Introduction by Dee McLachlan
It seems there is nothing that will stop the truth about vaccines from coming out — except denial and mainstream media turning a blind eye.
It is so shocking that 5 to 11 year-olds are being jabbed when the statistics expose the dangers of the vaccines. There are several reports of children dying from the jab in Australia but these are quickly removed from Facebook and Twitter. A doctor friend has told me of a family that lost children, and I am following up on this and will report on this when we can authenticate the story.
Sweden has stopped vaccinating 5 – 11 year-olds. They realise the benefits do not outweigh the risks. “With the knowledge we have today, with a low risk for serious disease for kids, we don’t see any clear benefit with vaccinating them,” Health Agency official Britta Bjorkholm told a news conference.
Robert J Kennedy, in The Defender, in an article “Nearly 35,000 Reports of COVID Vaccine Injuries Among 5- to 17-Year-Olds, CDC Data Show” report:
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,071,856 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Jan. 21, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.
The data included a total of 22,607 reports of deaths — an increase of 414 over the previous week — and 178,994 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 4,130 compared with the previous week.”
And I presume this is only the tip of the iceberg:
U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Jan. 21, 2022, for 5- to 11-year-olds show:
- 7,052 adverse events, including 152 rated as serious and 3 reported deaths.
The most recent death involves a 7-year-old girl (VAERS I.D. 1975356) from Minnesota who died 11 days after receiving her first dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine when she was found unresponsive by her mother. An autopsy is pending.
- 14 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis (heart inflammation).
- 24 reports of blood clotting disorders.
A video from Trinidad.
Hidden Pfizer trial data shows that ALL “vaccinated” women in pregnancy lost their unborn babies
And those women who didn’t miscarried (miscarriages increased up 300% over 5 year average) (TimTruth.com on SergeantNewsNetwork) or become fertile, had given birth to mutant pandemic babies https://www.bitchute.com/video/ERjdLBFV0PRj/
Dee, Re “The Benefits do not outweigh the risks”
Its great that Gumshoe is exposing the covid bioweapon fraud but be careful not to join in their rhetoric by describing it as a vaccine, vax or ascribe any benefits to it whatsoever.
Covid DOESNT EXIST its deceptive purpose is to introduce the BIOWEAPON injections. AND you should use those terms because THATS WHAT IT IS!
i had quite a nasty bout of seasonal flu in both my winter pregnancies and both babies were born A1 normal. Back then it was commonly conceded that the only virus of any great risk to the unborn was German measles. It’s unclear as to when that changed, but in 2018 I saw posters promoting flu shots during the gestation period at a local medical centre so I guess the situation is just a natural progression
Actually every facet of what’s taken place in the past two years has been a natural progression; seems like complete dysfunction has to kick before any form of degeneration gets any populous acknowledgment.
I’ve long known the AMA type doctor/protocols was behind Autism/SIDS
This current 2 year period is a little like that. I’ve seen the damage to kids and the parents realize this truth, and some parthway forward. Other smart parents just can’t take it on, Autism just accepted no improvement, bad bouts When the cops where arresting SIDS parents, that was common on public media, twenty years ago, just make me mad, I knew what was the cause and glad that not touch me personal Bang on about with each epesode, you can’t stay silent. The look you get,, of course lay people can not prove. Just as a likely. i will take a bit guff but don’t continue, just trying to help. There is a lot more talk now, just want to help.The look, i might have my sport.
In the thalidomide days, no one would doupt and not a schedule. The down syndrome I suspected but maybe in utero. Not my world but prevelant, special school busses. Then MMR but people just gone DDT. The think Wakefield, there you go Doctor. Its not todays way but I world punch snoopse. The figure ratio blowing out. You just could not get in. Next thing I know measles is a monster. What we had that and more. Locals brought into hooping cough and I did catch it., anoying 100 day cough. Couple off bad flu’s over 40 years and I hate that but no vaccine ever. About 2008 noticed the cult kicking in, no Down around some autism. The propaganda, does work , can’t shift them, flu shot, they get the flu.
Could be worse would come up, or not right formula. Think only 2 or three types anyway. Corona comes, most gone again and the variant, me, never seen this type of quick mutation. Can not get in, cov red lighting, Just wait.
do the research, they are lying. Better now, except the authoraties, can see active lying. Hear taking points come up, you programed we all are..
if i had not seen this, i would struggled to believe it.They lining the baby’s up soon, what, are you an, idiot. i find out after, never been shy with those i know.
medi-fraud from ACCC
Miracle cures
Miracle cure scams usually promise quick and easy remedies for serious medical conditions. They exploit the emotional vulnerability of people who are suffering from serious health problems.
These scams cover a range of products and services which can appear to be legitimate alternative medicine. They can take the form of health treatments for medical conditions such as cancer, AIDS, arthritis or the common cold. Some products even claim to be a ‘cure-all’ for diseases or specific symptoms.
Miracle cure scams are usually promoted by people with no medical qualifications who will tell you all sorts of stories to explain why their products are not supported by conventional doctors. For example, they might talk about secret ancient techniques that challenge modern practices or medical industry conspiracies that aim to silence them.
These phony products can have dangerous interactions with medicines you’re already taking. They might even cause you to delay or stop medical treatment for your condition, even when proven treatments are available from your physician.
Thats Bill Gates, no doupt he has GAVI Harvard Degree, Mr Bill Gates VACCINE product to a tee. Stupiid ACCC, and i pay two accounts, never a real bust. Frauds, and i warned you too, The insolvent will come, you will fail them.Your solvency pinned to mega companies and Self Super you will rort.
“These scams cover a range of products and services which can appear to be legitimate” – we know, its just your coercive powers.
Thanks, needed to excecise that. Better get my head back for the next phase ,Frustrating when you see them lining up the innocent
There’s a wide range of genetic disorders; Down’s syndrome is probably one of the most well known.
But the exponential increase in autism, asthma and food allergies of the last 20 odd years obviously can’t be attributed to natural imperfections/heredity.
Baby elephant with downs syndrome only eats pumpkin video (1 min)
Berry, (above one)
It isn’t any kind of “natural progression” at all. ITS A CON.
Firstly your “nasty bout of seasonal flu” is due to either nutritional deficiencies or a poor environment (toxic poisoning) both leading to a weakened immune system and both which you can change. (but i’m glad your babies were born well)
Next, German Measles (rubella) has a REAL vaccine and every woman of child bearing age should get one.
Lastly the “flu shot” is a completely different kettle of fish and a integral part of your “the past two years has been a natural progression” YES but a progression by those who would control you and if not – kill you. Truthfully one of the most UNATURAL, traitorous, scandalous, murderous, evil perpetrated upon modern mankind.
Please see it for what it is, do some more research, there is lots of truth out there now AND prepare yourself and your family for what is to come.
Inasmuch as taking the covid vax is the path of least resistance of the hour it sure is a “natural progression”: allowing finite convenience to supersede long-term benefit is THE most common way of denying infinite potential.
The two bouts of flu I referenced were in ‘86 and ‘89. Had worse ones in ‘98 and ‘05, but in the interim and subsequent years nothing, so I’m not exactly a sickly individual.
Nothing wrong with my nutrition or environment either, other than the fact that I should fast more frequently. That, as far as I’m concerned, is a good deal more critical than anything else – more reliance on the supernatural, less dependence on the natural.
Sickness is actually the perfect opportunity to chill out/regroup/reassess one’s existence.
But in a God-denying culture it’s just deemed an inconvenience, something to be avoided at all costs,even if the cost turns out to be life itself!
Australian Freedom Convoy begins arriving in Canberra
Uncovering CIA-Funded Experiments On Children In Europe During The Cold War
Was the CIA involved in sponsoring West German pedophilic foster homes overseen by the Social Democratic Party?
No mention of Mengele–that is re experiments on children
Natural and planned progression …
University professor Stephen Kershnar makes video declaring sex with children should be legally permissible
This just in from Ottawa at RebelNews:
Moments ago, heavily-armed RCMP officers advanced on the 500 or so truckers who are blockading the Alberta-Montana border in the town of Coutts, demanding an end to vaccine mandates and lockdowns.
It was a stand-off. First the truckers sang O Canada. then they chanted “freedom!” All while the black-clad police stared at them. And then the truckers advanced.
What could the police do? Try to arrest them all? Shoot them? In the end, the police turned — and retreated.
Maybe the police will go back to the negotiating table. As you know, Rebel News is crowdfunding an experienced lawyer, Chad Williamson, to help de-escalate the situation and represent the truckers. (You can help us support Chad’s efforts, by clicking here.)
But as soon as Chad arrived, instead of talking with him, the police abruptly cut off all negotiation, and threatened to arrest all the truckers.
Well, it looks like that didn’t work. Maybe the police will talk to Chad after all.
Mary, do you know of any vids, links to vids of the event?
Two little girls dead after jab on Gold Coast | Cairns News
We are concerned too, somebody might be playing with this. Alex Jones looking for ratings./?
He could’nt get into the capital building. If we get it wrong, it could distract from the social justice..
We need Annastacia Palasczuk, she’s tough, Inala is like Brooklyn.
Her dad had to give her the seat of Inala so he could be of service to the world,, he serves as chairman of the Gene Technology Alliance Foundation
Luddites are in every suburb, and I don’t know if this is true either “Bill Gates is regularly contacted by the Prime Minister Scott Morrison”, but if were to be.true, we could upload the countries DNA, saving sqillions. Share a pie and XXXX then kick back in the metaverse
The most important thing is upload before anyone notices.Could fly to Singapore, must be in a Temisec holding, Its been said that the Kidmans rated accommodations, “it to die for”..
Henry Palaszczuk/Henry Baileqi is so smart looks like he has applied for 2 mac addresses.Thats hardly depopulation.
We will know on the girls soon enough. The Doctor could be from asia and not sure where that is exacly. So many unknowns
Following the script- for. 02/02/2022
Msm counter release. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-02-02/why-the-third-year-of-covid-will-be-different/100763864
It’s all happening Days of reparation ahead
On your abc.net site they are saying without saying, “Novovax” is basically just spike proteins injected straight into you ( already known ) and:
“Paxlovid targets a process in COVID replication that does not relate to the spike protein which means it will still be highly effective even when the virus mutates.
“But the pills have a drawback.
“Paxlovid is an expensive medicine and one that the Australian healthcare system cannot afford to supply to all Australians, says Andrew Rowland, Research Fellow in Clinical Pharmacology at Flinders University.
“[This means] vaccination remains our most important and cost effective means of fighting the pandemic.”
So you can take a Peace-Love-ID pill and presumably still have spike proteins sneaking into your vascular system, appendix, gall bladder, etc., for admittance to Rockerfellas’ HospitalSystem™ at a random later date.
When will the Australian TGA approve the traditionally made Covax-19 vaccine of Dr N Petrovsky and his team at Flinders Uni., instead of supporting the mRNA/DNA gene modifying products.
Thought that abc link looked familar, My other has players at breakfast club. I was trolling the NT health ministers as you do, looking for a break through case. Just the same… Its like the sea open’s up for them. They all work hard though and Washington is ok, pizza must be great. But Switzerland, aahh, the alps off piste, would make China, look like any Chinatown.
Contractors must be hard to come by, the Don Dale Detention Center is yes over due. That guy that was Chief Minister and now has a TV show. He said it was just fine. Never mind sir, torture is such a emotive word, and relative, if family still can not visit.
I’ll check the video you have.
Kerry Chant probably summed it up best: “all of us just want COVID to be gone.”
the virus vanishing was not possible, 2022 would be a year of “recalibration”.
“Professor Jenkins says health departments will most likely be modelling potential death rates for 2022 but she doesn’t expect the estimations to be made public”
“You can still have very, very serious outcomes from endemic diseases, for instance tuberculosis, malaria and HIV are still endemic in parts of the world and those diseases are still devastating,” Professor Jenkins says”
I was thinking, omg, how many mutations?, how could the model cope with all the Oxford definitions;
(of a condition or a person) producing or showing no symptoms.
“infection is usually asymptomatic”
“While there’s no such thing as a COVID crystal ball, this is what life could look like this year”
Thank you Professor, you can’t argue with a crytall ball. The poorer countries have already infected some first responders. I worry, what if , a sewerage holding tank, pass the virus to a
rescue ship. Be handy a crystal ball.
Holy Grail pills too, we have open accounts and damn the cost. We have not done the most vulnerable, 6 months to five, df people they come younger. Don’t be selfish with your health, listen to Dr Chant and be a Dudley Doright
Naturally my white male privilege is causing phobic reactions. Maybe your feeling low, disrupted,
Well cheer up,have a pill, then a read, experts synchronised including Professor Jenkins. She’s old, i’m not doctor but thats a comorbidity, inspiring .You never forget some things.
Re; Diane above
For the video author above,or any eyes. I am aware of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich,work, not sure his tactic. He is solid on the data collection.My next inquiry.
You get outraged when you find that your own have sold you into a lucky-dip.!!!
At some point, maybe a court,, well one thats operating independently.
If you had Justice Anton Scalia you would think conservative jurisprudence, touch of
originalism in constitutional interpretation.
Wrong game over, because you would lose, most likely “no standing”, he’s dead so I’m just making a venue point.This is the biggest obstacle but as, this runs, personal experiance may bring appropriate attension.
Fauci would argue, that function, reduction, had in fact happened if you could isolate the cov.
I don’t think even then it would match a patent.
Level four labs are the safest lab, can’t see traction hear either Sen Paul, angled on that
Fauci goes back to Rock Hudson’s aids days. Others and now grown children. The ex FDA now Pfizer guy. Jon Rappaport, is the goto here. Not sure if his work found a court, extensive investagation.
This is not new, and goes back before, ww2,. So Nazi biological scientist’s, are mainly in the US but all western allies for sure. The Japanese Unit 731 also brought back to US, very active.
Even little Australia, you can find a LOT this one will take some time to memory hole.
Kuru, the first human transmissible spongiform encephalopathy was transmitted to chimpanzees by D. Carleton Gajdusek. papers released 1957. Gajdusek is a proud Nobel prize winner 1976. You can see other scientists gain functioning and getting prizes, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, later another escapses or is released in UK know as Mad Cow desease. A prion, US also takes samples and children for US mainland experiments. They knew this was illegal too.. See Mary Maxwell, she did good work here, the Forts etc
Warning these are very sick minded people.
Lots of other experiments before and after.WW2
I think the problem in law will be proving the existance of a disease causing pathogen.
I think this deliberate..
A Judge will jump on that because of the pressure behind the scene.
If you get parts of DNA even sequenced, the only people that can prove that is causitive of disease in law are dead or team Fauci.
You would think you could get 20 people, blood work them for baseline, vaccine to 10
plecebo to ten. Repeat bloodwork. Might be the best way. It is no accident that we have this predicament.
Anyway feel free to use, append add any thoughts. I have been stuck on this, for ever.
In other world news
Here’s former Tony Blair staffer Jacinta presenting the scholarships for the freemasons at the Otago University which is in the deep south of NZ, in a small town called Dunedin, half the size of Geelong. Jacinta was not PM until a couple of years later and her stomping ground was the other end of the country.
Here’s the Dunedin massacre from 1990:
NZ paid $NZ36.50 per shot of Pzifer and now falling into line with the boosters ( NZ budget expenditure approx 1/2 billion $ ), substantially more than the cost of Ivermectin which is more effective. Here’s a va666ine shill in alterno-costume pushing fear:
In other world news, Yoko Ono has threatened to put her music ONTO Spotify if they don’t cancel Joe Rogan.
Got syphilis?
From NBCnews.com, 12 years ago:
U.S. government medical researchers intentionally infected hundreds of people in Guatemala, including institutionalized mental patients, with gonorrhea and syphilis without their knowledge or permission more than 60 years ago.
Many of those infected were encouraged to pass the infection onto others as part of the study.
About one third of those who were infected never got adequate treatment.
On Friday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius offered extensive apologies for actions taken by the U.S. Public Health Service.
“The sexually transmitted disease inoculation study conducted from 1946-1948 in Guatemala was clearly unethical,…”
How can people talk like this? Where in their brain does this nonsense come from? It spews out so easily:
Excuse me, Gumshoers. I hit the wrong button, I meant this one:
Forget it , somebody is playing a trick on me. The one I tried to show you was the US PUblic Health director. Never mind.
(Dee, you can erase them both.)
It’s very interesting from the point of view of BigTech scamming you by redirecting links
Yes indeed, anyone out there know how its managed / done?
Be good 2 know
Fauci Knew About Virus Lab Origin From Secret Teleconference, Pushed Alternate Narrative: Jeff Carlson and Hans Mahncke
Dr. Anthony Fauci was told in a secret teleconference that the CCP virus had very likely leaked from a laboratory in China, yet still pushed the alternate narrative that it had originated naturally, new evidence allegedly shows.
Redacted emails that were recently made public suggest that Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), initiated efforts to cover up evidence pointing to a laboratory leak as the origin of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, which causes COVID-19.
Center for COVID Control Faked COVID-19 Test Results: Lawsuit
Biden Admin Paying Hospitals To Kill People Up To $160,000 In ‘Bonuses’ Per Death! And There Are Many MORE Financial Rewards!
Dr Peterson Pierre
Jewish Heroes Battling Covid: In Honor of 2022 Genesis Prize Laureate Dr. Albert Bourla –
Oh yeah, the Aramoana massacre. And guess who just happened to have been living in Aramoana at the time of the massacre, the man of the moment PAUL MULLEN! Who had interviewed Gray before the massacre, and had interviewed the perp at the Queen Street massacre in Victoria, and had been the court psychiatrist at the Chelmsford Hospital white wash Royal Commision, and was the psychiatrist for Port Arthur and who was working at Monash University when the pistol massacre happened, and showed up to give interviews after Christchurch – The Kiwis are a very subservient breed, when the Christchurch massacre happened, they were told they could go to gaol if they watched the video of the massacre (which showed that Tarrant wasn’t working alone) and those fools argued with anyone that would suggest they pull their head out of their ass and watch the video.
I’m not surprised the Melbourne massacres may be dragged into the equation but I am pleasantly surprised you have all the facts at your disposal. There seems to be a surprisingly small group of actors or should I say agents or should I say actors, involved.
Study: Children born during the plandemic are “almost two full standard deviations” less intelligent than those born before
Today Tuesday 01 FEB 2022, the Danes are getting their pre Corona freedom back!
Norway is finding out at a Press Conference Tuesday night 01 FEB 2022, if they will follow in Denmark’s footsteps. (As far as I could see, the 1 meter rule and use of facemasks would still be kept for certain situations)
Scomo nervous? “We are all Truckies now” says Rep. Ron Paul:
“If I were prime minister of totalitarian Australia or New Zealand – or most anywhere in Europe – I would be getting pretty nervous right now”.
DWN (Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten De) Today Wednesday 02 FEB 2022: Switzerland will remove all Covid restrictions as of 17 Feb 2022. (Finland is said to do the same!)
“ Wer selbst infiziert ist, muss sich aber weiterhin isolieren. THE INFECTED HAS TO ISOLATE.Ebenso fällt ab sofort die Homeoffice-Pflicht weg. HOME OFFICE MANDATE STOPS. Das beschloss die Regierung am Mittwoch. THE CH-GOVERNMENT DECIDED THIS ON 02 FEB 2022.”
Die endgültige Entscheidung über ein Ende aller anderen Maßnahmen will sie am 16. Februar nach Konsultationen mit den Kantonen fällen. THE FINAL DECISIONS RE. ALL OTHER DIRECTIVES WILL BE MADE IN CO-OPERATION WITH ALL THE CANTONES ON 16 FEB 2022.
Brae Antcliffe BA LLB asked me to post this comment/article referring to legal proceedings of Reiner Fuelmich
“Shakespeare was wrong”.
Listen from around 1.06 about. David COLE
For those who are not caring In being interested in spending the time to consider the legal proceedings reported above.
Matter for you:
PM Morrison.
Mass media and ABC.
Medical bureactic traitors.
state members and you lot of parliamentary abettors
Choose rope or silk, same result.
The premier of Western Australia has locked me out of restaurants, gyms and whatever else, for fear I might catch Covid-19™ and overburden the HospitalSystem™. Such a caring man and such sincerity, however, why has he dragged 3rd parties into his calculation, who will suffer as I forego my nightly wagyu steak, crayfish, caviar, truffles, fillet mignon and all my other standard fare.
Why is he punishing the high-end dining establishments when he is simply trying to keep me out of hospital. He should just ban me from hospital, and then I could stop paying medicare levy as well.
Satanist grave-robbers in Melbourne
Science is the one world religion.
It is misguided, and has been absolutely corrupted by special interests who determine the outcome. In other words, it’s no longer possible to believe anything broadcast on msm.
It used to be common knowledge that you NEVER vax any child under age 6 because their immune sysems weren’t developed enough yet to be able to cope with the vax. It isn’t a healthy thing to do to them and causes numerous health problems later on in life. I would further point out that this was authorized for EMERGENCY use, meaning it will be experimental – they are EXPERIMENTING ON OUR CHILDREN. Also, the infection rate of kids under 18 is close to zero. The only way they get covid is if they are vaxed, because covid is in the vax. If they do get covid, they are very likely to recover from it with no problems. That is unless they are vaxed, which might give them comorbidities such as myocarditis (heart problems), in which case it might well kill them. Translation: they will be killing our children. Are we going to allow this to happen?
The vaxxx passport is the digital identity. It’s the central singular point of contact with the system. Without a digital identity, one is completely cut off from the system.
Smart cities are using CCP-AI powered surveillance and social credit system. With lockdowns, as workers and small business are crushed and sucked dry, the plutocrats with CCP are buying all the farms and houses.
GloboCorp will implant microchips into brains that hookup to a supercomputer (Meta data central control at Gore Hill, former ABC headquarters). Microsoft patent number WO/2020/060606 for a ‘cryptocurrency system using body activity data’.
The sweat and tears of workers here, rights to earn income, have been handed to third world immigration, unabated through lockdown. Over half a million new residents in Oz during 2021. Trancehumanism 2.0 is slavery unimaginable.
What we want is NO one world government technocratic dystopian hell. What we need is nationalism not globalism. Self sufficient and self sustaining nations that practise and preserve all unique cultures created by the Almighty.
It’s not a dream, it is what we had in Oz pre 1980, when almost everything was made here. We are the last generation that remembers, before computers took over.
The MainStreamMedia has been commenting on friction between Gulag Gladys and Scotty F.M.
It appears there are NewWorldOrder elements surviving in the NSW Liberal Party who would like to take down Scotty. Everyone should be able to remember Scotty was installed by a party-room coup to replace bankster Turnbull who had gone to the US and started giving Trump orders. Turnbull was also unpopular with social conservatives for his gay initiatives such as gay marriage. We are led to understand one of Turnbull’s jobs is to implement NewWorldOrder programs, such as “The (Corporate) Republic” which has been underway for some decades. Half of the opposition to the forced experimental poison serum injections comes from Queensland conservatives. Farmers quickly notice when they are being treated like stock.
Many people will dismiss the red/blue/green party political party but that’s what we are dealing with and some large part of it will presumably remain after the upcoming election. It’s important to identify who exactly in the ministries is working for the NewWorldOrder, they need to be removed. If the NewWorldOrder minions are agitating for Scotty’s removal, at their own personal expense, they must be working for the hidden agenda. Who can figure out the inner workings of these purges, probably nobody, with secret deals being made and broken all over the place.
Corporate Health Officer Paul Kelly tells us this will go on and on it’s not ending.
Today Scotty is saying something like “omicron is totally different and we need to have a reset”, sounds like he already got the horse head in the bed.
Clive Palmer railing at the globalist minions:
Palmer blasts ‘gestapo’ tactics of SA Police
Clive Palmer has blasted the ‘gestapo’ tactics of South Australian police who last night (Tuesday, February 1) disbanded a United Australia Party member’s meeting at the Port Lincoln Hotel.
Mr Palmer said the heavy-handed tactics of the SA Police was just another example of an overreaching government determined to strip the freedoms and liberties from every day Australians.
“The meeting was authorised and all appropriate protocols were followed,” Mr Palmer said.
“It is a very sad indictment on the SA Government to send in the police to stifle the democratic process.
“They are obviously threatened by the United Australia Party, now the largest political party in Australia with over 80,000 members, and our resolve to break the Liberal-Labor alliance and deliver freedom back to all Australians.”
The Port Lincoln meeting was for members to meet the United Australia Party’s candidate for the electorate of Grey, Suzanne Waters.
Suzanne is an ambulance worker who was stood down as a result of the vaccine mandates. She is a hard-working mother of eight children who joined the United Australia Party to fight for a better future for her family.
The United Australia Party’s lead Senate candidate for SA, Michael Arbon, said the incident highlighted the lengths the government would go to silence alternative points of view.
“Only the United Australia Party can restore Australia to the shining beacon of freedom that is should be,” he said.
Today WA Premier McGollum has sent Scotty a nice tweet thanking him for his support in locking everything up against the dreaded Omoronic variant. They’re all getting into lockstep ready for the post-election phase. NWO here we come, courtesy of stoopids.
Jeremiah 17:5-8
New King James Version
5 Thus says the Lord:
“Cursed is the man who trusts in man
And makes flesh his [a]strength,
Whose heart departs from the Lord.
• ACH (1706) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Strategy To Defeat Communism
Can’t get much more honest, historically accurate and inspiring than this
From search:
Spanish term or phrase: vacunitis
I was interpreting for a patient who, when asked if she had other medical conditions, responded that she had ‘vacunitis’. I had never heard the term and Googled it. I at first concluded that it must mean ‘fear of vaccinations’, but then I found other examples that seemed to refer to a tendency to vaccinate the populace against all manor of things, in other words, a trend toward over-vaccination. Is anyone familiar with the word?
Jill Ananyi
United States
Local time: 17:10
I understad it OK, but it is a sort of slang. You got the meaning right. The man is tired of getting vaccines for everry ailment he tells is suffering.
Of course vaccinitis doesn’t exist either. But if you want to explain it in the text it might help.
Good luck.