[Editor’s note: Q and A, about the 2020 Electoral College]
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
- What date is the Electoral College meeting this year?
A – December 14, 2020
- When will the electors votes be opened?
A – January 6, 2021
- When do the new senators and reps begin their term of office?
A – January 3, 2021
- What does the US Constitution say about political Parties?
A – Nothing whatsoever.
- On what basis are states allotted a certain number of electoral votes?
A – They each get two, and also they get one for every member of the US House of Reps they have. So, it’s mostly populational. California, with a huge population, gets the most electors – 55 (two, plus its 53 Congressional seats).
- Are electors expected to vote for the person who got a majority in that state’s November 3, 2020 election?
A – Yes, 48 states do that, but Maine and Nebraska allow one electoral vote to go to the party that won each House seat. (E.g., if Maine voted for Biden as president and voted for Republican Mrs Jones as Congresswoman in District 1 and Democrat Mr Smith in District 2, three electors would vote for Biden, 1 for Trump.)
- Who chooses the electors?
A – State law governs the manner of choosing electors. Often the state allows each Party to name its potential electors before the November election, and in some states their name is printed on the ballot. If you had been named as an elector by the Republican Party, but your man (Trump) did not win, you will not attend the electors’ meeting on December 14. The Democrat electors from your state would go.
- What if there is local dispute as to who the true electors are?
A – The state must work it out. Per Article II, section 1: “Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors….” (In this Q and A, the quoting of an “Article” refers to the US Constitution.)
- Who decided the date for that meeting?
A – Article I, sec 1: “The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors and the Day on which they shall give their Votes.” Congress did as suggested; it legislated the date to be “the first Monday after the second Wednesday.”
- Is Biden guaranteed to be elected by the electors?
A – No, there is never a guarantee. According to the CRS (Congressional Research Service), only 32 states attempt to bind their electors to the November 3rd Party result. The other 18 do not.
- How many unpledged electors are there, as of November 8, 2020, from those 18 states?
A – There seem to be 197 unpledged, as follows:
Arkansas-6, Georgia-16, Idaho-4, Illinois-20, Kansas-6, Kentucky-8, Louisiana-8, Mississippi-6, Montana-3, New Hampshire-4, New Jersey-14, New York-29, North Dakota-3, Pennsylvania-20, Rhode Island-4, South Dakota-3, Texas-38, and West Virginia-5.
- Which of those unpledged electors come from states that voted for Biden?
A – I have bolded them if it was a Biden state. Total of unpledged electors from states that voted for Biden seems to be 117.
- Do unpledged electors tend to go rogue?
A – It is rare. In over two centuries, fewer than 1% have deviated from voting in the expected way.
- Can those 18 states’ unpledged electors vote for a third person – not Trump or Biden?
A – Yes, any unpledged elector can write the name of any natural-born US citizen, age 35 or up, who resided in US for at least 14 years (and who has not already had 8 years of presidency – hence not Bill Clinton, George W Bush or Barack Obama).
- When the electors’ ballots are opened on January 6, if either Trump or Biden has 270 votes, is that the end of the story?
Yes. Of the 538 electors, a winner needs 51% or 270. Two persons could never get 270 each (that would require 540 electors!).
- What happens if both Biden and Trump fall short of 270?
A – Per Amendment XII (ratified in 1804): “If no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President.”
- How is that House voting to be conducted?
A – Per Amendment XII: “The votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states [34 states], and a majority of all the states [26 states] shall be necessary to a choice.”
- Has it ever happened that a president was chosen by Congress in this way?
A – Yes. It happened once in 1825. This is known as a contingent election.
- What if, on January 6, 2021, 267 electoral votes are opened for Biden, and 251 for Trump, while each of five “new names” split the remaining 20 as: 6, 6, 4, 3, and 1?
A – Although the Constitution says the three highest can be voted on by the House, no doubt common sense would prevail and both of the 6’s would be allowed in.
- To make a real example, let’s not have any doubles. Let the small “candidates” have 7, 5, 4, 3, and 1. Let the lucky 7 person be Justice Amy Barrett. What will happen?
A – The fact that Biden got a near-win of 267 no longer really matters. It is a fresh game and each of the fifty states gets 1 vote. Of the 50 states, a majority are “red.” Note, however, that within a given state, there may be disagreement as to whom that state should vote for.
- In the case of a contingent election, who is the likely winner?
A – Should the unusual event occur on January 6, 2021, the winner is likely to be the Constitution and the men who framed it. They were wise enough to rule that the House voters had to stick at it, hour after hour, day after day, until a president emerges with the necessary 26 votes.
The following is a direct quote from Title 3 of the United States Code. Probably too technical for us to care about, but it is good to know that if a lot of questions come up at the January 6 event, Congress has long since foreseen them and catered for them! I will bolden a few interesting items.
Note: On the same day, the Senate is to deal with the election of a Vice President. That has not been discussed above, but there are some references to it below.
3 USC 15:
Congress shall be in session on the sixth day of January succeeding every meeting of the electors. The Senate and House of Representatives shall meet in the Hall of the House of Representatives at the hour of 1 o’clock in the afternoon on that day, and the President of the Senate [Mike Pence] shall be their presiding officer. Two tellers shall be previously appointed on the part of the Senate and two on the part of the House of Representatives, to whom shall be handed, as they are opened by the President of the Senate, all the certificates and papers purporting to be certificates of the electoral votes, which certificates and papers shall be opened, presented, and acted upon in the alphabetical order of the States, beginning with the letter A; and said tellers, having then read the same in the presence and hearing of the two Houses, shall make a list of the votes as they shall appear from the said certificates; and the votes having been ascertained and counted according to the rules in this subchapter provided, the result of the same shall be delivered to the President of the Senate, who shall thereupon announce the state of the vote, which announcement shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons, if any, elected President and Vice President of the United States, and, together with a list of the votes, be entered on the Journals of the two Houses. Upon such reading of any such certificate or paper, the President of the Senate shall call for objections, if any. Every objection shall be made in writing, and shall state clearly and concisely, and without argument, the ground thereof, and shall be signed by at least one Senator and one Member of the House of Representatives before the same shall be received. When all objections so made to any vote or paper from a State shall have been received and read, the Senate shall thereupon withdraw, and such objections shall be submitted to the Senate for its decision; and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall, in like manner, submit such objections to the House of Representatives for its decision; and no electoral vote or votes from any State which shall have been regularly given by electors whose appointment has been lawfully certified to according to section 6 of this title from which but one return has been received shall be rejected, but the two Houses concurrently may reject the vote or votes when they agree that such vote or votes have not been so regularly given by electors whose appointment has been so certified. If more than one return or paper purporting to be a return from a State shall have been received by the President of the Senate, those votes, and those only, shall be counted which shall have been regularly given by the electors who are shown by the determination mentioned in section 5 of this title to have been appointed, if the determination in said section provided for shall have been made, or by such successors or substitutes, in case of a vacancy in the board of electors so ascertained, as have been appointed to fill such vacancy in the mode provided by the laws of the State; but in case there shall arise the question which of two or more of such State authorities determining what electors have been appointed, as mentioned in section 5 of this title, is the lawful tribunal of such State, the votes regularly given of those electors, and those only, of such State shall be counted whose title as electors the two Houses, acting separately, shall concurrently decide is supported by the decision of such State so authorized by its law; and in such case of more than one return or paper purporting to be a return from a State, if there shall have been no such determination of the question in the State aforesaid, then those votes, and those only, shall be counted which the two Houses shall concurrently decide were cast by lawful electors appointed in accordance with the laws of the State, unless the two Houses, acting separately, shall concurrently decide such votes not to be the lawful votes of the legally appointed electors of such State. But if the two Houses shall disagree in respect of the counting of such votes, then, and in that case, the votes of the electors whose appointment shall have been certified by the executive of the State, under the seal thereof, shall be counted. When the two Houses have voted, they shall immediately again meet, and the presiding officer shall then announce the decision of the questions submitted. No votes or papers from any other State shall be acted upon until the objections previously made to the votes or papers from any State shall have been finally disposed of.
It seems that Mark Esper has been dismissed as Defense Secretary, to be replaced by Miller.
I never watched Trumps “Apprentice” show which is always dismissed by the left as “reality tv fantasy” but having watched it once, years ago, for a few minutes I can say it was simply an expose on how to get things done in an organisation, he sat there and explained to people how they had gone off on a tangent and then he sacked them.
I said above that red has more states than blue, but the 2020 election may have made it 50-50. I am not sure.
By the way, there should be a BIPARTISAN task force in every state looking at the honesty of the 2020 election.
I don’t approve of calling a state by a color. When I was in Alabama, 75% of registered voters were Republican and 25% Democrat. How would you like to be told as a Democrat in AL that you have no power?
In 2017 the Judge Moore affair caused the Dem — Doug Jones — to win “my” senate seat. But last week Doug lost that seat. I think he has a lot to answer for as having been a prosecutor in the Eric Rudolph case.
Dear Aussies, I am sorry to burden you with Seppo details. But you may wish to take a look at my 2017 article on the Eric Rudolph capture, especially as the now dear-departed Fredrick Toben gave us comments that have since been deleted by Youtube. Mal, if you recall the subject matter, pray tell. Danke.
“Fredrick Toben gave us comments that have since been deleted by Youtube” – an entity that’s evidently loath to fess up as such thereby magnifying the nature of the respective policy.
Mary, I was able to just remove the leading asterisk and thankfully all the links are intact – maybe just a legacy formatting interpretation on migration to WordPress. You made reference to ‘especially’ Part 6 which I must now watch. Lots of other good stuff on that channel.
The Game-changing McKibben Interviews – posted by Fredrick Tobin
Part 1: Trillion Dollar Rip-Off: Social Networking is a Stolen Trade Secret
Part 2: The Evil Tech Cartel Weaponizing Social Media
Part 3: Leader v. Facebook: Zuckerberg’s Theft of Social Media
Part 4: Internet Global Dominance: Military Cyber Warfighting
Part 5: ** Leader Technologies’ Cyberwar Solution: Un-Weaponize the Internet**
Part 6: Real Russian Meddling in the Election: Facebook’s Template to Win
Normally Max Keiser doesn’t buy too much into politics but the latest edition there’s not much holding back. The last 1600 episodes were all on youtube but the latest, ep. 1616, seems to be “held up” on you tube, except for the Spanish version. But don’t worry, you can still get it on RT.
In terms of politics and censorship, it is probably the most packed episode ever.
FinCEN travel rule proposed immediately before election:
“A Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) rule [31 CFR 103.33(g)]—often called the “Travel” rule—requires all financial institutions to pass on certain information to the next financial institution, in certain funds transmittals involving more than one financial institution.”
Every transaction more than $250 has to be reported, this means, if your money exchange shop isn’t wired into the system, you can’t legally operate, so all foreign exchange transactions for example, must go through the banks who charge about 10% per transaction (small private traders in Thailand charge about 1%). No trading without “the mark”.
How many Qantas frequent-flyer points do you have?
Thank you very much, you arseholes in the Banking World and United Nations that brought this financial catastrophe, deliberately upon us. You must be very proud of yourselves.
Now you politicians that “ran” with the arseholes, how are you going to fix this problem, so that there is a future parliamentary system for you to be voted into for another cushy position?
You don’t really think that the Cabal you worked so ferociously for, against the people (your constituents) in providing the “scam of the century” are likely to come to your rescue, do you? You, like all used things, will be caste aside very shortly and thrown to the wolves (we the people).
This event is already in motion. Legal cases worldwide are currently springing up and your previous employers ( the Cabal) will be too busy looking after their own scalps to be worried about yours.
Aussie, perhaps you are being too serious and worried.
Relax with our ABC. There is much relaxation to be found for a billion or so on ABC.
Last night was a ABC bloody bonza bonking delight. Then we had Q and A with some old retired bonkers.
Aussie, relax …… oops, just coincidence, ‘bonking’ might be confused with ‘banking’. Oh well, either way we pay for it all, just relax……….there is not much of a distinction for us, either way we are bonked no matter what.
In our village a recently redundant former airline pilot took up the local coffee house, he named it the “Coffee Hanger”. His wife a former airline hostess helps out, but she is re-training as a nurse.
We had a yarn as former pilots and along with another mate of mine that has not had a job in 18 months, the end of the aviation industry seems near complete. Everything cascades down from there, lodging, tour boats, dive boats, etc. – the whole tourist industry is collapsing.
On topic:
The article above is fraught with ordinary words potentially having very specific definitions but just looking at the last line “No votes or papers from any other State shall be acted upon until the objections previously made to the votes or papers from any State shall have been finally disposed of.” This would appear to describe a very long process and the “contingent election” process starts on Jan 6th ? At face value it would appear Trump has it in the bag. And the subject of the topic, Judge Amy, apparently has experience going back to dangling chad days (2000).
“How to win an election based on a multitude of faulty voting systems. ”
To clarify: the new voting starts on December 14, 2020 when, in each state, the electors front up for a meeting at which each of them independently fills out a ballot for President and a ballot for Vice President.
I want to emphasize that if any fights that break out, it is strictly the role of the state, not the feds, to sort it out.
‘w3’ writes : ‘ At face value it would appear Trump has it in the bag’.
YET ……. ‘w3’ is too chicken to put his money where his mouth is when I offer to suggest a modest wager over the outcome – a wager that guarantees funding to a worthy cause. (Dee’s child rescue).
The hubris of this petty little Rabbi.
Your arrogance is incredible.
You really know how to lower the tone with your relentless, irrelevant personal attacks. Even your bet is useless, you offer me $1 to participate. If you so much want to donate to Dee, go ahead and donate $1000, send the bank remittance and I will match you.
Hurry up and do it now, I’m bored with the delay.
Get that megaburger out of your face and do it
You’re not the most trustworthy individual that I’ve encountered ‘w3’ .
We can pretty much bet London to a brick that if I sent Dee some money that you wouldn’t match it and disappear from Gumshoe as ‘w3’.
(The more likely scenario is you’ll be back spreading your disinformation under a new pseudonym as your Mossad handlers instruct you to do from time to time anyway).
I’m certainly true to my word if I say I’m going to send Dee funds.
With that in mind, you first Rabbi. Let’s see if we can get you to part with some of your precious shekels.
Ha ha you have weaseled out already, suddenly you don’t care about children anymore, unless you are exploiting them in order to big-note yourself. You are truly the most pathetic individual I have ever come across, this is a new low, which not many people could equal.
Hurry up and
You talk about putting money on the table, you are absolutely gutless, do it now, I RAISE YOU ANOTHER $1000
All mouth and no brain
OK Gumshoe subscribers, let’s have some fun.
Unlike ‘w3’, who’s able to source unlimited amounts of digitally created dollars from his Usury Banker mates, I am someone of much more modest means.
That said, I have a little while ago sent $ 100 to Dee’s account to assist that mum with her abducted child.
The ball’s now in your court Rabbi ‘w3’.
You’ve said above you’d raise me $ 1000 (implying that whatever I come up with, you’ll donate even more), let’s see what you come up with.
Dee, I would appreciate it if you can keep us updated on the tally and who’s trailing at any give time.
You gutless bludger, I’ll do nothing you say. I won’t agree to your terms. Pay $2000 and I will match you. Otherwise, shut up. You and I know nothing about each other’s circumstances, but I call you a liar. Any more of your rubbish, I raise you again. This is only what Kosher Friedburger gave you, lying parasite.
You can bet and donate to your hearts content with someone else, I am not your friend.
I won’t engage with you on your terms.
If you have some useful information to contribute, put it out there. I’m not interested in you or your personal life or your unsupported judgements. Do you have information? Or just ZDS rubbish. If you have nothing to contribute, leave me alone.
None of us is exempt from a critique of our our arguments here on Gumshoe.
We will all get it wrong from time to time and if one of my arguments, or those of others I debate with from time to time (like a Ned or a Duns Scotus), is found to not hold water down the track, it’s no big deal.
That’s because said individuals were SINCERE in their beliefs and their MOTIVES were well intentioned.
Not so you Rabbi ‘w3’. You peddle your misinformation with MALICE AFORETHOUGHT in your capacity as a sayanim for your Zio-controllers.
As long as you keep posting these whoppers that you do, I’ll be there using my Zio Fact Checker (ZFC) sources.
You can keep obfuscating by calling it derangement syndrome but the other readers can deconstruct the evidence I present Vs your fact-free assertions and decide for themselves who’s propagating ‘derangement’.
Your idea was a stupid bet where you would put $1 on the table.
You conflated my odds on Trump with betting odds then put some type of disadvantaged children in the pot with your stupid bet.
I have raised you to a $2000 donation, put up or shut up.
Pay now you gutless rubbish Veggie.
All your idea to try to extract money you stupid Veggie.
Pay now and if I don’t pay I’m sure Dee will refund you.
Get Dee to forward your bank remittance.
Stop lying and making excuses.
Dee, when you see Veggies $2000 in your bank account please forward me the remittance.
I will not be asking for a refund either way.
Whatever I give to Dee’s fund stays there – whether or not you’re proven to be the tight-arse fraud that we’ve all come to know.
No need for Dee to post proof of remittances to either one of us.
Dee’s word is as good as gold.
If Dee says either one of us transferred a certain amount, that’s good enough for me.
Are you going to call Dee a liar ‘w3’ and challenge her word, you snivelling feckless and craven sod ?
Gutless Veggie has now conflated Dee’s honesty and disadvantaged children into his excuse to not pay.
You wanted a bet, you got one.
Useless lying Veggie
Instead of eating megaburgers every night you can boil yourself and you’ll save $2000 in a month or so, that’s just what the Jewish person gave you for Jobkeeper, don’t be so selfish, pay now, if you don’t pay by tonight I’m going to raise you again.
Stop crying, “it’s only money”
What’s with the PAY, PAY, PAY nonsense ?
I’ve already transferred funds.
Now it’s your turn big mouth – seeing as you’ve committed in writing, to raise the ante.
I’m waiting for the remittance, hurry up and send it to Dee and when I get it I will pay, until then, I don’t believe you, you’re a liar
You berks are good for a smile.
I pray that they share a room with each other in their nursing home in due course.
That will give the other inmates some fabulous activities for entertainment.
What does the US Constitution say about political Parties?
A – Nothing whatsoever.
This is because political parties play no part in a genuine democracy. Parties are lobbies for vested interests, which is as anti-democracy as you can get.
Quite so, Tony.
You probably don’t remember but a couple of years ago I sent you my rough proposal for an “Australian Patriot’s Co-operative” which was my rough suggestion for a diverse, decentralised method to propose, promote and protect candidates and policies from the “grass roots”. It has no centralised policy formulating elite whatsoever at any stage of the selection of candidates or what they stand for (the platform is “condensed” out of the aspirations and concerns of the base membership of each electorate).
You said it was “interesting”, as I recall. Curiously, you’re the only one who ever bothered to dismiss the proposal as “interesting”. Most simply ignore it as a no use proposal that will not promote a wannabe demagogue who only wants support serfs for his great ideas… and, of course, that’s exactly what it’s intended to be. Most likely the candidates chosen would be pushed “kicking and screaming” into an onerous position they never had any ambitions for.
But, there is an adage: “Anyone who desires to gain political power is unsuitable to have it”.
I think I remember friend. You may have even a couple of times put your direct contact details out “there” (as Tony has).
Up to me I would force both of you into “office”. Kicking and screaming No I’m sure. Only confirming my intuitive choice.
Sorry, the pay would be the median of the governed and no overseas travel except for the minister of trade.
A pay cut, so I would cut you all loose after 4 years.
To cover the hole that only elitists can afford that, the “former” parliamentary kitchens and dining rooms remain, open.
My IT work has had me working in those dining rooms, they are first class like the casino high roller rooms I have also seen from the inside out.
I’m OK with that one benefit however.
Yair, Simon, I have, several times, on several forums, put out my name and addresses. I am not some secretive con man based in Israel working the internet for an occult objective.
Now! closer to home, you would have to up the pay if I had to share an office with Tony Ryan. And you would have to have super power cattle prodders to get me there in the first place.
I’m short and sagged and old and ugly and way past the “use by date” (just ask my missus if you don’t believe me) and I am entirely deficient in glib politics… I have “personality defects” that would consign me to the “fringe” of “normal society” these days.
Sure, I have some insights accumulated over many years but I’m not the sum of all wisdom and virtue.
The upshot is that if the society is so indolent or perverse that good and true are mere opinions then we’re farkt.
“political parties play no part in a genuine democracy. Parties are lobbies for vested interests [Oligarchs], which is as anti-democracy as you can get.“
Thank you, Tony. I just wanted to repeat that and hopefully elaborate on that point later.
Political parties are corporations with their own constitution. They are not mentioned in the original Commonwealth of Australia Constitution. Neither is the Prime minister and cabinet. Thus after elections we have a LNP Australian government or a Labor (US spell ing) Australian government, and not a government for the Commonwealth of Australia.
Firstly, I just want to THANK those who made donations to Gumshoe’s ventures. VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. This CHILD TRAFFICKING stuff (and that is what it is) is ongoing. More and more people contact me for assistance and support each week. It’s relentless. Providing emotional and other support is backbreaking work — apart form the news, and competing with the lying mobs of the mainstream media.
Those debating in comment threads are GENUINE donors, and I thank you all.
More news as we progress.
Judcial Watch finds ghost voters. Spoooky!
Mary, stop it! I have things to do and this is just too distracting …
Just stop, K?
It’d all be good for a blardy good laugh if it wasn’t so serious. The really, really, really scary thing about this whole business is that at least half of the population seems to accept that “reality” (truth) is the opinions that are created by the media.
So very true – it is not possible to ‘pick a side’ without being ‘on the wrong side’.
As James Corbett writes:
The Chaos IS The Plan
I’m a bit less optimistic than Corbett. I rather think that the whole business is orchestrated to identify those “enemies of the New World Order” so that they can be isolated and “ineffectual” if not eliminated.
I still think that the programme is to promote a great divide between those who welcome the “reset” to a global communist regime (the normal) (like an ant colony) and the “basket of deplorables” who think that humans are individuals with a personal destiny.
Long ago I’d smile at some shows on telly. For some years now I only like Shaun the Sheep, Charlie and Lola, Peter Rabbit, Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom, Wallace and Grommet, The Yorkshire Vet, and one or two others that don’t cause me some kind of revulsion.
“Pick a side?” It’s a terrible option: “Who is not with Me is against Me” and the even more terrifying option: “Who is not against Me is with Me”. Rooly, rooly scary stuff. It’s not about externals and grand speeches… it’s about internal dispositions.
That judicialwatch.org link is a good find
Looks like it’s game over for President Joe
Apparently, CNN has ‘un-called’ Arizona for Biden, and Real Clear Politics has taken back Pennsylvania from Biden.
Great news
Looks like it’s crumbling faster than I expected
But not as Trump expected and planned.
For your kids sake listen to the latest X22 report. … at x22report.com … 2nd video depicting T two handed clapping
Lay your bets, I am on Trump.
Come on tv 20 $5.00 jackpot lottery tickets (NSW) .. share any jackpot prize equally and Dee to hold the stake for 10% of any jackpot winnings.
Per favour, would a realist put up please the x22 report referred to above for tv’s entertainment and to confirm the msm lies and traitorous anti-democratic agenda.
And sell the ABC sick commie banker running dogs.
Ned, I will listen to X22 if someone puts it up and promise not to critique it – and if I do it’ll be well and truly toned down.
As for the lottery tickets suggestion, I’m not into them but I genuinely hope you’re successful.
Because I know for sure that said winning will be utilised for altruistic purposes (as opposed to hedonistic expenditure on the beach house of a nameless parasite who is as tight as a fish’s arse).
Gutless phoney, send your $2000 remittance and double your Jobkeeper handout
You shouldn’t need language like that, Truth.
Justin, I wouldn’t normally but I make exceptions for feckless, craven sods like ‘w3’.
You know Justin, he said that he would not only match my donation to Dee’s fund (to assist the mum with the abducted child), but he said he would RAISE it.
I’m not demanding he raise the stakes (if he has the wherewithal to do so, that would be great and I’ll see if I can go some of the way to match him back).
But come today, he hasn’t contributed a single dollar as far as I’m aware.
That’s pretty p!ss poor form after promising he would.
Now he’s requiring proof by way of photocopied remittances (perhaps even a Statutory Declaration to that effect ?) as proof that I contributed, such is his unscrupulousness to hang on to every last dollar.
Like, it’s not enough to trust Dee’s word on it.
(He may even ask Dee to undertake a polygraph test).
I mean, he’s boasts of his beach house and all the money he’s made extorting the goyim.
But he can’t bear to part with a few dollars for a worthy cause.
Brae Antcliffe has asked me to post this link. The system has denied people the democratic right to vote for decades. The time is now to try fix it or the people be damned.
Now is this not interesting.
Last time I turned up as Oz election to pre post I asked the head honcho bureacrat if he wanted any identification for me to register my vote. He replied NO.
Well, seems that our representatives do not give a stuff about a valid vote.
No matter, i included a extra candidate on the voting fraud for ‘my dog’ party.
Maybe I should rgister the ‘my dog’ party and vote numerous times to get my pooch elected.
My dog would at least be loyal………… after all, I feed him!
Times up msm, shock jokes and traitors, we know about you lot. Plus the ABC.
Plan ahead, go get a honest job, your banker will want to know how to continue financing your mortgage.
Bugger, I forgot my phone and any identification ‘documents’ to get into my pub to make a Melbourne cup bet.
Praise the Lord, I can vote as many times as I like at the next election without that Nazi precedent.
Thanks Mr Morrison.
Thanks msm and shock jokes.
Ned, I just noticed the X22 link above. I’ll listen to it shortly.
Meanwhile, I’d very much like you to listen to 6 minutes of Richie Allen (scroll down to the audio post I put up at 9.16pm).
Tsk tsk, Nedski, feeding your dog is “influencing.”
Very astute Mary, you get the kookaburra stamp🤡
Ned, Just listened to X22 – I assume you were referring to Ep 2323 ?
I listened to the first 20 mins but skimmed through the rest as I was pressed for time.
Around 5:00 Zio-Dave (ZD) says the economy will create the V shape recovery that Trump’s been talking about.
REALITY : No it won’t. It’ll be the L shaped inflationary depression that the prescient Peter Schiff has been talking about. ie: straight down and then flat-lining for years on end.
ZD says the economy has improved and the unemployment rate has come down.
REALITY: Bearing in mind that the U.S economy was at a catastrophically low base, there was only one way to go. ie: up, so don’t read anything into this.
Analogy : Company X makes a $ 1 billion net profit one year.
The next year it’s profits are down 99 % to $ 10 million.
The old CEO gets fired and a new one is appointed promising a radical improvement.
In the next company annual report, after 1 year at the helm, the new CEO boast profits have TRIPLED !!!
The financial markets are excited and the brokers / superannuation fund managers now rate the company as a BUY. (None of them are personally buying it but if they can get the muppets to buy in, they make more in commissions).
(However, the reality is that a tripling of earnings means only a profit of $ 30 million – still 97 % down from 2 years prior).
This example above is a reflection of the U.S economy today – an unmitigated DISASTER.
ZD says 600K jobs were added by the economy in October.
REALITY : NO jobs were ‘added’. All that happened is that some people came back to their PRE-EXISTING jobs as some states relaxed lockdowns measures on non-essential businesses.
Of course, there have been hundreds of thousands of businesses that did not re-open and will NEVER re-open.
People that worked there are NOT going back to a job.
They have been permanently thrown on the unemployment scrap heap.
ZD says things like ‘Trump is playing within the Central Bank illusion’.
Do you even know what the means Ned ? Be honest.
The fact is, ZD purposely uses opaque wording that can mean anything, whilst simultaneously meaning NOTHING.
I have news for everyone.
Trump is not playing with anything. Trump is the one being played.
ZD said the MSM does not make the decisions, GSA does.
Who or what is a GSA ?
Bottom Line: More touchy / feely forecasts from ZD that Trump is going to make the sun shine on a U.S with a promising future.
REALITY : Whether Biden is sworn in January or Trump gets a second term, the U.S is a FAILED STATE and this evil hegemon is doomed.
I think you were on the wrong report.
X/2 is for you to decipher. Not for me to translate your theories.
I have no interest in your translation
Just to help…. GSA?
OK Ned, I got it.
Evidently ‘GSA’ is the acronym for that shadowy group of Usury Bankers that decided (perhaps a year or two ago), who the victor of the 2020 ‘selection’ would be.
Because, as we all know, this cabal ALONE decides – input from the masses being superfluous.
“I don’t know which side anybody is on any more. I don’t really care. There is a moment when we have to transcend the side we’re on and understand that we are creatures of a higher order.”
Leonard Cohen
Tjakamarra who designed the huge mosaic in front of the new Parliament House passed yesterday. A man of great integrity.
A little more of Tjakamarra–memories flow. Privileged to have known him.
The mosaic is a contemporary interpretation of the sand-painting tradition of the Warlpiri people, and has complex layers of meaning known only to Warlpiri elders.
The forecourt mosaic is made of over 90,000 individual hand-guillotined pieces of granite, which were specially selected to match, as far as possible, the colours in the original painting.
It’s a work that is both fragmented in its differing styles but one which draws their stories together.
The Messenger, 2014, by Michael Nelson Jagamara and Imants Tillers, detail.
In the centre of the painting is a quote:
“Blessed are those who do not hunger for justice, for they know that our fate, for better or worse, is the work of chance, which is past understanding.”
Dear Dianne,
Re your last quote.
With respect, defeatist BS.
Tell that to our soldiers who sacrificed for us.
neither are my quotes– but both resonate with me and yes I am feeling somewhat defeated -yes a bit indulgent- sorry if they offend–my intention was to recognise an exceptional man of wisdom and integrity–particularly when we have such shenanigans going on in the Canberra bubble–yes many injustices and sacrifices all round.
Readers, prepare yourself for a treat.
The great Irishman Richie Allen, arguably the greatest truther in world media, gives his take on the U.S election outcome (listen from 22:40 – 29:00) :
Not beholden to anyone, the straightest of straight shooters who speaks from the heart, is it any wonder why Richie Allen has the highest rated independently produced radio programme in all of Europe.
Senator Pauline Hanson has indicated that she will recommend to the legislators in Canberra that they boycott the WEF and reject the Great Reset.
You go, Pauline! That’s very Pauline-esque of you!
I like the way Mein Trumpf sacked the army chief without delay but keeps Fauci on, so he can’t slip away. Fauci must be having trouble sleeping these days, but he wouldn’t be the only one.
Bugger, I’ve tried to post a couple of links to Bitchute videos and I’ve been blocked each time. Max Igun has a new video on his Crowhouse channel via the Bitchute link which has some video clips of vote fraud. Some of you may still have the ability to link Bitchute videos on GS. So if you feel generous, see if you can link the video on GS.
The same video was also on What Really Happened, but that link won’t load for me either. Nor will the short 6 minute video of the computer vote fraud where 560 votes were switched from the Republican to the Democrat. If CNN says they can’t find any evidence of vote fraud, they should check their own broadcasts.
I’m so over this censorship BS.
Bitchute was shut down they said not sure exactly when or how long or who by
Terry, Bitchute is up and running for me. Can you give me the exact title of the video you’re looking for ?
If I can find it I’ll post it.
BTW, I typed in ‘Max Igan Crowhouse channel’ and got no matches.
I then typed ‘Max Igan Crowhouse’ and got 89 matches but they’re all for videos posted months or years ago – so can’t be the new video of his that you’re mentioning.
I use Yandex for such searching …
Thanks Fish. I’ve now bookmarked Yandex for future reference.
Speaking of fish …
MAJOR: China Declines To Acknowledge Biden’s Victory
Maybe China [AND Russia] can smell a rotten one.
Maybe Biden was not their man after all ??
Meanwhile, Pennsylvania Un-called due to fraud and ’glitches’ and Biden loses self-proclaimed ‘elect’ status.
Pompeo called it for Trump, it’s only been a couple of days and Joe is folded already
Duty to Warn
Conflicts of Interest for Most of the 13 Members of President-elect Joe Biden’s Coronavirus Task Force (probably nothing in comparison to Trump’s group)
By Gary G. Kohls, MD – November 9, 2020 (3519 words)
Although the media has claimed that the members of the Biden Coronavirus Task Force are all physicians, that is not true. In addition, it seems that the vast majority of the physician appointees have not actually practiced medicine – at least not for significant amount of time in an out-patient, non-hospital-based, non-academic, primary healthcare clinic.
A large number of these appointees 1] have chosen (non-clinical) public health careers, 2] have been involved in academia, 3] have been involved in HIV/AIDS research, 4] have been involved in entities backed by Big Vaccine corporations, 5] have been involved with governmental bureaucracies, 6] have been hired by foundations that have connections with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation or 7] have had connections with Big Pharma/Big Vaccine corporations, which means that many of the members will have economic conflicts of interest that will cause them to endorse whatever fast-tracked vaccines that Big Pharma’s greedy, profiteering entities are allegedly “researching” (like Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Merck, Lilly, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, Codagenix, etc, etc).
In the interest of honesty, I decided to do some research and add to the official announcement, in case any other Covid vaccine skeptic wants to do additional research.
Below is what the Associated Press announcement said about Biden’s 13 public health and science experts for his Coronavirus Task Force. Each member was introduced by one or two sentences. I have taken the liberty to add some of unmentioned biographical information that may be somewhat unflattering.
Nancy Pelosi’s Chief of Staff Is Chief Executive and Feinstein’s Husband a Major Shareholder at Dominion Ballot Counting Systems
Now that is a scream. Thank you, Arlyn.
Have you seen the latest? RealClearPolitics has updated their map and information, removing Arizona and Pennsylvania from Biden/Harris.
This pushes their projected Electoral College votes down to 259. See the updated map here – https://www.realclearpolitics.com/elections/live_results/2020/president/
Additionally, according to a new AssociatedPress report, AG Barr authorized federal prosecutors to pursue “substantial allegations” of voter “irregularities.”
Tell President Trump to continue to pursue all legal avenues to safeguard the vote.
Yes, I saw the (?) SHORT video report at beforeitsnews.com.
Strange, just skimmed the Tele and SMH. No mention noted.
Oh well, I wasted $5.40 on rubbish from the msm. A fool and his money are soon departed. Just have to look up snake, Hagar, and I might even look up my future with the astrology sections and believe the best outcome.
Get lost msm, go broke Fox et al.
Lol Yes the Lame-stream Media is just a prostitute corporate-government propaganda apparatus tool for them and their sinister agendas to manufacture consent
I’ll be dagoned if I can see how the DoJ has a role in election honesty.
By the way, a Congressional seat in Georgia is in dispute. I think the procedure there is for Congress itself (the relevant chamber) to “decide the returns.”
(Search Gumshoe for “Adam Clayton Powell.” I am not sure but can’t stop to look it up.)
If I was Trump I would start pardoning thousands of blacks wrongfully jailed during the Obama administration, they will be needing all that accommodation for Joe’s gang.
Numerology for weirdos :
Sept 11 1990 HW Bush gives his famous New World Order speech to congress
Exactly 11 years later at 9 in the morning …
(from wikipedia)
8:46: Flight 11 crashes into the north face of the North Tower (1 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 93 and 99. The aircraft enters the tower intact.
9:02: Flight 175 crashes into the south face of the South Tower
The weirdos must have liked the phone number, but wait there’s more.
(from wikipedia)
S11 = $ used as a term to describe the US Dollar, the letter S with two lines through it
S11 World Economic Forum year 2000 held in Melbourne where they have a “World Trade Centre” which sticks into the river blocking the view which no longer exists anyway due to docklands develpoments, haven’t been down there for a while but I think you can see the new Bolte bridge with its “two towers” design dead centre from along the Yarra.
A very nice two towers, totally non-structural, decorative only.
What have you got yourself into Melbourne !!!
The well-connected architects who added the decorative twin towers
(From wikipedia)
Denton Corker Marshall is an international architecture practice established in Melbourne … While Melbourne remains the design base, the firm has additional practices in London, Manchester and Jakarta with over 510 projects in 37 different countries.
In Australia, Denton Corker Marshall is best known for landmark buildings such as the Melbourne Museum … the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, … the Melbourne Gateway (subject of treatment by TV show “fat pizza”)
… Other projects by the practice include the multi-award-winning Manchester Civil Justice Centre, a new visitors’ centre at Stonehenge, Sydney’s Governor Phillip Tower, the Museum of Sydney, extensions to the Australian War Memorial and Australian embassies in Tokyo and Beijing …
In 2005, John Denton was appointed as the first State Architect for Victoria …
Scroll down for a picture of the much publicised Venice Pavilion
(another one of these things hanging over the river)
Melbournites rioted at that S11 event in 2000…
I remember that and I was in town but I think it was the usual suspects, they always brought out their radioactive yellowcake drums and so forth so one did not take too much notice at the time, not exactly a riot, more a social occasion for people with dreadlocks
The communist covid plan is to overthrow the US, similar to the Spanish flu plandemic and Bolshevik revolution. The Democratic Party with Deep State and NWO Globalist Cabal are funded by the Central Banking Cartel and International Banking Crime Syndicate. These reptiles are at the top, creating anarchy chaos corruption and conflict. Their goal OWG with USSA takeover enforcing CCP cyber surveillance globally.
Firstly, I just want to THANK those who made donations to Gumshoe’s ventures. VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. This CHILD TRAFFICKING stuff (and that is what it is) is ongoing. More and more people contact me for assistance and support each week. It’s relentless. Providing emotional and other support is backbreaking work — apart form the news, and competing with the lying mobs of the mainstream media.
Those debating in comment threads are GENUINE donors, and I thank you all.
More news as we progress.
“and competing with the lying mobs of the mainstream media.” – This is the BIGGIE when it comes to any significant social change. People sit in front of the TV and get mesmerized with BS and then go about spreading to others. I’ve had to give up on several long term friendships as I won’t take the ‘crazy making’, irrational discourse.
I don’t watch TV, but is there a channel that could be considered a ‘truth’ channel? I’ve seen some Sky News reports, but I have no idea where they come from. There needs to be a genuine alternative TV station that can off set the “lying mobs of the mainstream media”.
Sky News is a Murdoch thingy.
Makow – What’s at Stake
November 8, 2020
What’s at stake? Despite its flaws, mankind could well be God’s crowning achievement, the highest lifeform in the universe. A frightening responsibility.
This is why Satanists (Communists) want to degrade and destroy humanity. They hate Love, Goodness, Truth, Beauty, and Justice. They hate mankind. They hate God. They want to own everything and deprive God of his crowning achievement. If Biden succeeds, nothing will stand in their way. Mankind will enter a Dark Age from which it may never emerge. …………………..
Topic: The Longest Hatred – An Examination of Anti-Gentilism (Read 693 times)
Quote: Excellent pamphlet on the conpiracy for world jewish domination: “The Longest Hatred: An Examination of Anti-Gentilism”