by Elizabeth Hart
For the attention of:
David M. Morens
Jeffery K. Taubenberger
Anthony S. Fauci
David Morens, Jeffery Taubenberger and Anthony Fauci, you admit influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine products are rubbish in your article Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenza viruses, and other respiratory viruses. Cell Host & Microbe 31, 11 January 2023.
You say:
“As of 2022, after more than 60 years of experience with influenza vaccines, very little improvement in vaccine prevention of infection has been noted. As pointed out decades ago, and still true today, the rates of effectiveness of our best-approved influenza vaccines would be inadequate for licensure for most other vaccine-preventable diseases.”
Really?!?!?! So what is this, just out and out fraud?
And now we’ve been inflicted with the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine racket, products you admit
“elicit incomplete and short-lived protection against evolving virus variants that escape population immunity”…but you also say “the rapid development and deployment of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines has saved innumerable lives and helped to achieve early partial pandemic control”.
Based upon what evidence do you make that fanciful claim for efficacy?!
How have you gotten away with this utter bullshit for so long?
Because the scientific and medical establishment is captured by the lucrative Church of Vaccination, and incapable of calling out the gross exploitation of mass populations of people with defective and unnecessary products!
How many billions of people, including children, have been misled into having these unnecessary and worse-than-useless medical interventions?
How many billions of dollars have been squandered on the influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines scam?
And these unnecessary and worse than useless products have been mandated in many instances, mandated medical interventions trashing the legal and ethical obligation for voluntary informed consent. And the medical ‘profession’ went along with this travesty.
The imposition of these medical interventions, and the resulting medical, economic and social damage, is the biggest crime in history, and it’s time for the perpetrators to be brought to account.
Elizabeth Hart
Independent researcher investigating vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy
“How Have You Gotten Away With This Utter Bullshit…?”
Because the number of willing dupes far outweighs the discerning perhaps ?
Perfect illustration of a democracy in working order
Nothing changes…
Sidney Lumet, 1976 – I’m Mad As Hell and I’m Not Gonna Take This Anymore!
You were quick off the mark💁🏼🤣🤣🤣🤣
I did not tick, until I had posted below.
I have been trying to think of the film title over the mast day or so.
Bit I am ahead with my favourite turtle friend 🤡
The interesting scene in the clip is the last 5 seconds.
Bet his name is NORMIe?
Yes Melina, the Jesuits are mad as hell. They play good rugby, but fudge the age’s in stuff
Those jesuits; Kissinger and ‘Rockerfella’ are not through.
Well, Melina is not through either, as seen frequently below.
Search the film ‘Network’ with Aussie Peter Finch in the lead.
You’l have to really yell, because our politicians, medical tyrants, fake msm jokes and the a bloodied c are stupid and appear as and as deaf as a ‘post turtle’…… and over rewarded.💰💰
There you go Simon….. ever heard of a post turtle? We have a abundance of them in Australia.
To be fair to Mike Rivero, I should acknowledge that I found the link to the clip this morning to the film posted at his site;
( …….. works in mysterious ways and knows)
They have gotten away with it for so long because they have the $$$ to pay people off. They have gotten away with it for so long because the jesuits control the world and so the people in all key positions of influence are willing to be paid off. This takeover has been going on for centuries and is now complete….
Yes, of course THE JESUITS again!
And who took control of the jesuits Melina?
and who took control of the Vatican bank?
All bow down to caesar aka the Pope (pontifus Maximus) both the white one and the black one) and not to ChristJesus.
More bullshit to help you forget that bullshit
And just sneaking a bit more in
Oh dear Mr Fauci has been getting around with his depop programs.
The word bullshit should have all taboos lifted. Use of the word bullshit raises the user above PhD in terms of their certainty and demands absolute proof. It’s the most important word in the English language, at least in terms of egalitarianism. Judges before sentencing should have to undergo the bullshit test. If a juror says “this is bullshit” there should be a public retrial. But it needs to remain banned in parliament or they would all be screeching like parrots all day.
Class Action Lawsuit filed in oz vs Covid jabs
Are the Jesuits the defendants?
To quote from the above:
“At least 500 Australians have already joined a “landmark” COVID-19 vaccine injury class action lawsuit filed this week against the Australian government and the medicines regulator seeks redress for those allegedly injured or left bereaved by the COVID-19 vaccines.
The suit accuses the Australian government, the country’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and Department of Health and Aged Care, and a number of senior public servants of negligence related to the approval and monitoring of COVID-19 vaccines, breach of statutory duty and misfeasance in public office.
The action was filed in the Federal Court of Australia, New South Wales Registry.”
As for the subject article.
Bloody hell the Fauci nine network in Australia is doing a great rear guard manoeuvre together with Chemist Whoarhouse.
Channel nine runnin injection seminars at A Current Affair’ this week.
Channel inane running government injection ads.
You will not believe this… Ben Fordham with Hadly together just before 9am spruikiing more injections…. Flu now.
Really, Fordham was shot on air by a Chemist from the Warehouse.
“ for how long ARE WE GOING TO TAKE THIS BULLSHIT”? Yell it to their advertisers and the Warehouse?
Hey Ben, someone might send the Fauci article above to you and you might follow Lumet and Tucker and find a life.
( yes, I listen to some msm ….. if one does not know where or who the enemy is, war is hard, but it is much harder if you are stupid and do not know)
The real Doctor Anthony Fauci was hanged at Gitmo on April, 25, 2022, for his many crimes that go back decades. See RealRawNews.
Do you truly believe that a psychopath like Fauci, if still alive, would incriminate himself by participating in the attributed to him, statement above?
Like Biden, and many others in this current movie being played out to wake up those still sleeping, the Fauci you see portrayed today is just an actor, or a clone.
Yes Nemesis, I have noted reports of Fauci’s demise, as with many others.
However, Michael Baxter at realrawnews makes many many claims in his paddock.
The report of the Hilary hearing and hanging is intriguing….. took a few minutes?
I take him with some suspicion. ….. good if he was half correct.
I think it is his service that lists heaps of names of; arrested, convicted, hanged, shot or serving life etc.
The only message that can be relied upon at this time is that such lists are those who should have been dealt with…… I will go so far as to only rely on the lists’ perhaps as a conditioning exercise for the normies, so as to be not surprised if it is real.
I do note that reports are common suggesting that many Hollywood characters are missing and mansions empty and for sale.
I think that there have been military hearings and some consequences…. But that is just a feeling. ….. e.g. Bush senior for one. Confess, be injected and get a nice funeral.
The proof is yet to eventuate, there are strong reports that confessions and hearings have been videoed on the old analogue technology that cannot be faked.
Not sure of the msm press report a couple of years back that the tribunals ( military?) would commence mid 2023.
Derek Johnson has said that he has been invited as a reporter, to cover Gitmo hearings from this June. The other day he said he has been provided with a press card and pushing through a new passport.
Derek has a lot of credibility and his military knowledge of protocols and the military law is quite impressive, in short, he states that a clear lack of military protocol re the Biden fake is in the face of anyone familiar with such matters. Thus he is messaging competent military personnel and trying to educate the normies…… conditioning for acceptance of reality to be demonstrated to the NORMIES. Thus no surprises and garnering public support for the military take down of the swamp for real.
All fun, best show in the world …… pity the msm are concentrating on football and injecting us with other distractions and bullshit.
Poor ABC, poor TGA, poor politicians, poor circus mass media🤡🤡🤡🤡🤣🤣💁🏼
Hey MSM celeb, come into this alley where we are going to mug and shoot you. Or, have sex with this 12 year old and we’ll video you and put you on a 6 figure salary. Your choice. Get out of line and your family dies in a house fire. While you’re thinking about it, here’s a big punch in the eye.
They all got the punch in the eye, even the top ones.
And there is the black eye club!
Somehow suggesting a adrenochrome HABIT.
Oh readers never heard of it despite my comment back an article or two?
Oh well, in due course; YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TAKE IT, and wake up.
Why do we have such a long list of Hollywood named in Baxter’s list!
All right, perhaps they get their adrenochrome from the torture to death of little children…… how else?
One day the a bloodied c and shock jokes will have to tell you and ‘PLEASE EXPLAIN’;
As “Q” has said; they will not be able to walk down the street.
And Mel Gibson is aware and knows ‘Satanwood’.
Has the a bloodied c ever reported his comments on ‘Hollywood’ activities?
What about radio 2GB part of the nine network mob?
How coincidental.
Want macabre reports on a hanging or two.
Over at are two comments citing realrawnews reposts on the hanging of Dick Cheney and also Liz Cheney.
Fancy, in Dick’s hearing there was some details on 911 and lucky Larry Silverstein.
Just probably another few of MELINA’S Jesuit club using up time and rope.
Ned – As always in ‘Q’ posts, future proves past. Coming public disposal of the world’s evil will wake up many.
I see that all current Gitmo prisoners are being sent to Diego Garcia and Guam for processing – seems more high value prisoners will be taking their place at Gitmo – hence Johnson’s status.
The best for last💁🏼
Reports I have noted for the reason to move criminals from Gitmo.
Gitmo was recently allegedly ‘attacked’ by unknowns. 💁🏼seeeyeaw etc?
The thought that a nice big explosion at Gitmo could wipe out all the select inmates.
Oh, no public trials …… all gone😩 move on.
There is a secure site in Canberra with fencing… maybe the inmates could be moved there to keep them safe.
That attack on Gitmo was carried out by a French Foreign Legion force with assistance from U.S. Black Hat naval forces.
I see Ron DeSantis has recently been refused entry to Gitmo on three successive occasions. He visited there some years back and was told by the Commandant at the time, not to return again.
I wonder what his interest is at Gitmo?
The class action was organised by Queensland GP Dr Melissa McCann who raised over $105,000 through crowd funding. Now there is a Dr with the balls to refuse to take part in the organised jab evil….
Further to your reference in comment way above about the Jesuits.
I asked a question but you appear to be busy on another matter, so I turn up here.
Anyway you might be interested in the latest report from Ben Fulford posted over at on 27th April 12.52.
He keeps on exposing the Kharzarian ‘mafia’ being up to their necks in the world’s wars, control and problems and that they are going down big time.
Anyway, as you present as knowing much, perhaps you could assist we poor peasants here at GS?
What and who is the kharzarian mafia. Jesuits?
Surprised that crowdfunding was available for this action. They usually just take the money raised if it is for a cause they do not agree with.(as per the Canadian truckers)…
On one of the defendants:
He was awarded a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship (then known as a Rotary Foundation Fellowship) for post-doctoral work in pharmacology and neurology at the University of Michigan, USA to build on his PhD from The University of Sydney. In 2012 he was honoured internationally by Rotary International being the world wide winner of the ”Global Alumni Service to Humanity Award” for his contribution to greater understanding and peace through service to humanity”…..
He resigned this month from the TGA….
Tony Abbott was a good boxer, going by his proud nose. Rainbow guy takes out Tony with a headbutt, lol.
Turnbull sleazes stage left(and we need to take to this sell out freak too)
oops, outa here this belonged upstairs to Ned et, sorry
Dr. Rima Laibow: “It’s nearly time for the cull of the Useless Eaters”
Well looks like it’s well underway by now.
But the W.H.O. says excess deaths are from eating salt:
Like fat before, salt is getting the treatment.
They told us don’t eat any fat, it will make you fat, then we had no energy. We were told to eat sugared up lo-fat yoghurt etc and white bread and breakfast cereal. They’re still doing it. In traditional places they eat last nights dinner warmed up for breakfast, meat and three veg, paleo style.
If they tell you high blood pressure is from eating salt, that means it’s really from eating white bread. Always ignore what the advertising tells you or give equal consideration to doing the opposite.
Ya don’t have to worry about all the A/holes that want to run the world if Max is correct about AI.
Take out the xxxx
Going to embed
What is the great reset?
from the neck!?
All fun. episode 3056B.
Note particularly all the lies coming from Canada with the liars back flipping from all their demands for lockdowns etc, from years ago. Proven liars, the public are exposing and skinning them alive just with finger tips.
The liars are being exposed as lying fascist CONTROLLERS.
Hi Dan, berrojerker, Chant, Scarit, Hazzardous, nine network
Go away, hide and enjoy the bounties.
The biggest crime in medical history is Germ Theory, period.
Germ Theory being the rock on which the fella built the church of medical fraud and its offertory of toxins.
Sadly, despite three years of people pointing that out for the benefit of all the advice has been ignored. At the same time two bit hustlers with expert guises have been given mainstream and alternative forums to misdirect those who can’t be bothered doing their own research away from the fraudulent theory.
It is more than ironic that those who sing allelujah on the day of the Son and/or recite the Nicene Creed consider their Father a screw up for putting humans into a world of germs for which their only saviour comes in a syringe.