Home Corona Intravenous Vitamin C Treatment for Coronavirus and Related Illnesses

Intravenous Vitamin C Treatment for Coronavirus and Related Illnesses


Editor’s note: This article is reprinted from Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and can be sourced here. Orthomolecular is a term that comes from ortho, which is Greek for “correct” or “right,” and “molecule”, so means the “right molecule.” Two-time Nobel Prize winner, and molecular biologist, Linus Pauling, Ph.D.,coined the term “Orthomolecular” in 1968. Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness.

by Andrew W. Saul and Atsuo Yanagisawa, MD, PhD. Feb 2, 2020

No matter which hospital a coronavirus patient may seek help from, the question is: Will they be able to leave walking out the front door, or end up being wheeled out the basement backdoor? Prompt administration of intravenous vitamin C, in high doses, can make the difference.

Abundant clinical evidence confirms vitamin C’s effectiveness when used in sufficient quantity. [1]

Physicians have demonstrated the powerful antiviral action of vitamin C for decades. [2]

Specific instructions for intravenous vitamin C

The Japanese College of Intravenous Therapy (JCIT) recommends intravenous vitamin C (IVC) 12.5/25g (12,500 – 25,000 mg) for acute viral infections (influenza, herpes zoster, common cold, rubella, mumps, etc.) and virus mimetic infections (idiopathic sudden hearing loss, Bell’s palsy). In adults, IVC 12.5g is given for early stage illness with mild symptoms, and IVC 25g for moderate to severe symptoms. IVC is usually administered once or twice a day for 2-5 continuous days, along with or without general treatments for viral infections.

Patients with acute viral infections show a depletion of vitamin C and increasing free radicals and cellular dysfunction. Such patients should be treated with vitamin C, oral or IV, for neutralizing free radicals throughout the body and inside cells, maintaining physiological functions, and enhancing natural healing. If patients progress to sepsis, vitamin C should be added intravenously as soon as possible along with conventional therapy for sepsis.

Toronto Star, 30 May 2003:

“Fred Hui, MD believes that administering vitamin C intravenously is a treatment worth trying. And he’d like to see people admitted to hospital for the pneumonia-like virus treated with the vitamin intravenously while also receiving the usual drugs for SARS. ‘I appeal to hospitals to try this for people who already have SARS,’ says Hui. Members of the public would also do well to build up their levels of vitamin C, he says, adding that there is nothing to lose in trying it. ‘This is one of the most harmless substances there is,’ Hui states. ‘There used to be concern about kidney stones, but that was theoretical. It was never borne out in an actual case.’ Hui says he has found intravenous vitamin C effective in his medical practice with patients who have viral illnesses.” [3]

Additional administration details are readily obtained from a free download of the complete Riordan Clinic Intravenous Vitamin C Protocol. [4] Although initially prepared for cancer patients, the protocol has found widespread application for many other diseases, particularly viral illnesses.

“Research and experience has shown that a therapeutic goal of reaching a peak-plasma concentration of ~20 mM (350- 400 mg/dL) is most efficacious. (No increased toxicity for posoxidant IVC plasma vitamin C levels up to 780 mg/dL has been observed.) . . . [T]he administering physician begins with a series of three consecutive IVC infusions at the 15, 25, and 50 gram dosages followed by post IVC plasma vitamin C levels in order to determine the oxidative burden for that patient so that subsequent IVCs can be optimally dosed.”

Pages 16-18 of the Riordan protocol present IVC administration instructions. There are four pages of supporting references.

“Given the rapid rate of success of intravenous vitamin C in viral diseases, I strongly believe it would be my first recommendation in the management of corona virus infections.” (Victor A. Marcial-Vega, MD) Puerto Rico

“It is of great importance for all doctors to be informed about intravenous vitamin C. When a patient is already in hospital severely ill, this would be the best solution to help save her or his life.” (Karin Munsterhjelm, MD) Finland

Winning the hospital game

When faced with hospitalization, the most powerful person in the most entire hospital system is the patient. However, in most cases, the system works on the assumption that the patient will not claim that power. If on your way in you signed the hospital’s legal consent form, you can unsign it. You can revoke your permission. Just because somebody has permission to do one thing doesn’t mean that they have the permission to do everything. There’s no such thing as a situation that you cannot reverse. You can change your mind about your own personal healthcare. It concerns your very life. The rights of the patient override the rules of any institution.

If the patient doesn’t know that, or if they’re not conscious, or if they just don’t have the moxie to do it, the next most powerful person is the spouse. The spouse has enormous influence and can do almost as much as the patient. If the patient is incapacitated, the spouse can, and must, do all the more. If there is no spouse present, the next most powerful people in the system are the children of the patient.

When you go to the hospital, bring along a big red pen, and cross out anything that you don’t like in the hospital’s permission form. And before you sign it, add anything you want. Write out “I want intravenous vitamin C, 25 grams per day, until I state otherwise.” And should they say, “We’re not going to admit you,” you reply, “Please put it in writing that you refuse to admit me.” What do you think their lawyers are going to do with that? They have to admit you. It’s a game, and you can win it. But you can’t win it if you don’t know the rules. And basically, they don’t tell you the rules.

This is deadly serious. Medical mistakes are now the third leading cause of death in the US. Yes, medical errors kill over 400,000 Americans every year. That’s 1,100 each day, every day. [5]

There are mistakes of commission and mistakes of omission. Failure to provide intravenous vitamin C is, literally, a grave omission. Do not allow yourself or your loved ones to be deprived of a simple, easy to prepare and administer IV of vitamin C.

“If a family member of mine died due to coronavirus infection, after a doctor refused to use intravenous vitamin C, I would challenge his or her treatment in a court of law. I would win.” (Kenneth Walker, MD, surgeon)

It can be done

Vitamin IVs can be arranged in virtually any hospital, anywhere in the world. Attorney and cardiologist Thomas E. Levy’s very relevant presentation is free access. Both the letter and the intent of new USA legislation now make this easier for you.

“The new federal Right to Try Act provides patients suffering from life-threatening diseases or conditions the right to use investigational drugs… It amends the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to exempt investigational drugs provided to patients who have exhausted approved treatment options and are unable to participate in a clinical trial involving the drug. Advocates of right to try laws have sought to accelerate access to new drugs for terminally ill patients who are running out of options. Arguably, the law does not represent a radical change in this and several other states, however, because in 2016, California had already joined the majority of other states in adopting a law enabling physicians to help terminally ill patients pursue investigational therapies, without fear of Medical Board or state civil or criminal liability. . . The new Right to Try law should give physicians, as well as drug manufacturers, some added comfort about FDA enforcement in these cases.” [8]

Therefore, in regards to intravenous vitamin C, do not accept stories that “the hospital can’t” or “the doctor can’t” or that “the state won’t allow it.” If you hear any of this malarkey, please send the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service the text of the policy or the law that says so. In the meantime, take the reins and get vitamin C in the veins.


  1. Saul AW (2020) Nutritional Treatment of Coronavirus. http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n06.shtml

  2. Saul AW (2020) Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus. http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n04.shtml

  3. Mawhinney J (2003) Vitamin C touted to fight virus. Toronto Star, 30 May 2003. http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2003/06/06/vitamin_c_could_be_effective_against_sars.htm.

  4. The Riordan IVC Protocol is a free-access download at http://www.doctoryourself.com/RiordanIVC.pdf

  5. James JT (2013) A new, evidence-based estimate of patient harms associated with hospital care. J Patient Safety 9:122-128. https://journals.lww.com/journalpatientsafety/fulltext/2013/09000/A_New,_Evidence_based_Estimate_of_Patient_Harms.2.aspx .

  6. Levy TE. Vitamin C: the facts, the fiction, and the law. http://www.doctoryourself.com/VC.NZ.Sept.2010.pdf

  7. Levy TE. Vitamin C And The Law. OMNS. http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v06n26.shtml.

  8. Nelson H, Zimmitti S (2018) New Federal Right to Try Act. NH Healthcare Law Perspectives. https://www.nelsonhardiman.com/right-to-try-right-to-die-federal-and-state-laws-in-flux-for-providers-who-treat-terminally-ill-patients

To learn more about intravenous vitamin C:

There are many articles posted for free reading at https://riordanclinic.org/journal-article-categories/intravenous-vitamin-c/

Mikirova N, Hunninghake R. (2014) Effect of high dose vitamin C on Epstein-Barr viral infection. Med Sci Monit. 20:725-732. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24793092. “The clinical study of ascorbic acid and EBV infection showed the reduction in EBV EA IgG and EBV VCA IgM antibody levels over time during IVC therapy that is consistent with observations from the literature that millimolar levels of ascorbate hinder viral infection and replication in vitro.”

Gonzalez MJ, Berdiel MJ, Duconge J, Levy TE, Alfaro IM, Morales-Borges R, Marcial-Vega, V, Olalde J. (2018) High Dose Vitamin C and Influenza: A Case Report. J Orthomol Med. 33(3) https://isom.ca/article/high-dose-vitamin-c-influenza-case-report/ “Based on the positive outcome in this case, we propose that Intravenous Vitamin C should be studied as a vital component of the treatment protocol for acute viral infections.”

Dr. W. Gifford-Jones: People are dying needlessly of coronavirus. https://www.mpnnow.com/news/20200128/dr-gifford-jones-people-are-dying-needlessly-of-coronavirus

Murata A. (1975) Virucidal activity of vitamin C: Vitamin C for the prevention and treatment of viral diseases. Proceedings of the First Intersectional Congress of Microbiological societies, Science Council of Japan, 3:432-42.

Saul AW. Vitamins in Hospitals http://www.doctoryourself.com/hospitals.html

Saul AW. (2020) Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n04.shtml

Saul AW. How to Get Intravenous Vitamin C Given to a Hospitalized Patient: A Checklist http://www.doctoryourself.com/strategies.html

Cathcart RF. Preparation of Sodium Ascorbate for Intravenous and Intramuscular Administration http://www.doctoryourself.com/vitciv.html

Note: The Japanese College of Intravenous Therapy (JCIT) was founded in 2007. (Japanese language only): https://www.iv-therapy.org



  1. Who hasn’t grown up knowing axiomatically that vitamin C wards off cold/flu viral infections and relieves symptoms – and diving for a hot lemon drink or as many oranges that you can get your hands on the moment you suspect a sniffle or a tickle?

    And now these conspiracists (conspiracy terrorists) want to suppress this natural remedy through propaganda and lies by omission.

    I had just been perusing this related article.

    News Media Attacks Vitamin C Treatment of COVID-19 Coronavirus by Andrew W. Saul


    The published reports of the success of vitamin C treatment in China and Korea appear common sense and quite bona fide to me.

    • Years of ICU, never seen it done. Not because it shouldn’t be done, they just won’t entertain it. Pharma rules the dangerous pantheon of “best practice” treatments. Noses get turned up at treatments if they are considered “alternative”.

      • Paul, knowing that, when I went in for my last two surgeries I had my wife bring a carton of liposomal vitamin C to my bed as soon as I woke up. I had loaded up on vitamin C before the surgeries and then consumed a packet of liposomal vitamin C every hour after the surgeries.

        The nurses laughed, “at least you won’t catch a cold, ha, ha, yuck, yuck”

        And I got the Hell out of the hospital as fast as I could.

  2. I was filming in the wilds of Southern Africa in the late 80s. I drunk some of the river water by mistake, and I (as did another crew member) caught Hep A. I should have recovered in 3 weeks. But did not. I was bedridden for over 2 months. Couldn’t walk for more than 40 m at one point. The medical professionals offered various drugs to alleviate the terrible itching on the soles of my feet. They basically gave up. Then was told about Vit C.

    The first day I took 10 fizzy tablets 10,000mg. Same the second day. Was almost back to normal by the third or fourth day. That’s why I posted this article.

    • Dee, I learned about Vitamin C after I got ‘floxxed’ when I had a urinary infection.


      It damn near killed me, I thought I was really going to waste away and die. I made all the arrangements for my wife and said good-bye to my best friend. It was horrible, unbelievable – I know what it feels like to die slowly.

      My wife made me promise to not die before her, that is a Hell of a thing to make a dying person promise. – I started doing what research I could in the debilitated state I was in. – Along came some articles on vitamin C.

      I started loading up on vit. C and after 6 months of going down-hill I finally leveled out. It took me 5 years, but I’m finally back to doing some work.

      If those worthless pricks in the hospital had given me intravenous vitamin C instead of their toxic drugs, I doubt I would have ever experienced the worst period of my life.

    • This … “Even if intravenous vitamin C works to shorten or cure COVID-19, it will likely only be a stop-gap before therapies directed at the virus, such as vaccinations, take over.” says it all.
      Maybe we could have 200 vaccines for every eventuality.

      • So COVID-19 is blamed for the deaths, but other murder weapons are used.

        The following is pure speculation:

        What if China is concerned about impending economic doom because of their ageing population.
        They come up with a gory plan, in cooperation with the UN, CDC and who knows WHO.
        They suffer temporary economic loss while they cull off the elderly and the undesirables, in privacy and peace.
        Everyone in very scared, until the vaccine comes along.
        As always, the hero that saves the day.
        There are celebrations, and the grannies that bashed each other over toilet paper cuddle and make up.
        China is restored to her former glory.

        Don;t ever drop your guard though.
        Remember that those nasty anti-vaxers are still lurking around out there.

      • I have a reddit account under another name- where i made a comment to a post saying something about Bernie Sanders saying that a vaccine for this virus should be made free…

        I responded that they would be lucky if it isnt made mandatory…

        havnt logged in to see how many downvotes that comment has attracted yet 🙂

  3. off topic…. I rang in sick to work today..

    they asked covid-19?
    i said no…

    its all the bullshit im hearing about the MH17 ..

    ive chewed halfway through the orange orchard next door…
    not feeling much better to be honest…

    update! =
    turned tv off… feeling much better.

    neighbours concerned re low crop yield though…

      • are you taking the pith? of course i eat the rind! thats the best bit! ( well… not all of it… too much of anything can be bad )
        *** more off topic..

        where i live, I get the best ever orange juice for $3 for 2 litres… ( refill )
        from my neighbour. wont get better than that anywhere… no preservatives.. all natural… stomped with his own feet…

        when i go away… ive had to go without OJ.. or pay a lot more for reconstituted YUK! which is undrinkable…
        I really am spoiled

        I have stumbled upon websites advocating for vitamin C as – not exactly a cure – but certainly beneficial in this fight against covid-19 – as well as other virii – be it bio weapon or otherwise – still dont want it ) – didnt bookmark them though.. but this is good to know anyway… will certainly include more orange rind in my diet.. thats where all the goodness is…

        off topic was re: mh17…
        seeing the recent reporting of that is making me ill…

        stay well everyone.

    • My understanding of the “C” cure is that the amount needed is well beyond the assimilation capabilities of anyone’s digestive system

      But if you’re really into citrus skin I’d have to say that tangerine is the sweetest. Kumquats are pretty good too but both really work best in fruit salad

  4. When I googled for “Lipsomal”, I was taken to the website of the National Institutes’ Cancer Institute [USA]. They give their phone number as:

    1-800-4-CANCER. Now that’s what I call honest.

  5. Peeps, our Dee wrote the above article a few days ago but now she is in the trenches. (That’s all I’m allowed to say.)

    Let me repeat something she published in Gumshoe’s early days in 2014:

    “Not happy with the level of war-mongering and violence, Obama is going to inject a further $500 million to train ‘Appropriately Vetted’ Syrian Rebels to keep destroying Syria (and Iraq).

    “The scale of war and revenge – and the fueling of war – is beyond staggering. It is surely criminal. While sipping our latte’s in the sedate streets of Melbourne or wherever, we are divorced from the pure hell the west has created. It seems war is a corporate need for the western machine, but maybe the destruction of Iraq and Syria was all in the planning ….

    “We all live on one little ball in the blackness of the Universe. It seems that we are truly run by psychopaths and corporations that have no soul. We, the people, need to reject this violence. We need to speak out against the mainstream media that don’t reject this war-mongering mentality.”

  6. not only am i ready to jump into the trench, im ready to go over the top when the whistle blows!

    this is one war im ready to sign up for. ( i have kids )
    not much chop re full frontal attack – but pretty good meat shield if I say so myself.
    what is that rallying cry again? where we go one we go all? – – – whatever! … well… lets see! if theres anything I can do. you know where I am.

  7. In the article linked by Fair Dinkum we find: “If one even considers it possible that the United States had a hand in creating the coronavirus at … Ft Detrick Maryland, it is very likely that Israel was a partner in the project.”

    Gumshoe readers know that if someone accuses the US, I predictably jump in and say “It wasn’t the US.” That is partly because I see the federal government as peopled by persons who are really working for someone else (roughly, the cabal). They are not one-and-the same with “the American population.”

    When torture is committed by “the US” at Abu Ghraib, I do take some personal responsibility. Why? Cuz I should be trying to cleanse the federal government of the aforementioned interlopers. It’s not cuz I think “we Americans should lessen our hatred of Arabs.” Surely the torture is not based on a population’s emotional drives.” (Yes, in the distant past, it was. But not now.)

    Did horrible things occur at Ft Detrick? You bet. Most of them directed at Americans. So the motive can’t be emotional hatred for foreigners. There must be a coterie of wierdo’s who plan the horrors. Diane DeVere is always busy identifying wierdo’s for us.

    Now back to the quote “If … coronoavirus… blah blah … Ft Detrick, it is very likely that Israel was a partner on the project.” Thar ya’s go again — naming a country: “Israel.” I don’t deny that members of the Israeli government (who, like the members of US govt, are not the real deal) have sent personnel to Detrick. But if so, they are all working on the same project all the time anyway, which is “One Effing World Order,” pardon my French.

    • “But if so, they are all working on the same project all the time anyway, which is “One Effing World Order,”


      • Well, son of a gun, Fair. I didn’t know you spoke French. Now lookie at this — the ONLY media coverage my campaign got (besides Dee’s):

        Depuis le New Hampshire, c’est le scénario qu’aimerait bien voir se réaliser l’avocate Mary Maxwell, qui a présenté sa candidature contre Donald Trump le 11 février dernier. Elle est arrivée troisième, avec 0,6 % des suffrages. « Pour être exacte, je ne me suis pas présentée contre Trump, fait-elle remarquer en entrevue. Je suis entrée dans la course pour briguer un siège qui se vide, la présidence des États-Unis étant libérée tous les quatre ans. » Et elle ajoute : « Je suis républicaine pour ce que cela a toujours représenté. Et je ne reconnais rien de républicain dans Donald Trump. »

        Mme Maxwell a décidé de ne pas porter sa contestation au-delà des frontières de l’État où l’Américaine, après avoir vécu en Australie pendant plusieurs années, a élu domicile. Et après le départ de Joe Walsh qui, le 18 février dernier, a publié un essai cinglant contre le président américain intitulé F*ck Silence : Calling Trump Out for the Cultish, Moronic, Authoritarian Con Man He Is.

        NOTE: I did not say that. Joe Walsh, ex-Congressman said it. — MM

  8. We know the virus was manufactured at Sydney Uni on February 10.
    So why all the speculation about it coming from overseas?
    TPTB can open the jar and release the bioweapon anytime anyplace.
    Maybe there are two vaccines, one for the selected and another for undesirables.
    Either way it’s Lockstep ordered by the goons leading dystopia.

  9. Today’s reading …

    “I’m not interested in the philosophy or morality of biological warfare,” Tina said. “Right now I just want to know how the hell Danny wound up in this place.”

    “To understand that,” Dombey said, “you have to go back twenty months. It was around then that a Chinese scientist named Li Chen defected to the United States, carrying a diskette record of China’s most important and dangerous: new biological weapon in a decade. They call the stuff ‘Wuhan-400’ because it was developed at their RDNA labs outside of the city of Wuhan, and it was the four-hundredth viable strain of man-made microorganisms created at that research center.

    Wuhan-400 is a perfect weapon. It afflicts only human beings. No other living creature can carry it. And like syphilis, Wuhan-400 can’t survive outside a living human body for longer than a minute, which means it can’t permanently contaminate objects or entire places the way anthrax and other virulent microorganisms can. And when the host expires, the Wuhan-400 within him perishes a short while later, as soon as the temperature of the corpse drops below eighty-six degrees Fahrenheit. Do you see the advantage of all this?”

    Eyes of Darkness – Dean Koontz
    (Originally published under the pseudonym Leigh Nichols)


    It would be interesting to get a full bio of Koontz/Nichols and compare it with the likes of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley …

    Oh – and just before that passage

    “The problem is that some flaky people are attracted to this kind of work because of the secrecy and because you really do get a sense of power from designing weapons that can kill millions of people.“


    • At the beginning of that book it says it was first printed in 1981.
      Dean Koontz went to a lot of trouble to write it.
      I doubt he did it for entertainment purposes only.

    • As a pandemic couldn’t possibly stem from a virus that “can’t survive outside a living human body for longer than a minute” Koontz could hardly be compared to George Orwell

      • This was a lighthearted anecdote berry –“The Eyes of Darkness” is fiction of course (but then so was “1984” etc).

        Having read a couple of his afterwords and epilogues where he explains himself (quite clumsily), I don’t think he is an ‘insider’, so to speak.

        What made it interesting was the uncanny coincidence of the name he invented back in 1981 – “Wuhan-400”. Go figure.

  10. I stumbled across this quite incidentally and encourage all readers to peruse. It is amazing what people contribute in various comment sections. It made me blink and rethink several times.

    The link is to a pdf – a letter from Leonard G. Horowitz, Editor-in-Chief, Medical Veritas International, Inc to President Trump via the Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy and the Acting Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security.


    Whatever one thinks, it tables some very frank statements, as evident from the title itself:

    RE: Coronavirus Bioweapon, Media Bioterrorism, and Recommendations to Reduce Risks to Public Health and Safety

    Did you catch the words bioweapon and bioterrorism.

    Its subheadings include

    (1) The 2019 nCoV/HIV/SARS recombinant is a lab-created bioweapon
    (2) Media Censorship of Accurate Intelligence: Failure to Address Reasonable Concerns
    (3) Erroneous and Terrorizing Information Being Broadcast Instead of Helpful Preventative Strategies Beyond Handwashing and the Use of Face Masks.
    (4) Geopolitical and Economic Correlates and Antecedents of the Wuhan Outbreak

    Here is the Conclusion in full:


    “The aforementioned facts evidence criminal activities that challenge U.S. National Security and the health and safety of the American people. Consequently, I applaud your Administration’s efforts to bring truth to light concerning the origin of the coronavirus bioweapon.

    Under the circumstances, traditionally trusted academic and scientific bodies can no longer be trusted without independent review. Those providing scientific advisements to your administration should be carefully vetted to minimize corrupt influence and special interest bias.

    Justice Department officials should, likewise, be directed to urgently investigate the public corruption and special interests influencing and tainting the legislative and judicial branches of government and law enforcement, jeopardizing border security and the public’s health and safety, pursuant to coronavirus preparedness and more. Such efforts are especially necessary in Hawaii.

    Finally, please thank the President for me, on behalf of the millions of people internationally who have relied on my quarter century of advisements concerning the origin of emerging diseases and their political and medical remedies.

    Please tell the President that I honor his heroism in opposition to the Deep State and “fake news” media, especially rebuking ‘skeptics’ who issue ad hominem attacks to discourage and disparage truth seekers, truth tellers, helpful contributors, and life-savers.

    Those who smear whistleblowers as foolish ‘conspiracy theorists,’ to defame and neutralize us, are deadly to public health and safety, as evidenced by the neglect and smearing of my works over the years that accurately predicted our current pandemic challenges.”

    • The good doctor came to the same conclusion I did, covert operatives released the virus in the market.

      Further, the Event 201 was such an obvious ‘predictive programming’ affair that John Hopkins should be embarrassed.

  11. Can’t remember if I shared this – The Patent
    Just sharing – I don’t have answers.

    Coronavirus Hysteria, The Patent – Don’t Ignore This


    Link to the actual coronavirus patent pdf


    Related article
    Coronavirus – Jul 23, 2015 – THE PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE


  12. If you go to “Google Scholar” and then type the subject matter, you will get many journal articles. I typed “corona virus” and got, for example, a 2014 item from European Journal of Infectious Diseases that says:

    “Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is an emerging respiratory disease of global public health concern. As of 9 May 2014, 536 confirmed human cases have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) with 145 deaths [1]. The current epidemiology of MERS is one of zoonotic transmission, sometimes followed by chains of limited human-to-human transmission for limited periods of time within families or healthcare facilities.”

    Mary Maxwell hereby states that GumshoeNews does not have the resources to track down what is happening. Dee has already put forth a few good articles, but we should not be seen as the Go-to place for updates or for digging thru the numerous deceptive articles.

    Thanks to Terry Shulze for the interesting podcast by a clinician from within a hospital in Italy: https://files.catbox.moe/3ns6c1.mp4

    Also thanks to any contributor who tracks down serious-sounding material. Let’s not waste ink following what the pollies are saying, as they have no better base of data than others. Thinking of how they “report” Port Arthur or the Boston Marathon has made me (perhaps overly) skeptical.

  13. This article was written in November 2018 on the 100 year anniversary of the “Spanish Flu” so it is not an overnight piece of corona hysteria.

    “The “Spanish Flu” killed an estimated 50-100 million people during a pandemic 1918-19. What if the story we have been told about this pandemic isn’t true?”

    Spanish Flu of 1918 Was Really a Bioterror Attack on Humanity


    • And here’s me thinking that the “Bioterror Attack on Humanity” was WW1 itself.

      Given the fact that the initial outbreak of the 1918 virus took place in a U.S. military barracks the“military vaccine experiment gone awry” theory doesn’t strike me as being at all far fetched

      But my understanding is that viral death-counts always encompass secondary infections. When my sons were children we lived within walking distance of Albany’s Memorial Avenue, so from time to time we used to stop and read the plaques. “Died from wounds” was probably the most common: I’d have to explain “that probably means gangrene”

    • I found out about the origins of the ‘Spanish’ flu years ago, so examining this recent virus as a possible bio-weapon was an easy consideration for me. However, when you try and discuss something like bio-weapons with the average person, they freak out. It is not part of their reality.

      I just got reprimanded on another forum for bringing up the FOUR inserts in the COVID-19 virus. “Don’t talk about that conspiracy theory BS”. “99% of the stuff on the internet is just made up” etc.

      There is a mental block to even look at any evidence. Just like with 9-11, Port Arthur, etc. – the masses are so programmed that they don’t need the PTB to censor the information – they willingly do it to themselves. – Trapped in their own mind…


    We are having tech difficulties and cannot upload a fresh article. NO cause for alarm. It is dingbat’s fault (me).

    Please have a holiday — if you can stand it — till St Patrick’s Day.
    Email me if urgent at MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com. Thanks you, beloved Gumshoers.

    P.S. Dee is OK but she lacks devices. (Did you ever think you’d see the day/)

  15. Did you hear? – Depending on where they live, people are stocking up on copies of the New York Times, Washington Post, The Guardian, The Times, The Australian, Sydney Morning Herald, Daily Telegraph, The Herald Sun, Adelaide Advertiser etc, etc, etc …

    The makers of Sorbent are urging people to calm down.

    Sorry Mary – I saw you Hold Press notice just after I pressed Enter 😊

    • Fish, the shops in US are indeed selling out of toilet paper.

      I now lift the restriction on comments if anyone needs to report NEWS. Sorry, it was a needed move as I was 100% unavailable to monitor. ( Now I am only 80% unavailable.)

      • Could the empty shelves in Aus have anything to do with the fact that the bulk of the supply is imported from China ?
        Ditto a whole range of pharmaceuticals, but as TP is something that’s used by everyone everyday that’s where the problem’s going to be more immediately visible?
        Why is this not being discussed?

  16. The propaganda and panic surrounding this man made virus is astounding! I read that it was created at Harvard in Boston at the request of the CIA, then taken to China where it was released to the public. The red flags here are so numerous and so obvious, yet millions follow faithfully. Our prime minister’s wife tested positive for the virus and they are now self isolating at their home. What are the odds of this happening! Of the few Canadians who they say died of the virus, they were all very old and in nursing homes. No one will ever know the truth of this. I went to the grocery store and it was way worse than shopping on Christmas eve, totally crazy! People are so gullible. Could end up also being an exercise in martial law on a massive scale.

  17. Crown virus enforced by the same mob that started first global war, one year after the private central bank was established. Took me many decades to digest “war is good for business”. That maybe for the
    devolutionists, but for everyone else, these past two centuries, it has been mainly continuous wars. Unprecedented scales of unnecessary destruction displacement hardships sufferings and murders of innocent naive humane kind.
    Behind the scenes, the hidden hands, always the same mob!
    Instead of grazing free on the farm, we are herded into mega cages, at prohibitive costs, to eat or not their products produced by slaves worldwide. Now with Artificial insanity they don’t need us no more.
    The machines are replacing us!

    Came here in ’66, from a sunny island in the med.
    Remember grandmother telling me that under the Hapsburg’s – God walked upon the earth. Then after WW1, the crown soldiers came bringing their filth and fleas. A few decades later, those pagans morphed into the communist swine that rule these days.
    Freemasonry is communism is kabala.

  18. The literal meaning of the word “quarantine” is “period of forty days” as in the forty day mooring prohibition on ships from plague-stricken countries introduced by certain Euro countries in the Middle Ages:
    Thanks to the dependencies engineered by globalisation, said practice was, by late 2019, well and truly obsolete.

    So having created the perfect environment for any form of contagion to spread the respective Engineers have turned to dumping the onus of the consequences onto those they have so egregiously wronged; same old hackneyed ruse.

    I guess it’s up to everyone not to fall into the latest “newspeak” trap,i.e. using the “q” word re the imposition of home-detention and prohibition on everyday intercourse

  19. In Coleman’s “Tavistock” we read:

    “With the Tavistock plan modified to suit American conditions, Bernays and Lippmann led President Woodrow Wilson to set up the very first Tavistock methodology techniques for polling (manufacturing) so-called public opinion created by Tavistock propaganda. They also taught Wilson to set up a secret body of “managers” to run the war effort and a body of “advisors” to assist the President in his decision-making. The Creel Commission was the first such body of opinion-makers set up in the United States.”


    “Today, the manipulation-by-polls of public opinion has become a central technique in the hands of the social engineers and controllers of the Social scientists employed at Tavistock and its many “think tanks” located all over the United States and Britain.”

    In this context, Coleman refers in particular to Bernays’ books “Propaganda” and “Crystallizing Public Opinion” telling us how it is done.

    So here we have a clue as to how it works –

    • Government/Media – “Hey, everybody is panic buying toilet paper.“ “[Don’t] Join the hysteria!”]
    • People: “Holy tissue! Everybody else is buying up toilet paper – let’s get in before it’s all gone!“
    • Government/Media – “The people are hysterical!” {“Now on to phase 2!”]

    • All I can see is the gov/media ridiculing people for drawing attention to what’s actually a really serious issue, as outlined in my 2:57pm comment. An en masse awakening to the fragility of the System would obviously not be in said Beast’s interests

      • Speaking of distractions – do you remember when the Global [‘Doomsday’] Seed Bank was moved from Aleppo to Svalbard in 2008. This was in preparation for the invasion of Aleppo (and Syria as a whole) by their terrorist proxies who still hold areas including the city of Idlib. While they continue to hold Idlib, and up to 1.5 million people hostage (the main front-line sponsor of this operation being Erdogan) Aleppo remains vulnerable from a military/strategic point of view.

        But enough about that or now – this is about distractions …

        What’s Going On With the Arctic ‘Doomsday’ Seed Vault?


        From that article …

        “Against the backdrop of the spreading fear about a global coronavirus pandemic, an event has slipped largely under the radar at a spot so removed from the rest of the world that most are unaware of its existence. The Svalbard “Doomsday” Seed Vault on Spitsbergen Island north of the Arctic Circle just received an additional major shipment of plant variety seeds for its special storage. What makes this entire seed bank enterprise suspicious at the very least is the list of financial sponsors behind the global project.”

        And then …

        Crop Trust?

        The seed bank and acquisition of the seeds is managed by an entity known as the Crop Trust, officially known as the Global Crop Diversity Trust, now based in Bonn, Germany. On its website Crop Trust makes the modest claim that their “sole mission is to ensure humanity conserves and makes available the world’s crop diversity for future food security.”

        It has an impressive list of financial sponsors which it calls the Donors’ Council. Among the most eye-catching they name Bayer Crop Science, which now incorporates Monsanto; DuPont Pioneer Hi-Bred; Syngenta AG, now owned by ChemChina. These are the world’s largest purveyors of GMO patented seeds and the paired agrichemicals such as Roundup with glyphosate. China’s now state-owned Syngenta is the world’s largest supplier of crop chemicals. crop chemicals.

        In addition, Crop Trust Donors include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the major donor to initiate the Trust in 2004 with the FAO, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and CGIAR, acting through Bioversity International.

        Gates Foundation is joined at Crop Trust by the Rockefeller Foundation, the ones who first financed the creation of GMO biotechnology beginning in the 1970’s at their International Rice Research Institute, where they spent millions trying to develop the colossal failure called Vitamin A-enhanced Golden Rice. CGIAR, set up in 1972 by the Rockefeller Foundation and Ford Foundation to spread their Green Revolution agribusiness model, controls most of the private seed banks from the Philippines to Syria to Kenya. In all, these present seed banks hold more than six and a half million seed varieties, almost two million of which are ‘distinct.’ Svalbard’s Doomsday Vault has a capacity to house four and a half million different seeds.”

      • There is ‘something not quite right’ about Robert Sepehr that I just can’t put my finger on, but nevertheless he brings really interesting topics forward that you would not otherwise be researching.

        I thought you would find this topical and interesting.

        Occult Order of Oculists – ROBERT SEPEHR

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