
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Not everyone realizes, yet, that we are in a police state. For those who do realize it, I offer two ways to get out of it. The first has to do with understanding the biological roots of authoritarianism and aggression. The second has to do with acknowledging the biological basis of law.
For the record, I am not sanguine about our chances; it looks to me that our future is bleak. Still, I feel helped by John Whitehead’s new word — “pathocracy” – to describe the condition of the guys who are running the show. Cleary they are disturbed, as their work is bound to end the very civilization that they enjoy!
PART ONE – The Biological Roots of Authoritarianism and Aggression
We see around us today a very anti-democratic, unconstitutional government. Can you imagine a US government telling businesses to lock down!
It’s well established – I won’t argue the case here — that a behind-the-scenes government has been operating for over a century in America. They meant to take over the country and were smart enough to use the educational system to deprive kids of the once-standard knowledge of our civic values.
They also knew enough to corrupt the three branches of government via bribery, blackmail, and/or intimidation. The “splendid” result of their work is that we citizens can no longer effectively turn, for help, to the judges or to the people we elected. Indeed, it almost looks like those people have resolved to mistreat us.
It is hard to know who belongs to the “secret” government. Some names that are known are Rothschild and Rockefeller. I’ll call their entity “the cabal,” for lack of a better word. The cabal must have formed at least as early as 1770 in Europe. Some contemporary parts of the cabal seem to be the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), and the IMF (International Monetary Fund).
Certainly, the six major media corporations are in it. I think the cabal has also got the US military brass in their control. You may think there would be competition among the top cabalists, as commonly seen between mafia groups, but it’s possible that they all cooperate, instead.
Their achievements so far, even if evil, are breathtaking in scope. Credit does not belong only to that elite; it belongs to us all, the human species. The goings-on could have been predicted by a study of the DNA, as I shall now argue.
Some animals travel in groups, such as wildebeest, but those groups do not have a structure. Some insect species, such as ants and bees, have terrific social organization. However, the brain of the individual ant or bee is wired to perform socially in a certain way — they can’t look around and strategize about what to do. Humans strategize – even long after the purpose of it has gone sour!
Evolution of Male Bonding — Lionel Tiger’s Theory
A few primate species have male bonding. Anthropology professor Tiger of Rutgers University, writing in 1968, gave a name to the “product” that may come about from two or more males working together. He said it created a “spinal cord” for their group. Human groups today, such as nations, have incredibly strong and complicated spinal cords. So, let’s consider what Lionel Tiger (b 1937) suggested. He is a careful scholar, but I’ll give only a broad-brush rendition, with page numbers from his book Men in Groups.
p 27. In baboons, as studied by Devore and Hall, certain of the adult males closely associated with each other and tended to support each other in aggressive interaction with other males. Some of these males were scarcely ever observed acting independently of each other in such episodes.
p 33. In langurs, the basic structure is the stable male hierarchy. Langurs are arboreal. Tiger thinks the move onto the savannah required better social structure. Tinbergen held that male bonding was a consequence of pre-hominid adaptation.
p 35. Dominance behavior involves cortical and amygdaloid parts of the brain. Michael Chance says there was a need for controlling the group’s internal aggression so cooperative hunting could occur. Tiger suggests that male bonding in humans is innate for defense, food gathering, and social-order maintenance. In a 1917 book, Carveth Read proposed that man is violent, as a result of hunting.
p 43. The specialization of hunting widened the gap between male and females. There were changes in posture, perception, and brain size. p 47 Robin Fox said that for evolution to have worked so fast there must have been selective breeding. In some primate species, members of the dominant bonds have priority access to estrous females.
p 47. The separation of humans’ ancestors from other primate stock began many millions of years ago. Chance says the development of inhibition (the holding back by sub-dominants) was crucial to the enlargement of the evolving human brain. The presence of weapons may have helped! (Misbehavior could lead to death.)
p 48. Perhaps guilt — a distinct experience of the human being — was important for modulating community behavior patterns. From interaction between individual and group we derived sense that actions and loyalties could be chosen. Tiger’s thesis is that the “spinal cord” gives location and structure to communities.
p 49. To have the physiological mechanism underlying male bonding is a precondition of reproductive success. In 1963 Margaret Mead observed that men are so domesticated they do not have time for national defense.
p 51. Teen boys have crushes on role models (girls do, too). p 55. Men act apart from women in armies, sports, the economic hierarchy, politics, and secret societies.
p 60. From a hierarchical linkage of significant males, communities develop their intra-dependence, their coherence and their continuity from past to future. Lowie formulated that territoriality and male groups are the basis of political activity.
p 60. Schapera thought that politics is the result of the occupation of territory with maintenance of law, and that law represents the cumulative decision-making and tradition of the dominant males. Tiger notes that the separation of the judiciary and politics is a relatively exotic notion and is incomplete.
p 61. We see that crowding has effects on health. Man’s need for an amount of space may be a biological given. Ardrey defined the biological nation as “a social group containing at least two mature males which holds as an exclusive possession a continuous area of space and which isolates itself from others through outward antagonism, and through joint defense of territory achieves leadership, cooperation, and a capacity for concerned action.”
p 85. Defense and social order are satisfied most effectively by soliciting subordinate or cooperative relationships with adult males. It is an ethological principle that behaviors accompanied by strong ‘emotion’ are likely to reflect situations which are very important to the survival of the animal.
p 86. Males are more directly socialized to accept and use violence. As for differences between male and female humans, it is the result of more than cultural practices and tradition. The pattern of male-bonding is anti-female. p 87. Maleness stands for the invariable prosecution of ends by means.
p 126. In secret societies, initiation ceremonies are often bizarre and cruel. Tiger states that he assumes openness is preferable to secrecy and that all-male groups are likely to act prejudicially to the good community. He also thinks concern with homosexuality has hindered social scientists from developing notions about the positive value of male bonds.
p 130. The stress in secret societies on the division of labor and the gradation of their members with great finesse and thoroughness suggests the close links between social affiliation, the creation of hierarchies and male bonding. Secrecy protects members from detection by authorities.
p 131. The secret society has the capacity to stimulate aggression. So do official secret groups such as the CIA or the NKVD – thanks to their unwillingness to yield to open authority and expose their workings. As Lorenz has speculated, animals who bond are animals who aggress. A good example is those youngsters who, having cooperatively formed teams to play games, then set about asserting one team’s dominance over another.
p 135. Candidates for the Great Hung League in China, circa 185 a.d. uttered this oath before mixing their blood: “I swear that I shall know neither father nor mother, nor brother nor sister, nor wife, nor child, but the brotherhood. Along where the brotherhood leads or pursues, there shall I follow or pursue; its foe shall be my foe.”
p 125. But secret societies have also been the agency of severe social change and the instrument of political revolutionaries. … Any group of persons who join together and hold secrets are committing an aggressive act which is bound to incite hostility and fear.
p 137. The Masons, the mafia, the Ku Klux Klan, etc. have been held, rightly or wrongly, to be the hosts of treason.
p 188. Not all men feel equally strongly about their male bonds; some will perform with strenuous loyalty, others with fear, apathy, or outright rejection. Unless there are mitigating circumstances, in wartime deserters will be shot. Yet men still desert, particularly where they feel hopeless or if they see uncaring and incompetent leadership.
PART TWO – The Biological Basis of Law
I began this article by saying that we are in a police state and that a pathocracy is running it. I promised to outline the biological explanation for authoritarianism and aggression – which I did, kindness of Lionel Tiger – and then sketch the biological basis of law.
I claimed that I can show a way out of the police state. Let me say now that “the way out” consists merely of our coming to see where we have been, and why. Once we get the picture, we should be able to think up something for the human future that is more worthy than a police state.
Remember when the Soviet Union had a police state? It began in 1917 and ended in 1990. Human knowledge has come a long way since then. Thanks to the Internet we have cracked open many secrets.
For more than four decades, I have been a student of the biological basis of law and morality. I read EO Wilson’s book Sociobiology in 1976, and did my PhD thesis on it in the 1980s. Some readers have a religious objection to evolution and thus cannot enjoy the amazing and beautiful creation of species that took place over millions of years. This is a pity as evolution supports morality.
How did morality come about? Earlier I mentioned that ants and bees have strong social organization. I guess you could say that such insects make sacrifices for others and are faithful to their tribe — behaviors that are moral in our species. But they don’t have an emotion that can cause them to take an interest in morality.
In humans, there are two developments that didn’t have “rightness” as their raison d’etre, but which happily paved the way for it. The first is our “stupidity” at birth. Unlike some other mammalian species, the young of Homo sapiens can’t go for a walk on the first day of life to fetch some food. They are wholly dependent on the mother.
She has to teach them everything, and therein lies the chance for the kid to find out right from wrong. In order for the young to be trainable, for survival, they have to have an innate emotion of distress when they get a disapproving look from a parent, and a happy feeling when they get congratulated. Later, if the church tries to sell them the Ten Commandments, they will buy it.
The other road to morality came, according to Robert Trivers, from reciprocal altruism. Humans make deals. Each human has a keen sense of having done a helpful act for “A” and wants “A” to return the favor. Thus, we can put ourselves in the shoes of any neighbor and understand if he has been wronged. The method for calculating justice is innate.
When I say that we ought to acknowledge the biology of law, I don’t mean that the content of the law is always good. I mean that we are biologically predisposed to want to have law in our society. “Ubi societas, ibi jus” – where there is society, there is law. People use the force of numbers to win justice.
As for the actual content of the law, it gets tended by people who are fascinated by it. Theologians and lawmakers have done wonders over the centuries to examine all the possibilities. They want to see how to encourage goodness and discourage folks from succumbing to temptations.
To repeat my statement above: I can show a way out of the police state … that “way out” consists merely of our coming to see where we have been, and why. Once we get the picture, we should be able to think up something for the human future that is more worthy than a police state.
During the COVID pandemic of 2020, the citizenry has been suddenly told that they are nobodies. They have been told that “for the social good” of containing an outbreak of disease, they must forget all their previous ideas of the dignity of man and simply obey government. Meanwhile, the government itself will not be made to follow any rules.
What? How did this happen? How did we not see what was taking place? Numerous writers have been trying for decades to expose government corruption. For at least a few years we have known that the US government is a front for someone else. Members of all three branches take their orders for On High. This must stop.
I am not sure we can stop it, since many people do not understand the political tricks. But at least we can say that, as Lionel Tiger proclaimed, secret societies are bad for us. What secrets are they keeping?
Surely the biggest secret they keep is about their own guilt. Note — they actually pay homage to law by hiding their crimes! It seems they do know right from wrong. They don’t want to get a disapproving or accusatory look from Mom.
Also, in order to cover it even from their own eyes, the biggest secret society today has made up a clever “theology” that says that disobeying the law is virtuous! So, do they worry that God will punish them? Hell no. Their god is the devil.
In my understanding of sociobiology, males form hierarchies and once an individual is pretty high up, his main concern is to avoid falling. I have long thought that the mad rush for control in our political system has got everything to do with that issue – concern about falling.
I recommend that we offer our overlords a safety net to fall into. They, today, have got unbelievable weapons with which to hold us bay and/or exterminate the lot of us. We probably have no way to conquer them physically (unless our military and police see the light and refuse to help them).
Please go back and read the above 20 paragraphs from Tiger’s book, Men in Groups. You will find in them all you need, for diagnosing the “pathocrats.” Try to be sympathetic. After all, none of them who are living today are the inventors of the big plan for our destruction.
Each of them was born to a Dad who saw it as normal, or if no family tie was involved, the silly lad got sucked into it without a real appreciation of where it was headed. Most likely each new recruit was focused on this amazing way for his career to take off and for him to have club protection.
The “brains of the outfit” have long had an easy time of telling lies. Lies are so easy to tell – most people believe whatever they hear. My guess is that the whole thing sort of snowballed. Even if an intelligent observer pointed to the absurdities, which of the “big” boys would dare to say “Yeah, I see. We ought to cancel out.”
Folks, do we want a police state? Do we want the air to be filled with drones that both spy on us and zap us with pain? Do we want to tell our children that any art they may create will have to pass a censor? Do we want to have only two social classes – billionaires and paupers? Must we continue to prop up the secret societies and kowtow to their mentally disturbed members?
Somehow we made it from a Neanderthal cave to the Berlin Philharmonic. There’s no law that says we have to go down a foolish, ugly road now.
It’s not all over till it’s over. K?
Who controls our Judas/treasonous politicans? It’s not the voters!
The Nation’s Credit: Senator Richard Darcey, 1941 ( ALP, Tasmania)
“…………………On one occasion I told honourable senators that the people who sent us here are under the impression that the 111 members of Parliament in Canberra comprise a national government engaged in the task of ruling Australia. I have told the people repeatedly that their assumption is entirely wrong and that Australia is governed by the associated banks.
Under the present system no government, can carry on its functions except by continuing the policy of borrowing. The only way to pay the ever-increasing interest bill is by borrowing still more. All money comes into existence through the banks in the form of a debt. That is why we are called upon to pay such tremendously high taxes to-day.
I have spent a considerable part of my life expounding my financial theories to the people, hoping that they will some day realize what a racket is being put over them under the present financial system, and that an obligation rests on the shoulders of every member of this Parliament to scrap it…………………”
“……..That is what I mean when I refer to corrupt governments. Any one who sacrifices the interests of the people for the benefit of profit-makers is a traitor. He is the fifth columnist of to-day-the enemy inside our gates.”
That’s quite so, XX, and I have been aware of it for close on 50 years.
However, the greatest enemy of the people is the superstition of the people that everything is a result of blind chance with no real cause or purpose, with no extrinsic why or how other than a crude hedonism of “survival” and pleasure and convenience. The culture that was the vehicle for the flourishing of great art and science was not the abject indulgence of brutal pleasures but the result of a great many men and women who testified to the existence of a truth and virtue above and beyond mere pleasure and convenience with their very life.
The likes of Maxwell/Mclachlan/Tiger are apologists for perverse psychopaths who imagine that “survival-of-the-fittest” is the ultimate justification for those who can must “run the show” as the next stage in the “evolution” of a Brave New World. A pathetic whimpering about “it’s just not right” is nothing more than the plaintive cries of a prey being devoured by a predator.
If one accepts the “Evolution” paradigm then there is no rational redress against the secretocracy imposing a “New World Order”.
Mr Singer agrees with you oldavid.
Charles Darwin On The Ouija Channel
January 24th, 2010
by Robert David Singer
Note: If you are not up-to-date with the debate over Evolution, Creationism and Intelligent Design, you will want to read the Preface Notes first, identified by a [p] at the beginning of the sentence. Preface Notes will separate fact from fiction and rumor from humor in my prima facie case for Intelligent Design.]
[p1] Professor Richard Dawkins, one of the greatest living “experts” on blind Watchmakers and selfish gene-centric Evolution got out his Ouija Board to channel the spirit of Charles Darwin, author of The Origin of Species and the father of Naturalism and Atheism.
Contacting Darwin was considered of a dangerous and controversial nature because if his current residence is Hell then a whole lot of evolutionary biologists will be out of work.
[p2] Dawkins and company agreed it was worth the risk because there aren’t enough Evolutionists to rip out the pages of one million copies of Ray Comforts new book linking Darwin and Natural Selection to Hitler.
Richard Dawkins (RD) was the designated medium and Niles Eldredge took the following notes.
Read on –
Notwithstanding the origin of the “unblemished bloodline/racial purity” argument that pervades most of your comments.
berry, what has the point you just made got to do with my post?
I’d have thought it was obvious:
Berry –
In this talk Professor Tony Martin cites from the thesis by Harold Brackman’s “The Ebb and Flow of History”.
From 24:00+ Professor Martin gets on to the core topic of the role of Jews in the African slave trade.
But the most fascinating section is when he is quoting from Harold Brackman, PhD (“The Ebb and Flow of History”), and from 31:00-ish describes the talmudic (and hence sequela biblical/Jewish Torah) teachings regarding the ‘Hamitic myth’ (aka “The Curse of Ham”). Some mind-numbing insights from there on…
The role of Jews in African slavery
Brackman explains why Africans have big eyes, curly hair and fat lips … Presumably Dr Brackman received his PhD for such analysis and comments.
Berry, pay particular attention from 33:00 and then rethink your source and what is obvious. It is the Talmud that defined, promotes and propagates ‘racism’.
So, due to some vogue rot or other that’s being flashed around re the evil Talmud you repudiate the claim and the inclusive reference that, quote,
“Darwin wasn’t the first to propose biological arguments for racism, but his works fueled the most ugly and deadly racism. Even evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould wrote, ‘Biological arguments for racism may have been common before 1859, but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory’ (Ontogeny and Phylogeny, 1977).”
If you don’t want to keep making a complete charlie of yourself I suggest you take a peek at the vid I just posted re MM’s 7 Oct secrecy article
Just for the record my sympathies don’t lie with either camp: Being butt ignorant about what God requires is obviously no better or worse than devoting yourself to a maze of ludicrous rules(like a 3 ½ walk in business shoes and a medieval bear hat isn’t work?)
Neither group is any more intrinsically dangerous than any other political/religious mob; the idea that Darwin was the devil incarnate is also misconceived.
It’s those who latched onto his theory as a means of lording it over others who’re accountable, racism being the least of the ruin they caused
Craig Murray
How a Police State Starts
October 4, 2020
In tha animal kingdom, all killers only take one victim at a time, for food only.
What makes our species different to all others, is that we destroy all life by bombing the ‘opposition’ to ashes. For that, we are the lowest of all living.
Jesus Christ offered a better way.
2000 years later, we have devolved so far down into the hellish realms.
We are everything but civilised, our rulers are all perverted pedophiles, drinking the blood of innocents.
The evol in power, have enough ammunition to ‘big bang’ this whole solar system into a black hole.
Even with these events unfolding, His infinite goodness is in our hearts.
All that’s needed is the first step, opposing lockstep.
We can if we try.
Many commentators have said:
They are prepared to destroy all life, if they cannot have it their way. I believe this could be true. If there is possession in any form; satanic worship, I think could apply too. If feels that this is where we differ to other species. Maybe the false lemming theory of the animals ‘suiciding’ over the cliff had a point for the human species. Like those humans who herded those animals off the cliff — in front of the cameras — I can think of countless human examples. The twin towers come to mind.
Dee, I’m aware of only one State actor that is ‘prepared to destroy all life, if they cannot have it their way’.
Of course I refer to none other than the Apartheid state of Israel.
This is well documented in their ‘Samson Option’ strategy.
It’s best encapsulated in the words of American Jewish author Ron Rosenbaum who says :
“What would serve the Jew-hating world better in repayment for thousands of years of massacres but a Nuclear Winter. Or invite all those tut-tutting European statesmen and peace activists to join us in the ovens?
For the first time in history, a people facing extermination while the world either cackles or looks away …… have the power to destroy the world. The ultimate justice ?”
Implicit in that statement above is the recognition that, should Israel be facing perceived destruction, and not necessarily at the hands of an adversary on the battlefield but through economic means such as Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions that threaten to decimate the economy, as a last resort the Israeli’s will launch nukes at some of the largest European cities that are within range of their long range missiles – even if said cities are from neutral countries that are not complicit in their demise.
This is a depraved mindset that is without precedent in human history.
Your article in ‘AltNews.org’ above was interesting Criss X, and I’m certainly not one to be defending the criminal Serco, but the claimed $ 4 Trillion in yearly gross revenue for them has to be a typo.
After all, Amazon and Apple combined had revenue in 2019 of not much more than half a trillion.
For what it’s worth, and Serco may well have income that it hasn’t declared, but officially they had GBP 3.2 billion of revenue in 2019 (so the article quoted $ 4 trillion is off by a factor of 1000 if the former figure is accurate).
Re the Samson Option
The Bank of England’s City of London is not a part of the UK. The Queen needs permission to enter their one mile square precinct. Meanwhile the Bank of England’s “Remembrancer” sits opposite the Speaker in the British Parliament.
The City’s Remembrancer
This role dates back to 1571 and now covers parliamentary, diplomatic, ceremonial and private events work. As the City of London Corporation is affected by many Acts of Parliament (for example those governing Hampstead Heath and Epping Forest) and has many interests (for example not only did we help found the Underground system in 1863, but we pursued the case for Crossrail for decades), we follow legislation closely and the Remembrancer plays a key role in this. He also supervises the many national and international events the City stages on behalf of the nation and his team runs our hire-venues.
You may say that the GOYIM will rise upon us, arms in hand, if they guess what is going on before the time comes; but in the West we have against this a manoeuvre of such appalling terror that the very stoutest hearts quail – the undergrounds, metropolitans, those subterranean corridors which, before the time comes, will be driven under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown into the air with all their organizations and archives.
And we’d better not challenge anything posted by TV or CC
Lest we be hit by a tirade of prevaricating crap
Coupled by one of TV’s infamous personal attacks
Don’t hold back Berry. Don’t be shy.
Tell us what you really think.
Berry, I welcome challenges that consist of thoughtful research.
But when you come back with Vicky Pollard skits or claim that the ‘Prince of Power in the Sky’ was behind 9/11, all I can say is that ‘Bold assertions require accompanying evidence’.
And you’ve yet to come up with anything of substance.
To add to Mary’s article “Humans make deals. Each human has a keen sense of having done a helpful act for “A” and wants “A” to return the favor. Thus, we can put ourselves in the shoes of any neighbor and understand if he has been wronged. The method for calculating justice is innate.”
And the opposite is true: Humans make deals. SOME humans have a keen sense of gaining gratification for harming “A” and taking advantage of “A”. Thus, we can put ourselves in the shoes of any neighbor and understand if the ‘powerful’ are at work, they must SHUT UP. COWARDICE IS NOW ACCEPTED by almost all in society.
Hence, it is easy to create a police state when most are fearful.
The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose
This book could literally change your life. Larken Rose argues that ‘authority’ is a figment of our imagination. More than that, is it a superstition (the most dangerous superstition) which has allowed governments to form and undertake all manner of atrocities. Consider for a moment that all people were actually equal, literally.
At the beginning, Tiger talks about his then-new book, The Manufacture of Evil. But if you want to hear something innovative (!) start at 26.00 where he discusses the merits of a cup of tea.
(Don Wreford, will like this. Don, are you out there? Please touch base.)
Dee has not been able to find out how this website throws up “Trending” articles each day. They do not match her list of articles that have actually been viewed.
Just now I noticed one that is supposedly trending, about ANZAC Day, so I went and read it. It is kind of spooky as to how it matches the Lionel Tiger quotes. (They are not verbatim quotes by the way, I abridged most of them.) Here is the ANZAC item:
I’ve noticed similar articles coming up, but have no explanation. Maybe there are AI beavers busy operating the list.
How does egalitarianism fit into this? Kids know discrimination – any parent should be able to tell you that.
Joshua, “our plan” according to the Lowy Institute.
Trump released from hospital, on steroids.
Why are doctors prescribing them as a miracle cure all drug for all ailments.
Seniors speeding. They may as well be on just ice.
My mother has been on a ‘low’ dose for three years. If not taking them she can’t move and is weak all over. These doctors are not here for our benefit. It is their plan.
The most effective way of keeping a Police State at bay is to be ever mindful of the fact that those who terrorise are living in a state of constant terror
No question in my mind as to the two delusions that stop the terrorised from taking authority accordingly:
1) The Monkeys to Man myth
2) The “cabal” theory
Berry, when I say “cabal” i know I am an idiot, but I need a phrase to indicate such things as this:
(or such things as the ability of a big team of bozos to pull off the destruction of 3 New York skyscrapers in broad daylight and survive 18 years, so far, without getting so much as an application of the cat o’ nine tails.)
My point about the cabal theory is that the bulk of the proponents don’t acknowledge that the higher/more powerful anyone appears to be the more enslaved they actually are.
I totally agree that they are enslaved, and a fair number of them got tortured in childhood, too.
Defo, GW BUSH.
IDIG (Re: your thoughtful comments below), welcome aboard.
I look forward to hearing more from you.
Thanks Mary for sharing the summary of page points from Lionel Tiger’s exploration into the biological basis of human behaviour. I know I have thought for ages that people do what they do, and you can’t explain it, and there are some that want to control everything.
Coming from a childhood raised in a fundamentalist religious family and then decades later having the courage to examine my “beliefs”, many things you say resonate with me regarding the Biological basis of our state of being.
Having moved my views from someone that believed in literal creation for my 1st 3 decades, to someone that appreciates the awesome complexity of Mr Darwin’s thesis of Evolution over the last 3 decades, I am interested to entertain Lional Tiger’s thesis. There are controllers, and the controlled.
It’s been humbling discovering that people much older than me have learned things that I am yet to discover. I learn the most when I make time to consider reading what people I know I will disagree with have to say.
I have been a GSN voyeur for some time now and have a sense of the people who comment. I may join from time to time. This is my first actual post here however I don’t expect to be a prolific writer. But then you never know.
The Protestant Fundamentalist is an interesting phenomenon. They’re practically all (40,000 and still counting) frantically opposed to Apostolic Christianity and, at least, sympathetic to Judaic Messianism.
If the purpose is to detach right reason from Christianity they have been pretty darn successful.
As Islam is the progeny of Judaism so has Christianity been Judaised.
“I am devoting my lecture in this seminar to a discussion of the possibility that we are now entering a Jewish century, a time when the spirit of the community, the nonideological blend of the emotional and rational and the resistance to categories and forms will emerge through the forces of antinationalism to provide us with a new kind of society.
I call this process the Judaization of Christianity because Christianity will be the vehicle through which this society becomes Jewish.” (Rabbi Martin Siegel, New York Magazine, p. 32, January 18, 1972)
The conflict of Judaism with Christianity –
Jewish supremacist rabbi, Harry Waton, confessed that not only is Communism Jewish, but that it is simply a mechanism for Jewish world dominion and the subjugation of all non-Jews — a fulfillment of the megalomaniacal messianic vision of the Torah and the Talmud. In his 1939 book, “A Program for The Jews and An Answer To All Anti-Semites: A Program for Humanity”, the racist rabbi wrote:
“It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews readily took up Marxism; all this was in perfect accord with the progress of Judaism and the Jews. The Jews should realize that Jehovah no longer dwells in heaven, but he dwells in us right here on earth; we must no longer look up to Jehovah as above us and outside of us, but we must see him right within us,” (p. 148) “Since the Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. Now, indeed, this is the historic destiny of the Jews,” (p. 99) “Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.” (p. 100) [pdf 2012 Feb] The Jew World Order Unmasked
Matthew 20:27 Context
24And when the ten heard it, they were moved with indignation against the two brethren. 25But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. 26But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; 27And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: 28Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. 29And as they departed from Jericho, a great multitude followed him. 30And, behold, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that Jesus passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David.
The “Jews” were a mixture of Canaanites, Edomites (Herod was an Edomite) and others, but Christ was a pure blood of the tribe of Judah. The inscription written over Him meant “This is the King of the tribe of Judah”. Luke 23:38 Moultons Greek Dictionary.
Tempting to respond oldavid. What the heck. I am a newbie here.
Please notice that I was acknowledging Mary and what she has learned. She never occurs to me as a Preacher. I think of her as a Generous Sharer.
Also sharing my journey from religious indoctrinion to my own self examination… it’s not complete. Turns out I don’t know everything.
It would be possible to debate whether my journey out of religious belief was for what ever reasons you fear.
It took ages oldavid. At great cost to friends and family relationships, but not my integrity.
Welcome IDIG, a most thoughtful and thought-provoking comment.
We’ve all heard the question:
“Where were you when … “
• JFK was assassinated
• Neil Armstrong … blah (forget the telemetry tapes and forgotten technology)
A year or two back Dee and Mary invited responses to a similar question along the lines “When did you realise that 911 was an ‘inside job’/controlled demolition. (I refer to the many posts and comments here at Gumshoe, particularly books, articles, interviews and speeches by Christopher Bollyn) – and no bg/dsw, it wasn’t “George Bush and the Saudis”)
It was fascinating to hear of your personal journey involving the question “when did I realised there was no God”.
I will share mine as I can find time to put it to words and in the meantime I look forward to many more of your insights and contributions to Gumshoe {‘GSN’ to ‘voyeurs’ – I wish you had picked a less ‘colourful’ synonym … ].
Cheers and welcome.
[quote IDIG] Tempting to respond oldavid. What the heck. I am a newbie here. [/quote]
Well, I’m not new here, IDIG, and I’m not famous for being “politically correct” or for endorsing fashionable opinions that are demonstrably wrong. Please feel free to respond, criticise, or even ridicule me any time you like. I’m not a snowflake that will simply melt away in the sunshine. I am not afraid of fashionable nonsense no matter how commonplace it is.
I’m not questioning your integrity but it would be possible to debate whether your journey out of one erroneous religious belief into another was for reasons I don’t fear. I doubt that such a debate would be welcome here where the symptoms are assumed to be the disease but the causative pathogen is dearly beloved and beyond reproach.
Please notice that I was acknowledging Mary and what she has not learned and will not consider. The law is an ass (a donkey, a beast of burden) not the law-giver and not the purpose of the law. Blardy lawyers are a sly bunch parading all kinds of smoke and mirrors.
If you would like a debate please indicate your intention and if this fairly public forum is not agreeable to such I will again publish my email address so that you can contact me to debate in private.
What the heck. I’ll respond again. It turns out I break my own promises to myself.
I actually appreciate your reply. Something I said has caught your attention otherwise you would ignore me altogether. So it’s a welcome change. I choose not to respond to each point you make, whether I agree or disagree today, but if your would indulge me a couple of points.
It’s possible we have common points of view. We should stick with them for a constructive discussion.
Being an ‘ol’ anyone, if you haven’t figured out how to ignore the acceptance or not of others with your your POV with people around you by now, have a bit more courage and trust your own instinct, So I am with you an not being fashionable or Politically Correct.
Still on your 1st paragraph. Ridicule is the resort of someone without an argument. I won’t do that.
On your 2nd paragraph, you assume I have beliefs and I changed them from one erroneous set to another. I ask you to consider that I am beyond the concept of belief. The best I have a is a provisional POV. It is subject to change as I learn new things. That’s the main reason I don’t evangelise anymore (unlike my 1st 30 years). I keep changing my mind.
On you 3rd paragraph, you reminded me of something I read some time ago that really resonated with me personally. I know that people that have the word “Lord” at the beginning of their name don’t mean as much these days, but indulge me with this one from Lord Chesterfield, statesman and writer (22 Sep 1694-1773)
Wear your learning, like your watch, in a private pocket, and do not pull it out and strike it merely to show you have one. If you are asked what o’clock it is, tell it, but do not proclaim it hourly and unasked, like the watchman. -Lord Chesterfield, statesman and writer (22 Sep 1694-1773)
Goodoh, IDIG, I agree with Chesterfield in so far as to go about boasting of supposed “credentials” is to be not much more than a rather noisy empty vessel trying to attract attention. On the other hand, if one (like, say, a parent or teacher) has vital information and kept it concealed they would be seriously remiss in their duty and would be, at least, partially responsible for the production of vacuous narcissists like the Beatles’ Lemon.
If you are really “beyond the concept of belief” then your mind would have to implode like an evacuated plastic bottle. You can’t even take a bus without the implicit belief that the driver will take you to your destination.
My interest in POV’s (points of view) is mostly only as a fairly charitable excusement of how one might arrive at a wrong conclusion. Sure, anyone can be mislead and reform their perceptions and opinions at any time. But the mere concept of being mislead immediately assumes that there is a right answer out there somewhere.
The “cop out” belief is that because there are many wrong answers there is no right answer; it’s as absurd and self-contradictory as the “agnostic wisdom” that assumes that “the only thing you can know for sure is that you can’t know anything for sure”. (Except your changeable-by-the-moment “feelings”, of course).
You say: “It’s possible we have common points of view. We should stick with them for a constructive discussion.” I say: Borls! that’s a con-job intended to get me to appear to agree with your prejudices. Let’s thrash out our points of contention and let the “common points” just emerge in the wake.
“I doubt that such a debate would be welcome here where the symptoms are assumed to be the disease but the causative pathogen is dearly beloved and beyond reproach.”
Well said,but it’s critical to remember that the prospective reception to anything is immaterial to what God requires
And which of your self installed gurus is going to determine “what God requires”??
What gurus ?
Or are you referring to some of the sermons I’ve posted ?
Gaining any real insight from what someone else says is actually diametrically opposed to giving them some sort of special status
Hello to everyone,
I received this email this afternoon in reference to the Omnibus Bill currently before the Victorian Parliament, that gives powers to any person, (no qualifications needed) to arrest, INDEFINITELY anyone who MAY commit a breach of the Covid directives. They can remove anyone they so desire, children can be removed indefinitely, as well as the elderly etc. Once you have been jailed without charges, and no right to representation, how can you defend yourself? They no longer require a warrant, they can enter anywhere, and do whatever.
This bill is urgent and I ask all to quick a quick objection, and forward on to as many people as you can.
——– Forwarded Message ——–
Subject: URGENT – less than 24hrs left to object the Omnibus bill
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2020 03:44:36 +0000
From: Reignite Democracy Australia admin@reignitedemocracyaustralia.com.au
Reply-To: Reignite Democracy Australia admin@reignitedemocracyaustralia.com.au
I have been contemplating the waste of mind taken up by concepts rather than reality. For example a rock is on the ground. You pick up the rock. You then drop the rock. The rock falls down. Now Newton’s concept is that a magical something called gravity caused the rock to fall and Einstein claimed that it was the bending of space time. Instead of just accepting the laws of nature. What goes up must come down. Mankind generally can no longer reason it would appear. When the coronavirus event began I asked people I met are you researching viruses? No one I met had or were going to research viruses. That we live in a creation is not possible to dispute and a creation has a Creator. Mankind was designed to live on earth and in harmony with creation. Unfortunately, man can also create but the consequences of his creations may cause him much suffering. Cause and effect is a natural law principle, beware!!! the effect may come quite awhile after the cause.
John Lennon at 80: One Man Against the Deep State ‘Monster’
“…………Sadly, not much has changed for the better in the world since Lennon walked among us.
Peace remains out of reach. Activism and whistleblowers continue to be prosecuted for challenging the government’s authority. Militarism is on the rise, with local police dressed like the military, all the while the governmental war machine continues to wreak havoc on innocent lives across the globe.
For those of us who joined with John Lennon to imagine a world of peace, it’s getting harder to reconcile that dream with the reality of the American police state.
Meanwhile, as I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, those who dare to speak up are labeled dissidents, troublemakers, terrorists, lunatics, or mentally ill and tagged for surveillance, censorship, involuntary detention or, worse, even shot and killed in their own homes by militarized police.
As Lennon shared in a 1968 interview:
“I think all our society is run by insane people for insane objectives… I think we’re being run by maniacs for maniacal means. If anybody can put on paper what our government and the American government and the Russian… Chinese… what they are actually trying to do, and what they think they’re doing, I’d be very pleased to know what they think they’re doing. I think they’re all insane. But I’m liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That’s what’s insane about it.”
So what’s the answer?
Lennon had a multitude of suggestions.
“If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there’d be peace.”
“War is over if you want it.”
“Produce your own dream…. It’s quite possible to do anything, but not to put it on the leaders…. You have to do it yourself. That’s what the great masters and mistresses have been saying ever since time began. They can point the way, leave signposts and little instructions in various books that are now called holy and worshipped for the cover of the book and not for what it says, but the instructions are all there for all to see, have always been and always will be. There’s nothing new under the sun. All the roads lead to Rome. And people cannot provide it for you. I can’t wake you up. You can wake you up. I can’t cure you. You can cure you.”
“Peace is not something you wish for; It’s something you make, Something you do, Something you are, And something you give away.”
“If you want peace, you won’t get it with violence.”
And my favorite advice of all:
“Say you want a revolution / We better get on right away / Well you get on your feet / And out on the street / Singing power to the people.”
“Peace is not something you wish for; It’s something you make, Something you do, Something you are, And something you give away.” – A statement I agree with, you can’t make peace with violence. Unfortunately, as many of us strive for that peace, there are others that are void of a conscious. Some even delight in harm to others – they like the Police State.
A mate of mine proposed a law that it should be legal to kill ONE person every year without penalty. He felt that all the violent people would start thinning themselves out and thieves, liars, con-men, etc. would be eliminated without much worry or expense. I actually gave his proposal some thought, it could work. Once the scum of humanity was eliminated, the remaining people would likely be very friendly to each other – or else…
I wish I had a solution. This has been a persistent problem through out history, and so far the only societies that I know of that had a working system were small native communities. They would ostracize the offending person. Without the benefit of the tribe, the person would perish. If a person was caught in a three lies, then good-bye. The Inuit people had another solution to a psychopath in the community, after repeated warnings by the elders, the offender would get pushed off the ice into the water.
If someone figures out a solution, feel free to forward it on to the people of Victoria.
The conflict of Judaism with Christianity –
Jewish supremacist rabbi, Harry Waton, confessed that not only is Communism Jewish, but that it is simply a mechanism for Jewish world dominion and the subjugation of all non-Jews — a fulfillment of the megalomaniacal messianic vision of the Torah and the Talmud. In his 1939 book, “A Program for The Jews and An Answer To All Anti-Semites: A Program for Humanity”, the racist rabbi wrote:
“It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews readily took up Marxism; all this was in perfect accord with the progress of Judaism and the Jews. The Jews should realize that Jehovah no longer dwells in heaven, but he dwells in us right here on earth; we must no longer look up to Jehovah as above us and outside of us, but we must see him right within us,” (p. 148) “Since the Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. Now, indeed, this is the historic destiny of the Jews,” (p. 99) “Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.” (p. 100) [pdf 2012 Feb] The Jew World Order Unmasked
Matthew 20:27 Context
24And when the ten heard it, they were moved with indignation against the two brethren. 25But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. 26But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; 27And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: 28Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. 29And as they departed from Jericho, a great multitude followed him. 30And, behold, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that Jesus passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David.
Judah married and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods——a Canaanite woman. Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10 who later intermarried with the children of Esau/Edom. Herod was an Edomite.
The “Jews” were a mixture of Canaanites, Edomites (Herod was an Edomite) and others, but Christ was a pure blood of the tribe of Judah. The inscription written over Him meant “This is the King of the tribe of Judah”. Luke 23:38 Moultons Greek Dictionary.
Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows”
There is the remains of an iron age village at the mouth of Lyse fjord (Stavanger, Norway) Adjacent to the village is a large rock outcrop (ca 200m high). The name of this rock is (Ut burden). A persistent trouble maker would be taken by the villagers and thrown off the top of the rock to take the burden away.
Jack the Lemon of Beatles fame is a proper drongo primed and paid with notoriety and money to sell a stupid, shallow sentimentality to a generation detached from Reason based in Reality by the comfort and convenience afforded by technology and the ignorance afforded by an “education” system that despised the rules of logic and the evidence of history.
He was enslaved by Reichian philosophies; only just managed to bust out of them myself
Politicians love money. Cut off their supply and they will very quickly be brought to heel.
COVID Pushback: Courts Partially Cancel Executive Overreach in Several US States
THE STORY: COVID lockdown restrictions have been extreme in the US and worldwide, however several lawsuits have now been heard on the matter.
THE IMPLICATIONS:There are good signs that courts have ruled in favor of freedom and individual rights, but ultimately, we cannot expect courts to save us or deliver us freedom. Freedom comes from within; we must peacefully and powerfully demonstrate that.
This is not about just males bonding. Psychötöcracy, rule of the psychotic, for the psychotic, by psychopaths, is another word for cölönialism. No one is left behind.
Who were the colonialists who left south Wales to settle in New South Wales?
South Wales moved to the New South Wales
So you repudiate the claim that, quote,
“Darwin wasn’t the first to propose biological arguments for racism, but his works fueled the most ugly and deadly racism. Even evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould wrote, ‘Biological arguments for racism may have been common before 1859, but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory’ (Ontogeny and Phylogeny, 1977).”
Together with the respective reference I take it
As for the vogue rot that’s being bandied round re the Talmud I suggest you take a peek at the vid I just posted re MM’s 7 Oct secrecy article
All of the above thinkers and philosophers views are predicated on the belief that Anthropology has accurately defined man, cultures, history and prehistory.
Having lived for most of my life within north-east Arnhem Land Aboriginal culture, which presents a songline history that goes back at least 20,000 years (ignore grossly exaggerated estimates), I have the advantage of that insight into prehistoric man. Ergo, he is still with us, if you know how to listen. Anthropology as a discipline, sought to differentiate man as a universal creature as opposed to his regionally disparate nature and behaviour, which we now know as CULTURE.
What I have identified is that human behaviour has been grossly misinterpreted, as has Law, War, social organisation, and the real nature of leadership.
My cameo conclusion is that leadership and dictatorship are merely shades and depths of the same form of social organisation; the opposing default method being people power, AKA populism and democracy; multiple entities being family / neighbourhood / village / tribe.
Likewise, what the philosophers think of as Law, is in fact the historical reaction-progression against oppression. For example, Australian Aborigines have Law (Rom/Madayin) in the complete absence of historical oppression. Thus their law is entirely positive and, philosophically, demands human compliance with the essential universal laws of phisics… ie the eternal counterbalance of positive and negative; which Aborigines call Yirritja and Duwha. Some 17,000 years later the Chinese recognised this as Yin and Yang but, unlike Aborigines, were unable to incorporate this into all social behaviour.
If I were to whittle the cameo down to its nucleus, I would say we need to learn to live with nature, not against it; which of course includes us as part of nature.
Ironically, American Populism of the 1880s understood this well but was defeated by Mary’s Cabal… who also killed Lincoln and two Kennedys. By the way, all parties to the Cabal are known and named. It was started by Mayer Rothschild immediately following the Battle of Waterloo and has progressively married other entities ever since, some much older.
Thanks, Tony.
You have really helped some of us that have been born into a rich culture of language, logic and altruism to appreciate the benefits of the “New World Order’s” agendas. We never would have suspected that a gruelling “survival of the fittest” could be the programme to eliminate the “unfit” or “unusable” from the DNA database.
Check your maniac mentors from times gone by. Our beloved boongs are nothing but poor people who are denied the advantages of civilisation by exclusion or repudiation. Go as hard as you like with anthropologist’s bulshit that claims that infanticide, cannibalism are the mainstay of “sustainable” development.
It is incomprehensible that even two people in 4,000 years could produce only about 800 warring clans and not one “civilisation”.
Yes, thanks, Tony. My sympathy is with the Boongs that are being used by the bitter and twisted haters of Truth and Virtue.
Old David… You would make a great model for a character in a sitcom, an even more hilarious classic than the 1960’s Alf Garnett.
You’re too kind, Tony. However, the Jew, Warren Mitchell, who played Alf Garnett, was designed to ridicule even the silly effigy of Christianity that was the Judaic/Messianic megalomania of the ” British Israel World Federation”.
Yep! the same mob who assumed that Aus abos and Africans and many other remote peoples were “emerging” from monkeys and could be treated as a “nuisance” and dealt with accordingly. Poor people who are fugitives or exiles from civilisation are not “emerging” but are crashing. We should hold out a helping hand.
Unless, of course, you rooly, rooly, hate truth and virtue as transcendental, metaphysical reality, then you will endorse anything at all that is shallow, sentimental, irrational and all the rest of the “New Age” slopage.
Orrite, Tony. I didn’t come down in the last shower. About 1/3 of the children in my Primary School were abos or half caste. I roughly know about those poor people. And I spent some time in a “Mission” in Northern W.A. If your intention is to portray the grief of humanity as the “saviour” then you’d better put your money where your mouth is and play a monkey.
Here is another example of solicitor being intimidated by police thugs strikeforce
[…] The dramatis personae in this story are group attachment, morality, and ideals. In a GumshoeNews article of October 5, 2020, entitled “How To Overcome Today’s Police State,” I used the […]