
Introduction by RWA
The following two articles provide extremely current information about IVERMECTIN and to a lesser extent, HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE. IVERMECTIN is a medication that is safe, cheap, and incredibly effective in not only curing anyone who has become infected by COVID-19, but also in preventing infection from the virus. In other words, it not only acts like a vaccine, but it does more than a vaccine because it can cure you if you weren’t using it as prophylaxis before you became infected!
The first article from Argentina provides these superb success details. There are a number of other articles here on Gumshoenews, that present similar but somewhat more dated details from other parts of the world.
So why aren’t we, the Australian public, who are so thoroughly battered and bruised by months of pandemic Lockdowns and associated devastating limitations, being fed this miracle pill?
Read the second article to gain an understanding of why HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE, and similarly IVERMECTIN, is not available to we Ozzies to combat COVID-19, and why the lack of availability of HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE in the USA is controlled by the FDA but is associated with a vast amount of sordid skullduggery. The FDA’s limitations on HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE (and similarly IVERMECTIN) are used as a convenient excuse by the AuGov to also apply its own limitations. In addition, however, the AuGov is probably also engaged in its own skullduggery to limit both HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE and IVERMECTIN because of their unwelcome competition to the Far-Off-Vaccine in which the AuGov has invested a considerable amount of money.
Read on, then consider how the AuGov and other authorities are toying with your life, your health and your wellbeing. Also consider how the AuGov may very well have contributed to the untimely death of your beloved grandparents from COVID-19 infection by withholding their access to HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE or IVERMECTIN. There are many other pandemic-associated situations that have caused enormous distress to numerous members of the Australian population. Perhaps you might like to consider joining one of the Class Actions against the AuGov because of this. One is presented here on Gumshoenews via this link here.Â
Source of the article here. Translated from Spanish to English by Google with some minor editing by RWA.
TITLE: “IVERMECTIN: verified as effective against COVID-19, but still not authorised.”
OCTOBER 18, 2020 – 11:56 AM
by Bernardita Ponce Mora
[Editor Note: BPM is a journalist with El Tribuno, an Argentine newspaper.]
HĂ©ctor Eduardo Carvallo is one of the physicians who has studied the use of IVERMECTIN – alone and with other drugs – both as a preventive (prophylaxis) and as a cure (curative) for COVID-19.
The results, successful in both cases, were presented on July 4 (2020) to the authorities of NaciĂłn, the Province of Buenos Aires, and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA). Earlier, the results had been registered with the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Carvallo is a physician who graduated from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) some 40 years ago. He was director of the Ezeiza hospital and is a professor of Medicine at the Inter-American Open University and the University of MorĂłn. Previously, he taught at UBA and MaimĂłnides University.
What studies did they do?
We have worked on two protocols: one as a preventive (prophylaxis) and one as a cure (curative) of COVID-19.
In both protocols, we use IVERMECTIN, which is an antiparasitic that has been used for more than 20 years in human pharmacology and is approved for human use not only in Argentina by the National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology (Anmat), but also in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
For the preventive (prophylaxis) protocol, we use IVERMECTIN once a week together with a nasal spray having carrageenan as the active ingredient.
We call the curative protocol IDEA, which is the acronym for the four components involved: IVERMECTIN, Dexamethasone (a corticosteroid), Enoxaparin (an anticoagulant) and Aspirin (a blood thinner).
“There were several protocols used in May that, in our view, no longer worked. With the new protocols, we demonstrate that we reduced lethality sevenfold!”
What was the process?
During the preventive (prophylaxis) protocol, we worked with 121 health care workers with all existing protective equipment plus our treatment and another 98, with the same equipment, in the same place, seeing the same patients, but without the preventive protocol.
Within the second (98) group, during that month, there were 11 contagions. In the first group who received the preventive protocol, there was no contagion.
What happened next?
After we got the results, very few wanted to be involved in the control arm (ie without the preventive protocol.)
Three months ago, the protocol was extended and 1,200 health care workers were involved in total. Some 800 received the preventive protocol and another 400 did not, but only because they personally chose not to adhere to the protocol. Regardless, they agreed to be considered purely for comparison purposes. In this group of 400, there were 252 contagions – more than half – while the group of 800 had zero contagion. [Editor Note: This is very strong evidence of the prophylaxis value of IVERMECTIN!]
Are there any more studies on this?
I have worked on another preventive protocol together with Professor Roberto Hirsch, who is the director of the Infectology Department of Muñiz Hospital, which is the reference center of this topic in the country (Argentina). In this study, only IVERMECTIN is used ie without the carrageenan nasal spray, but the results are very similar to those when the spray is used. [Editor Note: In effect, the carrageenan nasal spray is of no value as part of the preventive protocol.]
The preventive protocol was used in Muñiz (a town in Argentina), the Penna hospital and the Polyclinic of the Metallurgical Workers’ Union in San Nicolás de los Arroyos, in the north of the province of Buenos Aires.
How was the curative protocol applied?
We never wanted to use the curative protocol versus a placebo. In the midst of a pandemic, in which people’s lives are at stake, condemning the placebo patients to take that risk (ie exposure to infection without the protection of any prophylaxis) seemed to us to be too unethical. Science should never place itself above ethics.
(Editor Note: Ethics appear to be of no consequence to the Australian Federal and State Governments who refuse to make IVERMECTIN available for use by the public, or for prescription by GPs, etc to combat COVID-19. Ethics also appears to be of no consequence to other authorities who have helped to foster the Govs’ negative attitude to IVERMECTIN. This has condemned the Australian population to the devastation of Lockdowns etc, plus an increased chance of infection by COVID-19, or of prolonged recovery and of possible death once infected.)
As there were already several protocols in use, such as hydroxychloroquine, kaletra, and plasma, and some people had already chosen one of them and had signed an associated consent form to receive it, we used the IDEA curative protocol versus the other treatments which no longer worked according to our opinion which we developed in May.
What were the conclusions?
During the month of the protocol use, we had about 180 patients. In that group, there were 135 cases of mildly infected, which are those that have all the Coronavirus symptoms but do not have anything serious, so can be treated at home.
According to a global statistic, about 10 percent of mild cases get worse and over time they need to be hospitalised. Of our 135, we, therefore, expected about 13 (10%) to go to the hospital later. As it turned, none of them became that bad.
Of the others, who were no longer mild at the time of our late intervention, more than half went straight into intensive care. This consisted of 35 patients.
The control group which was self-generated consisted of 12 other patients who did not want to adhere to our protocol as they preferred other forms of treatment.
With the IDEA curative protocol, we demonstrated that we were able to reduce lethality sevenfold.
Is this protocol still used?
Several provinces use it, such as Corrientes, Misiones, Jujuy, Tucumán, Chubut, and some places in Buenos Aires. As it is not yet official, each location adheres to its own standards. It’s becoming more widespread, but not with the speed we wanted and which would be more beneficial to the general population.
Is the protocol used in Salta?
(Editor Note: Salta is the name of a city and province in Argentina. It is the home of José Evaristo Uriburu, the president of Argentina, so is probably an influential area.)
It’s an open secret that everyone uses it. Some hospitals such as that of Dr. Arturo Oñativia, San Bernardo, and others whose names I do not know, they use it (NdR: the Ministry of Public Health of the Province approved from 21 September the use of ivermectin in drops -24 mg- or ivermectin 6 mg -four tablets – for the treatment of high-risk adult patients).
In addition to health care workers, who else used the preventive protocol?
In the Partido de la Costa, in the province of Buenos Aires, the preventive protocol is used by police forces and in some aged care homes, too.
In Jujuy (San Salvador) there was the case of two institutions, one of which applied the preventive protocol from the beginning and the other did not. In the second, there were 40 cases of infection and several deaths and in the first, there were no cases of infection. [Editor Note: Yet more evidence of IVERMECTIN’s successful abilities as a preventive (prophylaxis)].
In an aged care home in the province of Buenos Aires, where there had already been four cases of infection with one death, we were asked to apply the curative protocol. In one week it cured the outbreak with 50 patients and we were left with only four unresolved cases of infection.
The most interesting thing is that after a month they measured the defenses of the 50 patients and 42 had immunity; i.e. they had become infected but no-one had noticed.
Can anyone use this treatment?
We believe that it has to be used by all essential staff, at the very least, and then distributed to the rest of the community.
To those who want to use this medication I recommend that, before doing so, a patient should consult with a hospital such as one in San Bernardo, in the Oñativia or in other health centers so that the patient can receive a reasonable and professional explanation on how they should use it.
Until it is official and they say “for now, this is the treatment”, it is necessary to sign a consent form because it is a medication that, although approved by the Anmat, is being used in a manner for which it was not originally intended.
Why is the availability of IVERMECTIN and associated medications, being delayed?
I’ll leave that to you to investigate [as a journalist]…
There are two things that concern us, due to the slowness of government entities to formalise protocols.
On 4 July, when we promoted the results to the relevant authorities, there were 1,452 deaths. Today, there are 26 thousand. That makes us lose sleep…
[Editor Note: See “Afterword” below.]
By not making it official, we not only detract from people’s ability to do something that has proven effective, but there is also the risk and dangers of self-medication.
Which authorities did you submit the results to?
In the Province of Buenos Aires, in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, and in the Nation.
As we saw that it would be long, since July we started contacting companies and medical teams in different parts of the country, not to sell a product because we are not employed as promoters of any laboratory or its products. In fact, IVERMECTIN’s patent expired more than 10 years ago. It can now be produced by whoever wants to do so.
On Friday (16 October 2020), the World Health Organization recognised that all the treatments that some authorities had stated were successful, such as remdesivir, actually did not work.
How much does this treatment cost?
It’s not an expensive remedy. It is sustainable for any health system. The protocols we push costs $10 per person per day. The remdesivir, on the other hand, comes out $3,000 per person per day and, on top of that, it doesn’t work.
Is this a vaccine?
It’s not a vaccine, but it functions like one. It is this “vaccine effect” that Professor Hirsch is promoting. In effect, it is a low-cost default vaccine, without the risks that usually appear and which extend the progress of vaccine trials, at least in well-regulated countries.
[AFTERWORD – RWA’s Note: Australia’s death count is nowhere near the “26 thousand” figure quoted above, but there is little doubt that if IVERMECTIN had been made available in early-to-mid 2020, the horrendous Seniors’ death count could have been easily reduced if not totally eradicated. In addition, had IVERMECTIN been made available to the Australian population in general and not just the Seniors, it would have enabled every individual who had just been infected with the Coronavirus to IMMEDIATELY take the curative dosage, thereby ensuring TOTAL RECOVERY AT HOME, normally within a rapid 7 days, or even less. This encouraging result nullifies the fear created by mass infection, fear of overwhelmed hospital facilities, ICUs, and respirators. The rapid recovery enables the infected individual to quickly return to a normal life, to quickly return to work, to quickly return to school, etc. In effect, infection with COVID-19 when treated IMMEDIATELY with IVERMECTIN is no worse than infection with the annual flu or even the common cold! Enabling the ready availability of IVERMECTIN would therefore totally negate the need for Lockdowns and any of its associated restrictions which have been so devastating to Australia’s economy, the community’s mental health, the proper schooling of children etc. IVERMECTIN and its curative properties provides all these amazingly beneficial advantages …. and this has not even considered using IVERMECTIN in the role as a preventive (prophylaxis). Australia, in fact, the World has been blessed with an amazing gift in the form of IVERMECTIN, but the authorities have been rendered blind by a dogmatic, arrogant and dismissive attitude, possibly bolstered by a certain degree of skullduggery as presented in Article #2.]
Sourced from the Washington Examiner HERE.
TITLE: FDA obstruction: Patients die, while Trump gets the blame
By Harvey Risch.
October 19, 2020 – 5:38 PM
[Editor Note: The Washington Examiner is an American news website and weekly magazine based in Washington, D.C. USA. Harvey Risch, M.D., Ph.D., is a professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health.]
In a recent Washington Post op-ed, seven former FDA commissioners claimed that the agency has lost credibility with the public, and they blamed it on President Trump.
Jumping on the same bandwagon, an editorial in the once-venerable New England Journal of Medicine accused the president of “failing at every step” to stop the CO1VID-19 pandemic, thus enabling more than 220,000 deaths to date.
In reality, these charges are driven by craven politics and Big Pharma conflicts of interest. They divert attention from the FDA’s despicable efforts to block access to effective and inexpensive generic medications. Foremost among these is hydroxychloroquine.
[Editor Note: “The FDA’s despicable efforts to block access to …. hydroxychloroquine” also applies to Ivermectin which just happened to escape public scrutiny because President Trump never publicised it like he did hydroxychloroquine.]
Let’s take this in steps.
First, who is bringing these charges? The seven commissioners include David Kessler — adviser for the Biden campaign; Scott Gottlieb — board of directors of Pfizer and consultant to many pharmaceutical companies; Mark McClellan — board of directors of Johnson & Johnson; Robert Califf — extensive ties with many of the largest pharmaceutical companies; Andrew von Eschenbach — board of directors of the biotech company BioTime and director of Viamet Pharmaceuticals; and Jane Henney — who has served on the board of directors of AstraZeneca.
Many of these companies manufacture patented COVID-19 vaccines and medications. These products are in direct competition with generic, low-cost drugs that FDA has been asked to approve for outpatient COVID-19 use, but that it has refused.
Not to be outdone, the New England Journal of Medicine editorial was led by Deputy Editor Lindsey Baden, who disclosed that he is involved in COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial work conducted in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health, COVID-19 Vaccine Prevention Network, and Crucell/Janssen, Moderna, the Gates Foundation, and the Ragon Institute.
Baden is also chair of the Antimicrobial Drug Advisory Committee of the FDA. Not only is Baden, because of his role with the FDA, motivated to deflect blame from the agency, but he appears to be incentivized financially to tilt the COVID-19 response away from inexpensive generic medications and toward patented and massively profitable vaccines.
The reality is that the FDA has undermined its own credibility, and it has done so brazenly in plain sight. No president was needed for that, as I’ll explain.
As background, one must understand that COVID-19 patients are typically hospitalized because they have developed a severe and life-threatening pneumonia, one that fills the lungs with inflammatory debris and causes abnormal blood clotting in the lungs and small blood vessels. This advanced and dangerous condition often described as acute respiratory distress syndrome, or ARDS, is entirely different from early “outpatient” (that is, outside the hospital) manifestations of COVID-19, which typically consist of a self-limiting, flu-like illness. We are thus speaking of two very different groups of patients. This distinction between COVID-19 outpatient and inpatient, of course, is well known to the FDA.
And yet, on July 1, the FDA posted on its website a large, black-letter warning against using hydroxychloroquine, or HCQ, to treat outpatients: “FDA cautions against use of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for COVID-19 outside of the hospital setting.” The FDA justified this warning — stated on the website, just beneath the warning itself — by referring to safety concerns among hospitalized patients.
The FDA does not mention the crucial distinction between evidence for outpatients and inpatients. It does not mention the large body of evidence that HCQ is safe when used in COVID-19 outpatients. It does not mention that HCQ is currently being used safely by millions of outpatients with lupus and other rheumatological conditions. Nor does the FDA mention that HCQ has been safely used worldwide by hundreds of millions of persons, equaling tens of billions of doses, over more than half a century.
And finally, the FDA does not mention that it has no data showing adverse events in outpatient use. In short, among relatively healthy outpatients, HCQ has amassed one of the deepest and most extensive safety records of any drug in history, and the FDA’s warning implication of general harm is an outright lie.
On Aug. 18, Republican Sens. Ron Johnson, Ted Cruz, and Mike Lee sent a letter to FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn asking the FDA to justify its public warning. After a seven-week delay, the FDA gave a vacuous non-response that contained no data on outpatient adverse events. Yet, the black-letter warning remains on the FDA website. That warning has caused state medical and pharmacy licensing boards to block physicians and patients from obtaining HCQ, and it has caused large health systems, medical groups, individual doctors, and other care providers to shun HCQ altogether.
Why is this important? There is extensive evidence that HCQ, when used within the first five days of symptom onset, produces a sharp and statistically significant reduction in hospitalization and mortality. Seven controlled, well-conducted clinical studies show this: 636 outpatients in SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil; 199 clinic patients in Marseille, France; 717 patients across a large HMO network in Brazil; 226 nursing-home patients in Marseille; 1,247 outpatients in New Jersey; 100 long-term care institution patients in Andorra (between France and Spain); and 7,892 patients across Saudi Arabia.
All of these studies pertain to the early treatment of high-risk outpatients, and all showed 50% or higher reductions in hospitalization or death. Not a single fatal cardiac arrhythmia attributable to the HCQ was reported among these thousands of patients. In addition, a new summary analysis of five randomized controlled trials has also shown a statistically significant outpatient benefit, proving the case.
The inability of COVID-19 outpatients to obtain prescriptions for HCQ — a medication that along with zinc, vitamin D, antibiotics, and likely steroids will almost certainly prevent them from hospitalization and death — stems entirely from FDA’s refusal to remove its fictional website warning, and its refusal to grant HCQ emergency use authorization in spite of the major evidence of benefit. That evidence is much stronger than that involved in the FDA’s approval of convalescent plasma, and especially of its approval of remdesivir, which has now been proven ineffective.
(Editor Note: Amend the above statement: “The inability of COVID-19 outpatients to obtain prescriptions for HCQ … ” to read: “The inability of COVID-19 outpatients to obtain prescriptions for HCQ or IVERMECTIN ….”. This amendment exposes the problems imposed on IVERMECTIN as well as hydroxychloroquine, and the fact that with either of these medications, outpatients “…. will almost certainly (be prevented) from hospitalization and death.”)
Many or most of the 220,000 deaths in the United States to date could have been prevented by widespread HCQ (EN: or IVERMECTIN) use that the FDA blocked. It is the FDA that is responsible for these deaths, not the president. It is sheer corrupt hypocrisy, and completely shameful, for past FDA commissioners and for a New England Journal of Medicine editor with ties to the FDA to accuse the president of what the FDA itself has done.
It is time to clean up this mess once and for all. The FDA must remove its black-box warning, approve the emergency use authorization for outpatient HCQ (EN: and IVERMECTIN) use, and let doctors get on with the work of saving lives.
Harvey Risch, M.D., Ph.D., is professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health.
The Truth About Vaccines (TTAV) Episode 10
Vaccines 101 (Vanquishing the “Vaccinati” with Veracity)
(Disregard the comment at 8:32 – these extraordinary people, elite in their field of specialty, simply don’t have time to venture down every rabbit hole – hence they can miss the elephant in the room.)
The race for the cure has all the viciousness of the BenHur chariot race but someone has broken through, could also it be a sleazy Jew !!! Who knows, not me.
But – gasp – Gilead is a mountain in Jordan !!!
Dear Editor Dee, your Comments Moderator asks you to delete the 12.17am comment by w3, and consider blocking him.
I pour endless effort of my own into this website (approx 650 articles so far), not for the sake of ending up with a website that refers to someone as “a sleazy Jew,” thank you very much.
But the plethora of dinky-di Jew bashing on the site is OK ?
“Irony Deficiency” well known in the US.
Berry and w3,
The Jewish creed are not victimised here. Like us, they are naive to the brainwashing. Most are innocent of the crimes of the few. But if you look at the disproportionate number of characters controlling the agenda, the Zionists are responsible for chaos and jackboot dictatorship imposed here in Oz. Along with crown partners and affiliates from selected races.
We are stripped naked by snoops monitoring every movement, in the newly created jobs of this gig gulag economy, by the exponential growing surveillance state CCP style. Look at the richest ten, in proportion to population. Combine their wealth and compare with what’s left for the rest here. For it to be so, there must be some hidden power at play.
Gaddafi cared for his people, do they?
Well said ’56’.
I can only speak for myself, but my only concern is for exposing, then prosecuting and incarcerating said evil entities that are wreaking havoc in the world.
On occasion they’ll be nominally Jewish (whether or not they’re practising Jews I don’t know), at other times they’ll be from another tribe or ethnicity.
In the end, all these bastards should be rounded up and incarcerated – irrespective of their race.
You know how JFK’s assassination is often referred to: The Zionist mafia getting rid of the Italian mafia. Maybe the latest fight to the White House is the Chinese mafia (via Biden) trying to overpower the Zionist mafia with the help of the Techno-mafia.
Even so, I don’t think GumshoeNews has a place for slurs.
Mary is right. As someone who has a perchance for slurring(with reason and put on youse ‘free speech).
I use my tools for the underdog though and the Jewish faith are under the hammer too.
Mary, Dee will not ban and I would not either. This is not free speech (free thought).
W3, you know these words can lead to unwanted consequences.
Back off that line that hurts our endeavours. Or I’ll pull the piss, friend.
I got knocked off track, was going to thank RWA for the awesome gumshoeing.
Thank you too for your endeavours.
Nonsense, it was simple irony. The Zio-bashing does extend to Jews, as a simple example I recall Veggie saying the only talent on Seinfeld was the character “Kramer” who is a simple non-Jewish slapstick guy whereas the writer Larry David was the real genius and the character “George” equally was a masterful character assassination. You people are making too much out of a piece of irony, irony is when you say something that is so implausible that you know it must be a joke. In the US, you need to add “NOT” after, as was invented by Mike Myers (a Canadian) to explain irony to the US. I wouldn’t say I am proud of my small piece of English/Australian heritage but why should I bend the knee to some other culture, dictating my cultural form. It should be clear to anyone I am not anti-Jew because I have endured many attacks and insults from the lower-order Veggie while trying to persuade him that Zio is not the only force at work in the world. For the Veggie, Zio is everything and Bushs, Rumsfeld, Rockerfellas, everyone else is given a get out of jail card.
Just look at the context in my comment. I am suggesting that maybe Jews have produced a successful medication to UNDERMINE the vaccine propaganda. Nobody has picked up on this, instead it has devolved into mudslinging, based on a wrong assumption. I should demand an apology but I won’t because I don’t even care. What I care about is information.
Getting back to the topic above I see:
“Seven former FDA commissioners claimed that the agency has lost credibility with the public, and they blamed it on President Trump…these charges are driven by craven politics and Big Pharma .. Let’s take this in steps.
First, who is bringing these charges? The seven commissioners include David Kessler — adviser for the Biden campaign” etc.
This is more significant, the ironic use of “sleazy” and so forth is a distraction. Maybe they are sleazy because they are part of BigPharma. Is that a charge? Is sleazy a banned word? Should we ban all words? Should we ban irony? Everything? “Shut it all down, I have chosen to be offended”. Is that what people want?
Getting back to the main story, these 7 commissioners.
Are these all Zionists, if Jew are they Zionist, if Zionist are they Jew, well I’ll tell you, the answer is, they might be this and they might be that. They might be one and 20 years later they might be another. They might switch next week. Such is life.
Claiming everything is Zio is basically claiming a SUBSET of Jews are responsible for everything and the “Goy” (a favourite term of Veggie’s which is about the only thing I ever learned from the Veggie), the Goy is always the innocent victim (including Hitler).
This is very misleading, in my opinion, and it appears to be a type of race based vilification, through the strategy of splitting “good Jews” and “bad Jews”. But I what annoys me most is, in my opinion this serves as a smokescreen so I denounce it when I see it.
Picking on a word like “sleazy” as an excuse for cultural imperialism and total censorship is in my view “deplorable” and even though it is a funny word in the modern context I am prepared to have it understood in the strongest possible sense.
Fair enough W3, I did smirk at your original “irony’ comment.
Just wished you had a particular(individual) sleez of persuasion.(red white blue, whatever)
Gums has been bumped before and will ultimately be bumped in the future. This is a loss for all of us but let’s all add our voices as we can and not exit with the easy excuse.
Here we all are, cool is it not, thanks Dee, let’s not bump ourselves would be my wish.
No issues with me brother,, you know our voices are hated, just trying to avoid a premature exit.
Fairly obvious what you were ironing out; that it had nothing to do with Jews per se.
And that you were called out accordingly
So right Dee; the idea that the shots are being called by one united cabal is seriously wide of the mark.
I’ve been convinced for a very long time that stirring up enmity within the ranks is the best way to go.If their sights are set on killing each other they’re far more likely to leave everybody else alone
The internal mistrust that pervades each and every one of the individual syndicates also tends to get overlooked
You make a very good point about internal mistrust of syndicates and, collectively, they present as statesmanlike and sworn not to comment on one another while privately arranging every type of assassination
More about the Gilead patent:
The proof that the U. S. is not a God-fearing nation lies in the fact it’s beleaguered by patent/royalty/plagiarism “law” across the board
Eight minutes of your time. James Corbett says please join him in rejecting the “hypothetical” of infection. And tell him at corbettreport.com exactly what your line in the sand is, re accepting this or that measure by the state (such as forcible vax, contact tracing for the rest of your life, etc.).
Best two articles on the subject yet
I read somewhere this morning ….. whatreallyhappened.com (?) That iverectum has been approved by the FDA.
Someone tell Dan so he can save a few lives by looking after his people and freeing all his other state prisoners.
Maybe some msm spiv mIght let the country know that they do not have to die in support of the proposed totalitarian NWO FEAR PROGRAM AND TOTALITARIAN CONTROL.
No, Ned, I think it was Resrvir (sp?) that was approved by the FDA.
Oops. Found ref:
Oct 23 at 7.03.
Linked to zero hedge report… some concoction.
FDA Letter to Stakeholders: Do Not Use Ivermectin Intended …
Ivermectin is FDA-approved for use in animals for prevention of heartworm disease in some small animal species, and for treatment of certain internal and external parasites in various animal species.
(and I thought we were animals!)
Drove over Harbour Bridge today. Don’t know what special commemoration it is but, on one pole was Oz flag on the other (where normally is NSW flag, occasionally natives real flag) was the UN. Both at half mast. What’s next a red flag with yellow stars? Events are changing everyone via artificial insanity.
This is why 56, though I’m not sure about why they were half mast though. It’s United Nations Day. Yippee!!!
Mary, before you censure ‘w3’, consider this.
Although he hasn’t admitted it, ‘w3’ is almost certainly Jewish.
(How else can one explain his knee-jerk and defensive reaction to every accusation against implied Zionist criminality ?).
That said, and bearing in mind that African-Americans will refer to one another using the ‘N’ word, this being perfectly acceptable coming from one bro to another, then in that context it’s perfectly acceptable for ‘Wiesel 3’ (aka w3) to speak this way of his brethren.
(Although prefixing with the word ‘sleazy’ was uncalled for. Perhaps something like ‘unsavoury’ might have been more appropriate).
As for w3’s claim that he learnt the word ‘goy’ from me, pleeeeease, save that for the more gullible.
It’s well known that all of Jewry is familiar with the term and many use it liberally when sniping out of earshot of the Gentiles – this I’ve gleaned from many a forthright Jew who’s been frank with me.
So by looking for facts, reality and balance I am presumed pro-Zionist and therefore Jewish, this reminds me of a few weeks ago when I was accused by this useless dribbling Veggie of molesting babies and killing them or some such idiotic nonsense charge, so, where was the moderator then?
Now I am on trial for using the word “sleazy” in ironic sense, ironically, against Jews !!!
I’m not qualified to help you.
‘w3’, you told us all you were a Rabbi – and then you backtracked when you didn’t accrue the mileage out of it that you anticipated.
The fact is, NO gentile comes back with these reflexive vitriolic responses in defence of his fellow Zionist brethren like you do (as has been indoctrinated into the minds of hard-core Zionists from birth).
Come clean ‘w3’ – we all know who you actually are.
‘w3’, as for your misrepresentations that I claimed you were molesting / killing babies in the past, my comments are archived for all to see.
And they will show you’re a bald-faced liar.
I posted something about some pagan rituals involving genital mutilation performed by Rabbis. These Rabbis were then involved in a depraved act on said Jewish newborn boys that is documented as being fairly widespread.
I simply asked you, as an admitted Rabbi, whether you performed similar acts of depravity and if not, if you know of other Rabbis that do and whether you were reporting them to the authorities (as anyone with a conscience would).
You refused to answer. So what are Gumshoe readers to make of it ?
What are you hiding ?
Let me make an analogy. Let’s assume w3 says something disparaging about the Mormons. Now, I’m not a Mormon but if I know that w3 is propagating something untrue about them I’ll bring it to everyone’s attention in a calm and measured way.
Not so with all of w3’s responses.
He literally starts foaming at the mouth in defending some assertions I’ve made directed at his Zio-brethren.
It’s as if I’d attacked an immediate family member of his, as if I’d conducted a personal attack on him.
This is all archived. I urge Gumshoe readers to look into Wiesel 3’s (aka Rabbi Bobby Gold-borrower / aka ‘bg’ / aka ‘dsw’ / aka w3’s) comment history and you’ll see why I’m relentless in my pursuit of exposing him as a paid sayanim troll.
Get this out https://cairnsnews.org/2020/11/02/police-blow-whistle-on-coronavirus-deception/
‘So why aren’t we, the Australian public, who are so thoroughly battered and bruised by months of pandemic Lockdowns and associated devastating limitations, being fed this miracle pill?’
The irony here is that the main study that ignited the growing evidence of Ivermectin treatment was done by Monash researcher Dr. Kylie Wagstaff that announced in April 2020 that Ivermectin killed the COVID-19 virus in 48 hours (In Vitro). In addition Dr. Borody has submitted the Ivermectin-based Triple therapy protocol to the Health Minishter Greg Hunt in August 2020.
Ivermectin earns little $, and vax earns billion $.