Home Corona Jefferson “The Tree of Liberty Must Be Refreshed From Time To Time...

Jefferson “The Tree of Liberty Must Be Refreshed From Time To Time With The Blood of Patriots and Tyrants”

Thomas Jefferson

by G5

The government will fall if the blue shirts start shooting at people. The governor will have to issue an election writ, and a royal commission will trip. And go nowhere. Mt Tl up to his neck.

As I wrote: urgent meeting at Sydney Admiralty Hours last weekend. Over 70 Libs including MoMo and Bezerk caught in corrupt deals and being blackmailed by big pharma.

Murdoch backing off Libs. Agenda to follow would destroy Libs for many elections.

There’s a switch on the reality of the vaccines.

The target is Middle Class as the useless feeders — not aged and infirmed. Complicated. Battle of attrition to run between pro and anti-vax. Aged and infirmed easy to group cancel. Successfully done in US. Middle Class to be bled out by induced comorbidities. This is domestic bio wars draining economies. The submarine and other such deals a small piece.

The Test Case

This is why Australia was chosen as the test pit for The CovidHoax Genocide. (Video)

Laugh, but see the reality of megalomaniacal psychopaths; both elected and entrenched.

They do because they can. Only The People allowing zero-tolerance end it instantly.

The People IS NO LONGER THE MIDDLE-CLASS OBEDIENT ADDICTED all around us. They are the first target. Which they will never recognize.


Read history. Read how liberty is gained and preserved.

Climate Change Idiocy. All a theatric diversion. The middle class and other assorted, vengeful, malevolent, and owned, are the enemies of The People. (Video)


Ivermectin cures 21 viruses including The CIASARS-CoV-2, and internal parasites as The Trypanosoma Cruzi introduced by the Covid-19Vaccines.

Ivermectin having been approved for human use by the FDA, was awarded a Nobel for its Inventors as Avermectin. Abermectin is a variant.

The 240 million people in India treated with Ivermectin is the control group over which Mengele FauciFlu and his criminal genocidal owners cannot step.

I will write further on Nobels concerning DNA and RNA.

Hidden Deaths

Midazolam Genocide in UK and US nursing homes.

New York, California, Michigan, and other Dem-controlled states.

No amount of reality is visible to the deaf and blind.

Climate Change, Feminism, Antifa, BLM, Identity Politics, Incoherent Delusions, Mimicry, Regurgitation, Pseudo-Moralism, Cancel Culture, Revisionist History, and Post Modernist Neo-Marxist Left Ideologies, are all fine. In your face; Truth, Fact, and Reality, must be propagandized or blocked away.

(Another O’Looney video about Boris the Slayer)

Recent assassinations are rife in twelve countries particularly; Haiti, Chad, Maldives, Colombia, and Uganda. Nations that refused to play the CovidVaccination Genocide Game.

The sterility induced by the vaccinations not to appear for at least a decade. And nothing will be done. Unless the guillotines are yet again wheeled out.

The Constitution

In 1787 Thomas Jefferson, wrote the following to William Smith.

“I do not know whether it is to yourself or Mr. Adams I am to give my thanks for the copy of the new constitution. I beg leave through you to place them where due. It will be yet three weeks before I shall receive them from America. There are very good articles in it: and very bad. I do not know which preponderate.

“What we have lately read in the history of Holland, in the chapter on the Stadtholder, would have sufficed to set me against a Chief magistrate eligible for a long duration, if I had ever been disposed towards one: and what we have always read of the elections of Polish kings should have forever excluded the idea of one continuable for life. Wonderful is the effect of impudent and persevering lying. The British ministry have so long hired their gazetteers to repeat and model into every form lies about our being in anarchy, that the world has at length believed them, the English nation has believed them, the ministers themselves have come to believe them, and what is more wonderful, we have believed them ourselves. Yet where does this anarchy exist? Where did it ever exist, except in the single instance of Massachusets? And can history produce an instance of a rebellion so honourably conducted? I say nothing of its motives. They were founded in ignorance, not wickedness. God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion.

“The people can not be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. We have had 13 states independent 11 years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century and a half for each state.

“What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure. Our Convention has been too much impressed by the insurrection of Massachusets: and in the spur of the moment they are setting up a kite to keep the hen yard in order. I hope in god this article will be rectified before the new constitution is accepted.”

And another O’Looney video. He refers to Boris the Slayer and that “people should prepare for civil unrest…”





  1. Pretty obvious that you can’t just expect to keep consuming fruit off any tree unless it’s regularly pruned and fertilised – but there again when you live in a World that presents food as growing on supermarket shelves……………

    • It’s much worse than that, this is induced mass psychosis. G5 says “No amount of reality is visible to the deaf and blind.” This is only the diagnosis for some, where we are now is, going into mass psychosis. I was talking to a Thai person this morning about an episode they had in Thailand in the mid-1980’s where everyone started burning everything, by everything, I mean to politely say burning people as well as things. I don’t have a lot of details (yet) about causation or how it was fixed but it appears to have resulted in “the land of smiles” and I doubt it is much talked about now.

        • Psychosis is what happens when a desire for comfort supersedes a desire to know the truth
          Irony being that genuine comfort can never be obtained without experiencing suffering in some form or other:

          “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
          For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
          For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”
          MATHEW 16 24 – 26

          But the culture if the Age fosters the idea that feeling so much as slightly uncomfortable is to be avoided at all costs.
          Small wonder that obesity and drug addiction are so prevalent

      • Re “this is induced mass psychosis”…

        THAT is propaganda all in itself. Because it paints the public as a helpless victim. Only those who do not learn from history spread such utter propaganda — read “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” by Rolf Hefti at https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html

        • No it’s not propaganda because I am not representing the state or any specific organisation. If you want to dispute it your link does not support your claim except by the totally disconnected logic of promoting vitamin C supplements. Vitamins are ok if your diet is inadequate. Vitamin C was an early marketing phenomenon ( around 1970s it started to take off ). There is nothing new in “vitamin C for colds” and nothing concealed, there are no restrictions, it is a very cheap substance marked up to pharmaceutical levels of profit, I therefore call you out as a type of shill, bearing FAKE NEWS.

  2. “urgent meeting at Sydney Admiralty Hours last weekend. Over 70 Libs including MoMo and Bezerk caught in corrupt deals and being blackmailed by big pharma.”
    According to this which I read the other day Clive Palmer was also present ( with serious security I would imagine ), there is so much going on at the moment all we can do is wait for AZaudit because everything is propaganda or a psy-op right now, you only have to watch the ABC midday news to see all the usual shills coming on still pushing their junk on 12 year olds now, very sick-looking shills like NSW’s Mental Health Hazzard and his sidekick Corporate Health Officer Chant.
    We see Scotty has met with Nancy Pelosi, 81 years old and 2nd in line for presidency if Joe does a runner or falls down the stairs ( as politicians are wont to do when they know their number is coming up ).
    What the hell is going on right now. When will this farce end.

  3. Seems that there is a simple answer to our politicians and health bureaucrats to ban ivermectin and hydroxy.
    Well taking money and not allowing a valid treatment ….. knowingly; suggests planned, designed and continuing manslaughter……. For profit.
    Coppers; maybe they should reconsider on whose side they are on, not to forget the mass media deriding invermectin as only for treating horses and cows.
    A Royal Commission seems to be warranted.
    If the meeting took place as reported, then it would be clear that those who are taking part are likely POIs for serious criminal charges.

    • Just to make things clear.
      A conspiracy is a agreement between two or more people to carry out a method for a designed outcome.
      Many can be in a conspiracy, the average football team agree by intention and action to score a try. They act in unison for that purpose. The opposition conspires ( agrees to prevent it)
      So there are competing conspiracy players.
      At times, other players will be swapped and/or replaced for the same outcome.
      Even the player who enters in the last few seconds of the game is a co-conspirator, as has the coach and even the medical team all along.
      So what, conspiracy deciders May say? Fair comment.
      But, it was all lawful……. Subject to the referee and the rules.
      Now as 5G reports, there was a meeting. Was it for a lawful purpose to promote a lawful result?
      If not, well then, if their was a agreement, implied or otherwise, then we have a conspiracy.
      The purpose of the conspiracy, if any, e.g. to cover for misdeeds or for profit, then, is it lawful?
      Well, persons who are even unwittingly joined in the conspiracy, are up to their necks.and have no defence by claiming that they ARE THE LAW. Sell that idea to a Nuremberg Court.
      Best of luck.

    • I spent nearly two years preparing conspiracy charges……. Plea of guilty was no option and done.
      For such a prosecution it is necessary to correlate with evidence, acts in furtherance of the conspiracy with what is termed the ‘overt acts’ for the conduct of the conspiracy.
      Evidence is gathered in relation to each overt act that can be maintained against each poi that can be shown to have joined by such acts…even to a minor extent.
      For the purpose of analysis; any supporter of the conspiracy is a conspirator. Think mass media shills👻👻👻👻
      Yep, it is all fun to tie suspects into the game. Even health people and such organisations in this covid case……. Especially those in on hiding material overt acts.
      Anyone who has been following the X22Report.com over a few years will find the investigator’s method.
      My bet is that ‘they have everything’ and getting heaps more ……. Overt acts for breakfast!?

      • BTW.
        Being silent and\or not carrying out public duties thereby is a interesting dilemma for those who have been silent and who have not reported to appropriate authorities crimes or suspected crimes.
        (Could that be why politicians do not respond to such written reports from those they are paid to represent……. Cynical bastard I am….. sorry!)
        There is the old common law crime of misprison of felony now found codified in the NSW Crimes Act. Look it up, round about section 375 from memory.
        The inclusion was sponsored in the NSW parliament by John Dowd.
        For many years as a lawyer, I was mystified as to why those receiving complaints of sexual abuse and not reporting them were not charged. Things have changed since⚖️⚖️⚖️
        All fun, now what about those now agreeing to cover up naughty?

        • This getting more interesting as I think upon the G5 report.
          Any person in government who is aware of or becomes aware of any threat, implied or otherwise, to cause a adoption of policy or continuation of a policy to ban historic lifesaving alternative treatment for covid, if such information is not passed on to the commissioner of Police in NSW, or elsewhere, could be aiding and abetting various crimes against humanity.
          That would clearly, include the relevant medical authorities and complicit mass media.
          Wish I had not retired⚖️

          • Speaking of x22 he is saying Klaus Swab is planning a system of carbon credits attached to the CBDC ( Central Bank Digital Currency ) that they want to put us all on in 2030. This currency is is suggested will limit your carbon consumption so you may think you have $1000 dole a fortnight but you aren’t allowed to spend it all (!!!) if your carbon expenditure goes over the limit. Quite likely the balance of your dole will be confiscated or “expired” putting you on a 100% hand to mouth regime, and if your “social credit score” slips, you may go hungry !!!

          • W3.
            Bugger, our politicians credit will go to zero with all their plane flights to officially open dog shows( and visit rels)
            Oh well, we can issue all of them with a bicycle to travel amongst the peasants who elect them.
            I can live with that, so long as they peddle fast past my home. Come to think of that, I have not noticed any around here…… so busy in office answering Mail, I suppose.

  4. Come on Premier of NSW, politicians, their staffers, press, propaganda, mass media spivs and alleged health authorities and our dear Pauline.
    Come on here at gumshoenews and ‘please explain’.
    There are more backbones that may be found in a can of earth worms than could be found among; our politicians and mass media and the ABC, unelected UN control freaks and pharma.
    So we must presume that they are your daddy. Mr T probably knows.

    • What about you Mr Fitzsimmons and Ms. Wilkinson? Come on tell us that ivermectin is only for cows and horses. Ref: the last Sunday Herald Fitz headline.
      So Sorry! We are learning to know better. Do a report on India, as mentioned by G5, (and known previously by the informed) in the next SMH fake series next Sunday.
      But I like your jokes …… you are a natural.

  5. The skinny lady hosting ABC TV 7:30 report says to Barnaby Joyce, You are a leader of the far right are you prepared to call out far right anti-va666 extremists for assembling at the shrine of remembrance ( where soldiers are remembered for fighting for freedom ) and Barnaby says the quaxxine is the only answer and everyone must be quaxxinated.

    Takeaway is, it is inappropriate to fight for freedom, do not associate yourself with other fighters for freedom, they are the property of the oppressors now, big brother / nanny state has mandated that you must cower at home for freedom, that is your new normal freedom, cower in fear.
    Slimy lying politicians are ramping up their 70% to 90% while other places in the world are back to normal !!! You politicians are heading for a purge.
    They are blathering on and on about their stupid toxic experimental quaxxines and how wonderful they are. The entire interview is a total waste of time, that’s why I’m saving anyone else the trouble of watching ABC TV news, I have it running in the other room while I sit in here looking at the computer. It’s not worth having a TV lounge anymore, better to get yourself a pool table, ping pong or similar. Put the TV in the toilet.

    • Now eavesdropping on channel 9 in the other room they are giving Ghizlene Maxwell a makeover, according to this she and her father were total unsuspecting innocents in Epsteins wicked world, it’s all flipped on its head. The swamp is pumping its version of everything as hard as it can. Everywhere propaganda !!!

      • Now it’s turned into an attack piece on Mein Trumpf, they say Epstein was always hanging out at Mar-a-lago trying to procure young girls, the story I heard is when Trump found out what Epstein was into he got rid of him straight away, but of course this is MSM and they have their objectives, that will be to handcuff Trump to Epstein and dump both of them in the river.

    • W3
      Why is it that you and me are the only few of the people here that have a clue?
      Let the lying fake msm and ABC keep demonstrating their lying fake phoney bs.
      The msm grave diggers are desperate to bury themselves.
      Bring on the blackout as foreshadowed by X22Report.

      • They can’t handle anything which conflicts with their comfortable, ingrained reality so they blot it out, that stops it from existing. Then they can get back to their hedonism.

  6. Speaking of blackouts … and earthquakes

    I was in a café earlier today and … long story – blah … the TV screen was reporting an earthquake
    in Dankuntistan. I chuckled 😊

    Nonsense! – it was just Mari Silje Samuelsen playing on the fiddle

    I go to that café to offer maskless solidarity and human fellowship, and the café owner and barista Harry (Hari) appreciates my custom. He has promised me a couple of books on the history and culture of India when his ‘special courier’ makes his delivery in December. Yay!!

  7. Whitch freedom, were Australian soldiers fighting for in overseas wars of occupation, in the name of ‘defence’. It stands to reason, that if ‘ministry of truth’ is really lies and propaganda and ‘ministry of peace’ is war machine, then ‘freedom day’ will really be enslavement for all. With Serco working overtime here past few decades, getting the ‘holiday’ camps prepared, looks like the ‘curtains’ will be pulled back and all will see brick wall at back of this stage. First they came for the terrorists, then unmasked, then unvaxxxed, then unemployables, then survivors and then all that is left is empty buildings for the occupiers. All done without armaments or nuclear subs, just tv and kill shots in the jabs. Everything inverted / perverted, love administered by psychotic pedophilians in the ‘new normal’ age of trancehuman 2.0.

  8. :Looks like I’m alone.

    G5 has lost it and this site has become a chat-fest, redolent in the shade of a tsunami.

    There’s a war out there and you are all chatting? I’m outa here.

    • Its frustrating and more Tony. currently its a information war and if/as we make advances here will become the more… kinetic

      Not sure if you watch these kind of links.
      You can chat and biff.

      Unless you mean “out of here” outa here.
      Funny how assisted suicide is all the rage these days, but should you be dying of the couff you can not end yourself with the cheap ivermectin etc.

      I’ve had to have breaks from this place(beloved gums not life) and Mary also, i’m sure expressed that impulse, though turn up for work the next day.
      Here or there, I know your “colours”, because they are as mine. Hold the line as you see fit brother.

      • Very funny excerpts from Melbourne MSM reporter getting truth-bombed starting about 42:50, a lady asks the presstitute if she is an “anti-fooder” because she likes to read the ingredients on the food label, before producers wrap it up

    • So at what point did the need to act become urgent?
      So far as I’m concerned it was decades ago: the earth always erupts well ahead of a tsunami

  9. Here’s one for the anti-jew lobby, the US Democrats just voted through a bill to print the Zionists $1 billion for their Iron Dome rocket-proofing
    Looks like their superstar Alexandria Occasional-Cortex is getting funded by Zionists or at least her controllers are, I wonder how much Hunter Biden gets to deliver $1b of fresh printed e-money.

  10. “I get my opinions from 60 minutes” (JK)

    Source article (do not watch – see second video below)

    • War with China: Are we closer than we think? | Under Investigation – 60 Minutes

    • Reaction Video: Watching the 60 Minutes Australia Episode “War with China”

    In this video Carl Zha, Brian Berletic & Daniel Dumbrill watch and react to 60 Minutes Australia – War with China special.

    No wonder 60 Minions has their comments section turned off!! What a great face for radio!!!

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