Introduction by Dee McLachlan
Gumshoe has written much about Ivermectin (articles here). What is most disturbing about this debate is that clinical trials and research have been suppressed by mainstream media and the government (in the West). It was extraordinary to hear hosts on ABC and the other Australian channels calling the success of Ivermectin as fake news. Even Dr Kory’s address to a Senate hearing was removed from YouTube for violating their narrative. These actions — to denigrate and suppress a life-saving drug — can only be described as criminal.
One has to wonder why San Marino, Europe’s third-smallest state, which was the first on the continent to roll out a 5G network, has the second-highest fatality rate of 2,119 per million people (just behind Gibraltar).
Compare this to India and its use of Ivermectin. India, it was reported, developed a “miraculously” effective and safe COVID-19 treatment kit which costs merely $2.65 per person and has helped put the nation’s case and fatality rates in “steep decline.” According to Worldometer India had 10,937,320 cases with only 112 deaths per million people. That is nearly 20X LOWER than San Marino and 10X lower than Australia. So far 909 people have died in Australia. What if that figure had been halved by the use of Ivermectin?
So let me now go the public letter from Belgium Doctor Marc Wathelet (sourced from his Linkedin). It is published here without deletions. (To note: There have been 741,205 cases in Belgium from a population of 11.6 million people, with a fatality rate of 1,872 people per million. Not good!)

Marc Wathelet’s Letter
Dear Prime Minister, Minister of Public Health, and advisers,
First, I would like to thank you for sticking to the necessary measures, and not budging under the various pressures to reopen too soon.
Second, I would like to thank you for putting me in touch with Frank Hulstaert from the KCE. This excellent man invited me to participate in a meeting with clinical researchers to debate about which molecule(s) should be tested next for their efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 in patients suffering from COVID-19.
At that meeting, I made the case for Ivermectin, the drug I brought to your attention on November 16, and a decision will be made at the next meeting. Should it be selected for the next batch of trials starting in early 2021, we could get results maybe in late February. Repurposing existing drugs is an attractive strategy because the safety profile of these drugs is already well established. While the KCE is the proper vehicle for evaluating repurposed drugs, it lacks sufficient funding, time and authority in this time of crisis.
Let us eradicate the virus from Belgium.
I belong to a group of scientists and medical doctors with more than 7,000 members around the world simply asking health authorities in every country to review the existing data indicating that Ivermectin is efficient both as a prophylactic, to prevent transmission of the virus, and as a treatment for COVID-19 patients.
I propose a straightforward plan that would eradicate the new coronavirus from Belgium in less than six weeks, which would be enormously beneficial at all levels: sanitary, economic, social, psychological and political! We could resume all economic activities and schools within three weeks, masking would become unnecessary in most contexts by the sixth week.
This plan requires seeing the opportunity of Ivermectin facing us, and the political will to take the necessary decisions to convert this vision into reality for Belgium. It will require tremendous leadership at the very top.
The evidence in favor of the use of Ivermectin to prevent transmission and disease and to treat both the moderate and severe forms of COVID-19 keep accumulating, all the studies are uniformly positive and we are past the point where it would be reasonable to wait for more data to act, when people are still dying from this disease in Belgium.
Ivermectin is very different from hydroxychloroquine, it is a much more efficient molecule already used in some countries both preventively and as the standard of care for both moderate and serious forms of the disease.
In the US, Dr. Pierre Kory recently testified to the Senate Homeland Security Committee, on behalf of a group of well-published physicians, to the efficacy of Ivermectin to prevent and treat COVID-19 They are the authors of a manuscript reviewing all completed clinical trials and a meta-analysis of all Ivermectin studies
First we must conduct an emergency clinical trial of Ivermectin both as a prophylactic and for the treatment of severe forms. Undeniably, this drug represents an exceptional opportunity to rid Belgium, and the world, of SARS-CoV-2. Let us not waste it; let us not miss that opportunity with a molecule that has such an exemplary safety record. Even if it were to turn out that this drug is ineffective, which is extremely unlikely given the existing evidence, no harm will occur.
The benefice / risk ratio of using Ivermectin as a prophylactic and treatment of COVID-19 is vastly superior to any other drug candidate.
The Minister of Public Health can bring all the stakeholders together and use the power of his office and the goodwill of all to work through all the obstacles against the rapid implementation of the proposed plan. Let us have the vision to see that Ivermectin is by far our best and safest bet. Let us have the courage of our conviction. Let us not miss this opportunity to show how Belgium can come together for the greater good and, through the proposed studies, pave the way for the widespread and rational use of Ivermectin, in Europe and the rest of the world, for the eradication of SARS-CoV-2.
The plan of action and its rationale are detailed further below; here is the summary.
1) The drug itself must be made widely available in all our pharmacies, and any regulatory red tape that would delay the rapid distribution of Ivermectin for oral administration must be circumvented expeditiously.
2) The relevant authorities in all hospitals must be involved for the rapid organization of the prophylaxis trial among health care workers, and the treatment trial for the severe cases. The criteria for randomization, including specific occupation of these workers, must be defined and the randomization and drug distribution must be carried out promptly. The faster we act, the quicker we will be able to lead a life unencumbered by this virus.
3) A register must be opened to collect data from the use of Ivermectin by general practitioners.
4) Testing must be increased so that we are below a 3% positivity rate. Clusters must be traced rapidly and Ivermectin delivered to infected individuals and their daytime and household contacts promptly. Dedicated teams must be ready.
Independently from Ivermectin, populations most at risk of severe disease, due to their age or comorbidities would benefit from supplementing their diet with vitamin D (2,000 to 5,000 UI daily), vitamin C (500 mg daily) and zinc (50 mg daily). This message should be sent loud and clear, and repeatedly, to these populations and to those caring for them.
I remain at your disposal for additional information and, if called upon, to help implement this plan.
With best regards,
Marc Wathelet, Doctor of Sciences
Specific plan to eradicate SARS-CoV-2 from Belgium in 6 weeks.
A. The control of a pandemic.
According to textbooks, the control of a pandemic rests on four well-known pillars:
1) the control of transmission; 2) the early treatment of sick people; 3) the treatment of severe cases; and 4) vaccination.
A1. Transmission control.
It depends on massive and fast testing, rapid tracing, which leads to the isolation of infected individuals until they are no longer contagious, and on the identification of the source of clusters of contaminations, which is surprisingly limited in Belgium, despite its well-known importance. However, this form of transmission control can be overwhelmed when the virus circulates at too high a level.
Crucially, transmission can also be curtailed, or completely suppressed, by the use of an effective prophylactic.None is in use in Belgium, but studies in India, Egypt and Argentina have shown that Ivermectin is very effective when used preventively
The results obtained in India prompted the All India Institute of Medical Sciencesto recommend that health workers take two 0.3 mg/kg doses of Ivermectin 72 hours apart every month. Independent studies in Egypt involving hundreds of individuals showed substantial and very significant effects on the transmission of the virus: 1) to healthcare workers and their contacts when their patients were treated or not with Ivermectin, and 2) to family members of positive patients
A2. Early treatment of sick people.
The early treatment of sick people has been largely absent in Belgium. Nothing has been recommended outside of paracetamol. We need a better option like Ivermectin.
Ivermectin for moderate forms of COVID-19.
Six studies, including four randomized, on a total of more than 3,000 patients indicate that Ivermectin, sometimes in combination with a tetracycline (doxycycline) or a macrolide (azithromycin) increases the proportion of patients whose clinical condition improves, decreases the number of those whose condition deteriorates, and substantially shortens the time required for patient recovery
As a result of these and his own observations, Dr. Thomas Borody, who developed the triple therapy to treat peptic ulcers caused by H. pylori, is heavily promoting Ivermectin use for general practitioners in Australia
A3. Treatment of severe cases.
The treatment of severe cases has so far one drug validated through one randomized trial by the Recovery group in multiple countries: dexamethasone. Its effect is a 30% reduction of the odds of dying at 28 days, as ascertained by a meta-analysis More effective medication is needed for treating severe cases.
Ivermectin for severe forms of COVID-19.
Six studies, including two randomized, indicate that Ivermectin-based treatment significantly improves the clinical condition of patients, halves the time required for negative conversion of PCR tests, and in the randomized study from Benha University (Egypt) involving 200 severely affected patients, Ivermectin drastically reduced mortality (2% versus 20% for the control group)
As mentioned above, in the US, Dr. Pierre Kory recently testified to the Senate Homeland Security Committee, on behalf of a group of well-published physicians, to the efficacy of Ivermectin to prevent and treat COVID-19 They are the authors of a manuscript reviewing all completed clinical trials a meta-analysis of all Ivermectin studies
EDITOR’S NOTE: The YouTubes have been deleted, so Gumshoe provides the Bitchute:
The criticism of the results obtained so far with Ivermectin.
1) The studies have not been through peer-review yet. Some are now published and most are not, it is correct, but besides the doubts one may have about the soundness of the peer review process, the manuscripts are all available and can be reviewed critically, and anyone can thus independently appraise their values. The fact is that it would be foolish to wait for the slow and flawed peer-review process in the context of a pandemic, when lives are at stake.
2) The results are too good to be true! This comment about the Benha University study, where a ten-fold reduction in mortality for severe cases was recorded, is epistemologically unsound. Even a two-fold reduction in mortality would be a very important advance; the only risk is in not trying Ivermectin for severe cases when the proposed molecule has no toxicity.
3) The antiviral effect cannot be real. This is based on the observation that the concentration of Ivermectin necessary to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication in vitro, around 2,5 µM, cannot be reached in the plasma in vivo in people, but this objection involves several misconceptions. The relatively low achievable plasma concentration reflects the very large distribution volume of Ivermectin, which favors its activity. In addition, inhibitory concentration for many antivirals varies widely depending on the cell line tested, and the cell line used in that study is very different from what would be physiologically adequate in this case: an air-liquid primary culture of human cells from the upper airways epithelium; and there is not even a suitable in vitro model for the epithelial cells of the lung parenchyma. Moreover, the only thing that matters is the in vivo antiviral activity in humans, which could be direct, as in the situation where the drug indeed does inhibit the replication of the virus in individual cells of the infected individual; or could be indirect, when the drug instead affects the immune response and stimulates, for instance, some aspect of innate immunity; or both.
The antiviral effect of Ivermectin in vivo is evident in the prophylactic and therapeutic studies cited above by a reduction in the transmission of the virus to others, as well as by a significant decrease in the time required for patients to become negative by PCR. However, it is not sufficient to explain the benefit for severely affected patients because in this phase of the disease the replication of the virus in the lungs is very weak or undetectable, and thus the ability of Ivermectin to act as a powerful anti-inflammatory drug, well documented for parasitoses, may be responsible for its efficacy on severe forms of the disease.
The risks associated with the use of Ivermectin.
We are talking here of a drug on the WHO’s list of essential medicines with billions of doses consumed around the world: the risks of an adverse reaction are essentially nil for individuals without parasite burden Drugs that are contraindicated are vaccination against tuberculosis and cholera, while the use of the anticoagulant warfarin may require special attention and dose monitoring
The implication of this extremely favorable safety profile is that the worse case scenario of using this drug in Belgium would be to find out that, contrary to all the known clinical trials, Ivermectin was in fact not effective, a very improbable outcome, but no harm done. By contrast, the best case scenario is the rapid eradication of SARS-CoV-2 from our territory, with all its attendant benefits, and thus the risk is mainly in not giving it a try when COVID-19 can lead to death, or important sequelae, the consequences of which are not fully appreciated, including for young individuals.
The benefice / risk ratio of using Ivermectin as a prophylactic and treatment of COVID-19 is vastly superior to any other drug candidate.
B. Eradication of SARS-CoV-2 in Belgium.
The plan to rid Belgium of SARS-CoV-2, a multi-pronged approach.
All approaches are based on voluntary participation, and importantly communication must be tailored to maximize the number of participants.
An aggressive information campaign is needed for effective prevention in the populations most at risk of severe disease, due to their age or comorbidities, and most at risk of transmitting the disease, due to their occupation. Independently from Ivermectin, these populations would benefit from supplementing their diet with vitamin D (2,000 to 5,000 UI daily), vitamin C (500 mg daily) and zinc (50 mg daily). This message should be sent loud and clear, and repeatedly, to these populations and to those caring for them.
B1. Ivermectin for prophylaxis.
A very large randomized clinical trial of Ivermectin for prophylaxis among as many healthcare workers as possible is urgently needed to remove any doubts about its effectiveness in that application; with an exception for those working in nursing homes for the vulnerable who should all start on Ivermectin without delay. Likewise, childcare workers, who as a group suffer a much higher rate of infection than the general population, could all start on Ivermectin without any delay. For prophylaxis, 0,3 mg/kg of Ivermectin, up to 18 mg, twice at 72 hour interval every 2 or 4 weeks could be the starting point. Once the effectiveness of the approach is verified, prophylaxis can be extended to all front line workers, to all workers whose occupation brings them in frequent contact with many different individuals.
B2. Ivermectin for moderate forms of COVID-19.
At the same time, Ivermectin should be heavily promoted as the first line treatment for general practitioners, like in Australia, not only for treating their symptomatic patients (0,3 mg/kg of Ivermectin up to 18 mg + 500 mg azithromycin or 100 mg of doxycycline + 50 mg zinc daily, until symptoms disappear, up to 4 days) but also to provide a prophylactic treatment for everyone living under the same roof as the patient (0,3 mg/kg of Ivermectin up to 18 mg + 50 mg zinc, twice at 72 hour interval). Transmission in the household is one of the motors of the pandemic, homes cannot be closed and masking is mostly impractical there, but all the studies indicate that Ivermectin would prevent further transmission if used in this context.
B3. Ivermectin and collectivities.
In addition to the needed improvement in the identification of clusters, the same approach of preventive treatment for confirmed infection and their contacts can be instituted. Thus, a single positive individual, whether a child 5 years of age or older, or a teacher, or a worker, warrants an immediate prophylactic treatment (0,3 mg/kg of Ivermectin up to 18 mg + 50 mg zinc, twice at 72 hour interval) for their classmates or coworkers. Fast testing and result delivery are essential to enable this strategy.
B4. Ivermectin for severe forms of COVID-19.
A very large randomized clinical trial of Ivermectin for severe patients must be started at once, using the University of Benha protocol (0,4 mg/kg of Ivermectin up to 24 mg + 500 mg azithromycin or 100 mg of doxycycline + 50 mg zinc daily for 4 days and standard of care including dexamethasone), against dexamethasone and standard of care. Let us test the most promising protocol.
If Ivermectin turns out to have no efficacy whatsoever, no harm will result. If Ivermectin is only half as effective as the studies suggest, we can rapidly eradicate the virus from our country or keep it at a level so low that it does not seriously disrupt our lives again.
As indicated above, for this plan to be implemented successfully, however, it will require tremendous leadership, because this is not how Belgium normally operates.
1) The drug itself must be made widely available in all our pharmacies, and any regulatory red tape that would delay the rapid distribution of Ivermectin for oral administration must be circumvented expeditiously.
2) The relevant authorities in all hospitals must be involved for the rapid organization of the prophylaxis trial among health care workers, and the treatment trial for the severe cases. The criteria for randomization, including specific occupation of these workers, must be defined and the randomization and drug distribution must be carried out promptly. The faster we act, the quicker we will be able to lead a life unencumbered by this virus.
3) A register must be opened to collect data from the use of Ivermectin by general practitioners.
4) Testing must be increased so that we are below a 3% positivity rate. Clusters must be traced rapidly and Ivermectin delivered to infected individuals and their daytime and household contacts promptly. Dedicated teams must be ready.
The fourth pillar of pandemic control, vaccination, is more complex. Let us note that current vaccination strategies are unlikely to affect virus transmission due to their route of inoculation: sterilizing immunity is thus not expected. Let us also note that there is reluctance of a substantial part of the population, even among health care professionals, to get vaccinated, and that vaccination is simply contraindicated for those who suffer from an immunodeficiency or other immune or allergic conditions. Ivermectin use has no such risk and can be used prophylactically by those who cannot or will not be vaccinated.
The Minister of Public Health can bring all the stakeholders together and use the power of his office and the goodwill of all to work through all the obstacles against the rapid implementation of the proposed plan. Let us have the vision to see that Ivermectin is by far our best and safest bet. Let us have the courage of our conviction. Let us not miss this opportunity to show how Belgium can come together for the greater good and, through the proposed studies, pave the way for the widespread and rational use of Ivermectin, in Europe and the rest of the world, for the eradication of SARS-CoV-2.
I remain at your disposal.
With best regards,
Marc Wathelet, Doctor of Sciences
How can you treat a disease which has not been proven to exist?
“I [Derek Knauss] have a PhD in virology and immunology. I’m a clinical lab scientist and have tested 1500 “supposed” positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S. California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch’s postulates and observation under a SEM (scanning electron microscope), we found NO Covid in any of the 1500 samples.”
“What we found was that all of the 1500 samples were mostly Influenza A and some were influenza B, but not a single case of Covid, and we did not use the B.S. PCR test. We then sent the remainder of the samples to Stanford, Cornell, and a few of the University of California labs and they found the same results as we did, NO COVID. They found influenza A and B. All of us then spoke to the CDC and asked for viable samples of COVID, which CDC said they could not provide as they did not have any samples. We have now come to the firm conclusion through all our research and lab work, that the COVID 19 was imaginary and fictitious.”
“The flu was called Covid and most of the 225,000 dead were dead through co-morbidities such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, emphysema etc. and they then got the flu which further weakened their immune system and they died. I have yet to find a single viable sample of Covid 19 to work with.”
Read on …
• Explosive If True: “I’m a Clinical Lab Scientist, C19 Is Fake, Wake up America”
We are completely on the same page here CC (and Aussiemal). I still haven’t heard any ambulance sirens or had to comfort any distressed neighbours.
Simple measures like ivermectin (and HCQ) need to be demonised and all the historical peer-reviewed favourable literature buried by these so-called ‘health experts’ and their political collaborators because these agents will suppress the symptoms of the most benign common cold that are needed to keep this farce going.
Nothing could be more obvious as to their agenda and their years in planning …
• Atomic Bombshell: Rothschilds Patented Covid-19 Biometric Tests In 2015. And 2017.
• Vaccines have Nanoparticles and Aluminum that Seem linked to MANY issues
Bill Gates: “we’re taking things that are – you know – genetically modified organisms and we’re injecting them in little kids’ arms. We just shoot ‘em right into the vein.”
One can only wonder in bewilderment what the likes of Dan Andrews et al and all these grubby ‘chief medical officers’ that have infiltrated the health arena have been promised. It won’t make them live any longer (except maybe for a few years with adrenochrome) – probably sooner once they have outlived their usefulness – and they will simply die more miserably.
Credit to Mothman777 for the links and may other links and insights on his channel.
I very much appreciate your insight and info, J.S.
I have been trying for 5 or 10 minutes to produce the “popup” on the original patents page which itself shows the date 2020-09-03 but I cannot. The popup shows the logo “silview” which is the website claiming this originates in 2015.
I was going to congratulate you on finding some type of useful evidence after so much compulsive long-winded gibber but we need to see how the 2015 date was planted on the Sept 2020 page date. Without that the “information” is unfortunately meaningless. Can you demonstrate how to reproduce it on the Dutch website.
If, like CC, you’re convinced the virus is naught but a political invention, why are you endorsing, quote “simple measures like ivermectin (and HCQ)” ?
the rest of that sentence …
“because these agents [simple measures] will suppress the symptoms of the most benign common cold that are needed to keep this farce going”
The government agents are now claiming the disease covid-19 doesn’t exist at all. They are saying this to confuse the gullible and to discredit the genuine doctors and scientist who are capable of returning life to normal if we follow their recommendations. (The government doesn’t want life to return to normal…)
Note that “Julius Skoolafish” says a well-established drug, ivermectin, needs to be demonised. And that peer-reviewed literature should be buried. The idea behind these comments is to turn sense and reason on its head. These sorts of comments have been planted all over the internet.
Presumably, Julius Skoolafish is either a shill (most probably) or has been unduly influenced by govenment propagada.
CV Pictures Are Not Viruses – They Are Exosomes
Virus Theory vs. Exosome Theory
Why Everything You Learned About Viruses is WRONG
What Science Calls Viruses May Really Be Exosomes
COVID-19 is an acronym that stands for “coronavirus disease 2019. There are many strains of coronavirus and they are theorized to cause cold and flu-like symptoms. An objective view of the evidence reveals that COVID-19 is no more dangerous than ordinary flu. Carl Robers succinctly explains that “[t]here is a cure for COVID-19 alright. And its called discernment. Covid19 is a hoax.”
Is COVID-19 virus an Exosome?
Cells Talk in a Language That Looks Like Viruses
Virus Theory vs. Exosome Theory
Why won’t the media talk about Exosomes?
Why Everything You Learned About Viruses Is WRONG
Deep Down the Virus Rabbit Hole – Question Everything
Endosomes, exosomes and Trojan viruses
COVID-19, 5G Technology & Exosomes
New Evidence That Viruses are Friends, not Enemies. Really!
The Virus Hoax
“Viruses” are actually helpful exosomes,… – Sally Fallon …
Search domain
“Viruses” are actually helpful exosomes, which do not cause disease, but which the body makes in response to toxins, starvation and injury.
“The government agents are now claiming the disease covid-19 doesn’t exist at all.” Got any links? – I want to jump on board, what with me being a shill ‘n all.
I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn’t read my post properly – I said “they” are demonising treatments like ivermectin.
“Simple measures like ivermectin (and HCQ) need to be demonised and all the historical peer-reviewed favourable literature buried by these so-called ‘health experts’ and their political collaborators.“
Good opportunity there for would be celebrity doctors to stick their heads up before they get kicked off.
Just looking from another angle about Gibraltar, San Marino, Belgium and indeed cruise ships, they are probably all full of old people. Governments will be delighted to lose these expensive items from their budgets. If they inherit everything to breeders, so much the better, for governments. Of course the plutocracy depop preoccupation is a different thing. So government treasuries resistance to promoting Ivermectin may be for one reason while globalist resistance is for another reason.
That’s called consensus building isn’t it ?
According to Dr Charlie Ward, on island of Gibraltar, after a couple of weeks of vaccinations 79 deaths occurred. The program has been terminated. (Population 32,000)
Any pennies dropped yet, Satanic Dan, McGowan and Cook?
Dicktator is probably biding time until his next job, ambassador to UN
South Africa Stops AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Program After Disappointing Results
February 8, 2021
South Africa has stopped the AstraZeneca Oxford COVID-19 vaccine program after disappointing results from trial data showed it gave minimal protection against mild to moderate infection caused by the country’s dominant coronavirus variant.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Takes ‘Anti-Vax’ Stance in Violation of His Own Platform’s New Policy
second try.
MARVELOUS plans to rid us of the parasites.
Great article DEE.
I will be printing copies to give to my family so that if someone wants to vaccinate them, (or their children) they can show this to the ‘enforcer’ and say; “Maybe, but I want your professional medical opinion and ADVICE on this paper so I may consider all the information and get back to you”.
crisscross767, we have been vindicated on our stance that there is nor has ever been a Covid-19 virus. Not even a novel corona 2 virus. A huge lie perpetrated by some in science and the msm. and used by politicians to panic the public into giving up liberty and freedom of choice.
Every one of the directives given by government was an Abuse of Human Rights.
The real crime is in the action of not allowing Ivermectin or Hydroxychloriquine to be used to alleviate the suffering or death of those with flu (sars CoV 2). Even if those that had use of the aforementioned medications, had died, there would have been no different result than has happened. If after use on a few patients proved the practise was fatal, it could have been pulled from use. However Big Pharma rules the roost, when they tell politicians to jump, the reaction is “how high sir”. Don’t worry about the results on constituents.
I cannot understand why medical practitioners are still even mentioning the PCR tests, as these machines were not capable (and it was known) of doing the job they were required to do.
Aussiemal, Our politicians and medico’s have no shame having sold their soul to feed their pride in the love of money. Snakes in suits all.
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but going by what I’ve read. “sars CoV 2” and “Covid 19” are the same thing. Which, of course, means that claiming the latter doesn’t exist whilst promoting remedies re the former doesn’t quite add up
Corona is a generic term for all cold and flu illnesses, and even if their is a fancy fairy tale title given to a non isolated illness in that category, if you are down with a cold and there is a safe cure, use it.
“if you are down with a cold and there is a safe cure, use it.” – I haven’t had a cold in years (I take about 1 gram of vit. C a day), however if I do come down with one, I will meter out the ‘horse de-wormer’ (Ivermectin) that I have and see how fast it clears the cold up.
There is factually NO ‘Virus” never proven, found, isolated or put on paper, (CDC WHO) been known way back in March.
Dr. Wakefield warns=”This is not a
Vax, it is irreversible genetic modification”
WAKE UP CALL | Documentary 4K | World Freedom Alliance: Copenhagen
One commenter on ZeroHedge
If I get vaccinated Treatment
1.- Can I stop wearing the mask?
– No [I would add: You probably will need to wear more masks]
2.- Can they reopen restaurants etc. and everyone work normally?
– No
3.- Will I be resistant to Covid?
– May be, but we don’t know exactly, it probably won’t stop you getting it
4.- At least I won’t be contagious to others anymore?
– No you can still pass it on, possibly, nobody knows.
5.- If we vaccinate all children, will school resume normally?
– No
6.- If I am vaccinated, can I stop social distancing?
– No
7.- If I am vaccinated, can I stop disinfecting my hands?
– No
8.- If I vaccinate myself and my grand parents , can we hug each other/say goodbye before they die.
– No
9.- Will cinemas, theatres and stadiums be reopened as normal, after vaccines?
– No
10.- Will the vaccinated be able to gather the community closer?
– No
11.- What is the real benefit of vaccination?
– The virus may not kill you.
12.- Are you sure it won’t kill me?
– No
13.- If statistically the virus didn’t kill me anyway … Why would I get vaccinated?”
– To protect others.
14.- So if I get vaccinated, the others are 100% sure I’m not infecting them?
– No
15.- is there liability if I get seriously injured or die?
I would add (not necessarily in order):
16.- Is this the only shot I will need?
17.- Will this vaccine protect me from mutations?
– Possibly, nobody knows.
Well that’s looking on the bright side, how about the negatives ???
Well put
Feel free to add to the list…How many can we add?
just4kix – these are exactly the kind of questions we should be practicing – and the answers to help us with the next questions
Madagascar 19,598 total cases
total case per million 697
total deaths per million 10
vs Australia
total case per million 1,126
total deaths per million 35
Great article Dee thank you, but I am afraid the persisting confirmation bias (bioengineered Sars-CoV-2 does not exist)in the commentary is becoming increasingly frustrating.
Survival rate may be 99.8%(perfect for a bioweapon)but the HIV/PRRA INSERTS(Rabies/Cobra toxins) and the PRION capabilities(spongiform encephalopathies eg BSE) are working in the background and leading to long term sequelae.
This is a virus you definitely do not want to contract.
Never let a good story die for want of feeding (old Irish saying)
Unfortunately, my assessment further justified..
Going on the experience of HCQ and Ivermectin everything they say is a lie and if any truth should escape their filthy little cake-holes it is put there purely as a buffer to the lies.
(Also being involved long-term in professional &c work involving officialdom &c I am immune to all forms of techno-babble)
The lies regarding the now proven efficacy of the therapeutics(in particular Ivermectin Triple Therapy) which incidentally negates the legitimacy of the experimental vaccines’ EUA’s does not then mean the bioengineered SARS2 virus does not exist.
TPTB as usual are using cognitive dissonance and misinformation agents to further confuse and heighten fear to enable the rollout of their deadly jabs and advance their agenda.
If I thought a 2019 flu virus didn’t exist then why would I recommend the now well known treatment – you are ducking and weaving – why.
As no lie ever gets a foothold unless it incorporates a good percentage of truth, your conclusions strike me as being much more likely than not.
I notice when people work in the medical industry they have to some extent believe the stuff that is peddled or they wouldn’t be able to survive.
Something cooked up in the Wuhan lab was unintentionally released; whilst there’s an element of truth in the “plandemic” narrative it invariably cites the wrong brain
I’m a discarded used up wood/composite materials worker. Spent a lifetime, doing things properly, in the trade. No shortcuts, no bs, done right made to last.
Now in the biggest construction boom in Sydney’s history, nobody calls me. Just as well, some didn’t even pay.
In all, didn’t earn much but could have lost more.
Maybe a saving grace after all.
These days, I’m sure there are similar histories from skilled workers in all fields. In times past, doctors had private practises, now replaced by medical supermarkets they are mostly on similar salaries dependant on pharma bonuses. Basically, stay within parameters/protocols or goodbye. Specialists being another level altogether – the core elite.
Don’t get me wrong, there are good ones among them. In this world, they are ignored, ridiculed, sidelined or worse. The game is rigged, machines manufacture and youth assemble kits at the cheapest rate at hand, with no warranty or guarantee. Doesn’t matter, the sooner people or the gadgets breakdown the better it is for business. Greed kills.
Pathologist: FDA ‘Misled Public’ on Pfizer Vaccine Efficacy
In an amended reply to the FDA’s rejection of his concerns about Pfizer’s clinical trials, Dr. Sin Hang Lee says the FDA is glossing over potential risks of an mRNA vaccine while concealing its true efficacy.
……….As The Defender reported in November, Lee, who is director of Milford Molecular Diagnostics, said:
“Until an accurate count of COVID-19 cases in the vaccinated and placebo groups has been determined for vaccine efficacy evaluation, we are asking the FDA to stay its decision regarding the emergency use authorization for this vaccine.”
Lee’s request was rejected by the FDA on Dec. 11, the same day the agency approved Pfizer’s vaccine for emergency use. On Feb. 8, Lee filed an amended reply.
Here’s the sequence of events as they unfolded:
Read on –
Can’t share.
How does one convert to a “tiny URL” and will this get around the blockade?
split it up
So masks were once considered unsafe in Australia.
Fancy that, now they demand them and fine you for not wearing one.
Pepsi patents New mouse trap.??????????????? (:-}
Nobody believes truth anymore, left at turn of century, hasn’t been back since.
Lies sell and all that is are handsome profits for the few. Who knows what we eat or drink from the company store? Our fish and meat goes to highest bidder, and we are sold the crap from global sewers. Oz has become a southern plantation serviced by slaves for demon rats.
Not a joke, tragic beyond words.
Sulphuric acid combined with phosphate rock produces phosphoric acid, a basic ingredient of Coke and Pepsi.
BUT DIET COKE GOOD ORANGE BAD. (no pun intended)
Heaps more on a general search
Lesson: Stick to beer and whisky.
Aspartame the artificial sweetener in diet coke is poison.
These sweeteners 950 and 951 are now used in the new Coca Cola Zero Sugar beverage.
The marketing decision of giving consumers ” A Great Taste” without the sugar input. There has been a lot of anti around sugar lately and the bottlers of Coca Cola have been under the spot light in NZ for the amount of Sugar in Coca Cola.
951 Aspartame is not new and is used world wide in approx 5000 to 6000 products. It is also used in Diet Coke. Generally used in products that are sugar free. There is a lot of negative press re this 951 eg literature that I have, published 2002, says that 951 accounts for over 75% of adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA ( US Food and Drug Administration
In addition this literature lists under Potential Health Effects : Cancer, asthma, MS like symptons, headache, hyperactivity, fatigue,anxiety, dizziness, migraine, memory loss, depression, insomnia, irritability, impotence, epilepsy, blindness,diabetes, neuralgia, seizures,plus many others.
950 Acesulphame Potassium Acesulphame K is also used as an artificial sweetener, doesn’t seem to have as much negative press as Aspartame but Potential Heath Effects advise: May increase levels of cholestrol in blood, caused cancer and tumours in animals.
There are at least 4 US Court Cases lodged in 2004 fighting against Aspartame.
Search Google for Aspartame – there is no shortage of adverse publicity.
I used to drink Sodastream. Their concentrates contain ‘Acesulfame K” an aspartame derivative. Drinking that, I used to wake up literally, my tongue was stuck to my teeth. A feeling you definately don’t want.
but i read that poison can help the remove the needed delivery mask for the vax thereby allowing our bodies to kill the mRNA – i believe the article i read was on ethyl glycol but pretty much all dietaries include the dilutetant. i dont have links because i am NOT Truvigi or criss cross or even ned for that matter – my expectation is that if others can find it on their own, it is more likely to be true
Greek hospital administrator faces criminal prosecution for reporting nurse’s paralysis after second mRNA shot
February 12, 2021
CORFU, GREECE – A Greek nurse is now paralyzed after receiving a second dose of mRNA. The 40-year-old nurse is a mother of two and has been a nurse for 17 years. The nurse, whose name has not been disclosed, developed a fever, followed by excruciating pain throughout her body immediately after the second shot. She was rushed to the hospital when she was unable to move or feel her lower extremities.
Michalis Giannakos, President of the Panhellenic Federation of Public Hospital Workers (POEDIN), told Open TV in the East Attica region that X-rays came back clean. The nurse is now undergoing neurological assessments. Giannakos said the nurse “was in perfect health” prior to receiving the second mRNA shot. It is believed that the nurse developed Guillain-Barré syndrome. The neurological disease causes the immune system to attack nerves throughout the body. Giannakos said the nurse is now wheelchair bound.
He defended mRNA shots to an extent. But his human side displayed genuine passion for his injured colleague.
“We do not say anything bad about the vaccine, on the contrary, but the colleague is in a wheelchair and can not get up and has been terrorized,” he said. “I am fully aware of what I am saying. Doctors there also say that it is a side effect of the vaccine.”
It is unclear if she received the Pfizer or Moderna shots. But as of today, Greece has received nearly 800,000 Pfizer doses and 135,000 Moderna doses.
Criminal charges for reporting the truth?
The Prosecution of the Court of First Instance is considering pressing criminal charges against Giannakos. Greek media outlet Ethnos is reporting that a prosecutor is investigating if Giannakos committed the crime of “spreading fake news.” His crime is expressing an mRNA adverse effect with “too much certainty.” We’ll continue following this story for updates……………………..
Not likely to see this report mentioned by the HUNTER of Greg.
Here is some weekend homework on a HCQ study for our health gurus and medical education to be able to competently advise patients on alternatives to a injection with unknown adjuvants.
x22 is pretty funny lately, says we were told there was a pandemic, why aren’t there homeless people dying in the streets and trucks carting them all away. We are told there is climate change and ice-caps are melting but now it’s the coldest winter for years, and what’s melting, not much.
Says what do they care about climate change, nothing, it’s all a cover for the great reset, and the “Western Central Bank” taking over. Says the public is getting sick or the BS, different people have different tolerance. “Space Force” is code-named “No Such Agency”. The white hats have the dirt on everyone and it’s going to trickle out.
There you go, saved you half an hour.
Yes, truth can be very funny when one bothers to listen and note the basics discussed.
From about the 30 min mark the point is succinctly made; THE WORLD IS WATCHING; Australia and Russia (following Australia’s lead) are leading the fight against censorship. Note at about 32 min mark firstly, what Poland is doing…………..after all they had 45 years to wake up to what the commies want to impose on us.
EQUILIBRIUM : Sage advice to many here during the 38 minute mark.
Also, General Flynn at the 40 min mark on truth…………..
No time saved, I still managed my usual little nap during Dave’s usual monotone address and have to go back at times.
The vengeance of truth does not know what he is missing,
It is very good for a nap
Check out this website –
The anti-Christian – Synagogue of Satan Rev. 2:9 & 3:9 Jews, the manufacturers of the Covid vaccines, crucified Christ.
The so called Jews hate Christianity yet use the Bible to make their false claims –
The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.
The END of this “AGE” – The New World Order! It is the EDOMITE JEWS who are bringing the N.W.O. about!
Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows”…
3 Nails
Bill Gates: Third Shot May Be Needed to Combat Coronavirus Variants
………….U.S. vaccine companies are looking at making modifications, which Gates refers to as “tuning.”
People who have had two shots may need to get a third shot and people who have not yet been vaccinated would need the modified vaccine, explained Gates…………
The “MARK” of the beast
“Mark”Strongs 5482 (to sharpen to a point)
“The Book, Three Nails the Numbers of the Bible, tells the complete story of Jesus Christ, the number of the beast, Satan’s down fall, Christ resurrection and ultimately our salvation.
By way of explanation, a single nail, is the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, vav. The meaning of the symbol is peg or nail. Pegs were used to hold the Old Testament temple tent in place. The Hebrew symbol is ? vav), which carries the double meaning of the number 6, speaking to the meaning of the number 666, the number of the beast in Revelation.
The back cover depicts “the day of the Lord” and the dead Apocalyptic world of the end times. Ironically the number 111 (three ones) looks a lot like Hebrew ??? (vav vav vav), which in binary is the representation of the number seven. The three ones may be interpreted as the trinity of individuals, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Satan used three nails to crucify Christ and thought his death would bring him victory only to have his temporary triumph turned into defeat by the resurrection of Jesus: thus sealing Satan’s fate and our salvation. Since mathematics is the discovery of what was true before all ages. The observations made in these pages were true in the time of Genesis, in the lifetime of Christ on earth, in first century when the New Testament was written and now. ”
Just remember Bill Gates has no medical degree of any kind.
the ‘Monster’ energy drinks use the ‘number 111’ that you describe.
Thanks for that info.
And on the topic of mathematics as a divine, fundamental truth….
A word from Dr Richard Fleming in Dallas Texas.
Dr Richard M Fleming in 2009 (age 53 in Nevada 2009) – Doctor sentenced in health care fraud – FBI – road to Damascus conversion or just an interesting life ? Or mistaken identity ?
Global Vaccine Rollout Will Cause New Mutated COVID-19 Variants Warns Oxford Scientist
How convenient – this narrative can go on as long as they like – until the genocide is complete.
I really post this to draw your attention to the comment by
“Barney” February 18, 2021 at 10:08 pm
“For heaven’s sake people – ALL viruses mutate, it’s what they do. This has all been planned for a very long time by the puppet masters. This second and third wave of the virus was planned long ago by the puppet masters who own the central banks, including the Bank of China. These imposters are the puppet masters whose messiah is Lucifer/Satan. It is they who have created the free slave world in which we all live today. See my blog at to find out who they are…
The Plandemic:
“1st Phase: Common/cold/Flu. Mild symptoms at most. Media endorsement of mass paranoia and fear. Flawed testing system utilized, which picks up any genetic material in the body and triggers a positive result. Inflation of Covid case numbers, through changing of death certificates, double-counting, and classifying all deaths including other diseases and natural causes as Covid19. Lockdown will condition us to life under Draconian laws, prevent protests and identify public resistance.
2nd Phase: The 1st Phase will lead to compromised and frail immune system through lack of food, social distancing, wearing of masks, and lack of contact with sunlight and healthy bacteria. Exposure to 5G radiation will further attack the immune system. Thus, when people re-emerge into society, more people will fall ill. This will be blamed on Covid19. This will all occur before the vaccination is ready to justify it. A longer and more potent lockdown will follow until everyone takes the vaccine.
3rd Phase: If majority of people resist the vaccine, a weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS virus will be released. A lot of people will die from this. It will be survival of the fittest. It will also be the ultimate push for everyone to be vaccinated, in order to return to normality. Those who have taken the vaccine will be at war with those who have not. It will be anarchy from all sides.”
“Covid-19means the ‘certificate of identification of vaccination with artificial intelligence’ and ’19’ was the year in which it was created.”
End of quote.
The url link he shares is fascinating
There are others here more in tune with this topic to comment on the Gog and Magog stuff – it doesn’t matter if we believe it – those controlling the narrative certainly do.
“…….. the puppet masters who own the central banks, including the Bank of China….”
Like Libya, China is running its own show and the Jews are battling to get them back under control. Unfortunately for them China won’t be a piece of cake as was Libya.
China’s money is called the Renminbi = people together money.
“When the public believes that the enemy began the war and blocks a permanent, profitable and godly peace, the propagandist has achieved his purpose. But to make assurance doubly sure, it is safe to fortify the mind of the nation with examples of the insolence and depravity of the enemy…….Thus, by a circularity of psychological reaction the guilty is the satanic and the satanic is the guilty.”
• Propaganda Technique in World War (Chapter IV “Satanism”) – Harold Lasswell
[The propaganda technique also applies to the war of plandemic against the human population.]
• “In good company: Fauci follows Wiki co-founder, ‘death panels’ inventor, warmonger Blair & WEF creator as winner of Israeli prize”
That’s all you need to know about Fauci … AND Israel – and the China-China narrative – see Lasswell quote.
A related link and comment …
• UK Vaccination Army Force/ Emergency Tribunal Indictment News Update (see Brighteon video link)
From the Jewish Talmud – keep in mind the Jewish made vaccines that you are about to get.
In Abhodah Zarah (26b, Tosephoth) it says:
“Even the best of the Goim [non-Jews] should be killed.”
“Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say: ‘Their work is but vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh, they will all perish when God visits them in His wrath.’
“At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: ‘ ‘The Lord alone will appear great on that day! …’” Zohar, Vayshlah 177b
“Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless (non-Jews), is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God.”
~ Talmud: Bammidber raba c 21 & Jalkut 772
United Kingdom: 12 people deaf, five blind after Pfizer BioNTech mRNA shots
………………………MHRA published a report on February 11 summarizing the self-reported adverse effects to Pfizer BioNTech and Oxford-Astra Zeneca shots from December 9, 2020 to January 31, 2021. The usual suspects, like anaphylaxis (120), Bell’s Palsy (99) and death (66), show up in the report. But some new adverse reactions have surfaced that even this blogger has not seen until now.
Quintuple blind experiment
MHRA defines temporal association as “events occurring following vaccination but may or may not be caused by the vaccine.” It is indisputable, however, that the risks far outweigh the social acceptance and temporary social media fame gained from being injected with mRNA.
Twelve people reported going deaf after receiving the Pfizer BioNTech shots…………………….
J.S. Your linked site says –
“Satan is saying that kings and those in high political offices like those in Congress, who have given themselves over to evil become controlled, mind and body, by Satan’s princes, fallen angels”
“ABOUT THE RACE OF GIANTS” – Book 2, Ch.4 “The Book of Adam and Eve; Also Called the Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan”. Translated by S.C. Malan.
When the children of Seth went down from the Holy Mountain, and dwelt with the children of Cain, and defiled themselves with their abominations, there were born unto them children called Garsina*, who were giants, mighty men of valour, such as no other giants were of equal might.
Certain wise men of old wrote concerning them,and say in there [sacred] books, that angels came down from heaven, and mingled with the daughters of Cain, who bare unto them these giants.
But those [wise men] err in what they say. God forbid such a thing, that angels who are spirits, should be found committing sin with human beings. Never; that cannot be……………….
But many men say, that angels came down from heaven, and joined themselves to women, and had children to them. This cannot be true. But they were children of Seth, who were of the children of Adam, that dwelt on the mountain, high up, while they preserved their virginity, their innocence and their glory like angels; and they were called “angels of God.”
But when they transgressed and mingled with the children of Cain, and begat children, ill-informed men said, that angels had come down from heaven, and mingled with the daughters of men, who bare them giants.”
*A corruption of the Arabic term.
comment disappeared so I’ll try again
news dot com hist Paleo Pete with a wet noodle – comments from head shrinker and public also amusing
hits Paleo Pete (and Dr Judy Wilyman IMO Party)
Wow hatchet job on King Philip, includes everything, news dot com is running wild, amazing near-death photos, abandoned, mum committed, married cousin, all nazis, hit and run, &c &c
Well I use the word everything loosely
Prince Philip (not King) also wanted, if he were to be reincarnated, to come back as a virus that wipes out millions of people…
expensive NDIS (national disability insurance scheme) precedes eradication of disabled nazi style in UK 60% of covid deaths were disabled
+ klaus schwab – biggest buyer of nanotech 4th industrial revolution (cyborgs) was Korean military in planning for 20 years
Great radio if you’re working or want to rest your eyes from the idiot box
Pharmakeia | Drugs, Black Magic & the End Times | Part One
ORWELLIAN: YouTube censors all videos from an academic conference on the dangers of censorship
An academic conference on media censorship and the dangers of free speech infringements online has, ironically, been censored by YouTube.
The Google-owned video platform decided to pull all videos from the Critical Media Literacy Conference of the Americas 2020 for violating its “community standards,” which include never saying anything bad about censorship.
“At first I thought it was a joke,” said Mickey Huff of Diablo Valley College in California, as quoted by MintPress.
“My initial reaction was ‘that’s absurd;’ there must have been a mistake or an accident or it must have gotten swept under somehow. There is no violation, there was no reasoning, there was no warning, there was not an explanation, there was no nothing. The entire channel was just gone.”………….
15,923 adverse reactions to COVID vaccines, including 929 deaths, reported to VARES system to date. Historically fewer than 1% of adverse reactions are reported to this system
You must refuse even under extreme pressure to take a substance that changes your genetic makeup, all because of a virus that has a 0.03% fatality rate = Do Not Get Vaccinated | Anyone who is pushing the covid vaccine and covid lie is complicit in attempted genocide of the human race
A great article well done!
“Gumshoe has written much about Ivermectin (articles here). What is most disturbing about this debate is that clinical trials and research have been suppressed by mainstream media and the government (in the West). It was extraordinary to hear hosts on ABC and the other Australian channels calling the success of Ivermectin as fake news. Even Dr Kory’s address to a Senate hearing was removed from YouTube for violating their narrative. These actions — to denigrate and suppress a life-saving drug — can only be described as criminal.”
These brainwashed indoctrinated people need to be appropriately charged with heavy penalties and jail time for dismissing relevant evidence and promoting a non-science approach with the only narrative is drugs and vaccine which would violate a number of areas. They need to be charge with RICO Act for fraud and racketeering, false advertising , false claims, and a dozen other charges
Dan Andrews caught out with another big whopper then closing down Melbourne with a lie
This is a 5 minute YouTube video that provides ABSOLUTE PROOF that Premier Daniel Andrews lied to the Victorian public last Monday when he stated about the Holiday Inn outbreak that it:
…was also linked to a function at 426 Sydney Road Coburg
…on the night of February 6
…she is asymptomatic
…she was swabbed four times
…returning both negative and weak positive results!!!
…given her exposure and the variability of those results, our public health team have taken the most conservative approach and have deemed her a positive case…
The video shows (using Google Maps) the business located at 426 Sydney Rd Coburg that it is the Big Belly Restaurant that has been closed for approximately 10 months. A camera looking through the front door reveals that the shop is completely empty of furniture, so the chance of a function being there 9 days earlier (circumstantially) proves that Daniel Andrews claim about this “function” is a complete LIE!
The EVIDENCE presented in this video means that Daniel Andrews has:
LIED to Victorians about this particular ‘case’.
CREATED this ‘fiction’ to justify his further plans to lockdown Victorians beyond the 17th February (today)
MOST LIKELY LIED about other ‘cases’ he has reported on in the past to justify his destruction of the Victorian economy; the increase in suicides among younger people; and many other social problems he has caused throughout the Victorian community.
The Big Virus Hoax
Exosomes vs Viruses (ABSTRACT click on link for full article)
Exosomes are parts of the processes of viral behavior, just as white blood cells (antibodies) are part of the processes, both having dual roles when needed. It can be said that exosomes are indistinguishable from viruses in some cases. Exosomes are the same size as viruses (0.1 microns)—and vary in size, but are mostly of similar size. They are secreted by cells and are extracellular vesicles that transport messages between cells to inform each other when they are in danger. They also transport molecules needed for cellular life between cells. They are intercellular communication agents. Viruses are replicated in the cell—exosomes are not, and are not released in high numbers as viruses are.
Exosomes vs Viruses: Scientific Theories Explained
Coronavirus Truth Exosomes (You have to scroll down a little bit to see the article)
This is what the legals need to show the court to verify what the evil medical-pharmaceutical-vaccine cabal says about viruses with their connected “germ theory” compared to real scientific microscopic evidence.
Those that make the claims must prove their claims so make them prove it or these Crimes Against Humanity is going to happen again again and again…
This is not a comprehensive list but you can get the sense of what has been going on with proper evidence and facts. What many people may not be aware of is that there is a breed of honest and reputable medical doctors in which I call them true physicians in additions to virologists and researchers who are revealing and exposing the seriously flawed medical model ideology of the liar and plagiarist Pasteur that was adopted by Rockefeller. The old paradigm of the so-called “Germ theory” and “ Herd immunity” is being exposed for what it is… simply a theory with no scientific or factual basis to support this medically concocted theory. This Scamdemic or Plandemic of Covid 19 has been brought to the attention of professionals who strictly follow true scientific parameters and Koch’s Postulates compared to the junk science, pseudo science or well known as Fascist Corporatism Deception to deceive the public with their sinister and nefarious agenda by declaring a false “Emergency” and falsely declaring a “Pandemic” for their NWO RESET agenda. Covid 19 is being used as a tool or a mechanism to bring in this sinister agenda worldwide.
Language has been ‘weaponised’ against all of us and it would be another good subject to cover in Gumshoe as we live in a War of Semantics. We desperately require a English Language Renaissance with proper definitions, descriptions and pronunciation. We need to get rid of the ‘False Narratives’ in addition to the Political Correctness which is suppression of our freewill thought and expression. They are redefining medicine for the benefit of the medical-pharmaceutical-vaccine criminal cabal to the utmost detriment against Humanity! Hopefully there will be a Medical Inquisition as we provide more evidence as time passes on. All of us must insid=st not to be counselled, directed, guided, coerced, legislate against our own free will decision to select which therapy we choose without any interference and intervention by the STATE/State. Just look at what the so-called “Health experts have got us into…?
It needs to start with ‘deadly medicine’ as it has been politicised and redefined. It’s the third largest cause of death in the world! Why should anyone have confidence in those statistics?
Doctors Change Names of Diseases When Vaccines Do Not Work
Historical Names of Diseases and Conditions
Why do the virus and the disease have different names?