by G5
If the Ruskies were such buffoons as incessantly profiled by US fake propaganda during the US induced Cold War Era, why did the US and its playmates freeze at the 1945 Battle of Berlin? Why did Truman and Atlee SURRENDER to Stalin at Potsdam, giving Soviet Russia EVERYTHING east of The Oder-Neisse? Why did the US sit transfixed by the Berlin Wall from 13 August 1961 to October 1989 when The Ruskies walked away?
Why Didn’t the US Ask for Reparations?
If the US ‘won’ WWII or ‘won’ the Cold War, where are the Reparations, Settlements, Appeasements, Rapprochements, Treaties, Agreements, or Concessions that confirm these events beyond US hysterical, historical, jingoistic fiction?
In response to rebuke of the absurd failed US annexation of Crimea on 27 February 2014, the US offers a self-destructive Sanctions Serenade. Together with its meaningless puppet sycophant cohorts.
The 2014 US occupation of Ukraine following its Coup (postured as the standard ‘Peoples’ Movement) and ongoing plundering and pillage, was the usual US orchestrated Regime Change, Invasion, Slaughter, and Occupation. It saw the removal of the democratically elected Yanukovych on 22 February 2014, and the subsequent fraudulently ‘elected’ Poroshenko as ‘President’.
The destruction of Dombass Airport and the US Ukrainian False Flag downing of MH-17, saw Yatsenyuk running for cover to Canada. The ridiculous attempted crossings into Russia; two each from Ukraine and Georgia; saw Saakashvili running for cover to the US. And of course we had our digestions disturbed by Obama waving his fisties with flatulent vehemence over Crimea. A coordinated pout and foot stomp always helps.
The US was allowed to sit in, yet one more of its dramatically failed Wars of Attrition. The Ukraine divided into US (Western) and Russian zones. With the US obeying orders not to cross.
NATO and 300,000 Missing
Some 300,000 Russians in US Ukraine have been gaoled, declared ‘missing’ or murdered by being NATO transported to Lithuanian death camps. This will be a big one to hide when it breaks.
Trump curtailed US funding of the NATO rogue NAZI criminal gang. The entire Pentagon costing some $700 billion a year. While NATO costs some $1 trillion.
In response to US ideologically inspired political lunacy, Trump agreed to send NATO weapons shipments. In March and September 2017, NATO planted massive arms caches in Ukraine, for purposes of mischief against Russia. The Absurdity if it.
When the toys were gathered, Russia delivered one missile to each toyshop, and devastated the well-hatched secret plans. On the second episode, NATO decided to dig much deeper, and be even more secretive and secure. But of course, after the children finished playing, Russia sent its second calling card.
Atlanta Airport was shut on 18 December 2017 under the pretext of an underground electrical fire. The 12-hour deception allowed the 5 hours for an Israeli Military Cal Cargo (Muli Ravini) freighter from Mexico City, to load W80 Nuclear Warheads for Eilat Aiport, then further NATO non-nuke toys to Norway.
(Tested in Iraq 1: four W40s; two in each of 2 lift shafts of WTC 1 and 2 were detonated at the time the support columns were thermite cut; to allow the two drones from Stewart Airport to strike. The original unmanned from the Stewart exchange were flown over The Atlantic and downed as a USN practice drill.
As Jim Angleton orchestrated Jack Lawrence and the JFK Coup, Dov Zakheim orchestrated 9/11. I detailed all this at the time. Unfortunately, as continuously happens, AltMedia invented a fiction industry, of big thinking, well-credentialed expert morons. And off it ran to this day.
One joker even reran the Jekyll Island Affair of The Usual Suspects. All the information being well available, an opportunity was visited to expand verbiage, add literary licence, and allow imagination to posture a little journey. I recall correctly detailing the events from The Bank of North America of 26 June 1781 through Jackson’s Bank War to The 1913 Fed and IRS frauds.
Central Bank Sovereign Loans and Government Debt allow the foreign privately owned Central Banks to export the precious metals they control of a nation to the bank’s owners as debt settlement. So Fort Knox was not robbed. The gold was legally exported as debt settlements. Government Debt and Central Banks (invented for currency ‘stability’) are the recipe for the disasters that keep on giving. Nixon’s Government, predictably bankrupted by the Vietnam War, also moved resource assets through the UN Fraud of what became ‘World Heritage Areas’, ‘Wilderness Areas’, ‘Nature Reserves’ etc.
LACHS owned by Israeli Military through Cal Cargo Airlines; attended the Atlanta Flight. The weaponry was delivered and loaded, while US Customs and Security were banned from approaching the aircraft. And US military moved away after the delivery.
Albeit strict regulations had been instituted by The Pentagon following the 4 October 1992 El Al F1862 Crash near Amsterdam, the aircraft was carrying Sarin from JFK New York to Ben Gurion.
The US in contravention of every weapons treaty it ever invented, postured, signed, and postured, sells and supplies every category of weapon. It further being the only nation ever to have used Atomic, Biological, Chemical, and Radiation Weapons, and against non-combatant civilian populations. And the world’s loudest noise against other nations. Particularly if they do not have such weaponry (Syria, North Korea, Iran, Serbia).
On 29 August 2007, ‘Bent Spear’ (Code. As against; ‘Nucflash’ and ‘Broken Arrow’) Incident; from Minot AFB to Barksdale AFB, had a USAF B-52H incorrectly loaded with 6 W80 incorrectly armed AGM-129ACMs, that ‘disappeared’ in the system for 36 hours. (DoD Regs. 5100.52).
Since 1950, the US has ‘Reported’ just 32 Nuclear Mishaps. The contamination of the GOM and near Atlantic has not been mentioned. It makes Deepwater Horizon a picnic. Lucky the screech cells do not have the smarts, and have not been directed to challenge scuttled USN radiation leaking vessels.
The ‘reported’ include: the Kirtland AFB Incident 22/5/1957, the Palomares Incident 17/1/1966, the Yuba City Incident 14/3/1961, the Goldsboro Incident 24/1/1961 two incorrectly armed M39s 250 times Hiroshima (there were actually two separate incidents), and the 5/12/1965 Philippine Sea Incident (admitted in 1989 that the incorrectly armed weapon was ‘lost’. And many more.
Indeed to this day, the US is articulating and ventilating utter stupidities concerning Russia and China.
The US was vanquished in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Syria, by both Russia and China. The US 7th Fleet has been driven from the Asian Seas to ‘Operational Pause’ while screeching that China has been aggressive and intimidating.
If The US is the greatest military power on earth, why doesn’t it react to meet its own threats, pronouncements, ridiculous posturings, and incessant gratuitous self-serving propaganda?
False Flag Championships
The results are in for the World Hoax Steeplechase Championships. This year held in Christchurch New Zealand.
Israel ridden by Jacinda Ardern, trained by Tony Blair of The Globalist Stables, managed by Bibi. The clear odds-on favourite did not disappoint the punters. A magnificent effort to win by a long margin.
Second in a photo finish for third, was US, ridden and trained by CIA of the Rogue US Intel Stables, managed by; John Brennan, James Clapper, and Michael Hayden.
Third was Five Eyes, ridden by GCHQ, trained and managed by CIA of The Rogue Stables.
No Ideology, Really
Liberal Democratic Marxist Socialism, Reactionary Stalinist Liberalism, Marxian Economics, and on and on, are some of the nonsense of ideologically hidden Totalitarianism. It’s where puppet loons are tutored up to sell the herds that they can do amazing things for their socio-economic lives, if they are placed in a position of power. Whatever that entails.
The problem is that when they reach that control of the forces of a nation state (the lunacy of consolidated Power Base), there is a sudden realization that the theories do not intersect with economic realities.
But the cute theories have to be correct. Therefore the people are to blame. Or at least the forces that are misguiding them.
So the then ruling elite determine that they must use the Power Base against the people for the benefit of the people. Apart from the then ruling elite determining that as they spent a lifetime arriving at the great moment, they are entitled to lifestyles and benefits according to their determinations. And by this time the variously hidden to them, masters and owners of all become partially visible and make their demands known, as they push their agendas forward, economically enslaving the people, and slaughtering the uncooperative.
The Coming Violence
Violence arrives at the door of the theoreticians and ideologues, and becomes the controlling element of all. The cute Power Base becomes what it is. The controller of that violence becomes the ruler. Derived from one of the elite by arrangement with the owners of that farm. The people are trapped.
The theory rebadges through history, as tags gather their realities. Communism is out. Terrorism was a convenient lateralizing that still holds some traction.
The US is overcome by ‘Progressive’ (to ‘explain’ moral and social absurdities of convenience). ‘Left’ and ‘Liberal’ are soft touches, and ‘Socialist’ links back to a theorized historical aberration of reality. Delivering a higher leaning and higher understanding to the front fools and stooges, leading the charge and believing they are better informed than their captives.
The further compounding issue is that in the US of today, and indeed in other confused sychophant states, Socialism is the corner gathering post to Globalism. Which is Totalitarianism. The Climate Lie is a subset.
The articulation and ventilation of variously disguised Totalitarianism needed to be the second party in the Two Party (Control) System. That became the internal (Humanitarian and Democratic) diversions of the people’s parties. Where the mass votes lay — and where mass stupidities could be intellectualized, packaged, and delivered. The Labour and Democratic Parties.
Elsewhere was Capitalism and its evils, very real, and invented. The People finally confronting the historical evils that have incessantly destroyed their forebears, and maintained the variously disguised economic servitude. The contemporary Credit System in The Free West.
But while the now fully informed and intellectualized and expertized were being obsessed and fixated, with the aid of inculcated non-education, non-culture, non-history, and non-morality, and manipulated away from innate Rational and Critical Thought towards tutored and induced Paranoia, Prejudice, and Naivete by MSM and cohort addiction, the ground rules changed. And the herds were not informed.
The Usual Suspect owners of The Enemy Within changed disguise. The Right became The Left. Paradigms are not the agenda.
There is no Right-Left Paradigm. There is no arrived vengeance era. There are no ideologies. There is no Democracy. There are only groupings to which The Herds can attach for their benefit and survival. At least while they last, as the affected are incessantly attempting to destroy that which is their last raft of salvation.
What of the Moon Waffles
Obama in 2012 waffled the US on the Moon. In 2018 Trump waffled it once, and again at the 2019 SOTU, with no other than aggressive uber-liar Aldrin in the gallery. Despite NO evidence of the event some half century ago, the revelations of The Orion Project, The Van Allen Belts, and much much more, including my personal experiences on the deck of The USS Hornet and further, Pence comes out and waffles that the US is going to the Moon in a few years.
I hope they do and take all the believers with them through The Van Allen Belts, and leave the sane alone.
The Moon Fiction has been so well sucked in by the historically and reality demented US herds that Trump is ventilating it as a reality. The US herds are in such a mentally deformed state, that it is required to move down to that level in an attempt to recover them and move them back to the reality curve.
This is just one mass political ploy, leading in to 2020. Better if Trump had ignored the past and moved forward. Holding the ‘good’ past will drag in the ‘bad’, and the ‘ugly’. The Mexican Wave march-ins, are manipulations of the latter two.
How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfills three functions:
1) It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society)
2) It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power)
3) It determines what is held sacred in that society.
For modern westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfills all three functions:
1) We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.
2) Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is in opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.
3) The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the
contempoary West, is the Holocaust.
The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil.
Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.
Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
Justin, I have no problem with your thinking, but in MHO, you should be looking way back in history as to ‘our’ starting point as to this ‘our’ present reference in which to begin to allocate blame to anyone.
If ‘our’ history is to be explored as to it’s relativity to this world, then we need to be more introspective, and subjective, as ‘our’ beginnings in this world.
We cannot simply pick a time in ‘our’ time on this planet as being a factual basis to rely on, without some demonstrative examples of why that is believed.
And if you can find the starting point in what humanity may collectively remember as to ‘our’ past, and then agree on, today – then you will have solved the age old question of how humanity came about in the first place.
But! I do realize that your response is to G5’s article – articles that are from a thinking mind but nevertheless, do not include any verifiable references points as to the thinking.
Here is some more mindless insanity for the warmongering Fascist US Imperial Empire. It’s just business!
Presstitutes, Migrants, Barbarians: America Will Fall to Its Own Moral Weakness
The once original capitalism has now morphed into Corporatism or Fascist Corporatism with the colluding of the US government over the decades and LendLease after WWII got its strong hold grip for starters.
Mussolini-Style Corporatism, aka Fascism, on the Rise in the US
Corporatism comes to America
Western Capitalism Morphs into Socialism
Crony capitalism and government dependence growth has been accelerating for decades. Those that believe it will result in bad consequences are now outliers. Still, the results are clear. The United States debt is now approaching $20 trillion, with much greater debt kept off books.
Lastly you have the evil globalists called the “elites” with their structure and the democratic process of democracy are at the bottom of the pyramid. We are being ruled not governed from the inside as well as from the outside. It is all a facade….
The COMMITTEE OF 300 — Who are they?
Some nostalgia as you were aboard the USS Hornet
My father was in the US Navy for 24 years and served in the Pacific in the South China sea during WWII in the battle of Midway, Korea, and in the Gulf of Tonkin twice. He told me about the false Gulf of Tonkin incident that started the Vietnam war which they like to call it a conflict then.
He was on the USS Lexington and was the first to be on the USS Worden, a destroyer with the first ship to have missiles As there were a number of ships called Worden it was this one as we lived in San Diego at the time.
I have asked Human Watch and Amnesty International who are working together about those 300,000 missing…
Incidents, Wars, Steeplechases, W40s, and Totalitarianism
What has happened to these people?
NATO and 300,000 Missing
Some 300,000 Russians in US Ukraine have been gaoled, declared ‘missing’ or murdered by being NATO transported to Lithuanian death camps. This will be a big one to hide when it breaks.
All 9/11 Airports Serviced by One Israeli Owned Company
I would suggest that the invention of flight by WWI as a starting point, but the ramifications would not be as keenly felt until Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We all learnt then that such atrocities could easily be deployed anywhere in the world. Not forgetting the toxic after effects, I would also say that this would apply more to Joe Public than those at the highest echelons of power.
We probably do not have to go so far back in history, I might suggest the Balfour Declaration, as it resulted in the state of Israel being created after the Zionist Organization brought the US into the war against Germany. Benjamin Freedman describes it here:
This is not meant to be comprehensive, but it is something to start on at least. And keeps my reply brief.
Justin, everything has a beginning. And Human history is really no different. One cannot just pick a point in history and start from that point because that action is really no different to grabbing a book, letting it fall open to whatever page comes up, and then attempting to learn what the whole book is about while ignoring all the previous pages and clues missed, in reading it.
That is the point I wish to make because nothing in our human history has occurred through happenstance – everything has been planned from the get go. And once that is understood, then the controlling factors to this world will then become self-evident and a bigger picture to this world begin to emerge.
Obviously you know that the enemy is not at the gates they have been inside the gates for decades!
The various nefarious enemies are counsel to the politicians:
the insidious CIA and all of their ‘fronts’
the Counsel of Foreign Relations aka CFR
the Tri-lateral Commission
the Club of Rome
the Communist UN which is not united
the Roman-Catholic-Church-State
Opus Dei
the evil Zionist regime/lobby
the Fascist military industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned about
the agricultural and chemical complex corporations
A number of NGO’s and their ‘fronts ‘to subjugate democracy
the secret societies that President John F. Kennedy warned about
etc etc etc.
President Trump is surrounded by Zionists as you are well aware and his daughter is married to a top Zionist banker.
Obama is a Marxist and the Democratic Party is a Socialist-Communist Party and we know the sordid and criminal history of Obama and HRC
The agenda of “Full Spectrum Dominance” is in play as you are well aware of. These evil organisation have given secrets to both Russia and China against the sovereignty of the United States. Taking over the world will have its blunders from time to time as you have mentioned some
Here is a good book that reveals this.
Trilaterals Over Washington
Volumes I & II
Americans and Australians need to learn quickly about the Washington District of Criminals and the tier of government to quash and void and null legislation from the Feds.
Some states are active in doing this with guns and with the marijuana but it needs a campaign to educate the Americans quick smart as they are at the tipping point! For example they keep saying for the last 50 years that America is a democracy or it is democratic. It was established as a Republic not a democracy! It has morphed into a Fascist Imperialist Empire so it is neither a democracy or a republic, yet journalists all around the world continue to label America as a democracy which it is far from it!
There is an ex military intelligence guy on Youtube at Florida Marqui who has just started to teach his audience. I sent him a list of ten books
Executive Privilege
A Constitutional Myth
Justin, you must be “up there” in age. The young ones don’t even know that there was a WWII.
And their main encounter with Adolph, on the Internet, is via satire.
I’m sure you’re right, though. So the young ones need somebody to help them make a myth, in which they can talk about good and evil.
Or at least they should see your model and try to come up with one. Poor things. They are now given “violence” as a norm. On my recent Qantas flight across the Pacific I sat between 2 guys each of who, for nearly the whole 12 hours, watched punchings, stabbings, and shootings.
One of the movies, with Sylvester Stallone, looked like it had a bit of a plot (only a teeny weeny bit) but the others seemed utterly random (I didn’t have headphones, maybe there was a narration?)
High schools could nominate their Dux according to what the student can come up with. Yay!
They may end up making their own myth. The internet is enabling younger people to find out (quicker) what we have taken decades to find out.
Sounds like you missed out on an opportunity to find out why those fellow passengers watched the movies concerned. May I ask what race they were? and age? Where they traditionally lived would matter as well.
one aussie, one seppo. mid forties. strong build. They weren’t’ watching the same movie as each other.
I add: poor pigmentation.
as in snow white.
and by the way, it is snowing here which is most unusual for April. And it might snow for the Marathon next Monday. I plan to go to the race to “have a look around”. Maybe I’ll find some DNA or something.
As far as I know, Antony Sutton is the main scholar to have found the financing of both the Bolsheviks and Nazis’ on Wall st. He says there was never a Cold War.
Youtube has several interviews with him. Here is one by the late Stanley Keith, MD who also is the doctor that claimed Jeff Bauman’s wounds as shown on video would have been fatal.
Perhaps start at 15 minutes and turn volume up.
Yellow Vests — OFF TOPIC.
This is from
A group of Yellow Vest protesters had been invited by French Senator Catherine Fournier to discuss a range of issues on Tuesday, including plans to privatise Paris’s main airports (Aéroports de Paris or ADP) under a new government bill.
The five-man delegation was made up of several prominent Yellow Vest activists including Eric Drouet, who has made headlines in France for urging followers to storm the Élysée presidential palace.
But the talks were abruptly cancelled, prompting Yellow Vest campaigners to call for fresh protests outside the Senate building in Paris.
“The Senate just cancelled our meeting at the last minute without giving a reason! We call for mass rally outside the Senate at 2:30pm,” a faction of the movement known as Yellow Vest Special Operations posted on Facebook [see below, in French]
You have offended Jonathon Faine, and all the other shock jokes, the ABC, SBS, all our politicians, all the leftists and all the fraudulent lying warmonger bankster killers.
My lovely Mum in heaven is however, giggling away as she states, ‘I told you so’.
Thanks Mum.
I heard from Dee’s Sherpa again. No, seriously, I heard from Dee herself who says the computer situation at Gumshoe HQ is very muddled. So please let us take time off to repair it.
Also, myself and another dissident type have just had coordinated visits. One in Oz and one here in US. Mine was a door-knock at 1.30am saying “Domino’s Pizza.”
OK, OK, maybe it was genuine Domino’s pizza, but when I said “No thanks,” you’d think he’d say “Didn’t you call in a order?” He just said ” Hrumph and went away.
Poor thing. Imagine having a job like that.
I’ve just looked up Domino’s trading hours. The curfew tolls the knell of parting day at 1am. So maybe it was a genuine delivery boy and when he left the shop at one o’clock he had a whole stack of pizza’s to deliver and mine was the furthest out. (Concord, NH is a small town; I am bending over backwards to show I am not obsessed with conspiracies.)
Though actually I am, of course.
I was going to say to be careful that the pizza was not poisoned.Then it occurred to me that they arrive toxic, standard.Very sus, to let pimply drive home with “takings” and not back to store for pretty much mandatory reconcilliation in a big corporate. If a franchise possible but breaks OH&S here(Aus).
Dee restore from one of your offsite backup repository’s. Easier than doing compares to ensure data integrity. Anything lost in close to real time can be fixed via the contributor.
“If the Ruskies were such buffoons as incessantly profiled by US fake propaganda during the US induced Cold War Era, why did the US and its playmates freeze at the 1945 Battle of Berlin? Why did Truman and Atlee SURRENDER to Stalin at Potsdam, giving Soviet Russia EVERYTHING east of The Oder-Neisse? Why did the US sit transfixed by the Berlin Wall from 13 August 1961 to October 1989 when The Ruskies walked away?”
Gold (rare materials), art , patents , domesday book ledger needed moving(the new borders, iron curtain, inside) . So many Paperclips needed prioritisation for their future wars even the IBM punch cards needed time. It was so chaotic they literally lost Mr Hitler.Trumpy knows cause his most liked uncle was there. Later horse semen and uranium(rare materials).
Why did Truman and Atlee SURRENDER to Stalin at Potsdam
As Truman said to Stalin, I have bigger fish to fry. Stalin replies , know what you mean moms the word.
Off-topic, mind-control:
London (CNN)British police entered the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on Thursday, forcibly removing the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on a US extradition warrant and bringing his seven-year stint there to a dramatic close.
Video showed a heavily bearded Assange shouting and gesticulating as multiple officers hustled him into a waiting police van. He was arrested on charges that he skipped bail in the UK in 2012 and at the request of US authorities, London’s Metropolitan police said.
Officers moved in after Ecuador withdrew his asylum and invited authorities into the embassy, citing Assange’s bad behavior.
The US Department of Justice confirmed Assange had been indicted on a single charge of conspiring to steal military secrets with Chelsea Manning, the former Army intelligence analyst who supplied thousands of classified documents to WikiLeaks.
‘The Five’ reacts to Julian Assange’s charges
I saw an earlier interview with Geoffrey Robertson and an earlier interview with another journalist.
Geoffrey said that everyone is under the law and he must face charges of breaching his bail conditions which could go on for several years,however we know it is a two tier system so we must watch and wait to see the outcome.
This latter interview
Geoffrey Robertson suspects US-Ecuador cooperation in Assange’s arrest
GR said that the new Ecuador president is very pro-American and pro Trump and needs American money and loans and Vice President Pence has traveled and offered that money to Ecuador in return of Julian Assange so GR “suspects” it was money for Assange in “Breach of international and asylum law” without given an opportunity to go elsewhere”
The journalists and the news consortiums in Australian should be utterly ashamed of themselves to call themselves “journalists” for the lack of coverage to his plight over the years.
The Australian Government simply has no “conscience” concerning Assange and have utterly abandoned him to their Fascist allies. He has set the benchmark in journalism to report “Without Fear or Favour” which probably will never be reached again. He was the true and genuine “Fourth Estate ” protector. Australian has a very poor reputation in human rights and this is just another prime example of their inaction against a great Australian citizen who has exposed evil for the public good. This is a damning indictment against the Australian Government!
We the public have certainly gained an insight into his reporting of topics and the duplicity and hypocrisy of the Fascist Americans and their false flag wars. His release of information and evidence has never harmed anyone or placed anyone in risk and he has not broken in laws.
The other side of the story is:
Ecuador: Moreno blames ‘discourteous and aggressive’ Assange for expulsion
Robert Steele: Julian Assange Arrested / Celebrating 100 Top WikiLeaks on Hillary Clinton Violations of the Law UPDATE 2: Pence/Vatican/IMF Bribed Ecuador to Give Up Assange?
I wonder if peoples eyes will be open to the nation-state trampling on its own citizens. On display is treaties signed with the Fascist Empire to a vassal and docile subservient ‘client state’ of Australia trumps protecting your own citizens. The propaganda spewed out daily by the corporate-government apparatus tool swamps the truth of any issue today. Censorship and suppression of real news is the new benchmark for tyranny and the coming dictatorship of their chaos of world order. The “Fourth Estate” has been hijacked years ago by the collusion of the corporate and successive governments.
I watched a video a few months ago and the presenter said that if Assange safety could be guaranteed he should be taken to the US by stepping into a US diplomatic car without touching UK soil to testify in front of a Grand Jury (I think there are a number of them going on) about the Clinton Foundation and other nefarious crimes by HRC. Obviously that is not going to happen….
Speech loss
He talks about Assange and Alexander Downer
Ray McGovern – Why Julian Assange is being silenced – #ProtectJulian