Home Society Holocaust Revisionism, Part 2: Ursula Haverbeck and the Letter from Birmingham Jail

Holocaust Revisionism, Part 2: Ursula Haverbeck and the Letter from Birmingham Jail

Photo from the website of Buelefeld Prison where Ursula Haverbeck is “doing time”

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

In 1963, Martin Luther King wrote his famous Letter from Birmingham Jail. It was addressed to eight white religious leaders.  He said:

“You deplore the demonstrations that are presently taking place in Birmingham. But I am sorry that your statement did not express a similar concern for the conditions that brought the demonstrations into being…..

“I would not hesitate to say that it is unfortunate that so-called demonstrations are taking place in Birmingham at this time, but I would say in more emphatic terms that it is even more unfortunate that the white power structure of this city left the Negro community with no other alternative. …

“Moreover, I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities and states. I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly.”

Ursula Haverbeck is in a “correctional facility” in Germany, for two years.  I doubt if she will be “corrected”!   She has written a letter to a Professor who criticized her work.  Ursula looks at upgrading the historical record, including the fate of persons such as herself who were among the 10 million displaced when German cities in the east were transferred to Poland. (Her city of Breslau became Wroclaw).

Gumshoe now publishes Frau Haverbeck’s letter (abridged). It is dated July 13, 2018 and was found at the website of Canadian Association for Free Expression. (CAFE.nfshost.com). It was first carried in English by Henry Hafenmayer. Our thanks to both of those sources. This piece gives us a nice picture of what Ursula was doing as a youth:

Ursula’s Letter from Prison, entitled “Your Truth and My Truth, Professor Frei!

Professor Norbert Frei begins his article about me [Ursula Haverbeck] with the sentence:

“Ursula was 16 years old when Hitler committed suicide.”

He should have written:

“Ursula was 16 years old” when… the war, that was already drawing to an end, caught up with the people who had so far been largely spared in the East. After the total expulsion order, thousands of banished Germans set out to save themselves before the borders of the Bolshevik Red Army. That was the end of childhood and a very happy youth.

Prussians, Pomeranians, Silesians, Sudeten Germans and many other ethnic German groups could never return again to their old ancestral homeland, something that many still expected decades after the war, due to international law.

It was a bitter-cold January in 1945, the roads were frozen with ice. Often narrowly squeezed into three lanes, [German] troops headed east, and the farm buggies headed west, and in between them there were repeated transports of wounded. For the displaced Germans on the carriages, there was only one goal, despite the approaching gunfire, to get to Breslau and across the bridges of the river Oder as soon as possible, before they would be blown up.”

That would have said more about the reality of a sixteen-year-old girl’s life in East Germany in 1945.

Of course, a historian is also free to imagine a young person from the Nazi era at his own discretion. However, this usually says more about the mental condition of him than about the person described.

With the currency reform of 1948, a hard and serious cut into life began, especially for the homeless and unemployed expellees in foreign surroundings, where the inhabitants were already overwhelmed by the hundreds of thousands of people bombed out of their homes. All living space was already occupied well into the 1950s.

In England and Sweden they were looking for cleaning ladies for the hospitals and in positions of domestic help. I became a guest worker in Sweden from 1949 to 1953, from where I could support my parents.

The former “BDM” girl [Frau Haverbeck was designated by Prof. Frei to be a Hitler Youth Girl] – to which I never belonged; I had stayed with the 10-14 year olds as a young girls’ leader – was neither stubborn, nor angry, nor unhappy, as Norbert Frei claims I, his study object, was. I had a particularly happy time in Sweden. We met once a week in a German-Swedish working group for more than two years to study Rudolf Steiner’s ‘Philosophy of Freedom’. We read it in German and alternately lectured and discussed it in Swedish. There I heard of Baruch de Spinoza. Three of his sentences became my guide posts:

From the ethics: “, ‘the unity and wholeness of God – nature. “Man is man’s joy” as a replacement for the old Roman quote “man is man’s wolf.” And from the theological-political treatise: “The true goal of all politics is freedom.”

The philosopher, who was a close friend of the Dutch politician Jan de Witt, recognized this as the basic maxim for the new political design after the collapse of the Spanish foreign rule, already shortly after the Thirty Years War at that time. It was to also point the way ahead for our departure. Freedom, please, not ego-liberalism!

The ‘Holocaust’ did not exist yet, and not in Sweden nor in Scotland in 1957 either, where I was able to study for a year thanks to a scholarship.

Tales of horror at Auschwitz did not attract further attention under the terror of the bombs and the misery of the displaced people, that was still omnipresent. Furthermore, there was also a large number of opposing statements about Auschwitz by contemporary witnesses, from personal experience. What was truth – what was a lie?

And not to forget, we knew who had already ‘declared’ war on us in March of 1933, and who it was that six months later declared the ‘Holy War’ against the most “bloodthirsty, evil people in the world, the Germans.” That wasn’t a new tune. Our fathers had already heard it in World War One.

“Denying the Holocaust is not an opinion, but a crime,” concludes Norbert Frei. For us, ‘The Holocaust’ was a Hollywood feature film from the USA. So this word first came into our consciousness in 1979. It was an enormous production, in four episodes in succession, with scientific introduction, panel discussion and tearful reports by Auschwitz survivors.

Auschwitz, the Holocaust and the six million gassings were one and the same. From now on it was regarded as the singular guilt of the Germans, that was not atonable for all eternity.

All refutations from available documents and scientific views were indexed, forbidden, destroyed. It was punishable to cite them in agreement, whether submitted by Jews, French, Americans or Germans.

Those born after 1960-1965 no longer had an opportunity to compare the information. For them, the Holocaust became an incontrovertible fact. And even today, every criticism, every question that is difficult to answer is punished with prohibitions and prison sentences. May I remind you of the trials against Ernst Zündel and the chemist Germar Rudolf in Mannheim.

In 2000, The Institute of Contemporary History managed the feat of publishing the commander’s orders at Auschwitz and still withheld them at the same time from the public. In none of the more than 30 lawsuits have I ever heard them mentioned. (2001 – 2015).

Norbert Frei is made “speechless” by the “brazenness” of Ursula Haverbeck. This is simply explained by the fact that she knows not only the time after the Holocaust film, but also the 35 years before it, as well as a number of the critics involved, personally.  – end of CAFE article.

A Happy Future?

Dear friends all over the world… You all ask how I’m doing? All right. The cell faces west; I look at green trees, now already for 2 months with the most beautiful blue sky and sunshine – often 30 degrees Celsius.

I have much undisturbed peace and now there is the announcement of a new trial in Hamburg, on Wednesday, 12 September starting at  9.00 a.m.

The judge wrote in the summons: “The presence of the accused is necessary to establish the truth.” That’s unusual. So far there has only been the “obvious fact” and when and where it was allegedly denied in a magazine! If this should really be about finding the truth, a few things could change.

“What is truth”? Pilate once asked. There is my truth and your truth and then there is “the truth”. It is not our property, for us it is always a matter of striving to be truthful.

In court we meet on the side of the prosecution and the judge, only the opinion of the victorious powers, read and believed. How are the folks born after the war to know better? Of the average of 2,000 trials per year since 2000, according to official figures, the voice of the accusers is represented in the media, but rarely, even only slightly, statements by the accused.

I will prepare myself, as best as I can, without being able to refresh my memory on the basis of my documents, and hope that a spiritual power will give me the right words.

It’s also high time. My eyes are diminishing, my hearing is getting worse – all can be very clearly perceived in the past 3 months. The body now adapts to the age. For a very long time, thankfully, it went along with all the overexertion.

So many people called out to me:

“Please endure, remain strong, the truth will soon prevail.”

Thank you all very much. You have realized it is a spiritual battle we must endure.

The “Century of the Lie” must finally give way to a century of truth.

Warum habe ich das so lange mitgemacht? (“Why did I put up with it for so long?”)

Eure Ursula Haverbeck  JVA Bielefeld, 13.07.2018

Bielefeld correctional facility, July 13, 2018




    • https://globalfreedommovement.org/the-second-wave-of-facebook-censorship/

      Reported from GFM Below is an early list of Facebook’s earlier purge.

      The Free Thought Project – 3.1 m
      The Free Thought Project.com (back up page) – 23k
      The Anti Media – 2.1m
      Police the Police – 1.9m
      Cop Block – 1.7m
      Filming Cops – 1.4m
      Choice & Truth – 2.9m
      Punk Rock Libertarians – 125k or 190k depending on the source
      End The Drug War – 460k
      Mass Report – 500k
      Skeptic Society
      No Victim, No Crime
      Modern Slavery Hilarious Vines
      I Only Owe You Non Aggression – 13k
      Bay Area Police The Police – 7k
      V is For Voluntary – 160k
      Conspiracy Facts – 120k
      You Won’t See This On TV – 172k
      Fucked Up Shit You Should Know About
      Unlimited Liberty
      Citizens For A Bleaker America
      Rachel Blevins – 69k
      Police the Police NY
      Gun Laws Don’t Work
      The Liberty Principle: No Consent From The Governed
      Policing The Police
      Legalize Cannabis
      Get Involved, You Live Here: 360k
      Fuck The Government – 154k
      New School Raphael 1
      Voluntaryist Veterans
      Anonymous News
      Matt Agorist – 5.4k
      DIY Revival
      We The Individuals
      Press For Truth – 350k
      Anti GMO Foods and Fluoridated Water
      North Texas Cop Block
      Black Markets Are Beautiful – 3k
      Political Junkie News Media – 300k
      Free Your Mind Conference
      Psychologic – Anarchist
      Nation in Distress – 3.2 m
      Choice and Truth – 2.9 m
      Murica Today – 180k
      Reverb Press – 700k

  1. What about the Holocaust of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century by the Bolsheviks (Jews), where from 100 million to 200 million are said to have been slaughtered. Makes the 6 million, (which we know is not a true figure) Jews who perished in World War II, not killed, a very small percentage of the above. Never mentioned by the MSM. Of course not, being mainly owned by people of Jewish background. (including Murdoch).

    When will the courts and parliament of Germany wake up to the fact that they are being used by the Zionist controllers of the World, in a vile and evil manner? Fancy taking away the free life of innocent people who can back up with scientific proof what they have written or spoken.

    Ursula is one of many who we should feel sorrow for. Thank you to those people, who have fought for truth and honesty in regard the subject known as the “Holocaust”, on behalf of all people of this planet, Earth.

    May those who have persecuted and prosecuted these valiant people, rot in Hell. The title of a book that I have read (not to do with this subject) is so apt. “The Truth is So Precious”

    • I hope I am not just being optimistic here, but I have the feeling that within the next 7 years the US and Israel will become so globally isolated that Zionism will lose its grip on the world’s media. Meanwhile, a new generation is emerging that has contempt for generations X and Y and appears to have a taste for truth. As this generation is largely impoverished working class, there will be little sympathy for the upper-middle-class graduate believers who have swallowed elitism, Zionism and internationalism in its totality.

      This divide can be seen in the UK, exposed over Brexit; and in Greece over Austerity. I note the same emerging generation is supporting Marine LePenn. It seems reasonable to anticipate a similar generational divide in Australia. Already, it has forced the ALP to break ranks with Israel.

      If this become the global trend, I suspect the Zionists will really get it in the neck. Nuremberg Mach Ii should prove interesting, especially as I predict a return of the death penalty.

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