By Malcolm R. Hughes
94 deaths in Gibraltar caused by Covid-19, approx 83 of those died after receiving the Covid “vaccine”, but according to Reuters Fact Checkers there is no relationship to the “vaccine”. Oh yeah! Of course, we would believe employees of a newspaper, wouldn’t we? How can you die of a disease for which you have received a preventative?
This got me thinking of why the push for vaccination is becoming even more extreme. With the deaths and injuries of this monster, (Covid “vaccine”) rising, why are the authorities not demanding a halt to this procedure to await a conventional vaccine. In my opinion, the answer is because there can never be a conventional vaccine. Why not?
A conventional vaccine has a culture of the original virus in it. As there is no real Covid-19 virus, no culture can be obtained. The CDC in March 2020 confirmed that “THE VIRUS” was no more than a moderate flu. Where was that reported in the MSM?
In any case, that would defeat the real purpose of the Covid-19 exercise. That is, to kill off a big percentage of the population and a way to insert a bio-weapon into every man, woman, and child of this planet. A bio-weapon to change our DNA, extinguish our immune system, to do all our financial dealings, to follow our purchases, to change our mood, to read your thoughts, control your body blood flow, temperature, blood pressure, to control your movements and much more.
Worse news is yet to come. It is now known that those injected with this deadly “vaccine” are a menace to those not “vaccinated”. Those “vaccinated, if not killed are reporting with neurological reactions such as thrombosis, blood clotting, pain, sleeplessness, Bell’s palsy, continuous headaches, memory loss and dementia. Even pain with Bell’s palsy which is something new. (Canadian Dr Charles Hoffe) Video from 4 minutes 50.
Those that have been in near proximity to “vaccinated” persons are reporting miscarriages, extensive bleeding, women in sixties age bracket having menstrual cycle restart, bleeding in eye, and baby girls bleeding from the vagina.
To say that the “vaccine” producers had no idea of the dangers of their product is a lie. Check video from about 8 minutes; then 14 minutes. Scary stuff!
Today (10/05/2021) we have a report from www.gumshoenews.com
“According to Central Bureau of Statistics data during January-February 2021, at the peak of the Israeli mass vaccination campaign, there was a 22% increase in overall mortality in Israel compared with the previous year. In fact, January-February 2021 have been the deadliest months in the last decade, with the highest overall mortality rates compared to corresponding months in the last 10 years.”
Weren’t we told that with the rollout of the VACCINE, all our troubles would be over?
Like all the other lies associated with this scam. Bad news for you. Check this report. Or HERE.
Is there any good news for 2020/ 2021? Can’t wait for future news in 2022. Can’t say that I am optimistic regarding next year though.
Although the below video appears to be 6 months or more old, it is well worth watching. What Dr Tim describes is still ongoing. “Stupidity seems to have no end”. (my quote)
It has come to my attention that the MSM and government agencies are now blurring the lines between Covid and coronavirus Sars2 in their discussions. Covid was always named, coronavirus Sars 2 Covid until recently. Depending on the topic being pushed they now use the term coronavirus Sars 2. Looks like even they are admitting there is no Covid-19.
It has come even more obvious that the Covid virus has never existed and that the “vaccine” is a dangerous weapon. Why have Youtube.com and other social media companies been continually removing any information in video format downloaded by international doctors and virologists?
They say that it is negative information that the public should not be exposed to. What right do these nonmedical entities have to make that decision? In my opinion, they are exposing themselves as fraudsters and perpetrators in this ongoing crime, as are the politicians of the world.
Leigh Dundas Video
(from Terry)
I mentioned on another forum about Ivermectin. Some bloke came back with my post being “rubbish” from top to bottom. I then posted a link to the above video in response. He replied “oh great, an internet video”.
Perhaps there will be a few people that may learn from the video, but I expect that bloke will be another dumb-ass removed from the gene pool.
May sound a little harsh – Crazy covidiots deserve to be eugencided!!
the man you refer to calling ivermectin rubbish …………. who was he? Australia’s Minister of health or Prime Minister Morrison, by any chance?
Nahh! Just one of the lying mass media editors no doubt as per the 24 minute mark.
Why cannot those responsible for hiding a appropriate treatment be charged with aiding and abetting genocide.
Ned, I modify chainsaws and it was an exchange on a chainsaw forum. Some of the guys aren’t exactly the intellectual level of being brain surgeons.
I thought brain surgeons used chainsaws? Well, to start off.
Here’s my reply to his dumb-ass reply – “I sent the video as I didn’t think you would want to work through the medical literature. Sorry if that offended you.”
I’ll let his intellectual limits figure out a reply…- Kinda like playing chess…
“Why not?
A conventional vaccine has a culture of the original virus in it. As there is no real Covid-19 virus, no culture can be obtained.”
Mal never deviates.
Thank you, Mal. I agree with you on the no-covid story, You and Jon Rappaport have never yielded an inch.
Is there any explanation as to how the health authorities call new strains / variants and give them special NAMES:
“B.1.1.7: This variant was first identified in the US in December 2020. It was initially detected in the UK.
B.1.351: This variant was first identified in the US at the end of January 2021. It was initially detected in South Africa in December 2020.
P.1: This variant was first detected in the US in January 2021. P.1 was initially identified in travelers from Brazil, who were tested during routine screening at an airport in Japan, in early January.
B.1.427 and B.1.429: These two variants were first identified in California in February 2021 and were classified as VOCs in March 2021.”
Maybe it’s on a par with calling Jahar Tsarnaev “Bomber Two”.
Mary, what a compliment, to be named alongside Jon Rappaport. Thank you.
I wanna be named alongside Serene Teffaha. Has anybody heard from her?
Is she dead yet? (I don’t mean I want to be alongside her in that sense.)
It annoys me no end that Rand Paul won’t admit he was deliberately injured “for certain reasons” by the guy who slammed his back and damaged his lung. At least Serene points the finger in the right direction.
You go, Serene. You’ll win. They’re wanting to abandon the sinking ship anyway, poor buggers.
Serene has a hearing at Supreme Court of Vic. on 4 June. She wrote on 7 May:
“Serene is scheduled to appear in the Supreme Court of Victoria on 4 June 2021 to contest the application made by the Victorian Legal Services Board to seek her client information, without their approval, consent, knowledge or instruction, from 2016 onwards. There is a question of law which she is disputing and that is that the client information will be forced to be passed on to VLSB and Jacob Uljans without your approval. Serene believes this is legal nonsense. The law is clear that you are not compelled to deal with Jacob Uljans or any other entity…”
There is other information regarding her activity but I am not going to disclose it as it was sent to Claimants.
Thank you for the update, Duns. It seems Uljans was, as many young barristers are, an impecunious party….
So far as MSM reports go this strikes me as being reasonably sober:
VAERS shows massive US increase in deaths from COVID vax.
These are FACTS Folks.
1st Quarter 2018 – 12 deaths
1st Quarter 2019 – 18 deaths
1st Quarter 2020 – 23 deaths
1st Quarter 2021 – 2917 deaths
The above story has summed up the situation very well. I take it that the people behind this psyop to depopulate the world will not be affected by the production of their body poisoning substances.
Vaccine Side Effects & Deaths at Alarming Rates – Dr. Charles D. Hoffe Interview
This Canadian doctor defies gag order and tells the public how the Moderna covid injections killed and permanently disabled people in his community.
https://www.bit chute.com/video/NkX5Ny6L52v3/
crisscross767 – The web address you have given doesn’t work unless you close the space between ‘bit’ and ‘chute’ (which shouldn’t be there). I have seen the interview with Dr Hoffe at another website, and it is certainly enlightening about the potential adverse side effects of the Moderna vaccine.
Michael B, it has to be done that way otherwise the censoring process on this blog will not allow the post to appear.
crisscross767 – I’ll take your word for it, but I don’t really understand why. Other links on this site appear without gaps, and they can be clicked on and will take you directly to the webpage concerned. Does “the censoring process on this blog” apply only to bitchute, or are other websites involved? And who/what is doing the censoring?
I haven’t had this trouble myself – I post Bitchute links using my laptop either directly on Gumshoe page or via WordPress, but I have seen this comment by various people, and suspect they are posting via ?Captcha and/or another device. On other sites, however, I cannot post Bitchute OR Unz Review – the comment is just ignored and I have to set it up again by disguising bit_chute as CC has done.
Experimenting …
My login used to censor bitchute and now it doesn’t, I had problems with other email addresses and changed to this one, haven’t had much issues with this login. When I test the old ones they are still crook.
I know this is slightly off the question but in reality it hits the nail on the head. (I was born into it so I do know a few things about it) what if there has been a govt buried underneath all govts? And this is why the negligence and lack of facts confuse the world? The hidden govt has existed from the beginning and the world leaders, educators, medical professionals and legal system are all in it together. Judges dismiss the cases, drs purposely kill people, educators dumb down the youth. You keep asking how? Why? Because they all belong to same hidden govt which is the real govt, worldwide. The first degree= if you snitch on a brother you are DEAD. It’s an oath, those who break it get killed. I renounced it over 10 yrs ago. The freemasons run this covid vx psyop. They planned it carefully with fear, it worked. Now we have little robots walking around infecting the healthy. Saw a good vid on it from vigilant citizen.com. their use of the term “mandate” to force masks illegally….it’s in their encyclopedia. Now I see why you see so many grown men with ugly black masks.
Thank you Kay spot on
“I was born into it so I do know a few things about it”
Please watch–it will be a challenge–but as Mary would say– “she is the real deal’
THE EYE OF THE STORM Part One APRIL 2021 with Angie!
April 30, 2021
The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness
Salk researchers and collaborators show how the protein damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease
While the above paper focuses strictly on Covid-related issues, it unavoidably raises questions about the new vaccines that contain billions of spike proteins that could greatly increase the chances of severe illness or death. Here is an excerpt from the article dated April 30, 2021:
“In the new study, the researchers created a “pseudovirus” that was surrounded by SARS-CoV-2 classic crown of spike proteins, but did not contain any actual virus. Exposure to this pseudovirus resulted in damage to the lungs and arteries of an animal model—proving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease. Tissue samples showed inflammation in endothelial cells lining the pulmonary artery walls. (Note– “Vascular endothelial cells line the entire circulatory system, from the heart to the smallest capillaries.”)
The team then replicated this process in the lab, exposing healthy endothelial cells (which line arteries) to the spike protein. They showed that the spike protein damaged the cells by binding ACE2. This binding disrupted ACE2’s molecular signaling to mitochondria (organelles that generate energy for cells), causing the mitochondria to become damaged and fragmented.
Previous studies have shown a similar effect when cells were exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but this is the first study to show that the damage occurs when cells are exposed to the spike protein on its own.” (“The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness”, Salk.edu)
Malcolm Hughes – quote from your post:
“It has come to my attention that the MSM and government agencies are now blurring the lines between Covid and coronavirus Sars2 in their discussions. Covid was always named, coronavirus Sars 2 Covid until recently. Depending on the topic being pushed they now use the term coronavirus Sars 2. Looks like even they are admitting there is no Covid-19.”
You are confusing the name of the virus and the name of the disease it causes. The official name of the virus is SARS-CoV-2. ‘CoV’ is short for coronavirus.The name of the disease it causes is CoViD-19, short for ‘CoronaVirusDisease-2019’. 2019 because that was the year it was identified. The two names are not interchangeable.
Have not examined it yet.
Re Ivervectim.
Your article is spot on, thank you.
Where all this is leading to….. workers at Amazon warehouses wearing nappies to skip bathroom breaks.
22 min mark CDC re masks outside, you were all suckered. (remember Dan’s VIC police f wit thugs arresting the ‘maskless’ outside!!)
Then some more facts. The politicians were suckered re Fauci and Wuhan, plus hydroxy.
Poor Coca Cola, Golden Globes, Disney. Jan 6th false flag etc,
Hilarious 35 min mark. UK to require ID to vote. No worries here, our politician’s will not have that here. I will still be able to vote as many times as the others.
Then more on the audit of the election using Dominion hiding router passwords. So who assessed the network that the frauds are hiding?
When all exposed going to be fun for our lying mass media, ABC, shock jokes and politicians to explain why they are in bed with frauds and the fascists. Ah, they might try a ‘information blackout’ to hide their lies, well they have been practicing that for decades. Not going to work this time.
Don’t expect any leadership from our adequately paid leaders, they pretend to open the borders then pretend they have to close them again, all the while pretending there is no ordinary medicine (available over the counter for decades in Asia), don’t expect leadership from any of our leaders, only mavericks like Craig Kelly, Bob Katter, Andrew Wilkie ever come out with the truth, the party people don’t care if they will roast in hell, they stay in line. Hell is out of style.
That is because they are controlled by the corporate globalist’s banker agenda rather than putting freedom for Australians first.
Ref: NWO exposed by insider 1969.
Note the forecast that Travel will be ‘’banned’’ (except if you are one of the globalist controlling fascists)
Wake up dickheads, our politicians and mass media are traitors and anti-democracy.
So how to have travel banned and controlled, bring in a COVID control to justify imprisonment of citizens.
Then control us with vaccination certificates when vaccination alternatives are censored for vaccination dogs for profit
They want us dead, we are a ‘ deplorable’ nuisance so far as their controllers consider.
“watch the vaxxed woman in the background as she drops dead”
Sorry w3, those you mention are merely suspect bs as controlled opposition
since when of anyone you mention considered the collapse of building 7
They are as all just controlled BS
Yes everyone is controlled by way of their income stream but those named independents do push on with their chosen issues. I have found in politics you are lucky if you get one or two things you want, even for the greater good. As for getting everything you want, forget it, unless Mein Trumpf can deliver, and that will be once in a lifetime.
We now have only one chance to deliver in 2,000 years
Travelled on the bus today – on the way home, all seats taken and shoulder to shoulder standing room. Absolutely chockers. Not a single sniffle, polite cough or mask and not a f*cking iota of a chance of catching anything. I am consistently with you on that Mal.
A couple of related articles
• The Great British Coronavirus Flu Hoax – John V
• Simple Dot Graphic Exposes the Covid Con – Mike King
I can’t help thinking that as the Lakota women and children were being cut down by bullets and sabres on December 29, 1890, that someone yelled out – “No, it’s not the US Cavalry – we’re all just falling over and dying for some unknown reason” – for which I am sure health professionals/’medical experts’ will come up with an explanation some day.
Unless more people catch on, we are all Lakota now.
Incidentally, a quick search indicates: “Zinkala Nuni, Lakota, who survived the Wounded Knee Massacre as a baby, dies at age 29 from influenza, with complications from syphilis. Dr. Charles Eastman, Dakota, found her three days after the 1890 massacre, in which her mother was killed.”
Stopped reading at “As there is no COVID-19 virus,no culture can be obtained.”
This total lack of scientific understanding just plays into the hands of TPTB who’s MO is based on confusion and misinformation.
Without reading any further I am sure this piece fulfills those criteria.
Since you said that I went to look up “shedding”. Alex Jones channel banned.video has a piece a few minutes long showing shedding was well known with other vaccines but it is all being censored now. If it’s getting censored I guess it must be true. Alex Jones is quite a skeptic generally but he is far enough ahead of the curve that people think he’s mad. I commend this short video to anyone who is wondering what is misinformation and what isn’t.
Now Health Ranger is spruiking “pine needle tea” for shedding
Made an informed judgement some time ago that Leigh Dundas is controlled opposition. She is certainly a good orator.
Types of vaccines for COVID-19.
Inactivated vaccines eg Sinovac,Sinopharm and Attenuated vaccines eg Codagenix both require growing and multiplying the ORIGINAL VIRUS.
Whereas genetic,vector and subunit vaccines only contain certain protein sequences of Sars-Cov-2
Sandra, lest anybody think you are not quoting a tainted source, view the website to see how the organisation you reference has 13 corporate members and describes the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as a partner. It also writes in its Ann Report for 2020:
“As a world leader in vaccine research, the UK should ensure this excellence is reflected in the provision of vaccines to our children, a critical factor in improving our nation’s health. The UK currently does not meet the 95% uptake rate needed to prevent disease spread for any of the routine childhood vaccinations.”
Irrelevant,the basic science still stands.Sars-CoV- 2 exists and HAS been isolated.
Isn’t gavi one of these scandal ridden places ? Like Pfizer a history of misdeeds ? The principle that if the source is tainted, the opposite of what they say is quite likely true, applies here. There is so much junk science and industry lies, and doctors have been arguing for centuries (or longer).
But anyway 90%+ believe in the virus “theory” so it’s an uphill battle to change it and doesn’t gain anything much in the near term
Leigh Dundas – she’s good, I’ll give her that …
• Michael Voris— Exclusive interview — Leigh Dundas: End of the Swamp
• Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
“When I was in office we were known as the Peace Presidency, because Israel’s adversaries knew that the United States stood strongly with Israel and there would be swift retribution if Israel was attacked. Under Biden, the world is getting more violent and more unstable because Biden’s weakness and lack of support for Israel is leading to new attacks on our allies. America must always stand with Israel and make clear that the Palestinians must end the violence, terror, and rocket attacks, and make clear that the U.S. will always strongly support Israel’s right to defend itself. Unbelievably, Democrats also continue to stand by crazed anti-American Rep. Ilhan Omar, and others, who savagely attack Israel while they are under terrorist assault.”
It’s a separate plate of spaghetti, just focus on getting through one plateful at a time
• PCR Pandemic: Interview with Virus Mania’s Dr. Claus Köhnlein.
Just kidding – apparently the yew-know-hews don’t want this to be vewed
• There Is No Pandemic (Unz Review)
Police officer injured, five protesters arrested in Jerusalem ‘Covid’ protests
Israel enforces unpopular second lockdown, protests erupt and some prepare to defy the orders
Thousands of Israelis test POSITIVE for Covid-19 despite receiving Pfizer/BioNTech jab
Israeli mortality rates skyrocket following Pfizer’s experimental COVID “vaccine” campaign
Pfizer vaccine in Israel: Mortality rate ‘hundreds of times greater in vaccinated young people’
Satanism is freemasonry and kabbala, andrenochrome their drug of choice, the blood of children being the freshest and most pure. These are the elite that have us in lockdown, some are waking up and that’s the reason for luciferase injections. 25 million Modena vaxxxes ‘delivered today’ for the final solution. Usual suspects on all bases loaded, grinning to make a killing.
Live on sunrise now, Koshie and Nat get the jab with Dr.Mansberg. BS!
“The first one does most of the work, followed by booster shots”……until you drop.
Proof Oz is a lab rats gulag in 2021, krown serco kabal komunizm by the power of andrenochrome addicts.
Maybe it’s channel 7’s punishment for showing the local massive blood clots and spleen removal grandma story a few days ago when 9 & 10 (CBS owned now I think) didn’t run anything that I could see.
They’re also saying “Ellen” the weird and irritating daytime presenter has been sacked, she is linked to the whole Clintons Epstein crowd as I recall. Where is she going – Gitmo ? The show seems to have been removed from channel 9 adding to 7’s glee. Seems there is a big sex scandal going down.
And Gates MODeRNA is trying to push 10 million shots onto Australia without even consulting the government. Someone seems to want to start manufacturing it here. No doubt they have the facilities since Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (CSL) share price went from $5 to $300 in the last 20 years.
Antivax fruit-loop nutcases should be punished, should be censored off social media as with Trump – says Mark Riley senior reporter of channel 7 a month ago
Probably my eyes deceiving, but Dr.Mansberg looks like a close relative of Bibi’s better half.
I think they got saline
And so the cookie starts to crumble by George Freund Conspiracy Cafe. Kevin Woodman
It must have been good because the link is broken now and it looks like the site is being hacked
JUST IN: Rand Paul Clashes With Fauci Over NIH Money To Wuhan Virology Institute
Looks like “scientific” hair-splitting powers weasel words, it’s a bit like the finance industry, they legitimise their swindles with mathematism and scientism
“The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by Glaxosmithkline, which (accidentally) owns Pfizer!” (the one who makes the vaccine against the virus which was (accidentally) started at the Wuhan Biological Lab and which was (accidentally) funded by Dr. Fauci, who (accidentally) promotes the vaccine! “GlaxoSmithKline is (accidentally) managed by the finance division of Black Rock, which (accidentally) manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company (Soros Foundation), which (accidentally) manages the French AXA! “Soros (accidentally) owns the German company Winterthur, which (accidentally) built a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought by the German Allianz, which (coincidentally) has Vanguard as a shareholder, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Black Rock,” which (coincidentally) controls central banks and manages about a third of global investment capital. “Black Rock” is also (coincidentally) a major shareholder of MICROSOFT, owned by Bill Gates, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Pfizer (which remember? Sells a miracle vaccine) and (coincidentally) is now the first sponsor of the ‘WHO!
Now you understand how a dead bat sold in a wet market in China has infected the whole Earth
Forgive them for they know not what they do. Who is leading the charge?
BRETHREN KNEELING AT PRAYER AROUND THE GRAVE OF HIRAM ABIFF, THE WIDOW’S SON. p. 120. sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease. But man dieth and wasteth away; yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he? As the waters fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth and drieth up, so man lieth down, and riseth not up till the …
The vaccine program is principally no different to a wide range of other novel societal structures, that, at face value,don’t appear to be anything more than a portent of doom & gloom. The opportunity lies in the way we choose to respond; critical to remember that reacting like a fire-cracker is just as enslaving as passive acceptance
3 nurses survived quaxxine convulsions lasting for maybe 2 weeks
Shawn Skelton & 3 others.
Employers pushed them into getting injections.
Medical system totally ignores them, they say Vaers reports are less than 1%, doctors discourage reporting.
They have no jobs now and medical bills piling up.
at 58:00 – 90% of injuries are to women (suggesting sterilisation program) …
Injury groups being taken down by Facebook.
If it’s only one in a million being injured then why are quaxxine pushers scared of liability.
Trump is still blabbering about the quaxxines and how wonderful he is, at the same time he said before “A lot of people have told me their child went autistic after the vaccine” and he said he was going to sack Fauci one day and he did stop funding the WHO so who knows what he is doing, trying to gaslight BigPharma or I don’t know but I guess he is “not responsible” at the moment
Amazing, well the wheels must be starting to fall off now.