by Dee McLachlan
I received a phone call this morning, which has inspired me to post this very brief article for the record.
I saw a video the other day explaining how Joe Biden is the CCP’s (the Chinese Communist Party’s) man. He has been thoroughly compromised, and if he steps into that Oval Office, so will the CCP. And it is likely that every President thereafter will be working with (or for) the CCP.
One thing seems sure: the Core Democrats will do anything to win the White House — even working with foreign actors to do so. So what are their options for getting to the WH? Postal voting was heavily promoted to swing things their way — with many suggesting voter fraud will play a part. I think BLM and the resulting protesting (i.e., rioting and burning of cities) was part of it. G5 called me to tell me that Trump getting Covid-19 was “…a Chinese Deep State psyop”, but that backfired. And the Dems have, for a long time, been working in concert with the mainstream media — using them as a propaganda arm.
The Silicon Valley billionaires have also aligned the Dems so that they gain more and more control (over us) — but, they’ll spit the Dems out if it suits them. It even seems like a three-way race to the White House at the moment: Trump, Biden, and Silicon Valley.
The deleting of thousands of popular and influential YouTubers, Facebook groups etc., is beyond appalling. It is possibly the gravest action against democracy (or our so-called democracy). Imagine for a moment — fifty years ago — the Newspaper Stand Union marching around burning down newspaper and magazine publishers, and trashing their printing presses — so that only the newspapers they want will land in their newsstands.
It is almost unimaginable what the heads of YouTube, Facebook and Twitter have done. Corporate and political espionage.
The Laptop From Hell
Much of this “silencing” by big Tech is because of Hunter Biden’s laptop. The contents clearly expose Jo Jo as leading a crime family, taking money from foreign countries to advance the Biden family at the expense of the American people. It further, I am told, exposes Hunter as a child torturer. It seems that maybe this could be similar to an Epstein-like sting operation on the Bidens.
So what did the Dems do when the laptop surfaced in the New York Post? They got big-tech to stop its distribution. Twitter locked accounts prohibiting the sharing of this breaking New York Post story. And when they couldn’t bury the story, they decided on the “Russian disinformation” angle. Please!
But it seems they are stuck with the laptop and can only hope that the revelations will be buried for the next 10 days.
But what other options have they? And that’s the point of putting this article on record.
A Phonecall About a False Flag Foiled
I received a phone call this morning, and the caller relayed some Intel he was forwarded. There appears to have been an assassination attempt on Biden — possibly nothing to do with the Alexander Hillel Treisman story (the 19-year-old).
It was allegedly planned as a false flag… but foiled. The caller added, “You do know the Dems will do anything to win, even sacrifice their own.”
The worst thing for the Democratic party was Hunter Biden leaving his laptop at the shop. Now Biden has been exposed as the leader of a Crime family. The emails are now irrefutable. Tony Bobulinski has now exposed the Biden Family, and much more of the laptop’s terrible secrets will surely come out.
There are suggestions that this “October surprise” has all been long in the planning, that Biden was put forward as the presidential candidate — so that the political swamp class would finally be exposed. There are interesting theories about “The Hunters Become the Hunted” — a play on the movie THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER — posted by Q a long time ago. It was on July 14, 22, and 30, 2019 that Q posted three times: “Hunters become the HUNTED” (referring to those hunting President Trump would become the hunted).
Hollywood screenwriters dream of such plot twists in the narrative.
Biden is possibly the most compromised person to ever be a US presidential candidate. What now? It seems inevitable that he will be replaced — even if he wins. (Or is the swamp that protected?)
He will probably go one way or another. And that poses the question: might Jo Jo be sacrificed by his own party — with patriots blamed?
Listen to the latest x 22 report: No 2310B of 23/10.
A ‘Dark winter’ was mentioned by Biden twice.
The paedophiles (black mailedi) run the world and are desperate. … they are like that and one may expect them to do as evil does…… or attempt?
I cannot remember who, but there was a Israeli PM who wanted peace, as did Kennedy. So they were murdered.
What is theorised is that this time they will kill a warmonger to sabotage someone wanting peace.
Follow the money and profiteers.
Ned, the Israeli PM you refer to in your comment above that was murdered (likely organised by Likud Party extreme right wing warmongers), was Yitzhak Rabin.
By all accounts he was a good man.
Pass the popcorn
TV: Poor another red and fill the freezer with toilet paper.
Shall do Ned.
Biden — the “firing”
The famous extract is towards the end
“So they said they had—they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him. (Laughter.) I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”
Recently received a notice from the IL Sect’y of State notifying me that I needed to bring in my Vote-By-Mail Ballot along with me if I wanted to vote early or vote at the actual election, which I supposedly requested from the Chicago Board of Election Commission — but I never did, and I don’t recall receiving such, and I am not going to be bringing it with me in order to vote?? Is this FRAUD???
Can you imagine all these people denied a vote on the day????
This tactic favours the Dems.
Is Giuliani safe from Borat
Dee, this is a sensational article. I will post it at http://www.Rumormillnews.com and send it to other Americans.
Please clarify this bit: “G5 called me to tell me that Trump getting Covid-19 was “…a Chinese Deep State psyop”, but that backfired.” I understand that G5 is a retired covert, or whatever, but does he mean Trump did not actually have an illness? And how did it backfire?
For the record, I do not feel, as you do, that the Chinese are in charge. My guess is that it all emanates from The City of London. But my beliefs are only beliefs.
Dear Readers, don’t forget that I have already laid out the legal provisions for an eleventh-hour change in candidate before, or just after, an election; See:
Meanwhile, the Trump camp is getting desperate as polling suggests the GOP is not faring well.
Solution : Trump goes head-to-head with Pence to come up with a strategy :
I quite liked the video above because it unveils the manner in which high level policy making is exhaustively debated in Trump’s administration.
” The Hunters become the Hunted ” ???
This could also be interpreted as , Hunter Biden , becoming the Hunted ??
Meanwhile Mary, seeing as you asked for some shoe shuffling music the other day, we have this from Chinese leader Xi Jinping :
Now China haters, this video should put to rest once and for all the absurd notion that China is out to surveill and enslave you.
As Xi himself says, click ‘like’ and follow Tik Tok – which is only fair since Xi has been following you for some time now.
Readers, I urge you to focus on few seconds from 2:44 – 3:00 in the video I posted below (Honest Government Ad).
Presenter : When do we take down the Deep State ?
Answer : The guy who exposed the REAL Deep State is being tortured by it now.
Those two sentences say it all.
The US and UK governments in conjunction are torturing Julian Assange and all of this occurred on Trump’s tenure.
Do we REALLY need any more evidence that Trump and Zio-Dave from the X22 PsyOp Report ARE the minions of the Deep State and doing their bidding ?
The fact that Q says ‘Trust the Plan’ while Rome burns, speaks volumes for who’s controlling him.
GUMSHOE READERS MUST WATCH THIS (Aussies expose what Qanon is really all about) :
How anyone could fall for QAnon really beats me.
And have you spent two and. Half years + listening To every q drop and
examining Q to be able to form a competent opinion?
Ever considered separating Q from Qanon?
Fair comment Ned.
I have spent no time reading Q drops and to the extent that I’ve heard a few, it’s because some rabid mates of mine that follow Q have let slip.
Interesting though, when I was listening to Zio-Dave’s post from the other day, Z.D referred back to a Q-drop from 2018 which (as I recall) was numbered in the 4000’s.
Soooo, let me get this straight.
Q drops first started in 2017 and by 2018 the Q drops had tallied up into the 4000’s ?
Therefore, on a pro rata basis, we should be in the 12,000’s or thereabouts by now.
Bearing in mind that Q drops are so ambiguous and parable like, that they can be interpreted (sorry to be paraphrase you Chuck Schumer) 7 ways from Sunday, it stands to reason from a statistical standpoint that some of them are going to be ‘sort of’ right in the end.
What I would like to know is, what about the 10,000 (out of the 12,000 Q drops), that were 180 degrees wrong ?
Are we ever going to hear about them ?
Just curious.
Funny thing about those who prophesy. If you wait long enough, anything can be construed to be a fulfillment.
You posted an article from The Federalist regarding QAnon. Their article is based on information coming from Jack Posobiec.
Jack Posobiec works One America News Network, and is also Washington DC correspondent for Ezra Levant’s Rebel Media (Rabbi Media as Jack mockingly shows)
ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7S7wg7dYuCA (1m24)
is one video used by KMN, but had no audio. Check the transcript if you want but it is just ‘copy’ really
Hopefully this link still exists:
Jack Posobiec is a ZlONIST Agent (Know More News 32m)
One tweet from Jack Posobiec:
“No I had nothing to do with Q after it left 4chan. It was a different crew behind the scenes. That’s when the 8chan crew took it over and started adding all the anti-semitic stuff (4:55am 17 Apr 2019)
I’ll try find the link to Q history. It was fascinating (regardless whether you believe or not). That it originated from an AI computer. For 3 weeks approx the drops were said to be “spot on” but then the commentator said the Q movement became tainted with other sources. I think there are many many levels that we do not understand,
From the Financial Times, October 21, 2020:
“Mr Biden’s ability to raise money is remarkable, even by the standards of recent elections when candidates pulled in enormous sums. Although the campaign and the Democratic party have raised hundreds of millions of dollars from wealthy donors, the vast majority in recent weeks has come from grassroots contributors — many of whom donated to the campaign in August and September for the first time.”
I find that last bit hard to believe Mary.
No average Joe is going to give a dime of their hard-earned to Ol’Joe knowing that he and Kamala are the ABSOLUTE WORST TWO DEM candidates amongst those that fronted in the debates.
My guess is that, because there’s some nefarious organisation that wants Joe to win, they’re ‘laundering’ the donation of a huge amount of money into several (tens) of thousands of smaller parcel donations from individual card carrying Democrats.(They always have a list of such individuals on hand – some of whom which, even though they’re deceased, end up casting a vote for the Dems somehow).
This is a dirty trick that’s been utilised for ages by both parties (particularly effective for taking money from a foreign entity – seeing as donations from foreigners are not allowed).
I know this from personal experience. I tried donating to Ron Paul’s 2012 Presidential campaign during the primaries.
The great debate
Last time I saw two galahs carry on like that was on the floor of the House of Representatives.
I have only just now watched the Bobulnski video in which he accuses Biden of doing business deals with China. This s reminiscent of the Articles of Impeachment against Trump which I now quote from:
(1) President Trump—acting both directly and through his agents Within and Outside the United States Government?corruptly solicited the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations into—
(A) a political opponent, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden,; and
(B) a discredited theory promoted by Russia alleging that Ukraine—rather than Russia—interfered in the 2016 United States Presidential election.
(2) With the same corrupt motives, President Trump—acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Government—conditioned two official acts on the public announcements that he had requested—
(A) the release of $391 million of United States taxpayer funds that Congress had appropriated on a bipartisan basis for the purpose of providing vital military and security assistance to Ukraine to oppose Russian aggression and which President Trump had ordered suspended; and
(B) a head of state meeting at the White House, which the President of Ukraine sought to demonstrate continued United States support for the Government of Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.
(3) Faced with the public revelation of his actions, President Trump ultimately released the military and security assistance to the Government of Ukraine, but has persisted in openly and corruptly urging and soliciting Ukraine to undertake investigations for his personal political benefit.
March 23, 2020, the day the Lockdown began:
Nearly two decades have past and the unmentionable is Zionists did 911.
These ‘racketeering criminals’ have the world by the balls, everybody knows Trump and Biden included, but they know to speak truth in 2020 is a death sentence.
I am tending to think the bat-flu is a false flag to start the ongoing bio-war so I have some sympathy with your views but I fail to see how the Zionists control the Rockerfellas who are the prime suspect behind co-ordinated BigPharma activities including everything from banning medications, profiteering, genetic engineering of viruses, even including splicing ebola into bat-virus and all these types of things they want to do. I am mystified why Bushs’ deep state and others who are clearly behind 9-11 get a free pass out by you and some bank I suppose organised everything including the pentagon bomb, ObL, Tony Blair etc. You’re basically saying the bank put the dollars in the accounts and they all sold out.
To me this illustrates a conclusion has already been drawn and a few facts assembled in order to support the conclusion, while all other facts are thrown out the window.
If Jews found out about 9-11 and got out of the building early, that doesn’t show that they did it, it maybe just shows that they had good spies. If they actually did it, they would probably want to pretend that they were still in there.
If you pay me to do a hit, $50k to shoot your local dobbing neighbour, who is more responsible for your neighbours death, you who financed it, or me who did the deed?
You are saying I get off scot-free?
And how much did they have to pay the Rockerfellas to make it worthwhile?
Apologies in advance if scot-free is now a banned term under PC newspeak.
The thought of doing a contract ‘pulling’ on my neighbour does not enter the equation.
I pray and swear in the same breath, but doing no harm to others is the faith of love recommended.
@w3…….I am surprised that you are not able to distinguish between ethnic Jews, who did die on 9-11 and Israelis, who did not, and that you do not reference the matter of the warning text messages sent by an Israeli telco ahead of time. It was in the Israeli press e.g. Ha’aretz at the time.
Lots of people knew, that’s my point, it’s self evident, it was a big operation.
As for types of Jews and all these semitic people, I hardly know or care, it’s all interwoven by now. I think people in general tend to get bogged down in details. They make up all kinds of new words, to camouflage simple things, eg territory grab, financial ripoff etc.
So 56 my questions go unanswered
Dancing Israelis there to document the event.
Some muslims thought they had won the grand final – so ?
‘I am mystified why Bushs’ deep state and others who are clearly behind 9-11 get a free pass’, says w3.
Once again, a totally FACT-FREE assertion.
There are countless pieces of evidence to suggest Zio-orchestration of 9/11 (the most comprehensive being Christopher Bolly’s seminal work which I have posted here on Gumshoe for all to see).
WHERE is your proof w3 that the Bush’s had even the slightest involvement in the 9/11 False Flag ?
Bush 43 as President does not cut it. The fact is, he was just a dumb cowboy from Texas (he likely wasn’t even in on the plan that was about to unfold until it happened), who spent the day up in the air on Air Force 1 being sent hither and thither by VP Dick Cheney who was directing matters that day on behalf of his Zio-controllers.
w3 writes : ‘If Jews found out about 9-11 and got out of the building early, that doesn’t show that they did it’.
That true.
BUT, it does MOST ASSUREDLY show that those particular Jews who knew the Towers were about to be blown up and yet did not tell the authorities beforehand, did not tell their fellow Gentile workmates in the towers to stay home that day or else be crushed under 500,000 tonnes of concrete and steel, it DOES tell the whole world that these individuals are ……
who are complicit in having foreknowledge and should thus be NAMED AND SHAMED, then locked up for a very long time.
But not sleazy
9/11 3D Analysis – 2016 Update
I have said for many years these were computer generated animated images CGI and that the Prostitute MSN were part of the conspiracy with the Israeli special forces, the CIA, the rogue elements of the US military, the insidious military industrial complex Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld etc etc. It is impossible physics for a massive 767 plane to fly so low, so could it be a missile that is ‘cloaked’ in computer imaging as a plane? They were fake photos as the flight records show and prove that Flights 11 and 77 never took off from the FAA records from a statement by a former MI5 officer. No CCT footages of the hijackers. Again nothing like the Pentagon with no photos revealed with all of their camera surveillance surrounding the Pentagon! Engines did not fall off nor did the wings it melded into the building which is impossible! They found no aircraft material, no baggage and no human remains. There were planted explosions by the Israeli special forces with their special black ops. Then the missile would be launched by a submarine with distance of a 1000 miles. Was it a US submarine or an Israeli submarine? They now know several small nukes in backpacks were used on 9/1.
The Zionist Israelis &9/11
9/11 was by the evil Zionist’s and by the cooperation and consent at the highest levels of the US government
The arrested dancing Israelis Mossad agents who had pre-knowledge who were there to “document the event” on Israeli TV and let go
“9-11/Israel did it”
9-11/Israel did it/Dancing Israelis
Hunter Biden’s Sex Tapes, The CCP’s “BGY” Infiltration in the U.S., Evil Alliance to Dominate the World
Well, that was, uh, interesting. Those pictures and videos will be all over the ‘net in no time. I understand porno constitutes the most web traffic (even beats out cat videos). So porno with underage niece by the son of a Presidential candidate just 11 days before the election should make this a trending topic.
I wonder if the MSM will even mention it…
Only if they are forced to with a rampant social media exposure. don’t hold your breath. Those that go on the Dark web apparently there is heaps of photos! They are all in bed together
It is the weekend after all …
“Weekend at Biden’s” – Movie Trailer
Confirmed: Trump Has Footage of Hunter Biden Raping and Torturing Little Girls
Alright then, if Alex Jones is saying Trump has footage of Hunter Biden torturing little girls than it’s ‘Case Closed’.
After all, Alex Jones would never lie to us…… right ?
Your George Webb News Source
“Sources close to and with deep knowledge of the investigation, have informed me that Chris Coons’ DAUGHTER in addition to seven other underage girls are also featured on [Hunter Biden’s] laptop.” pic.twitter.com/rKWlUd7ep9
— Lauren Witzke (@LaurenWitzkeDE) October 24, 2020
On there was this:
@JoeBiden brags about having the “most extensive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history
I have no idea what is going on re these Biden tapes – I believe that most of what is purported is true in terms of the sleaze and corruption – but I have an uneasy feeing about some of the key figures delivering this narrative – Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani – and all delivered on Murdoch’s Fox outlets. (Maybe there are factions at each other’s throats.)
Incidentally, the channel “Steve Bannon’s War Room – COAR” gets top billing on google’s search – that alone makes me tread VERY carefully.
Also, recall the Ukraine “Maidan” under the Obama/Biden administration – and in particular Joe Biden’s role in ‘negotiating’ an IMF debt package to President Yanukovych – Victoria Newland, Petro Poroshenko, the “$$ FIVE BILLION” invested by the US in bringing “freedom and democracy” to the Ukraine, and Russia’s “immaculate invasion” of Crimea – and Hunter Biden‘s rise to commercial prominence.
So after six years following the $5 Billion military coup in (I mean bringing freedom and democracy to) the Ukraine, we are finally told that China is involved. I intend to back track these events looking for more clues.
But whatever is going on, it is entertaining.
Trump posts entire 60 minutes interview to expose journalist as ‘fake and biased’
Straight from the Presidents mouth he doesn’t want to lock up Obama
He’s for wearing mask and social distancing
“It was allegedly planned as a false flag… but foiled. The caller added, “You do know the Dems will do anything to win, even sacrifice their own.””
The Left eats its own.
Failing Malaysian PM attempts bat-flu emergency legislation coup to hold on to power
The so-called left are Communists besides being corrupt criminals and megalomaniac psychopaths!
The Democratic Party: Corruption Communism with Crashing and Burning
The Communist Takeover OfAmerica – 45 Declared Goals
Communists and Socialists Push Democrat Platform Toward Tyranny
Democrats & Communists: A Review of the Documentary “The Enemies Within”
FaceBook Democrats are Communists
Democrat Party goals run right down the Communist Party line.
Why does the CPUSA support Democratic Party candidates for the presidency instead of running their own candidates?
The Democratic Party: America’s New Communists
Why Democrats are Actually Communists
Published on Mar 1, 2017
The Democrats sat there with their hands locked to protest President Trump’s first address to Congress. The reason Trump’s speech bothered them is because like Communists, they despise national sovereignty, identity, religion and shared wealth. Equality and collectivism is their worst enemy even though they portray to the public that they’re for it. That’s why Communism has proved to be corrupt, unequal and authoritarian.
During his first address to a joint session of Congress tonight, President Donald Trump saluted the widow of a U.S. Navy SEAL who was killed in a counterterrorism raid in January. It was an emotional moment as widow of U.S. Navy Special Operator, Senior Chief William “Ryan” Owens receives prolonged standing ovation. “Ryan died as he lived: a warrior, and a hero.”
On the other hand Nancy Pelosi refused to even applaud Job Creation. She comes from a mafia family
Communist Party USA: ‘Working with the Democratic Party’ is key
Allen West says about 80 House Democrats are members of the Communist Party
The embarrassing electoral smattering of Hillary Clinton in November of 2016
carried with it the added effect of fracturing the democratic party.
Reagan Like Rudy Tied Democrats to Communists
Controlled by the Soviet Union for most of its history.
Engaged in espionage, infiltrated unions, and used front groups.
Acted as a fifth column in American government and society.
Democrats Love Affair With Communism
A bill narrowly passed the house in California, repealing part of the law enacted during the Cold War era in our country’s history when communists were really active and infiltrating our government, attempting to overthrow it.
The bill proposed to eliminate the section which allowed the firing of public employees if they were members of the Communist Party. The bill now goes to the Senate and its author, Democrat Assemblyman Rob Bonta, hopes that it will pass.
“Assemblyman Randy Voepel, a Southern California Republican who fought in the Vietnam War, said communists in North Korea and China are still a threat.”
Communist Party Admits Infiltration & Takeover of Democratic Party!
Communist Defector Speaks Out on America’s Marxist Future
Most of the Democrats in Congress are Card Carrying Communists!
Communist Party USA
The American Communist Party was born in Chicago in 1919 and headquartered there until 1927, when its headquarters and newspaper, the Daily Worker, moved to New York.
Communist Party USA Celebrates 95th Anniversary in Chicago
Barack Obama and the Communist Party
What is human capital?
Human capital theory was invented as an ideological weapon in the Cold War. Now it is helping to Uberise the world of work
Chicago, 1960. The United States is bogged down in a long, expensive and dangerous Cold War with the Soviet Union. Inside the Economics Building at the University of Chicago, two academics are engaged in a private, intense conversation. Theodore ‘Teddy’ Schultz is tall and lanky. Raised on a South Dakota farm and pulled out of school by his father, he’d still managed to scale the heady heights of academia, first as chairman of the Economics Department in 1944 and then as president of the American Economic Association in 1960. Schultz has strong connections with the Ford Foundation, an important front for CIA programmes during the Cold War.
The American Communist
Communism in America
Red Chicago
Peoples Republic of America a Communist USA
Communists entered from here down when reading the article.
By the early 1880s, discontent in the American levels reached a critical level. Millions now identified with the socialist cause, and called for the ousting of the Democrats who were still in power, and the implementation of many social reforms. While militant socialism expanded rapidly, and Communists had gained power in the upper house, the number of Americans supporting a communist rebellion remained minutely small compared to those supporting a less extreme socialist rebellion.
Hunter Biden and his swinging…
Your George Webb News Source
TruthLeaks – Investigative Journalist George Webb
Oct 23
Going live on Hunter Biden blackberry and laptop and new Epstein files on http://nnhour.com with
and Dave DownUnder at 3PM. Surprise guest.
Bushs & Rockerfellas said to have been working together for a century
(One such arrangement)
Started off with a steel magnate, railways, distribution, MIC etc etc
(Names of Bushs & Rockerfellas appear to be purged)
Mission statement:
atomic age
space age
biotech age
global guardian age
imperative age (here we come)
This is a BIGGIE. I never thought I would see this move by Trump. The ‘Deep State’ is all those career bureaucrats that were impervious to being fired. They were secure to keep the corruption rolling – now this!
Trump has signed an executive order that their secure positions are NO LONGER secure. They can be fired just like any other employee.
That EO spells death to the deep state IF it is acted on.
And he did it BEFORE the election. He probably figured none of them would vote for him anyway, so why not send a message before the election to others in America. You deep state guys are forked, start looking for a hopefully ‘essential’ job.
This is a ‘drain the swamp’ moment.
Great news, now the supreme court nomination is done, Trump has 2 months to sack a bunch of them and if they want to go to court they have to wait for theoretical Biden to stack the supreme court with extra judges, I can’t guess what the procedure would be but probably slow, half of them might be dead from waiting. Anyway I don’t see how Trump can lose from here, when he was first elected they were trying to scare us about the economy but it just went up and up, the guy has the economic record and Biden and Obama have their record of doing nothing for the blacks and diverting vast amounts to Rockerfella’s BigPharma and invading Libya and making all the refugees. Amazing to find more and more evidence showing Rockerfellas and Bushs are the main drivers of NWO and all this MIC owns the US type of mentality, the Rockerfellas seem to own Arkansaw (the cheapest state in the union) since decades ago and also half of the Democrats so if you are looking for a truly fascist state and permanent lockdown look no further then Joe-Kamala for that continuity.
Communist lefties and bat-flu-phobics will be in shock if get what they want, but it will take them years or decades to figure out what happened, if they ever do.
I think you need to concentrate or remember there are those way above the low level politicians even if they are the US President which is the CEO of the USA CORPORATION. Here are a few images to think about. Just search images of the Bilderbergs of of the NWO
These graphics do not conflict with anything, HWBush took over the Reagan presidency after 2 years (Reagan was shot) and before that ran the CIA, no doubt stacking it with all his friends. Bush family and Rockerfellas go back a century. Bush dynasty goes back to Nazi banking & shipping. Before that, slave plantations. Before that, Mad King George of England I once heard.
You people are convinced it is one pyramid with one eye on top. How do you know the beast doesn’t have 7 horns, or,,, whatever.
Yes I know about the 7 horns but there are 10 horns to pay attention to
People have been researching and documenting these pyramid images for decades. Gary Koh was one of the best.
The Terrible Beast’s Horns in Daniel 7
The fourth beast in Daniel’s dream had ten horns. The ten horns, according to the prophecy, are ten kingdoms that will come from Rome (Daniel 7:24).
The Terrible Beast of Daniel 7
Daniel 7 Commentary
Comparing Daniel 7 and Revelation 13
Identifying the Antichrist
Identifying the Antichrist
The Sanctuary and the Little Horn
‘w3’ wrote above : ‘Anyway I don’t see how Trump can lose from here’.
Hmmm, let’s see how that forecast plays out (seeing as it’s coming from the Rabbi who says there was no Zio-orchestration of 9/11).
Judging from w3’s track record, I wouldn’t be surprised if he went ‘all in’ on betting that Beta would win out over VHS all those years ago.
Irrelevant as always
Well ….. no ….. Terry, even if acted on it won’t spell the death of the Deep State.
That’s because the REAL Deep State are the likes of the City of London bankers / the high rollers in the Davos crowd, who call the shots from their shadowy halls of power.
The career bureaucrats are merely whores and minions of the Deep State that carry out their orders for a few shekels of silver.
They could sack a 100,000 of them overnight and they would just as easily replace them with 200,000 more conscience free fools who are willing to sell their souls for a few dollars.
Of course, if certain troublesome bureaucrats could be removed (eg: Fauci), that would be a step in the right direction.
But make no mistake Terry, Trump’s move is not a ‘drain the swamp’ moment.
It is a VIRTUE SIGNALLING moment that was enacted by a desperate man a few days before the election and it will come to nothing.
Meanwhile, the world renowned financial (and political) commentator Bill Bonner with his assessment of the two candidates and the likely outcome in 8 days time.
(This is a 5 minute read that I recommend Gumshoe readers make time for which incorporates some life lessons for the U.S that involve a humble future foreign policy approach drawing on the lessons of some superb historical examples extracted from the expansive wisdom of the well read Bonner):
“Two poor candidates
The two surest ways to wreck a great nation are war and inflation. Donald Trump failed to stop the former (though he had promised to do so and, as Commander in Chief, had the power to do so). Instead, he actually increased funding for the warmakers.
In domestic matters, too, Trump did nothing to bring spending under control (he didn’t veto a single spending bill).
Au contraire, he brought spending, deficits, and ‘inflation’ — the money printing necessary to cover budget shortfalls — to a level never before seen in the US. In 2020, the budget deficit hit a sh*thole country record — at 18% of GDP.
Trump did one other calamitous thing worth mentioning. In response to a health challenge — the coronavirus — he allowed his bureaucrats to put the country on a war footing…taking on extraordinary powers that are normally limited to matters of national survival.
But as unsuccessful as he was, we’ve also seen that his opponent is unlikely to be any better.
As far as we can tell, Joe Biden never met a boondoggle that he didn’t like. He is likely to back scams and bamboozles — green programs, universal basic income, expanded free medical care — far beyond those of Mr Trump.
If Biden has his way, the feds’ printing presses will probably run hotter than ever.
So what will happen?
Trump fatigue.
First, who will win?
Most likely, Biden will win. But not because his policies are better. Nor even because he is the overwhelming favourite of the deep staters.
Both candidates are socialists. Both are committed to a large role for the government in the economy. Both will continue in the Bush/Obama/Trump tradition…less freedom, more control, less prosperity, more inequality, more fake money.
But our guess — and it is only a guess — is that the marginal voter is a little tired of the Big Man. Trump has dominated the news cycle for the last five years, beginning even before he was elected.
He captured the headlines largely because he was willing to say ‘outrageous’ things — many of which were true.
Back in 2016, for example, he said ‘all lives matter.’ And of course, they do. But now, you’re not allowed to say so without being branded a ‘racist’.
Then, hardly a month ago, he urged Americans not to let the coronavirus ‘dominate your life.’ The core of the message was little different from the advice of the Harvard Medical School in March — ‘Don’t let coronavirus anxiety take over.’
But coming from Trump’s mouth, it was deemed too dangerous for public consumption. The press went wild with indignation. Health ‘experts’ branded it ‘irresponsible’.
But while this maverick approach was welcomed…and captivated the media and the public for 60 months…now, the lumpen electorate seems to have gotten weary of it. The voters yearn for a return to normal.
Trump’s unkind epithet for ‘Sleepy Joe’ Biden, may have backfired. Sleepy is what the public wants. People want an anaesthetic president…a dreamtime leader…who will put the bitter conflicts and sour dramas behind us.
Reality is now tough enough. The recovery is stalling. The rich are getting much richer; the poor much poorer. And the coronavirus shows no sign of going away, suggesting that we have gotten ourselves into another unending, unwinnable war.
Many people blame the president — even for things that aren’t his fault.
But if they pull the lever for Mr Biden, what difference will it make? Can they nod off…and make yesterday’s mistakes and today’s challenges…disappear?
The deficits? The jackass programs? The deepening swamp? The growing debt? The widening gap between rich and poor? The 76 million baby boomers in need of pensions and medical care? The crisp new bills — albeit in electronic form — flying off the printing presses?
Nope. Things — at least the things that matter most, war and inflation — will go on, much as they have for the last 20 years.
When in power, people become proud and practical, eager to take advantage of their opportunity to punish their enemies, reward their friends, and steal whatever they can. It is usually a sordid spectacle.
That is why winning a war…or an election…is often one of the worst things that can happen to a people.
The Romans had won so many battles for so many years that they began to believe their armies — although composed largely of barbarians — were invincible.
In the 5th century, rather than protect the homeland…their armies remained deployed at the fringes of the empire — often fighting each other…
…until the Barbarians marched into Rome…raped the women…slaughtered the men…burned down the city…and carried off anything of value.
The Germans handily defeated the French in 1870…and took away the idea that they could so again. (The French learned nothing.)
In the next war, Germany — following essentially the same strategy — was ruined…bankrupted…with two million of her young men dead.
And wouldn’t the US have been better off if it had had its butt kicked a little harder by the Vietnamese?
Instead, its military considered that the withdrawal was a ‘political’ decision. And then, eager to regain its pride, led by Stormin’ Norman Schwarzkopf, it attacked Iraq in 1991.
Wouldn’t it have been better if it had lost there, too?
Most likely. Then, it never would have thought it could pull off a Second Gulf War.
Our point is that you learn more from failure than from success…you think more clearly, too, when the boot is at your neck.
Failure, especially if it is indisputable, excites the brain. And the first thing you realise is that war is not always a paying proposition. Minding your own business becomes a virtue, not a sign of cowardice. Conservatism — learning from the past, sticking with the traditional rules of an honest, open society — pays.
As for the warmongers…the world improvers…the activists and empire builders — you begin to see them in a different light…as the clowns and numbskulls they really are.
And you realise that these morons who are ruining the empire are actually doing us all a favour.
Bright side.
And so, dear reader, looking on the bright side, as usual, we see a blaze of glory at the end of the tunnel…
Defeated, we will be a smarter, nicer race.
Humbled, we will be less inclined to try to boss others around.
Broke, we will spend our money more carefully.
And out of power, following a Biden win, our erstwhile ‘conservatives’ might suddenly come to their senses and eschew war, deficit spending, grandiose scams, fake money, giveaways, tariffs, phony interest rates, meddling in the economy, restricting, confining, controlling…and all the flimflams and swindles of both parties over the last 50 years.
The born-again conservatives might even regain the clarity and courage to prevent the Biden administration from doing more harm!
Yes, we see much better things ahead.
After the crack up…of course.”
That readers, is why I religiously read all of Bill Bonner’s output.
A masterclass analysis of where things stand.
Gumshoe readers, THAT is why I’m rooting* for a Biden victory.
Because a humbled United States will, in the long run, be a better nation able to co-exist peacefully with the international community.
And there is no surer way of humbling the U.S in record time than a Biden Presidency. (Although a Trump second term, will also achieve the same outcome in near record time).
(* The ‘rooting’, for the benefit of Australian readers, will be of the metaphorical kind – none of the literal sort will be taking place on Biden’s behalf).
The US is never ever going to be humbled and it will not co-exist peacefully with the international community with other nations for a number of reasons…
Mark of the Beast – Understanding the Context
Two Allies The Beast and its Image / In the…
America In Bible Prophecy: Who Are The Two Beast of Revelation 13?| Two Beasts Become Friends
Image of the Beast / Total Onslaught Mini Series – Walter Veith
The Trump Card – Walter Veith
13:1 This beast is similar to the dragon from Revelation 12. They both have “seven heads and ten horns.” Revelation 17:10 shows us that the seven heads are seven consecutive world powers- earthly governments Satan uses to persecute God’s faithful church. The dragon is Satan working through pagan religions, the occult and spiritualism, while the beast symbolizes Satan working in disguise, using the corrupted Christian church to do his work. In verse 5 we see that the beast continues “forty and two months” (the 1,260 year period of Papal dominance). In verse 7 it makes “war with the saints,” persecuting Christ’s true followers who struggled to maintain the truth of God’s Word. This beast is none other than the Papal church system. It arose as predicted among the populated nations of Europe, symbolized by “the sea” and the “ten horns.” Revelation 17:15.
The Second Beast of Revelation 13 Introduction
Having identified the first beast of Revelation 13, we now must identify the second beast that will work together with the first beast and force the world to pay homage to the first beast . Which political power would arise on Earth with enough power to compel the world? What will its relationship be with Rome?
The Final Confederacy of End-Time Babylon
According to Revelation 16, end-time Babylon will be a three-part confederacy, under the leadership of the Pope. The three components are the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet.
The Final Confederacy: End-Time Babylon’s Components
It will make no difference whatsoever of who is the next US President. Their agenda and I stress their agenda will continue on as they have already picked their man. The political animals arew way down on the food chain…….. It’s the CORPORATION not the government that’s in charge
C.F.R. & Bilderberg Members in the Trump Administration
Trump’s Swamp List: His Advisors & Cabinet Who Are CFR & Bilderberg Attendees (It’s A Big List)
Trump Picks CFR Member for New National Security Advisor
I wonder why Jim’s mowing didn’t get a look in
Here we have the youthful Kosher Friedburger as frontman for the Australian Treasury.
Hope he can get us a good deal at the “great reset” IMF meeting after Christmas, and almost certainly after the US inauguration day. We have about a trillion debt now thanks to bat-flu which freed a few nursing homes beds somewhere in Australia. I reckon send the Jew in to get the best possible deal for Australia is a sound plan and I back it 100%. In fact probably any plan is good if it’s roughly the opposite of what the Veggie wants.
I want an autonomous Australia, freed from the shackles of Zionist usury living in a just world.
Seeing as ‘w3’ wants the opposite of that, this comes as no surprise to Gumshoe subscribers who have been reading your comments Rabbi ‘w3’ / aka ‘dsw’ / aka ‘bg’ .
Have you considered Arabia
The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government
Deep State “Intelligence” Threatens Trump Self-Government
Amid a high-profile showdown with the “intelligence community” early in his term, President Donald Trump was repeatedly and viciously threatened — even with prison and death. What kind of people can threaten the democratically elected President of the United States and get away with it? Meet the “intelligence” and “security” tentacles of the “Deep State.”
FBI’s Wray shows he’s a deep state swamp creature after claiming he wouldn’t
use term “spying” to describe FBI surveillance on Trump campaign officials
The Deep State Diversion: Unmasking Names in the Coup Against Trump
Deep State actors are in deep trouble.
Bureaucratic Resistance and the Deep State Myth
The Original Deep State
How Donald Trump became his own ‘deep state’
Pre-presidential Trump had a long, complex, and mysterious relationship with the FBI and law enforcement agencies. Trump acted as an FBI informant in the 1980s, as the Washington Post reported during the campaign. His usefulness to other FBI investigations may explain how a New York real estate figure who shared a lawyer with John Gotti and Tony Salerno escaped investigation himself.
Democracy & Government
The Deep State Explained
Deep State
Threats of a parallel government
Arlyn, as always you’re on top of the issues.
However, in relation your comment that ‘The US is never ever going to be humbled and it will not co-exist peacefully with the international community’, whilst that latter is admittedly very unlikely to be realised in the short to medium term (it was wishful thinking on my part), the part about being ‘humbled’ is already well in motion and indeed is so inexorably entrenched that it cannot be reversed.
The reckless fiscal and monetary policies to date from the Trump administration, and soon to be exacerbated several fold irrespective of who wins next week, have sealed the fate of the U.S.
They’re done for.
And, when the U.S has hit rock bottom (concurrent with loss of reserve currency status of the US dollar), it’s wherewithal to wage its murderous foreign policy will be non-existent and it will be forced by its impoverished circumstances to live harmoniously with the rest of the world.
We will agree to disagree 🙂 Watch what I sent you and you will see
Meanwhile, this article just in titled ”Jews for Trump’ convoy embroiled in brawls in New York’ :
Historically, Jews overwhelmingly vote for Democrats (ranging from 65% – 80% in every election for the last 80 years).
The highest percentage in the post war period was for Obama in 2008 with a touch over 80 %.
This should come as no surprise, in light of the Jewish origins of Marxism / Bolshevism, Socialism and Communism.
The paragraph from the article below is further proof that the Jewish community are rallying behind the Zio-Socialist candidate in this election :
“Eighty-three per cent of Jewish people polled by Ami magazine said they would be voting for Trump, who recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocated the US embassy there.’
If 83 % of Jews do indeed vote for Trump, that will be the highest recorded percentage for ANY Presidential candidate of EITHER party.
Do I need to say more ?
Has there EVER been a POTUS who’s delivered more for Israel and Zionist interests in the last 50 years ?
A rhetorical question of course. Even Blind Freddie can see what transpired over the last 4 years.
Chinese hackers target U.S. defense, national security networks ahead of Election Day
Mike Adams does worry me sometimes.
*Chapter Five: Military wars—South China Sea, Indian Ocean and Pentagon’s ‘String of Pearls’ Strategy”
“The new US military posture against China has nothing to do with any aggressive threat from the side of China. The Pentagon has decided to escalate its aggressive military posture to China merely because China has become a strong vibrant independent pole in world economics and geopolitics.
During a Presidential trip to the Far East, while in Australia, the US President unveiled what is being termed the Obama Doctrine.
Obama: “We see our new posture here in Australia.”
The centerpiece of Obama’s visit was the announcement that at least 2,500 elite US Marines will be stationed in Darwin in Australia’s Northern Territory.“
Download and read on here:
Target: China: How Washington and Wall Street Plan to Cage the Asian Dragon – F. William Engdahl – 2014