
by RWA
[Editor’s note: The numbering in this article is for reference points when speaking with or communicating with government officials.]
1. The Subject URL provides access to a 20201106 article from the Australian newspaper named THE AGE.
2. This is one of the very few articles out of Australian mainstream media that I’ve seen & that not only uses the “heinous” word IVERMECTIN, but it actually discusses this medication without totally condemning it outright. Admittedly, the text is spattered with warnings such as:
2.1. Victoria’s health minister was warning people not to take the drug.
2.2. “The evidence we have seen so far certainly does not support its use in current practice,” says Professor Andrew McLachlan, the University of Sydney’s dean of pharmacy.
2.3. To get to the levels in Dr Wagstaff’s initial study, a person would need to take a dose 10 to 30 times higher than ever studied in humans, Professor Sullivan says.
2.4. Australia’s national COVID-19 clinical evidence taskforce says the drug should not be used outside clinical trials, as the benefits are unknown.
3. However, for all these warnings that paint this incredibly benign & efficacious pill as if it ranks with the World’s worst poisons, the article does at least provide some remarks that are slightly positive about IVERMECTIN, such as:
3.1. “Dr Wagstaff supports Australian authorities waiting for robust evidence. She is wary of patients self-medicating. But she defends the rights of doctors to prescribe the drug off-label for COVID-19.
3.2. “Dr Wagstaff (says) ‘We don’t have the definitive answers yet as to whether it works or not. But I haven’t seen any good evidence that it does not work.’ ”
4. Dr Wagstaff may well say “…. I haven’t seen any good evidence that it does not work”, but I assume this has been said without much awareness of what goes on outside of her sacred Clinical Test environment. There, she & her cohorts tinker with their “double-blind tests” & “placebos”, full of confidence that what they are doing has been established & condoned by the Old Testament according to the almighty Universities of the World. In this way, Dr Wagstaff & associates are shielded from & are oblivious to the Covid-19-infected sinners who are dying in their thousands because of no IVERMECTIN!
5. Dr Wagstaff also says that “…. she defends the rights of doctors to prescribe the drug off-label for COVID-19….”, but it appears that she has done nothing to make the AuGov aware of this attitude as their legislation continues to restrict it in a draconian fashion. In some ways, you can’t blame the AuGov for this extremely negative response about IVERMECTIN because it was Dr Wagstaff’s initial study that stated, “…. a person would need to take a dose 10 to 30 times higher than ever studied in humans …. (for it to be successful).”
6. This is one of the most extremely negative reports that’s ever been published about IVERMECTIN. To make matters worse, this negativity is backed by the names of two auspicious authorities: Monash University & The Doherty Institute. Detractors of IVERMECTIN love quoting this report because of its extreme condemnation & its high-level credentials. Yet it is so erroneous that it’s embarrassing & aggravating to anyone who has a reasonable knowledge of IVERMECTIN.
7. For all that, Dr Wagstaff has never offered a retraction or an amendment to this extremely damaging report. As a result, I take her pleasantries about IVERMECTIN that are quoted above as being without any real conviction.
8. Well before this article in The Age was printed, I realised the damage that Dr Wagstaff’s misleading findings were doing to the valuable properties of IVERMECTIN. As a result, I sent an email on 06/10/2020 to Dr Wagstaff, challenging her to explain why the following two contrasting statements exist in her report or about the report:
8.1. Dr Wagstaff reported “…. ivermectin could be a useful antiviral to limit SARS-CoV-2 ….”
8.2. Associate Professor Tong has concerns that “The initial studies seem to suggest you need a very high level of ivermectin to be able to reduce replication of the virus, and those levels in those initial studies are very difficult or impossible to achieve in a person….”
9. My email is presented below. Just over a month has passed since it was sent, but I have received no answer to my query. Embarrassment may be one explanation to this no response, but I suspect it is more likely to be associated with money!
10. Professor David Jans, Dr Wagstaff’s co-author, has hit the nail on the head when he says in The Age article:
10.2. “He believes his ivermectin work is attracting criticism because “Big Pharma hates the idea of a cheap drug that might work”.
11. The Age also states:
11.1. Monash University has received federal government and philanthropic funding to do further work on the drug.
12. Like Big Pharma, the Australian federal government doesn’t want their Au$billions of investment in their Long-Way-Off vaccine to be threatened by that Cheap-But-Very-Safe-&-Efficacious IVERMECTIN. I don’t know how much funding the Australian federal government provides to Monash University, but I bet it’s a mere token compared to the bonanza given to the vaccine developers. Even though it’s a splash in the ocean, I imagine that Monash University don’t want to lose it, so I guess that they’re dutifully following instructions not to report any findings in favour of IVERMECTIN!
13. While on the subject of COVID-19 cures, there are many sceptics who understandably have doubts about the “magical properties” of numerous medications that are touted on the web. The internet is the modern version of the Snake-Oil Salesmen in this regard! I was sceptical too until I made a cold phone call to a doctor (Dr Mickey) in her clinic in USA. I happened to see her name mentioned in a nondescript article online. It mentioned that she was using IVERMECTIN in off-label applications to cure COVID19.
14. The phone number that I called was genuinely her clinic. It was answered by her nurse / secretary. She was able to grab Dr Mickey between patients. I arranged a more convenient time to call, & managed to have a couple of long conversations with the good doctor & with her nurse. They happily recounted their 100% success rate using IVERMECTIN, & that it was totally genuine. Dr Mickey has no agenda to push, & according to her nurse, she’s a very committed individual who does enormous amounts of study with the intention of helping her patients. She has a radical streak, & doesn’t care that her off-label use of IVERMECTIN is receiving criticism from her more conservative contemporaries, because “…. damn their claims that it should be properly tested first, when it’s already been proven to be safe by many years of use as an antiparasitic, & it just happens to work extremely well with COVID-19!” The alternative is to let the patients die without it, while Clinical Trials fiddle around trying to prove it’s safe!
15. Check out more about Dr Mickey in the following URL: https://gumshoenews.com/2020/09/01….(etc). It’s one of the URLs that I’ve listed below. Most of those URLs provide access to documents that I have written & which relate to IVERMECTIN.
- A video lecture dated 28 October 2020, is by Dr. Paul Marik, a professor of medicine and Chief, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School. The link to this video is:
16.1. https://youtu.be/pU6nW97eQIU
17. This is the best promotion of IVERMECTIN that I have seen to date. It contains a considerable amount of technical terms associated with physiology etc, which I found interesting & slightly baffling, but which other viewers might find annoying. If so, at least watch the last 5 minutes to hear the main message of the amazing attributes of IVERMECTIN!
18. The final conclusion is that IVERMECTIN is the ONLY medication out of seven others (Hydroxychloroquine, Remdesivir, Interferon etc), that functions positively & efficaciously to cure any patient in any of the 3 phases (Incubation, Symptomatic & Pulmonary) of COVID-19’s attack on the human body. (See attached chart “IvmSuccess20201101.jpg” ) It is indeed a panacea cure for COVID-19.
19. Over the last few months, in an attempt to have IVERMECTIN made more readily available to the Australian population, & most especially to doctors allowing them to prescribe IVERMECTIN to patients infected with COVID-19, I have sent NUMEROUS emails & Tweets to various Australian Government MPs & other authorities. Unfortunately, they are so arrogant, dogmatic & lacking in common courtesy that they have not responded once, not even a “Thanks for your submission, but ……” For copies of my emails, see the URLs below. For my Tweets, see my Twitter Account (@RhodusRod).
20. This denial of access to IVERMECTIN to Australian patients who are infected with COVID-19, & who also correctly believe that it will cure them of their infection, is a total travesty of proper Therapeutic Goods Administration, not to mention a denial of human rights for an infected individual to take all reasonable steps that are necessary & available to survive & recover from COVID-19 infection.
21. As my numerous emails & Tweets don’t seem to be having any effect, my next step is to start a petition to the Australian Federal Government, & possibly the State Governments as well.
22. You may feel less threatened by the Coronavirus because of recent announcements that a vaccination MAY be available as early as Xmas 2020. Regardless of the credibility of this statement & the efficacy of the vaccine, it will be a considerable time before every Australian individual will be vaccinated. In addition, there’s no guarantee that it will be effective on every Australian. As a result, there will be Australians who will become infected with COVID-19 & who will need IVERMECTIN to help them to recover, regardless of whether a vaccination is available or not. The vaccine does NOT cure people who are already infected with COVID-19, IVERMECTIN DOES CURE infected patients!
23. I urge everyone to support my petition, once it’s initiated.
NOTE: URLs listed below & which are presented as:
provide access to documents authored by yours truly (UserName: RWA). Those presented as:
are authored by other individuals.
•Realcoronanews URLs•
•Gumshoenews URLs•
Alan Jones interviewed Dr Thomas Borody from Five Dock NSW who is also promoting Ivemectin and has written to the zoom and been ignored.
Written to the PM that changed to zoom for some reason.
please explain
My understanding is that Zoom is some dodgy CCP set-up:
So I can’t make head or tail of your comment
Offering cheap solutions to institutions hell bent is like throwing pearls at swine.
Melbourne University has a BSL4 factory manufacturing vaccines and viruses in the same labs.
Pleading with serpents for fair play is fare pay. Like our voting forms, paperwork is recycled and that’s as far as it goes. I’m sorry for being such a pessimist, been a while since I sharpened a pencil to make things or a paddle to clear the sinuses. Broke, used up and ignored we are many they are few. These changing times, 5G fourth dimension slavery with cyber surveillance drones protecting us from His creation.
When K.Rudd bought laptops for all the school students he loaded them up with Bill Gates’ windows when he could have got OpenOffice for free, could have saved about $50 million I guess but things don’t work that way when you’re living in a mafia racket
Not trolling u, windows is a operating system, open office is applications(word processor, spreadsheet((database)) email and others that are open source.
Bill had a start ripping others legal property. No problem because DARPA owns the patents. Bill would struggle to write a DOS batch file
Example delete Bill_Gates.bat
run bill_gates:
Echo on
Deltree Bill_Gates *. *
End :
Sorry I meant “windows office” if people didn’t get that
Age article quote: “the virus that causes COVID-19”
So Covid 19 is not a virus but rather the effect there-of?
RWA, I am not having a go at you with what I am about to say. In fact I appreciate the effort you are putting in, to keep people alive.
My big “bitch” is why are doctors, scientists and the media still talking about Covid-19, instead of the annual flu? It is now over 11 months since the supposed first attacks in China, and still the virus named Covid-19 has not been proven to exist. The symptoms are supposedly the same as the flu, so why is the disease not being called by its proper name.
Surely if it really existed, proof would have been supplied by now. My opinion is that nowhere is anybody trying to prove Covid-19 exists, because in trying to prove it does, they will actually prove that it does not. We can’t have that, can we? Too many “elites” will be exposed as frauds and traitors.
The “new normal” and future “lock downs” for taking more rights and liberties from the population will be harder to enforce. Even the police may wake up to themselves and enforce proper law, like arresting traitors in government.
A doctor I know shared their disbelief with me that HCQ was banned, the fact it was banned at the outset of this scamdemic clearly points to the TGA being a criminal organisation and the entire scamdemic being a scam, you simply do not need any other evidence to prove that this entire year has been the biggest hoax since the 3rd Reich.
Noteworthy that even on a website hostile to the lamestream media and their normie sheeple, w3 uses their homo-globalist libtard possessive adjective
as is now PC, rather than his or her.
Depending on the sex of the doctor of course. And with no ulterior motive on the part of w3, its just what everybody says these days,right? like “cases of Covid”, or “welcome to country” etc.
As Renaud Camus said
The non-existence of races, like the non-existence of classes, is indispensable for the industrial production of l’homme remplaçable: replaceable man; exchangeable man; decultivated, decivilised, denationalised, and unrooted, such as needed by and for generalised exchange: of man with man, of man with woman, of people with people, of animals with things, of man with machines, with prosthesis and with objects — the post-human condition.
Not at all PC I’m afraid, the ulterior motive was 100% intentional, though in general I don’t dispute your line.
Language, Mal, language.
Income tax is mooted to go down after next year.
I’m tipping medicare levy goes up to 3%.
The extra 1% of average income ($80k) = let’s say $10b p,a,
This will be needed to “treat” side effects etc.
Adding to my previous comments: If science has not previously come up with a vaccine to prevent the flu virus in the past ,as proven by annual outbreaks, why is so much taxpayer money being thrown to the pharmaceutical industry to come up with much of the same.
At the same time when members of the public lives are shown to be destroyed or even death caused, the pharmaceutical industry suffer no loss either financially or ability to carry on their devious trade.
The minister speaking above told the usual blatant lie that the vaccine will be free. Bulldust, as I just said the taxpayer is paying the bill and the cost of the detrimental fallout. These creatures keep on getting away with their lies because the public accept their previous lies.
Another way that the taxpayer will pay. If you refuse to allow rape by vaccination, you may not be able to be employed. Destitute for the rest of your life! So much for a “free” vaccination.
MARCH 11 (mid Match) – 3 VAX TRIALS START.
– so says (guess who – ) the Biden-Harris camp.
Listen to Sasha Stone for some very appropriate descriptive language from 9:22
Listen to a minute or so – the rest as you see fit.
Stone: “playing into the cultural Marxist playbook and they are telling the world that masking ourselves will bring humanity together. That is called black magic – that is a ritual satanic invocation – be clear about that.”
I’ll repeat that – masking is [as is social distancing] a black magic satanic ritual invocation – let’s be clear about that.
social distancing, mask wearing, hand washing and lockdowns are all impositions of symbolic ritual warfare on humanity
Further bulletin:
I watched this interview with Anthony Fauci yesterday, with Professors Rich Condit and Vincent Racaniello.
The key point (from around 4:00) is that Fauci openly admits that the COVID PCR test is virtually meaningless:
Fauci: “the chances of it being replication-confident are miniscule”
[“replication-confident” is anti-science double-speak for “accurate]
Fauci is talking about the 35 [or 37] amplification cycles commonly used in the PCR process to ‘detect’ “The Virus™” – despite the FDA citing up to 40 cycles of ‘amplification’ as standard protocol in a process that we know should NEVER be used as a diagnostic tool.
Elsewhere throughout this interview, Fauci either doesn’t know, the data is just not there or he was simply completely vague on details that are being used to make definitive decisions about the health of billions of people.
I have shared one video featuring Rich Condit and Vincent Racaniello before, thinking they were on the side of truth and integrity – they were debunking a certain paper from memory.
Then at 32:58 we hear this:
Racaniello to Fauci: “we’re 100% – 200% behind you and we look forward to your leadership for many years to come”
And at 33:25:
Condit: “I just – I love that guy, you know, and I love being able to talk to him like this as I’ve – I – I think uh you – you see the real Tony Fauci uh on this – he’s a – he’s a scientist and he’s a clinician – he cares about the science- he cares deeply about the science and he cares deeply about the people.“
… vomit
The MSM has showed people, the way to further their career is to become expert liars. Who owns the MSM and BigTech? Well a clue in in the BigTech share price. All that QE money that was being printed by Obama and handed out to Wall St bankers had to end up somewhere. I would say the usual suspects ended up with 51% of everything. I have to congratulate Bush/Rockerfellas for their sneakiness, everything from framing up Nixon to the scamdemic, must have been think-tanked so far in advance, and has all worked perfectly.
Well nobody seems to have considered much yet that the real control is with the telcos and the rollout of 5G could eventually put all the other carriers out of business, so anyone could be de-platformed by the 5G telcos and their agents. In Australia, Telstra has just split itself into 3 parts, retail, old network and mobile network. Old network will probably go to private equity who will asset strip it of land etc. eventually leaving shareholders with nothing except maintenance and rent bills which will make the NBN uncompetitive, if it isn’t already.
Julius made a cooent about vermectn yesterday, and I am carryng t over to here in case y’all mssed it — Mary
Julius Skoolafish November 12, 2020 at 11:35 pm Bulletin:
A few months ago we all celebrated a video by Dr Jennifer Hibberd extolling the benefits of Ivermectin. And good for her. The title of her video was:
”COVID-19 Ivermectin-Saved lives in Toronto Nursing Home. Pandemic Protection-Turning Point?”
So I subscribed – and earlier today I responded to a yewtube notification and watched the following: COVID-19 Pandemic Personal Protection & BEST FACE PPE- Mask, glasses, face shield & how to wear.
HIBBERD HEALTH Dr Jennifer Hibberd “Your eyes are directly connected to your respiratory system…”
Thank you Mary – I just watched this – see my Fauci bobblehead comment imminently 😊
As I’ve yet to come across a host of any u-tube channel who isn’t pushing some idea or other with which I adamantly disagree I don’t subscribe to any of them.
On the up-side it’s always good to be reminded that every breathing being has major flaws – the higher the climb the greater the fall.
There’s no way of knowing what colour hair Jesus had or how tall he was – for good reason.
Personally I think the Southpark depiction comes closest to the mark:
ISAIAH 53:2 KJV “For he shall grow up before him as a …
“For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.” King James Version (KJV)
No more search in Arizona:
What I am really interested in is the schedule for getting some of this stuff into the supreme court. Trump is providing a good level of continuity for his administration, I am starting to recognise his personal style of not expressing a state of total pissed-offness. His response is balanced towards all those scared people who have been polarised and divided by MSM brainwashing and pharmaceutical evil-doers. The more MSM tells me to believe in Joe, the less I am inclined to consider that option. As Trump said, wait for next week, that starts in 2 or 3 days Australian time. From there, two months is a long time to wait for a conclusion. I hope he is going to take a lot of scalps in that time. The army chief reshuffle is the single best sign, of things going on under the surface.
navy blue freemason masks
going cheap at $9.95 each
also available in black
Im trying to get my youngest (15) to go trade, chippy would suit him most as an observer.
Is there any future in a wood craftsmen.
He may as well cut fake granite as Edward woodwood.
I’m pushing plumbing, I love wood, but know everyone needs a clean toilet. (I’m serious brother, your thoughts?
A good carpenter is more commonly know as the builders builder. From start to finish nothing happens without his skills. Construction to fine furniture, working with wood is a noble endeavour. Saying that, the really fine ones don’t make lots of cash, because good work takes time. The finer the work the less room for error. Actually, no error allowed.
Doing detail work is like holding a new born babe in your hands, every time.
That said it can be very satisfying work, especially when people see the value in it.
Handling real wood is preferred, unfortunately 90% of materials used are composite, highly toxic dusts when machined. Maintenance and upkeep of tools takes from income.
Plumbers make more money but the work not as interesting.
Thanks fella’s,
Your replies are very much appreciated. You get what you ask for and I got, a master builder, a master comedian and Jules as usual went and nearly brought a tear. Love this place, with this kinda energy, the boy will be fine if you all are free to be just as you are.
Humbly thankful
The future lies in effluent Simon.
A good carpenter is commonly known as the builders builder.
From start to finish nothing happens without his skills. Construction to fine furniture, working with wood is a noble endeavour. Saying that, the really fine ones don’t make lots of cash, because good work takes time. The finer the work the less room for error. Actually, no error allowed.
Doing detail work is like holding a new born babe in your hands, every time.
That said, it can be very satisfying work, especially when people see the value in it. Handling real wood is preferred, unfortunately 90% of materials used are composite, highly toxic dusts when machined. Maintenance and upkeep of tools takes from income. Plumbers make more money but the work not as interesting.
Nothing to it, really … just “like holding a new born babe in your hands,”
Russian Wood Carver Sculpts Incredibly Detailed Pictures
Evgeny Dubovik
Don’t forget the butcher’s apron, a steal at only $20!
Not only do drugmakers make huge profits from vaccines, but they continue to profit from the illnesses they cause.
If vaccines weren’t harmful to health, why would pharmaceutical companies be exempt from liability?
This goose has been laying a golden egg for more than a century, at an indescribable toll in human suffering.
Now they want to make vaccinations – not one but regular shots — a condition for participation in society and freedom.
“The practice of medicine may not be the world’s oldest profession, but it is often seen to be operating on much the same principles.” – Eustace Mullins
Eustace Mullins 1923-2010 excerpt from his book “Murder by Injection”
The practice of immunization goes directly against the discovery of modern holistic medical experts that the body has a natural immune defense against illness. The Church of Modern Medicine claims that we can only be absolved from the peril of infection by the Holy Water of vaccination, injecting into the system a foreign body of infection, which will then perform a Medical Miracle, and will confer life-long immunity, hence the term, “immunization.” The greatest heresy any physician can commit is to voice publicly any doubt of any one of the Four Holy Waters, but the most deeply entrenched in modern medical practice is undoubtedly the numerous vaccination programs. They are also the most consistently profitable operations of the Medical Monopoly. Yet one physician, Dr. Henry R. Bybee, of Norfolk, Virginia, has publicly stated, “My honest opinion is that vaccine is the cause of more disease and suffering than anything I could name. I believe that such diseases as cancer, syphilis, cold sores and many other disease conditions are the direct results of vaccination. Yet, in the state of Virginia, and in many other states, parents are compelled to submit their children to this procedure while the medical profession not only receives its pay for this service, but also makes splendid and prospective patients for the future.” (p.79) —
History being repeated? There has been no known cases of Covid-19, so how are vaccines to be tested for such a disease?
From Henry Makow above: The Ford sponsored swine flu campaign almost died an early death, when a conscientious public servant, Dr. Anthony Morris, formerly of HEW and then active as director of the Virus Bureau at the Food and Ding Administration, declared that there could be no authentic swine flu vaccine, because there had never been any cases of swine flu on which they could test it. Dr. Morris then went public with his statement that “at no point were the swine flu vaccines effective.” He was promptly fired, but the damage had been done. (84-85)
November 13, 2020
The Pandemic Thriller Movie “Songbird” Will Be Pure Predictive Programming
Taking place in 2024, the upcoming movie “Songbird” is about a mutated COVID-23, massive quarantine camps, and a high-tech police state that uses smartphones to control people. Can we still call this “entertainment”?
Read more…
**There is no Virus! **
“The doctors of Monterey — and there were enough of them to take care of the ordinary diseases, accidents and neuroses— were running crazy. They had more business than they could do … . Cannery Row which produces a tougher breed than the rest of the town was late in contracting it, but finally it got them too. The schools were closed. There wasn’t a house that hadn’t feverish children and sick parents. It was not a deadly disease as it was in 1917 but with children it had a tendency to go into the mastoids. The medical profession was very busy … .”
John Steinbeck – Cannery Row (1945) – Chapter XVI
Now that’s what a virus looks likely in the community.
Back in March I shared a compilation on The Virus™ titled “The Emperor has no Cold” with my family and friends.
So this is very topical.
The Emperor Has no Clothes – and There is no Virus! – David Icke
(featured on The Red Pill University – G Edward Griffin)
Table of Contents of my March compilation – links available.
There have been so many additional resources added in the last six months – with special thanks to Gumshoe readers.
• Preamble – The Georgia Guidestones
o The Georgia Guidestones – Wiki
o The Georgia Guidestones – James Corbett video
• “The Emperor’s New Clothes” – Hans Christian Anderson (1837)
• James DeMeo – Twenty Science Based Articles
• Introductory Remarks – Are We Worth Saving?
• Article – Corona Virus Information Antidote – M.K. Styllinski
• Dr Rashid Buttar – a couple of videos
• Amazing Polly
• Whitney Webb – Article and Video
• Eva K Bartlett – Compilation
• Dr Dan Erickson and Dr Artin Massihi
• Welcome to The New Normal
• Our Post-Virus Future
• Other Testimonies– Miscellaneous
o Professor Dolores Cahill
o Judy Mikovits
o Doctors’ Views On Vaccines – Various
o TTAV The Truth About Vaccines – Ty and Charlene Bollinger
o Dr Andrew Kaufman
o Dr Wolfgang Wodarg
o Professor Sucharit Bhakdi
o Professor Knut Wittkowski
o Dr Shiva Ayyadurai
o Dr Annie Bukacek
o Sayer Ji
o Dr John Ioannidis
o Prof. Johan Giesecke
o Professor Klaus Püschel – Forensic Medicine
o David Icke
o ITNJ – International Tribunal for Natural Justice
o George Webb
o James Corbett
o Ivor Cummins – Vitamin D
o Spiro Skouras
o Peekay Uncensored – A Rant
o Mark Devlin – A Rant
This follows on (see from around 40:00+ in David Icke video)
Trumpstein delivers an update on Operation Warp Speed -More Fear-Mongering
… but they still have to get these vaccines through the Van Allen belt!
Meanwhile, this from Tom Woods Phd, with the latest statistics proving the lack of efficacy of mask wearing and lockdowns :
Tom Woods is a great friend of Dr Ron Paul and is in fact the lead author of the Ron Paul Home School Curriculum which is producing measurably better outcomes (as well as teaching actual history), than the U.S public school system.
Tom Woods is an entertaining orator and very knowledgeable so I believe many of you will find this more entertaining than those monotone deliveries from the eggheads.
If you’re only ever going to show one video on the Covid hoax to those friends and family who are still part of ‘Team Apocalypse’ (ie: still believe in the corrupt government narrative on this deception), then make sure it’s the Tom Woods video above.
It’s not heavy on the technical jargon, so easily understood by the layperson, and won’t be too trying on their attention spans (it’s less than 20 mins).
It doesn’t hurt his cause that Tom Woods is the consummate orator.
Great link as always, Truth
And this is the full court press being spewed in Canada
You got me right back with that video of yours above Fish.
That’s Covid-alarmism on steroids, Even the Aussie MSM, as bad as it is, hasn’t quite stooped to those depths of malicious dishonesty.
That was unbelieveable.
Good to see your posts here again, TV.
Masks and liability: employers and schools are personally liable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZFW4ERAARg (in German)
Ingenieur Manuel Döring und Rechtsanwalt Ralf Ludwig zu der Haftung und Gefahr der Masken – Manuel Döring und lawyer Ralf Ludwig on the liability and danger of masks
As far as I can understand, this video makes clear that in Germany, the insurance industry has confirmed that according to law the masks impede breathing and that the regulations for workers having to wear masks apply to everyone now being forced to wear masks. This means that at least every two hours each person must be free of the mask for a half hour. (I would actually go further than this since we now know that the masks cause permanent neurological damage.)
He mentions something about Children’s Health Defense (Robert F Kennedy) being involved in this and says that he will also put out this information in English. I found only this video in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfa8Uw6t2YI.
But this is about liability. What this video tells us that anyone forcing others to wear masks is personally liable for their welfare.
If you are forced to wear a mask by your employer or your school, then the employer or the school becomes liable and must approach his or her insurance company to check if their insurance covers this. Since it does not, then the employer or school must approach the government that is promulgating mask-wearing laws and demand that the government takes liability for the enforced mask-wearing. Again, the government will not get insurance for this so the government will not accept liability.
This means that the worker or schoolchild/parent who accepts wearing a mask takes all liability for injuries to health him- or herself. The whole thing is therefore completely illegal and anyone accepting wearing a mask is just AN IDIOT.
Any teacher or manager or any employer enforcing mask-wearing is PERSONALLY LIABLE. Wake up, folks! Ditch the masks!
Now I’ve found an explanation in English: solidFACTS.org | The Zorro Kenji Show #37 Manuel Doering (Masquerade Ball): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfa8Uw6t2YI
Needless to say, all of this information is being censored by the mainstream and social media
FROM A WEBSITE (ORIGINAL GERMAN FOLLOWED BY ROUGH ENGLISH TRANSLATION): https://jurapresse.de/abschaffung-der-maskenpflicht/
Inside the linked article it says the vx will not be mandatory in Australia.
It does not say however, that you will still be entitled to a pension or other welfare payments if you are not vaccinated.
It does not say you will still be entitled to register your car, visit a doctor, go to a hospital, etc etc.
I am sure that it will be mandatory for health workers and aged care workers etc if they want to keep their job. There is no question about that. Children and day care also.
——– Forwarded Message ——–
Subject: ABC News: Who gets the COVID-19 vaccine first under the new national policy?
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2020 17:51:14 +1100
Who gets the COVID-19 vaccine first under the new national policy?
Australian’s national vaccination policy has been endorsed by the National Cabinet. It outlines that there’ll be a national system to monitor immunisation levels and individual vaccination status. Prime Minister Scott Morrison says Australia needs to be ready for when vaccines have been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). And with forecasts that a vaccine could be available in Australia from early 2021, it’s likely going to happen sooner rather than later. Here’s what we know
Read in ABC News: https://apple.news/AFMEedVlpTMK52AA6jbpnhg
Jon Rappoport’s important, frightening description of the on-coming, carefully planned Brave New World, aka New World Order, aka Globalism, aka Technocratic State
Beware of Fake Pandemics and the Nefarious Characters that Create Them
Plunging Stocks, Pandemic Fears, Quarantines—What’s the Real Operation?
by Jon Rappoport – February 28, 2020 (1260 words)
Latest via G Edward Griffin’s Red Pill University –
Class-Action Lawsuit Announced against Perpetrators of Pandemic Hoax – Reiner Fuellmich
Anthony Fauci – the Voice of Reason
Now that I have got your attention, you might like one of these for your dashboard …
As the promo blurb reads:
“Dr. Anthony Fauci has become America’s voice of reason … “
So here is what the voice of reason is telling us …
*COVID-1984: Fauci Tells Americana to Obey – * ‘Now Is the Time to Do What You’re Told’ Despite ‘Independent Spirit’
“Hillary Clinton supporter Dr. Anthony Fauci has urged Americans to obey public health officials and suppress their “independent spirit.””
Related …
I tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 – Vincent Racaniello
While Dr Racaniello unwittingly reinforces the hoax, this is very informative technically. It gives a good explanation of the amplification cycles (Ct= Cycle threshold) that even Fauci (The Voice of Reason) tells us are meaningless and cannot be trusted over 35 – Dr Racaniello came in at 34.7.
I think “COVID-positive” Racaniello is selling the narrative.
(I don’t expect anyone to read any of my ‘droppings’ but if they contribute to someone’s archives then my sanity is validated.)
Veering off topic:
I used to have such a high regard for President Duterte.
I have been watching his performance over these COVID months and have been less than impressed.
And now this pathetic spectacle of submission.
(just flick through a few scenes)
He’s got worn down, by now everyone knows what’s going on everywhere
Yes same here but he and his ‘Advisors’ do not know about real genuine ‘innate’ health and the monopolisation of medicine aka prescribed drugs and vaccines.
They may be blackmailed into this as well as as we know it is a man-made biological weapon to submit and subjugate countries and governments.
It is predominately Roman Catholic country which is part of this Control and containment policy. There is much more than meets the eye
Youtube pulled it and 4 years of his research and investigation but he is on Twitter and others interview him.
NATO’s Dark Blueprint For Virus/Vaccine Warfare
We should never forget that with all of this happening there is a Roman Catholic Inquisition going on as well. George Webb briefly mentions the RC. They have been behind every war. He mentions Templar swords given out at 2:30m He mention they have a Holy War ideology meaning “It’s ok to kill people because upline told me its ok”…He mentions the Jesuits at 5:13m so he is aware. I have studied this for decades and for sure they are definitely behind this CV19 crisis. At 5:29 he mentions a Knight of Malta passport. The spy school is in Malta and that is where hey are coming from because of their passports. Its NATO’s bioweapon as he said . At 15:40m again stanch Catholic and Knights of Malta and wen to a Jesuit school
Jesuits In Charge
So, the Jesuits in control of Clinton fomented the Oklahoma City bombing to justify going after these Right-Wing, conservative, many of them Bible-believing, people in this movement, for their round-up and extermination. But it didn’t quite work.
So, they imploded the building. They got rid of Timothy McVeigh. That whole execution could have been stayed with one phone call from the Archbishop of New York to the Bishop of Oklahoma City, and he wouldn’t do it.
That was the purpose of the Oklahoma City bombing, the creation of anti-Right-Wing feeling. And the people at the top, controlling the Right-Wing organizations, will betray their own people, just exactly as the White Russians were betrayed during the Communist Revolution from 1917-1922.
Ho Chi Minh the founder of Communist Vietnam was also at the Whampoa Military Academy
at the same time with Zhou Enlai who is one of the founders of the Chinese Intelligence Apparatus
For anyone who is familiar with Ho Chi Minh who is the founder of Communist Vietnam, during the 1920’s when he was at the Whampoa Military Academy in Guangzhou, he was there at the same time when Zhou Enlai who is one of the founders of the Jesuit controlled Chinese Intelligence Apparatus was also working at the Whampoa Military Academy in Guangzhou
The Knights of Malta and the New World Order
Bishop of Rome Retires
The Jesuit Vatican New World Order
“If the people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
[…] has published many articles on Ivermectin. RWA’s most recent article is here with links to the other […]
[…] has published many articles on Ivermectin. RWA’s most recent article is here with links to the other […]
Behold a pale horse?
Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID ‘Vaccine’
Covid Vaccine Delivers Nanoparticles for Mind Control – The Real Kabbalistic Meaning of 666 Revealed
“The icon of GRAPHENE is guess what: three hexagrams:” https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/graphene-structure-icon-vector-1030374052
“The molecules of GRAPHENE can interact with neurons in the brain in a remote mode using different radio-frequencies (5G could be one of these) , they can map the brain and transmit and receive INSTRUCTIONS remotely:” https://www.noldus.com/applications/magnetogenetics
The Nuremberg Codes defining medical war crimes
Did you know that it is a war crime, established in 1947, to force anyone to have a vaccination, or to experiment with them without their informed consent, or to continue a vaccine when there is a good possibility of injury or death?
Here are the 10 criteria that were established, according to the British Medical Journal (1996).
It makes me wonder how many politicians, scientists, and journalists will be executed in the years to come.