by G5
The House has predictably voted to send Impeachment Articles to The Senate concerning Donald Trump.
Those responsible for the reversal of opinion in 2018 are the ones who denied themselves from 2016. They predictably set fire to The Constitution, The Legal Process, The Separation of Powers, and The Republic Itself.
Now who would have guessed. Perhaps the sane.
Who loses? The People of America. Who gains? It’s pyrrhic, and who cares.
The Dems cannot win in 2020, so throw over the apple cart anyway. The power articulations of those dysfunctionalities then just naturally pour forward. The level of damage they cause is directly related to their actual unaccountability and non-transparency.
The prognosis is not good.
Trump entered the equation in 2015 as the very fabric of American Socio-Economic existence was sliding to the precipice. It has been there before under the misused authority of the toxic, bought and blackmailed Democratic Party. And never what its fraudulent name implied.
A long and demonstrable history of destroying all to which it was entrusted. Buchanan, Wilson, FDR, Truman, LBJ, Carter, WJC, Obama. It’s all there.
And when a political party reaches the stage of fraudulently occupying The White House with an unqualified non-American pretending to be President with a made for TV fake ‘Family’, and with even hand-selected proven fraudsters as Vice President and Secretary of State and dysfunctionals to head the DOJ, FBI, and the Intelligence Apparatus — there is only one direction from there. To protect the ground taken at any cost to The People and The Nation.
And that is: God, Country, Liberty, Justice, Equality, and Morality.
As per raison d’être deceptions, corruptions, and crimes, are lateralized to posture as being those of The Other.
Interestingly, the two prior Impeached with Articles reaching The Senate (with actual stated charges, not as the current unlawful ponce against Trump), were both Democrats — Andrew Johnson and WJC. The latter running from The White House before enforcement (Obstruction, not playing with a braindead while in office and denying it to the hordes).
The embattled, Nixon resigned in a structured gambit (The Dem chase as he would not Pardon the JFK Coup participants). Agnew was removed by bluffing Nixon (financially entrapped by Rockefeller and owned by the Mafia through Bebe Rebozo).
The reverse would not have delivered what was sought. Watergate and Kissinger as Deep Throat, with self-interested game player Katharine Graham (John Belushi murdered at Chateau Marmont where I lived, for the SNL revelation). the terminally toxic Kissinger writing the script as the soap opera serial was played out to the ravenous hordes.
Transposed by induced puppets, Woodward and Bernstein, Watergate was a non-entity with ‘captured’ pawns by a sudden constabulary episode as that of Oswald in the Theatre. And how clever we are.
The incompetent Intel Shooters at Dealey Plaza (roof of Dal-Tex Police HQ, and the Drain below The Knoll) included the same crew that were later sold to Nixon as the Plumbers — those who plug leaks. (MSM Death Bed Confessions are paid beneficiary nonsense.)
LBJ ran from office after appointing mega blackmail aficionado J.Edgar Hoover as FBI Director For Life. Which of course would eventually find the obvious solution — as good old Mafia ‘Mary’, had a file on everyone with motive and ability. The darling little cross-dressing Mafia Denier, eventually collecting his ransom.
The two Johnson Dem Vice Presidents becoming President until removed or chased out.
There being many more links to the assassinations of Lincoln and JFK than the interesting numerical connections.
So, Agnew was removed; Nixon appoints Ford; Nixon is removed; and Ford appoints Rockefeller. Ford then Pardons all The Coup d’état actors of The JFK Murder. The hidden organizer — CIA James Angleton (Pentagon Dov Zakheim being the organizer of 9/11) resigns and is protected from appearing before Congress by Ford’s ‘Executive Privilege’ wrapped about fake National Security issues. Rockefeller commences his own sham ‘investigation’ to hide the events of the Coup. Ford was on the Warren Commission Lie (the cover of the Coup alluded to at his funeral by the grand corrupt puppet master GHWB. Legacy and Dignity to be denied).
Mueller has repeated the horde-sucked-in procedure to protect Dem and Deep State Corruption through his Search, Destroy, and Manufacture.
Interesting that Manafort has just been released from his absurd Fraudulent Muellerised Sentence. And the judge in the equally concocted Flynn Affair has called for the FBI records.
The cornerstones of the Massive Mueller, Deep State, and Dem Fraud is slowly unraveling, as per a schedule outside the gambit of the Anti-Trump (Anti-American) Derangement Disorder. The noose that they knotted themselves.
The two non sequitur Articles without any specification of any ‘High Crime or Misdemeanour’ — argued to oblivion for several hours — with the only discernible input from the benches of the Great Unwashed, being interjections and concerted sedentary booing. And how a nation is run.
The first Article was ‘Abuse of Power’, and the second was ‘Obstruction of Congress’. Both of which could be easily levied against one’s pet gerbil. Was it necessary to destroy the foundations of a nation in order to posture a false obscenity?
The first passed with 230-197, with 3 Dems Crossing The Floor. The second with 229-198, with 4 Crossing. A party-line nonsense. But The Senate needs 67-33 to pass. Too big a call in a 53-47 Senate. 20 GOP needed to Cross to the Dem Side. But The Dems have unified the GOP. As the fight is not solely against Trump, to remove him from the 2020 ballot, but against The People, The Constitution, as well as the GOP.
Recall the Green New Deal Insanity — received party-line support from The House. But when dropped onto The Senate Table, it was voted down 100-0.
We note that one of the current problems concerning the overcrowding of Sanctuary Cities (San Francisco), with now broken infrastructure and welfare systems is defecation in the aisles of supermarkets (great CCTV footage). America the envy of the world.
The second Article is struck down by precedent. Executive Privilege (Mulvaney and Bolton. Three lower court decision. Congress did not seek to enforce their subpoena demands, losing their fictional claims) and waiting Court Decisions are not Obstruction. The first is questionable but also without merit. Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus, FDR jailed 110,000 Japanese Americans, JFK tapped MLK’s telephones. Investigating dross Dems in Ukraine is not Impeachable.
As Turley recently advised, ‘Democrats do not have the law or the facts on their side, which leaves them having to make up new standards, as they stand on their desks and scream, “Trump did something wrong!”’
Some interesting comments at the beginning of the video about the disruption to Dem campaigning in January and Feb. 20
“ the Dems don’t have the law or the facts on their side, which leaves them having to make up new standards “
Hmmm, now where else have I seen the same predicament dealt with like so?
I’ll try again to post this, which by the way isn’t left or right leaning, it’s a basis of truth and I can’t see why I am still being denied a voice on here, obstruction of my Free Speech?
Trump has not been impeached. Apart from the reps can’t impeach, just start an impeachment process – According to constitutional lawyers over there (including one who was even testifying for the Dems that day), until the papers are delivered to the Senate for a trial, it’s just a vote. It doesn’t mean anything, except to be recorded as they voted on it.
This sick joke is fascinating to the World.