Home Media Jailing Telegram to Bar Free Speech

Jailing Telegram to Bar Free Speech


Telegram CEO Pavel Durov charged in France

Introduction by DM

“Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, the world’s fourth largest online messaging and social media platform, was arrested in France on August 26 on charges relating to illegal content on the platform. The Russian billionaire, who is also a French citizen, was held for questioning for four days and is out on bail set at 5 million Euros. Even among the typically libertarian tech titans of the world, Durov stands out for his anti-authoritarian stance on regulation, the company proudly claims to have never handed a single byte of user data to anyone, including governments.” (source, ABC)

Today, Tucker’s interview with Mike Benz.

Mike Benz: The Real Reason for Pavel Durov’s Arrest, and the Deep State’s Plan to Control Our Speech



  1. We will have to wait to see how this ‘arrest’ plays out. Apparently, this is part of the “plan’ that will begin the shutting down of the Globalist’s internet to usher in the new non-censored, but Truth based, Starlink World Wide Internet, allegedly, up to 10,000 times faster than the current Globalist controlled model.

    Sitting here enjoying my Samuel Smith’s Yorkshire, Taddy Porter, I am a patient man.

  2. Charlie Ward has a short comment on this fellow at BIN
    He stated that he is a friend of some sheik’s son, the prince son had a word with his dad and the dad suspended a 10 bill order for some French flying machines and opines that the charges will take flight.💁

    • A late update from Ben Fulford has some info on Durav to supplement Ward. Whilst Ben and Charlie have the same mossad girlfriend involvement setting Durav up, Ben says Durav upset Israel by reporting on Israel genocide contractors.
      Be has a lot more on Iran v Psycho Net …, says Net… has a rubber mask so some deal done with Israel.
      Ben does not like telegram.
      Israel have 1.5 m polio doses to fix theGarzansc but if used Tel Aviv could host a dirty reaction from Iran.
      Charlie is getting ready to be dead.
      Truss stated that the B of E runs the UK.
      The Khazarians are bluffing Japan with rainstorms.
      As planned no advance for Vance to be replaced by ………💁🤣
      And more, pity some do not like BIN and miss out on the fun anyway, like I never trusted that Sullivan traitor from years back.

  3. The only people that want to censor are LIARS. It is only by deceit that they can manipulate others to get what they want. They can’t create or produce, they rely on being parasites of those that can create and produce. Deceit, lying and stealing are the only ‘skills’ they have. – The only way they stop doing what they do is DEATH.

    Since they won’t volunteer for death, then others have to do it for them. – It’s gonna get ugly…

  4. Love it, great day but back to the ‘battlefield’ (Dianne) with Mary at situation update at BIN for the grandkid’s future when they will be able to identify a triangle not being a square at about 34 mins.
    What do the normies think? Really, that I would sit in front of a globalist tv screen and be told hat I am just a silly old SQUARE.
    Fat chance!
    Btw I noted that a local big bank had a sign up in July that it would be closed for RENOVATIONS FOR ALL OF AUGUST. Bloody weird I thought, banks are closing something is up. I think I commented back then but it could have been a message to Dee?
    Well I will be back to see the Reno’s asap. Why? Just note reports, I think at about 18 mins, similar reports from the US. Normies probably think I am too suspicious, but considering everything, I wonder?
    Ben Fulford answers the question I baited some above with, at about 22 mins…. for the lounge lizards, Just read the headline caption.
    Joe, raise you 5 to 95%.

    • According to some over at beforeitsnews.com, Trump gave the ‘green light’ to begin the zeroing of ALL non-personal debt, ie, (Cabal controlled) in all Basel Four controlled Banks around the Globe now compliant with ISO 2002020 requirements.

      ALL those Banks still operating without ISO 2002020 compliance, will be closed down forever, if not done so already.

      Folks with mortgages, credit card debt, and personal loans, should see their debts over the next few weeks begin to disappear as part of the QFS financial system, and that system, is now replacing the Central Banking debt slavery system.

      Disclaimer: The above info is garnered from American sources, and while there is no mention of the above about to occur in countries outside of the U.S. it may be generally accepted, that as this country, Australia, is now under U.S. jurisdiction, and will eventually become part of The United Republics of America, the above info may apply here as well.


    • From 58 mins, More on Durav and the triple ‘crossers’. Not sure on Macron, but been bloody sure on ‘the Biden’ for some time. Really, who have the normies thought he is and who he is working for? He is a F’n PLANT.💁🙈
      The best show in town💁🤣
      After ‘Donald Bond’ comes the news highlights to the end with a bit more Ben.
      Earlier the med beds are raised, want to recoup thirty ? years of your physical body and life?
      FAIR DINKUM, you would love it.💁🤣🤣🤣🤣🙀
      Bugger, the show might end soon, then what for entertainment?
      GOLF – LAWN BOWLS?🙀🙀

  5. The Normies in my neck of the woods think I am off the deep end and watch too much Fox News and not enough reputable news like CNN and MSNBC .

    Any attempts to convince them with hard evidence or encouraging them to utilize the internet to try and accumulate information is met with scorn and ridicule , as all news on the internet can’t be believed nor is it really necessary because the universe already tunes into their respective imaginations and refashions itself telepathically to whatever it is that they may want to believe ,and these beliefs are usually determined by knee jerk reactions and sometimes as much as 5 minutes of actual contemplation before the unyielding “truth” of a given situation becomes canon in their largely fact free intellects , and no longer alterable by anything as pedestrian as reality .

    I don’t think too many of life’s conundrums are all that difficult for people to understand , it’s immaturity , maybe arrogance , laziness , probably mostly selfishness or sometimes even fear that seems to block people’s ability to accept the simple and obvious .

    If they don’t feel like acknowledging or even wanting to be pestered with anything that might distort their not too carefully constructed worldview , ( many will intentionally tune you out before you even get started ) then it’s up to you to gladly wallow in their ignorance with them or be a registered simpleton from then on .

    • Hans – I learned some years ago, that when those you are attempting to impart some real knowledge to replace their indoctrinated mind set, and whose eyes begin to glaze over as your knowledge flows over them, then it is time to shut up, and to walk away.

      • Quote: “it is ludicrously misleading to picture a nuclear power plant adjacent to the Sydney Opera House”

        But no less ludicrous than claiming that such ploys pose a public hazard. How obvious is it that each & every “moderation” attempt has done nothing but expose how weak most governance actually is, thereby backfiring horribly

    • Wait until the uninformed British public, especially the real Britons, become aware of Starmer’s Satanic affiliations and actions, over a number of years.

      The man, if he is indeed Human, has much to hide which will soon be uncovered.

    • Christ was crucified for challenging the PTB, many of those who continued to speak out on His behalf were likewise executed, and the rest is history

      So what’s stopping the likes of Starmer from clamping down like so ?
      Because their power is wholly reliant on Whorish seduction perhaps?
      Small wonder the unholy alliance with the Beast(Islam)

      • For those not in the know, biblically speaking cultural decadence/corrupt governance is called a whore or harlot, the idea being that it’s comparable to a woman who reneges on her sworn allegiance to her husband(nation) in favour of exploitation

        • How can the beast be Islam when those guys are getting beaten up all the time by European interests: Libya and Syria, done over by Obama and Hillary, were shockers. Islam was only invented to keep the Eastern Roman Empire out of Arab territories, it barely rates a mention.
          The beast system is concentrated in north western Switzerland.
          Historical interpretations of the bible are misinformed because they did not have the benefit of hindsight. Wrong interpretations have been concreted in by “scholars”. The stuff about revelations pertaining to Nero or the year 1000 and whatever is all wrong, the revelations starts mid 20th century.

          • You appear to be unable to grasp the fact that the Whore and the Beast are two entirely separate entities
            And that the rogue claim on the promised land is unmistakably Islamic

  6. David Bell expands on the confirmed Moneypox numbers and the false emergency

    David Bell expands on the confirmed Moneypox numbers and the false emergency
    BTW, It is only an STD if lesions are confined to the genital area.
    So, here we are in 2024, on the tail of a massively profit-driving (and impoverishing) outbreak called Covid-19 that enabled the largest transfer of wealth from the many to the few in human history. The WHO’s announcement that 5,000 (or less) suspected Mpox cases is a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) allows it to fast-track vaccines through its Emergency Use Listing (EUL) program, bypassing the normal rigor required to approve such pharmaceuticals, and is suggesting Pharma start lining up.

    Did you catch that? By calling moneypox a PHEIC, vaccines that are not licensed in the country where they are to be used can be fast-tracked for use there, and presumably a liability waiver (as included in early version s of the IHR that were not passed) with be attached to their use.

    Who wins when this foolish declaration is made?


    2.The 3 manufacturers of moneypox vaccines (Bavarian Nordic, Emergent Biosolutions, and I do not know who will supply the unlicensed Japanese-developed vaccine). Bavarian Nordic and Emergent Biosolutions are both built on the back of biosecurity fear-porn, have no civilian business, and pump out dangerous products of no established value.

    3.the Biosecurity establishment
    Mpox, Numbers, and Reality
    By David Bell August 28, 2024 Public Health, Vaccines 7 minute read

  7. Stephen Colbert hanged at Fort Blaz, Guam, about a week ago for Treason and Crimes against Humanity.

    Read all about his lifestyle over at realrawnews.com

      • Well, Sandra, it is always one’s choice to believe what one chooses to believe.

        Are you sure the person playing in the late show is the real Stephen Colbert?

        Did you read about Colbert’s history, and it is not just available at realrawnews?

        How about Biden though, is he – in your choice to believe – the real Joe Biden, or is he just one of several actors playing out a role?

        I simply put out what I have come to know as being obvious via my own life experience, and as to containing more than an element of Truth to what I put out.

        How about you Sandra, you choose to let a lot of others do your thinking for you via the videos you post – but that does not tell us what you really think – so what about putting up your own thoughts for a change based in your own experience?

        • Mine or your obituary could appear on Real Raw News tomorrow Bro .

          Whilst some of their stories have been confirmed to be true , it’s their suspicious origin time of right around the 2020 election that has always made me think it’s more of a government propaganda site designed to keep the national temperature down in America amongst the garage guy patriot who thinks he needs to take matters into his own hands by reassuring the public that Patriots are in control and arrests are happening , much in the same way X22 are always spinning things to keep either the fear or the anger at a minimum , or like Q did with the “You’re watching a movie” line .

          Whoever seems to have gotten up the national ire — say Letitia James for instance — is suddenly arrested and at Gitmo while also simultaneously on the News prosecuting the Trump double at the same time .

          Colbert’s recent video revelation is why he’s suddenly “hanged” and the public made to think that’s a double is probably to again keep the violence down .


          Juan O’Savin said a few months back that arrests haven’t started much yet and even G5 has said some of these “casualties” are in deep cover .

          Believe it when you see it .

          • Thanks for your thoughts, Hans.

            If that is what you believe, then I would put this to you: What about, no name, and old man Bush – you don’t believe that they were executed?

            You didn’t hear John Kasich blurt out during an interview, ‘McCain was put to death’?

            Did you notice anything peculiar in how the American Flag was draped over old man Bush’s coffin?

            And why during 2018, was millions of dollars spent on expanding Gitmo?

            Is the person playing Joe Biden the real Joe Biden, or has the real Joe Biden been executed?

            Why are Diego Carcia and Guam bases, now actively carrying out Military Tribunals and executions?

            Would that be due to the numbers of traitors who have already been arrested and are now being dealt with?

            Colbert was hanged at Guam.

            Hilary Clinton was hanged at Gitmo on April 26, 2021, so your suspicion on timing is close to correct. But, I would add, that I have a military and police background, and nothing concerning protocols and procedures, within these stories, seems out of place to me.

            Maybe Juan O Savin was referring to the coming mass arrests of the lower echelon of the Deep State, and not those arrests from the head of the snake, who have already been dealt with?

            And maybe, these executions are being leaked to prevent others, such as ‘Red Hats’ from taking the law into their own hands because they believe the process of eliminating the Deep State players is taking too long, and to give encouragement that the Military is the only way?

            Why do you believe that certain buildings in D.C. like the Federal Reserve and the Supreme Court are now walled in and boarded up?

            Millions have had to be arrested – are you able to comprehend the impossible logistics involved in attempting to do that exercise all at once?

            Would it not be more strategically sound to begin the arrests, especially of the higher Deep State echelon, soon after Gitmo was expanded – deal with them – and then concentrate on taking out the middle echelon of the Deep State which is coming to a close as the lower echelon is about to be dealt with?

            Trust the Plan – I do.

  8. Terrance , I am with you on Bush and McCain .Biden is gone but not sure how , but did see the ankle monitor on him .

    The Clinton’s looked alive to me at the DNC , Bill not so much , and DC is on the way out .

    Have read about the Gitmo expansions and the freighters at the dock , and I am aware of some tribunals going on .

    Certainly want to believe the rest of what you write and I would think after the assassination attempt things needed to get moving , but experience and my gut tells me Colbert will be back at his desk soon. , although all the late nite hosts are saying their shows will be going the way of the dinosaur soon , so that is encouraging .

    With such a fractured government going on , not quite sure how much really could have gotten done in the last 4 years .

    Time to call in BTO to get the job done :


    • I’ve been researching how this world has been controlled for nearly fifty years – so the advent of Trump getting elected and then ‘Q’ coming along soon after, was just something that I felt was all part of what was needed to overcome our ‘prison’ we have been kept in for thousands of years.

      I guess that accumulated knowledge has given me an advantage over many – it is not easy knowing what is coming and to attempt to alert anyone who will listen to what is coming based on that knowledge – even my wife has problems digesting what I inform her of.

      She often states – ‘Just rip the bloody band aid off’!

      And for many, seeing is believing.

      Well, the band aid is about to be ripped off for everyone to learn what we should have all been made aware of from the moment we could listen.

      You appear to be part way there in being aware of what may be coming, you may have a difficult time getting your head around some of what will be exposed, how you handle what you will be shown, it will be worth remembering, that what we will learn is a necessary step toward our spiritual enlightenment.

      Thanks for the video – all the good bands are still remembered.

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