Theatre review by Kim Skeltys (copyright 2022)
Melbourne critics are raving about “Jabaret”, a scintillating new musical based on the hit ‘70s film “Cabaret”, with two of the surprise stars being none other than Victorian premier Dan Andrews, and anti-lockdown activist Monica Smit.
And the versatile Dan plays two roles – the nightclub MC, and a comically conceited German commandant of a quarantine camp who is mocked behind his back by the inmates.
Addressing the gathered press after his debut opening night performance, Dan, still in his dashing German officer’s uniform and sporting a monocle, said he had been “flattered to be head hunted” for the role by the play’s director, Klaus Schwab, who was also “the musical’s producer, scriptwriter, set designer, manager, and puppet-master”.
“Klaus said he had been watching my political career closely and that I was born for the role,” said the premier.
“He also said I might need “something else to do” after the coming election – bit puzzled by what he meant by that, though …”
While “Cabaret” was originally set in 1930s Berlin, as Nazism began to cast its shadow over Germany, “Jabaret” transports the story into the 21st century, to the fictional German city of Melberlin.
Though in its heyday a party town and the epitome of decadent joie de vivre, Melberlin circa 2020 has become a grim place – an era dubbed by critics as “the boring twenties” rather than “the roaring twenties”.
For the city is in the grip of a fearsome plague with a survival rate of only 99.7%, and the citizens are terrified.
So as not to catch or spread the dread disease, all Melberliners are forbidden to leave their homes for months– except to go shopping every day in crowded supermarkets – until one joyous day the antidote is discovered, and there is mass jubilation, and adulation of its inventor, a brilliant German doctor called Dr Josef Mengele.
“Klaus actually first offered the Mengele role to recently retired Dr Anthony Fauci,” said Mr Andrews. “As he was sure Fauci would be perfect for the part.”
“But Tony had to regretfully decline, as he said he was just too busy preparing his defence in multiple forthcoming lawsuits.”
When the jab eventually comes to Melberlin, most citizens rush to get the shot.
But a few stubborn non-conformists refuse and are rounded up by squads of government vigilantes called Blackshirts into special high-security quarantine camps for dissenters.
The most notorious camp, called Stalag 13, is presided over by an imperious but inept commandant called Colonel Klink.
Mr Andrews said it was true the Klink character was shamelessly borrowed from the 60’s TV comedy series Hogan’s Heroes, which was set in a German WWII prisoner of war camp.
But Klaus was “a great fan of Klink” and so was “absolutely justified in taking some poetic license” in including him in the script.
Though one challenge of the role said Dan was learning to speak in a “comically thick German accent”.
“But Klaus really helped me with that,” said Mr Andrews. “Though I admit Klaus was a stern taskmaster”.
“He would whip me savagely with his riding crop whenever I got it wrong.”
“Klaus would bark at me, “Ve vill bring out zer inner Nazi in you, Andrews, just like mein farter used to do to me ven I vas a nipper!”
“But thanks to Klaus’ masterful beatings – I mean, coaching – during rehearsals over the last two years,” said Mr Andrews, “I found myself transforming 100% into Klink, both onstage and off – at first during the lockdowns, and then during the jab rollout when ranting Fuhrer-like at the unjabbed.”
“Sure I behaved like a deranged autocrat,” said the premier, adjusting his monocle, “But it was all just a dress rehearsal for my current role, which is why I’m so damn good at it.”
But Dan is not the only star of the show.
Monica Smit is superb as Sally Bowles, a talented singer and nightclub dancer, who finds herself unemployed one day when she refuses the jab, and then becomes one of many rounded up and herded into the Stalag 13 quarantine camp, as a public health measure, and banned from society.
Meanwhile, masked Blackshirts, members of a bizarre cult called the Jabber Woke, are hired by the government to roam the streets, and shame and report on any unjabbed they find in cafes, bars, or restaurants.
Their sacred text is Lewis Carol’s nonsense poem The Jabberwocky, as the Jabber Woke worship nonsense in all its myriad forms, and the more nonsensical and ridiculous a health order, the more fanatically they enforce it.
At first, Sally languishes in the camp, but then one day good fortune comes her way when she befriends the camp medic, Colonel Mark Hobart, leader of a brave underground doctors’ resistance group called Hobart’s Heroes.
Colonel Hobart provides her with forged jab exemption papers, and luckily one night when Sergeant Schultz, a complete dummkopf, is on guard duty and fast asleep in his chair (Hobart slipping him a contraband bottle of schnaps always does the trick) she slips out of the camp gates to glorious freedom.
The papers allow her to land a job at the prestigious “Club Jabaret”, and every night Sally wows the crowd with her dazzling song and dance routines, and soon becomes a star, with the audience clamouring for her autograph.
Then one day she discovers to her horror that Colonel Hobart has been arrested by a mob of Black Shirts for giving jab exemptions, and she vows to leave the nightclub and join the Resistance.
In her final performance at the club, in a stirring finale by Monica, she shocks many of the crowd, but delights others, by singing with gusto the musical’s theme song:
“What was the use of sitting, alone in your room,”
“Locked up in lockdown all day?”
“Life’s not a jabaret, old chum.”
“Life is a cabaret!”
After the show, Monica makes a cheeky confession to the press: “Don’t tell Klaus, but I changed the ending.”
We need more reviews like this Kim. Haha
Not a real show without Jacinda.
Not a real Cabernet without Jacinda as Dan’s sister.
She is a real ghoul, would be great in a horror movie
“The dystopian world of globalism must be rejected and fought against not only for our own sakes, but also for the sake of our children, to whom each of us wants to leave a peaceful future with solid economic prospects for raising a family, without feeling marginalised or criminalised because we do not accept resigning ourselves to subversive plans that have been made by those who want to make us eat insects and force us into slavery, with the sole purpose of making us poor and controlling us in every aspect of our daily lives.
But this – I say this as a Pastor, addressing myself in particular to Catholics – will be possible only if Italians recognise that the justice, peace and prosperity of a Nation can be obtained only where Christ reigns, where His law is observed, and where the common good is placed ahead of personal profit and the thirst for power. Let us turn to the Lord, and the Lord will know how to reward our faithfulness. Let us turn with confidence to Mary Most Holy, our Heavenly Mother, asking her to intercede with Her Son for our beloved Italy.”
Carlo Maria Vigano
Archbishop, Apostolic Nuncio
A correction on your belief that Mary has equality with or is a substitute for Christ –
John 14:6 “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me”.
He says neither of those things about Mary. Please read it first.
I want to see a picture of Dan’s head on a pike – and Jack’s head next to him…
What utter projection nonsense … not funny and not clever. The elephant in the room will be dancing on tiptoes scoffing.
But in passing … (listen carefully at 2:00)
Prideophile Judge Robert Spence Ontario Family Court
“… a fearsome plague with a survival rate of only 99.7% …” is not entirely accurate, for 100 year olds the survival rate is close to 0%, so we have been saving the 100 year olds from the virus to inject them with mRNA, if we didn’t do that then why would we have Public Health legislation, to ban white bread and preservatives ? That would be ridiculous. Anyone knows you can’t be healthy without lots of different injections.
No MRNA just a toxic mix of dissimilar metals –
Guerrilla Transcripts Newsletter
Dr. Merritt interview with Poornima Wagh, PhD virology (Translation edition)
Unfortunately some doctors, scientists and commentators are still talking of Covid-19 which has never existed. Some of these people are looked upon as experts, yet they wont recognize the basic fact that they were conned. Even I only a high school graduate knew by end of June 2020 that a con was in place. I suspected in April but did not have the evidence until June. Just a little investigation using the internet and Gumshoenews was all that was required.
Yet these dumbos with big salaries and staff to use for investigating still after 30 months cannot accept the fact that they were hoaxed.
In the video posted by Crisscross yesterday,
• What led Sri Lanka to go bankrupt? | Highlights from Talk It Out – Li Jingjing 李菁菁
From 10:00 Mr. Hussein Askary succinctly explains the concept of projection:
… from psychology there’s something in psychology called psychological projection
you have committed bad things but this is … like some sort of a sickness in a sense you project your own misdeeds – bad things you committed and deny they exist in you – but then you attribute to someone else …
Ms Skeltys would do well to put aside her grammar books and learn a bit of history.
Here is another prime example – see in particular the text on screen at 0:55
• Allied War Crimes of World War Two Stalin torch-men Order #0428
What I find stunning is the direct parallel between Putin’s recent speech (assuming he is above board) and Hitler’s speeches of the late 1930s and early 1940s.
They both talk about the human right of self determination, the jewish boycotts, the diabolical recognition of ‘governments in exile’, the plebiscites (referenda) and the depraved, satanic agenda of the jewish warmongers and profiteers.
“Without the values embedded in Christianity and other world religions, without the standards of morality that have taken shape over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity. We consider it natural and right to defend these values. One must respect every minority’s right to be different, but the rights of the majority must not be put into question.”
• President Vladimir Putin at the 10th anniversary meeting of Valdai International Discussion Club in the Novgorod Region, September 19, 2013.
“The decay of our culture, these mounds of contamination of our whole cultural life, the decomposition of our literature, the poisoning of our theatres, of our movie theatres, all the art is now falling for it. Millions of Germans do not participate anymore. It does not appeal to them anymore. This art was not born from our people but is alien to us and will remain alien that has nothing to do with the German character and did not come from our soul. It was imposed on our people by a subversive press which made it palatable, and parallel to this already the assault begins against the education of our children’s brains – the tearing out of all the memories of our German past. The insult to all the great men of our people – the removal of its memory from the heart and brain out of the German youth.”
How Free Americans Became Slaves To The Rothschild Bankers: Glass Steagall Act Will Stop Them ~ You Know, The One Billy Clinton Repealed In 1999 That Allowed The Housing Bubble!
“………..When you have lost the freedom to say “no”, when you have no choice but to pay a percentage of your earnings as interest to the bankers whether in private debt or taxes to cover the gargantuan debts by the US Government itself, you are a slave to the bankers.
And because more money is owed to the bankers than actually exists (fractional banking or Keynesian Economics), because of the interest charged on the loan that created the money (Derivative Fraudulent Paper), the debt-slavery is permanent! No matter how hard you work, no matter how much you sacrifice, the debt can never be paid off.
The system is intentionally designed to trap the nation’s population permanently in unrepayable debt, to make them slaves to that debt and to the bankers. (The interest owed is never issued into existence)
This is the purpose behind the design of the Federal Reserve, The Repeal Of The Glass Steagall Act By Billy Clinton In 1999, the International Monitary Fund, the European Central Bank, and indeed every private central bank issuing the public currency as a loan at interest.
This is why today every nation is drowning in created debt, and slaved to the Rothschild bankers. That is the reason for ever increasing taxes and decresing benefits; to pay the bankers their unpayable interest on the public currency…………………”
How Hitler defied the bankers
Article from: http ://www. wakeupfromyourslumber. com/node/6720
Many people take joy in saying Wall Street and Jewish bankers “financed Hitler.”
There is plenty of documented evidence that Wall Street and Jewish bankers did indeed help finance Hitler at first, partly because it allowed the bankers to get rich (as I will describe below) and partly in order to control Stalin. However, when Germany broke free from the bankers, the bankers declared a world war against Germany.
When we look at all the facts, the charge that “Jews financed Hitler” becomes irrelevant. Los Angeles Attorney Ellen Brown discusses this topic in her book Web Of Debt. . .
When Hitler came to power, Germany was hopelessly broke. The Treaty of Versailles
had imposed crushing reparations on the German people, demanding that Germans repay every nation’s costs of the war. These costs totaled three times the value of all the property in Germany.
Private currency speculators caused the German mark to plummet, precipitating one of the worst runaway inflations in modern times. A wheelbarrow full of 100 billion-mark banknotes could not buy a loaf of bread. The national treasury was empty. Countless homes and farms were lost to speculators and to private (Jewish controlled) banks. Germans lived in hovels. They were starving. …………………”
Reserve Bank of Oz just lost 37 billion dollars. How can they lose it if they make it from nothing? More to the point, WHO took the money and run? Then there is a war to feed, protecting Oz border in Ukraine.
Meanwhile, where the selective live in Sydney, they’re demolishing 30 million $ mansions to knock up McMansions.
New kids on the block, CCP in cahoots with krown kabal. Carry on, nothing to see or hear, how about the super yachts behind Rose Bay cop shop.
Skilled yet black banned thanks to AI, I can’t even get a gig to house a hinge.
ant56, you should take note of the contents of the video above posted by Julius S.
Just last week I saw an advertising sign displaying “with $2,000.00 you can have your own house” or words to that effect.
How could you ever pay off the price of a house under that scenario, in a lifetime?
The block alone is valued at minimum $150,000.00.
ant56, the CCP is not in cahoots with Rothschild’s Crown City of London –
Debunk the “China’s Debt Trap” Myth with Belt and Road Initiative Expert Hussein Askary
17,599 views Jun 21, 2022 #beltandroad #geopolitics With more developing economies joining the Belt and Road Initiative, we hear increasing negative reports on China’s overseas investments in regions like Africa and Latin America. Where is those negative information from? Who are the creators? And what does Belt and Road Initiative really mean for the developing countries? Swedish-Iraqi expert, Hussein Askary, from the Schiller Institute, spent decades researching the best way to develop West Asia and build a land bridge that will benefit the whole world. In this episode, he gave his analysis on BRI, and exposed the lies of the “debt trap.” If you are interested in this topic, you can follow Hussein Askary on Twitter: @HusseinAskary
Please don’t misunderstand me, have nothing against Chinese people, actually I admire them. Common Chinese are good, a result of blood sweat tears and suffering.
Communist regimes are another matter, they stole my father’s house hand built by grandad and him.
Social credit score digital ID CBDC, has turned me off CCP totally. Their elite colonising all desirable locations globally, new oil on top. Here they’re even buying out the krown kabal. Owning more than 50% of Oz, CCP are new boss here.
Chinese communism is not Marxism. There has been plenty of material posted here to refute your claims.
What part of the Communist Manifesto does Australia not follow?
Which economies invest in Australia?
The United States and United Kingdom are the biggest investors in Australia, followed by Belgium, Japan and Hong Kong (SAR of China).
China is our eighth largest foreign investor, with 2.2 per cent of the total. However, the levels of Hong Kong (SAR of China) and Chinese investment in Australia have grown significantly over the past decade.
The table below shows the top 20 foreign investors in Australia at the end of 2021. Yearly values are in A$ billion and include both direct, portfolio investment and other investment.