by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Two Scots, Jim Macgregor and Gerry Docherty, are changing our understanding of the first half of the 20th century. In 2015 they published the magnificent Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War. It proved (I think “proved” is a justifiable word) that the events of 1914 that have traditionally been listed as causing World War I were not the real causes. For example, the assassination of Duke Ferdinand was often mentioned as having triggered the war.
Rather, Macgregor and Docherty show, in Hidden History, how two men in Britain, Lord Esher and Earl Grey, secretly planned the war and bullied Parliament into voting for it. The objective was to do away with Germany as an economic threat.
Now we see a second book, Prolonging the Agony, by the same pair of researchers. The book contends that the war was purposely extended for an additional three years after Germany’s defeat in 1915, in order to suit the agenda of a few unaccountable people.
Amazon Reviews
It is pleasing to note that “plants” have not occupied the book-review space at Amazon to trash Prolonging the Agony. On the contrary, all sorts of people have sent in their endorsement. This “article” by me is strictly a lifting of those reviews (some abridged, none edited!). I will quote from seven persons who gave the book a 5-star rating. Three of them provided their proper names – Peter Hof, PD Clark, and EH Weber, and four used handles: Mudhole, Artbreaker2, Stanley, and Waco Kid.
Peter Hof’s review is mainly about Cecil Rhodes who lived only to age 49, from 1853 to 1902. (For more on Cecil’s life, please see Dee McLachlan’s 2016 Gumshoe article entitled “Rhodes’ Drive foe Secrecy and Domination.”) We are reading this today with Bill Gates in mind. Gates seems to take for granted his own power and right to decide what the world needs “for its own good.”
Cecil Rhodes left behind him a famous will, from which the Rhodes scholarships got established. In the will he describes his desire for a sort of One World, namely a world of British dominance. The will, dated 1877, when he was 27, bequeaths his wealth (gained from Africa) as follows:
“To and for the establishment, promotion and development of a Secret Society, the true aim and object whereof shall be for the extension of British rule throughout the world … and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire Continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the Islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the Islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America…, finally, the foundation of so great a Power as to render wars impossible and promote the best interests of humanity.”
Here is the first review of Prolonging the Agony:
Peter Hof’s Review
In the decades leading up to the outbreak of war in 1914, British imperialism rose to dizzying heights. The schemes of powerful men for the reorganization of the world and thus bring about the future happiness of mankind, remained the province of conspiracy theorists until they were first confirmed in 1966 by Carroll Quigley…. The so-called conspiracy theorists were right all along and were amply confirmed … by the original conspiracy theorist himself [Cecil Rhodes]
Jim Macgregor and Gerry Docherty chronicle the incredible British efforts to prolong the War in order to effectuate a more thorough destruction of Germany…. They even managed to starve a prostrate Germany into an admission of “sole” guilt for the War even though Germany had been the only nation to try to prevent it. Bravo!
Another step towards the eternal happiness of mankind or so it seemed to a legion of Court historians and journalists. But there is an antidote. The truth is out there and available to those who look for it. The careful, incomparable research by Macgregor/Docherty makes Prolonging The Agony required reading for both the casual and the professional student of history. Professor Quigley would have been proud.
The Bill Gates Connection
Peter Hof’s review also included a lengthy quote from Cecil Rhodes’ 1877 “Confession of Faith.”
It is amazing to see how open Rhodes was about the need for a secret society. Lord Milner did not begin his Roundtable for another 13 years after this document. Bill Gates waited another century and a half to demonstrate such swagger.
Note: The spelling and grammar errors in the original are left uncorrected here:
“I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. Just fancy those parts that are at present inhabited by the most despicable specimens of human beings what an alteration there would be if they were brought under Anglo-Saxon influence, look again at the extra employment a new country added to our dominions gives.
“I [Rhodes] contend that every acre added to our territory means in the future birth to some more of the English race who otherwise would not be brought into existence. Added to this the absorption of the greater portion of the world under our rule simply means the end of all wars, at this moment had we not lost America I believe we could have stopped the Russian-Turkish war by merely refusing money and supplies. Having these ideas what scheme could we think of to forward this object. I look into history and I read the story of the Jesuits I see what they were able to do in a bad cause and I might say under bad leaders.
“At the present day I become a member of the Masonic order I see the wealth and power they possess the influence they hold and I think over their ceremonies and I wonder that a large body of men can devote themselves to what at times appear the most ridiculous and absurd rites without an object and without an end.
“The idea gleaming and dancing before ones eyes like a will-of-the-wisp at last frames itself into a plan. Why should we not form a secret society with but one object — the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilised world under British rule for the recovery of the United States for the making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire. What a dream, but yet it is probable, it is possible. I once heard it argued by a fellow in my own college, I am sorry to own it by an Englishman, that it was good thing for us that we have lost the United States.
“… Think of those countless 000’s of Englishmen that during the last 100 years would have crossed the Atlantic and settled and populated the United States. Would they have not made without any prejudice a finer country of it than the low class Irish and German emigrants? …
“Put your mind into another train of thought. Fancy Australia discovered and colonised under the French flag, what would it mean merely several millions of English unborn that at present exist we learn from the past and to form our future. We learn from having lost to cling to what we possess. We know the size of the world we know the total extent. Africa is still lying ready for us it is our duty to take it. It is our duty to seize every opportunity of acquiring more territory and we should keep this one idea steadily before our eyes that more territory simply means more of the Anglo-Saxon race more of the best the most human, most honourable race the world possesses.
“To forward such a scheme what a splendid help a secret society would be — a society not openly acknowledged but who would work in secret for such an object. I contend that there are at the present moment numbers of the ablest men in the world who would devote their whole lives to it. I often think what a loss to the English nation in some respects the abolition of the Rotten Borough System has been ….
“Do men like the great Pitt, and Burke and Sheridan not now to exist? I contend they do….. What has the main cause of the success of the Romish Church? The fact that every enthusiast, call it if you like every madman finds employment in it. Let us form the same kind of society a Church for the extension of the British Empire. …He should then be supported if without means by the Society and sent to that part of the Empire where it was felt he was needed.
“(In every Colonial legislature the Society should attempt to have its members prepared at all times to vote or speak and advocate the closer union of England and the colonies, to crush all disloyalty and every movement for the severance of our Empire. The Society should inspire and even own portions of the press for the press rules the mind of the people. The Society should always be searching for members who might by their position in the world by their energies or character forward the object but the ballot and test for admittance should be severe.)” [Emphasis added]
End of quotes from Rhodes, as provided by Peter Hof. The bolding was added by me (Maxwell).
And now, as promised, the other six reviewers’ thoughts, at Amazon, of the book Prolonging the Agony (Trine Day Press, 2018). I thank them all.
This is a great book. You’ll learn more actual history from reading the first chapter than from any college-level history class….
Artbreaker 2.
The authors make an impeccably documented case…. They surface numerous events and quotes that do not easily fit into the frameworks through which this horrendous war is typically interpreted. The references cited and topics addressed are eye-opening, whether or not one is inclined to be open to the writers’ overall thesis, which by the end of the book, is compelling…. Well worth having on your shelf, if you are interested in understanding this decisively important war, which killed millions, resolved nothing and smolders to this day.
… Now why would anyone want to extend a war that could have been ended months and years earlier with a defeated adversary? This sounds crazy. Answer: The whole purpose of the war was to destroy the opponent to the point where it would never, ever become a threat again. To accomplish this mission the British inner circle made sure that several things happened including … getting raw materials and food to the Germans through neutral countries and through Belgium.
Deviously keeping Russia in the war by promising it access to the Mediterranean Sea and starting the (planned to fail) Gallipoli invasion; later denying Russia arms to support its planned 1917 offensive; getting rid of the popular Lord Kitchener, an advocate of a quick and fair peace, by sending him to Russia in an unescorted, obsolete, coal burning cruiser through a known mine field and then delaying assistance to the sinking ship. Not attacking German steel mills some three miles from the French border. Oh, by the way, how did the Germans get cotton? I mean c’mon, think about it.
P D Clark.
An extremely impressive narrative. Germany was bullied into war, and Germany and Russia were both manipulated then deliberately and savagely destroyed (and UK and allied young men butchered in their hundreds of thousands) so that the elite could profit.
To achieve this, lies were piled upon lies. The evidence for this is miles deep, and excellently presented …. Your eyes will be opened, and you will be disgusted at the reality of our history. I am not a leftist, my family fought in both wars, and I found much of this book uncomfortable reading. But completely convincing. Highly recommended.
Waco Kid.
Great book. Shows up the lies of the ruling classes in London, their greed and profiteering. All those men and boys dying for no good reason. Shameful.
H. Weber.
This book follows the same authors 2013 ‘Hidden History’, which reversed responsibility for the First World War: not the Kaiser’s militarism or German aggression caused the war, but a well-laid, prepared and ruthlessly-executed effort to eliminate an industrial rival and threat to British hegemony. In other words, it was not the advertised “Great War for Civilization”, but a war for the preservation and aggrandizement of the British Empire.
The problem with proving this thesis is that there are no primary sources to establish it conclusively. The authors make the point that the primary sources were carefully collected by the victors and culled for preservation, publication — or destruction. It is possible and, considering known collection efforts and seductive gaps in the records, even likely. They also cite enough secondary sources to provide sufficient circumstantial evidence for credibility.
‘Prolonging the Agony’ shows how it was possible to extend by three years a war that should have ended with the exhaustion of Germany’s resources in 1915. Simply, the Allies ensured that enough material and food reached Germany to allow her to continue the fight. Incredible? Not if you consider the means examined by Docherty and Macgregor, and the evidence presented. …
A word of caution: if you find this book convincing, you will never again believe any government propaganda about any war. …
You can say that again!
If anybody wants to have a catharsis, this is your chance:
Aw geez, my Dad’s two-corner hat.
Clever aren’t they.
Devilishly So bg
it has to be said that the us historian harry elmer barnes,who has the usual hostile wikipedia entry as an antisetite and holocaust denier , preceded mcgregor and docherty.
barnes was very big in us history circles before ww2.
after all, the emperor of germany wilhem ii said repeatedly that he had not wanted ww1.
barnes did invited lecture tours in germany in the 1920s.
concerning the prolongation of ww1, i was astonished to learn from mcgregor and docherty that a nsw miners union already in ww1,long before tv or internet, warned people not to donate to belgium relief.
Duns, would you please explain that bit about the miners?
the commission forthe relief of belgium was a scam charity riun in allied countries whereby the german army was fed so as to keep it in the war. chapters 15 to 18 of the 2nd book -prolonging the agony- deals with it,
the scam was orchestrated by later us president herbert hoover, who after ww1 sequestered all relevant documents to do with ww1 from many european foreign offices and hid them away at stanford uni in california, where they were inaccessible for 20 years.
concerning the nsw miners battalion at the front, not a union back in nsw, it is footnote 62 on p.244 of the book and concerns the nsw state relief fund committee to whom the battalion had written.
nsw and nz had contributed more money per capita to the scam than any other state in the world.
the soldiers said they could see the german army getting hold of the food.
it was not the only aust.objection to the scam
the new york times then ran a pro-hoover series of sycophantic articles, also mentioned on p.244.
All of this (and lots more) is also detailed in “Killing Uncle Sam” by Rodney Howard-Brown and Paul Williams, particularly the lives of Rhodes, Milner and also the journalist William Stead. They argue that WW1 was contrived to reign in Germany, which was becoming too powerful.
Given Germany’s industrial superiority to both Britain and the U. S.during the early 20th century it’s not hard to figure out that both wars were fomented accordingly.
Well apparently it is hard to figure it out. The whole basis of Mary’s article is that people did not figure it out and that we have been misled for 100 years that it was the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.
Richard of course I agree that people were fooled, but right now most are fooled into thinking they need a mask to go to the supermarket.
I think we need to make up a song that ridicules this.
Sorry I forgot to also mention that in the aforementioned Killing of Uncle Sam it was detailed that Rhodes, as well as being an extremely heavy drinker, was a raving homosexual with a predilection for portly young blue-eyed lads. As a homo-sexual, he knew he would never reproduce and this realisation partly fueled his drive to see British Supremacy succeed.
Actually Richard , I had read somewhere that Rhodes had a predilection for young black boys as well.
And, after having his way with them , he’d have them thrown off a cliff , so as not to risk encountering the same child twice .
The following article titled ‘ How Cecil Rhodes Killed Millions Of Southern Africans For Diamonds And Lands ‘ may be of interest to some :
A couple of choice paragraphs :
” Cecil Rhodes paid a mercenary army from England and supplied them with Maxim machine guns. With just 5 of these machine guns the English slaughtered more than 5,000 African people in one afternoon alone. After that, they celebrated with dinner and champagne.
Cecil Rhodes, gay lover, said he, “thoroughly enjoyed the outing.” He saw the slaughter of over 5,000 Africans as sport and adventure ” .
Duns mentioned Harry Elmer Barnes. First let me assure everyone that M Maxwell is not the person to go to re war history. OK? I cannot hold my own in this area. I’m a one-night stand — even my thing above, re MacGregor and Docherty is a piferization and does not rise to the level of being an “article.”
I have for years owned a little pamphlet with the cover missing, so I did not know who wrote it. Thanks to the prompt from Duns, I have now determined that it is Barnes. In it, Barnes says:
“After the first World War the defeated countries, such as Germany, Hungary and Austria presented such facts as they could bring forth to justify their case and demonstrate their innocence of sole or primary responsibility for the outbreak of war in August, 1914.
“This has not been the case since 1945. In neither Germany nor Italy has there been much activity in producing historical literature designed to present the case of these countries with respect to the events of 1939, and what is known as Revisionism — the effort to get at the truth on the second World War — has been sporadic and fragmentary in Japan.
“West Germany and Italy have almost outdone the victors in castigating their leaders of 1939 days and their alleged guilt, and the East Germans have been additionally throttled by the intensely Germanophobe and anti-Hitler attitude of Soviet Russia.”
We could discuss Communism.
Thanks Mary,
It’s important that Readers (try to) comprehend that we have been totally lied to, deceived – NOT JUST about WW1 but WW11 and not only just about every other war on the planet but just about every single item we commonly call ‘history’ across the board. Just some are;
• The history of the ancestory of our more ancient skeletons has been hidden.
• The evidence of ongoing extraterrestrial Earth visitation has been hidden.
• The evidence of massive in-earth cities and road links has been hidden.
• The evidence of how people are being robbed every day by the banking system has been hidden.
• The evidence of the poisoning of humanity by vaccination and fluoride has been hidden.
• The evidence of a system of commercialising our parliaments, social organisations and civil service has been hidden.
• The evidence of the bastardisation of our agriculture has been hidden.
• The evidence of how our schools and universities systems for brainwashing our children has been hidden.
• The evidence of the great damaging of Earths upper atmospheric cosmic defences by nuclear atmospheric testing has been hidden.
• The evidence for the take-over of sovereign countries by nefarious means (murder and debt) has been hidden.
• The evidence of defined lines of human energy theft systems on earth has been hidden.
• The evidence of machinery for the geo-engeering of weather systems has been hidden.
You can literally go on and on. In all these and many more truth and lies have been mixed together to deceive us and the ensuing morass presented as historical fact.
After all the deception and deep treachery placed upon an unsuspecting humankind, it behoves each and every one of us “who has eyes to see” to fully comprehend such utter blasphemy emanating from a clearly identified and named Satan, a being who would use his personal and powerful utter contempt to not only pass his papal entrapment organisation off as Gods work but to disguise his operations in Christ’s name and to implement across all society his hidden and cloaked wealth and human energy theft systems.
Now, (as I have pointed out elsewhere) if we think about this for a moment, as macabre as it is, it begins to make sense. We are told succinctly in Revelation 12:9 “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” So in anybody’s lingo this means that Satan -was and is- trapped here on (or “into”) the Earth. (translation allowing)
Thus it is no great leap (either of logic or of faith) to conceive that being trapped himself, he trappeth. It only stands to reason that he and his demonic minions set about constructing the cultural and social trap and power sapping techniques for mankind. You arn’t dealing here with Rhodes, Morgan, Rothschild, Rockafeller, Gates, etc, etc. they are just his minions. You are dealing with a Satanic trap and you better remember it.
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” 12 “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness” (Ephesians 6: 11) “but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.” 1 John 5: 18.
Additionally to show the depth and length of time of the con here is something for Readers to consider.
There are 6o seconds in one minute
There are 6o minutes in one hour.
There are 24 hours in one day. (2+4=6)
This is marvelous re the death of Lincoln. Start at 7.30 mins.
Good post Mary – states rights should never be mitigated. A voice from the past with some very good advice.
And in keeping with that post here’s a link to other sounds from that time:
Gettysburg; Wheatfield Fife and Drums
The above link doesn’t work, try this one; https:/youtu.be/wwDMGJmavpE
As I’ve said before, Ignatius Timothy Trebitsch-Lincoln beat your 2 Scots by an entire century:
As for the proposition that Bill Gates is of the same lineage as Cecil Rhodes I really don’t see that it would make any difference
Here’s how we make up the titles of articles, Berry. One of us shows the other her new opus and the other suggests a title. However we are both fatigued lately and miscommunication abounds. I suggested the Bill Gates title to Dee as a joke but she took it seriously.
There is no known relationship between Cecil and Bill. Just the similarity of their belief that they can run the world. Which ain’t no laughing matter at the moment.
God help us all. I think things are going to get much worse, soon. I blame the media for lying and I blame the public for preferring the known (the lies) to the unknown (Gumzies).
Thanks to all who send comments and help one another. It is a pleasure to deal here.
Thank you Mary – yet to read the book “The Secret Origins of the First World War” (it’s open now) but had to share the dedication and opening paragraph in Acknowledgements by Docherty and Macgregor: This also fits in with other comments above – with appreciation.
“Dedicated to the victims of an unspeakable evil.“
“FIRST AND FOREMOST WE OWE a debt to those writers and historians who, in the aftermath of the First World War, began to question what had happened and how it had come about. Their determination to challenge official accounts was largely dismissed by the Establishment, but they left a clear trail of credible evidence that has helped guide us through the morass of half-truths and lies that are still presented as historical fact. Without their cumulative effort, together with the profoundly important revelations of Professor Carroll Quigley, it would have been impossible for us to unpick the web of deceit woven around the origins of the war.”
“… morass of half-truths and lies that are still presented as historical fact.” – It’s just everywhere you look!!
Posted Facebook by Chris Graham. 2 plus hrs ago ·
“So late yesterday, the Russian Embassy in Canberra submitted a lengthy essay for consideration by New Matilda, written by a ‘Mr Vladimir Putin’. Initially, I thought… wtf? And then I thought, ‘f*ck it, why not, the guy stationed warships off the Australian coast after Tony Abbott threatened to shirtfront him’. And then I read it, and thought, this needs a fair bit of work. So with the help of some fact-checkers both here and abroad (thank you, you know who you are, although I won’t tell ‘them’ who you are in case you disappear into the Russian woods, carried off by a man with no shirt riding a bear) here is Mr Putin’s epic 9,100 word essay on how the Russians beat the Nazis… with bonus editor’s notes where we think he might have ‘taken some liberties’. Also, if you don’t hear from me again, please tell the world I was a good man, I just have a bit of a problem with authority figures. Cheers.”
Thank you Diane – I actually made a copy of that article from here (also reprinted from The National Interest}
I have some issues with it myself but probably not for the same reason as those who think cities should be controlled by Antifa/ISIS as ‘safe cities’. For the first time I feel some of what President Putin is saying is ‘contentious’ but I have not finished reading it yet.
There are some worthwhile comments – from both angles.
Julius – one must never forget that ol’ Vlad was top of his class at his KGB training. The man is very intelligent and now a Christian, which surely must add to his ‘intrigue’ in today’s times of deny everything that is good and progresses the human race.
I refuse to read a rag that pretends to promote how Aussies should think.
i look forward to the sackcloth and ashes, sjw, aboriginophile and albophobic chris graham at new matilda practising even 10% of the in-your-face even-handedness he practises against putin when dealing with any and all matters australian indigenous.
graham does not practise the moralising self-flagellation of white post-christian christians worshipping at the shrines of larissa behrendt or marcia langton, ……..,no,he goes more for denunciatory vitriol.
so if he is not actively giving aid and succour to those who threaten aborigines sharing the views of jacinta price or anthony dillon,he certainly underpins them.
we shall see whether chris graham gives any space at at all to those such as peter o brien,who in his recent “bitter harvest” has driven a coach and four through the twisted deceit peddled by the self-styled indigenous bruce pascoe,who of course is hosting a 2 part abc series shortly to peddle his,in effect, globalist and nation-destroying material.
this is being paid for by the taxpaye,free of any choice in the matter.
@diane de vere
the word wow,when standing alone, tends in my experience to be used by persons on the internet in the anglosphere who while hating the other opinion are unable or unwilling to try to refute it.
so they pretend surprise and amazement with the word wow.
stand-alone synonyms tend to be, whatever, – boring – foaming at the mouth- tired and emotional.
so what is it in your case, given that your gumshoe comments would seem to place you in one of the categories favoured by new matilda?
just a curious wow—at the reaction re Chris Graham- I did not take it as a personal attack–
wow, Diane’s my sister, on her wing , go her back.
want to make head nor tail, listening.
yeah, no need of word or spelling with us, give me any sledge angle u want, i’ll reply
I hear you bro
Duns Scotus – I have never been an adherent of the sack cloth and self-flagellation society. I reject the current push for knee bending and sought for reparations from the children of the fathers that may have done much wrong to others.
That is a false justice!
I would rather have the Old Matilda – as in the days I grew up in – than the ‘new’ version which is so full of BS and self-flagellation, that only a fool would bother to part with their money to buy such a rag promoting it, let alone read it, and maybe those who buy it use the pages for something else as their act of remorse and contrition for self-flagellation put up on the nail in the outhouse?
i quite agree with you,nemesis.
i also draw attention to the fact that the rulers of the world,whether defined as banksters, the judeocracy or the participants at the world economic forum at davos etc.strongly support black lives matter and any other phenomenon to reduce ethnic white or european autonomy such as mass migration.
those phenomena belong to policy aimed at importing aggregate economic demand for goods and services into countries that are white by indigeneity,such as europe,or by conquest such as australia.
there is an a-z list of us corporations supporting blm with money, for example.
thus blm and australian blaktivism and similar phenomena in the uk and europe aim at demoralizing patriots,whether left wing or right wing, so as to destroy resistance to multiculti and foster subsequent global governance incl. all the aspects of it mentioned by klaus schwab of the wef in his recent global reset video.
note how schwabs language in that video ticks all sjw boxes, especially his use of the word, inclusive, meaning black or coloured superiority and induced white guilt.
like antifa, new matilda is a useful idiot therefore of global capital.
i thus suspect that the editors notable addition of anti russian historical commentary to putins text shows how much new matilda is integrated in the new world order already at this stage.
I thought this was worth sharing (?again) as it links in to that question of a “morass of half-truths and lies that are still presented as historical fact”.
At around 1:17:20 Sacha Stone invites Dr David Martin to speak from the perspective of legal remedies.
If this does not link to the timestamp, please start a minute before at 1:16:35 with Sacha Stone speaking.
At 1:17:34:
Dr David Martin: “One of the things that the forces of mind-control have prayed on is triggering reflexes and then having a mass amount of human response go to the thing that they’re controlling …“
From 1:24:40
DM: “And the cool thing about contract law is – if an opening recital of a contract is false, meaning that if you say coronavirus causes COVID-19 or COVID is caused by coronavirus – that as an opening stipulation makes everything that follows false.
That’s like me saying that on Tuesday, because I have suspended gravity we can all walk around on our hands. Well the problem with that statement would be – on Tuesday I didn’t suspend gravity. If an opening precedential statement is made and that statement is false, everything that follows is false. And for the very first time in any court of law, we have challenged the fundamentals …“
I’ll just repeat that:
“If an opening precedential statement is made and that statement is false, everything that follows is false.”
Keep it up Dee, Mary and Gumshoers – The new reality sounds much more interesting than this morass we are witnessing.
WWI is certainly a good place to put a peg in the ground.
https://youtu.be/5q7HkxNhnXA Is this sanity??? the worlds gone Bananas !
Thanks Cherri, I needed that – very clever – very retro 😊
Here is JP …
Haha, your welcome! I’ve
gotta buy some of those Orange glasses now…
https://youtu.be/esBeTBrKOgg Unnatural film trailer
Re above – Putin stated that the Soviet Union achieved a “crushing victory over Nazism and saved the entire world”.
And yet it was the Comintern (Communist International) that explicitly vowed to take over the world – and here we are. The fact that some of Putin’s statements do not gel with his earlier statements that Lenin was a mere revolutionary, while quoting Stolypin as a true Russian statesman (he too was assassinated) still has me scratching my head.
One of the reasons that the question of who won WWII is contentious is the enormous support that the US gave the Soviet Union via Lend Lease.
See the following link (no need for an adding machine – there is a summary at the bottom).
Lend Lease to Russia = From Major Jordan’ Diaries (NY: Harcourt, Brace, 1952)
It included $12 worth of licorice.
The SUMMARY reads:
“MUNITIONS $4,651,582,000
NON-MUNITIONS 4,826,084,000
Total 9,477,666,000
(Note: the figure of $11 billion includes services as well as goods furnished.)
The U.S. Government has never released detailed reports on what was sent in Lend-Lease, so Major Jordan’s data, gleaned from the Russians’ own manifests, is the only public record. More than one-third of Lend-Lease sent was illegal under the terms of the act which specifically prohibited “goods furnished for relief and rehabilitation purposes.”
Franklin Roosevelt’s alter ego and Lend-Lease administrator Harry L. Hopkins, a KGB agent, declared to Russia before a crowd at Madison Square Garden on June 22, 1942, that: “We are determined that nothing shall stop us from sharing with you all that we have.” He was not joking.”
Julius – Britain also contributed to the Soviet Union – not Russia – much needed elsewhere war materiel to the point of denying emergency items to its own Empire.
It was Hitler first and bugger the rest of the world.
For some light relief and distraction:
I was told about the AI-type generated media. Type any 3 numbers in and it will relate to a COVID result?
I did this video quickly this morning:
And it this correct?
C = 3 = Abaddon (angel of the pit)
OVID = sheep
19 = slaughter?
Hey Dee was waiting for Number –33
I sent this link to a friend concerned re radiation poisoning-in the line of fire maybe
He sent back
“Check out how many new fighters the Indians just ordered from the Russians.I was wondering why they were making such a song and dance about it as they cannot get them until next year—21 plus 12 equals… true story.”
Re-article – Secrets and Lies, rewriting of history and propaganda.
Mary’s Highlight:
“To forward such a scheme what a splendid help a secret society would be — a society not openly acknowledged but who would work in secret for such an object. I contend that there are at the present moment numbers of the ablest men in the world who would devote their whole lives to it. ”
Propaganda 101: How Tony Abbott Won Australia’s Highest Honour For ‘Service To Indigenous Communities’
By Chris Graham on June 22, 2020
“There are five basic rules of propaganda. The second, and arguably the easiest to achieve, is sometimes called ‘The rule of orchestration’: endlessly repeat the same messages in different variations and combinations.
Or to put it in a modern political context: if you tell a lie often enough, it eventually becomes the truth.
In November 2014, Abbott told a Sydney audience which included UK Prime Minister David Cameron that prior to the arrival of the British in 1788, Sydney was ‘nothing but bush’, adding that pre-colonisation civilisation was “extraordinarily basic and raw”.
It was no slip of the tongue. Three months earlier, Abbott said this at the launch of a museum exhibit: “The arrival of the First Fleet was the defining moment in the history of this continent. Let me repeat that – it was the defining moment in the history of this continent. It was the moment this continent became part of the modern world.”
That was no slip of the tongue either. A month before that he said this: “I guess our country owes its existence to a form of foreign investment by the British government in the then unsettled or, um, scarcely settled, Great South Land.”
By far Abbott’s most outrageous statement – and his most damaging – was in support of the West Australian Government’s plan to defund 150 small, homeland (outstation) Aboriginal communities, which Liberal premier Colin Barnett blamed on a lack of federal funding. Abbott agreed, arguing that Aboriginal people who lived on their traditional lands in small, remote communities had made a “lifestyle choice”, and taxpayers shouldn’t have to fund them.”
@ de vere,
we see here typical new matilda.
i have no love for abbott,as he wanted to get australia into a nuclear war with russia,see john helmer on this.
but if i want to worship hunter gatherers i shall take a knee to my own ancestors, the western hunter gatherers as they are known in genomics,.who were outbred and maybe genocided by the anatolian neolithic farmers who brought agriculture with them.
their life was extraordinarily basic and raw, like that of aust. aborigines. see the archaeological evidence of the way they lived and died and killed.
and spare me the post-1945 lists of evil white genocides.
as only a gender studies graduate taking the abc coin out of my taxpayer pocket is able to write that pre-1788 life in aust, was idyllic.
as regards abbotts second comment, population density in aust,.pre 1788 was very low as hunter gatherers all over the world need a few square km each.
once you farm and do industry you can up the number,
new matildas pearl-clutching effeminate outrage may well appeal to its differently gendered readers, i reject it on pre-foucaultian, that is,factual grounds.
you farm, or do you produce, no nourishment all i can see, keep on voting tax payee
pointless for me to try to make sense out of such simon-ic texts, however i am a tax payor and not a tax payee
.the sjw abc and numerous other globalist organisations are however payees.
which is not to say in the fiat money system that the abc would have to fall silent if there were no tax revenue.
payee, payer. All I can see is a hand grabbing and allocating to the stooges.
I look at these things a net based system.
Who’s going to pay for this, who benefits now
Did you know that if you break through certain thresholds you are required to pay tax in advance on profits that have not/less likely now, materialised.
You sound proud to be a tax payer, you can always give extra.
Pointless me saying, but how did the Australian matzahball bootstrap, just on hard work
Cherri posted this above but it did not open. I am trying it here. It is very funny.
Speaking of the royal family, Docherty and MacGregor said in Hidden History that Bertie was very involved with the planners of WWI. If I recall, they say Bertie’s repuation as a philanderer was a cover. It let him go to Paris for brothels when he was really going to meetings. Ha.
Indeed Mary, all the male upper echelon of the European/British/Russian nobility would have been aware of a coming war.
After all, they were all related and the real controllers of the sheeple.
Those two world wars were decades in the planning going all the way back to Albert Pike and his books.
Check em out, he was also a 33rd Degree Mason and Satanist with much political influence.
Europe is the heart of nationalism. The diversity in languages and cultures, unified by Catholic faith, is a testament of their arts crafts and soveriegnity. People lived in hamlets, 300 to 1000, they adapted and lived according to their surroundings. Each of these communities were self sufficient in all aspects of daily living. Even if a language was common over a region, you could still tell what village a person came from by their accent. The crafts flourished and were passed on from generation to generation. This was the result of seeing the fruit of labour in their hands.
Crown Freemason Communism, in the form of medical military industrial, is directly opposed to the self sufficiency of individuals. That’s why the Crown started the industrial revolution, solely to enslave all factory workers. Their agenda has dominated since. As a result, these days we are all specialists but common survival skills in the real world are lacking. My grandfather was a farmer fisherman stonemason wine olive oil maker barber and folk muso. Lots to do and they did it without electricity. I’ve spent 45 years a carpenter, building other people’s dreams, only to be sidelined by free trade and artificial insanity. My skills replaced by robots and gunhands assembling kits.
Now that they have their post industrial dystopia, what will they do next, after transferring all production to the slave majority in China, creating 100 million CCP elite millionaires and billionaires. The greatest transfer of wealth in history.
In a nutshell… a whole lotta bullshit to make stealing from the poor look like human evolution.
In my opinion, western history is 99% propaganda. Logistics used to be free of revisionism, and one logistic that I recall from the 1960s was that Russia suffered three quarters of the total of WWII war deaths and invested two thirds of total war effort. This accords with the general shape of Putin’s claims. As one war vet put it to me: “The West did fuck all, and put two bob each way, all the way”.
Plenty of survivors understood the truth but were wise enough to keep this to themselves. WWI and WWII were waged by the British Empire. Hitler favoured an economist who understood social credit, and thus magically rebuilt an economy destroyed by France and Britain. Hitler also stated that every human being deserved the right to the first step in the ladder of life. Neither Rhodes (ie Rhodes Scholars) nor the owners of the Bank of England would have accepted that. Thus, I am convinced that all available descriptions of Hitler are libels. What the truth is I do not know but one day I will find out. Meanwhile, I keep an open mind.
Just on the Aboriginal Homelands comments above… these are not a lifestyle choice. Far from it. Homelands are the geographical backdrop to Songlines which each language group (Baparru) regards as their history, genealogical legacy, almanac, proof of personal and spiritual identity, and even road map for decisions about where to hunt considering the vagaries of annual seasons.
These are sung, daily, as validation of what they are, who they are, and how they relate to the universe, to nature, and to each other.
Interpretations of these caused nature scientists to register skepticism, citing aquatic scenarios which Aborigines could not possibly have understood and which were intrinsically absurd anyway… until they witnessed the same scenarios themselves. Classic was a whale carrying a dolphin out to sea to die.
Homelands are the the source of morale, initiative, cultural integrity, self-image, and even one’s personal name. Without homelands there is no Aboriginal future. But here I am talking about people who speak several Aboriginal languages ahead of English, which is a poorly understood foreign tongue. By definition I am referring here exclusively to people of the NT and Kimberly. Those strange people from the South, with their aunties and uncles, and their hilarious travesties of smoking ceremonies and tribal dances… dunno what they are, even if some are part of my family.
History is not the only fraud around, it seems.
@tony ryan,
if homelands are thus the source of all good things without which there is no future,(for whom and how, by the way? your strange people from the south or the nt and kimberly ones?),
…… then breaking up australia and creating tribal statelets or at least one territory for aboriginals, as keith windschuttle fears in his “the breaking up of australia” of 2016 is greatly desirable, correct?
and the uluru statement is the first step on that path?
your sjw-style misplaced reverence for hunter gatherers minus any respect for your own european forager ancestors of 10,000 BC,- hence well within the much-advertised 60,000 years of aborig.presence in aust. – jars with your condemnation of western history as 99% propaganda.
All those that you mentioned call themselves Aboriginal but speak only English, and possess a culture that is pure mainstream Australian. They speak for the northern tribal peoples with no mandate whatsoever.
Try and understand this:
In the NT, we are part of one country, but we live in two distinct worlds. Less than 1% of traditional people understand more than a few words of English, and the meanings of those few words is distorted by culture, often even reversing the meaning. And very few non-Aboriginal Australians speak Aboriginal languages, and this includes the urban part-Aborigines who are highly paid to liaise on a cross-cultural basis…NOT ONE OF WHOM HAS ANY UNDERSTANDING OF ABORIGINAL CULTURE. These people constitute a massive fraud and siphon billions of dollars away from the target people.
Meanwhile, Aboriginal Education exists purely to pay wages for white teachers. Aboriginal Health pays rich salaries to white nurses and doctors. Aboriginal Housing provides work for the NT construction industry. And so on.
Aboriginal people are dying at a horrific rate because of this structure of frauds. Ordinary people have no idea whats killing them. It is only on Homelands that the Great Fraud Machine can be excluded from their lives and these are the happy and healthy people.
I first commenced to appreciate the value of homelands in 1975 so I am not merely a theorising novice in this arena.
But, yes, if mainstream Australia does not soon start listening to the real people, they will declare national sovereignty which, by the way, they have never ceded. Two years ago, one lady asked me to write up such a declaration. Not only did I do this, I designed an economy which will make them considerably more wealthy than other Australians.
Frankly, I believe Australia will richly deserve the loss of 34% of the NT, and the other regions which will quickly follow suite.
ryan, good luck with being allowed to reside as whitefeller in your new country of mansell-stan, with its capital of alice springs renamed as behrendt or langton,depending on how the cat fight pans out.
if your northern tribals refuse to accept the melbourne creamies as residents, what chance do you have either..
good luck with amicable relations with the usa in your fine new state containing an raaf base near alice and the small matter of pine gap. try leasing pine gap to china,like the port of darwin.
windschuttles crossheadings in ch 3 of his book expose your noble savage romanticism about cuture quite well,
traditional culture is the problem not the solution
-an aboriginal state would be undemocratic
the incommensurabilty of australian and customary law
.-customary law is immutable, unwritten and secret
-multiplicities of customary jurisdiction
payback and sorcery
violence against women
still, you could pose and posture as a moralising refugee advocate once your mansell-stan caused thousands to flee to australia,as has happened with mugabes zimbabwe.
Well said Tony,
You only have to cut a wire cloths-hanger into 2 L shapes(works best for beginners) to know
there is a lot more going on than sceptics like Dick Smith want you to know. Some call it water witching or dousing.
Try it Duns, strange people are wayyy more interesting, than school curriculum. I like to be one and all it takes is a open mind and, stop reading Darwin, go there. Or I suspect not.
Go to time 25:30 of this video for validation and further information pertaining to this articles revelations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUYCBfmIcHM
Great link, thank you Pete. Recommending and re-posting on next article
It is a great link, I don’t usually watch content of this nature(all the way through). Most beautiful day outside too.
Thanks Pete
duns, what are you on about?
Great link for me Peter – very useful thank you.