[Editor’s Note: We have permission to republish Justus’s article sourced from Desert Review]
News of India’s defeat of the Delta variant should be common knowledge. It is just about as obvious as the nose on one’s face. It is so clear when one looks at the graphs that no one can deny it.
Yet, for some reason, we are not allowed to talk about it. Thus, for example, Wikipedia cannot mention the peer-reviewed meta-analyses by Dr. Tess Lawrie or Dr. Pierre Kory published in the American Journal of Therapeutics.
Wikipedia is not allowed to publish the recent meta-analysis on Ivermectin authored by Dr. Andrew Hill. Furthermore, it is not allowed to say anything concerning www.ivmmeta.com showing the 61 studies comprising 23,000 patients which reveal up to a 96% reduction in death [prophylaxis] with Ivermectin.
One can see the bias in Wikipedia by going on the “talk” pages for each subject and reading about the fierce attempts of editors to add these facts and the stone wall refusals by the “senior” editors who have an agenda. And that agenda is not loyalty to your health.
The easy way to read the “talk” page on any Wikipedia subject is to click the top left “talk” button. Anyone can then review the editors’ discussions.
There is a blackout on any conversation about how Ivermectin beat COVID-19 in India. When I discussed the dire straits that India found itself in early this year with 414,000 cases per day, and over 4,000 deaths per day, and how that evaporated within five weeks of the addition of Ivermectin, I am often asked, “But why is there no mention of that in the news?”
Yes, exactly. Ask yourself why India’s success against the Delta variant with Ivermectin is such a closely guarded secret by the NIH and CDC. Second, ask yourself why no major media outlets reported this fact, but instead, tried to confuse you with false information by saying the deaths in India are 10 times greater than official reports.
Perhaps NPR is trying so hard because NPR is essentially a government mouthpiece. The US government is “all-in” with vaccines with the enthusiasm of a 17th century Catholic Church “all-in” with a Geocentric Model of the Universe disputing Galileo. Claiming that India’s numbers are inaccurate might distract from the overwhelming success of Ivermectin.
But in the end, the truth matters. It mattered in 1616, and it matters in 2021.

The graphs and data from the Johns Hopkins University CSSE database do not lie. On the contrary, they provide a compelling trail of truth that no one can dispute, not even the NIH, CDC, FDA, and WHO.
Just as Galileo proved with his telescope that the earth was NOT the center of the Universe in 1616; today, the data from India shows that Ivermectin is effective, much more so than the vaccines. It not only prevents death, but it also prevents COVID infections, and it also is effective against the Delta Variant.
In 1616, you could not make up the telescopic images of Jupiter and its orbiting moons, nor could you falsify the crescent-shaped images of Venus and Mercury. These proved that the earth was NOT the center of the Universe – a truth the Catholic Church could not allow.
Likewise, the massive drop in cases and deaths in India to almost nothing after the addition of Ivermectin proved the drug’s effectiveness. This is a truth that the NIH, CDC, and FDA cannot allow because it would endanger the vaccine policy.
Never mind that Ivermectin would save more lives with much less risk, much less cost, and it would end the pandemic quickly.
Let us look at the burgundy-colored graph of Uttar Pradesh. First, allow me to thank Juan Chamie, a highly-respected Cambridge-based data analyst, who created this graph from the JHU CSSE data. Uttar Pradesh is a state in India that contains 241 million people. The United States’ population is 331 million people. Therefore, Uttar Pradesh can be compared to the United States, with 2/3 of our population size.
This data shows how Ivermectin knocked their COVID-19 cases and deaths – which we know were Delta Variant – down to almost zero within weeks. A population comparable to the US went from about 35,000 cases and 350 deaths per day to nearly ZERO within weeks of adding Ivermectin to their protocol.
By comparison, the United States is the lower graph. On August 5, here in the good ol’ USA, blessed with the glorious vaccines, we have 127,108 new cases per day and 574 new deaths.
Let us look at the August 5 numbers from Uttar Pradesh with 2/3 of our population. Uttar Pradesh, using Ivermectin, had a total of 26 new cases and exactly THREE deaths. The US without Ivermectin has precisely 4889 times as many daily cases and 191 times as many deaths as Uttar Pradesh with Ivermectin.
It is not even close. Countries do orders of magnitude better WITH Ivermectin. It might be comparable to the difference in travel between using an automobile versus a horse and buggy.
Uttar Pradesh on Ivermectin: Population 240 Million [4.9% fully vaccinated]
COVID Daily Cases: 26
COVID Daily Deaths: 3
The United States off Ivermectin: Population 331 Million [50.5% fully vaccinated]
COVID Daily Cases: 127,108
COVID Daily Deaths: 574
Let us look at other Ivermectin using areas of India with numbers from August 5, 2021, compiled by the JHU CSSE:
Delhi on Ivermectin: Population 31 Million [15% fully vaccinated]
COVID Daily Cases: 61
COVID Daily Deaths: 2
Uttarakhand on Ivermectin: Population 11.4 Million [15% fully vaccinated]
COVID Daily Cases: 24
COVID Daily Deaths: 0
Now let us look at an area of India that rejected Ivermectin.
Tamil Nadu announced they would reject Ivermectin and instead follow the dubious USA-style guidance of using Remdesivir. Knowing this, you might expect their numbers to be closer to the US, with more cases and more deaths. You would be correct. Tamil Nadu went on to lead India in COVID-19 cases.
Tamil Nadu continues to suffer for its choice to reject Ivermectin. As a result, the Delta variant continues to ravage their citizens while it was virtually wiped out in the Ivermectin-using states. Likewise, in the United States, without Ivermectin, both the vaccinated and unvaccinated continue to spread the Delta variant like wildfire.
Tamil Nadu off Ivermectin: Population 78.8 Million [6.9% fully vaccinated]
COVID Daily Cases: 1,997
COVID Daily Deaths: 33
Like the JHU CSSE data, Galileo’s telescope did not lie either, and the truth can usually be found in plain sight. Ivermectin works, and it works exceedingly well. Harvard-trained virologist Dr. George Fareed and his associate, Dr. Brian Tyson of California’s Imperial Valley, have saved 99.9% of their patients with a COVID Cocktail that includes Ivermectin. They have released versions of their new book published in the Desert Review that everyone should read.
I could talk about how every one of my patients who used Ivermectin recovered rapidly, about my most recent case who felt 90% better within 48 hours of adding the drug, but I won’t. I could write about how Wikipedia censors more than Pravda, about how you should always read the “talk” section of EVERY Wikipedia article to go behind the scenes and understand what the editors DO NOT want you to read, but I will refrain.
I could write about VAERS and how it is so much easier to navigate by following Open VAERS or how Wikipedia has unfairly portrayed Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the world’s sharpest and most credible doctors. But I will hold back.
I could also discuss our current cancer treatment system’s dangers and how chemotherapy and radiation stimulate cancer stem cells and cancer recurrence. About how this information has been suppressed and how the addition of repurposed drug cocktails can help prevent this, but I digress.
I could recite the history of early outpatient treatment of COVID-19 with repurposed drugs, including Ivermectin, with all the specifics, and EXACTLY WHY this lifesaving information has been censored, but instead, I will leave researching these topics to each of you readers as individuals.
Because you already know what will happen if you simply sit back and swallow what the media are feeding you. You MUST question what the government tells you, and always DO YOUR OWN research.
Following the 1616 Inquisition of Galileo, the Pope banned all books and letters that argued the sun was the center of the Universe instead of the Earth. Similarly, today, the FDA and WHO have banned any use of Ivermectin for COVID outside of a clinical trial.
YouTube and Wikipedia both consider Ivermectin for COVID as heresy.
“YouTube doesn’t allow content that spreads medical misinformation that contradicts local health authorities or the World Health Organization’s (WHO) medical information about COVID-19… Treatment misinformation: claims that Ivermectin is an effective treatment for COVID-19.”
Wikipedia defines heresy as: “any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs, in particular the accepted beliefs of a church or religious organization. The term is usually used in reference to violations of important religious teachings, but is also used of views strongly opposed to any generally accepted ideas. A heretic is a proponent of heresy.”
Heresy is disagreeing with the government, or their health authority, even if they are all wrong and even if their policies harm people. Today we no longer call it heresy; it is labeled as misinformation.
Galileo was found guilty of heresy and sentenced on June 22, 1633, to formal imprisonment, although this was commuted to house arrest, under which he remained for the rest of his life.
On August 7, 2021 Medpage Today published a new quiz, “Can COVID Misinformation Cost You Your Medical License?”
Here is an equally nutty piece (from WMUR radio, New Hamoshire):
“Dartmouth College is dealing with an uptick in COVID-19 cases. While there were very few cases earlier this summer, the school’s interim provost said earlier this week that 11 students and 10 employees tested positive between August 1-17. David Kotz said at least 19 of those cases were among fully vaccinated people.
Earlier this month, Dartmouth College started requiring masks in almost all indoor settings. That policy is being eased to allow students living on campus to take off their masks in their residences, as long as they are vaccinated and have no symptoms. Additionally, if two people are vaccinated and do not have symptoms, they can remove their masks around each other if they both agree.
While acknowledging the policy is “inconvenient, uncomfortable, and very disappointing after a month of relative freedom,” Kotz said COVID-19 will be with us for years to come and we must adapt to balance the health of everyone.”
There is a report, unconfirmed to my satisfaction, that the law has quietly been changed and that doctors are now permitted to prescribe Ivermectin. Frankly, I don’t believe it. While News Corp runs this country, i believe death will remain on the public health agenda.
Meanwhile, off-topic, in the face of so many articles about Afghanistan written by people who understand nothing about history and even less about the Pashtun, I strongly urge Gumshoers to read an article written by Israel Shamir. https://groups.io/g/shamireaders/topic/85043670
Israel (aka Adam) is a Christian theologian Jew from Israel. He was also a soldier during the Six Day War and witnessed much that destroyed his trust in the establishment. He is respected and admired in many countries, including Russia, wherein he was the first outsider to be permitted to read the Fourth Bible (yes, there were four distinct Christian bibles; not one).
Every now and then Adam writes an article that puts focus and perspective back into issues wherein disparate lobbies have all but created a fraudulent narrative.
This article is one, without being predictive, a view of the possible and probably likely Pashtun future. It kinda silences the doomsayers and ideological optimists, both.
Allowing quiet implementation of ivermectin now (in a don’t ask-don’t tell model) will be spun as proof that the vaccination results in less severe disease as people start recovering who were otherwise sacrificed to preserve the narrative.
Sigh. Of course. Damn this infectious optimism.
Want a organ transplant?
Stiff …………. unless you are injected. (about three minutes)
No invermectin treatment allowed = Manslaughter?
Want a new heart and not vaccinated = Manslaughter?
What do our medical boffins and politicians not comprehend?
Not to mention the running dog main stream media shonkey joke shonks.
Ivermectin may work on Delta and other respiratory diseases, but it did nothing for the mites that have infested the back of my neck, my ears, my nose. They have a nasty bite, cause intense itching, disturb my sleep, and I can feel them crawling on my skin. They cause me to feel terrible. I have tried multiple remedies and products but I can’t get rid of them.
You need to discover the source from where the mites originate from. It’s no good just treating your body when the source is allowed to prosper. Try fumigating your home with insecticide smoke bombs from Bunnings. Usually one to a room. FOLLOW Instructions, don’t deviate, best of luck..If that does not work,call a reputable pest control company. In another life, I was in the business.
Eddy, the source of the mites is from another person who has the mites and they are transferred via contact. The mites can’t be eliminated by smoke bombs, fumigating or pest control company. They are arachnids–like bed bugs, ticks, and are specific as parasites that live on a body.
You seem to have a very annoying and frustrating problem and perhaps seek medical advice. (How does the source manage?)
In the meantime, just keep away from politicians and msm journalists.
Ned, I have been to five dermatologists and three nurse practitioners. The dermatologists didn’t help me and only one of the nurse practitioners did help me–she prescribed the Ivermectin that did not work to get rid of the mites.
I am quiet familiar with mites and even bed bugs too. I can erradicate both within a day or two. However, it seems you are intent on ignoring advice. So be it. I have come across the blame game many times, in this industry,the client ALWAYS blame someone else for the problem, but never face the fact, it may be their own lax attitude that’s causing the problem. I repeat, find the SOURCE, deal with it there. B.T.W. bed bugs do NOT live on the body, all they do on the body is FEED of of it, then cocoon themselves in the nooks and crannies of the bedding and even skirting boards, to go thru their transformation and coming out as adult bed bugs. To deal with them, the magic cure is SUNSHINE and lots of it, drag all your bedding out into the sunshine, mattress bed frame ect, sheets, blankets can be washed in very HOT water and allowed to dry in again, SUNSHINE. When dry, can all be taken inside and reused. WARNING, ensure the whole room and any clothing bedding, wardrobe,carpets, suitcase are all treated thoroughly. Missing any of them, will allow re-infestation very quickly. Bed bugs are usually picked up at hotels ect. If they become evident at such locations, report it to the management immediately, and demand a refund as well as compensation for your treatment to have them eradicated. It might come as a big surprise to people, to, hear that this issue is huge these days, as people refuse to accept there is such a problem.
Eddy, if, as you say, you are “familiar with mites” why do you not know anything about Dermodex mites that parasite on humans and other mites, such as scabies, that parasite and live on humans. As I said above, the source for them is contact with another human who has the mites.
In addition, I do not have bed bugs–just mentioned them as a variety of parasite.
Well it seems to exhausted all thoughts here.
If I was that desperate I would try a exorcist.
Seems that I was censored Oh well, again.
Go consult a vet who has been using it for about thirty years or so. My farmer friend pours ivermectin over his cattle backs.
Or you could follow the line of sheep jumping into a sheep dip trough and swim to the other end. Co-operate with the supervising farmer and have him push your head completely under for a short period…………… remember to keep your mouth closed.
However, firstly check for a bird’s nest near where you rest ……….. eg: in any ventilator in a double brick wall above your bed etc. That is what I did and a quick few sprays of insecticide should resolve the problem invaders,
and remember to always bet on a horse named ‘itchy back’, it is a sure thing if it is not scratched.
By the way, I went to the local museum with some samples of the invaders and they identified them as being bird lice. I took it from there.
Well done Ned. There’s always a source, many times I found it could be rats, mice or even possums, and birds. Birds are a good source for mites, even the humble chook in the back yard. B.T.W. Chooks get a paralisis disease from such mites and eventually die from it. Folks keeping chooks need to ensure they are regularly powdered with an appropiate insecticide powder.( I always get shivers down my spine, when I see people cuddling chooks, if only they knew)This also applies to ANY bird, Cockatto, Cockerel, Major Mitchel Sulphur crest ect, ect, ALL birds are capable of carrying such mites.
Blood sucking insects together with inadequate prevention cause malaria, bubonic plague and probably lots of other things that get blamed on “the air germs” and so forth.
I can’t remember much about Wilhelm Reich but he was on about “the air germs” quite a lot. This would have been not too long after the Spanish Flu.
You can treat your mattress with baking soda, look it up.
You can finish off with eucalyptus spray if you like.
Lots of treatments probably available if you look up dust mites, bed bugs and so forth.
Get new pillows, Order from “my pillow” guy Mike Lindell..
Have to clarify, WR was I think derisive about the “air-germs”
Aerogard, if sprayed onto the back of the neck and scalp once a week for a month or so, should do the trick. Bearing in mind this is a carcinogen. As Eddy suggested, replace the pillow (I recommend you throw it in the rubbish bin), and spray every surface and crack or join in the bedroom; also every week for a month.
Forget doctors, and dermatologists will more likely kill you.
Reality: modern medicine does not train doctors to cure you of aything. They are trained to treat you with the most expensive pharmaceutical available (which is why so many covid victims died).
tonyryan43 – thank you for this advice. I’m going to find Aerogard on the Internet and give it a try. I have tried everything I can think of, including a UV-C light, but so far nothing has worked.
tonyryan43 – I just tried to buy it online at several different listings, but, due to it’s being from Australia, they won’t ship it to me. I even tried ebay with no luck.
Look up active ingredient
I used to know a very old soldier who used to use kerosene on things like that
Thank you for the suggestion of active ingredient. I will do that and get it.
Kerosene – that would be a little too strong for me, but will keep it in mind, anyway.
A quick meme to summarise the week.
24,000 children were mass vaccinated at Qudos Bank Arena. No parents allowed, guarded by police.
This arena has been used as a satanic temple for many years, with Luciferian ‘art’ performed there.
Child sacrifice rituals on a national scale enforced by andrenochrome junkies masquerading as political leaders.
They’re doing everything to suppress remedies that work, as delta is rising in vaccinated.
Turn off tv, every word spoken BS (beast system).