about here, not the death of the Beaumonts or pedophilia.
I’m also here to scare the daylights out of folks with the news that two police women were in on it from Day One. If those cop-gals were 30 years old or more in 1966 they are over 82 today. Maybe still alive. I’m guessing their lives have been burdened by it all. Do they want to confess?
Gumshoe is all ears.
Claire was not eager to talk
Claire was in complete disbelief that this was occurring I know the whole story from beginning to end
Sorry you had to publish Rachel’s untruths.
Nobody in South Australia believes her stories The journalist “ & his entourage of muppets have used all the McIntyre’s
They do not believe their story either. Rachel needs to be medicated , detained , for her own well being.
I genuinely feel for Rachel, she is one of 1000;s who have suffered at the hands of satanic corrupted souls, they have been tricked by lucifer, just as when lucifer tempted our saviour to inherit the earth he cast lucifer away, the difference is these people who are of high and low places took the bait and are under his control. Only Jesus can save their souls, if you ever meet a satanist or suspect one, just say to them “In Jesus Name I pray for you” they will not be able to withstand it.
Rachel, you speak of the tunnel system in Edwardstown, I think publishing this information will greatly benefit your testimony, reading above there are clearly some interested paties who wish to discount what you have said, regardless ch 7 aired footage of Max admitting he has involvement. I pray for those still wanting to cover for him and others most likely due to financial gain, can find truth through our saviour Jesus Christ. The truth will set you free even though it hurts.
Plans or photos for tunnels published? Bobby I feel for you that you have fear for the truth, I pray that you will find strength to awaken to the truth.
Amen! I declare the truth to prevail !i call forth the justice of heaven to pour out upon this matter …and every single person from low ranks to the highest rank in any form be exposed ! I call forth the angel armies on behalf of all the innocent children the ones who have been horrifically violated and then murdered and the ones who have survived such a horrific ordeal i declare the light of heaven to expose every truth and every single child that has been wronged by this ring and all those from every lart they played no matter how little or how big be brought to justice..i bind the evil i bund the lies in the mighty name of Jesus Glory Be to God it is His will for this to be brought out for those who have been wronged and now be accused of lying have justice I loose the life of Christ in this matter I call forth the Fathers supernatural restoration for all those who have been wronged I call forth The Fathers supernatural justice and vindication on behalf of the children in Jesus name .
Expose every house and holding place and bring out every truth in Jesus name
You are a just Father Lord God i call forth Your justice concerning every single person and Your Justice be rendered in Jesus name
Rachel i pray for u and will continue to for internal healing . For u and your sister and brother … in Jesus name
There has never been a claim by any of the McIntyre siblings that say members of SAPOL (women officers) were at their house on the night of the Beaumont disappearance. This is not true. They have made countless statements and public posts about this over the years and they have never claimed that. Even Rachel and Andrew and Ruth themselves would say that.
The only time the female police officers were mentioned was when an “alleged” new witness came forward, this year mind you, and mentioned the police woman were called to his house after one of the perps allegedly gave him a couple of pills!!!
Reference ‘Hoaxstead’ harassment : http://www.hopegirlblog.com/2018/05/30/my-experience-with-hoaxtead-a-gchq-trolling-website-with-satanic-roots/
worth researching and connecting dots
That’s interesting, Diane, about Shreddergate. I will quote from your item:
“The Heiner affair began more than a decade ago when an inquiry by retired magistrate Noel Heiner raised allegations of child abuse in the John Oxley Youth Centre (JOYC).
“The inquiry was later shut down by the Goss Labor government, which ordered all documents regarding the case be destroyed.”
However, Diane, in that article,although they show that destruction of evidence occurred, the author drifts off into chatter about the Consumer Council looking for deceptive trade practices. The fact tis that destruction of evidence is a crime. Truly — it’s a felony re “perversion of the course of justice.”
The other day Gumshoe published my article on “Contra spoliatorum.” I had in mind the Boston marathon case where the government has tossed out relevant material. i said that (per the Latin maxim) this means the destroyer of evidence must be presumed to be the guilty party regarding the matter to which the evidence relates.
OK it would be nice of that maxim were applied in false flag cases — but my above point is a separate one and it is even stronger. The destroyer of evidence can be indicted, tried, and jailed.
Australians have insufficient appreciation of law. May I suggest that every time it be discovered that evidence has been hidden or shredded, BOTH PRONGS OF THE FORK SHOULD BE USED. The spoliator should be arrested for the crime of spoliating, AND the other person who is on trial should be given the benefit of the doubt as to his guilt. Our forebears in England thought this out sensibly. Why are we not using it? It is still good law.
Mary – the bit where you mention his offspring going onto property to inspect well and him getting restraining order is not really the complete truth. Please check your facts. The fact is that one of his children, Ruth, and her husband, actually lived and worked at the Stansbury property for many years. They had easy access to this well area and could have looked into it at any time, had they any suspicions whatsoever. Of course, they never did. That was pre-2006 and pre-2006, they had never made any claims against their father. Apparently, their memories of various alleged atrocities suddenly emerged after 2006. It was at that time, they suddenly started claiming he was some kind of monster and alleging he was involved in about every cold case murder mystery Adelaide had on offer. Prior to that, Ruth had a normal relationship with him and, as mentioned, lived and worked on the Stansbury property with her husband. She had never acussed him of beating/molesting her and had never claimed he was a murderer either. It’s all a very strange story but the way it has been told to you is not the truth.
I concur !!!
Rachel is so far in la la land I’m mortifief people actually believe this fantasy
Let me add it’s not a sink hole. Like the petition claims
It’s a well !!! Not even close to a sink hole !!! Major crime do not believe it !!! They will never dig the “ well “ not ever. !! Max McIntyre was cleared by SAPOL
Bobby long legs and Factchecker (great name — has authority yes?) . It would be great if you could describe how you come by these ‘facts’? e.g. “Major crime do not believe it !!! They will never dig the “ well “ not ever.” This sounds like what they said about the priests 15 years ago… until the Royal Commission flushed out the 1,000s of victims.
Are you threatening me with acid in my face ? Is that a threat Mary ?
“Are you threatening me with acid in my face ? Is that a threat Mary ?” Bobby longlegs… WHAT are you talking about? Threats?
She’s referring to the words Mary wrote on this page, Dee: – are you with me? “Of course the public won’t believe it. Everybody is too worried they may be told they’re from la la land.
Blessed are they who do not worry about being told they’re from la la land. They will inherit the … um… I don’t know. They may inherit a bottle of acid in the face.”
more quotes– bit random but same story over and over all from
“On or about 11 February 1990, the Heiner Inquiry documents were secretly transferred into the possession of the Queensland Cabinet in an attempt to gain exemption under a claim of “Cabinet Confidentiality”. On 8, 14, 15, 23 and 27 February and 1 March 1990 the Queensland Government was served with notice of judicial proceedings to gain access to the Heiner Inquiry documents by certain public officials.”
“On 7 April 1994, Lindeberg lodged a complaint with the Queensland Police Service [“QPS”] in respect of the illegality surrounding the shredding of the Heiner Inquiry documents and related matters. (See Police File MS 93/25262 commenced on 3 September 1993). As part of his complaint, he also alleged that certain CJC officials were engaging in a probable cover-‐up (i.e. a conspiracy to defeat justice) by deliberately misinterpreting the law to advantage another. His complaint was lodged pursuant to the Police Service Administration Act 1990 suggesting that the Criminal Code (for which the QPS had a statutory duty to enforce) had been breached in respect of the shredding and related obstruction of justice from within the CJC. Lindeberg was interviewed on three separate occasions by police. At all relevant times, the QPS unquestionably knew that his allegations concerned alleged serious criminal conduct involving the Queensland Executive, certain senior bureaucrats and certain CJC officials7.”
“Deputy Commissioner John Callanan confirmed that the McIntosh sexual assault incident fell within the definition of “criminal paedophilia”, pursuant to section 6 of the Crime Commission Act 1997, for which the Commission had a standing reference to act on once becoming aware of such conduct.”
“But I say to the Queensland government, and even to this chamber: there is still serious unfinished business to attend to concerning the Heiner shredding. The shredding of the Heiner report is part of the reason that this abuse went on for so long without intervention. In that context, the culture of these institutions went unchallenged for all those extra years. The healing then has also taken longer. We owe it to the victims not to regard this report as the end of the matter.”
“It cannot go unsaid that the Queensland government and this chamber know that this story is unfinished. The facts of the abuse, and the culture that produced the abuse, were revealed by whistleblowers. I include here someone whom I have spoken about on many occasions, Mr Kevin Lindeberg. For years we have seen the struggle of Mr Lindeberg to reveal the truth about the shredding of the Heiner inquiry documents—documents that we now know revealed the full extent of the information that the Queensland government had on the abuse of children in state institutions. Also worthy of mention are journalists Mr Bruce Grundy of the Weekend Independentand Mr Michael Ware of the Courier-Mail. Both of these people, at some cost to themselves, persisted in revealing the truth and the attempt to cover up the truth.”
being a whistleblower myself I have seen evidence shredded and history rewritten over and over
Thank you Diane for this tidbit:
“Also worthy of mention are journalists Mr Bruce Grundy of the Weekend Independentand Mr Michael Ware of the Courier-Mail. Both of these people, at some cost to themselves, persisted in revealing the truth and the attempt to cover up the truth.”
Diane, I never thought of it before, but Blackstone would have no hesitation in saying that those who delivered docs to the Cabinet in hopes of covering up a crime thereby committed a crime.
I have not yet had a chance to see if Justice Peter McClellan, in his role as commissioner (RC on child sexual abuse) referred anyone for prosecution for the crime of coverup.
If not, he “should of.”
Great work Mary! its a case that needs airing….look forward to the next parts…
Yes…keen to see the next instalment with Andrew’s big secret.
Coming Soon. But I’m sure you, longlegs and Deni are keen to start wheat-chaffing.
With all these unresearched untruths, it’s definitely more chaff than wheat.
This is for FactChecker above. If Ruth was 49 in 2006 when she recovered her memories of trauma in childhood, that is about average, or maybe a little young.
In the 1990s many MK-Utra survivors began to remember what was done to them in the 1950s (and which is no longer an official secret). A few wrote books, such as Brice Taylor and Kathleen Sullivan. But then a group called The False Memory Syndrome Foundation sent forth its minions to dispute those girls.
This caused people to think, as you think, that the stories were made up.
It is now known unequivocally that the FMSF was a creature of the CIA, and it was the CIA that ran the tortures of the MK-Uktra. They had a vested interest in mocking the girls’ (I mean women’s) recovered memories.
Are you with me?
Those girls were born around 1951 (but see my obituary of Blanche Chavoustie, she was born in 1938). Blanche “knew nothing” till 1990. Now meet Wendy Hoffman, born around 1943. She knew nothing till she was 70. And boy was she pissed off to think that her whole life was lived under a cloud of information-lack about her own upbringing.
If you go into the older archives of Fiona Barnett’s website http://www.PedophilesDownUnder.com, you can hear an audio of her chatting with older male survivors. You can tell from the tone of their voice that they are telling the truth. Maybe you should read my book “Deliverance!” about the Royal Commission hearings, circa 2016.
Anyway, here’s Wendy. She admits to having carried out the mission of the FMSF herself when she was a psychologist. That is, she helped victims’ memories STAY SUPPRESSED.
(Just goes to show you that there are many baddies out there who never meant to be baddies, but who were hypnotised into it. I personally feel forgiving of them but others want their scalp.)
Re Wendy’s video–statement “Watch this video on youtube
Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner” –who I wonder is the video owner–think Neil would know Mary
very important to watch–re infiltration being tracked–
Diane, I’m guessing that you mean the video won’t show up on your screen in Australia. But I am sitting here in US watching it just fine.
Oops, if the Australians can’t watch it I had better clarify what I said about Wendy Hoffman (my hero). I said she was a “dirty therapist” (her word). That’s because they had such a hold over her mind that she did not know she was doing wrong.
Her video is actually fabulous evidence of something I would like to go to court over, and testify as an expert witness. Namely, I think “diminished responsibility” has to be factored into verdicts and sentencing.
That may make me unpopular with many victims, but let Wendy stand as an example. She was a super-victim, and has now done wonders to help survivors.
Me, I’m not a survivor; I have had a cushy life. Yet she has helped me immensely by showing how the Luciferian gig works, and we all need to know this.
Oops, my spell-check is underlining “Luciferian” in red. What did I tell you? We need to find out: LUCIFERIAN is big stuff.
Max McIntyre died in June, not November. Are you with me?
Great! Where can I get a new power supply for my drone tick? Poor bugger has gone flat!
Sleat dear, do you read GumshoeNews regularly or did your handler tip you off to come to the website today?
Dee and I are always fascinated to see which of our articles get “visitations.”
Glad you reminded me to say this to my “faithful” — Dear Faithful, if a drone tick gets me, I will get a neurological disease and start talking in a way that does not fit my last 400 or so articles. At that point please remove me from the stage.
I believe Senator Janine Haines was “given” a neurological disease. She talked slurry, was confined to a wheelchair, then died. She was only about 41 when she became Leader of the Australian Democrats. I attended a humorous debate she put on for Law Week at the Adelaide Convention Center. She was brilliant and it was all done ad lib.
There’s no way we can have a brilliant person in Parliament, much less a humorous and brilliant one, much less a pretty, humorous, and brilliant one. And she was pretty.
So out she went.
(I may be wrong. God could have taken Janine. But God did not take Sen Jeannie Ferris. “They” took Jeannie. And just before her funeral they also took her ex-husband, via a one-car crash. He was Editor of The Canberra Times)
Of course the public won’t believe it. Everybody is too worried they may be told they’re from la la land.
Blessed are they who do not worry about being told they’re from la la land. They will inherit the … um… I don’t know. They may inherit a bottle of acid in the face.
I remind people of the famous Howard shoe thrower (at Q&A). Peter Gray died in his early 30s from cancer after a stunning court win against major companies on environmental issues. That remains one of the most suspicious deaths in Oz.
But…there is no suspicion. Peter Gray had suffered from bowel cancer for many years. How is it suspicious?
Kim Noble did– get acid in the face -London
re Heiner Affair Shredder gate Rudd and Xenathon agreed to investigate the case–but suddenly abandoned it–shut down silenced-reckon Xenathon could tell you a thing or two about the history of politics coverups and the truth–SA
amazing Mary
As someone with a personal connection to Janine Haines, I find it disgusting and so utterly ridiculous that you believe she was given a neurological disease. I would ask if you are kidding. But, sadly, I know you’re not. How fascinating.
I have too ask why were these children not reported missing until evening?
These children did not come home for lunch?
The parents did an initial search when the dad got home from his botched work trip. It was 7 pm when they finally realised they needed help..
It’s logical, especially back then..
They did an initial search on their own, the parents. It was after they realised they needed help that they called in the police.
Which is understandable back then.
I agree.
I don’t know enough about this case to comment per se, however, the overarching issues are unmistakable:
One thing really hits home though:
“The disappearance is widely credited with causing a change in Australian lifestyles, since parents began to believe that their children could no longer be presumed to be safe when unsupervised in public.”
Back in the 50’s my older sister and I always walked, unaccompanied to school and we were also free to explore the neigbourhood/interact with other families. My kids were raised in a small town and were likewise unimpeded and they still hold dear to some of the adventures they had. These days fear and mistrust have taken such a hold it’s extremely unusual to see “unsupervised” children anywhere. Most parents don’t seem to understand that micromanagement is a form of abuse and that in so doing they’re playing right into the hands of Youknowwho.
Berry, I agree. As I have said before at Gumshoe, the “Boston Strangler” (entirely cooked up) changed our behavior in the 1960s. Before that we would walk home from choir practice in the dark and our parents would not give it a second thought.
Above, someone asked why the Beaumont parents waited to call police. I would guess that they spent some time chasing around to places where they thought the kids might have gone.
I feel sure there is no “funny business” involving the parents. The Internet has dozens of black-and-white photos of the 3 darlings, always looking happy and always dressed up or playing on swings etc. The photo at the top of this article shows them at “the Twelve Apostles” in Victoria.
One more thing, Berry, did you mean I should not use second hand info? Almost all my articles and books are but second hand. I think if you collect enough information and see the startling connections, that is as good as first hand.
And first hand can be wrong, too. And court verdicts can be worthless. Not mentioning any names, of course.
By “second hand info” I’m talking about determining guilt ( a lack of information being enough to determine innocence)
And I mean anything gathered via gossip or the media as opposed to that which you hear straight from the horse’s mouth.
I agree that the stuff that comes out of the latter can be absolutely woo woo but if you know someone socially it’s generally much easier to weed out the truth. e. g. back in the 90’s I knew someone who convinced herself that her ex-partner was the Claremont killer. As she had a long-standing habit of bad-mouthing the guy in front of his/her children( had never taken responsibility for a consensual relationship) and was otherwise a bit of a drama queen I didn’t get drawn in. If I hadn’t known her socially, if I’d just seen the claim somewhere on-line, I wouldn’t have been in a position of making any sort of determination.
What’s never been explained via the media is why the disappearance of 3 unrelated young women was attributed to one purported killer in the 1st place. And as for the spiel about how Corryn Rayney was found??????????
The two police woman were not at the Mc’s house that Australia day night, they were at the witness’ house.
How could you get that so wrong, how could Rachel get that so wrong, it was years before she was born, Ruth or Andrew have never mentioned a word about it.
It was only brought about this year when a new witness was found RE: The Beaumonts on that actual day/night!!
Thank You Deni
Somebody who knows reality from friction
So many holes in Rachel’s false lies it’s worse than Swiss cheese !!!!!!
I bet you what’s his name BRYAN THE MAN LITTELEY cannot wait to see the back of this story !! It’s gone pair shaped
I’m dying here Longlegs, dying of laughter…
How could things go so pear shaped in a few paragraphs.
And comparing the Mcs case to the Fritzl case in Austria tops the lot!!! LOL
Fritzel LMAO For the love of God I hope they stop
I see Rachel is claiming on social media that she didn’t tell you all this Mary ? Please confirm if Rachel sent you this material or was it Mr nobody that sent you these amazing allegations ? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
The plot thickens
Stay tuned for episode 3 !!!
That makes it even funnier…
I’ll be passing out the tin foil hats when people come in if anyone wants one 😉 LOL
Can I please have a hat 🎩??? “ smirk “ Are you a Lone Ranger or a sheeple ?
I hope you use your own thoughts to understand this is Hogwash right !!!!!! Cheers for the Hat Maybe you should send them Rachel’s way & to everyone who got shafted on the PETITION !!!!
I’m definately not a sheeple, i’m not a follower nor a leader.
I just have my own opinions, whether they’re right or wrong will be worked out if this is ever solved.
I was on the three B groups for as long as they had been going, but I was only vocal on there this year, and maybe the end of last year.
I was a raging conspiricy theorist at one stage, then I grew up, now I make it my lifes work to take the piss out of other conspiricy theorists.
You can’t hold me back from a good debate with the flat earthers lol
I got kicked out of the B groups a few weeks ago, no explanation, no pm telling me of my sin, just out the door one day.
I think it might have been because I asked questions when something didn’t look/sound right, the hard questions that the sheeple there were too gutless to ask and just took their words as gospel.
I was also recently kicked out of the Flowers and Butterflies page, but I was mainly there for the entertainment value, no biggie that I was shown the door..
So that is me in a nutshell, I don’t suffer fools, and I don’t get told what to do, I march to the beat of my own drum 🙂
I’m in Beaumont’s & Theories !! Very enlightening people in there I must say !!!! Wouldn’t know shit from clay but it’s all worth a giggle or ten !!!!!
Never heard of Flowers 💐 sounds like another bunch of hillbillies with nothing to do …. very much like the theories page !!!! Especially that man what’s his name SB !!! You know the delightful soul with beautiful language & a bow !!!!
Whose telling the “ fibs “ ? Hmmmmmm
McIntyre’s must of been busy the night of 26th Jan 66” hosting two woman police officers at the house ? Considering legally they could not work together with two woman back then to begin with!!! Didn’t happen! Couldn’t happen !! Look up SAPOL history on women in force 1966
The sheeple will follow !!
Especially not going out in the car alone together at night !! It was unheard of 2 woman police officers without a male present !! It’s not rocket science.
I admire your writing
Sadly you have been lied to and for the sake of all the McIntyre’s I would hope you would delete these threads & reside to acknowledging sometimes not all is what is told to you truthfully
Would you like lies spread about your family ? Dysfunctional or not ?
It’s not a game it’s peoples lives here
Please for the consideration of others credibility remove these fantasy stories.
Don’t lose your credibility over someone else’s false flag
Fascinating. They’re all nuts in Adelaide, the serial killer capital of Australia. More wind than Jay Wetherall’s wish-list.
Move to Melbourne Mary, you’ll be safer among the African home-invaders.
SB you know the man from Perth !! He’s a 10/10 top bloke !!!! I heard he likes putting bows in his hair & threatening people. SB is B whip boy …….
GOLD!!! Longlegs LOL
You are (Wikipedia is) spot on, that the Beaumont case changed things.
I too was among the fortunate allowed to wander free – whether on the farm at the peril of snakes & bulls, or on northern Sydney beach holidays. We were told to be careful, of course, & watch out for each other, but the trust was invigorating. Bringing children up in the city suburbs, it has become clear to me that this freedom has been slowly and (not so) subtly stolen.
We had the ‘neighbourhood watch’ for a while, but that’s fizzled.
The media have put dread into the heart of every parent, and those of us who do allow our children the opportunity for independence are very quickly judged! Micromanagement/helicopter parenting is a sad, sorry indictment of today – children are losing their ‘instincts’ and parents are losing precious impromptu ‘sans-enfants’ moments. Childcare and babysitters have become routine.
But worse, the fear-mongering is attempting (and possibly even winning) to sell us the constant-watch.. cameras everywhere, for our safety (& the safety of our children) of course.
Remember when the local policeman was someone you could trust and approach? That’s a lost icon too – now it’s all about what they can catch you doing wrong it seems! Oh, the down-side of self-funding!
I can only imagine the despair and daily anguish of a parent not knowing the truth. Excavating a well would at least be another stone NOT left unturned. Support the petition, for that reason alone!
For those so fervently defending Max, this would be an opportunity to clear his name too, wouldn’t it?
If SAPOL wanted to dig the well. nobody would be stopping them or be afraid of what the findings would be. The point is SAPOL do not want to dig the well because they have no compelling evidence to suggest there is anything to dig for. As has been mentioned before in other forums, excavations are extremely costly. Who has the money to fund a professional dig with qualified people? Certainly nobody has put their hand up.
Claire, I do find it strange that on such a landmark case they wouldn’t put someone on it. Like they did with the last major dig. A core drill would be very inexpensive. The state funds the case. Mmmm.
As a side note: There’s a case I have been following in Melbourne. A drunken (plus use of drugs) woman was found to have “suicided” down a rubbish chute. Took several hours to die in the bin many many floors below. The boyfriend’s dad was a judge I believe — and the couple had had a tiff. Anyway the father of the deceased girl got a gymnast to see if she could physically, athletically put herself feet first through this chute that was over a meter up the wall. She could not. The (coroner) and the authorities still put it down as a suicide. That’s how it goes.
And wait for the info to surface (probably not here) on the ‘murder’ of Peter Falconio.
Yes, my friend, author Robin Bowles, has written about both those subjects. Interesting. Very different cases. They are not ‘putting anyone on’ the well at Stansbury because there is absolutely no credible evidence to give them any reason to believe any bodies are there. Don’t find it so strange. Really. Would you go dig a hole anywhere someone with no credible evidence told you to dig a hole? Police would be very busy. The back story is that the McIntyre siblings have presented so many odd stat decs and statements to police (including stories that don’t match each other) – each filled with ridiculous claims about all sorts of things – that the police see the big picture. It is not true. There is no reason to dig.
They dug up many spots most recent nth plympton, why, ask yourself why? you conclusion should be to satisfy the media to drop it. Dig the well and prove it false SAPOL but we all know your corrupt , incompetent and gutless. Show the public video of the first dig to show it is fresh turf.
Are you posting episode 3 of the Andrews secrets ?
The Beaumont page & theories groups are waiting for the grand finale !!! We are waiting with anticipation!!! I have even acquired a bottle of the finest brandy liquor for this explosive ending !!! Please my Dear hurry along now !!!
And didn’t that fizzle out like a fire cracker in the rain.
Part 3 has nothing to do with anything much, no big secret from Andrew, zilch.
You had us all on tenterhooks Mary, I had the popcorn ready with a tub of icecream on standby, but you let us down 🙁
A number of paid online trolls posting comments here in an attempt to discredit and hide the truth, as they do….
Paid or unpaid. Yes, these articles have stirred the waters…
I’m certainly not a “ Troll “ unlike the blasphemy that’s being spewed from the mouths of the vile via social media !!!
I think Dee & Mary deserve the truth …..
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
LOL @ paid Troll Alice.
Is there such a job? Sign me up, if that’s what i’m doing, trolling.
I’m with Bobby, trying to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak 🙂
Lots of wheat isn’t there !! I’m still waiting for the finale … by the time it comes I’ll be decomposed over my keyboard
I’m waiting for the man from Perth to come tickle my jib with his vocabulary !!! Maybe I can tie his Bow as I think it’s crooked ???
you will see from this case why det sheriden has no interest in this case, and no doubt is a corrupt soul just as many other in gov are, i had been told years ago by a sapol officer that the then attorney gen atkinson was a freo and satanist, dont know how he knew and i never thought much of it, but makes sense now https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/the-creepy-country-house-abandoned-after-joan-vollmers-terrifying-death-when-an-exorcist-tried-to-rid-her-of-demons/news-story/ec64bf00cb917a6dffb74b355fc9daea
What a bunch of fantasists you are but the real problem is your lunacy can affect the lives of innocent people. The ghastly Fiona Barnett who was only abused by famous people ( no Tom Dick and Harry for her) including Walt Disney who died 2 years before she was born has real victims herslef. She accuse numerous polticians but the grandson of one of her victims was bullied and riddiculed at school when other students came across Barnett’s hogwash on the net. He was so distressed his parents had to move him from that school to a boarding school in the country and had to change his name so the same wouldn’t happen again.
So that’s just one victim of Fiona Barnett- she is child abuser herself.
As for this load of cobblers, I love that SA still has the law of criminal libel on the books and that it will be used eventually against you vile rumour mongers with your village mentality witch hunts and lynch mobs.
Also if you are in touch with Fiona Barnett you should tll her to put her house in her husband’s name because the law will eventually catch up with her followed by pleanty of civil law suits. She deserves it.
So does the author of this claptrap. The one great thing anbout the law is there are monetary penalties.
And the law locks up people too. However, in some cases ‘they’ bypass the law and lock up the patsy (e.g. Bryant)
How dare you use the tragic death of a woman to further this sick farce. Do not presume to speak for Clare, if she could see how you’ve exploited her tragic death she would be absolutely disgusted and furious. Sensationalism is never worth this amount of disrespect and disregard for someone elses name and life.
Mary, if you care about the victims of faulty journalism and misinformation, you will AT THE VERY LEAST listen with an open-mind to any one of the many people affected by the accusations cast.
If you take action now you can help minimise the harm you have personally caused by involving yourself in this.
[…] crimes my father perpetrated investigated by South Australian police (SAPOL) were touched upon in Part 1 of Mary Maxwell’s ‘Here Comes the Avalanche’ […]
[…] The authorities steadfastly fail to investigate the abuse. (Recall Rachel Vaughan’s list of attempts in her own case; she contacted everyone you could think […]
[…] I invite everyone to refresh their memory about Rachel Vaughn’s personally documented history of trying to get the attention of police, […]