Home Corona Incessant Propaganda Driving the Psychosis of Government Addiction

Incessant Propaganda Driving the Psychosis of Government Addiction


by G5

Fwd: Exclusive: Samples From Early Wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, One of Two Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab.

I like the ‘Exclusivity’ of the above; twenty months after I wrote it. And they’re still digesting it.

I recall I was ghostwriting for one of the world’s largest international news magazines in early 1986. A cover story and reports that allowed the development of the new invention of celebrity journalists. We did the work and invented names ponced to create an audience of addicted. America is notorious for it. Presenters possibly; writers no.

Covid from the Canadian CIABWL. And still, a lot more facts to flow.

What I had written at the time from Intel reports is slowly leaking now, more widely. I even named the Dramatis Personae and the logistics.

I have correctly written on all major events. Often within 48 hours. Three generations in The Trade, with six decades of my analyzing geo-strategics.

As with MH-17, it took the herds some six years to reach the curve of what I had correctly written in the first 24 hours. Then we had the legalized manipulation to return to the official desperate deceptions of The American Fascist Deep State. And the herds were drowned in their stupidity yet again.

I wrote of the cancellations of Milosovich, Epstein, Kelly, et al. Epstein of course before the event. And Milosovich is postured as killing himself on the eve of his release. The EU court having overturned the nonsense convictions of the American-owned one. The reason why the falsely convicted Mladic is run around in secret, high-security detention, in England. The trophy conviction. An attempt to hide; the War Crimes, Acts of War, Crimes Against Humanity, and Genocide conducted by the UK as a lackey for the now, finally, non-extent Evil Empire of History.

Most are beyond mental salvation and will never catch the train. JFK, 9/11, and many of the other events that have captured and molded their belief systems, have realities lost to them. As they wallow in their induced delusional psychosis of belief in being fully informed of truth, fact, and reality, from the principal sources of their regurgitated propaganda illusions.

But their owners and controllers know that. How else would the CovidHoax have reached the time-lapse VaccinationGenocide? The planned comorbidity disconnect, by 2024.

Yesterday’s Emotional Email

The leaked literature of True Scientific Reports is catching the game. But very slowly; as filtered, obstructed, denied, and planned. Over-ridden by incessant propaganda driving the psychosis of government addiction.

The VaccGenocide is delivering the very complex Guillain-Barr and Epstein-Barr. From which are connected; Hep.A,B,C,E, Hodgkin’s, even Zika, and much more. Very complex and confusing diagnoses.

Any professionals you are likely to encounter, at your local clinic or in hospital emergency areas are ill-equipped to correctly diagnose or treat these complications, due to the denied true causations, cementing the wrong pathways. The enemies of humanity are very clever.

I am losing yet another very close friend, who was unable to avoid the vacc. She rang me on that morning desperate that she had been officially entrapped. I knew she would not be receiving a saline batch. I told her to walk out and come over to me. I could not collect her from where she was at that time. She went through the official required motions.

She escaped the first three-week period. I spoke to her each day. I told her all would be well, just keep your immune system boosted with the correct food, supplements, and some exercise. You’ll be fine. I knew very differently, as I believe she quietly did. We both, silently kept faith that this immune destruction to which she was subjected should pass. She was strong in character, mind, and body.

This morning she rang me and described her first extremity symptoms and feelings. She unmistakeably has the signs of the very complex Guillain-Barre. She is unaware due to her having passed the first three weeks.

What will happen cannot now be avoided. She is unaware. The first signs are the most revealing. From there, the complications and confusions begin. From there the many further symptoms that cause the problems and confusions begin to overwhelm the diagnosis and professional protocol reactions.

The exclusion of the causal realities from the theories and diligent professional and expert practice protocols.

The decline is rapid. I can do nothing. We spoke three hours ago and I told her that she had contracted a mild virus, and not to be concerned. I asked one of her nieces to visit her today and tomorrow, for a chat and a little company, for her cold. They work together. It will pass.

I know it won’t and by tomorrow, the symptoms will advance and grip. I can do nothing. I shared nothing with her or her niece on the telephone. The decline is mercifully rapid. I will phone her again shortly for an unrelated boost to her mind and spirit. I will not ask. She will volunteer her advancing symptoms. I can pass this to the mild cold she has somehow contracted.

Being a partner, it is difficult to hide or disguise voice tones. I will discuss some analytical work I have in progress. Having lived with me for a number of years, she knows how I agitate over my work. She also knows I would not lie to her about health issues. So; she has a mild cold, deal with it as such. I will not probe as to her condition. She will volunteer.

I’ve been down this path many times. In 2005 I was speaking to my father (I have lived through foster families as I have previously written) on the telephone when he went silent, the phone dropped, and I knew instantly, that he had passed. Sometimes it’s electric. I will feel every moment of this forthcoming journey.

I just phoned her again; the symptoms are rapidly advancing and disguising. She has difficulty breathing correctly. I can do nothing. She has a forthcoming period of a tragic two weeks. I will not be able to be with her either during or at the conclusion of this; when she finds her peace. She will decline rapidly and be unaware.

A monumental human being.

I will miss her very much.



  1. The leader of the World Economic Forum is Klaus Schwab and his mother was Marrianne Rothschild. Schwab is the mastermind of the ‘ Great Reset’ and ‘ Build back better’

    • I always think it’s funny when people say we should “take back” Australia, since it was owned from Windsor Castle since 1788. Now Swissy and his agents have made a deal with the owners about de-stocking and re-stocking. The sheeple will be directed “up the ramp”.

    • The identity of Klaus Schwab’s mother’s is not verifiable. For some reason, Wikipedia writes nothing about whom he was born to – that’s suspicious in itself.

      However, it is not proven that Marianne Schwab, nee Rothschild, was his mother.

      • W3

        jo bjelke –TAKE OVER– of Aurukun 197–? from the missionaries — deals done

        “The identity of Klaus Schwab’s mother’s is not verifiable”
        maybe a breeding program Petri dish experiment

        • Sir Joh obviously knighted for service, I came in late, only know about the SEQ strikes, Joh’s jury, feeding the chooks, pumpkin scones and such stuff, so there is more !!! Probably,,,,,,,,,, much more !!!

          • Sir Joh’s ghastly geographical genesis was a Dalmation village in New Zealand. He was the leading edge in a village plot to infiltrate Australia and colonise it with “superior genes”.

            Dunno about the superior genes bit, but the criminal Kiwi genes burst through and infected much of Queensland, causing the much-feared Heinz Syndrome that attacks all people with cop genes.

            The surviving infected, having missed out on the Fitzgerald jab, are now officially known as Sunshine Coast Politicians. A recent outbreak infected the Premier.

            I’m bored.

        • I understand Klaus’ father was Eugen and his mother was Emma (nee Kilian). Eugen ran Escher-Wyss factory in Ravensburg. Klaus joined Sulzer Escher-Wyss in 1967. There’s some very interesting reading about that company!

    • Arrived today (v expensive) — bought for members of family.

      Strange, “needle” used to deliver poison… and the antidote for the spike proteins.

  2. • Busting the Myths Surrounding 1989 Tiananmen Square – Brian Berletic with Angelo Giuliano

    Tiananmen Square is just a central point for a wide-ranging discussion about the geopolitical lie were all live under.

    A good passage by Angelo from around 56:20 – “you’ve been lied to …”

  3. G,
    Very sad article, nobody needs to suffer like this wonderful lady.
    My apologies for criticism in your last article. I have a weakness for small detail, doesn’t do me any good, fine pencil point to blame. Going past it you may as well throw the expensive piece of wood away….not permitted. Every piece must be delivered pure, no second goes. I must be drawn crafted and delivered. That was my world and I got sfa.
    Anyway, here in Sin City tonight, planes landing every 10 minutes, passengers Isus(isis) Taliban or Russian army, take your pick? Serco biggest corp. in the world, no ones heard about, still going gangbusters with camps all over Oz. Get a drone view and feast your eyes to cold hard bitter truth.
    Keep up the good work friends, we maybe number one in a hundred, if lucky.

  4. Remorseless health minister Hazard a.k.a. Mental Health Hazard, fresh from overseeing stadium comas / death for schoolkids in his jurisdiction, now wants all hospital staff injected before November. The sheeple are still clueless, fervently believe the story of the unstoppable killer virus.
    These sheeple are barely half awake.

    • I think the first censor of Deagal was Deagal, seemed to be saying only that the depop would be a result of economic distress, I have been predicting this for many years (not in Gumshoe) jokingly as cannibalism etc. I would say Deagal would have been well aware of the cull of useless eaters but the great fiat ponzi reset is no doubt real. People feel it coming and are buying houses but unfortunately not paying for them, just taking credit instead !!!
      Oh dear this might not end well.

        • Perhaps as in ancient days when every 7 years debts were forgiven and slaves were freed we could do likewise and declare a Jubilee year.

          • Oh how delightfully you phrase that, Klaus Swab would love you, indeed I think that’s the plan, “You will own nothing and be happy”

    • Speaking of Bill Gates, I saw “Costco” slipped into the MSM news as infomercial product placement or however it’s called. Costco was run by Gates’ father, and his grandfather appears to have been partner in Rockerfellas Foundation, started sometime around 1900 not sure exactly. So Bill Gates got a big head start on distribution, they used to say his original product “MsDos” was a ripoff from unix code. We used to think Gates was a normal nerd with business acumen but it was all his father, and connections. So, Costco, the sheeple pay to join so you can only get in by agreeing to be registered and tracked. The future globalist model arrived just before the scamdemic. Killing off the old strip malls one by one.

      • I have a hunch that Bill Gates, born 1955, entered the world as a female and was forcibly transitioned to male, as a child.

        Not that it would particulary cast any explanation for his lifetime behavior. Just would cast some light on the father (and/or Bill’s mother, whose name was Mary Maxwell!).

        Speaking of that, there is an industry now, in the US, of persuading teen girls to become male. I suppoose it is “justified” by the fact that this would result in lower population numbers.

        I suspect (but then when do I not suspect?) that Depop has become such a rallying cry in the ranks of You-Know-Whom, that any device to promote it is seen as wonderful.

  5. Pfizer broken all the rules and is on the run for crimes against humanity


    ……………She says, “Under the Obama administration, there were two acts that were passed, that I think most people remember the names. There was the PAHPRA Act, the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act of 2013 and the Cures Act, that was passed in December of 2016 through Congress. And under both those acts, they were able to basically throw out all the FDA laws and regulations that mitigated risk for new drugs and biological agents.

    “Those included doing animal trials, proving safety in animals before doing human trials. Those included doing good manufacturing practices, making sure the quality, consistency of products that you were administering to people was consistent and safe.

    “It also included not having to prove actual, statistically- and clinically-significant efficacy…One of the other things it waived was Informed Consent! The laws that they passed – these laws that our Congress passed – literally violate the Nuremberg Code!

    “So our Congress passed legislation that allowed our government to commit Crimes Against Humanity against the American People. So to the American People, I say, ‘Wake up and start paying attention to what those elected officials, to what our government is doing.’”……………..


  6. G5 – thank you for sharing your personal experience. The frustration generated from not being in a position to aid personally, those you admire and love, due to circumstances beyond your control, jumps out at the reader.

    I am experiencing my own frustration, too, my wife, with our eldest son, now 37, who is so beholden to the fear porn and propaganda campaign from a misplaced trust in government, media and general practitioners, who I have come to label, as just glorified pharmacists, that any common sense argument or fact presented, now falls on deaf ears.

    I hope his up coming jab is a saline placebo like all those poseurs in authority have taken, and who knowingly promote such poison with their role playing deception, which is ably assisted onto a still largely gullible public whose common sense and critical thinking has abandoned them in droves, by an all too compliant, and so very willing, deceptive media.

    Such is the concern for my Son, that In my mind, I tossed around an approach to God on my knees, as a request that God intervene into my Son’s acceptance of the Evil present in that experimental drug, but was soon made to realize, that everyone has a choice in this most testing of times in this world, and that God is truly testing us all.

  7. Dear G5, I found an odd item from 1995. You probably could not use it directly, but reading it may shake out an old memory of somebody in your address book who knows how to do “cures.” So here it is. I won’t name the author for fear of prejudicing the case:

    “Miracle medicines and herbs (God’s pharmacy) will keep the body healthy. An understanding of the way the electro-molecular energy field around the body operates will allow the healthy body to be kept in perfect alignment creating perpetual perfect health or it can be brought back into alignment easily with the use of high-tech field variation equipment…. . The Elite plan to enjoy total and complete health due to their technology in electromagnetic fields. They also have antibodies against the diseases they let loose and make sure they are protected.”

    I think this is related to the extacorporeal photo-cleansing done at Yale. Or maybe even related to the simple wrist band promulgated by the Late Bob Beck. Or maybe even to Lakhovsky’s thingie (curing plants).

    So sorry that you see someone whose suffering is needless and cruel.

  8. The MSM news this morning attacks Florida where Trump and Gov DeSantis are running the place to the liking of the inhabitants, but if you listen to alJazeera there are diseased corpses laying all over the streets.
    Meanwhile I think Western Australian cops found a weapons maker with all sorts of prototype guns, he will now be locked up for years and his house seized. If he was real to start with, maybe just planted in the fake news as advertorial.
    Truck drivers blockade seems to have been subsumed by infiltrators from the ALP (glibly known as the Australian Labor Party whatever that means) but we have to wait and see. We understand in other places mercenaries are used to deal with the locals and our red / blue governments of Her Majesty have thoughtfully allowed this tactic in legislation so “foreign troops” may enter from anywhere I guess. Benignly perhaps even as strike-breaking truck-drivers. Hurrah !!! J.P.Morgan’s “Woolworths” and other brands back in action. In the UK right now they are pre-empting any such truck-driver action, by importing truck drivers from Europe, these will probably be Turks or anything. Tribalism and rudimentary English would be to the employer’s advantage.

    Of course in the early 1940’s the residents of Hiroshima would have called the place “the lucky city” and in Australia we have a few such which might qualify, notably Perth. In Australia we are in the strange position of being a possession of the British Crown but we get our defence from the USA, having surrendered various strategic assets such as Pine Gap, NW Cape, Darwin and whatever.

    Everything goes back to the Federal Reserve infiltrating the US through the miserable Woodrow Wilson. In the same way Bretton Woods followed ww2 by a couple of years, when Great Britain had gone broke with war debts to the US Military Industrial Complex. So the much ridiculed Chamberlain was effectively right to try to negotiate a way out.
    We can start to get a picture here, that the English Crown and City of London etc. were unwanted rivals to Swissy and his Reserve Banking System and the entire scheme of ww1 & 2 was started by the new federated Germany wanting parity with the British Empire (oil fields etc) but subverted by Swissy to bankrupt both London and Berlin. Hubris was the common factor in destruction !!!
    It’s just one project after another for Swissy.

    All the “axis” countries of ww1 were a chain from Germany through to Turkey. The great culls simply followed the tradition of previous centuries. The baby boomers put a stop to it all with televised Vietnam. We have to give the US some credit for our freedoms, even though they were infiltrated as written above, starting (more than) 100 years ago. The baby boomers influence is now waning and the next cull is required. Not only are we too great in numbers, we are too empowered, with innovations only dreamed of by the boomers, such as internet, drones, weaponry (especially US), we are way too autonomous. Our controllers must wake in a cold sweat every night, with the thought that the sheeple might turn on them. All the same they have no choice but to press on with their plan, using the fake news, all sorts of mercenaries and the new religion “BigPharma”. Such is the burden of the ruling classes, and their reward, to burn in hell or some such torture, we are told.

      • I thought the Queen was our head of State, doesn’t she sign all the documents ?
        Money supply doesn’t equate to owning everything, it’s as if you said the real estate agents own everything when they are just raking in a good commission. It has taken Swissy and luminaries such as Rockerfellas a century to build BigPharma into the all powerful Pharaohnic religion that it is. It certainly looks like Swissy and the gang have 51% by now but getting to 100% is probably going to be impossible.

          • Protocol No.5 The Protocols of Zion

            PER ME REGES REGNANT. “It is through me that Kings reign.” And it was said by the prophets that we were chosen by God Himself to rule over the whole earth. God has endowed us with genius that we may be equal to our task. Were genius in the opposite camp it would still struggle against us, but even so, a newcomer is no match for the old-established settler: the struggle would be merciless between us, such a fight as the world has never seen. Aye, and the genius on their side would have arrived too late. All the wheels of the machinery of all States go by the force of the engine, which is in our hands, and that engine of the machinery of States is – Gold. The science of political economy invented by our learned elders has for long past been giving royal prestige to capital.

          • This is just stuff about retail banking to distract the public, it pre-dates MMT ( Modern Money Theory ), it doesn’t consider the reserve banks or anything deeper. They talk about “City of London” but get cut off before mentioning anything about Swissy, Rotschilds or whatever they are starting to get cagey about.

            This one says this, that one says that.
            For example ( random from wwweb ),
            “The square mile making up the center of Greater London is the global seat of power, at least at the visible level. Washington DC was established as a city-state in 1871 with the passage of the Act of 1871 , which officially established the United States as a corporation under the rule of Washington, which itself is subservient to the City of London.”

            Swissy doesn’t get a mention.
            You know the rule, if it’s censored it must have been true.

        • http://www.takeourworldback.com/protocolsconfirmed.htm#radziwill

          The Protocols

          But, what are the facts?

          “We rejoice to learn that on May 14, 1935, the Cantonal Court of Berne, Switzerland, openly denounced the so-called ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ as forgeries, obvious plagiarism, immoral, and manifestly prepared for the purpose of inciting popular passion against the Jews”. Thus said the “New York Evening Post”, May 14, 1935.


          This has been repeated endlessly ever since.

          BUT when the Swiss Court of Appeals on Nov. 1, 1937 not only acquitted the principal defendant, Sylvio Schnell, and assessed the entire cost of the trial, 30,000 francs, against the state and reversed the verdict, Jewry kept SILENCE! The decision cited the fact that the Marxist-Judge Meyer had heard not one witness for the defense; had kept no Court record of the proceedings; and detailed other irregularities of the trial.

          The defendants had been arrested on complaint of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Switzerland on the charge that they had violated Article 14 of the Swiss law against distributing obscene literature, at a public meeting – the Protocols. The Appeals Court ruled that the “experts” for the Jews, C. A. Loosi and Prof. A. Baumgarten, appointed by Judge Meyer, not only were biased on the Jewish question, but, moreover, the authenticity of the Protocols had no bearing on the case since they are of a political nature and do not belong in the category of obscene literature.

          The Appeals Court also denounced “the prejudice and gross irregularities” which had been committed in the trial. Not a single one of the 40 witnesses for the defense had been permitted to testify, while all sixteen of the witnesses for the Jewish Community which brought the suit had been heard. . .”

          “The proceedings were accordingly carried on solely upon the testimony of the Jewish plaintiffs. And further, although Swiss law demands that in the case of every law suit, shorthand minutes of the proceedings be taken by an official of the court, the Judge did not adhere to this condition, but permitted the Jewish plaintiffs to appoint two private stenographers to keep the register of the official proceedings during the hearing of their own witnesses. As, therefore, no legal record of the proceedings was kept, it follows that the whole procedure, and the verdict itself, are both null and void”.

          One is tempted to say the same for the pompous “Report of the Senate Committee (Benny Mandel’s) concerning the Protocols”. [END]



          Validity of “The Protocols”
          A Huge Compendium of Arguments
          by Willie Martin


        • 1 Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil……………..”. If that’s the case then Jews must be the main root because their Banks own nearly all of the worlds money supply.

          • I’m a skeptic of everything Saul / Paul ever wrote, but for the sake of a neverending argument, since when did jews take over Switzerland

          • GOVERNMENT

            "The Jews have been through their traumas," a [Jewish] Democratic politican explained, "Be we have always survived. We are a separate and destined people. I have no illusion that the U.S. is paradise. America is Babylon. We must ask the question, 'Do we want death by assimilation? Do we want death by intermarriage? Or do we want to preserve our traditions?"
            -- from Jonathan Reider, 1985, p. 47


    • “Is the real Klaus Schwab a kindly old uncle figure wishing to do good for humanity, or is he really the son of a Nazi collaborator who used slave labour and aided Nazi efforts to obtain the first atomic bomb? Johnny Vedmore investigates…

      On the morning of 11 September 2001, Klaus Schwab sat having breakfast in the Park East Synagogue in New York City with Rabbi Arthur Schneier, former Vice President for the World Jewish Congress and closely associate of the Bronfman and Lauder families. Together, the two men watched one of the most impactful events of the next twenty years unfold as planes struck the World Trade Center buildings. Now, two decades on, Klaus Schwab again sits in a front row seat of yet a generation-defining moment in modern human history.

      Always seeming to have a front row seat when tragedy approaches, Schwab’s proximity to world-altering events likely owes to his being one of the most well-connected men on Earth. As the driving force behind the World Economic Forum, “the international organization for public-private cooperation,” Schwab has courted heads of state, leading business executives, and the elite of academic and scientific circles into the Davos fold for over 50 years. More recently, he has also courted the ire of many due to his more recent role as the frontman of the Great Reset, a sweeping effort to remake civilization globally for the express benefit of the elite of the World Economic Forum and their allies.”



      • Schwab (Rothschild), Marianne
        Frankfurt am Main (Germany)

        Marianne Schwab, nee Rothschild, born in 1919 in Frankfurt/Main is the daughter of Louis and Melanie Rothschild of Bad Homburg, Germany, a few miles north of Frankfurt. Bad Homburg was described as having a then population of about 60,000 to 70,000 inhabitants of which approximately 5% were Jewish. Her father operated a banking business in Bad Homburg and although in the same business as the famous House of Rothschild dynasty of Frankfurt, the family was not directly related to them. Her father was also president of the Jewish community, and her maternal grandfather was a city councilman in Bad Homburg……………….”


        • If Klaus is half zionist and half nazi he would probably make an excellent choice for inheritance collection, in the great tradition of in-bred and cross-bred royals

          • A Jewish Mother decides legal status

            It’s not a point of view it is the Jews law –

            “………..There are situations in Jewish law where, even in the course of a sexual relationship, no paternity is established. According to Jewish law, the child of a relationship between a Jew and a Gentile always assumes the legal status of its mother. The child bears no legal relationship to its father. See Babylonian Talmud, Yevamot 22a-b; Jacob ben Asher, Tur, Even Haezer ch. 16. This is equally true in cases of artificial insemination…………”

            To be an Orthodox Jew is to agree with the Talmud that, “It is permitted to deceive a goy.” (Baba Kama 113b)

      • I have cut and pasted about Quandt a couple of times lately, the guy from Festo (pneumatics), now into mark of the beast implementation etc. Germans love all this stuff but not exclusively. Why make a big deal out of Nazi vs Zionist, they are both up to no good. It’s like football or any sort of red / blue arrangement.

    • I can assure you that if this were true Wikipukia would be all over it like snot in a used face nappy, the survivor dog squads would be out on the sniff and Robert Zimmerman would have written a dirge about him.

  9. Meanwhile in Malaysia they seem to have got the mark of the beast fully established, you are supposed to have your injection registered to the QR code on your phone without which you cannot get into Tesco Lotus or whatever it is there. This is a muslim state with not so many jews or nazis, they don’t even let the Chinese have full citizen rights and they have been there since the British &/or before. So just to reiterate, full mark of beast, no jews or nazis.

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