by Dee McLachlan
A month ago, I wrote the article entitled: “Removal of Child from Good Mum Traceable to Corrupt Female Police Officer.”
The article was about a certain female police officer, whom I called Officer Demeter (not her real name), and how her actions, or non-actions, brought havoc and ruin to a mother and her daughter.
Based on careful investigation, it was obvious to me by January 2019 that the officer had violated many laws and regulations. There seemed enough evidence to establish this.
Since publishing the article new evidence has emerged.
About 3 weeks ago, the mother finally got her hands on a police interview. The mother obtained the video by subpoenaing it – at last some good has come of judicial involvement.
The interview was nearly two years ago, and nothing has been done. In fact, every attempt was made to repress or vaporize the interview. Officer Demeter had interviewed the child. The child, in a state of trauma, reported what had been done to her. The worst of these crimes were never reported, and it appears that they were not entered into the system.
To Recap:
Three years ago, CPS (Child Protection Service) and Families SA (now called the Department for Child Protection, DCP) interviewed the child, finding that she was a very reliable witness, and substantiated that the father and a ‘girlfriend’ sexually abused and exploited the young lass.
Eighteen months later, as part of her preparation for the Family Court custody trial, the mother had handed in some blood-stained and other clothing to be tested. Several weeks later, Officer Demeter made first contact — calling the mother, advising her that the items had been “lost in the system” but she had found them. Officer Demeter claimed she was now “in charge,” and advised the mum that there was no reason to test the clothes unless her child could give good reason! So the mum agreed for her child to be interviewed.
The Abuse
As I wrote before, the mother was unaware of the detail of these disclosures, and had she known would have brought it to the attention to the court and every authority dealing with children with a very loud voice.
Now, I won’t describe the abuse in detail, but will outline briefly types of abuse was disclosed, as described by the mother:
- Being tied up, and made her drink white (sometimes yellowy) stuff. This happened several times, as the child apparently describes “sometimes” it tasted differently.
- She was cut in the rectum with a knife which made her bleed. (This happened to Rachel Vaughan, as Gumshoe has published.)
- A penis was forced into her mouth.
- She was tied up, and her pants pulled down. She then skips over what happened next, and describes what her undies looked like after that.
I won’t go into any other details.
It seems Officer Demeter did nothing about the child’s disclosures, and the mother believes there is no proper record of the reporting of this long police interview, on or around the date it occurred.
The Injury and Officer Demeter
The police interview was done mid-Family Court trial, and maybe the mother was not meant to survive the court battle, but she did and was awarded sole parental responsibility.
The family court awarded the father a “re-connection” and visitation. It was after a weekend visit that the girl returned with a large wound. Perhaps out of fear of reprisal if she spilled the beans, she made up various excuses to different people as to how she acquired the injury. But after 5 days she said he father did it and threatened to kill her and her mother if she spoke out.
Regarding this new incident, Officer Demeter was again the police person in charge. According to regulations, all agencies (CPS, DCP, SAPOL) should have been focused on investigating the assault on the child, but nothing was done. You may recall that in my 28 June 2019 article, it seems clear from all the documentation that officer Demeter was actively working with the offender, trying to force the daughter back with her abuser. I just cannot get my head around that.
The Evidence is Out — What Now?
Now all the authorities that have failed to assist the mother over the last year have been informed that there is a police interview. The lid has been opened, and there’s no way if sealing the evidence from the light.
These are two comments from the earlier article. And this was BEFORE the damning evidence in the police interview came to the mother’s attention.
Terry Shulz:
“So, what’s in it for her? [the cop] I don’t know, but in the drug cases I [as barrister] was involved with the Police were making some big bucks (importation, distribution). Even in smaller cases where there wasn’t a big payoff, the culture was such that they all shared whatever they could get away with – like it was part of the job.
“Is she getting her cut? I don’t know, she could just be a ‘soldier’ doing her job in the system as she sees it. Someone up the chain puts in a request to ‘disappear’ some evidence and she goes along with it…
“The pursuit of justice should not be this complicated…”
“This article [#1] should be sent to every member of the SA state parliament and to some selected media outlets for a wide public dissemination.
“Prima facie, every decent SA police officer should stand up for their decent colleagues, as the report brings into disrepute the whole of the SA police department… If the SA parliamentary opposition does not pull their fingers out… WE AWAIT A FULL INVESTIGATION BY A OUT OF STATE SUPREME COURT JUSTICE… NOTHING LESS WOULD BE SATISFACTORY.”
I just hope the court and all the authorities involved act appropriately and provide justice to a little girl and the mother fighting for her daughter’s rights.
I have dozens of similar accounts on my desk. I do believe this case has caused a crack in the dam wall.
How a Dam Wall Breaks
The Teton Dam was an earthen dam on the Teton River in Idaho, US. On Saturday 5 June 1976, at 7:30am, a muddy leak appeared, but engineers did not believe there was a problem. By 9:30am the downstream face of the dam had developed a wet spot which began to discharge water at 20 to 30 cubic feet per second. Bulldozers were sent to plug the leak, but were unsuccessful, and two dozer-operators were pulled to safety with ropes.
At 11:55am, less than 4 hours from the time of the leak, the crest of the dam collapsed into the reservoir. Two minutes later the remainder of the right-bank wall disintegrated. Over 2,000,000 cubic feet per second start to flood out. F. Ross Peterson said,
“…The warnings of impending disaster or disruption came in a variety of ways, but the recipients, given time to contemplate the events of that week in June, were sure they had been warned.”
Here is a cute little something from Tom Paine, circa 1775:
“They tell us, sir, that we are weak – unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house?
“….The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave….it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat, but in submission and slavery!”
MESSAGE to the mum in the above case: Your adversary is not formidable. Your adversary is frick’in childish. As in juvenile. As in puerile. As in…. etc.
I take it that SA departments have been contacted with relevant details and claims concerning this reported inhuman conduct by the perpetrator and those apparently covering for the alleged heinous crime against a little girl.
May we have a full list identifying every person and department notified by mail of this matter?
Then may we have notice of all responses by those persons and departments?
Then we may start to consider identifying those who are failing in their duty in government or as elected represenatives in the SA Parliament to take the matter forward.
It’s a very long list.
Ned, South Australia, like your state of NSW, is a common law state. Plus it has good statutes. I always have trouble remembering which is the 3rd common law state. So just now I typed into google “Which Australian states are common law states?” To my amazement I got this answer:
“The thing is, in one way or another, public urination is considered an offence everywhere in Australia and there are no exemptions for using a car tyre as a makeshift urinal. … So no, don’t urinate on your car tyre.”
The evidence and testimonies you have collected involving corrupt police and judicial officers assisting disgusting perpetrators to inflict physical and emotional harm on children is indicating to me the existence of some sort of network or cult of satanic psychopaths which has infiltrated these agencies. No other explanation makes any sense to a correctly wired human being.
The evidence is now overwhelming. Good versus evil. Simple as that. Pick a side people.
That police woman should be charged and jailed and kicked out of the police force. As I have mentioned before a good friend of mine now deceased was a detective in the SA police drug and vice squad and he left the police to became a solicitor as it was corrupt which was 2 years ago. He said for decades that the AFP were the worst in drugs. As we know Barry Moyes was also in charge of the SA police drug squad. There needs to be much stronger penalties and confiscation of property as drugs are wrecking havoc on society and not just the youth.
There needs to be an independent authority to audit and monitor the police actions as they just cannot be trusted by society.
This is really good news – I’ll do my part and pray for this case to be judged rightly with the right Judge presiding and that the Lord will do a great work for this mother and child –
No man can enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.
“I just hope the court and all the authorities involved act appropriately and provide justice to a little girl and the mother fighting for her daughter’s rights.”
The whole corrupt system is abominable and lacks proper procedures, due process, correct protocol and morality. Who is going to eventually be blamed and penalised?
Government conceals lack of consent and ward of the state status of William Tyrrell case
Children’s advocate Allanna Smith (above, right) with the birth grandmother of William Tyrrell at an inquest hearing in March this year. Picture: Peter Rae.Source:News Corp Australia
“Missing boy William Tyrrell’s doomed life” is the current headline of the article by news.com.au, but they should have added “in the hands of the government”.
One of the most crucial elements with regards to the legality of any action is a minor detail called consent, which corporations are all too aware of, and the (Australian) government brushes aside or ‘forgets’ in many instances.
The Australian Government tried to cover up adoption “plans without consent or knowledge…” with regards to the disappearance of William Tyrell.
They also tried to cover up that he was a ‘handpicked’ ward of the state.
‘Handpicked’ for paedophile’s activities?
Some wards of the state fall into the hands of known abusers.
Well the matter just got a lot messier for the government, as these facts the government tried to conceal have been exposed by a whistleblower, Allanna Smith.
By now you would have figured out that the government is liable for William Tyrrell’s disappearance.
Read more within the following link: