Home Corona Institutional Bosses versus Real Leaders, and the CDC’s of This World

Institutional Bosses versus Real Leaders, and the CDC’s of This World




Happy, Photo: cdc.gov

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Leadership is a naturally-occurring human trait. Picture a tribe that lives on a remote island. Say it has 300 members. You go to interview people there at random. (OK, you’ll need a translating machine.)

Ask individuals whom they tend to imitate. They might answer in terms of a specific task. If their job is fruit picker, they may say they imitate Member # 45 who has a great talent for fruit picking. You then ask them if #45 made a voluntary offer to teach the skill. I imagine they will say Yes.

Then go talk to Member #45 herself and ask why she teaches her skill. She will probably say “I want to spread this skill around. I want everybody to succeed.”

Now assume that this small tribe has no great structure of government and no harsh dictator. Ask some members “Who is this tribe’s leader?” They will possibly name a person who talks a lot, and gives a seemingly worthwhile opinion on everything.

Or they might name a couple that is raising a large family in an exemplary way. Or they may point to the eldest members of the community, saying that sheer life experience makes a person a leader “because they’ve seen everything.”

I mean to suggest that a leadership role is not always a formal thing with a job title, a salary, and a code of behavior.

Most Leaders Are Not Leaders Anymore

As described above, the fruit-picking teacher, the opinionator, the skilled parents, and the community elders just go about the task of leading without trying to live up to a set rule. They have natural talent.

But today a job holder finds himself being bossed by a higher-up person, frequently a government person. I do not particularly blame this on that government person — it came about inevitably as a consequence of modern life.

What I would like to do, however, is knock down some of the boss-hood legitimacy of the people and organizations who purport to guide us.

I am of the mind that the very formality of their position is an indicator that they have surrendered part of their personal value as leaders. In fact, under our advanced situation today (loaded with corruption), the talented individual may find herself suppressing all her urges to lead, in favor of cooperating – aka conceding, aka selling out.

And don’t forget that some persons who didn’t have talent in the first place get actively recruited to leadership positions, whereby a boss above them can control their every move and their every utterance.

Unfortunately, we members of the public still exercise our “followership habits” as in days of old. We unthinkingly give the ‘fake leaders’ our respect. It’s instinctive to honor persons in the upper echelon. Sure, you can make barroom jokes about them, or stick a voodoo pin in them, but when you meet them you bow. I swear it’s a motor-program of the brain, but we don’t realize this.

John Leake’s Article on the Broken VAERS System

My article here about bosses was prompted by a Substack.com article by John Leake concerning a doctor who took the Covid shot, got very ill, and then tried to inform the CDC of his symptoms by filing a VAERS report. “The format is cumbersome and it times you out,” said this doctor, Robert Sullivan. After a full year he got a response.

So what is the VAERS and what is the CDC? The acronym VAERS stand for “Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.” A doctor, or any person, can send in a report as to what happened either immediately after being vaccinated, or at some later point.

At first glance it seems to be a smart move for our society to have such a system. Without such a thing, a doctor who was told by his patient that a wild fever had ensued, would have to phone around to other doctors and ask “How are your patients doing with that new XXX shot?”

I am in favor of having a collection of such information carried out, as a contract, by a business, who would then inform state leaders.

So what is the CDC? At its origin, in 1946, the letters stood for Communicable Disease Center. The CDC’s assignment was to watch for diseases where an insect was the vector, or where a disease had jumped to our species from animals. It was part of the Public Health Service.

So how did the United States legislature, i.e., Congress, pass a law that instituted a caretaker of the public’s health? It is outside of Congress’s authority to deal with any health matter. This is a state’s responsibility and is technically part of a state’s police power.

Such ultra vires laws at the federal level should be repealed, but I’ll pass over that for now. Today I am not speaking of the Constitution or of disease. I want to dwell on leaders and boss-hood.

John Leake cited an article at the BMJ – British Medical Journal, which is more like a trade union rag for doctors than a scientific journal. (I’m not knocking the BMJ; it probably more valuable today than the haughty Lancet or the New England Journal of Medicine. ) The BMJ article said:

“Before the pandemic, VAERS was receiving nearly 60 000 adverse event reports each year. A 2015 CDC article suggests that the agency had the capacity to request records for just a few thousand serious reports each year. But in 2021 the total number of reports shot up to a million…. Nearly one in five meet the criteria of serious.”

The CDC has done nothing to advise the public, or the medical profession, or the state governments about the incredible danger of the Covid vaccine that has resulted in thousands of deaths. As a rational person, I deduce from that fact alone that the CDC is some sort of program to make us ill.

I surmise that the CDC came into being in the first place not to guard against outbreaks but to make them happen, or at the very least to cover them up. (Note that the reporting by doctors is not mandatory!)

The New Medical Leaders

Many doctors got vaccinated for Covid. They should have known “from past performance” that the pandemic was malicious. I am sure they didn’t know, as they would have avoided getting vaccinated themselves.

Yet even, now when plenty of information has been published about vax malice (see my 2013 book, Consider the Lilies), the majority of doctors in the United States are either unwilling to accept this or do accept it but are scared to come out as “naughty.”

It is generally considered naughty to speak against your profession. But what is the medical profession? It is seen to be housed in such organizations as the AMA, the CDC, and the NIH (National Institutes of Health – don’t get me started on that one.)

I now argue that the real medical profession is the collectivity of medically-trained persons, without reference to any of those “official” organizations. The collectivity has natural leaders – in the sense in which I described the fruit picker who had an urge to share her skill, and/or the opinionator who yaks a lot (intelligently), or the community’s elders with decades of life experience.

Happily, some of those – if they have not been killed, like Jeff Bradstreet, MD and Rashid Buttar, OD – are making their feelings known. They are the new leaders of the profession.

Too bad it took a genocide for them to get sufficiently rattled!

Why Can’t People Recognize a Dishonest Government?

Still, I am more interested in the average person’s obeisance to officialdom and to the famous. This is not especially related to the Covid crisis. We veer away from seeing any crisis as a problem to be solved by intelligent leaders. We look for the institutional responsibility – say by Congress, or a school committee, or the newsman on a TV show. “Maybe Oprah can tell us what to do.” This is ludicrous!

As mentioned above, I think it is a biological instinct. The child needs to have an automatic way to follow A and Not B. “A” is recognizable by him or her being “high up.” In the small tribe, such a person is probably worth imitating and obeying. BUT IT IS NO LONGER SO. We are doing the wrong thing, the illogical thing, when we take advice or instructions from fake leaders whose high-upness is based on their formal, undeserved title.

So, in the end, I put the responsibility on all members of society – perhaps on “society” itself. (See my book, Society Is the Authority.) We are in terrific danger today – there are maniacs at the top. If they can “do” a pandemic like Covid, and if they can “do” a ‘natural’ disaster like the Maui fire, we should ASSUME that they will continue to do other immensely destructive things.

There is no point pulling the duvet cover over your face and trying to pretend we are not in trouble. We are in huge trouble and it is up to you, Dear Reader, to get with it. Think of a new way to be a leader. At the very least, stop worrying about being “naughty.”

Be as naughty as you possible can. Why not carry a sign “I am sooo naughty.” Anything would be better than this mad, mad silence, and our outdated, childish procilivty to obey a boss.

Postscript: On YouTube.com, three persons have emerged from society as leaders with regard to the Maui fire. They are: Traci, known as “Brush Junkie,” Michele Melendez, founder of “Stand Together, Hawaii,” and Eric West of Hawaii Real Estate. They are all terrific.

Thank God for YouTube! Thank God (or was it Bill Gates?) for the marvelous Internet!

As for the jerks who did the pandemic and the Maui fire, see what you’ve started? Where will it end? With a beautiful human population?

— Mary Maxwell is on the run at www.ConstitutionAndTruth.com




      • Good Brother,
        That’s how they murdered my father, nearly 14 years ago, nothing new ‘round here. A thank you for his contribution in building Oz. Now they don’t give a duck, build back is replacement. Christians and whites main targets.

        Warning Alert!
        African pig plague released, so all pigs have to be slaughtered.
        Does that include the 2 legged species on all bases loaded?

          • My dad was sick in bed at home. Crossed eyed nurse greeted me, saying “it’s a killer of a day” (I thought she meant the heat). Short time after injection my father was gone.
            I can’t put in words how guilty I feel for not killing that bitch before she pulled the trigger.
            How do creatures live with themselves doing that daily for a wage! This place sucks, a demoncracy run by slavemasons, since the day I walked down the plank onto Circular 🔐 in ‘66.

          • Since I can remember, viewing elders, the hospital system has a points score and when used up they murder. Yes our world class hospitals are killing fields, avoid them at all costs except for fractures, even then handle with care.

      • “Finally” ?

        Sorry, but that link doesn’t proffer any such thing, quote:

        “During his research, Dr Yusen filed a patent in February 2020……….
        Three months after filing his patent, the scientist mysteriously died when he fell from the roof of the institute”

        So some medic was ALLEGEDLY topped in May 2020 (many months before the rollout of the vaccine) – no substantiation provided, so……….

        • Yes the link says a lot of stuff maybe you should reread it
          Too bad he was thrown off a 9 storey building when he could have been thrown off a one storey building 9 times. Well anyway since it happened after he filed his patent it was probably the CIA doing it. When they don’t have jobs on they spend their spare time writing copy for the realrawnews and adding the realrawnews regular readers and donors to their database.

          • Actually a re-read alerts me to the fact that paragraph 1 claims “he was thrown from a roof in 2021”
            When, according to the last 2 paragraph’s of the cited source, said alleged event took place in May 2020

            Thanks for the prompt

        • Some medic was ALLEGEDLY topped in May 2020 (many months before the rollout of the vaccine) – no substantiation provided

          Quite apart from which seeking revenge re any situation just signifies resentment toward being confronted by some hard choice or other, i.e. resentment toward life itself
          And the toxicity of said emotion is way more enduring than anything that’s ever been delivered via a needle:


    “The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by GlaxoSmithKline!!!

    The masks begin to fall off ! “The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by GlaxoSmithKline, which (accidentally) owns Pfizer!” (the one who makes the vaccine against the virus which (accidentally) started at the Wuhan Biological Lab and which was (accidentally) funded by Dr. Fauci, who (accidentally) promotes the vaccine !

    “GlaxoSmithKline is (accidentally) managed by the finance division of Black Rock, which (accidentally) manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company (Soros Foundation), which (accidentally) manages the French AXA !”

    Soros (accidentally) owns the German company Winterthur, which (accidentally) built a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought by the German Allianz, which (coincidentally) has Vanguard as a shareholder, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Black Rock, which (coincidentally) controls central banks and manages about a third of global investment capital. “Black Rock” is also (coincidentally) a major shareholder of MICROSOFT, owned by Bill Gates, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Pfizer (which – remember ? sells a miracle vaccine) and (coincidentally) is now the first sponsor of the WHO !

    Now you understand how a dead bat sold in a wet market in China has infected the WHOLE PLANET !””

    Now you know, pass it on until whole world knows


  2. Just listening to Dutton in parliament giving an apology for the governments approval of thalidomide way back.

    The current crop of politicians will all be dead I would bet before an apology is given for the governments approval and mandating of the Covid vaccine.

  3. Australia pays $2.5 million per hour in interest to the Jewish owned RBA parasite which produces nothing but numbers called dollars as an interest bearing debt. The Labor party pretends that it has “balanced the budget” and is “getting inflation under control”. Inflation will never be under control until Australia restores the governments original Commonwealth Bank which traitors in politics sold to foreign interests in the United States.

    Trillion-dollar debt delayed but interest bill accelerates to $2.5m an hour
    By Shane Wright and David Crowe
    May 4, 2023 — 10.30pm

    The federal government has delayed the point at which its total debt exceeds $1 trillion as it comes within sight of balancing the budget this year on the strength of unexpectedly high commodity prices and record numbers of people in work.

    Despite the rapid improvement in the budget bottom line, taxpayers will spend more than $110 billion over the next five years paying the interest bill on government debt, a bill larger than family tax benefits or childcare subsidies…………”


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