This was put up on X: “Here is the shooter, Crooks in a Black Rock commercial if you haven’t seen.” Insert photo of Crooks. (The press like to spell out all three names of assassin-types — Thomas Matthew Crooks)
Introduction by Dee McLachlan
I selected the now three iconic pictures (below) that will stand the test of time for American patriotism. The raising of the US flag at Iwo Jima, World War II, the iconic 9-11 photo with the fire fighters, and now Trump’s defiant “Fight, Fight, Fight” reaction at being shot at.
The above picture is allegedly the shooter — Thomas Matthew Crooks — acting in a Blackrock ad. We can decipher the possibilities — but I add Derren Brown’s “The Assassin with Stephen Fry | The Experiments” (for entertainment purposes).
And below the iconic pictures, I have added a fascinating email from G5 covering many historical details of assassination events.

Email from G5
On the eve of The GOP nomination convention: there were GOP involved, and SS; as per The JFK Murder.
The responsible are not hard to trace and adduce. Motive and Ability.
Barry what happened to students at Columbia, two chefs and Anthony Bourdain. Hill what happend to Vince Forster, Seth Rich, the other 44 and Jeff Epstein.
Not a self-inflicted hate event, not a crazed lone gunman, not a ban the guns.
We are currently being flooded with omphaloskeptic lunacies, and prepared coordinated scripts, about which I warned. AltMedia the greatest culprits of drawing lines between two imaginings in their competition, devoid of rationality.
Recall the coordinated bilious to sell The Iraq War. Not Weapons of Mass Destruction by the initiating lies of Colin Powell to The UN Security Council. Not the coordinated verbatim scripts read shamelessly into parliaments by liars; Howard, G.W.Bush, Blair, Rasmussen, and Harper.
The beginning of ‘The Seven Countries in Five Years’ lie to cover the Qatar Pipeline to Europe; which I was the first to advise. As I was the first to advise Vindman as the secret whistle blower in Impeachment 2.
The invasions of Kuwait, Iraq, Libya, and Syria, leading to the murders of millions of innocents by The American Military world masters. Until stopped by Russia and China. As they did in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Afghanistan. Among other regions.
The murders of David Kelly, Robin Cook, and many others for The WMD Lie.
Again: had he acted as he was elected to perform in 2017: the last seven years would have been very different. It all made good entertainment. But that is not the lot of The Human Condition.
The alleged Christian Ethic needed to be relaxed to have avoided America and the americanized vassal world from falling into the Socio-Economic-Military abyss in which it is now entrenched.
Staring down from a presumptive moral high ground, empowers the enemy at the door, under the guise of weakness.
Cheek Turning is suicidal lunacy. Not only for the direct targets, but for the very many who will suffer as a consequence of delusion.
We do not judge as GOD, but we can make the appointments for the enemies of humanity to attend their meetings.
Thomas Crooks was known. Not by the FBI DNA lie alone. Not a crazed lone shooter. The school friends bullshit has also begun; as has him being a Republican.
His shooting site was visible from the close higher ground and known. The weapon bullshit; about which I advised; ‘an AR type weapon’; has begun. No. The real weapon would be as I have described. That ‘AR Type’ would not perform as the one actually used.

And as the fake photograph believed of Oswald with a rifle and the fake one quoted for him, Crooks’ present from daddy was not the rifle used on Trump.
The lunacy of Oswald’s alleged bolt action, iron sight, 6.5mm Manlicher Carcano, carbine.
I advised of a side angle and a head shot. No front ballistic shields and he wearing a body mass vest following prior non public attempts.
The shots; at least 7, not 4; were from the side, as I have advised.
The JFK shooters were; Sturgis, Holt, Hunt, and Harrelson on the roof of The Dal-Tex Building (Police Headquarters). The final shot taken by Jack Lawrence in the Overpass drain, witnessed by the murdered Deaf Mute on the Overpass and the Rail Tower Guard.
Why did the cavalcade suddenly turn left into Dealey Plaza on the day. Why was CIA Zapruder in position, with the rest of the Dramatis Personae? Including KGB observer Mamushka.
Badgeman Roselli at the knoll having murdered Tippit in the police car in the rail yard. The body swap occurring at Arlington, late one night after the initial JFK burial.
RFK the only Arlington Swap witness murdered by Thane Cesar in the kitchen. Deranged Sirhan firing blanks, as did Ruby at Oswald in the garage.
The calls of ‘gun’ visible from 450 yards, on a rooftop, were as absurd as The FBI not involved in J6 or The Las Vegas Shootings.
CIA Jim Angleton; pardoned by cromwellian and fake Warren Commission Ford; coordinated The JFK Murder, with GHWB and Lansdale standing Infront of The School Book Depository. Oswald was not in Dealey Plaza on the day.
Pentagon Dov Zakheim coordinated the two drones from Stewart Airport on 9/11. The subsequent same date as the HRC Benghazi False Flag in 2012. The two Tower aircraft (there were not four) were pilotless flown over the Atlantic and brought down by The USN as target practice.
On 9/12 some one billion in CIA fake Bearer US Treasury Notes were to have been settled by; Marsh McLennan, Euro Brokers, and Cantor Fitzgerald, destroyed in the towers, together with the SEC pending prosecution files. Also destroyed in the Pentagon bomb; admitted by Bill Blythe; was the ONA investigating the missing three trillion dollars from Pentagon accounts, advised by Rumsfeld on 9/10.
One of Trump’s greatest errors was not allowing the target practice of the aircraft carrying the entire frauded Dem Congress on their European sojourn in Jan. 2019.
MH-370 was shot down as a target by The USN where it transponder disappeared north of KL. Not mysteriously in the South Indian Ocean opposite Base North West Cape. And no engine floated up on Reunion. As no engine was found in a street of New York. Engines, but wrong aircraft. Intact and even floating.
Oliver Stone was correct with ‘El Salvador’ and wrong with ‘JFK’. Bill Cooper was wrong with ‘Behold a Pale Horse’. Giancana was right with ‘Double Cross’. Jim Garrison was a CIA dupe to divert the reality. Roberts was wrong with ‘Gemstone Files’ concerning JFK, but correct with Onassis. The efforts of Mae Brussell and Stephanie Caruana did not salvage the actual events.
The final coordinating meeting occurred six days before the latest Trump murder attempt, attended in the situation room of The WH Bunker. Where the bin Laden fake capture was theatricized.
Other mechanics occurred through ‘Compartmentalized’ secure (above Top Secret) coded Comms.
A panic stricken inside job folks. Now could that be the owners of Biden, together with the desperate of The Washington Currruption Machine.
The last chance is Nov. 5, 2024. Followed by the end of January 2025 being what should have occurred in 2017.
The Martyr Syndrome lost in the brains of the Disengaged, Deluded, and Deranged.
Over $200 million poured in, the day after his political conviction. Following the murder attempt: a billion dollars is screaming in.
The pending Civil War delayed until after the outcome of Nov.5. Not a Dem orchestrated FBI facilitated J6 theatric, but a real one.
One term of a fake Cromwellian being more than sufficient to demonstrate the realities of Zimbardo, Dunning-Kruger, Phillips, and Keynesian Expertized Insanity.
In passing: the last Ice Age as confirmed by The Vostok Core Samples as we knew: a CO2 atmosphere of at least .02% is required to maintain plant life for food and photosynthesis for Oxygen to breathe. It is currently at .04% and being driven down by the lead of expertised insane and their rent-a-windbags, bleeding governments.
Excess CO2 is taken out by the oceans and returned as required. The CO2 release is followed by warming. It does not precede any warming. And prior Ice Ages were not anthropogenic.
The Socio-Economic devastations built on lies of; Climate, Race, and Gender are causing more damage than the endless wars they have replaced.
Territorial and Economic gains in the contemporary have not been accomplished by propaganda theatrics for the consumption of fools assembled.
America and its playmates have no projection of force while fixated on past eras. What is being inculcated and tutored is not the real world.
IF TRUMP hadn’t turned his head to the right … post
Now, students in History class, shout out the answers
to these questions. I’m sure you all know this like the back of your hand::
Who shot JFK in 1963? — Lee Harvey Oswald
Who shot MLK on April 4, 1968? — James Earl Ray
Who shot RFK on June 6, 1968? — Sirhan Sirhan
Who bombed 168 people at OKC in 1995? — Tim McVeigh
Who shot 16 kids at Dunblane, in 1996? — Thomas Hamilton
Who shot 30 people in Australia in 1996? — Martin Bryant
Who wrecked the Twin Towers in 2001? — Osama bin Laden
Who killed 20 CT first-graders in 2012? — Adam Lanza
Who bombed Boston’s Marathon in 2013? –Jahar Tsarnaev
Very good, Children. You all get an A-plus. And now you can
graduate into the High School for Patriotic Fools.
This is amazing. As I have been saying for months, when I post an article at Gumshoe, the gremlins find an old matching piece and run it on the masthead as “Trending.” Just now, after I posted not an article but a comment (at 11:29am), they went and grabbed this item from 2017 which I had completely forgotten about:
Well how is this another typical iconic moment.
At beforeitsnews.com is a report that the security shooter has allegedly been sacked for not obeying orders not to shoot the culprit even though he had him sighted for about three minutes.
Seems that he disobeyed when the shooter fired.
Some may recall my wonderment that the defender did not have his eye on his scope but suddenly reacted, head down and fired.
If this account has legs🙀💁- shtf soon?
Anyone reminded of the Lindt cafe when the officer was refused to have a shot at ……
Remember all the excuses?
MM, you went to the inquiry and may think on all this?
Best ensure this allegation is not housed out.
Radio is raising the Kennedy ZAPRUDER FILM.
And remember the withdrawal of the security riding on the back ‘bumper’ of kennedy’s vehicle and the security fellow running backwards after the vehicle with this wonderment
I have seen that account.
Questions and mystery are obvious.
“Anyone reminded of the Lindt cafe when the officer was refused to have a shot at ……” – Hell, the same thing happened at Port Arthur, “this has to happen”.
Here’s a Gumshoes article on that aspect of Port Arthur. You’ll never read such information in the MSM.
The alleged Christian Ethic needed to be relaxed to have avoided America and the americanized vassal world from falling into the Socio-Economic-Military abyss in which it is now entrenched.
Staring down from a presumptive moral high ground, empowers the enemy at the door, under the guise of weakness.
Cheek Turning is suicidal lunacy. Not only for the direct targets, but for the very many who will suffer as a consequence of delusion.
Cheek turning was never meant to be the rule of law .It’s more of a win the convert over by loving him into heaven technique , and also to restrain our savage human tendencies .
The rule of law is spelled out clearly and includes capital punishment , with the helpful tip of ” don’t screw up and these consequences won’t happen to you ” lifestyle ethic .
1Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will [a]bring judgment on themselves. 3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 4For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. 5Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake.
Romans 13:1-5
As we near “Left Behind” time , it’s my personal opinion the that the long awaited “Great Roundup” has been prophesied thru one of Christ’s parables .
4 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.”
Matthew 13:24-30
It’s my present understanding that this Satanic cabal MUST be taken out of the way , so that God can make a last call to humanity , otherwise known as the great end time revival , before the time of Anti -Christ begins .
G5 has put out a good summary.
A little over 24 hours since the ‘event’ and the lying media ‘narrative’ is finding it difficult to convince any wide audience that wishes to listen to it.
It’s all now falling apart for the Deep State.
Buckle up for what will be coming next.
AS SUSPECTED. – finger not on the trigger⚖️🙀
At beforeitsnews.com people powered news
“It was allowed to happen” top at the moment with promo of a large sniper rifle.
Tis long, so for the Analysis, from 35 mins. Painful and repetitive but worth the time.
Allegations firm as to those with motive and responsible.
Yep, the shot round the world is trite, it will be the consequences. Trump will be on the hunt.
Some waterboarding likely? Then ………
Ok NORMIES, a few of us have tried to tell you.
Clif High’s web blog playing out at beforeitsnews.com.
More to come, what do we have to do, slap you with a 5 LB wet Murray cod across your ears.
“Vince Foster went to Fort Marcy Park and shot himself 3 times in the back of the head to avoid testifying against Hillary Clinton.”
Slick Willie on the happy pills (3 min)
Supplied by commenter cx767 from a video posted 4 months ago
Start at exactly 11:00 and listen for a minute or two, more if you like
And now Trump has torn up his anti-Biden speech and is going to do a “unifying” one, let’s wait and see if he is having an Trumpiphany
I love a contrived photo opportunity like the examples above.However they don’t hold a candle to our own, living the contrived dream 24/7 …
Anthony “over easy” Albanese, of course
2012 event in Canberra– I was there—the shoe seems important –I noted one report of the Trump event had him asking for his shoe ???–also I just watched hypnosis amnesia MKULTRA experiments Stephen Fry– assassination — we are under their thrall
Whole towns put under– I remember Adrian Wells story –Gabbi Choong interviewed him and he spoke in Canberra–these are the stories we need to listen to
2 media reports of the one event
February 7, 2023 19
I like Clayton, but he has Trump derangement syndrome.
It was a inside, deep state job. The choreography on the surface seems lame, but as those dance moves were deliberate, the “controversy” was the main focal-point.
Bloodied ear, CLEAN HANDS🙀🤪🤷🏻
Always question.
Fuca behind, spend one viewing just on him.
Love it.
Where; find it at BIN from ten to 22 mins!
What if it was Ts double that was ‘shot’.
Who would allow the murder too proceed…. Giving a basis for a round up of…. After the genuine T pos out from Cheyeen mountain.
Watch Fuca!
Many alternative theories to those of the official type shoved toward us.
The basic rule is do not trust anyone. Think 911🙀
Much more to find from an analysis of the scene beyond the official narrative sold to us…… as usually expected.
After the above comments I found and listened to Jaco as referenced in the. Next article in my comment.
It is so comforting that I have a. Crazy comrade, perhaps I can out-do him💁💁🙀🍿🍿🍿
Double double toil and trouble……..
Double. triple, quadruple toil and mystery.