Introduction by Dee McLachlan: Two videos today. The first is Amazing Polly’s analysis of the history of the Vaccine Passport. She goes over the history of ENTRUST, the company that has the contract for the Digital Passports in the UK.
In combination with Amazing Polly’s video about the pending Vaccine Passport is the addition of a YouTube video entitled: MASS PSYCHOSIS How An Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill. As the Academy Of Ideas in their blurb states,
“A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness and it occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions. Such a phenomenon is not a thing of fiction. Two examples of mass psychoses are the American and European witch hunts 16th and 17th centuries and the rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century.”
Are the deluded populations now ready for their passports?
Isolation and repetition lead to quick conditioning. The entire Lockdown is obviously a “conditioning” for a new reality.
I received an email yesterday from Gumshoe reader, John A. He listed, what he believes, are the simple processes required to achieve total compliance and therefore control.
- Irrevocably change the world towards global central control reigning over a submissive/compliant population.
- Create a highly transmittable pathogen, a virus that’s virulent but with low rates of mortality.
- Convince governments and the global media it’s a deadly pathogen of unprecedented pandemic proportions.
- Produce a novel ‘vaccine’ that has circumvented the usual testing procedures, unquestioned as an emergency response to the ‘global pandemic’.
- The ‘vaccine’ must be weaponised to produce a delayed (24 to say 36 months) effect; severe debilitation or more likely death.
- Ensure all governments are actively promoting the ‘vaccine’.
- Punish citizens with lockdowns and mask-wearing in an effort to cajole them to take the ‘vaccine’.
- Eliminate leaders not following the mantra.
- Governments ‘vaccinate’ most, if not all, of their armed forces; Army, Navy, and Airforce. (A country’s young fit highly trained professionals are now irrevocably compromised.)
- Local governments require (force/coerce) ‘vaccination’ of their frontline public servants; Police/emergency workers/medical staff etc. Compromised.
- Consequently, a country is no longer able to actively defend itself, furthermore front-line workers are removed, medical facilities are overrun with the sick and dying.
- The country is rendered incapable of any meaningful resistance.
- No damage to infrastructure. No battlefield blood having been shed nor even a shot fired.
- Usher in a new reality.
- Create a new mantra (with much hand-wringing) that this was all done with the best of intention. Anyway, people volunteered to get ‘vaccinated’ (didn’t they).
BAN GOOGLE. TRY duckduckgo.com fpr your searches.
Qwant is another new player
Amazing Polly from about 12:00 for Nazi slave driver Quandt who now makes the new British COV.I.D. stuff for Boris, Quandt is part of Goebbels family, probably good friends with the Bushs too if I use the minimum amount of imagination.
Very good digging from Polly, my investigations started some years ago with Krupp Industries. Nazi 2.0 is alive and well down in Bavaria, a short ride on the autobahn to Swissyland !!!
Ned… good advice, but better, is to use duckduckgo plus at least five other engines in random sequence, so that Big Brother cannot monitor you.
Also, to avoid the keywords google uses to trace your conversations.
By the way, the link above was found at.
on 7th August at 5.17 time line.
Oh well at least there are sources out side the nine network conglomerate and our other FAKE Virus mass media with their shonkey jokes,
You wish to know more about what really happened to all those hard core Nazis before and after W.W. 2? Did they just disappear, turn up in many countries around the planet, especially in the United States and Russia, or did they get together with a wink and a nod from the elites who controlled the Allies, as they escaped via the Vatican Ratlines?
Did Hitler and Eva Braun truly commit suicide in that bunker, or did they escape with Hitler’s deputy, Martin Borman, the financial genius who handled the Third Reich’s finances and Banking, and whose dream of a ‘Third Way’ was put into effect during the closing stages of the Second World War?
You want to know more? Buy Nazi International, by Joseph Farrell.
It answers a lot of questions you may have about what is now becoming so very obvious to many.
One hour talk by the guy from a couple of years ago
Brilliant- presentation w3– connects many dots
All credit to nemesis for digging this stuff up, and plenty more available.
Quite heavy going with all these mad scientists and mad doctors running everywhere. Another video I saw today a guy claiming there were tunnels full of human experiments going on today, according to him they have huge amounts of young aged corpses they have been trying out their weird ideas on.
Now of course the experiments are out of the lab and going on everywhere.
ahh yes -credit to nemesis– w3 do you have link to tunnels experiments —
Just this guy talking
Thank you for this, really excellent. After this, I don’t know if anyone on Gumshoe will claim that the Holocaust didn’t happen.
All outer space exploration is Nazi technology before and after WWII up until today, and now, since the experts and the technologies were exported to all over the world, we all face their weaponry.
Billionaire Sir Richard Branson’s space flight to the edge of space was with a craft named “Unity22.” This is Illuminati reverse-Kabbalah in action since the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alephbet are the instruments of Creation and, in due time, will unite(22) all Mankind to one another and to our Creator, to bridge all gaps in our understanding of what has been, what is, and what will ever be.
Billionaire Jeff Bezos’ space craft, a penis shaped one, is also very telling and of the same origin, reverse-Kabbalah, since this is what Kabbalah teaches of the chaos of especially in our time:
Baruch Hashem
The Zohar, volume 2, Parashas Noach, page 364,
“And he repaired the altar of Hashem that was ruined”
The Covenant between mankind and God connects to the Sfirah
(Dimension) of Yesod, which correlates to the reproductive organs of
The underlying reason of this section is the Kabbalistic doctrine that
all war, natural disasters, famine, slaughter, and massacre can be
traced to destructive spiritual forces arising from Humanity’s
negative sexual acts. Negative sexual acts are defined as those that
are not for the purpose of procreation or for the bringing of Light to
the world.”
Live “love thy neighbor” and “do onto others only that which you want them to do onto you.”
“The Hebrew letters are the instruments of Creation. They are genetic
strands of cosmic DNA. The letters transcend religion, race,
geography, and the very concept of language. They are instruments of
This truth is found within the Hebrew word for “letter,” which means
“pulse” or “vibration,” indicating a flow of energy. By virtue of
their shapes, sounds, sequences, Hebrew letters radiate a wide range
of forces. Their influence is universal, their scope, sweeping. Their
power is shared with all mankind, though this penetrating truth has
been concealed for millenia. Their sacred energy removes rash and
intolerant emotions, fear and anxiety from our beings. Their spiritual
influence cleanses destructive impulses from our natures. The Light
they emit purifies our hearts.
All these spiritual benefits, and more, are now bequeathed to us in
this majestic passage discoursing on the Creation of the spiritual and
physical cosmos.”
Zohar Trumah (www.zohar.com)
I think I will join the cult – this sounds like fun
• Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophilia and Ritual Abuse Are Sanctioned by Jewish Law
Praise Him as Thee wail and gyrate in adoration and exultation
I will say that there were no gas chambers. It has been scientifically proven.
I do not condone what happened in Germany during World War II. However Hitler had to do something to try to defend his countrymen and women from the Zionist Jews. Remember it was World Jewry that declared war on Germany in 1933 years before Germany defended itself. Surely nobody would argue against US defending itself against Britain China and the USSR all attacking at one time. This is what happened to Germany. Many nations attacked Germany at one time, Australia being one of those nations.
Check out the real history, not that written by the victors.
It is the Zionists who are attacking us at this very moment with the virus scam and the “vaccine”. The Globalists are Zionists, cannot people see that? The same pharmaceutical companies or their derivatives are the ones attacking us with “the vaccine” this very moment in time.
Today’s people say why didn’t Germans rise against Hitler and the Nazis? Why are more people not rising against the Zionist dictatorships today? Many because they are gutless ans want others to do the dirty work.
You should look at Sean Hross “Where did Swiss wealth come from”. I don’t care who goes to the guillotine as long as it’s the actual criminal and not just a frontman being framed. People say the banks back both sides in the wars, where are the banks, Swissyland !!! The combatants have their little branch offices, London and formerly probably Berlin but now Frankfurt. Banks move in quickly and get out just as quick, drive around the Western Districts of Victoria and you will see. But where is all the gold ? Not Fort Knox, not the Bahamas, not Jerusalem, not even London, my bet is, it’s hiding down a deep hole in Swissyland.
Which holocaust ™ ?
• 1906 – New York Times, 25 March 1906: “Startling reports of the condition and future of Russia’s 6,000,000 Jews were made on March 12 in Berlin to the annual meeting of the Central Jewish Relief League of Germany by Dr. Paul Nathan… He left St. Petersburg with the firm conviction that the Russian Government’s studied policy for the ‘solution’ of the Jewish question is systematic and murderous extermination.”
• 1915 – Jacob de Hass, The Boston Sunday Globe, 26 September 1915, page 46: “Indeed the only point that all warring elements are agreed upon is that at the end of the holocaust the Jews and Palestine will be more closely related than at present.”
• 1915 – New York Tribune, 14 October 1915: “What the Turks are doing to Armenians is child’s play compared to what Russia is doing to six million Jews, her own subjects.”
So much more to add and so little time for now, so just an appetiser …
“Back in New York from his trip to Paris [1919], Felix [Warburg] told the New York Times in an article that the Jews were the worst sufferers in the war [WWI], “and have reduced to tragically unbelievable poverty, starvation and disease about 6,000,000 souls, or half the Jewish population of the earth.” At the same time, one of Felix’s older brothers, Max Warburg, was representing Germany on their Finance Committee at the Versailles Peace conference. Max ran the Warburg bank in Hamburg and played a role at every major reparations conference for 14 years giving him wide yet unofficial influence. During the Weimar Republic, Max Warburg was on the Central Committee of the Reichsbank and on the board of 27 German businesses including I.G. Farben.
Source: “The First Holocaust” –Don Heddesheimer
An analogy – imagine if Australians took back Australia and took control of Rio Tinto and BHP – they would not destroy these industrial giants, they would merely commandeer them and keep them functioning and mining iron ore and producing steel to defend their country and civilisation.
I believe it was Rabbi Benjamin Blech in “The Secrets of Hebrew Words” who exposed the Six Million as a demonic occult hoax …
Warnings To The Jews! Premonitions Of The Holocaust – Christopher Jon Bjerknes
But hey, let’s call in star witness A
• Hanan Rachel
A Nazi Travels to Palestine
Baron von Mildenstein and the S.S. support of Zionism in Germany from 1934-1936.
As part of the project, the Nazi Party produced a series of small brass coins. One side of the coins featured a Star of David with the caption “A Nazi travels to Palestine,” and the other side featured a swastika with the newspaper’s name, Angriff. These coins, used to promote the “Zionist” articles from the Land of Israel, were given as a free gift to anyone who purchased a subscription for the mouthpiece. “A sort of sales promotion,” Goldfinger explains.
It doesn’t matter if 6 million is a fake news figure, we are all aware that Nazi efforts wrecked Germany and cost vast numbers of lives. It doesn’t matter exactly how many were gassed or cremated or made into sausage meat for dogs. Nobody needs to try to add up the numbers and get stuck on on one number or another because nobody will ever be able to count how many jews, gypsies, russian white trash, experiments, abortions, orphans, euro slaves, whatever. Going on and on that it’s exclusively jews is paranoid tunnel vision. This view seems to suit the elites quite well, or they would tell the fake news to debunk it. It appears they were thinking they might have overdone it a bit so they put others like Obama and Elon Musk out there. But generally speaking they seem to like the reality theorists to chatter about “the jews” in preference to Swissy, Moloch and the top 300 etc.
Is it time to write America’s obituary? Is it time to say, ‘Goodbye, America’?
“We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” — Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001
Kevin MacDonald’s review of Wilhelm Marr’s pamphlet, Der Sieg des Judenthums über das Germanenthum, 1879, (“The Victory of Judaism over Germanism”), is a fascinating compendium of pessimistic quotations in which German political pundit Marr concludes gloomily that there was no hope left for Germany.
It was finished — yes, as early as the 1870s. The Jews, he lamented, were simply too formidable a foe.
Marr’s pamphlet ends with these chilling words: “Let us accept the inescapable, since we cannot change it. Its name is: FINIS GERMANIAE—the end of Germany!”
1. Is America the new Germany?
I confess I had no idea the outlook was so bleak in Germany as early as 1879. (Marr’s pamphlet has recently been translated into English and is now available in pdf format). I had been under the false impression that the notion of Jewish domination came much later — after the publication of the Protocols (1903) and the Russian Revolution (1917).
We have seen it all happen though. Germany was brought to its knees, exactly as Marr predicted. Its cadaver now lies rotting.
It was only quite recently that Israel demanded from Germany a further 1 billion Euros ($1.4 billion) in Holocaust reparations for its endlessly traumatized Jewish survivors. Almost 70 years after World War II, the grim extortion racket continues unabated.
Though World War II ended sixty-eight years ago, the number of Holocaust survivors today is truly phenomenal. This prompted Norman Finkelstein’s mother to ask somewhat cynically, after she had been cheated out of her reparations money by the rabbis who administered the Holocaust Fund: “If everyone who claims to be a survivor actually is one, who did Hitler kill?”
Good question……………….”
So the 1939 – 45 purge was justifiable because “They( certain Jews ) supported the Bolshevik and Armenian genocides”(cjbbooks)
So you reckon that whatever winds up happening to Australians will be justifiable because a certain minority has supported certain causes ?
It was justifiable
But it didn’t happen anyway
‘Bout time you made you’re mind up bud !
My view is that Hitler died in the 20 July 1944 attack, that subsequent public appearances were carried out by a double, and that Brit/Yank alliance went along with the ruse for obvious reasons
But so far as the current situation goes I think this is much more of an issue:
This is one of the Joel Richardson books referenced at 23 minutes:
Whilst mainstream culture continues to “respectfully record how the Turks ‘hotly dispute’ their genocide of the Armenians”, it invariably condemns “the right-wing Europeans who deny the Nazi genocide of the Jews.”
What does that tell you ?
This was really excellent as well, thank you Berry.
In Texe Marrs book “Codex Magica,” starting on page 307, (Erdogan’s) Hand On Heart is explained as one of Illuminist/Masonic hand signs. There are several versions of it. I do not remember the name of the U.S. military officer who was honored by President Trump at the White House, a military officer who was accused of torture and/or murder of an innocent Iraqi man (if I recall correctly). An exchange of an ISIS flag took place between the two men, it was alleged. At the White House.
IMHO all world leaders are in on what is unfolding, they all are part of the Illuminati or Freemasons, Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, etc., one does not have to be a Muslim jihadist to exemplify the absolute lack of compassion and mercy and other Godly characteristics that lead to Peace, not war. There are plenty of examples in every country and every government, not to mention businesses, of this lawless or “above the law” love of evil and destruction.
“The Turks ‘hotly dispute’ their genocide of the Armenians”, it invariably condemns “the right-wing Europeans who deny the Nazi genocide of the Jews.”
This is to distract our minds and to create confusion.
Live “love thy neighbor.”
DICTATOR MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATURK WAS A CRYPTO-JEWISH CABAL OPERATIVE & FREEMASON To this date, there is extreme confusion among Muslims and non-Muslims alike regarding who was dictator Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the destroyer of the Ottoman Caliphate and the desecrater of Islam in Turkey….Something evil comes Turkey’s way
The Freemason Grand Orient Ottoman Lodge has currently camouflaged itself as Naqshbandis, pseudo-Islamic esoteric cults and are still very active. All leaders following Ataturk were crypto-jews. The Orphi Pasha mentioned above was a strong opponent of Sultan Abdul Hamid. Muslims note that they have tampered with Quranic verses in their logo.
Suleiman, Erdogan and Ataturk are really Jews?
“In fact Erdogan is styling himself on the evil Muslim extremist, “Suleiman the Magnificent”, (above).”
Jew the Magnificent??
While surfing, I stumbled upon a very interesting article in a Turkish website about Suleiman the Magnificient.
Here is the article: MUHTE?EM YÜZYIL MUHTE?EM YALANLAR (in Turkish unfortunately)
I will summarize some interesting points here:
-As widely claimed Suleiman was born from a Jewish mother. The wife of Selim I and the mother of Suleiman was a Jewish Pole named Helga aka Hafza Sultan.
(S. Shaw, History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, Vol. I, 1976. p.148)
-Suleiman carried on the Jewish tradition in his marriage(actually he was the first Sultan that abandoned the “not to marry” tradition), his wife Hürrem Haseki Sultan (Roxolena) was of Jewish origin born in Rohatyn city of Ukraine.
(Andrée Aelion Brooks, The woman who defied kings, Michigan University, Paragon House, 2002, p.437)
-The kira (kira means woman in Greek and in Ottoman kira was used for the women who brings garments and jewellery to the palace) of Hürrem Haseki Sultan named Ester Handali aka Ester Kira was a Jewish woman who controls the deep state in Ottomans during that period. She was also secretary of Hürrem Sultan later became the secretary of Nurbanu Sultan bride of Hürrem Haseki. She had a great power in palace. She later was massacred by Sipahis.
(E.Nashim, A Journal of Jewish Women´s Studies and Gender Issues 13: p.49-67)
-Mihrimah Sultan, the daughter of Hürrem, was married to Rüstem Pasha who was of Jewish origin, later became the Grand Vizier.
(Elli Kohen, History of the Turkish Jews and Sephardim, University Press of America, 2007. p.51)
-Sinan Pasha, brother of Rüstem Pasha, who was the admiral of Ottoman navy was called as the Great Jew in medieval sources, he was using the star of David on his flag.
(Şalom – Melih Namer, Tarihe İz Bırakan Yahudi Korsanlar, 16 Aralık 2009)
-In Ottoman history the first woman who got the title of “mother Sultan” was Nurbanu Sultan the mother of Murad III was a jewish convert. In this period the jewish population of the Palace hit the ceiling.
(İ.Hakkı Uzunçarşılı, Osmanlı Devletinin Saray Teşkilatı, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara 1945, s.88)
– Suleiman the Magnificent gathered Jews in his palace and provided them immense privileges. During his Reign Jewish population of state of Ottoman acquired power and welfare.
(Encyclopedia Judaica, Jerusalem, 1971. Vol. 18, s.26)
I don’t think the condemnation of neo- Nazi holocaust deniers has anything to do with upholding the truth.
From the onset of the 20th century Germany posed a military and industrial threat to the U. S: Hitler was just used as an excuse to go to war; the fact that a remnant of Europe’s Jews were thus spared was purely incidental
Anyone who tries to justify or dumb down the fact that 2/3 of them had already been murdered would have to have serious personal issues but that’s another matter altogether.
Say no more …
Fully quaxxinated in Italy burning their green passes
I doubt such a movement could happen in Oz. Think back to the Port Arthur Massacre and the Ozzies turning in their guns to the entity that committed that atrocity.
TS… In 1973, I had a massive fight with my wife after I observed that the Australian psyche lends itself admirably to fascism and nazism. I really wish I was wrong then.
As I see it, we have one chance of survival and that is if the military turns on the government as they were prepared to in 1984.
Disappointingly, the military leadership is now preoccupied with LGBQ… or whatever the acronym is… quotas. They will support the people only if we are all gay or trans, and chant “BLM”.
Listening to Sky News makes it clear that the only media that “gets it” is RebelNews.com
On the evidence, the best we can hope for is to go down fighting. That somebody as well-informed as Mike Yeadon thinks the same is not encouraging.
Placebo UK recipients to be as fully vaccinated………..
However, the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) confirmed to Full Fact that participants who receive a placebo, or a vaccine that does not become approved, will be treated as vaccinated only for the duration of the trial, and for a 16 week grace period after a trial ends. After this, they will need to obtain an approved vaccine.
Rebel News is Zionist. They are buying currency ‘supporting’ us so that we will support them in their Zionist causes just like communists use BLM, sexism and all the other isms to buy support from genuine people to support their agenda.
I cannot believe WHAT I JUST SAW
Jim-Crenshaw :: Man Walks Out of Pharmacies With Vax Vials, Overnights Them to Diagnostics Labs… Results Soon Kevin Woodman
A spoon full with your muesli shows the way ………… GRAPHENE OXIDE!!!
Do not think this is a joke…………… Note its potential…………..
Better than vegemite, note the reference to studies in Australia.
I did read somewhere recently that whilst the injection brigade do not list graphene as a content in the injected material, people with a brain found out that it is included the patent filed for the injected material but do not disclose because IT IS A COMMERCIAL SECRET. (I think it was disclosed in the patent filed in Japan. No not in the Western world, we are just experiments pushed by our dumb politicians and viral mass media..
Come on Dr Chant, (NSW) surely you might “PLEASE EXPLAIN”.
Graphene Oxide in the water in UK – documented on the UK govt Water Corp website
Ned, the footage in your video starting after 8:00 of the graphene moving via microwave energy is pretty amazing, if anyone wants to be injected with that, just imagine. Every time you go near a phone or microwave tower or maybe even a microwave oven, all these super-strong nano-splinters start wriggling around and going everywhere in your bloodstream. Zombie apocalypse !!!
Graphene –
I remember the days when I got the graphite rod out of an old transistor and wound a copper wire aerial wire around it and placed it parallel to to the transistor aerial for which I wanted.the signal boosted.
This is a social experiment conducted in LA.
Its an eye opener , as to how many people are prepared to sign up.
Great video not sure why the splash doesn’t come up for you, maybe have to double click the link before copying
I have a problem, I cannot identify any of those signing the poll to be anyone from our msm fakes.
Perhaps the ABC and nine network shonks could identify themselves as requiring us to wear a yellow star and be incarcerated.
What say you, PM Morrison, Dave Sharma and mate Josh Fredenberg with running mate Peter Fitzsimmons and dear partner Liz Wilkinson?
perfect illustration of what a democracy actually is.
Mark Dice is excellent. Here is another short video from him you should watch.
Are Half The People in America This Clueless? (Mark Dice, 8m)
This link is being logged to inform idiots about the election fraud that Lindell is going to expose in the next few days.
Who inspired me?
‘Ghostly Malcolm’ claimed that Biden won and any one who questioned that is just a conspiracy theorist.
The man is a idiot, He probably still thinks that 911 was done by 19 mad Muslims……… he must have slept at Sydney Grammar classes when some poor teacher tried to explain some basic physics explaining the effect of gravity on a 47 story building. (Building number 7 on 911 COLLASPSING IN 6.7 seconds at about 5.20 on 9/11)
SO SKY NEWS, report on all this or be not credible.
We cannot expect the information being even referred to by the other fake press and our lying ignorant politicians……….. you there our Prime Minister Morrison? If you are not aware of all this, go get a job as a used car wreck sales man. You to, “Ubet”.
@2 GB Shock Jokes and company fakes, we will be noting your advertisers this week.
Hey Malcolm and Scott, here is the link to Greg Hunter and Lindell.
Shomo…… why are we paying for your intelligence advisors, if they are speaking to a brick thick wall.?
At about 15 minutes note the quick reference to the ‘packets.
Hey Malcolm and SHOMO, Just for your information and the poor ABC, THE ‘PACKETS’ refers to the collection live of all the rigging ……. done by US military intelligence.
Or have you never heard of this before?
Well, if you were following Q (and the x22reports.com ) for a few years since October 2017 you would know. If not, why are you there Mr PM?
To clarify: Military intel was collecting the information, not doing the rigging.
The greatest ‘sting operation’ in history, Ha, Mr Ryan? James, where were you?
A lot of establishment movers & shakers must be getting pretty sick of the Joe & Kamala freakshow for stoopids, I don’t see how all of them would sell out their entire country for some bagfuls of scrip that one day soon might even be declared counterfeit money. Tearing down a bunch of treasonous oligarchs would be of great financial benefit to whomever was left standing.
Mike Lindel may have all the evidence, he may also have legal precedent on his side. However, will he have the Supreme Court actually legitimately hear the case? The SC declined to hear a previous suit on the basis of ‘standing’. If the SC decides to side-step another hearing (perhaps being ‘moot’ as the election is over), what is the country going to do?
Does anybody really think that there are ANY institutions left in America that are NOT corrupt?
TRY the military and the international protocol; The law of war. (4.1-7) re invading foreign forces, even by rigging elections.
This style of WAR is new and way above just planting propaganda into the country to be invaded.
If the SC ducks again, the military will have no option but to apply the principles of ‘devolution’ to protect the constitution. that the military has sworn to uphold.
So await and see if, as previously, the SC is “stinged” and exposed (being allied with the invading force and committing treason). Then it is on.
I think I saw somewhere a couple of the Obama appointed SC judges voted to hear the case and the others didn’t, maybe that story is still floating around. Then Pence was framed up as a traitor for signing over to Biden. Well they now have a good selection of the corrupt, they will need a very big Serco to house them all. As they say they all go down dragging their friends down with them !!! It has to happen. Trouble is I’m low on popcorn by now, you can hear scratching noises.
Daily Mole editors,
Mr. Crawford, better call in your staff for a urgent Zoom conference and instruct your ethical journalists as to how they are going to cover for all this material in the Greg Hunter link above and dictate instructions so to allege that all US election fraud conspiracy theorists are just ‘WEIRDOS”.
Best of luck.
For those who trust the mass media,,,, this was at GS a few days ago re Mr Crawford’s zoom instructions to his honest ethical journalists………. who get their pay from the mole.
Australian Broadcasting Commission, better get in on the zoomed instructions so that the fake lies to the public again, have some co-ordination to deceive the public, after all the public pay a billion or so per year with interest for the ABC, so you lot better earn it and give the sheep what they pay for.
ABC Media Watch…………. you watching Mr. Barry, anything to report on fake media? I might even watch media watch tomorrow night for a giggle.
Cute, the ABC runs a limited hangout on Orne and Sydney Uni with no mention of Kidman and his suicide, let alone Fiona Barnett or even SRA.
Roseanne got kicked off TV for spruiking Cathy O’Brien and talking about MKultra.
Her work-starved supporting cast kept going with a b-grade version of the show.
Same thing happening to Charlie Sheen for talking about 9-11, de-platformed !!!
Here Roseanne is just talking in general terms about Hollywood “culture of fear” and the whole deal (about 5 minutes).
About a year and a half ago ago this made the news:
Roseanne Barr calls Trump the ‘first woman president’
The United States has never had a female President…. unless you ask Roseanne Barr. The controversial comedian thinks Donald Trump is “the first woman President of the United States.” ©…
Roseanne Barr says Donald Trump is ‘the first woman …
rosanne barr says trump is the first woman president – Bing
Portion of Chayei Sarah, Zohar (http://www.zohar.com/) volume 4, page 52:
“All kinds of witchcraft and sorcery abide only in women
The term woman and female is used as a metaphor for man’s evil inclination.
Kabbalistically, women are on a much higher level of spirituality, as
evidenced by their great intuition and heightened sensitivity.
Therefore, only the male is required to work at eradicating his Evil
Inclination through Torah. A reading of this section helps men and
women subjugate their negative desires.”
So according to Kabbalah and The Zohar, Roseanne Barr reveals that Donald J. Trump is evil.
Live “love thy neighbor.”
In the news on Feb 8th in 2017
PoliticsYahoo News
‘The future is female,’ Hillary Clinton says in 1st post-inauguration statement
One would think that Hillary Clinton is referring to female, i.e. woman but she isn’t.
She is speaking in (Biblical = metaphysicall) code, again, saying that the future (is going to be) evil.
Portion Chayei Sarah, Zohar (http://www.zohar.com/) volume 4, page 52:
“All kinds of witchcraft and sorcery abide only in women
The term woman and female is used as a metaphor for man’s evil inclination.
Kabbalistically, women are on a much higher level of spirituality, as
evidenced by their great intuition and heightened sensitivity.
Therefore, only the male is required to work at eradicating his Evil
Inclination through Torah. A reading of this section helps men and
women subjugate their negative desires.”
My mind immediately goes to what the Apostle Paul had to say to the Galations, Chapter 3 of which starts by asking:
“O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?
This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?”
and concludes on this note:
“For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”
Amazing Polly is a total Q-tard.
Judging by your contribution you would know a lot about being retarded
It’s a great contribution really because it shows just how low the bar has to be set for many people to get over. In your case the bar would have to be set probably at exact floor level and no higher. It’s very revealing so I am looking forward to more.
CDC tells vaxxed people to wear mask to avoid spreading the so-called “covid variant”
CDC tells vaxxed people to wear mask to avoid spreading the so-called “covid variant.” Vaxxed people are now the superspreaders, but yet they try to tell us that unvaxxed people are the cause of the pandemic! There is some serious mental illness going on in the CDC and government.
Many took the jab so that their lives could return to normal. That was the propaganda.
Their intention is to never return to normal. If they have their way, there will be a “variant” every year, and each one will be “worse” than the last. But if they could not isolate the first virus in a lab, yet could make a vax for it using a computer-generated DNA sequence, it is doubtful if they have isolated the variant virus either.
Yahoo News says the CDC is “worried.” They are not worried at all. This was part of the plan to get rich, get rid of small business competition, and get rid of as many people as they can. Those who survive will be monitored and controlled by nanobots running around in their brains.
The purpose is to sell drugs that they call “vaccines,” not to keep us healthy.
When this “pandemic” began, there was just one man worth over $100 billion. Now there are 9. Meanwhile, small businesses are being shut down.
You cannot have a variant when there was no original. That is what I call a commonsense statement. The Covid-19 so-called virus has never been so how could there be a variant. The only variant is a ghost or phantom (remember him) as was the original.
“The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by GlaxoSmithKline!!!
The masks begin to fall off ! “The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by GlaxoSmithKline, which (accidentally) owns Pfizer!” (the one who makes the vaccine against the virus which (accidentally) started at the Wuhan Biological Lab and which was (accidentally) funded by Dr. Fauci, who (accidentally) promotes the vaccine !
“GlaxoSmithKline is (accidentally) managed by the finance division of Black Rock, which (accidentally) manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company (Soros Foundation), which (accidentally) manages the French AXA !”
Soros (accidentally) owns the German company Winterthur, which (accidentally) built a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought by the German Allianz, which (coincidentally) has Vanguard as a shareholder, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Black Rock, which (coincidentally) controls central banks and manages about a third of global investment capital. “Black Rock” is also (coincidentally) a major shareholder of MICROSOFT, owned by Bill Gates, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Pfizer (which – remember ? sells a miracle vaccine) and (coincidentally) is now the first sponsor of the WHO !
Now you understand how a dead bat sold in a wet market in China has infected the WHOLE PLANET !””
Now you know, pass it on until whole world knows
Sticky Brian Robert Hyland 53 Comments
Adrenochrome is made with the blood extracted from the brain (Pineal?) of children that have been terrified and murdered. It is the most expensive drug on the planet and gives youth to the user. How many of our children had to die so that these monsters could look good for a photo!! Many have been executed, many will die from the synthetic tainted batch that they bought from Wuhan, withdrawals and executions should take care of the rest of them!
I will update this as more is revealed..
They have severe withdrawals and age quickly. If they are not human like many of them aren’t, they need their Adrenochrome or they won’t survive.
Continue reading UPDATED: ADRENOCHROME WITHDRAWALS! I Hope it Hurts!! ?
Too bad people are evidently too dumb to understand “snakes are coming out” above.
The globalists can even play “we’re all in this together” on high rotation and the stoopids don’t even get the double meaning. Denial, anger, depression, acceptance, is that how it goes. They’ll be getting depressed soon enough and then they’ll get Elon Musk’s chip screwed into their heads and happy stuff like new cars and football will get projected in.
Also Human embryonic stem cells which is why abortions age limit is 3 months (12 wks) as that is the optimum feotus age for stem cell extraction. Truly Evil.
copied from my personal e-mails:
“Nov 24, 2006 11:08 PM
on 10/14/06 Ted Koppel, Managing Editor of the (Illuminati) Discovery
Channel, hosted an evening and an event and debate at Stanford University
his guests were, an “A+” panel as Ted Koppel put it, Justice Anthony
Kennedy, Jerry Yang (co-founder of Yahoo), George Shultz, William Perry,
John L. Hennessy (President of Stanford University), Lucy Shapiro and
Jean-Pierre Garnier (of GlaxoSmithKline)
we didn’t catch the program from the beginning on C-Span but the topics of
discussion we participated hearing about included global pandemics and
pharmaceuticals as the cure, our security and civil liberties, evolution,
the (sorry) state of the media, oil and research and funding for
alternative sources of energy, and, religion and its implications in
today’s world and the struggle we find ourselves in the midst of.”
Live “love thy neighbor” no matter who the neighbor is.
Yes, Christ is not divided nor are those in the kingdom of heaven – we are all one body.
Ok. I go long with that, but what about Brussel sprouts? I do not like Brussel sprouts.
Oh well, I am tolerating them because they are one of us.
Christ has a sense of humour and loves challenges
UPDATE (8.8.2021):
The Linked-In page for the Connor Reed in question, proved by the photograph attached (see postscript below) provides at least two inconsistences that appear to contradict those published concerning his time in China and death in Britain. First it states that he was in China from September, 2015. This would mean that at the time of his ‘death’ on October the 24/25th 2020, more than FIVE years would have elapsed since he went there, not three as stated – a difference of at least two years! Secondly the page states that from “July 2017 to the present (4 yrs 2mos(sic))” – i.e. almost a year after his stated death – he is still alive and working as a “Market Asset Specialist for the Reed Corporation” in Bejing, China! Not only does this conflict with the stated information that he had been a teacher in of English in a school for the previous six or seven months when he went off sick on the 25th October, 2019, it would also mean that the Connor Reed who became a Corona Virus celebrity, could not have died in Wales in 2020. If someone did die, it could NOT be the Connor Reed to whom the Link-In page relates, and whose image below appeared in all the media outlets. This if accurate, confirms my suspicions that something very ‘fishy’ is going on with this story.
Too much here to summarise, so listen twice if you are just catching up with the greatest Sting operation in history………….. getting to the last few chapters.
But note that a fellow called Zelenko has named many, starting with Schraub, who should be dealt with at about the 30 min mark……. including unamed Aussies. Now that would be a interesting list! Get ready chaps!
Note the CDC is not mandating that their staff should be vaccinated.
Note the sabotaging of the trial with it being cancelled and the palcebo control group being told that they were not vaccinated……… so for protocols.
All a lot of fu………….. keep in mind the concept of DEVOLUTION that is again brought up.
BTW. sorry for those who missed Obama’s birthday bash at Marthas. Bloody good party.
“Get off your freaking ass and fight for your country” – from Europe – to America
https://www.bitchute.com/video/gOrS5rtbjTdS/ (one minute)
Ten mins scrolling the headlines informs one of what our mass media does not report.
Australia gets one mention re vaccine being mandated? I did not have to read it…… Actually. I did not read any article, just noted another view of some world wide happenings.
“Anti-disease vaccines that do not prevent transmission can create conditions that promote the emergence of pathogen strains that cause more severe disease in unvaccinated hosts.”
Pirbright Institute
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Brian Gerrish U.K. Column News Interview
MK ULTRA, Tavistock & Psychological Warfare – Jay Dyer / Courtenay Turner Part 2
I found this very informative–interviewers style grating for me personally —however from 58-9 mins to the end very worth watching— re Australia —Melbourne -a smart city—
This is the video Diane is referring to… 58min
Thank you Dee for picking up–
I can add a great deal to this.
Also received today–lessons to learn from Traditional Owners who have survived atrocities.
Sovereign Union of First Nations and Peoples in Australia
Asserting Australia’s First Nations Sovereignty into Governance
Media release 9 August 2021
Hidden agenda behind Closing the Gap, Treaty, Reconciliation, Recognise, Statement from the Heart and the Voice. It’s all about assimilation and true colonialism.
Some quotes: from Ghillar Michael Anderson
“The terminologies that I have identified in the heading of this statement do not come from paranoia and conspiracy theories, but they come from the real world. In short, all of these colonial strategies are about one agenda only – assimilation, thereby completing the theft of our Country on a continental scale.”
So, let’s look at the international law of genocide, the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 1948. I’ll illustrate the five definitions of genocide”
“The 2018 Royal Commission into child sexual abuse has uncovered a large chunk of the festering sore by compiling the irrefutable evidence of the horrific crimes inflicted on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children by the ‘men of the cloth’ and the way the hierarchy covered up the crimes. The accusations go to the pinnacles of the churches in Australia. Former Governor-General Hollingsworth had to step down from the priesthood and Archbishop Wilson reluctantly resigned in August 2018.”
“The role of nuns in child sexual abuse is yet to be exposed. When I was Director of the Deaths in Custody program in New South Wales in 1995-1996 I interviewed Mr. Y in the Goulburn prison, who was serving a lengthy sentence for paedophilia. I asked “Why do you do it?”
His answer was words to the effect of, “When the nuns admit what they did to me was wrong, then I might reconsider if I am guilty.”
“Records show that during colonial times when imprisoning First Nations people, the colonial administrators agreed that neck-chains were the preferred method of restraining the prisoners, whose only crime, I might add, was being there as first possessors and resisting the theft of their lands.
In respect of mental harm to the group, we know that our people suffered deeply from the modern psychological term called solastalgia – in short, the feeling of homelessness when you are still at home. This caused so much mental harm that the suffering was very difficult to bear by many of the Elders and families, who fretted for their Country and despaired at the destructive actions of the colonialists, from then to now. This impact is much more prevalent today than it ever was.
If we look at the recent Close the Gap statement this is an aspect that they are trying to address, but it is unlikely to work effectively because it is a top down approach and yet another imposition of government policy without the free, prior and informed consent of the targeted group.”
More on Mass Psychosis
Gumshoe readers may recall I offered the following playlist (three videos) on mass psychosis recently (conversing with Terry).
Those and more are featured here in a six-part series by 21st Century Wire
Note to self – post passages from Dostoevsky’s “The Grand Inquisitor” – Book 5, Chapter 5 of the Brothers Karamazov
Here is a ‘filtered’ synopsis (for what it is worth)
or read the devil in the detail …
• The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Grand Inquisitor, by Feodor Dostoevsky
Some passages to give the flavour of what Dostoevsky is describing through the character reading “The Grand Inquisitor”
“But we will gather the sheep once more and subject them to our will for ever. We will prove to them their own weakness and make them humble again, whilst with Thee they have learnt but pride, for Thou hast made more of them than they ever were worth. We will give them that quiet, humble happiness, which alone benefits such weak, foolish creatures as they are, and having once had proved to them their weakness, they will become timid and obedient, and gather around us as chickens around their hen. They will wonder at and feel a superstitious admiration for us, and feel proud to be led by men so powerful and wise that a handful of them can subject a flock a thousand millions strong.”
“And all will be happy, all except the one or two hundred thousands of their rulers. For it is but we, we the keepers of the great Mystery who will be miserable. There will be thousands of millions of happy infants, and one hundred thousand martyrs who have taken upon themselves the curse of knowledge of good and evil. Peaceable will be their end, and peacefully will they die, in Thy name, to find behind the portals of the grave—but death. But we will keep the secret inviolate, and deceive them for their own good with the mirage of life eternal in Thy kingdom.
[a thousand million is a billion by the way and this was written in 1878-1880 – the awareness of the essence of the Protocols was obviously already apparent]
“People tell us and prophesy of Thy coming and triumphing once more on earth; of Thy appearing with the army of Thy elect, with Thy proud and mighty ones; but we will answer Thee that they have saved but themselves while we have saved all. We are also threatened with the great disgrace which awaits Lthe whore, “Babylon the great, the mother of harlots”—who sits upon the Beast, holding in her hands the Mystery, the word written upon her forehead; and we are told that the weak ones, the lambs shall rebel against her and shall make her desolate and naked. But then will I arise, and point out to Thee the thousands of millions of happy infants free from any sin. And we who have taken their sins upon us, for their own good, shall stand before Thee and say: “Judge us if Thou canst and darest!” Know then that I fear Thee not. Know that I too have lived in the dreary wilderness, where I fed upon locusts and roots, that I too have blessed freedom with which thou hast blessed men, and that I too have once prepared to join the ranks of Thy elect, the proud and the mighty. But I awoke from my delusion and refused since then to serve insanity. I returned to join the legion of those who corrected Thy mistakes. I left the proud and returned to the really humble, and for their own happiness. What I now tell thee will come to pass, and our kingdom shall be built, I tell Thee not later than to-morrow Thou shalt see that obedient flock which at one simple motion of my hand will rush to add burning coals to Thy stake, on which I will burn Thee for having dared to come and trouble us in our work. For, if there ever was one who deserved more than any of the others our inquisitorial fires—it is Thee! To-morrow I will burn Thee. Dixi’.”
Dostoevsky clearly knew what these self-appointed chosen ones – that sit alongside ““the mother of harlots”—who sits upon the Beast, holding in her hands the Mystery” – were contemplating.
Where was I …
Just sharing to highlight the lunacy of what we thought was ‘humanity’
• Vaccinated Americans say they’re fed up with ‘selfish’ vaccine resisters
The following is from the same channel and illustrates the utter theatre of this classic psyop
• Cult expert explains how to deprogram Trump’s most fanatical supporters
I do not support or endorse either of the above
Terry, ergo we’re both crazy 😊
• Hegel on Psychosis
PS – still picking mandarins and today watched the first leaves shooting on my raspberry (and blackberry) canes, and a couple of Tahitian lime buds bursting – and looks like a good peach season coming.
Fish, I know there must be someone that watches CNN, I just didn’t think anybody that frequents this site would be one of them. If you keep doing that, you will go blind.
If Carl Jung was alive now, he would be having the time of his life. Crikey, flipped out psychotics babbling all sorts of nonsense everywhere you look. He’d probably try to outdo Fauci and see if he could get the masses to cluck like chickens – “make chicken sounds to keep the virus away”. He’d likely get away with it too from all the morons I see.
Please, let the die-off begin…
So the 1939 – 45 slaughter-fest was justifiable because “They( certain Jews ) supported the Bolshevik and Armenian genocides”(cjbbooks)
So whatever winds up happening to Australians will be justifiable because a certain minority has supported certain causes ?
Looking at the way the Democrat regime is now targetting 75m trump supporters after they got rid of him, the answer would probably be ‘yes’