By Dee McLachlan
This is news in Europe from the Farmers Journal:
“Proposal to pay farmers €5,000 to cull cows The Department of Agriculture estimates the move would take 45,000t of carbon dioxide equivalent out of the atmosphere for every 10,000 cows culled.” The Food Dairy Vision Group suggests that the plan would “directly reduce Agricultural Activity” and so lead to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.”
Pushing Fake Meat and Insects
Gates et al, funders of fake meat, are pushing for fewer animals, propagating fake meat and insect farms.
The beef magazine (Oct 03, 2022) writes that the industry is committed to acting on a non-competitive basis to help end hunger in the United States. Do they know the top players are planning? Probably not.
So do you think they want to keep cattle herds and cows alive? Of course not. So why are they rushing mRNA vaccines for livestock?
We are so brainwashed, and it seems some farmers are begging the industry to rush these so-called vaccines.
Race To Inject Live Stock
This is a joint media release by NSW Deputy Premier and Minister for Agriculture and Western NSW (28 Sep 2022):
“NSW fast-tracks mRNA FMD and Lumpy Skin Disease vaccines
“The NSW Government has taken another step towards fast-tracking the world’s first mRNA vaccines for Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Lumpy Skin Disease, inking a deal with US biotechnology company Tiba Biotech. Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW Paul Toole said today marks an important milestone towards securing the vaccine technology that will protect Australia’s $28.7 billion livestock industry. ‘… this milestone is another step forward in preparing for a potential outbreak,’ Mr Toole said. ‘I have now written to vaccine manufacturers to take up my challenge to develop both vaccines ready for use and manufacture in NSW by August 1 next year.’
As I said, why is everyone so keen to keep cows alive when countries are planning to pay €5,000 to cull animals?
One could definitely say that the top planners are hoping millions of cattle and sheep get wiped from the planet. It’s all part of food shortage.
Multi-prong Plan?
Is this to make sure humans ingest mRNA products? This extract is from an article from
“…not yet sure if that’s for NSW or across Australia, but will investigate immediately Implications? Dairy herd DNA is altered. Milk is altered and you CONSUME IT! Butter constitution, yoghurt, cheese is altered MEAT is altered. Will chicken and other meats be next? Time to grow your own folks, and maybe develop herds that are private, non-tagged, and never vaccinated. Time to set up a community farm association with member–farmers who are not part of the system…”
But I think there is more at play.
Let me quote Dr Richard Flemming (14 April 2021) when he was interviewed by Steve Bannon (interview):
“The spike protein [produced by the vaccine] is not natural; it is gain of function. It is crossing the blood-brain barrier and we know in the animal models… in the humanized mice it forms spongiform encephalopathy … for the general public that’s mad cow disease. We also know in the rhesus macaque models that about two weeks afterward they developed Lewy Body and inflammation in the brain and Lewy bodies is what causes Alzheimer’s and a number of neurological disorders and those numbers translate into about a year and a half for human beings to see the same consequences…”
Jennifer Deason Sprague

The following is an extract from The Defender’s article:
“Jennifer Deason Sprague, a healthy 60-year-old woman from Missouri, died February 21, five months after receiving her second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. Jennifer died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) …Richard Sprague said his wife received the first dose of Pfizer on August 29, 2021, and her second dose on September 21, 2021. Although he remained unvaccinated, Sprague said his wife got the vaccine because she worked for the Perkins Restaurant Corporation, which required employees to get the shot.”
I published this hypothesis sometime ago — April 2021 — in an article entitled: “Could the Next Global Crisis in 2022-23 be a Prion (Mad Cow Disease) Pandemic?”
A Hypothetical — A Prion Pandemic
“Is the next pandemic crisis going to be a type of mad cow brain disease? Like the bats in the Chinese market (Covid-19) story, might we be told that a new very infectious brain disease pandemic has been caused by infected animal products killing humans?”
Are some cows injected by these mRNA “vaccines” going to die from spongiform encephalopathy (i.e., mad cow disease)?
Governments all across the world will demand the elimination of live stock across the globe. The ultimate plan is to damage the meat supply.
35 Cows Dead
I cannot verify this story, but I’ll print it in case someone can do further research. These are very alarming claims reported in the article from
“Instant Death Of Cows Who Received mRNA Vaccine. Urgently Warn Everyone You Know Tap News / Weaver
“ShhLittleBirdie Newave, A friend informed me today that her neighbor, a dairy farmer, is now forced to vaccinate her herd with an mRNA vaccine! (NSW) She complied and of the 200 head of cattle, 35 died instantly!”
Can Christopher Brooks please come in on this? He runs a dairy in Goulburn.
Hey Dee, you always have the sharpest eye for news.
I am very worried that I won’t be able to imbibe milk anymore. Seriously.
Readers, Dee has asked for a helper in researching. We do not have ehough writers at Gumshoe. Come on, you can do it.
(Oh, Editor, did you omit a comma in this sentence above: “Time to grow your own folks” ? )
“I am very worried that I won’t be able to imbibe milk anymore.”
Yeah, I like dairy products too
But I’m well aware of going without them won’t do anything terrible to my health
How many cow farts would it take to equal the gas that bubbled up as a result of the Nord Stream gas pipeline explosion.
Urgent deadline is in hours
George Christensen wants to stop foreigners from getting the vote
( But who knows they may vote smarter )
That’s great news the farmers are learning that BigPharma wants to put them out of business, indeed kill them. The farmers already rebelled in India and got PM Modi under control, before, he was a puppet too. In Australia, we watch too much TV and that isn’t the whole problem, the problem is people believe the TV. Anyone can go out and get an expensive jacket and suddenly they have “credibility”. Now Globalists are trying a new stunt with Monika Zelensyy in his green t-shirt, last time I saw adorned with a Maltese Cross, (royal) commander of the army logo. Globalists are coming at the public from every angle and still the public aren’t awake !!! Their snouts are in the trough and they are snoozing contentedly. It’s factory farming outside and inside.
Missing from the story is the new seaweed cure for cow flatulence:
No wonder George Christensen had to get out of the National Party and turn into an Alt-Media guy instead, he obviously didn’t want to be lynched
Pardon the pun, this is bullshit. So what if cows emit methane and Co2? So do humans. Why don’t we and the farmers just say to the nitwits that go on with this false story that Co2 causes climate change, if you don’t want to live on a planet with CO2, take an overdose or a Covid “vaccine” course. Don’t forget the booster shot.
Of course if no CO2 or methane is emitted by industry, animals or humans nobody can live on earth as there will be no vegetation to produce oxygen.
It is the biggest BS story ever
Death to anyone who farts! They are harming us all!
Plants take CO2 from the atmosphere, water, soluble nitrates and mineral salts from the soil or marine/aquatic environment and use light via photosynthesis to convert that to various carbohydrates and proteins. Even if those products are not imbibed by animals to constitute their bodies those products will eventually decompose into CO2 (carbon dioxide), CH4 (methane), NH3 (ammonia) and some mineral salts; the relative proportions of CO2 and CH4 depending on the environment of the degradation.
The idea that CO2 and/or CH4 and/or NH3 will be eliminated by exterminating a large number of farm animals (and people) is a notion that could only be assimilated by the drongoes that think that a lump of mud will turn itself into a man if you just wait long enough.
Stuhyoopud. And these galahs think that they’re smarter than God.
Decades of calling the monkey-to-man myth “science” was bound to take it’s toll
When the Author of Life is treated with contempt like so, every form of societal collapse is inevitable
There might appear to be some sort of cognitive strategy at play but all those who fail to acknowledge that the mortal enablers are just unwitting pawns are destined to go down with the ship and the primary sign of said predicament is worry
“The word worry comes from an old Anglo-Saxon word meaning “to choke” or “to strangle.” That’s an apt description of what worry does to us.”:
Camille Thomas? No, Anastasia Kobekina,
This young cellist is absolutely amazing!
Tchaikovsky Rococo Variations, Anastasia Kobekina, Israel Camerata
Jan 25, 2018
Awaiting moderation. For what?
• Exposing the Truth About Dr. Anthony Fauci – The Lie of the Century
I’m kinda getting tired of this – Get Fauci is starting to sound like Hillary’s emails, Hunter Biden’s brief case, Whatshisnamestein’s laptop or Trump’s “locker her up” and “drain the swamp (at warp speed)”.
What about all the other lies of the century – this one AND the last?
I’m going for a walk along the beach – and a good fart. Call me when this is fixed.
Staying on topic …
Speaking of ‘mad cow’ – I wonder whatever happened to Neil Ferguson after his non-COVID compliant ‘indiscretions’. Ferguson was the ‘Chief Medical/Health Officer’ – whatever they call themselves – that launched the COVID fear campaign in Britain.
He was also the architect of the mad cow disease hoax to destroy Britain’s livestock industry 20 years earlier
• “Slaughtered on Suspicion” – Foot and Mouth 2001 & role of Prof. Neil Ferguson**
It says 11 comments but I can only count 10, is that because my comment here keeps getting cancelled ? …
David Dubyne is very thankful to be living at the end of the inter-glacial period (14 min)
Censorbot requires, take out the XXXX
Dear Gumshoers, as you know this website has a Trending feature. Lately I have found them Very helpful. For example, the comments by Eddy and Tony R (tea tony) in this 2018 item on Syria:
It’s worth a look just for the slimy John Faine interview
It wouldn’t surprise me if they throw BSE into the mix as well. Who knows they may say it will jump species and contaminate humans also.
What Does it Mean When Giorgia Meloni Quotes G.K. Chesterton?
Sam Leith – Spectator Australia
For a UK audience, the most striking moment in the new Italian PM Giorgia Meloni’s victory speech will have been that she anchored its peroration to a quote from G.K. Chesterton. ‘Chesterton wrote, more than a century ago,’ she said, ‘“Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer.” That time has arrived. We are ready.’ … Chesterton spoke openly and often about the ‘Jewish problem’ – they ‘control other nations as well as their own’ – and wanted British Jews to be deported to Palestine … In short, quoting G.K. Chesterton doesn’t make you a fascist. But if you were a fascist, there’d be no reason to find it peculiar that you’d quote G.K. Chesterton.
Simple test: Are the election systems (anywhere) trustworthy or are individuals still installed ?
“Democratic” parliaments appear to have been originally invented for the purpose of concealing their controllers.
China Demands End of US Theft of Syrian Resources
The Cradle
The People’s Republic of China called on the US government to stop the plundering of Syria’s oil resources, in a press statement on 22 September. “We call on the United States to respect Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, unilaterally lift sanctions, and end the theft of Syria’s national resources,” said China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin in a news briefing. The call made by the Asian giant comes in light of repeated news that US armed forces have transported oil out of Hasakah governorate to military bases in Iraq. The Syrian foreign ministry revealed the oil sector has incurred losses of at least $107.1 billion since the start of the US-sponsored war in 2011.
Mad scientists –
How to kill your RNA
By Lisa Melton21 December 2007
These short strands target matching pieces of messenger RNA (mRNA) that contain the information necessary to manufacture a particular protein. Adding a few of these siRNAs to a cell disrupts that message. With no message there is no protein and the target gene shuts down.
“………………It soon became obvious to biomedical scientists that, at least in theory, short snippets of RNA could be used to treat every disease imaginable. From bird flu to permanent hair removal, there are companies racing to harness RNAi’s tremendous therapeutic potential………”
“…………..NAi could also be the ideal solution for the notoriously unpredictable HIV. Scientists already know that in the lab, a gene silencing mechanism prevents the virus’s replication in T cells, by cleaving its RNA and turning off its main proteins. But the virus mutates and evolves resistance so rapidly that fighting it will take more than a single RNA target. ’The virus always manages to escape from a single RNAi molecule, admits Karin von Eije from University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The team has been testing different short hairpin (sh)RNAs and their ability to stop viral replication in human T cells in culture. ’It works well at first but eventually the HIV virus sneaks out. It mutates to become RNAi resistant,’ she says……..”
As they did with the human population, attach a name of infectious representation “corona virus” overwhelming the majority into taking some kind of Frankenstein mRNA concoction that does God knows what.
Now same concept being applied to the livestock industry. The term Foot and Mouth disease is so appropriate to scare the heabby Jesus out of all our Farmers. Hope they are wise and alert to the propaganda.
I just can’t wait for the Australian authorities to tell the population to register their gardens. How do you pronounce ‘Fuck you’ in Australian?
Well, Terry, try “farkyew” or “farque”.
What if AI insanities are designed deceptions keeping a small group of devils in power?
What if history taught is controlled by the same philanthropists, programming all to accept their alien system of black magic sorcery?
What if political speak is crafted lies?
What if corporate CEO’s (worshipped as celebrities) are pushing products to poison body mind and even kill for profit?
What if people you think rule don’t?
Hidden from view, using power through mass theft, satan’s followers have set up a world system where lucifer is worshipped as God.
The controllers of this insanity want us to believe we are one big happy family, we are not. Communism (progressivism) is a trap leading to hell because the oil on top are the psychopathic “seed of the serpent.”
The banksters have enforced their deathly blood sucking tentacles everywhere. Creating all wars they are kings, as we watch stupefied and mongrelised by aliens on a planet created for us by the Almighty.
Tribulation is coming, we are at His mercy, pray for guidance within if you can.
Greens – useful idiots
Germania Delenda Est
The Attack on the Pipeline and the Resurrection of the Morgenthau Plan as the Long Arm of Jewish Vengeance
E. Michael Jones • Monday, October 3, 2022 • 6,700 Words
Within hours of the attack on the September attack on the Nordstream pipelines, a consensus emerged that the Americans did it, in spite of the fact that the mainstream media were united in blaming Russia. Only the Americans had the motive and the means. The evidence was circumstantial but irrefutable.
“………….The oligarchs can facilitate this collapse, according to the Rand report, “by placing useful idiots in political positions in order to stop Russian energy supplies from reaching the continent.”[6] The German Green Party is made up of a group of politically naïve individuals who are the ideal “useful idiots” because the environmental ideology that lies at the heart of their political platform is completely irrational and, therefore, immune to both rational discussion and political pressure. The Rand document describes the green parties in Europe “as being particularly easy to manipulate into running the errands of American imperialism.”[7] Or in the words of the document itself. “The prerequisite for Germany to fall into this trap is the dominant role of green parties and European ideologies. The German environmental movement is a highly dogmatic, if not fanatical, movement, which makes it quite easy to get them to ignore economic arguments.” As examples of useful idiots in positions of leadership, the Rand report mentions the current foreign minister of Germany, Annalena Baerbock, who recently claimed that she was determined to support the war in the Ukraine no matter what the German voters think, and the climate minister, Robert Habeck, who is avidly dismantling power plants in the face of the coming energy shortage………”
The Deep State is not “the americans”, the Deep State is one of many operational branches of the same thing.
By God, I had failed to notice the pipeline thing as a new Morgenthau plan.
Apart from football hooligans aren’t the Germans docile enough already ?
I just sent this song parody to one of my mates that is fully vaxxed and boosted. It will probably over-torque his mind.
True Blood Theme Song (HD-720p)
Conspiracy Cafe: A Salute to the Unvaccinated. Kevin
Breaking Bulletin
I have just been introduced to Tereza Coraggio and her ‘Third Paradigm’ substack (and YT) channel
Brilliant. Much to explore.
At around 12:00, in discussing ‘COVID’ and vaccines with her daughter, her daughter got very angry and almost did not come to visit her own mother. When Tereza probed her daughter as to where the anger was coming from, the response was “I’m afraid you’re right, and I just don’t know what to do about it” … Oh Wow!!