Most will laugh with these thoughts I’m printing. The solution is simple, shut down the privately owned reserve bank of Oz and end taxation. Have the “mint” do what it is there for, print the money from nothing (as banksters do) without charging interest! That is, pay back only the amount borrowed. Overnight prosperity will return.
Usury, charging interest compounding, is a crime against people everywhere. Those responsible for this injustice need to go to Mars on one way tickets.
Thirdly, make slavemasonry a criminal offence closing down all masonic halls.
How about a No Tax No Usury Party?
Because we are in a growth economy, that is the population is going up and the economy is (supposedly) expanding as more stuff is dug up and created, the pool of money needs to expand otherwise we get deflation ie the value of money going up as with Bitcoin. For a stable currency in a growth economy the government needs to print exactly the same amount to match the growth of the economy and the government (people) therefore benefit from the free money initially created by the government ie a limited socialism. Where does the Swiss BIS come into this ? They are providing a Global service but incredibly expensive because it’s based on the wanton debt creation of pork barrelling government ministers, who appeal to us for the job then sign on with the Governor-General. So we have a system which works except it is disjointed at the point of the BIS, G-G and private banks. The only way to bring it under control is to make the politicians, Covid era health minister Grek Hunt is an excellent example, they should pay back everything they wasted.
Reality is that most of us (through no fault of our own) find ourselves in peasant status. Interest paid on mortgage, car loan, credit cards and taxes are added up it can amount to 70% of a family income!
In a sane world, any money “created” from nothing should be given interest free. Then people will spend on all kinds of products and services, which would be good for business, creating more jobs, generating more spending, more production, more income and a better world for everyone.
But, no, we are under the jackboot system of debt slavery! Sorcery casting spells of ignorance on people incapable of understanding how they’re being fleeced. The value of a typical Aussie around 1 million $. Each “human resource” with a stock certificate traded on the N.Y. Stock Exchange!
Housing investors have found the loans are effectively interest free in a rising market where interest is tax deductible.
The government contributes to the speculation mania.
The issue essentially is, how should people provide for themselves in old age. Fear of the future is a driver of the speculation mania.
I know zilch about the banker’s fiscal policies relating to western countries, however
You refer to human resource – a stock certificate.
Just to be clear, but the normies may not have a clue as to what you are referring to.
Then the question for our educationalists and politicians.
Is Ant referring to all the birth certificates of little babies sold in the exchange as a resource?
The basis of investing in ‘the resource’ is a actuarial account of the value of the ‘baby resource’ as it grows and eventually produces something and pays tax.
Of course the investors would be looking for the net profit value over a estimated lifetime.
Some life contingencies of cost have to be deducted from an estimated life’s profit margin I would think.
Similar to the ear tags on a cow – would have to be costed and taken into account, that would include the monitoring expenses raising the cow etc, deducted from the retail return gained at the retail checkout.
Be interesting if my Australian birth certificate was flogged off to a cunning investor in a ‘Job lot’ and whether I have provided a handy return to the investor.
Real Mary has referred to this fiscal management process for bankers, I presume, to estimate how much profit they can make out of any particular country by handing out some IOUs to the governing politicians to buy a vote and be sure of a comfortable existence with a nice super at the end.
As I stated I know sfa about this, it is an angina? , appears complicated but actually simple when one thinks of a herd of cows or field of wheat.
I recall with Dad when I was about 8 going to a farm, then dad and the farmer wandered through the wheat crop having a nibble of the heads.
Well eventually I realised that dad was just sighting and checking his bank’s asset to consider whether it would be good to give some more money to the farmer to collect the crop.
Being raised in a bank I suppose helps to understand some things.
So Ant, where have I gone wrong with the above?
12.05 PM
As you know, the something backing the “money from nothing” is each one of us who have a federal ID-Social Security number. As far as the “owners” are concerned, we are a commodity to be used by them as slaves in their parasite system. We “human resources” are used as backing for the loans granted to federal governments, we have to pay taxes as payment towards interest on the national debt.
We are given a value according to our contributions through taxes, mortgage payments and loan repayments.
Maybe that’s the mars-plan… send the Fed to another planet. Let them tax the entities there.
From Vision to Reality
“Neuralink, founded by Musk in 2016, has already achieved significant milestones in its mission to help people with traumatic injuries operate computers using only their thoughts. The company’s first device, named ‘Telepathy’, represents a major advancement in brain-computer interface technology. The implant contains more than 1,000 electrodes, far surpassing other similar devices in terms of precision and capability.”
We’ve arrived at the point when technology no longer serves people, it is used to enslave.
“They will send you to prison or in Trump’s case, and I’ve warned about this, assassinations. So if you’re not prepared to go to prison if you’re not prepared to sacrifice your life you’re in the wrong line of work”
That really pinpoints THE mother of all issues.
Those who don’t have the courage of their purported convictions are bound to wind up defeating the very cause that they purportedly uphold
1.49.54 on – 15/2 at – reading room.
About 29 full paras down to the Australian paragraph reference.🙀🙀🙀
Dianne heaps more overall, for you information, to check and corroborate.
3.17 PM
Now we have real Mary’s commentary for those who ignored Judy Byington, (above)
at the banned:,by some,
Situation WTPN FOR-5th feb 2025.
So much to consider:
Some snippets:
8 mins and 49 mins, some interesting stuff that even surprises me re Madeline McKain, although I had heard of Pdesta years ago.
14 mins: want a cheap house? Trry Washington DC🤪
23 mins Thor for Joe, who will not get the banned message.
51 mins For terry, just for us, pity others Did not listen to we? GOLD AND AT 33; SILVER. > $1,500🙀🤪
[remember ‘Q’ years ago; GOLD WILL DESTROY THE FED I.e fiat IOUs🤪]
41 – 43 + mins For Diane. Just corroboration, we knew of fazzledrip, child trafficking, sacrifices years ago, did we not? Suppose the rest will have to face the banned subject eventually!
IF THE REST ‘GROW A PAIR’? At 50 mins for those who have not.
96 mins stuff on Doge, as at the start but it pays to be a Congessman McCall.
[wonder if he is willing to sell his Ferrari? Joe you can pick up his jet, I could not afford the insurance.
58 mins, just for Elspeth on the King James Bible…. Sucked in Zionist Christians. 💁
59 mins more on Doge.
Sorry for just not reciting all of the illuminating stuff for our investigating msm journos, but you are paid and we at GS with Dee are not, so get off your own arse and do your jobs. U 2 ABC AND SBS…. We pay for your wasted space to DECEIVE US WITH BS.
Oh well, just keep in mind the housing market in Washington when it comes here for you lot.
Not drafted or proof read, why should I bother?
7.20 PM
This is for normies and the usual naysayers, who are smart enough NOT to follow banning suggestions. – people powered news
Got turbo cancer?
Try Jim Willie from about 25 mins.
Actually, have fun from the start. It is pre-Super Bowl but he has a background on Musk and DOGE. My view. How come DOGE APPARENTLY NOW RUNNING IN A FEW WEEKS with heaps of stuff that must have taken years to compile and how it is NOW. Jim explains.
And I am only up to thirty minutes.
8.33 PM
Just get to the end.
T is re-industrialisationing HIS COUNTRY
What are our R-SOLES doing in Canberra FOR OUR COUNTRY?
Who tells them to sabotage us?
10.38 PM
Steve Bannon
I finally got past all the distractions and heard the interview, Steve Bannon self-produces a huge amount of material but the video above is a great choice because Bannon is pitching it to a British interviewer so it is not far off the Australian perspective, just a few bits about Farrage and Starmer in there.
The neocons clearly want Their pre 911 PLAN’ to go ahead as reported by general Wesley Clark in the interview with Amy Goodman for the neocons to do ‘7 countries in five years with Iran last. (Report from recollection I think was in March 2008 or 7?)
They are completely mad just like as Chief Mason; Confederate General Albert Pyle! With His alleged letter to Mazzini that contains their PLAN TO WW111 and globalist agenda.
I wonder if McGregor knows all that.
Surely the military behind T know and be ready to thwart it.
For sure our bench sitters in Canberra would not have a clue and the lying fake msm (running dogs) should know as they would have their instruction to lie to us about it all. Did OUR ABC OR SBS EVER. BROADCAST THE CLARK-Goodman interview?💁WHATEVER, if our politicians and media want a war, then they should be conscripted and sent to it together with our resident haters on all sides.
The only hope to be had is that the white hat military HAVE A PLAN.
Take all with a grain of salt and do not be confused by BS and tactics…… it is not only chess being played but poker as well.
The irony is, when the globalists have finished with our village idiots, then they too will be dispensed with.
4.32 PM
Simon Parkes and Rodriguez on 17/2 at BIN PART ONE ( no part two) is fascinating.
Note closing 15 mins re ‘Q’ based on a quantum computer.
Early in the interview there is discussion on the QC. I recall way back some more detail as to how it predicts outcomes by analysis of alternative probabilities for conclusiobs.
Seem that most bad players have been dealt with or turned over the last four+ years.
Much more to consider carefully, like two OLD suitcase nukes disarmed in Australia. (Strange that over many years I have ‘Theorised’ on about two cities in Oz had them planted here)
Btw Hitler survived🙀🤷♂️💁 he had a snorkel💁🤪
11.55 PM
Simon Parkes revealing the source of his information:
“When I made an agreement with them, I actually remember making an agreement with them, I’d been taken on board the Craft and the Being, it’s a mounted Being with a purple cloak the same one that has called me and said “I’m your mother”, about nine foot tall. I’m hysterical, I’m screaming and
crying because I’m on this spaceship where it appears to be a school taking place, where children are being taught, they’re all girls I’m the only boy there and I’m being told to wait because “someone’s going to come and collect you you’re not coming to school you’re going to be collected” and then this Being sort of marches towards me, I don’t run away because in the back of my
head I think I know this creature, and then he walks straight up to me looks down and puts his two hands on my shoulders and says “would you like to be like us, to have knowledge and understanding, to know the future and see the past” but I never let him finish the sentence because I’m so interested in the past and the future I say “yes” because I really want to know about the
past and I really want to know about the future, and as soon as I say that his hand drops down off my shoulder, takes my right hand and he says “then come with me”.
Now this is really important because it empowered me. I realized that I had made an agreement; no longer was it a case of them coming and taking me and doing stuff and dropping me back, I’ve actually agreed to it now.
I’ll be honest with these things,you give them an inch and they’ll take a mile. So I didn’t agree to go on a spaceship or agree to an implant etc etc, but the implication is I have, because I’ve made
an agreement. They’ll now interpret that in a very wide angle, but what I would say to you is that most people who (have the same)experiences do not remember the agreement. they’re not permitted
to remember it and the reason is that it’s a “get out of jail free” card.
I’m not going to say, because they might become extremely cross with me
I’ll tell you this, if I bought a sofa from a shop and I sit on it and say “this is bloody uncomfortable I don’t like this I don’t want this sofa anymore, I want out” and I go to the shop and I say “I want my money back, take the sofa away” and they say “where’s your receipt ?” – I haven’t got the receipt, I can’t remember it – the only reason they’ve let me have the receipt is because they know I won’t use it, they know that I won’t cash it in. I’ve been permitted that because they’re so confident that I won’t want to jump ship.
I believe that every experiencer has an agreement but they’re not permitted to remember that agreement”
Said account sure does make perfect sense
And no, I’m not being sarcastic
Dear Elspeth,
Want to open some ‘banned’ knowledge/thoughts At – people ‘!banned’ ! News?
In the back of my mind for years this explained the virgin birth by Mary of Christ. I think I applied logic💁? no matter how way out!
So just consider from 30 mins till ‘awakened’ then go back to the start.
Joseph, if you can manage, catch up on Thor’s progeny🙀🤪🤷♂️
The title at BIN IS;
We are just vibrating energies/entities is my personal SUSPICION.
Elspeth, try 432 htz relaxation. Sounds. Half an hour a day.
Let us know how you go in a month or two. (and wear ear muffs in annoying retail stores if the piped ‘noise’ disturbs. The bastards do not want you to think)
6.07🤪 again!
If Israel wipes out the Aswan dam then Tel Aviv will cease to exist says some Egyptian.
Let em do it and just watch, not our problem!
Remember Billy Hughes and his policy for Australia re WW1 conscription….. that was accepted and volunteers went and got themselves dead in Turkey, the Middle East and France.
Hate, theft, arrogance, bigotry and stupid presents its own reward.
12.04 PM
According to certain ancient prophecies it’s not only Armageddon that gets hit but also the Vatican, a shame since it would make a good museum, they could have a robot JPII in the window. I was there once with JPII talking but I think it was a tape because squint as I may I couldn’t see him.
So it all gets blown to the shithouse but Geneva, home of the temple of Apollo, does not get a mention. So long as the establishment has the media, military, cops and funding stitched up, there is not much hope.
Update, WTPN on 17/2 with real Mary at: – people ‘banned’ news
Well, the turkeys know, pity about the usual poults here.
6.49 PM
Well normies want to know more BANNED knowledge.
At – people ‘banned’ news.
Ever heard of Mike King?
No! I have previously mentioned him
Well give him a chance: your life may depend on him!
Not interested? Just take another booster and listen to the mass media and their shock joke politicians.
I keep harping on this: THEY HAD A PLAN BUT IT WAS STUFFED IN 2016. Where would you be if it were not for….
Have a answer?
1.07 PM 🤪💁🤷♂️
Thanks for the Rumble link, we hear Rumble is a Peter Thiele project, limited freedom before being databased and fed poisoned bugs ? Under this liberal regime we even have Spewtube re-liberalised after the lows of Covid. The scenery keeps changing, it’s going fluid, soon will be vapour
I checked the duration and opening sequence, it’s the same
Probably look at it later on today
The Passion of the Christ 2: Resurrection (2025) – First Trailer | Jim Caviezel
Hopefully Jim will be spared further lightning strikes during the filming.
Mel Gibson has given an update on his much-delayed sequel to 2004’s Biblical blockbuster “The Passion of the Christ.” Speaking on Joe Rogan’s podcast, he said production on the film — which has been in development since at least 2016 — could begin in 2026. “I’m hoping next year sometime.
There’s growing speculation in Hollywood and among fans about The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection, a potential follow-up to the groundbreaking 2004 film The Passion of the Christ. Jim Caviezel, who delivered a powerful performance as Jesus Christ in the original, has hinted at his possible return, igniting discussions about the next chapter in this iconic story.
Please note that this video is a concept trailer created solely for artistic and entertainment purposes.
Most will laugh with these thoughts I’m printing. The solution is simple, shut down the privately owned reserve bank of Oz and end taxation. Have the “mint” do what it is there for, print the money from nothing (as banksters do) without charging interest! That is, pay back only the amount borrowed. Overnight prosperity will return.
Usury, charging interest compounding, is a crime against people everywhere. Those responsible for this injustice need to go to Mars on one way tickets.
Thirdly, make slavemasonry a criminal offence closing down all masonic halls.
How about a No Tax No Usury Party?
Because we are in a growth economy, that is the population is going up and the economy is (supposedly) expanding as more stuff is dug up and created, the pool of money needs to expand otherwise we get deflation ie the value of money going up as with Bitcoin. For a stable currency in a growth economy the government needs to print exactly the same amount to match the growth of the economy and the government (people) therefore benefit from the free money initially created by the government ie a limited socialism. Where does the Swiss BIS come into this ? They are providing a Global service but incredibly expensive because it’s based on the wanton debt creation of pork barrelling government ministers, who appeal to us for the job then sign on with the Governor-General. So we have a system which works except it is disjointed at the point of the BIS, G-G and private banks. The only way to bring it under control is to make the politicians, Covid era health minister Grek Hunt is an excellent example, they should pay back everything they wasted.
I am not laughing.
2.38 PM
Reality is that most of us (through no fault of our own) find ourselves in peasant status. Interest paid on mortgage, car loan, credit cards and taxes are added up it can amount to 70% of a family income!
In a sane world, any money “created” from nothing should be given interest free. Then people will spend on all kinds of products and services, which would be good for business, creating more jobs, generating more spending, more production, more income and a better world for everyone.
But, no, we are under the jackboot system of debt slavery! Sorcery casting spells of ignorance on people incapable of understanding how they’re being fleeced. The value of a typical Aussie around 1 million $. Each “human resource” with a stock certificate traded on the N.Y. Stock Exchange!
Housing investors have found the loans are effectively interest free in a rising market where interest is tax deductible.
The government contributes to the speculation mania.
The issue essentially is, how should people provide for themselves in old age. Fear of the future is a driver of the speculation mania.
I know zilch about the banker’s fiscal policies relating to western countries, however
You refer to human resource – a stock certificate.
Just to be clear, but the normies may not have a clue as to what you are referring to.
Then the question for our educationalists and politicians.
Is Ant referring to all the birth certificates of little babies sold in the exchange as a resource?
The basis of investing in ‘the resource’ is a actuarial account of the value of the ‘baby resource’ as it grows and eventually produces something and pays tax.
Of course the investors would be looking for the net profit value over a estimated lifetime.
Some life contingencies of cost have to be deducted from an estimated life’s profit margin I would think.
Similar to the ear tags on a cow – would have to be costed and taken into account, that would include the monitoring expenses raising the cow etc, deducted from the retail return gained at the retail checkout.
Be interesting if my Australian birth certificate was flogged off to a cunning investor in a ‘Job lot’ and whether I have provided a handy return to the investor.
Real Mary has referred to this fiscal management process for bankers, I presume, to estimate how much profit they can make out of any particular country by handing out some IOUs to the governing politicians to buy a vote and be sure of a comfortable existence with a nice super at the end.
As I stated I know sfa about this, it is an angina? , appears complicated but actually simple when one thinks of a herd of cows or field of wheat.
I recall with Dad when I was about 8 going to a farm, then dad and the farmer wandered through the wheat crop having a nibble of the heads.
Well eventually I realised that dad was just sighting and checking his bank’s asset to consider whether it would be good to give some more money to the farmer to collect the crop.
Being raised in a bank I suppose helps to understand some things.
So Ant, where have I gone wrong with the above?
12.05 PM
As you know, the something backing the “money from nothing” is each one of us who have a federal ID-Social Security number. As far as the “owners” are concerned, we are a commodity to be used by them as slaves in their parasite system. We “human resources” are used as backing for the loans granted to federal governments, we have to pay taxes as payment towards interest on the national debt.
We are given a value according to our contributions through taxes, mortgage payments and loan repayments.
Maybe that’s the mars-plan… send the Fed to another planet. Let them tax the entities there.
Robbie Thorpe has been telling us about the crime scene for a long time he has lived it
From Vision to Reality
“Neuralink, founded by Musk in 2016, has already achieved significant milestones in its mission to help people with traumatic injuries operate computers using only their thoughts. The company’s first device, named ‘Telepathy’, represents a major advancement in brain-computer interface technology. The implant contains more than 1,000 electrodes, far surpassing other similar devices in terms of precision and capability.”
We’ve arrived at the point when technology no longer serves people, it is used to enslave.
Steve Bannon vid intro:
“They will send you to prison or in Trump’s case, and I’ve warned about this, assassinations. So if you’re not prepared to go to prison if you’re not prepared to sacrifice your life you’re in the wrong line of work”
That really pinpoints THE mother of all issues.
Those who don’t have the courage of their purported convictions are bound to wind up defeating the very cause that they purportedly uphold
At 7:39:
“they(the users & bleeders) just got lazy”
Which is what invariably happens when you don’t have any real personal conviction about anything
Very ‘turtleze’💁
1.49.54 on – 15/2 at – reading room.
About 29 full paras down to the Australian paragraph reference.🙀🙀🙀
Dianne heaps more overall, for you information, to check and corroborate.
3.17 PM
Typo: Reading room.
3.19 PM
Sorry, forgot to add that it is a Judy Byington news snippets report.3.30 PM
Now we have real Mary’s commentary for those who ignored Judy Byington, (above)
at the banned:,by some,
Situation WTPN FOR-5th feb 2025.
So much to consider:
Some snippets:
8 mins and 49 mins, some interesting stuff that even surprises me re Madeline McKain, although I had heard of Pdesta years ago.
14 mins: want a cheap house? Trry Washington DC🤪
23 mins Thor for Joe, who will not get the banned message.
51 mins For terry, just for us, pity others Did not listen to we? GOLD AND AT 33; SILVER. > $1,500🙀🤪
[remember ‘Q’ years ago; GOLD WILL DESTROY THE FED I.e fiat IOUs🤪]
41 – 43 + mins For Diane. Just corroboration, we knew of fazzledrip, child trafficking, sacrifices years ago, did we not? Suppose the rest will have to face the banned subject eventually!
IF THE REST ‘GROW A PAIR’? At 50 mins for those who have not.
96 mins stuff on Doge, as at the start but it pays to be a Congessman McCall.
[wonder if he is willing to sell his Ferrari? Joe you can pick up his jet, I could not afford the insurance.
58 mins, just for Elspeth on the King James Bible…. Sucked in Zionist Christians. 💁
59 mins more on Doge.
Sorry for just not reciting all of the illuminating stuff for our investigating msm journos, but you are paid and we at GS with Dee are not, so get off your own arse and do your jobs. U 2 ABC AND SBS…. We pay for your wasted space to DECEIVE US WITH BS.
Oh well, just keep in mind the housing market in Washington when it comes here for you lot.
Not drafted or proof read, why should I bother?
7.20 PM
This is for normies and the usual naysayers, who are smart enough NOT to follow banning suggestions. – people powered news
Got turbo cancer?
Try Jim Willie from about 25 mins.
Actually, have fun from the start. It is pre-Super Bowl but he has a background on Musk and DOGE. My view. How come DOGE APPARENTLY NOW RUNNING IN A FEW WEEKS with heaps of stuff that must have taken years to compile and how it is NOW. Jim explains.
And I am only up to thirty minutes.
8.33 PM
Just get to the end.
T is re-industrialisationing HIS COUNTRY
What are our R-SOLES doing in Canberra FOR OUR COUNTRY?
Who tells them to sabotage us?
10.38 PM
Wow this just about broke the NZ internet (3 min)
Peter Dutton and Gina Rinehart (1 min)
Steve Bannon
I finally got past all the distractions and heard the interview, Steve Bannon self-produces a huge amount of material but the video above is a great choice because Bannon is pitching it to a British interviewer so it is not far off the Australian perspective, just a few bits about Farrage and Starmer in there.
ISRAEL & IRAN: Why The Conflict Will Lead to WW3, UKRAINE War Decided | Douglas MacGregor
The neocons clearly want Their pre 911 PLAN’ to go ahead as reported by general Wesley Clark in the interview with Amy Goodman for the neocons to do ‘7 countries in five years with Iran last. (Report from recollection I think was in March 2008 or 7?)
They are completely mad just like as Chief Mason; Confederate General Albert Pyle! With His alleged letter to Mazzini that contains their PLAN TO WW111 and globalist agenda.
I wonder if McGregor knows all that.
Surely the military behind T know and be ready to thwart it.
For sure our bench sitters in Canberra would not have a clue and the lying fake msm (running dogs) should know as they would have their instruction to lie to us about it all. Did OUR ABC OR SBS EVER. BROADCAST THE CLARK-Goodman interview?💁WHATEVER, if our politicians and media want a war, then they should be conscripted and sent to it together with our resident haters on all sides.
The only hope to be had is that the white hat military HAVE A PLAN.
Take all with a grain of salt and do not be confused by BS and tactics…… it is not only chess being played but poker as well.
The irony is, when the globalists have finished with our village idiots, then they too will be dispensed with.
4.32 PM
Simon Parkes and Rodriguez on 17/2 at BIN PART ONE ( no part two) is fascinating.
Note closing 15 mins re ‘Q’ based on a quantum computer.
Early in the interview there is discussion on the QC. I recall way back some more detail as to how it predicts outcomes by analysis of alternative probabilities for conclusiobs.
Seem that most bad players have been dealt with or turned over the last four+ years.
Much more to consider carefully, like two OLD suitcase nukes disarmed in Australia. (Strange that over many years I have ‘Theorised’ on about two cities in Oz had them planted here)
Btw Hitler survived🙀🤷♂️💁 he had a snorkel💁🤪
11.55 PM
Simon Parkes revealing the source of his information:
“When I made an agreement with them, I actually remember making an agreement with them, I’d been taken on board the Craft and the Being, it’s a mounted Being with a purple cloak the same one that has called me and said “I’m your mother”, about nine foot tall. I’m hysterical, I’m screaming and
crying because I’m on this spaceship where it appears to be a school taking place, where children are being taught, they’re all girls I’m the only boy there and I’m being told to wait because “someone’s going to come and collect you you’re not coming to school you’re going to be collected” and then this Being sort of marches towards me, I don’t run away because in the back of my
head I think I know this creature, and then he walks straight up to me looks down and puts his two hands on my shoulders and says “would you like to be like us, to have knowledge and understanding, to know the future and see the past” but I never let him finish the sentence because I’m so interested in the past and the future I say “yes” because I really want to know about the
past and I really want to know about the future, and as soon as I say that his hand drops down off my shoulder, takes my right hand and he says “then come with me”.
Now this is really important because it empowered me. I realized that I had made an agreement; no longer was it a case of them coming and taking me and doing stuff and dropping me back, I’ve actually agreed to it now.
I’ll be honest with these things,you give them an inch and they’ll take a mile. So I didn’t agree to go on a spaceship or agree to an implant etc etc, but the implication is I have, because I’ve made
an agreement. They’ll now interpret that in a very wide angle, but what I would say to you is that most people who (have the same)experiences do not remember the agreement. they’re not permitted
to remember it and the reason is that it’s a “get out of jail free” card.
I’m not going to say, because they might become extremely cross with me
I’ll tell you this, if I bought a sofa from a shop and I sit on it and say “this is bloody uncomfortable I don’t like this I don’t want this sofa anymore, I want out” and I go to the shop and I say “I want my money back, take the sofa away” and they say “where’s your receipt ?” – I haven’t got the receipt, I can’t remember it – the only reason they’ve let me have the receipt is because they know I won’t use it, they know that I won’t cash it in. I’ve been permitted that because they’re so confident that I won’t want to jump ship.
I believe that every experiencer has an agreement but they’re not permitted to remember that agreement”
Said account sure does make perfect sense
And no, I’m not being sarcastic
A open mind with curious logic and discernment can lead to an altered destiny.
Ask Galileo!
Dear Elspeth,
Want to open some ‘banned’ knowledge/thoughts At – people ‘!banned’ ! News?
In the back of my mind for years this explained the virgin birth by Mary of Christ. I think I applied logic💁? no matter how way out!
So just consider from 30 mins till ‘awakened’ then go back to the start.
Joseph, if you can manage, catch up on Thor’s progeny🙀🤪🤷♂️
The title at BIN IS;
We are just vibrating energies/entities is my personal SUSPICION.
Elspeth, try 432 htz relaxation. Sounds. Half an hour a day.
Let us know how you go in a month or two. (and wear ear muffs in annoying retail stores if the piped ‘noise’ disturbs. The bastards do not want you to think)
6.07🤪 again!
“I believe that every experiencer has an agreement but they’re not permitted to remember that agreement”
An oblique acknowledgment that such individuals are in denial that such abductions can’t take place against an abductee’s will
4 hours ago.
COL. Douglas Macgregor: Netanyahu Faces Total Defeat As Hamas Gains Support And Israel Loses Control
If Israel wipes out the Aswan dam then Tel Aviv will cease to exist says some Egyptian.
Let em do it and just watch, not our problem!
Remember Billy Hughes and his policy for Australia re WW1 conscription….. that was accepted and volunteers went and got themselves dead in Turkey, the Middle East and France.
Hate, theft, arrogance, bigotry and stupid presents its own reward.
12.04 PM
According to certain ancient prophecies it’s not only Armageddon that gets hit but also the Vatican, a shame since it would make a good museum, they could have a robot JPII in the window. I was there once with JPII talking but I think it was a tape because squint as I may I couldn’t see him.
So it all gets blown to the shithouse but Geneva, home of the temple of Apollo, does not get a mention. So long as the establishment has the media, military, cops and funding stitched up, there is not much hope.
Paramilitary called in with advanced weaponry against citizens peacefully protesting against being attacked with advanced bio-weapons, nothing shown on crooked, sick ABC-TV
The real threat isn’t aliens.
Musk MAFIA Trumper faces impeachment
Trump and Putin to have initial discussion re Ukraine in Saudi Arabia without Zelensky or EU.
Alastair Crooke : Trump and Putin’s World Now
Zelenskyy in meeting with JD Vance is repositioning, new policy is crawl up everyone’s arse and beg for any outcome
Larry Johnson : Worrying About China
Update, WTPN on 17/2 with real Mary at: – people ‘banned’ news
Well, the turkeys know, pity about the usual poults here.
6.49 PM
Well normies want to know more BANNED knowledge.
At – people ‘banned’ news.
Ever heard of Mike King?
No! I have previously mentioned him
Well give him a chance: your life may depend on him!
Not interested? Just take another booster and listen to the mass media and their shock joke politicians.
I keep harping on this: THEY HAD A PLAN BUT IT WAS STUFFED IN 2016. Where would you be if it were not for….
Have a answer?
1.07 PM 🤪💁🤷♂️
Jackie Lambie, Pocock and various seat warmers eclipsed
Mel Gibson EXPOSED It, Reality is CONTROLLED.. Evidence is Everywhere! – no bs
Thanks for the Rumble link, we hear Rumble is a Peter Thiele project, limited freedom before being databased and fed poisoned bugs ? Under this liberal regime we even have Spewtube re-liberalised after the lows of Covid. The scenery keeps changing, it’s going fluid, soon will be vapour
I checked the duration and opening sequence, it’s the same
Probably look at it later on today
The Passion of the Christ 2: Resurrection (2025) – First Trailer | Jim Caviezel
Hopefully Jim will be spared further lightning strikes during the filming.
Mel Gibson has given an update on his much-delayed sequel to 2004’s Biblical blockbuster “The Passion of the Christ.” Speaking on Joe Rogan’s podcast, he said production on the film — which has been in development since at least 2016 — could begin in 2026. “I’m hoping next year sometime.
There’s growing speculation in Hollywood and among fans about The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection, a potential follow-up to the groundbreaking 2004 film The Passion of the Christ. Jim Caviezel, who delivered a powerful performance as Jesus Christ in the original, has hinted at his possible return, igniting discussions about the next chapter in this iconic story.
Please note that this video is a concept trailer created solely for artistic and entertainment purposes.
Elon Musk Is DOGE’s Frontman But He Doesn’t Actually Work There
Gregory Korte
February 19 2025
February 4, 2025
Washington Journal
Gregory Korte on Elon Musk and “DOGE” Efforts
Gregory Korte talked about Elon Musk’s role and the actions of his “Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE).”
Trump MELTDOWN on Musk DOGE scandal
Matt Hoh : Trump and Mass Killings in Gaza. + Ukraine developments