by Dee McLachlan
We are living in extraordinary times. So much is happening — and this is just a quick article to cover a few topics.
It seems most have “survived” the engineered COVID-19 — which resulted in a global lockdown and attempts by governments to make their citizens compliant. Fortunately some leaked reports are now surfacing saying that it was a ‘global false alarm‘ — even though we are being brained into believing that we need to be saved by Bill Gates and Dr Fauci et al — with mandatory global vaccinations.
Investigative journalist George Webb provides further insight into “Where Fauci’s Fast Track Drugs Are Going To Lead” VIDEO.
There have been extraordinary attempts to keep us in the dark (literally) — with stay indoors and out of the healing rays of the sun, and that “Vitamin C boosts your immune system” is spreading fake news and is ‘against community guidelines’. I have lost count, too, of the number of YouTube clips of doctors talking about the virus that got “deleted”.
At the same time 5G is being rolled out (in stealth) to envelope all life on earth in a soup of millimetre waves — radiation that we have been told is “absolutely safe”. Of course the government is desperate to keep you safe!
Disruption in The US
However, when the Covid-19 false flag started to lose traction, another event quickly replaced it — George Floyd. Cop Derek Chauvin seemed happy with being filmed allegedly murdering his long-time past working associate, Floyd. (They allegedly worked at the same company for 17 years.) Despite the cop being charged with second degree murder, his actions, plus a brick company, assisted in the Black Lives Matter protests to turn into global riots and looting.
Like the lock-down, the protests — then riots and looting — also became a global phenomenon. And this is consuming the news cycle, distracting from many other stories that are unfolding.
So there seems to by a synergy between the earth and the planets at the moment — if you believe in the alignment of the stars.
Comet ATLAS Breaks Up
C/2019 Y4 or Comet ATLAS — which apparently circles past us every 5,000 years — has a near-parabolic orbit and was discovered by the ATLAS survey on December 28, 2019. But then, as if timed with the disintegrating of societies on earth, the comet — around March 22, 2020 — started disintegrating. There are 5 comets converging on us at the moment.
The New Federal State of China
There were unusual banners flown around New York City behind a formation of planes this Wednesday that congratulated the “new federal state of China” which seems to be tied to an exiled Chinese billionaire.
Below is a video of Steve Bannon reading out the preparation and vision for the New Federal State of China — this to create a new and equitable system in China. And getting rid of the Chinese Communist Party. Report 4 June 2020:
“It is the Whistleblower’s Movement that has brought us together! In order to realize the Rule of Law, Democracy, and Freedom in the New Federal State of China, we have established the Himalaya Supervisory Organization. During the past 3 years, the Whistleblower’s Movement, led by Mr. Miles Guo and Mr. Stephen K. Bannon, has exposed the illegitimacy and true evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its deceptions. The Himalaya Supervisory Organization is a voluntary Non-Governmental Organization with no political affiliation of any kind. It is recognized by the international community and protected by International Law along with the Rule of Law Foundation and the Rule of Law Society. It will serve as a bridge of communications between the New Federal State of China…”
And then there was something else happening on 2nd of June.
Hilary Clinton’s Emails
Did the mainstream media inform you that Hilary Clinton was in court on the 2nd of June — and that she lost her appeal. (Case no:20-5056 In re: Hillary Clinton.) She is now to appear in court on 9 September 2020.
A cnbc report (2 March 2020) “Hillary Clinton must testify in email case, judge rules” that Hillary Clinton must…
“testify at a deposition for a lawsuit related to her use of a private email server for involving official business while working as secretary of State under President Barack Obama. The order to answer questions from lawyers for the conservative advocacy group Judicial Watch pours yet more fuel on the longstanding fire of controversy over Clinton’s private server.”
There is so much more, but I’ll cover this in other articles.
While covering the bad news Dee, a couple of must read articles of significant Australian history are in these two videos:
wow for a lot of reasons(that I like).
Not a Bannon fan, but he just lacks the orange suit(quantify, reads forever looking down at the script, a little too much 4 my liking, u know over signaling a hostage situation).
Hilary Clinton will prove the dead can walk.
simon – Hilary, if given the opportunity, will perjure herself at court due to Tom Fitton’s (judicial watch) relentless pursuit of her (as secretary of state) deliberate ‘mishandling’ of emails that were in effect U.S. government property that should not have been ‘mishandled’ as the Comey FBI wrongfully found in her favor.
Her only alternative is to hand over her ‘private’ and damning emails as the court has ordered. Hence lying at court, and perjuring herself, will buy her some extra time in getting rid of Trump.
And from the perjury will be publicly exposed, her and Obama’s deliberate role, as well as others, such a Suzanne Rice, in the Benghazi American Embassy attack, among other treacherous to the United States actions.
IMO, the witch is a cooked goose fast running out of keep out of jail options.
Special prosecutor Huber, has been investigating the Clinton Foundation for the past two years and he is ready to go ahead with indictments against the Clintons – We just need to wait and see what eventuates, if the witch survives, her court appearance in September.
There was also talk on social media that Obama is due in court on Monday (coming.)
This little piece is amusing – loving Hilary’s prison issue orange.
Tick tick, down they fall.
Rachel – I believe the witch will suicide when she believes she has no escape from what is coming her way.
I Believe!
Ohhh wait….
no… feck that ….
“So there seems to be synergy between Earth and comets…..” C/2019 Y looks very similar to Covid-19. I wonder if both names were applied by the “deep state”.
Dee -you have mentioned Obama so I post this from Cathy Fox blog I received today
Obama is now running the Satanic Council
Posted on 2020, June, 4 by cathy fox blog on Child Abuse
Virus, Riots and Illuminati Personnel Updates
Children’s lives matter.
Diane – did you know that Trump when taking possession of the White House had it exorcized and the laying of hands upon him as a spiritual fortification?
I didn’t but it does not surprise me– a Billy Graham evangelical practise–also a practice of many spiritualists– I have witnessed many smoking ceremonies for cleansing and healing and releasing stuck souls
Melania insisted on it before she would enter the building, evidently. What horrors must have occurred there over these man decades.
Re the Cathy fox blog above and “Virus, Riots and Illuminati Personnel Updates”
I select one thread today because it connects to the body of work I have collated relating to the role psychiatry (and other Tavistockian experiments) has played in the mass mind control of the nation (the colony) Australia, over the past 77 years, that is my lifetime.
The two quotes: firstly re Soros
“George Soros is widely given “credit” for funding antifa, and many of these protest groups.” and then the word PHOENIX ( Operation Phoenix)
“It may help to explain that Soros has been the head “seat”, the Phoenix of the Satanic Council for about 60 years. The Phoenix is the head of the satanic council, and Soros has been this since approximately 1960 – longer than most people have been alive.”
I receive the Blue Knot Foundation Newsletter a highly funded Foundation-Turnbull
newsletter@blueknot.org.au> and found this” Five Country (Five Eyes) Ministerial”.
AG Barr, Acting Homeland Security Secretary Wolf and International Partners Announce
And the video with an introduction by “PHOENIX 11” victims in the shadows-please watch.
Yes Dutton says: “Live streamed child sexual abuse is becoming increasingly prevalent around the world. For as little as twenty Australian dollars, a buyer can request and even remotely direct such ‘on-demand’ or ‘made to order’ live-streams by paying and instructing others to abuse children of specific ages, at specific times, in specific ways. Australian law enforcement has found that not only is the live stream market growing, the children are getting younger and the violence is becoming more extreme.”
“NGOs, academia, industry, and international counterparts are certainly equal partners in this fight.”
Peter Dutton has much to answer for, his story needs to be told. Just one of many.
Wow. That video is weird. It is on the Youtube channel of US Dept of Justice but says NOTHING about cracking down on this crime.
And isn’t that Peter Dutton, second from the left? I see a Canadian flag, along with the Starts und Stripes, so there is probably also a radiant Southern Cross, off camera.
“That video is weird’ probably because it was “recorded July the 10th 2018
The Justice Department”–but posted in BlueKnot May 2020 News letter.
Even ‘weirder” on msm news 5th June several stop press announcements major pedophile ring raids and arrests across Australia–NSW Qld WA–
“U.S. Attorney General William P. Barr, Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf and partners from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom launch a new initiative to combat online child sexual exploitation and abuse.”
I think Barr meant to say, “no safe space for dissidents to operate”
Here are two quotes from the evil George Soros : “The main obstacle to a stable and just world, is the United States of America.”
“Destroying America will be the culmination of my life’s work.”
my comment is awaitng moderation
Just like all generations before us, we have made the parasites the richest people in all history.
Instead of thankyou, for being obedient slaves, we get ethnic cleansing.
Here in Oz, the average worker (if lucky to be employed full time over 20 years) earns around $800k net. The average residence being one million dollars, borrowed, that is two and a half million to repay! The system is long broken, not only unattainable but impossible. The only punters that can afford it are the CCP and that’s how the banksters are banking on. The youth of all nations are not even considered after their parents have been fleeced and sucked dry.
56 – it is all changing for the better. Where once upon a time when the Central Banks imposed their depressions and recessions the people suffered as a result. That is no longer the case as the economic part of this ‘pandemic’ now bears witness to.
Looks pretty compelling. It would be even more compelling if they also took readings well out of line-of-sight of any 5G antennas. If the EMF is X in view of the site, it should be smaller far away. One key aspect of 5G is that it has limited range, hence the need for so many bloody antennas.
Google ICNIRP & dig a little – same old story of self-regulation – watchdog & industry are bed buddies. 5G takes RF-EMF damage to the next level. Plenty of evidence it weakens our immune system, helping the spread of COVID and pretty much any health threat! emfcrisis.yolasite.com has some interesting reading. And a song by Reza Ganjavi has a good message.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=20&v=lUMxPxZdUfY&feature=emb_logo
Much as I admire most Chinese people for their dogged long suffering and cultural equanimity I am exceedingly suspicious of the “Himalaya Initiative” that sounds to me like “double plus duckspeak” intended to provide that Nation with a new costume for its integration into the “New World Order”, much as “perestroika” was contrived to give Judaeo-Bolshevic Russia a new, more benign, countenance a few decades ago.
All the Communist revolutionaries in Asia, Africa, and South America (not counting the saboteurs in “Westernised” countries) were/are schooled, primed and supplied by the Judaeo-Masonic “intelligentsia” and plutocracy of Europe and North America. Like it or not CCP (Chinese Communist Party) is created, owned and controlled by the same Synagogue centred in The City of London with its many franchises, goons and lackeys throughout the World as are so many other “movements” intent on “dragging this God out of His Heaven” (Karl Marx) and enslaving the whole population to the whims of an entirely perverse “elite”.
Feudal states/systems progressing on, back to the dark ages.
I don’t comprehend what you’re on about.
Neoliberalism is neofeudalism.
Freemasonry is communism.
Crown is kabala.
I think Gina said, why pay someone twenty bucks an hour when you can have them for two. This is Australia 2020 – a feudal system run by oligarchs.
Hmm. I’m not sure I can swallow that without a grimace, 56.
The Aristotelian version of a “liberal education” meant a well rounded foundation in all aspects of arts, science (philosophy), and culture (particularly the notion of virtue (that which distinguishes Man from brutes)). These days a “liberal” is one who demands “emancipation” from the strictures of morality and reality… it’s the Relativism that was once furtively advocated in the darkness of ‘Masonic “enlightenment” but which is now commonplace group-think.
‘Masonry is not synonymous with Communism as we understand it today. It has been (and is) the purveyor of all kinds of elitism, exploitation and eugenics, from the Anglo-American imperialism and associated plutocracy to various “socialist” regimes. The common factor in all of it is the cultivated notion that the “enlightened” should “rule” (i.e. dominate, or exploit,) the “profane”.
‘Masonry has been described by some Rabbis as “introductory Kabbalah for Goyim”.
Kabbalah is the most misunderstood teaching under the sun, by design, obviously, as we are to “follow the sun,” and not the Force and Power that controls all heavenly bodies, including the sun, and us humans here on Earth.
Most rabbis are simply 100% wrong with their religious mix interpretation of Kabbalah.
To divide and label people to “Goyim” (and Jews) is a false premise.
Kabbalah has nothing to do with any religion.
Kabbalah is a universal teaching and spiritual system of metaphysics for all Mankind, it explains how the universe works, how to differentiate the present chaotic Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil reality from our (potential) Tree of Life Reaity where A Vision of Peace, Yerushalayim, rules. No chaos, no uncertainty, no ups and downs, etc..
The founding of Eretz Israel in 1948, Jewish religion with its denominations and infighting, the warmongering and harsh and judgmental God of the Hebrews as presented in the “Old Testament,” the never ending Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Zionists and Settlers, Judeo-Christian religious heritage, Hebrew as a language for the Jewish people alone, etc. is all a staged make believe Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil facade and stage from behind which the immense metaphysical power of Kabbalah is abused and misused to create and generate NWO chaos and division as we are witnessing.
Mein Kampf said Hitler back in his day.
Sein Kampf said (German Stern magazine) for President Trump not too long ago.
Kein Kampf is my suggestion.
The Hebrew Alephbet is the metaphysical DNA of Creation and our way to re-connect ourselves to the Main Frame of Creation as it were, like our Agenda 22.
Scanning (!) the Hebrew letters in The Zohar http://www.zohar.com re-connects our minds and souls, the spirit that animates us, with the immense Force and Power of Creation itself so we can re-create ourselves in The Image of Tov, Go(o)d..
All Life matters.
Peace on Earth and Goodwill Toward all.
A second brief comment:
without Kabbalah and The Zohar, I would not have understood Hillary Clinton correctly when she said in her first appearance after Trump’s inauguration that, “the future is going to be female.” Most people would think that she was referring to more women getting elected, etc..
Kabbalah and The Zohar explain the words “woman” and “female” in The Bible actually have nothing to do with Gender initially, but that “female” is a description of Man’s Evil Inclination and so “male” would be a description of Man’s Good Inclination.
Therefore Hillary Clinton was saying in metaphysical kabbalistic code that our future was going to be evil, i.e. filled with evil consciousness.
She was right.
She knew what the plan was and is.
The above also explains the incorrectly understood (religiously “orthodox”) Hebrew prayer that states that men thank the Creator for not having created them “female.” We say the Jewish men reciting the prayer are hateful toward women and/or they consider women to be second class citizens, etc. when in fact, it is another misinterpretation and understanding of the (translated) Hebrew Bible, which is not a religious document/scroll of any kind.
Kabala is direct opposition to the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Until it acknowledges the purity and truth in His teachings, reading it is deception most deceitful.
Being the blueprint faith for the UN agenda is enough for me not to bother with it.
To believe it, one has to swallow the Talmud’s view of Jesus and Mary.
Phew!, Leena Ades, my guess is that you are well inducted into the “New Age Wisdom” spouted by the likes of Ananda Coomaraswamy, Rene Guenon, Helena Blavatsky and their dozens of fellow travellers who claim that all “religions” are but various expressions of an irrational, mystical, “primordial consciousness”… “sophia perennis” as I think Coomaraswamy labelled it.
Anyhow, I’m sure you’ll find that Kabbalah is a pretty specific manifesto of a particular “religious” outlook.
Leena – you are 100% correct about Hilary Clinton.
New Westralia – antilockdown, antivax, anti5G
thank you bg
Fascinating. Three or persons take over a courthouse, and seem to declare themselves under the protection of the Queen of England, and of Jesus Christ.
Article says: “Prior to breaking in to the old courthouse the small group raised their own flag – which appeared to have similarities to the St George’s Cross – to replace the “satanic” Australian flag.
“Throughout the group’s attempts to establish themselves as the “proper governing body of law for Western Australia”
“proper governing body of law for Western Australia” Orrite, Mary. If there is no such thing as known nature and purpose of the human and the society we are intended to live in then the fanciful notions of the wannabe “directors” and “controllers” of humanity are slaves to fantastic paranoid and narcissistic ambitions in which the “fittest” exploit, and ultimately eat, the “inferiors”.
Insanely ego-maniacal yoomans imagine that they can determine what they are, why they are, and where they’re going. “Piss off God! You’ve no business here telling me what I am and what I should do!”
It would be amusing except that perversity is the stuff of cultural collapse and burn.
I might add, I was a contributor to Fairfax bloggs since the inception of newspaper bloggs but in recent times I noticed the Fairfax bloggs became totally filtered and manipulated, also the “like” button was stacked probably by political party “researchers”, they will delete anything which doesn’t fit in with their spin. I noticed sometimes I would write something quite worthy but a bit contentious and this would be put on delay for hours and only published when the story had become completely stale and had no more momentum.
Just another way the news is made “fake”.
As it’s usually no more than 5 or 6 C in York at 8 am in June the singleted guy sure must have been on fire!
Can’t quite see the point in busting into a vacant relic:
If the aim was to do spiritual warfare on a few ghosts why wasn’t it declared as such?
No, berry, minimum temperatures have been very mild around here this June up to date.
I do not trust anyone trying to impose another version of the Judaeo-Masonic establishment… it’s same stuff with another sales pitch and costume.
Dee, would you be so kind as to list the “5 comets converging on us at the moment”?
I own a fairly decent telescope, can find the coordinates in the Australian sky, and maybe get some photos! If they are not visible from 35S latitude, I will grab some time on a northern hemisphere ‘scope and have a look.
Joe, I tried to get you the 5 from Wiki. Did not succeed but saw:
July 2, 1861. Raphael Semmes, commander of the CSS Sumter:
Day passed into night, and with the night came the brilliant comet again, lighting us on our way over the waste of waters. The morning of the second of July, our second day out, dawned clear, and beautiful, the Sumter still steaming in an almost calm sea, with nothing to impede her progress.[16]
This man, John Schnieder got 2 million views when he sang a song. Now he is talking about busloads of looters. Interesting:
Sorry, I did not mean to post the song. Here is the bussed rioters item:
The ship was a perfect human sample.
212 on board antartic ship
128 tested positive
81% NO symptoms
The doctor shared a cabin with covid + person, but did not contract virus
Dee, we’ve got gremlins. See my 12:33am comment? I wrote the first line of it, but I DID NOT WRITE THE OTHER 5 LINES. I swear on a stack of phone books, it was inserted by a hidden force.
Furthermore I did not upload that ship video. I uploaded a John Schneider video.
MSM hackers !!!
Dee should easily be able to grab the server-log, look up the IP address which posted this “interesting” gremlin comment, and if it is not behind a VPN, at least localize it. Maybe find out who’s up to what.
Why the hell would you need a vaccine with these statistics.
They said all viruses mutate so as we have heard with the “fluvax” they attempt to predict what virus will be around in the coming year and give your immune system a dumbed-down version of it so your dumbed-down immune system can work better when it is inhibited by all the processed food and contaminated air and water
This just in. (You can’t make this stuff up.). from WMUR-TV:
“Gov. Chris Sununu has no plans to “send the ‘Footloose’ police after you” if you allow dancing at your wedding, but he still wants to discourage dancing at the wedding reception you can now have in New Hampshire. That’s part of new guidelines released Friday to reopen more parts of the state economy. … And the guidance encourages people to not dance closer than 6 feet to each other, unless they’re from the same household. [????]
“Another big change is coming for restaurants, which, as of June 15, can restart indoor dining, … depending on where the restaurant is. In the four southeastern counties — Rockingham, Hillsborough, Strafford and Merrimack — capacity will be capped at 50%. The other counties, were COVID-19 cases have remained low, restaurants can operate at 100%….
“All the other restrictions, including mask-wearing for servers and kitchen staff, still apply.”
Indeed! Kneeling can also be a prelude to something else that is far more lethal, like chopping off heads!
“What we are seeing here is Genocide”
Unbelievable even to me– creating the story to fit the master plan.
Wonder what will happen in Australia today.
I am going as a survivor of torture.
A bit more about Phoenix — and torture.
“The Phoenix Program (Vietnamese: Chiến dịch Phụng Hoàng) was a program designed and coordinated by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the Vietnam War, involving cooperation between American, South Vietnamese and Australian militaries.
The program was designed to identify and destroy the Viet Cong (VC) via infiltration, torture, capture, counter-terrorism, interrogation, and assassination.[1][2][3][4] The CIA described it as “a set of programs that sought to attack and destroy the political infrastructure of the Viet Cong”.[5]
The Phoenix Program was premised on the idea that infiltration had required local support from non-combat civilian populations, which were referred to as the “political branch” that had purportedly coordinated the insurgency.[6
Methods of reported torture detailed by author Douglas Valentine that were used at the interrogation centers included:
Rape, gang rape, rape using eels, snakes, or hard objects, and rape followed by murder; electric shock (‘the Bell Telephone Hour’) rendered by attaching wires to the genitals or other sensitive parts of the body, like the tongue; the ‘water treatment’; the ‘airplane’ in which the prisoner’s arms were tied behind the back, and the rope looped over a hook on the ceiling, suspending the prisoner in midair, after which he or she was beaten; beatings with rubber hoses and whips; the use of police dogs to maul prisoners.[21][24]
Military intelligence officer K. Barton Osborne reports that he witnessed the following use of torture:
The use of the insertion of the 6-inch dowel into the canal of one of my detainee’s ears, and the tapping through the brain until dead. The starvation to death (in a cage), of a Vietnamese woman who was suspected of being part of the local political education cadre in one of the local villages … The use of electronic gear such as sealed telephones attached to … both the women’s vaginas and men’s testicles [to] shock them into submission.[25]
Osborne’s claims have been refuted by Gary Kulik who states that Osborne made exaggerated, contradictory and false claims and that his colleagues stated that he liked making “fantastic statements” and that he “frequently made exaggerated remarks in order to attract attention to himself.”[26]:134-8
The torture was carried out by South Vietnamese forces with the CIA and special forces playing a supervisory role.[27]”
Want to know the next real cross road?
Approaching it NOW.
At least consider from 14 min mark to the end.
A feast, it’s like the Alamo, how do you like the bit where they say if Trump and Pence get bumped off, next in line is Crazy Nancy
Rachel , be careful not to fall for Nemesis’s dreamland fantasies about an imminent Hillary Clinton prosecution.
We all heard that interview , soon after becoming President where Trump, when asked what he was going to do about the Clintons & that ‘ Special Prosecutor ‘ , Trump said :
” I don’t want to hurt these people ” .
And you can take it to the bank that this is what he meant .
This is Trump’s 4th year in office & yes , he may get re-elected if he’s up against Biden .
But, if Biden is replaced with even a quarter-decent candidate , Trump will most assuredly be swept from office.
That being so, WHY has he waited so long to ‘ prosecute ‘ the miscreants ?
WHY isn’t he FAST-TRACKING the round up of the cabal mischief-makers?
Let’s face it, it’s NOW OR NEVER .
Once he’s out of office there will be NO CHANCE of doing the spring clean.
Even if he’s 80 % sure of being re-elected , that stills means a 1 in 5 chance that Hillary escapes.
Those of us that are not committed to Trump by partisan considerations , & thus blinded to the reality ( like Nemesis ) , already know the answer to that question.
Nemesis is so excited by the alleged workings of Special Prosecutor Hubris behind the scenes .
Spoiler Alert : I know FOR CERTAIN how this horror film ends .
It ends with Hillary & all the other criminals walking away into the sunset , hand in hand with Trump & his ilk.
Truth – I think Rachel is a whole smarter than you!
…. Walking away into the sunset , all with their unearned wads of cash expropriated from the taxpayer , all as Happy as Larry, or should I say as ‘Lucky as Larry’ – ( Larry Silverstein , none other ) .
[Parody alert]
Breaking News: Syria announces military support for moderate US rebels
“Damascus (dpo) - The Syrian government plans to support the pro-democratic forces within the USA against the authoritarian regime in Washington by military means, as has been announced by President Bashar al-Assad in a speech today.
“We can no longer stand idly by while this crazy dictator brutally suppresses his own population and tramples the rights of peaceful demonstrators,” Assad said. “That’s why we will support moderate rebels from Seattle to New York with weapons and military instructors, effective immediately.” According to Assad, this is the only chance for a change towards a just democracy in the crisis-stricken country.
How successful the strategic support from Damascus will turn out to be remains questionable — after all, the volatile autocrat Trump seems dead set on squashing the protests in his country by military means. The Syrian President has already announced that he doesn’t rule out long-term air attacks on military installations and government buildings in the US should the assistance granted today prove insufficient.
Assad stated at the end of his speech: “As long as there is any hope, we will continue to support the American Spring.””
Source: Der Postillon – Wednesday, 3 June 2020
Comment: I would not be surprised to see the White Helmets rolled out and for the OPCW to be on standby to create a narrative in case the US regime starts using chemical weapons against its own people.
Julius – elected officials do not a regime make. And your understanding of what is actually occurring within the United States is abysmal based on your last paragraph!
(This is really to inform discerning readers since you brought it up …)
Israel evacuates White Helmets from Syria to Jordan (RT Question More 22 July 2018)
Syrian White Helmets are evacuated through Israel to Jordan (AFP News Agency 23 July 2018)
• So what are your thoughts on the White Helmets?
• Did they deserve to be nominated for the Nobel peace prize? (did Obama deserve his?)
• Did their documentary deserve the Hollywood Academy award?
(I disagree – they should have been nominated in the main acting category)
• Do you know what parody and sarcasm mean?
• How do you spell Trollope? (get your mind out of there!)
• Standing question – who did 911?
Julius – most observant folk would realize the White Helmets were actors, and sometimes deadly actors that were part of the forces against Assad.
The only recognition that befits them is to hang them all for what they are.
Obama has lawyered up, he will get what is due to him in due course.
Academy Awards and Nobel Peace Prizes are political tools? You question should have been, why hasn’t Trump received a Nobel Peace Prize? Do you believe he will ever get one, and if offered, and more importantly, would he even bother to accept it?
And your parody and sarcasm will always be the refuge of those who do not share what others may promote. I note that tendency to ridicule rather than to argue from a few on this site.
So the White Helmets were given safe passage back to Jordan – who do you think started ISIS and there were several countries involved – here’s a hint, it wasn’t Trump or the current United States government! As I keep putting to folks, every country has its own Deep State, even Israel, a country that Trump will deal with last.
The spelling of the word Trollop is sometimes left without the ‘e’ on the end – depends on the dictionary one uses – I use the Macquarie Encyclopedic Dictionary.
So you can have some fun with names, places etc, but not I?
Touch of hypocrisy there!
I know who you like to blame for 9/11, as do many on this site, I don’t happen to share that view, based on my own research, and I believe we will all be in for a shock when a real investigation into 9/11 is finally convened.
tear gas as used in protests current against BLM folk, are outlawed in fields of war.
Nemesis< in name only > – here is $0.50 cents – go rent a ‘ffin clue!
Julius – and in fairness to your parody – if you had targeted the previous American administrations I would have supported your post.
You seem to not be able to grasp how the United States is changing under this Trump administration, and it is changing the world too.
Fair Dinkum – you must be a BLM supporter to write something as silly as that comment.
Terry Lamb shakes hands – Bulldogs fined – hope with ITNJ
Some sickening news and some cause for hope.
Jumped onto the NRL site yesterday just to see the scores and was sickened to hear that a champion and legend of the game, Terry Lamb, has been humbled and forced to actually apologise for shaking hands with his colleagues to greet and encourage them – and worse .
Bulldogs hit with $25,000 fine over biosecurity breach
Then this notification just popped up to reinvigorate my hope for humanity
ITNJ Corona Emergency Hearing 6: Andrew Wakefield & Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Sherri Tenpenny: “The people who have pulled these strings to make this happen need to be held fully accountable on a global scale for what they have done over a big fat nothing.”
5G Summit Day 5 (continuing on topic)
Raymond Broomhall, LLB, GDLP
How 5G Sites are Being Blocked and Removed (Part 1)
This is just brilliant – apparently we only have 24 hours to watch the six free sessions each day – don’t miss this one
Yes Julius, I believe this summit is the same as last year’s (I took pages of notes!) – excellent information, including what we can actually DO about it!
from an email I received 31 May 2020 (in caps are my words, so not from the email): Talks are available on demand for a 24-hour period beginning at 10am US Eastern (New York time) each day, and ending the next day at 9:59 A.M.
Once a 24-hour period has ended, those talks are only available on
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Diane , I had heard of some of the abuses from the Phoenix Program but your information greatly expanded my knowledge base.
Very enlightening .
Diane , I just got around to watching that video you posted earlier titled :
‘ AG Barr , Homeland Security Wolf …. ‘ .
Some mighty find words spoken there about how we need to protect our kids from the predators etc.
Of course, they are just that , …… ‘ WORDS ‘ .
( As opposed to actions with tangible real world outcomes ) .
Led by none other than AG Bill Barr , Trump’s secret weapon that is leading the fight to weed out those paedos – which , according to some , Trump’s administration has been successful in doing ( although I’m yet to be convinced ) .
So, are AG Barr & his caped Five Eye Crusaders genuinely out to lock up all those wicked paedos out there ?
Well, this will give you a clue ( listen to ‘ Dutton dressed as lamb ‘ for about 20 seconds starting at 26:15 ) :
He says : ” The Utopian vision of an UNGOVERNED INTERNET has given way to a Dystopian reality ” .
Need I say more ?
Yes trend-setters , the whole Trump / AG Barr ‘ pretend narrative ‘ of the paedos are being rounded up under Orange man’s administration is all just cover for their REAL AGENDA .
And that is ….. THROTTLING / CENSORING the internet .
So that we can’t hear Dr Rashid Buttar’s message , Dr Judy Mikovits or Brother Nathanael ( long since purged from You Tube – aside from a handful of his very timid clips ), or anyone else that doesn’t disseminate official CIA / Nemesis / Zio-cabal platitudes .
THIS was their plan all along .
Truth – there are none so blind as those like you who choose to not see what is actually occurring all around them!
and now I see …
….. mighty FINE words …. in fact .
Nemesis , from what I’ve seen of Rachel , she is one very articulate & intelligent lady so very likely to be a whole lot smarter than me.
That said, we all get it wrong from time to time .
And, on this occasion I suspect she’s wrong.
Why is that , some might ask ?
Well, her views on that issue coincide with yours Nemesis .
That’s a REAL worry.
Let’s face it Nemesis , you have been WRONG on ALL the issues of substance.
Your views on who perpetrated 9/11 are WRONG .
Your views on who killed JFK is WRONG.
Your views on WHY the Israeli murderers tried to sink the Liberty are DEAD WRONG .
You know, I recall some weeks ago how you actually agreed with ME on some peripheral & trivial issue .
I felt momentarily asphyxiated & could not breathe at the thought you on the same side of an issue as me. My eyes glazed over & I was numbed by the experience.
I got a grip & scurried off to check my facts & figures.
Surely, if Nemesis agrees with me then my information must be flawed , my sources need to be discarded , my world view may need to be TURNED ON ITS HEAD – seeing as you NEVER GET IT RIGHT .
Anyway, my sources were right, the info wasn’t flawed.
I calmed down & my pulse rate slipped back to normal.
Cunning as always , Nemesis had tried a mini psy-op by agreeing with me.
To mess with my head .
You almost got me Sayanim-Sam . Good effort .
Truth – LOL! I always give credit where credit is due – so the next time you put up a comment think about that, because you may get another credit! How’s that for a psy-op?
Yes Nemesis , you’re right of course.
Clearly , I choose not to see the MECHANISM by which Trump took control over the Federal Reserve .
After all, as you say , it is occurring ALL AROUND ME .
You have seen it , others have seen & heard it ( X22 Report etc ) , but I am just too stupid to see the mechanism by which Trump took control of the Fed .
OK, I give up. I’m stupid then.
So, please show some empathy for a stupid man & explain to me :
By WHAT MECHANISM did Trump take control of the Federal Reserve ?
We’re all waiting .
Truth – why don’t you actually take to learning something and find out for yourself?
OFF TOPIC (just in case)
A most informative seven-page overview by William Engdahl – China’s One Belt One Road -Transforming the World.
[All passages are direct quotations with my own section bullet points and added emphasis, and one comments as indicated.]
• A little bit of history about the original ‘Silk Road’
More than the mere trade in goods from East to West and back, the original Silk Road made possible a vast cultural exchange between peoples in art, religion, philosophy, technology, language, science, architecture.
Few, even many in today’s China, realize the deeper importance of this initiative, not only for the economy of China. The plan involves more than 60 countries, representing a third of the world’s total economy and more than half the global population.
• A very informative discussion about the role of gold, copper and uranium
In May, 2015 China set up a state-run Gold Investment Fund to create an investment pool, initially of $16 billion, making it the world’s largest physical gold fund. It will support gold mining projects along the Economic Silk Road. China stated that the aim is to enable the Eurasian countries along the Silk Road to increase the gold backing of their currencies.
While it is not widely known outside the gold mining industry, China is today the world’s largest gold mining country having passed the declining South African output several years ago. Russia is number three in the world. Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries now on the Silk Road have large untapped gold reserves.
Mining experts estimate that China’s investments for strategic Silk Road copper supply will run into the tens or even hundreds of billions.
This is but the first of what will ultimately be a market spanning the largest land expanse in the world, Eurasia, with the world’s largest population, educated manpower, world-class scientists and engineers and a desire to build, not to destroy.
• and Economic Security
Many will be build-transfer-operate schemes in which large State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) will lead the way, and then smaller companies will follow, somewhat along the model of the German economy after 1870.
Each zone will be led by a core province: Xinjiang in the Northwest, Inner Mongolia in the Northeast, Guangxi in the Southwest and Fujian on the coast.
[Comment – note the role of Xinjiang and hence the need to ‘bring freedom and democracy’ there]
• Closing remarks
With the development of the vast Eurasian land space, the world has a golden opportunity to move away from destructive wars and economic depressions towards peaceful harmonious development.
” the world has a golden opportunity to move away from destructive wars and economic depressions towards peaceful harmonious development ” .
Fish , I certainly won’t be opposing any plan that’s aiming ( & actually achieving – as is evident by any metric one utilises ) that outcome.
Now, let’s see what Trump’s plan is offering .
Hmmm , let me see , sanctions & starvation for Venezuela , Iran , Yemen …… etc.
Nuff said .
There was at least one arrest at the Sydney BLM protests today, an activist held up a #allLiveMatter sign…
actually, not priceless… we ALL pay for this bullshit.
carry on Nimrod