J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor
If anyone knows what’s going on in the world surely it’s the refined gentlemen of the Order of the Garter, working tirelessly for the advancement of the Empire, whatever form that might take in the future. They surely know a lot about the future as well as the past. Secrecy is not required for them, a hint of mystery is enough. The costumes indicate that whatever they have been doing, they have been doing for centuries so how can it be anything other than normal?
The old adage “To learn who rules you, find out whom you cannot criticise” also applies in reverse, which is the essence of their low-key motto Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense: ‘Shame on him who thinks evil of it’.
Secret societies within and/or without the CIA got JFK killed, it doesn’t really matter who pulled the trigger. He did everything to provoke them and he was soon fixed. Anyone with any doubts about the reach of secret societies should have shed them with the first viewing of Zapruder’s film, and the spectacle of Kennedy’s head exploding.

The reason why the super-rich exist and why you have nothing but bills, is because the secret societies have the inside running – on everything. They don’t have to conspire, they know what’s in their collective best interests, they protect each other and jostle for advantage within that framework. It’s impossible to guess how the world would look without them.
These societies are formed from interested individuals for a purpose and once the purpose is achieved they may have their life-cycle extended as a cover-up, in most cases this seems unnecessary. Did the Club of Rome set the sage for “Climate Change”, and who was involved? Did the Rosicrucians plan to infiltrate the Vatican succeed and who benefited? All historical footnotes of little interest to contemporary sports fans. The weekday money-grubbers’ focus lies elsewhere. Notorious individuals such as George Soros are used as a front-man for CIA Eastern Europe operations, because if there wasn’t a front-man supplied, the curious would have to go looking for one. Soros’ efforts in destabilising governments is legendary and we see now the fruits as NATO is expanded and Ukraine is slowly and methodically being cleared out. The Ukrainian natives find themselves alone as an unwanted minority. They are captured one by one and led to their deaths at the hand of Wagner Group, which is a Swiss-German Nazi type of name, not Russian at all. The borders to be re-drawn along a new NATO front line, ready for a new economic and dirty tricks hot war and a military cold war. Oil to be cancelled except for essential services (military), leaving the Russians with no Western customers.
Land on this planet belongs to whomever wants it the most, if they can manage to hold onto it. The French and Dutch were excluded from Terra Australis and so it was converted to Terra Nullius in its entirety and from there, carved up ad-hoc into Royal Estate.
After the Boston Tea Party the Americans won a different deal to the British subjects, their land title is uninterrupted whereas ours runs to just a matter of a few metres below the surface. Klaus Schwab’s most famous proclamation, that you will own nothing, may well be directed particularly at Americans because we in Australia already own nothing. Looking at the title deed, we are referred to as “the Tenant”. Our arrangement is called “freehold”, which might be understood to be rent-free until notified otherwise. We are being driven toward a national bankruptcy, led by the state of Victoria, once the proudest state in the nation, with vast amounts of gold being removed and a civic infrastructure rivalling London itself. Thanks to the lamentable and wicked deeds of our politicians, from ar industry saboteurs Gillard and Abbott to debt superstar Andrews, the state now runs on ever increasing credit. What happens when the debt is called in? You will own nothing. You already own nothing but under this scenario you will most likely have to pay market rent on the house you naively assumed you owned. If you as “tenant” don’t own the land and you owe state debt secured by your house you may already own less than nothing. Why else would house prices have been pumped so hard since mid-2000.
It may be that the banks still hold your title, as collateral for a loan that you have wholly paid off, because you never paid them the fee to release the title to you. In that case you are further exposed to the vicissitudes of global economics. The banks like to retain your title when you might expect them to give you a nice commemorative certificate for closing the loan and along with that, an invitation to have the title released. But no such luck. The same situation applies to other finance such as car loans. If you want to leave your house to somebody in your will it might be a lot easier for them if you took care of this element first. By all these means and more it is ensured that you will own as little as possible, while in your imagination you probably believe you own everything outright, for as far as the eye can see.
You are left to believe your own wishful thinking that the housing market is a free market but thanks to the secret societies it is anything but.
Conventionally we had been led to believe that the US runs the world and places like Britain follow along like the tail on a dog, but more recently we see both places destroying themselves as efficiently as they are able. At this rate of debt growth and infrastructure decline, only the elites of both countries will survive intact. American elites such as the Rockefellers, Epstein and Clintons reportedly emerged long ago from the Hesse-Kassel base in Germany, near Frankfurt, the home turf of Charlemagne. The current British lines including the Rothschilds are not far removed from the same source.
So who really is the dog and who is the tail? It looks crystal clear that a Great Consensus was reached, possibly around the time of Otto von Bismark’s Second Reich unification of Germany. Events are being directed by individual players along a north-south line from northern Italy, through Switzerland and up to Frankfurt and Benelux countries. The ancient UK and expendable US are tacked on.
Cutting horizontally through this line we have France and Spain in the west and Russia in the east, none of which have been fully co-operative until now, when we see Rothschild golden boy Macron and WEF graduate Putin taking charge.
It’s not 3d chess, it’s just the morphing of history taking place before our eyes.
This must be done in a (relatively) peaceful and organised fashion, because the current system ensures we the people continue to pay the wages of those who would further oppress us.
The Order of the Garter is like an Extended Royal Family platinum card.
The Royal Knights and Ladies in the Order are:
King Charles
Prince Edward, Duke of Kent
Princess Anne
Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester
Princess Alexandra
Prince Andrew, Duke of York
Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince William
Queen Camilla.
(Prince Harry has missed out).
The Stranger Knights and Ladies Companion are foreign royals given honorary inclusion. They are:
Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark
Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden
King Juan Carlos I of Spain
Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands
Emperor Akihito of Japan
Harald V, King of Norway
Felipe VI, King of Spain
Willem-Alexander, King of the Netherlands.
(We sometimes hear Hirohito/Akihito are connected to the bloodlines and here is some evidence that Japan was Built Back Better according to a grand plan).
The remaining Knights and Ladies Companion, invited due to their work or notable achievements are:
James Hamilton, the Duke of Abercorn
Baron Butler of Brockwell, the former Cabinet Secretary
John Major, former Prime Minister
Baron Luce, former Lord Chamberlain
Sir Thomas Dunne, a former Lord-Lieutenant
Baron Phillips, former Lord Chief Justice
Baron Stirrup, former Director General of the Security Service
Baron King of Lothbury, former Governor of the Bank of England
The 5th Baron Shuttleworth Lord-Lieutenant of Lancashire
Alan Henry Brooke, Lord in Waiting to the King
Lady Mary Fagan, former Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire
Baron Gascoyne-Cecil, former Leader of the House of Lords
Lady Mary Peters, Olympic Gold medallist and former Lord-Lieutenant of Belfast
Baroness Amos, former Leader of the House of Lords
Tony Blair, former Prime Minister
Baroness Ashton, former Leader of the House of Lords
Baron Patten of Barnes, former Chairman of the BBC Trust.
(Patten has combined a large number of what would be considered successful careers into one life, most famously handing over Hong Kong in 1997 as last governor, he was said to be crying all day. The BBC Trust sounds fascinating.
The notorious Blair of the Dodgy Dossier authorising Iraq War II fame seems to have provided excellent service to the nation).
This order goes well beyond a few loyal captains of industry and such like, evidently this is deep inner circle. We may enjoy a satisfying existence in their empire at their pleasure, well at least up until very recent times.
The above Order relates to vertical rule, with the monarch at the top but a horizontal rule is also required for all types of administrative functions, this is where other secret societies come into play.
A knight companion may add their own heraldic arms
The specific origins of the Garter appear to be a guarded secret as there are several versions. The Freemasons have a more coherent founding story, that the Crusader Knights Templars brought back certain mystics from around the Holy Lands and created Freemasonic symbols and rituals from that, but obviously the secrecy elements are much older, they are a natural phenomenon. It has been claimed that when apes are taught human communication skills the first initiative they take is to tell lies. The famous freemason handshakes introduce members along with their status so that immediately they know who is superior, in freemason terms. Once one is installed in any institution they can direct a bias toward more until the institution is stacked. High on their code of ethics is to protect one another’s secrecy, which could and would extend to not compromising any other freemason in the course of any public or private dealings. Imagine how this scenario manifests itself in the courts.
Judges are not incompetent or corrupt if they are simply first beholden to the brotherhood. How could a freemason judge make a ruling that would compromise another freemason? It wouldn’t matter what the ruling was if the brotherhood took precedence over their professional ethics. Who put them into the profession in the first place, and who keeps them there? A similar principle is ascribed to jews, muslims, mafioso et al, “It’s ok to lie to a goy/infidel/etc.”
In Australia in 2005, Ordo Templi Orientis, an Alistair Crowley related branch of the Freemasons began a defamation case against the site GaiaGuys for material put up on their website that directly accused O.T.O., particularly in Australia, of participating in acts of child abuse and sacrifice. The court found in favour of O.T.O.
As mentioned above, these societies come and go under their own volition, and one of the newer ones is Klaus Schwab’s infiltration project, the Young Global Leaders. Surely this is an offshoot of Freemasonry because people such as former Australian Health Minister Greg Hunt were already graduated YGLs long before the public had even heard of such a thing.
Greg Hunt’s late father, Alan John Hunt helped to dismember the Victorian education system and may have installed judges during a brief tenure as AG. His wife who potentially knew too much was put in a lunatic asylum and died there. Greg Hunt has never come across as a happy figure, perhaps an inherited condition or perhaps he drew the short straw at a family meeting.
Greg Hunt – picture via Canberra Times
ALP Hawke/Keating government policy was to carve up all tertiary education in a sort of pump & dump scheme, raising foreign capital while trashing the brand.
Other infiltrators currently still active are senators Sarah Hanson-Young, Clare O’Neil, Andrew Bragg and Andrew Charlton.
All of these are, according to Schwab, infiltrating on his behalf. At present Andrew Charlton, the quietest of them all, is on the case of Global Treaties, logically in order to ram as many through in as short a space of time as possible before he is outed.
How are these people getting paid? Bill Clinton was paid by speaking tours, huge sums floated his way post-presidency. The above senators cannot be working for Australia if they are working for the World Economic Forum. When is this going to be properly investigated? The silence on the issue provides confirmation that secret societies run the world and we just live in it, take their medicines and pay their bills.
Economist Senator Andrew Charlton appears to come pre-packed with state-of-the-art media training, as did Treasurer Jim Chalmers, now buckling under the pressure of leading a spectacularly failing government.
The situation is arguably worse in Canada than Australia. Maybe Canadians will take the lead in discovering how Schwab’s proteges are being manipulated, in order to work for an outside force while they are being paid to sit in their national senate.
The previous essay from the American perspective is closely related and may fill in various historical gaps for some:
“To learn who rules you, find out whom you cannot criticise” – So many ‘whos’, they are everywhere. Here is the recent video from Max Igun. He goes into some of that censorship by the Zionists, like the Holohoax etc. There are some pretty rough video clips in the video (like IDF soldiers continuously knifing a Palestinian for fun), not for the faint-hearted.
Max gets so whipped up on his soapbox it’s a wonder he doesn’t fall off. If you changed the word “Jews” for British” and changed “Gazans” for “Aborigines” his rants would work just as well. Meanwhile Dr Mahathir provides a more accurate and inclusive picture in 2 minutes
“It has been claimed that when apes are taught human communication skills the first initiative they take is to tell lies.”
Well strike me if there’s any record of any such thing but human 2 year-olds are pretty good at it.
And the rest of us are 100% more hamstrung by self-deception than any amount of unpaid bills
Self-deception as in a distorted sense of self
At 1:25 minutes: “When we become arrogant & self-confident and think we can do without God’s mercy we are n terrible danger”:
“It has been claimed when apes……….”
Discussed in an interview by Mike Adams of Dr Michael Nehls-Neurohacking Exposed.
How the global mind manipulation psyop actually works.
The idea that any fellow mortal has the ability to commandeer our thought processes would have to be the ultimate form of personal enslavement
e.b. It can be shown that psychology has been used for thousands of years to control the masses.
Religion being the prima facie evidence.
But, it won’t be moi, who will show you by example because everything we learn should be learned through our own endeavors.
The Bible, you take to preaching from at times, has many warnings about heeding those one should never trust.
How do you believe we ended up at this point in our journey in life, that was threatening our very survival as a created species?
Just as it is with all accounts worthy of any attention, the core tenets of the bible are set out in the 1st few chapters of the 1st book.
Chapter 3 records exactly how “our very survival as a created species” was jeopardised and VERSE 15 of the same chapter records the way in which it would ultimately be redeemed(how BRUISING would be countermanded by CRUSHING)
Chapter 12 then records how Israel was chosen as a respective demonstration model ( Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee)
and the balance of the books that make up the Old Testament record how deliverance from the overarching issue – death/eternal damnation – couldn’t possibly be achieved via ANY sector of humanity as we know it, that corruption eventually overtakes every culture and creed irrespective of the originating intention, that they all just wind up being used by the few to control the many.
The gospels then record how that mold was shattered:
“In the same way, the chief priests and scribes mocked Him among themselves, saying, “He saved others, but He cannot save Himself!
‘Let the Christ, the King of Israel, come down now from the cross, so that we may see and believe!’ And even those who were crucified with Him berated Him. From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land.”
MARK 15: 31 – 33
“When Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, He yielded up His spirit. 51At that moment the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked and the rocks were split.”
MATTHEW 27: 50 – 51
Which event was, interestingly, also officially recorded without any acknowledgement of the significance:
There’s a lovely photo online of Hawke and Button sitting next to Klaus Schwab at a WEF conference in 1987. The same year the movie Wall Street was released and put the term ‘greed is good’ into the minds of the masses.
The Zapruder film came out in 1975, the same year as Monty Python And The Holy Grail. Maybe Kennedy’s dad’s film company hadn’t mastered the required squibs by the numerology significant date of 22/11(33)/63 (9=3×3).
It’s an illusion.
Fancy dress, sashes and badges, gowns and robes, titles and castles, magic and rituals. And we line the streets in honour. Where’s the observant kid who saw through the inherited pomposity?
As was put so well 50 odd years ago: ‘I mean, if I went ’round saying I was an emperor, just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away!’
Soon it will be: ‘There’s some lovely filth down here.’ As the Garters, Maltas, Crown lawyers and bankers, Jesuits et al ride past banging coconuts together pretending to be riding horses.
Alastair Crowley is demonised but he did say – ‘Do as thou wilt, but harm none’. Which was just his take on natural law.
THEY don’t hurt us directly so they don’t suffer the consequences of breaching natural law. They just set up the system for us the hurt each other. Which we do very successfully via their ambitious lackeys/bullies in the secret societies, WEFs, politics etc. As Andre might have said to Wallace at that famous dinner.
Aiding and abetting, Michael – is a crime. When one takes to assisting in an agenda to rid the world of Humanity – then that is Genocide.
So what sort of political intrigue is the World’s richest bod up to?
“Falling stocks, wounded unicorns and rising interest rates translated into a down year for the world’s wealthiest people. Globally, we counted 2,640 ten-figure fortunes, down from 2,668 last year. Altogether, the planet’s billionaires are now worth $12.2 trillion, a drop of $500 billion from $12.7 trillion in March 2022. Nearly half the list is poorer than a year ago, including Elon Musk, who falls from No. 1 to No. 2 after his pricey acquisition of Twitter helped sink Tesla shares. Bernard Arnault, head of luxury goods giant LVMH, takes his place as the world’s richest person, marking the first time a citizen of France leads the ranking.”
No clues proffered here:
Great article and have heard the Garter’s have disbanded/morphed after the Queen passed but who knows except them. Emperor Hirohito shows the border-less reach and their honour system in plan view by the Queen restoring that and other honours.
“It may be that the banks still hold your title, as collateral for a loan that you have wholly paid off, because you never paid them the fee to release the title to you. In that case you are further exposed to the vicissitudes of global economics. The banks like to retain your title when you might expect them to give you a nice commemorative certificate for closing the loan and along with that, an invitation to have the title released.
Its only a Torren title in Ox and it is true the banks with fake a closed deal. When pushed, now, only have to supply an electronic version(which I think is less than the dodgy s/n erd one of a kind commemorative certificate that once was and older holders will have((or think still exists in their lawyers safe)))
I’m guessing all titles and trusts are now “pooled”, so we will all be in this together when the the govs inevitably tilt this pinball
Hawkey, how could you do it to us?
How could you do it.
Easy Mary-a Rhodes Scholar– a Tavi plan-bred for purpose.W A- Sydney University ANU-Steve Mc Murray’s 6 part series covers/exposes MKULTRA in Australia.
First Nations Peoples asked the same question-
“how could you do it to us?”
Guess Hazel and family did too.
“In 1988, prime minister Bob Hawke promised a Treaty with Aboriginal people. Why did it fail?”
Karen Brewer also spoke of the unspeakable.
And Fiona Barnett in Eyes Wide Open 2020 edition explains it all.
Great article J G Olsen
“If anyone knows what’s going on in the world surely it’s the refined gentlemen of the Order of the Garter, working tirelessly for the advancement of the Empire, whatever form that might take in the future.”
Eyes Wide Open 2020 edition explains it all.
Eyes Wide Open 2020 edition.
I. The Luciferian Cover-up
1. Watergate was Pedogate
2. Royal Whitewash
3. Victorian Pedophile Network
4. NSW Pedophile Network
5. Bond University Pedophile Network
6. Satan’s Seat
7. Witches in the Workplace
8. Conspiracy Fact
II. The Luciferian Philosophy
9. Soviet-Fascist Agenda
10. Justice Denied
11. MK-ULTRA & the Occult
12. MK-ULTRA in Australia
12. MK-ULTRA in the Military
13. MK-ULTRA in Hillsong Church 14. Confessions of a Sydney Satanist 15. Addicted to the Occult
III. The Luciferian Application
16. An ‘Ejumacation’
17. The Family
18. Ritual Abuse in Australia
19. Candy Girl Child Prostitute
20. The Relevance of Intelligence 21. Personality Assessment System 22. The Programming Matrix
23. MK-DELTA Child Soldier
IV. How to Heal
24. Wendy-Louise Walker
25. Psychology 101
26. Trauma-Focussed Integration 27. Dirty Doctors
28. A Life Sentence
29. Source of Hope Within
30. 2020: What the Future Holds
Grek Hunt
Jeremiah 50 & 51 a prophecy of the end of modern day Babylon –
Jer. 50:17 “Israel is a scattered sheep, by lions driven away. First, the king of Assyria devoured him; and this last Nebuchadrezzah of Babylon has broken his bones”.[ see Daniel 6:24 ]
Jer. 50:21 “Go up against the land of Merethaim [symbolic Babylon], against it, and against the people of Pekod [symbolic Babylon], waste and destroy after them, says God, and do according to all that I have commanded you”.
Jer. 50:23 “How the hammer of the whole earth is cut in two and broken”. [This is Vulcans hammer, the god of confusion.]
Jer.50:24 “I have laid a trap for you, and you are also captured, O Babylon, and you did not know…….”
Jer.50:27 “Put to the sword all her bulls” [leaders – mighty ones].
The Jews Run the World
I would guess the Israelis will be turned against more of their neighbours over time until both sides substantially wipe each other out. Our overlords love nothing better than to whip us into race-hate and watch us killing each other. They like to keep their hands lily-white and clean. I believe I heard Yemen is now getting involved, Yemen is a massively overpopulated little place, which the interests have been working on for some years. Aden is a most ancient sea port and the Globalists would no doubt love to liberate it from the Yemen people by killing 99% of them.
“When a Jew Rules the World”
Once enough people wake up to what has just been pulled off (genetically editing most of the planet) it will be the end for the secret society ponces. Its a matter of timing….can they depopulate fast enough to prevent their demise?
More on the conversion to synthetic biology in video below:
Merry Christmas everyone – and a spectacular New Year.
Mr Olson, would you go so far as to say that the Honi Soit gang is the core of evil?
By the way, the student rag at Uni Sydney used to be called “Honi Soit.” And I saw the full motto, in a sculpture, over the head of the judge in Darlinghurst Court.
(I don’t mean he was wearing it on his head; it was on the wall, over the Bench.)
What fools we mortals be.
Classic if the judge was wearing a sheep as head-gear, nullus finis ironiae
Merry X Mass –
The letter X is the first letter of the name Christ in Greek.
The Mass is a Requiem or Requiem Mass, also known as Mass for the dead or Mass of the dead, is a Mass of the Catholic Church offered for the repose of the soul or souls of one or more deceased persons, using a particular form of the Roman Missal. It is usually celebrated in the context of a funeral.
— Wikipedia
Have a merry funeral ceremony for Christ
Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser wrote in “Judaism and the Christian Predicament” (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967) p. 59: “This is not an uncommon impression and one finds it sometimes among Jews as well as Christians; that Judaism is the religion of the Hebrew Bible. It is, of course, a fallacious impression. Judaism is not the religion of the Bible.” It is not the God of the Hebrew Bible as we have just seen by their own admission. They have no need of the concept of God as they have “killed off God” a long time ago as Yaffe comments: And so it seems we must agree with Rabbi Richard Israel, who writes in James Commentary’s symposium on Jewish belief, “[The current discussion on] the Death of God will cause Jews to ask, ‘So what else is new?’ The Jewish funeral was a much more private affair. We buried him quietly and in the middle of the night.'” (James Yaffe, “The American Jews” (New York: Random House, 1968), pg. 161)
Gabbi Choong Interview
Laura Sanger on the pagan Origins of Christmas and defeating Strongholds and generational iniquity.
Spiritual Mapping and Nephalim Agendas
Understanding Geert’s COVID predictions
Follow up with Dr Philip McMillan and Dr Robert Rennebohm
yo BrisVegas 300,000,000 manufactured does per year, the show must go on
VAXXAS an Australian company that all Australians should be SO proud of!!!!!!
The Great Taking- Documentary
Central Bank System in place to take everything from everyone.
If you don’t understand banking economics better start late than never.
“Wealthy people think they’re special, you ARE special, they’re saving you for dessert”.
Christmas songs from Klaus Swab
( Take out the XXXX )