Jan 6 Select Committe
G5 Information Report. 25.01.23:
Acting Biden and Harris were issued notices to be out by five hours from inauguration. On the day of Trump’s Inauguration all 8 planets aligned. A phenomenon that occurs every few thousand years. 6 more frequently align. The last such event was 949 CE.
The internet is beside itself with blue haired dykerinas in black booties, changing dates and facts. Why?
Add it to Trump moving his head in .16 second as the first bullet of a three round burst spaced .22 seconds apart, are in the air. The first striking his ear, and not his temple [sic].
Realize that the world had to and is now changing away from Satanic capture. Trump is not a Messiah, but the final and imperfect Warrior.
Trump has already told Roberts he wants Biden’s appointments, pardons and other scribbles annulled, under the 25th.
Rude awakenings at the border, as it is shut for business.
The 1,500 wrongly convicted by the criminally motivated J6 committee have been Pardoned, and a further 44 have been commuted. Expect investigation of investigators and prosecution of prosecutors.
Truth and Fact are easy elements because there are reference points, self denied to liars. Outcast deceivers gather in clumps of mutual interest. In turn easily controlled by manipulators becoming their owners, feeding them transitory, temporal, narcissistic toys. They compound their stupidity and deceptions, as they become more openly known, and never able to hide.
The Blythes
The Blythes (Clintons) were initially spared by Trump, because they ratted on all their cohorts, accessories, and co-conspirators. Well: a few lines were connected. Pardon the pun (paronomasia). As BIlly Boy’s brother Roger had advised: Billy Boy’s nose is like a vacuum cleaner. Ah: the days as Governor of Arkansas and CIA Mena Airport.
We trust Harris has removed all her coke from The White House and One Observatory Circle. In any event, fumigation will be required. Bed linen incinerated, toilet seats changed; her precious could not be shared; and an inventory check for missing items.
Not quite: but, despite Hilly’s best violence threats and legal efforts, Billy paid $850,000 to one of his very many violent rape victims, and was struck off practicing as a lawyer.
He was Sent Down; No Degree Awarded; from University College Oxford. He later returned, to the crime scene, to buy himself a doctorate and one for Webb Hubbell daughter; Chelsea.
Harris of course practiced law after a token from Howard, but never passed a bar exam. AG of San Fran, AG of Cali, and Constitutionally unqualified VP. We knew that would end her sucking her way to the top, because her birth in Jamaica would drag in Barry, born in Kenya. How many phonies could the yokels handle in one sitting.
The murder list of The Clintons has merit because Billy Boy had a local police gang linked to a CIA gang performing from the early days. Only the prominent names are remembered. His big sale of CIA-HIV-AIDS blood to the Canadian Red Cross, delivering over 20,000 murders was also swept aside.
Elijah Cummings was also a Howard tokenized. It was revealed during the IRS Congressional Hearings (Koskinen, The 5th. Lerner, Paz), that he was a gangster in Baltimore.
On one of his particularly annoying and ignorant stand-over rants in 2019, as chairman of The Oversight Committee, he delivered a racist tirade concerning coloured babies being run in over the Rio.
Galling to the point that certain intel were deeply pissed and he was cancelled within days.
On the topic of education; Loretta Lynch (Elizabeth Carlisle, remember The Phoenix Airport Meeting and HRC’s file disappearing) couldn’t answer basic legal questions put by Louie Gohmert in a Congressional Hearing, concerning her management of The HRC File.
Lynch sported Harvard. But then Bridges is a law professor there. The extremes of Tokenism and Affirmative Action, that led to the dysfunctional supremacy of the now extinct DEI.
The Hunter Biden Pardon by the Joe Biden actor, was a mistake for both. But then when had JoeBlow ever got it right. What should have been a commutation, for Hunter, became the extreme arrogance of a Pardon.
The Biden files from intel concerning Joe, his two brothers Tom and Frank, as well as Hunter, Jack Smith, Adam Schiff, Merrick Garland, Alex Mayorkas, Chris Wray, Ron Rowe and Nancy Pelosi; with which to begin; are outside Pam Bondi’s (born 17/11/1965) door pending delivery.
Unspecified pardons for; Milley, Liz Cheney, and Fauci are pending delivery to The Pentagon for referral to a Military Tribunal. Although the JoeBlow scribble won’t hold. Pardons for what. New charges are not covered. JoeBlow didn’t know when he took their coin.
WWII was fought with 7 four star generals. The Pentagon in the woke era, currently has 44 of them. A slash through that baubled garbage, would reduce the postured risks from; Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and the countless invented terrorist groups.
Want to reduce the world risk of pandemics. Shut the UN WHO and the WEF (cut their money supply), and direct Gates’ focus to his Epstein File.
Gates is currently blackmailing beef farmers to feed toxic chemicals to their herds to alter their natural digestive systems to prevent them emitting methane. Those herds will die off, leaving Gates’ herds unaffected. A delusion to monopolize the beef industry.
I am advised that in this round: Wray, Garland, and Pelosi are to rat on their playmates. As the Clintons did in 2017.
Hunter being Pardoned and not Commuted, blocks his use of the 5th. If he lies to protect his father and two uncles, they will be new charges. So he sinks them. The exact reason JoeBlow thought the pardon a good idea, to keep Hunter out of giving evidence. Drug addicts can’t be trusted.
Bannon just released after four years. Not four months, and not for allegedly leaking information. The crime effectively was Congressional Committee partisan contempt whim.
His lawyers advised him that he was not obliged to attend a hearing. But then Holder and HRC destroyed evidence and refused to honour Congressional subpoenas.
The Joe actor could not pardon in advance. He doesn’t have the infallible ability of a popista gatekeeper with Indulgences even as far as unborn grandchildren, Dispensations, even the ridiculous psychobabble usurpation of Forgiveness and Remission.
No wonder they ran for The Vulgate to protect Dogma and practice. And what about The Schism, when Orthodoxy said we’re out of here. Pope Peter III is just a passing fad, apparently.
Franki and Benny were both practitioners of paedo rites. Benny and JPII were RatLine NAZIs. But hey: friends are friends, and they also hated Jews.
The Vatican catches and murders its own. Remember paedo Pell.
JPII following the Cardinal Marcinkus murdered JPI, (discovered after the proverbial 33 days, the filth of The Vatican Bank and Banca Ambrosia, Calvi and others also murdered) was a sales rep for I.G.Farben for Zyklon B (adapted hydrogen cyanide). Actually banned after its use in WWI.
Bayer worked tirelessly murdering Jewish women; a hundred at a time; with insane experiments, leaving Mengele behind.
Now let me work this out. Orthodox Russia flogged Christian Germany, America, The UK, and The Vatican as WWII. Seems like an Inquisition and Schism revisit doesn’t it
A burst of three shots is in the air at .22 seconds apart. Trump turns his head at .16 second as the first of the three approaches. It all seems as through there are other factors involved.
Yet another large statue of Don Bosco has been erected in South America. Where else. No problems with being a monumental paedo. Pretend it doesn’t exist.
And what of one of the biggest victims as the sado-massochistic slow torturous murder of Dominic Savio, by Don (John, secret name change) Bosco. No problem: give him a crown as well.
Seems to be big problems and messages for the past two thousand years that just won’t go away.
The Constitutional Amendment just alleged to have been signed by Biden, is a lie. What isn’t from the dumocracy. Amendments take years and would be well known, far in advance. Every state must agree and with super majorities in every house before returning to Congress.
The script also had him ratifying the amendment. Ratification is the process of returning signed documents to a legislative chamber for agreement.
The ignorance level of AOC advising after her frauded seat, that she couldn’t wait to be inaugurated into Congress and start signing Bills. Nothing has changed.
The outgoing teleprompter read concerned warning The People about Climate and Oligarchs. The People just soundly voted against the exact waffle in that script.
The real Biden was a fool from the day his sorry arse ever met a seat in DC. America was poorer and dumber by virtue of his existence. Such is the dumocrap religion.
They still have problems concerning their rejections in 2016 and 2024. No mention of the frauds of: 2018, 2020, and 2022. Their learning capacity is non existent. As witnessed in the waste of air and time from the dumb side of the aisle at the recent confirmation hearings.
Collins, one of the four Senate RINOs has had an epiphany, and will vote sanely. The Senate then sits at fifty each. Vance siting as President of The Senate, will have the casting vote.
Monumental renditions of grand theatric stupidity by: Schiff, Warren, Hirono. Gillibrand, and Slotkin at the confirmation hearings.
The clowns who used Environmental Reassessment as a foundation to block The Rio Wall, with a view to removing what was already constructed.
Arguments of economic damage were put forward. Difficult to balance with the drugs, hidden Black-Hispanic turf wars, violence, blackmail, lost children, slave labour on California farms (Resnick), murders, rapes, street encampments, hotel and government facility costs.
A little known fact is that parts of the throwaway on the Ukraine War insanity by dumocrap America, was used for small arms and ammunition, given to the drug cartel gangs in America and Mexico. Hello Alex Mayorkas. In memory of Iran Contra and Fast and Furious.
A bill of sixty five million was received for the removal per mile of the existing wall sections described as damaged by concrete and rust.
They effectively threw the remaining sections away, through a sham auction to cohorts GovPlanet, which quickly on-sold to other cohorts. Sections costing $190,000; lying idle; were handed to GovPlanet for $5.
Injunctions obtained by The State of Texas were ignored.
As barbed wire run by the state of Texas was federally removed.
Trump just closed The IRS and The Federal Education Dept. and more to follow. The IRS had just hired 87,000 gangsters to raid and immunity murder in a massive blackmail era to come. Hardly a choice over their existence.
All information concerning The Rio Wall was hidden and sabotaged on media, as was The Covid Lie.
And they wonder why talking to people on the street, delivers the most ignorance America has ever known. If that doesn’t annoy: the attached arrogance and noise package, definitely does.
Permeate a mush brained demographic, and you sell an ignorant arrogant, intellectualized and moralized imbecile class.
The current panic in the dumocrap minority concerning Trump doing to them what they did to him; and indeed to many others as Flynn, Manafort, Bannon et al; is a reality, and no desperations expressed by dumocraps polluting the current confirmation hearings, demanding undertakings, will change anything.
It’s….But you promised….Childish nonsense to what these third worlders have done to maintain their ill gotten bailiwicks.
Names at the top of the list are Liz Cheney for the fraud of The J6 Investigation of hidden and manufactured evidence to gaol innocents and hide the perpetrators.
In memory of specifically the Church, Pike, and fraudulent Rockefeller hearings, and complicit Ford’s pardon pen.
Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Jerry The Hutt Nadler, McCabe, Brennan, Comey, Hayden, Joe Biden, Clapper, Strzok, Rosenstein, The Mueller Crew, Wray with Collyer and Contreras of FISC, Bragg, James, Willis, Smith, Garland, Mayorkas, Kauffman, Ergoran Merchan, Roberts, Rowe, and Chutkin.
Find a name and then fit it with prosecutions to steal assets, criminalize, and obstruct. Forget even a passing glance with reality. It’s the theatre that’s important. Any reality of law is absurd.
As political Lawfare is being conducted with allied partisan fraudulent warrants, subpoenas, bonds, and orders; while whistling: No one is above the law. As law becomes floaters circling the s-bend.
The way wrongs are ended is to reverse the procedure. Turning the other cheek empowers the wrongdoers, by a perception of weakness. This was done in 2017.
The dumocraps are currently huddled in a pile called clumpus turdus. Dogs aren’t required to search them out. The stench is overwhelming. Dumocraps have no idea what they have caused even to date. They are Trump’s best ally.
The petty insanity of having all flags in DC at half mast pretending to signify Carter. When actually being a signal of their sad day of the Trump inaugurated, was defeated.
They know that The Constitutional Capital Crime of a coup in 2020, can be proven; despite the theatre to date; and that Trump Invoked The Continuation of Government Provisions in 2020.
Irrespective he is now in a broken term, with a particular reading of The 22nd. Amendment, allowing him to camp in The White House. Even excluding emergencies that allow him to suspend The Constitution and Congress.
The illegitimate Constitutionally denied Obama (as with Harris); with Congressional cohorts; packed The Office of The President with unprecedented powers. Ostensibly paving his way from the days of his posturing a nuclear conflict with Russia (The Methane Clathrate Affair).
He frauded Biden in in 2020, with an Agnew-Nixon-Ford-Rockefeller plan for his return through the VP position, after his plans of 2019 were thwarted by intel. He now hands those powers to Trump for the recovery of his (Obama’s) destroyed America.
There are separate; not well understood divisions; The President of The United States of America, The Office of The President, The Office of The White House, and The White House.
The last thing the insane want is the sane holding the sword of Damocles over them, and having the insane show their underwear and empty their pockets.
Why do some economies grow and others are stifled. It’s the fault of government experts.
Add in complicit media and the size of government, blocking freedoms and psychopathic demands for obedience. The tail wagging the dog and the gun at the head, punitive regulation and confiscatory taxations to sponsor the size of government and its waste. Add in the old favourite, usual suspect, the ever present; religion of law.
Tasmania and Sydney Hilton
Port Arthur was a False Flag orchestrated by PM Howard to confiscate firearms in Australia.
Bryant; as Oswald; was not at the scene at the time. It couldn’t have been perpetrated without a fake inquiry, and the usual suspects. Governments are not interested in protecting The People from The People. They are concerned about The People holding Government to account.
The reason Governments seal evidence is to protect themselves as perpetrators.
I was at The Sydney Hilton Bombing. Nothing of reality was presented in the fake Ananda Marga trial or the fake inquiry and official report.
The fault was with the two idiot ASIO operatives siting in the car opposite, in front of The Queen Victoria Building. They planted the device to be found the next morning by astute searching of that garbage bin.
I didn’t think they were stupid enough to have done it so early. Or even using the garbage bin instead of at least getting it into an equally inane position as reception. The device should never have been detonated. They had not prepared the operation by knowing that the bins would be emptied into a compactor at the time they were. Did they run across the street or shout for the compaction to be stopped. Of course not.
Desai was not the target by a garbage bin bomb outside the building. I was living in the room next to him at the time. I was working. I was the first down on that scene. I was kept out of final reports.
Three American intel shooters with auto rifles were at Port Arthur, and gunned down the people. Just one more False Flag. Did Howard learn anything. Who was the brainchild of The Bali Bombings, wrongful incarcerations of Corby, Hicks et al, and The Christchurch False Flag.
I saw Little Johnny a few weeks ago. He still talks out of the side of his mouth like some pathetic little gangster.
Has he prepared his CV for a final decision. A tarnished soul in need of severe rehabilitation.
The Internet is overwhelmed with American anti-Chinese propaganda. The problem is that America is terrified of Russia and China individually. Jointly America is; ‘Dearly beloved we are gathered here today….’
If Iraq was invaded under The WMD Lie; why wasn’t North Korea or Iran taken to task, by the greatest military the world has ever known. Perhaps the nuclear ambition narrative is one more American Lie, and the invasion was an attempt by America to steal the oil of Iraq.
America has worn itself out by blowing it out its arse for so long. Currently the thunders are sounding like; snap crackle and pop.
And after all: NK is owned by China and Russia shares dividends of slave labour, and America is reliant on oil from Iran and Venezuela, owned by Russia.
And of course America needs passage through The Arabian Gulf and The Red Sea to Suez. All now controlled by Russia. Arabia is in the Russian alliance, as it is tired of receiving farts in paper bags.
Despite the Green theatrics: America needs oil and is unable to pay with hard currencies. Russia is able to collect America’s debts from its overseas assets. As it currently controls the fake Qatari peace deal.
If America is that great; how is it bogged in Ukraine with its NATO partner in crime (remember Vietnam and Korea), since its invasion in Feb. 2014. Feb. 2022 was an announcement by Russia of enhancing the game and moving all Americanized Ukrainians to The Polish Border. America and NATO are spent and gone. All that remains is file footages and Ra Ra propaganda, and its relatively a peaceful world. How is that.
The current Israel Affair was America fighting Israel and Russia, which the Biden owners were hoping to twist into Russia reacting publicly.
American experts are of course a combination of: ‘Dumb and Dumber’ and ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’.
The outcome was Israel and Russia now own: Syria and Lebanon, and of course Iran owns Iraq, which has not brought joy to Wahabis and Sunnis.
The Sunni administration in Iraq controlled the Shia population, which is also Iran. America breaking that balance, effectively merged Iran with Iraq.
In turn it unleashed The Shia of the Sudan region. Obama attempting to amend America’s; yet another; expert class lunacy, attacks Sudan to appease Arabia. As all great plans of mice: the outcome was yet one more displeasure for Arabia.
When Biden cringe fist bumped MSB, on his idiot pilgrimage to MSB, he was sent packing with no oil deal.
Houston we have a problem.
It appears that EVs are as big a shit idea as Conspiracy Theorists had advised from the beginning of that delusion. We know of the massive frauds that collected with the energy weapon deployment to deliver LA as it did Maui. Tens of millions of dollars cut from The LAFD, then turned into a dykeocracy with its DEI delusions. Dams emptied and demolished. Existing water run to sea, and no provision to use sea water in an emergency. Forests left unattended with no firebreaks and dry debris allowed to fill any existing natural breaks.
Fire aircraft sent from Canada were targeted by drone attacks, forcing grounding. Further aircraft were sent. The use of sea water was banned. RWs loaded from swimming pools. All fixed wings loaded with sea water on circuit convoys to the fires.
Some one hundred fire vehicles from close states, were stopped and commandeered under force on the highways in California because they did not have California approved emissions certificates.
Fire fighting chemical drop drones were banned usage, because they were made in China.
The California National Guard was called up, then held and not deployed.
Overhead power lines which are fire risks when run through forests and not managed, cannot be put underground, because they might disturb an obscure herb of no interest. Similarly; dams were emptied to prevent people catching and eating some little known fish, also not heading to extinction.
The problem with this one was, no one had thought of the continuation after empty. So the fish saved from becoming food, died stranded at the bottom of emptied dams.
The same California slaughtering 450,000 owls of one species, because it might impact on another owl species. Recall the insane Canadian Fur Seals Affair, the release of Cane Toads and Myna birds into Australia, etc.
In the funding cuts to essential sections of of The LAFD, the engineering shops were shut. What type of brain would think of that. So at the time of the fires, there were over 100 devices (mostly vehicles including first response water pumpers), in for repairs that were never going to happen.
That $17 million component of the cuts was thrown at the new thriving DEI dept.
As soon as Trump won; the FBI shut its DEI department. Why would they do that. The Pentagon version will be gutted by Hegseth with an immediate return to realty. Clowns as Milley; who feeds enemies to maintain engagements; has a problem with the two gender reality. His career is in the cesspit, with all his baubles.
The Biden actor issued eleventh hour pardons to Milley, Liz Cheney, and Fauci. Now why would that be required. Lawfare against them or realty hunting them to ground. Not over that easy.
Preemptive pardons are not possible.
GHWB and McCain III were sporting all the presidential pardon tickets, but were still executed by Military Tribunal in 2018. (Remember The D5 Letter).
You walk with a pardon, you confirm your guilt.
The FBI has been involved in foreign campaigns, as well as torturing innocents. The CIA has been involved in domestic America. The DOJ has been involved in foreign campaigns. The Salisbury and Amesbury False Flags were conducted by The DOJ with the CIA. The material used in those two places supra, was not Novichok but BZ gas. The Ricin, Polonium, and Dioxin False Flag Affairs were conducted by The CIA.
Trump will enforce the water storage facilities of California. So Newsome recalls the state legislature to try to Trump Proof California.
Convoys of firefighters from Mexico were detained as aliens. Some 1,500 volunteers were removed by police as not being properly trained.
On advice, insurers withdrew cover in the months prior to The False Flag. Not to save the insurers, but to prevent payments to the victims. In conditions of emergency, power and gas supplies are cut by the distributors to prevent further dangers and explosions.
EVs not fully charged were abandoned at the properties, or on roads in the areas. Police blocks stopped them and had the occupants walk along roads to leave the areas.
Fuel driven vehicles can carry fuel in containers, share with others, or collect at a refueling station, not reliant on the local power grid for pumps. Fuel driven vehicles can be filled at the rate of 10 or 12 per hour per pump. EVs; even if power is available can only manage 1 or 2 per hour at each power point.
There are two types of batteries in use. The difference is one delivers far more Oxygen gas when disabled. A greater fire and explosive risk.
Irrespective: batteries can ignite or explode after days or even weeks from an abandonment as in LA. A very great risk to Hazmat teams required to remove the EVs after the fires. They just can’t be towed away. In any event, the batteries must be removed and safely destroyed. They are toxic and flammable if damaged, or left overcharged, or undercharged.
Apart from fire and explosion, they release; Hydrogen Fluoride that enters through skin and lungs; Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide; Sulphur Dioxide; Methane; Hydrogen Cyanide (Zyklon-B); and highly volatile Organic Compounds.
Only a monstrous hypocrisy allows EVs. The people of Tutti Frutti Land.
Musk is looking to move out of Tesla and SpaceX further into media. It needs to be tax effective concerning share conversions. Softbank, Deutsche, and Capital One to the rescue.
CNN, MSNBC, and ABC to be taken off the board, while leaving an anti-conservative gathering point theatre. Disney to be readjusted back to normalcy.
The gradual debitchification of DC.
Michelle Obama said no to attending the inauguration. Fine. Not missed at the Carter send off either. Harris was asked by Vance’s wife if she could call by The VP residence with her three young children. After all they are both Indian. One born in America the other a pretend Black born in Jamaica. A Harris underling contacted Vance’s wife saying; “Do Not Come”.
A couple of days later, the husband of the cocksucker contacted Vance’s wife and said he would be pleased to take her and the children on a tour.
Interesting because, in 2021 when Biden was refused entry to The White House and the cocksucker was refused use of One Observatory Circle: Trump made a call and they were allowed in.
I think Doug knows CamelA is the biggest gobbler in DC. Everyone else does. She certainly didn’t arrive anywhere on her smarts.
The Federal Reserves just backed away from The Global Climate Group.
Commo-Fascist attempts to destroy America and effectively The West by Climate and DEI-Woke are beginning to fall apart. The manic and disengaged questioning of the Trump nominees, in the current confirmation hearings, by the dumocraps, demonstrates the distance from reality where dumocraps live.
The 2026 Congressional elections will only further their hard fought journey to extinction. They will not regain any ground, because they do not understand why they lost. They live lives of gross stupidity, and double down when their cage is rattled.
The determined journey of progressive liberal lunacy undertaken through the Obama and Biden years, is extraordinary.
Grooming Gangs
I lost the evidence clip in the infra sequentia. However I thought it relevant and indicative to mention it here. A woman phoned emergency in England, reporting a girl screaming next door, for some hours. In due course; a police car arrived, and went to where the noise was emanating. They found seven Pakistani men and two thirteen year old naked English girls who were drunk or drugged. They arrested one of the girls and left. No charges, but matter solved.
Have you read Enoch Powell or listened to Nigel Farage.
SG Anon and Trump
How is Bill Gates still walking this earth as a free man ?
Not sure… Obviously an alien infiltrator. Loaded with Reptilian DNA. He doesn’t need much O2, and delights in altering human DNA
So that explains our politicians and mass media, including our ABC🖕
11.29 AM
I never knew that Dr. Dave Martin had such strong ties to Australia. He really lays it out with some uncomfortable truths about the country. He flat out calls Dan Andrews a criminal and go ahead, sue me you POS!
” CNN, MSNBC, and ABC to be taken off the board, while leaving an anti-conservative gathering point theatre. Disney to be readjusted back to normalcy.”
This could be why ABC is out :
And MSNBC this :
And this should at least partially explain why CNN is getting the hook :
Seems that history, conspiracies, events, murders and cover ups are part of reality and might cause people to think; ‘what the hell’??
To have more fun just go through the headlines at:
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news (via anything other than that giggles mob)
Remember; discretion, as you would apply to EVERYTHING YOU READ OR HEAR FROM THE FAKE MEDIA…. or have you not learnt yet?
It is a mad world controlled and run by mad lying manipulative psycho control freaks with their running dogs.
12.11 PM
Dear Joseph Mm, Elspeth and the ‘cultists’ and co.
Can you manage the first 17 minutes of Real Mary?
6.-8 PN
The ‘ informed’ SHOULD know that Real Mary presents a review of reality (as does G5) under her situation update- WTPN at beforeitsnews.com (by anyone other than Googles that censors!)
Come on, get to the end of real Mary’s presentation.
Normies will not find it on our ABC and our media and politicians are S..T scared that they will be exposed as ‘compromised’? traitors to Australians with their controlled neutered media running barking mad dogs are complicit.
8.07 🤪 PM
Want something not as boring as television for entertainment?
Are you a Star Treckie fan?
Then listen to Kerry Cassidy at BIN.
Clif High will shoot you if you listen to Kerry🙀💁💁 first seven mins could suck you in for a great bed time story🤪👻👻💁
9.27 PM
One can tell when one could be on the right track🙀
My reference to Kerry Cassidy is not here…. At BIN.
I logged it about ten mins into her Star Treckie exposures that I have just finished.
Maybe some thought it might frighten; ElSpeth and overturn her bible stuff, Mm and completely confuse a bogan or two.
One should note that uncle Clif cannot stand Kerry.
BTW WAY 107 is JFK junior.🤷♂️
Come on censor, it is only a movie and there is nothing better on your tv.
10.32 PM oh well a bit of 432 is called for. I did not pitch the time💁
Bloody hell, my original log just appeared. Crazy! It happens so often.
The 9. 27 time is correct but it only just appeared.
Bloody reptilians!?
10.37 PM
Good Afternoon,
Thank you for your contribution to the Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005).
The Committee has accepted your contribution as a submission and authorised its publication. The submission is now available on the inquiry website and you may disclose or publish your submission should you wish to do so.
Further information about the inquiry can be found on the Committee’s website. Alternatively, you can receive email updates as the inquiry progresses by clicking the ‘Track Inquiry’ button on the inquiry website.
If you have any questions, please contact the secretariat by email at jsct@aph.gov.au or by telephone on (02) 6277 4002.
Kind Regards,
Liz Bednarek | Office Manager
Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Department of the House of Representatives
PO Box 6021 | R1.109 Parliament House | Canberra ACT 2600
Ph. (02) 6277 4002 |
Thankfully we have Matt Canavan on the jscot to try to drum some sense into the LibLab drones, I see Klaus Swab’s Young Global Leader Andrew Charlton has crawled away since last time I looked, probably trying to get a job in another country, maybe he could supervise a McDonalds, undercutting the locals in some high wage place like Switzerland
May be Bill Gates will at last see his depopulation dream start to gain motion. Many of the names above were involved in treason. Including himself. The penalty for treason is the death sentence. Goodbye Mr Gates!
Dr David Martin is certainly a brilliant man. During the scam I viewed numerous videos of his information.
Information now given out DOES NOT excuse the politicians that pushed the crime here in Australia. They had to have known the purpose and aim of the event. That is why when I pointed out to our local Health Minister and Premier that there were no extra deaths in 2020 and the information provided by doctors, laboratory workers and scientists worldwide was contrary to their instructions they never changed step.
No wonder ex-Prime Ministers and all State premiers are now on the run, or at least stepped down without losing at an election.