by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
One man can control millions of people. In 1505, Niccolo Machiavelli, who is sometimes called the father of political science, advised the prince, Lorenzo de Medici, about the importance of surprise and ruthlessness as ways to reach the top. He gave an example:
“A prince may rise from a private station …by some wicked or nefarious ways. Agathocles, the Sicilian, became King of Syracuse …from a low and abject position. This man, the son of a potter, accompanied his infamies with so much ability of mind and body that, having devoted himself to the military profession, he rose to be Praetor. One morning he assembled the people and senate of Syracuse, as if he had to discuss with them things relating to the Republic, and at a given signal the soldiers killed all the senators and the richest of the people; these dead, he seized and held the princedom.”
In other words, to seize power Agathocles had to do two things — deprive people of the structure they were used to (the senate and the upper class), and knock off any likely rival (the wealthy).

There are other ways to gain control fairly easily. Killing large numbers would probably work, especially if it were done by a “third party” — such as by poisoning the river. Folks would not rise up against the leader, as they would not realize it was the leader that poisoned the river.
Another method of takeover would be by deferring to the wishes of a higher power. You would introduce a new god with an admirable moral system. Getting citizens to follow the new rules would be vastly aided by the human instinct to obey. If the new regime also preached justice, it would bring psychological relief to all persons who were experiencing unfairness.
The Covid Takeover
The really weird thing is the ease with which a modern society, full of educated people, can be taken over. We have seen this happen in the last three years. An illness was introduced — or perhaps only the story of an illness — and everyone fell into line.
The background had been set for three decades, quietly. I have made a chronology, relying heavily on the testimony Dr Astrid Stuckelberger, offered in Reiner Fuellmich’s case for the International Criminal Court. It took more than two decades to pull this coup off:
— 1990s: US begins to preach about the problem of biosecurity.
— 1996: US passes anti-terrorist law.
— 1999: The vaccine alliance in UNICEF joins with the World Bank and WHO for financing vaccinations worldwide, being funded by the Member States.
— 2000: The United Nations Global Compact invite businesses to join, “for sustainability.”
— 2001: In January, Johns Hopkins runs an exercise, “Dark Winter,” to see how a disease would affect transport, military readiness, etc. Major media participate in the exercise.
— 2002: SARS, a coronavirus, breaks out, is closely studied, and gives rise to upgrading of the old sanitary conventions of 1850 (The International Health Regulations, such as for cholera) within the WHO — the World Health Organization.
— 2004: UN Security Council Resolution 1540 says “Member States shall refrain from supporting non-State actors” who are making bioweapons.
— 2005: At the annual May meeting in Geneva of the world health assembly, WHO constitution adds Article 21(19), 21a and 2, that bind Member States directly. (No other UN agency has a “constitution.”)
— 2006: GAVI began to be a global alliance. Swiss government says it was done for Bill Gates and gives immunity from liability to all. “You can’t even take him to tribunal.”
— 2009: President Obama issues Executive Order 13486 on laboratory biosecurity.
— 2010: A Vaccine Decade is declared, so nations can be trained and prepared, 2010-2020.
— 2019: At end of December, an outbreak of a coronavirus in China is reported by Taiwan, with 44 cases, no deaths. WHO is obliged to convene an emergency committee.
— 2020: By January 19, 2020 Prof Lawrence Gostin of Georgetown, author of textbook on health law, delivers an assay for the new virus, the PCR test (later found to be worthless). On January 22, experts did not agree that there was a PHEIC — public health emergency of international concern — but soon they did. Every nation has to trigger an emergency.
— 2020: March 16, the whole world locked down. The declaring of emergency opens the pathway for vaccine manufacturers to use untested drugs.
— 2021: The US provided $4 billion in finding to COVAX “To equitably procure and distribute Covid vaccines.”
— 2022: A pandemic treaty is proposed at the UN but does not pass, thanks to Africa. It would have included participation by private groups such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. The pandemic treaty would have said that nations don’t need constitutions anymore! The WHO would be world government.
What Would Machiavelli Say?
Now let’s get back to my claim that it is easy to control billions of people. In Part 2 of this series, I will show how the Communists did it, especially in China during the 1966 Cultural Revolution. Really, it is astonishingly easy. As shown above, someone with brains for tricking people can carry out complicated programs “in plain sight” that do pretty much what Agathocles did — reduce a whole population to obedience.
Of course, the individuals who put on masks, measured their social distancing, and got vaccinated, did not intend to relinquish their nation’s constitution. They did not know what was happening. I consider myself a constitutional scholar and I had no idea about these backroom deals at the UN, much less at Bill Gates’ GAVI, to kill constitutions.
Reviewing the above list of developments, it seems to me that two factors made the rules a fairly easy sell — I mean besides the fact that people believed the “science” and thought the vaccination was genuine.
Those two factors are the word “emergency” and the name “United Nations.” An emergency makes you permit a leader to take unusual steps — and to do so swiftly lest the chance be lost. Nobody wants to be the person who told doctors to slow down. And an organization such as “The United Nations” has a positive sound; indeed, as early as 1948 the UN wedded itself (however falsely) to the concept of Human Rights.
In Machiavelli’s list of ten maxims, we find this one: “You must know that there are two kinds of combat: one with laws, the other with force.” They probably have equal weight, thanks to human psychology. Boy, do we fall for “laws.”
Granted there was some force — many persons who did not want to take the shot were mandated to do so by their employer. But in arguing with others over this — say, by preaching the inviolability of the body — those objectors had to put up with their neighbors’ moralism about law. Dr Anthony Fauci and NY Governor Andrew Cuomo were revered. I need not mention how the media played up the virtue of obedience.
Now, then, who was the Agathocles in 2020? It may have looked as though it was Dr Tedros Ghebeyesus, Director-General of the W.H.O. He is an Eritrean with a PhD in Community Health, who had been elected within a UN body, the Seventieth Health Assembly. The billions of world citizens were led to believe that their nations had an obligation to act on a WHO decree about the existence of an emergency.
But in Machiavelli’s example, Agathocles had to kill off the senate and the wealthy. In the United States of 2020, “Dr Tedros” did not have to squelch either the senate or the wealthy — he was acting on their behalf. ! Dr Astrid Stuckelberger, mentioned above, sees private entities working with the UN as the real hand-on controllers of the pandemic.
This is key. Agathocles got rid of the senate; private corporations in America did the same. We no longer have 100 US Senators, or even 5 US Senators, who act as lawmakers for the sake of the nation. They sold us out. Maybe they are hypnotized — who knows? In any case, the above list of legal preparations to use “health” as the trigger can now be seen as crucial.
What about Cesare Borgia?
Machiavelli gave many examples in his advice to the Prince. One has to do with the question of how a conqueror could gain the cooperation of the group he had just conquered. Cesare Borgia — son of a Pope — had to find a way. He decided to appoint a cruel minister. (Shades of Marshal Beria in Soviet Russia). It lasted for a while. Then, Machiavelli wrote:
“Borgia decided later that such excessive authority was no longer necessary, for he feared that it might become odious…. He had the minister placed one morning … on the piazza in two pieces with a block of wood and a bloodstained knife alongside him. The atrocity of such a spectacle left those people, at one and the same time, satisfied and stupefied.”
I now quote from “Yale Insights,” a radio show by Robert P. Harrison, on January 1, 2011:
“What’s brilliant about this action for Machiavelli is the way Borgia manages not only to exercise power but also to control and manipulate the signs of power. One of the great insights of The Prince is that to be an effective ruler you must learn how to orchestrate the semiotics of power, so as to place yourself in a position where you don’t actually have to use power to achieve your aims.
“Borgia demonstrates a knowledge of the inner essence of the people, or of what the people need and expect in a ruler. The spectacle of punishment on the one hand leaves the people ‘satisfied,” because iniquities, cruelties, and injustices were indeed committed against the people by the minister, but on the other hand it also leaves them “stupefied,’ in the sense that it reminds everyone of an awesome power operating behind the scenes.”
Today it’s all semiotics, symbols, code words. We’re all pretty far removed from reality.
It’s time to concentrate on this phenomenon. There has been a rumor for fifty years or more that the Powers That Be are going to pull a Borgia. They will stupefy us with holograms in the sky (perhaps a hologram of Jesus).
Think back to Machiavelli’s actual mission, which was not to encourage the worst behavior of a leader, but to show what is possible and what is necessary.
What do you think is possible and necessary? Look what Africa did to gum up the works. Africa had had much more exposure to Gates’s genocidal vaccines and would not “Aye” the vote for a pandemic treaty. Can you create a similar roadblock to our otherwise terrible fate?
Quite why extreme wickedness has always been accredited to Niccolo Machiavelli is beyond me. All told “The Prince” is nothing more than a dissertation on human behaviour/folly
The world is the way it is because most people don’t own up to what they’re doing or why they’re doing it. How obvious is it that reversing said process is the only way of obtaining personal freedom and helping others to do so?
Hologram of Jesus is barely necessary, the suggestible are at home watching TV because they have no money
“— 2022: A pandemic treaty is proposed at the UN but does not pass, thanks to Africa.”
Who was the individual in Australia charged with voting in favour of this ???
“The individuals who put on masks, measured their social distancing, and got vaccinated, did not intend to relinquish their nation’s constitution. They did not know what was happening.”
More like they didn’t WANT to know what was happening.
There’s nothing extraordinary about short-term comfort/convenience being chosen at the expense of long-term detriment, it’s intrinsic to the human condition
Finally a subject I can claim knowledge, disobedience just to be a contrarian. Caused a lot of commotion back in the day but now in bizarre world, north is south
Have you seen that actors scene of Ukrainian actor of note, think Z force. Anywho Z grabs some Austrian type short auto firearm and takes out the “Duma” Senate, House, Court. To tell you the truth if I had to rate crime, I’d add some karma and mark this scene down on the curve that needs flattening,
Don Quixote style(Q?), Thanks Mare
Simon, that lower vid is “unavailable” in US. Maybe send a substitute.
To dream the impossible dream??
That work, its worth it. Freedom of speech requires freedom of ears(not a gnostic, bit sus there now)
King of Hearts
Directed by Philippe de Broca
During World War I, in the latter days of World War I, German occupying forces retreat from the town of Marville, France, after planning to destroy the village with a secret bomb set to go off when the figure of a knight on the town’s clock tower strikes the midnight gong. Scottish soldier Private Plumpick is sent on a mission to a village in the French countryside to disarm a bomb set by the retreating German army.The townspeople get wind of this and flee in panic, alerting the Allied forces. Private Charles Plumpick, a gentle young Scotsman who cares only for poetry and his carrier pigeons, is sent to investigate. Plumpick investigation encounters a strange town occupied by the former residents of the local psychiatric hospital who escaped after the villagers deserted. Plumpick finding in Marville of the inmates of the town’s asylum, who take to the streets, houses, and shops and create their own eccentric community. Plumpick is declared “King of Hearts” by the lunatics and finds himself caught up in their lives while trying to find and defuse the bomb. Assuming roles like Bishop, Duke, barber, and circus ringmaster, they warmly accept the visitor as their King of Hearts. With his reconnaissance and bomb-defusing mission looming, Plumpick starts to prefer the acceptance of the insane locals over the insanity of the war raging outsideIn the course of his adventure, he falls for a pretty young inmate and soon begins to realize that the world of these so-called “mad” people is far preferable to the “sane” societies that wage meaningless war on each other.
De Broca began his career in the early 1950s making shorts and documentaries before stints as assistant director to Claude Chabrol on three films and Francois Truffaut on his first feature, The 400 Blows (1959). He then moved into directing his own features, most often comedies, beginning with The Lovers (1960), starring Jean-Pierre Cassel and featuring Chabrol himself in a small role. De Broca’s work began to attract an international following with such comedies as Cartouche (1962) and the spy spoof That Man from Rio (1964), both starring one of France’s leading actors, Jean-Paul Belmondo. This brought him to the attention of United Artists, one of the Hollywood studios most actively searching for new talent to import from among Europe’s growing stock of daring young directors, among them Truffaut, Michelangelo Antonioni, Louis Malle, and Costa Gavras. After a French premiere late in 1966, King of Hearts was selected as one of nine foreign-language films released worldwide through a distribution deal from UA in 1967.
The genesis of the movie can be traced to de Broca’s experience serving as an army newsreel cameraman in the Algerian war. He later said it was his time in North Africa that shifted his focus to comedy, a reaction to the ugliness and brutality of the world around him. The germ of the story itself came from a news item about 50 French mental patients during World War I who left their hospital after it was bombed, dressed themselves up in the uniforms of dead American soldiers, and wandered the countryside until they were mistakenly massacred by German troops.
The part of the German commander was given to de Broca’s frequent collaborator, actor-writer Daniel Boulanger, who had been Oscar®-nominated for writing That Man from Rio and who wrote the screenplay for King of Hearts. De Broca himself appears in one auspicious cameo (uncredited) as a young captain named Adolf Hitler who is crushed to learn his idea of burning the town down has been rejected by his commander. It was a sly reference to a war film released only a few months earlier, Is Paris Burning? (1966), its title taken from an eager quote by Hitler, who wanted his commanders to torch the French capital if they could not hold it or if the Allies got too close.
Yep and as an aside how’s Coco Chanel, and Tarantino for that matter
At 0.21:
“the real destruction is the wiping out of the plan to dominate and enslave the world”
In your dreams boy !
Whatever it takes to alert the Hoi polloi to the supernatural basis of said plan will be done.
And the aftermath?
“It shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD’S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.” ISAIAH 2:1 – 3
As “the law going forth from Zion” has never taken place there’s only two possible conclusions:
1)The passage is totally inconsequential woo-woo
2) At some future point it WILL happen
It would appear that said prospect was a bit of a sore point for Muḥammad Amīn Ṭāhir Muṣṭafā al-Ḥusayni, THE Islamic kingpin of the 1st half of the 20th century, because in a 1947 bid to block the first steps toward said advent, he petitioned the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Hungary as follows:
“You no doubt know of the struggle between the Arabs and Jews of Palestine, what it has
been and what it is, a long and bloody fight, brought about by the desire of the Jews to
create a national home, a Jewish State in the Near East, with the help and protection of
England and the United States. In fact, behind it lies the hope which the Jews have never
relinquished, namely, the domination of the whole world through this Important, strategic
center, Palestine.”
The question that needs to be asked is, why would anyone have called the patch of dirt referenced by Isaiah “an important, strategic center of world domination” at a point where it was largely a wasteland?
Mary Maxwell says, “We’re all pretty far removed from reality.” Defines serious psychiatric conditions.”
Mary Maxwell investigative news reporting interviewing with Alan Cantwell MD on never again has resurfaced with history repeating itself holocausts. Millions and millions of cases where apartheid never really ended exchanged with US supplied bioweapons
Perhaps a Nuremberg mock trial since hindering from powers that be as perilous situations grow and grow?
“We’re all pretty far removed from reality.”
So whose “we” ?
So far as I’m concerned the MSM-style slant re the application of said pronoun is unmistakable
“We deliberately spread AIDS in South Africa”
New documentary Cold Case Hammarskjöld South Africa’s Apartheid-era intelligence service says that the Aids virus, and other diseases, were deliberately spread among the population in an effort to kill off as many blacks as possible. Considered just the tip of the iceberg, has reignited the simmering debate about the whole phenomenon of Aids in Africa.
Francis MD Feb 1984 HBV Vaccine Bi Cohort pg 59
Page 94 Feb 1984 Heb B Vaccine Bi Cohort with placebo group too, notes some In placebo group added to vaccine group too afterwards. ,
“Oh, yes. The extent of infection surprised us. We’re talking about 50, 75 percent of our samples from San Francisco being positive”
Let it Spread policies to millions of children too
Donald Francis MD data let it spread policies critical outbreak deliberately by Reagan’s. The withholding PEP 72hr cure 87’ongoing FDA update 2000 everyone info availability decades vs viagra awareness. Speaks for itself. Actually speaks for more then itself.
Gary Webb CIA drug king pin thus spread diseases including HCV often untreated in million of veterans too from service injections in documentation in Webb’s books San Jose Mercury news reports and books Dark Alliance data many researchers.
WNV, Ebola, Zika, Lyme Disease see book Bitten, Michael Carbone M.D. SV40, GWS links with Anthrax Vax contamination links Meryl Nass M.D. Bio expert Autism Boom not in Amish and if diagnosis where are all the older missed cases of Autism? etc
Autism boom not in Amish – not yet anyways
Deep State needs more massacres to take down the 2nd amendment
It seems they change the definition of massacre every 4 years to increase the numbers, first was 4 dead, then 3 dead, looks like a double murder counts now.
Perhaps the numbers are actually going down.
California pop 40m
Texas pop 30m
Florida pop 22m
Colorado pop 6m
Pro-rata looks like California and Colorado have the most massacres, both pro-socialist states, Florida has the drugs coming in, probably same in Washington state