by Jon Rappoport
Editor’s Note: This was published at NoMoreFakeNews on October 29, 2021. It is reprinted here with permission.
At the end of the War, IG Farben executives were put on trial and, despite the efforts of Telford Taylor, the chief US prosecutor, and assistant prosecutor, Josiah DuBois, the sentences handed out were light.
For example, Fritz Ter Meer, a high-ranking Farben executive, was tried for mass medical murder and slavery, and sentenced to a paltry seven years in jail. He was released after three years, and went on to occupy a post as chairman of the advisory board of Bayer, a corporate branch on the tree of the infamous IG Farben, which supposedly had been disbanded….
I started writing about this subject 20 years ago, when I launched NoMoreFakeNews [dot] com.
In this article, I’ll present an overview.
In 1933, the largest cartel in the world, IG Farben, pushed Hitler over the top, enabling him to become Chancellor of Germany.
Farben was a global colossus. Pharmaceuticals, dyes, oil, rubber. It forged partnerships with Standard Oil, Dow, Dupont, Imperial Chemical Industries, Rhone-Poulenc.
US government official, Josiah DuBois, sent on a fact-finding mission to Guatemala, returned saying, “As far as I can tell, the nation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Farben.”
The brilliant Farben chemists were modern alchemists. They were researching and producing synthetics far in advance of products formulated anywhere else in the world.
Their dream was material transformation: the ability to convert any element on the Periodic Table into any other element.
Meanwhile, Hitler was obsessed with another transformation: resurrecting what he believed was the lost Aryan Master Race. Through selective breeding, the elimination of lesser and unwanted human types, and other “scientific methods,” a revival of Supermen would occur. And of course, they would then control the destiny of the planet.
Near the close of World War 2 in Europe, the leading lights of Farben and other German corporations, knowing that Hitler was a madman and a rank failure as a military strategist, decided they would have to redirect their efforts, go underground, remain invisible, and from the shadows carry on their war by other means. They were not done. Far from it. They had money, resources, brains, allies. And time.
But what would this new war look like? How would it proceed? Whose strings would they be pulling, and for what purpose?
Should they align themselves with a political movement?
There was one possibility. Socialism. Communism. It would be a convenient ruse. After all, Europe was devastated and exhausted by the War. The prevailing attitude was: “anything to avoid another armed conflict.”
If the nations of Europe could enter into a cooperative future, link hands, bury long-standing enmities, soften geo-borders, engage in free trade, eventually adopt a common currency…
Thus, over a period of decades, the European Union was created. It was what Hitler had been aiming for: a merged continent.
And Germany assumed leadership, as the strongest economic powerhouse in Europe.
All without a shot being fired.
Socialism was spreading, in one form or another, all over the world. For the invisible Nazi architects, this was further evidence they should temporarily hitch their wagon to that star. After all, what was Socialism, really? Just a label for top-down control. The Marxist ideology was unimportant. Domination of populations was all that mattered.
And yet, something was missing. A method. A means. A non-political force that could gradually envelop the world and subdue it, torture it, assert control over billions of minds.
The Farben chiefs had the solution right in front of them. During the War, they had paid a pittance to the managers at Auschwitz, across the road, to send prisoners every day to their medical facility for “tests.” Experiments. Vile grotesque experiments.
And going back several decades, the Nazi leadership had joined elite American eugenicists—the Rockefeller-Harriman forces—to investigate, promote, and utilize sterilization, abortion, medical murder to rid society of its “unfit members.” Those Nazi-American connections still existed.
A branch of modern medicine was on the rise: psychiatry. This was a perfect opportunity to introduce, through completely arbitrary diagnoses of “mental disorders,” debilitating brain-damaging drugs to whole populations. For purposes of pacification.
In fact, the whole Rockefeller model of medicine—one disease caused by one germ—a preposterous form of reductionism—was coming into its own. This meant massive numbers of drugs to treat patients.
Surely, these drugs could be made into toxic destroyers.
A plan was taking shape. A medical plan. THIS would be the invisible conquering force, flying under a politically neutral banner of “healing.”
Create, in the long run, a cradle to grave system enrolling every human, who would trudge, during his lifetime, along a bleak road of 40 or 50 disease-diagnoses and toxic treatments—each treatment giving rise to new symptoms which would be labeled new diseases, requiring treatments…
As for the rank elimination of huge numbers of people on the planet—depopulation—this was a thornier problem. How to arrange it? How to conceal it?
The choice was clear: so-called pandemics. But how would they be staged? Microorganisms, those that actually existed and weren’t mere fantasies, were notoriously unpredictable. The human body, despite all attacks against it, was strong and resilient.
There was no super-germ that could be released which would wipe out a few billion people. That was a dead end. Researchers in their labs, fabricating absurd tests for fairy-tale viruses, and failing to isolate viruses at all, weren’t a help.
But a story about a virus, a story sold with enough fervor by controlled media and cooperating governments…that had possibilities, because the solution would be a vaccine.
The invisible architects would need a whole parade of these fake pandemics, over a long period of time, in order to convince the world population that such scenarios were real.
One by one, pandemic stories could appear and be sold. And DOCTORS would be the messiahs.
COVID is of course the strongest story to date. And the vaccines will, in the long term, be the most debilitating and destructive of all shots.
But it’s doubtful COVID will be the last pandemic story. If a product is a major winner, sell a variation of it. And another.
When we look at and examine horrific events of varying dimensions—the medical experiments in the Nazi concentration camps; the infamous Tuskegee syphilis experiment; the murder of many live infants aborted to obtain their organs for research; the use of high-dose AZT to kill people diagnosed with AIDS; the vaccine campaigns in the Philippines and Kenya designed to cause future miscarriages in pregnant women; the CIA MKULTRA mind control program…
These are glimpses into an overall medical war aimed at humanity.
The alchemical program of IG Farben is now supplemented with technological advances in the fields of genetics and computer science. The envisioned transformation of humans into Brave New World androids and brain-computer hybrids are medical assaults.
The Nazi doctor, Josef Mengele, known as the Angel of Death, said: “The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.”
This is the slogan of the Nazi-Rockefeller medical cartel.
The hypnotic power of The Doctor needs to be dismantled and broken to pieces.
(To read about Jon Rappoport’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
i suggest this read
National Socialist party was apparently fully infiltrated by the old royals of the federated kingdoms so that it became effectively fascist. Map of states courtesy of Rockerfella’s “Encyclopaedia Britannica” (note Poland was totally absorbed)
Our ALP has become fully infiltrated by the international socialist and the corrupt politicians seem to be protected for now, Gulag Gladys is being hauled over the coals but Dicktator Dan seems to have got off so far, partly thanks to his bad memory. But they are all puppets at best and corrupt at worst (is there a difference ?).
Gulag Gladys is being done for crappy little branch deals, sports club stuff, while the socialist ALP totally destroys the economy, calls in huge, nasty goon squads, breaks the world record for wrongful imprisonment, the list of charges is huge, hopefully after the Gulag Gladys sideshow is over the destruction of these ALP puppets will be the main event.
Well apparently Time you can lead a horse to water but you just can’t make them drink
So real, yet, 100 year old beings can’t outsmart an eternal being hell bent on seeing all His children inherit eternity, over the course of time.
“There is a time for every purpose under heaven”
May Gods love continue to inspire us, we must be brave, of good courage , wise as a serpent n harmless as a dove,
Peter v
Hitler was a very useful idiot and probably the biggest failure of his term in office was that he must have thought other Euro nations would eventually get on board with his leadership but I would suggest maybe Christianity got in the way.
One thing to note is the relationship between Rockerfellas, Bushs and the Nazis, that is, Rockerfellas and Bushes go back a long long way and George Herbert Walker (officially the grandfather of GHW Bush) used to do banking and shipping for the Nazis until he was stopped.
So, such an entrenched industrialist, when did he start cultivating Germany ???
Probably after the US civil war ? (12 April 1861 – 9 April 1865).
United States’ Recognition of the North German Union, 1867.
United States’ Recognition of the German Empire and Establishment of Diplomatic Relations, 1871.
Actually “Christianity” didn’t get in Hitlers way;he did, in fact, get his extermination blueprint from none other than Martin Luther, the head of the “christian” reformation:
“In his book On the Jews and Their Lies, Luther excoriates them as “venomous beasts, vipers, disgusting scum, canders, devils incarnate.” He provided detailed recommendations for a pogrom against them, calling for their permanent oppression and expulsion, writing “Their private houses must be destroyed and devastated, they could be lodged in stables. Let the magistrates burn their synagogues and let whatever escapes be covered with sand and mud. Let them be forced to work, and if this avails nothing, we will be compelled to expel them like dogs in order not to expose ourselves to incurring divine wrath and eternal damnation from the Jews and their lies.” At one point he wrote: “…we are at fault in not slaying them…” a passage that “may be termed the first work of modern antisemitism, and a giant step forward on the road to the Holocaust.”[42] “
What seems to get largely overlooked is that the more common religious or cultural ground there is between people the greater the potential for animosity. If nothing more this doco demonstrates the commonality that’s always existed between Jews and Germans thereby demolishing the entire goodie/baddie-friend/enemy hypothesis:
Jesus said to the Jews –
Matthew 12:34-37
34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.
36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
It comes as no surprise that you would resort to citing wikifilthia – with its “cherry-picking”, inverted and distorted ‘post truth’ version of everything …
At one point in his essay Luther is simply quoting Matthew 3:7
‘7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to where he was baptizing, he said to them: “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?
If you had bothered to read Luther’s article you would understand the context …
“I have received a treatise in which a Jew engages in dialog with a Christian. He dares to pervert the scriptural passages which we cite in testimony to our faith, concerning our Lord Christ and Mary his mother, and to interpret them quite differently. With this argument he thinks he can destroy the basis of our faith.”
“This is my reply to you and to him. It is not my purpose to quarrel with the Jews, nor to learn from them how they interpret or understand Scripture.”
He goes on to quote from Hosea 1:9, “Call his name Not my people, for you are not my people and I am not your God.”
“they boast of being the noblest, yes, the only noble people on earth. In comparison with them and in their eyes we Gentiles (Goyim) are not human; in fact we hardly deserve to be considered poor worms by them.”
So you see, Luther is responding to statements by Jews expressing their racist, bigoted claim to supremacy and privilege. It’s sort of like when some antihuman has raped and murdered someone’s daughter and the grieving father says “you bastard, you venomous beast, you viper, you disgusting scum, you devil incarnate” and wikispew quotes the father as saying “he said you bastard”.
Carry on berry – we really do appreciate you bringing these matters to the forum.
Actually Matthew 3:7 records Jesus rebuking the religious leaders of the day
Not the entire nation he’d been born into
Without which his ministry would never have been spread abroad
The quote from Hosea is also completely skewed; the respective chapter is about the destruction of ISRAEL not JUDAH !
“I will no longer have compassion on the house of Israel, that I should ever forgive them. 7Yet I will have compassion on the house of Judah, and I will save them—not by bow or sword or war, not by horses and cavalry, but by the LORD their God.”
HOSEA 1: 6 – 7
But hey, just for fun, let’s read what Karl Marx said of his own here …
• Karl Marx – “A World Without Jews”
”What was the essential foundation of the Jewish religion? Practical needs, egotism.
The monotheism of the Jew is therefore actually a polytheism of many needs, and it makes even renunciation the object of divine law. Practical need, egotism, is the underlying principle of bourgeois society and is recognizable as such immediately this society sets up its own political state. The god of practical needs and private interest is money.
Money is the zealous one God of Israel, beside which no other God may stand. Money degrades all the gods of mankind and turns them into commodities. Money is the universal and self-constituted value set upon all things. It has therefore robbed the whole world of both nature and man, of its original value. Money is the essence of man’s life and work, which have become alienated from him: this alien monster rules him and he worships it.
The God of the Jews has become secularized and is now a worldly God. The bill of exchange is the Jew’s real God. His God is the illusory bill of exchange.
What is the foundation of the Jew in our world?
Practical necessity, private advantage.
What is the object of the Jew’s worship in this world? Usury. What is his worldly God? Money.
I’m beginning to understand Karl Marx after all …
Birds of a feather, no less
On the same day that Jon Rappoport turned out the above article on IG Farben, he published a humdinger about the Pope. Basically The Holy Father tells us Cadillacs to obey the UN.
By the way, there are more parts due, in the Erik Enby series, but my computer has swallowed them. (I do not suspect foul play; it’s just incompetence.)
I also have more parts (not swallowed, yet) on Sandy Hook. Do you want to see them?
Sandy Hook, rhymes with “book”
A article by the Jerusalem Post:
Yep Pope is in bed with them, previous article about Archbishop Carlo Vigano and his attempts to expose him and this evil agenda should be made more public. His message is worth reading, he is a person of Christian authority that pulls no punches in what’s going on.
I might be inclined to go to mass again when Bishop Fisher (sydney) requests all priests to read out the Archbishop’s statement for informed consideration, at mass to all congregations attending….. if the government does not ban church services.
No more globalist genocidal bullshit Fisher.
You with Christ or against what he stands for?
If anyone knows Fisher’s contact details, please, per favour, send him my comment, with my compliments.
Wake up fellow Catholics, (and Christians and all, including atheists) it is a ‘como’ globalist con.
That includes you, Fitzsimmons.
More down at 8.52.
“With every passing day, thousands of people are dying or are being affected in their health by the illusion that the so-called vaccines guarantee a solution to the pandemic emergency. The Catholic Church has the duty before God and all of humanity to denounce this tremendous and horrible crime with the utmost firmness, giving clear directions and taking a stand against those who, in the name of a pseudo-science subservient to the interests of the pharmaceutical companies and the globalist elite, have only intentions of death.”
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano
The Pope is anti-Christ –
Matthew 23:9
9 Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.
“………..A long-time friend of both Dr. Mengele and the Mengele family in Germany, Hans
Sedlmeier, told a reporter: “I could tell you what Mengele did, what he did during Auschwitz, what he did after Auschwitz, but you wouldn’t believe me. The newspapers won’t print the truth, because it’s not in the interest of the Jews…. I refuse to talk about the Mengele affair. Journalists have already written so many lies, and what the Jewish press has asserted…” Apparently exasperated, he did not finish the sentence. (New York Times, June 13, 1985)…………”
From The Journal of Historical Review, Fall 1985 (Vol. 6, No. 3), pages 377-383.
– so much to add and so little time for now, so just an appetiser …
“Back in New York from his trip to Paris [1919], Felix [Warburg] told the New York Times in an article that the Jews were the worst sufferers in the war [WWI] , “and have reduced to tragically unbelievable poverty, starvation and disease about 6,000,000 souls, or half the Jewish population of the earth.” At the same time, one of Felix’s older brothers, Max Warburg, was representing Germany on their Finance Committee at the Versailles Peace conference. Max ran the Warburg bank in Hamburg and played a role at every major reparations conference for 14 years giving him wide yet unofficial influence. During the Weimar Republic, Max Warburg was on the Central Committee of the Reichsbank and on the board of 27 German businesses including I.G. Farben.”
Source: “The First Holocaust” –Don Heddesheimer
[…] Source […]
Still struggling to work out what is meant by “jew”. Seems there was a crowd living in Jordan maybe migrated up to somewhere near Armenia then over to Hungary ??? While another crowd started off in Ethiopia somewhere and went down the Nile ending up in Judea. Now there is a “diaspora” of all sorts of people, mostly Europeans who might be called jew of some type. If you talk about jew without specifying whatever is meant by that, you may as well be talking about A-rabs. When I was young and I used to read books I read Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn and they would mention the A-rabs. I went to a school for a while which name I won’t mention in Sydney and they were very aware of “jews”. I am told again and again the jews are from Esau. The picture is so incomplete as to be virtually useless. Maybe it’s a warning, don’t read too many books.
Isaac (Abraham’s son) had twin sons – Esau and Jacob. My understanding is that the Jews are descended from Jacob; the Khazarians are descended from Esau. Today’s wicked elite are Khazarians, not Jews. See Revelation 3:9 “Behold I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews but are not – i will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you. . . . ” The Lord is speaking here to believers, both Jews and non Jews who made up the early church. Many people believe that the elites are Jews and that they responsible for this whole diabolical plan. They rail against the Zionists. But perhaps the Khazarian families are masquerading to further malign an already persecuted group.
Your conclusion is my conclusion but it goes further than that, the so-called Khazar mafia are minions too, the reason is, they had no inheritance that I know of, you need a bloodline going back to Rome or Alexander Helios is my guess.
So I’m not 100% clear why some people keep referring to the Khazarian Mafia as jews more broadly. The KM are with the elites, the jews or Jews were made into sausages, why this determined effort to conflate them. If they said 6 million died but it was only 1 million, is that really such an issue. There seems to be a whole range of so-called jews and the ones at the bottom are being stigmatised for the ones at the top, even though they are no relation. Presumably the Vatican is the outfit that got them into banking, after they used Charlemagne to take over the Lombards, who were the bank of Venice, and Venice was the seaport for the Austrian Empire.
It looks like the Adriatic Sea was like a huge sort of Pirates’ Cove.
From a quick search, refer also German dates above:
“In 1866, the Treaty of Vienna was signed and the Austrians ceded Venice to France, which would then give it back to the Kingdom of Italy. Venice became part of the Kingdom of Italy in 1866.”
With respect, why do you have a thing with Central Europe the heart of Renaissance men and traditional Catholic living that were independent hamlets, some kilometres apart, sovereign and independent from big centralised government? Italy and Germany alone, prior to 1870, had over 120 states living in peace trade and understanding of classic natural arts and crafts. In our times have never seen Central Europeans as aggressors. Unlike krown kabal komu nista empires witnessed by all worldwide past 150 years. All institutions corrupted, the Catholic faith with Jesus, still now more than ever, our only hope and salvation.
Don’t worry I don’t crave respect or anything like that, just clarity.
So we have the Chinese claiming their empire is 5000 years old and we have Rome and Egypt just disappeared “poof” and gone, I don’t think so. There was a northward drift I am pretty sure.
In this Anglo culture, Central Europe, lets say Austria through to Constantinople, is pretty much overlooked. Most people wouldn’t have a clue about the Balkans, me included. Why did Venetto join Italy but Slovenia didn’t. Why are “North Macedonians” different to Greek Macedonians. Never mind asking anyone around here about Bosnia. Reminds me of an old song. Look at this and you tell me what it means.
Sarajevo was trigger for ww1, middle Europe had to be crushed to make way for great British and great Serbian expansion. For a thousand years or more, Bosnia was a cultural mix of Islam Orthodox and Catholic, living hamlet to hamlet respecting each other. Again, with the dismantling of Jugoslavia, Serbian communist party who stood to lose the most from this, spat the dummy and went on a butchering rampage of rape plunder murder and theft. Their mercenaries famous through history for experience in the disorder of wars. When shtf, people like Pricess Diane exposed reality there and was murdered, probably by royalist connections. After that war in nineties, many communist party members came to Oz and were rewarded handsomely for their experience.
From my view, this past century has been all krown kabal komu nista aggression and expansion. 911 catapulting all into this disorder.
Who do you think pulled those buildings in New York twenty years ago, and are executing code of vaxxx ID now?
On 9-11. Well I would say Bushs and Gates don’t do anything without getting the nod from Rockerfellas, and Rockerfellas are joined at the hip with Swissy by now. They are meeting up all the time, that’s their job, on golf courses, in ski lodges, by zoom, at Bohemian Grove and Lake Geneva, on their islands, on the boat Brittannia, it’s a full time job running the world and grabbing more slices of the pie, hey.
Very competitive I’m sure.
Looks like Dick Cheney’s daughter is getting lonely and panicky there in the small bunch of sold out RINOs. Should be interesting once Trump has his personal Twitter platform up and running so that’s what we’re waiting to see now. All these people will be getting called out. Not a shotgun approach of just everyone who is a “jew”. They are all getting weeded out one by one. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are ripping into people like Fauci on a regular basis. The public does need time to wake up.
“Today’s wicked elite are Khazarians, not Jews”
The imbecility and transparent carnality of said populous mantra is known by the fact that there’s not a single instance of Esau’s descendants being called out as “wicked” anywhere in the Bible which of course goes to the fact that they were never CHOSEN in the first place !
“For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.”
ROMANS 8: 6 – 8
“This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind”
23 + min mark. WAKE UP.
Report 2614 at X22Report.com
Lancet pier reviewed paper ‘proves’ (?) that if you have the vaccine, you are spreading covid.
Tricky GENOCIDAL bastards.☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
So our politicians and mass media are actually KILLING YOU.
Anyone listen to the above yet?
I’m only up to 2613 now. Even though some people complain about Zio Dave he never runs out of puff and he reinvents himself when the trajectory changes. He would be a marvel as a college teacher. He unfortunately stops at the Rotschilds and doesn’t feel much need to go any deeper into history but for most people I guess the further back you go the less relevant it is, I might suggest the further back you go the more altered it is. Let’s all try to go past this old legend of “it all started with a red shield hung over a door”. Well maybe it did, and then one day Henry Kissinger’s great great grandfather turned up.
Well hopefully I will get to the Lancet part sometime today, since I am sitting here supposedly working until late. If I find the reference I’ll post it.
This might be it
… fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections have peak viral load similar to unvaccinated cases and can efficiently transmit infection in household settings, including to fully vaccinated contacts…
Thanks wu three.
Better not tell; our politicians, our fake mass media, their shock joke spivs and the poor injected sods. Let alone our poor injected, when they wake up.
I feel pitchforks approaching MSM.
Wonder how much our governments borrowed from the banksters to finance injections but did not look up the effectiveness of Chl and ivermectin.
Yep and our politicians banned it and Fitzsimmons via the fake SMH referred to the treatment has a horse de-wormer.
Well SMH, I prescribe ivermectin to the SMH board, the editors and Mr Fitzsimmons.
Then we may be rid of the parasitic worms all round. Try a litre from the vet each evening to clear your anal rectums.
I love the smell a Royal Commission in the morning…. And some explanations from crooked politicians, health bureaucrats and a complicit spivy mass media…. With OUR ABC.
We may need to borrow more to build the prisons for them.
SELL THE ABC TO THE GLOBALISTS and save a billion per year, with interest, borrowed by Canberra and use the left over to imprison the traitors…….. start in Victoria.
I forgot the nine network news mob.
channel nine, 2GB, with their jokes. Plus other nine network controlled outlets.
Hey 2GB, I only listen to your ‘jokers’, to assess your complicity.
I ban all products advertised.
I think we can save a lot of money on prisons by just putting them in stocks, permanently, and a billboard behind them listing their crimes and the consequences for the victims. Charitable people would give them food and drink and empty their chamber pots for them, so it wouldn’t really cost much.
When all is disclosed, there will be no informed ‘charitable people’ who would waste a chicko role on any of them……. They will starve.
Im getting mixed messages here 🙁
It’s a very political attempt to walk both sides of the street and to take a particular target off his back I would suggest. Hopefully Trump will be reinstalled before Easter and the quaxxines will be thrown under the bus. This Trump-Twitter platform has been taking a long time and nothing is going to happen without some Trump controlled media. We have to wait and wait, in the meantime, “Let’s go Brandon”.
I love ‘justice’ when it comes to judicial rulings –
just terrible comments, I would prescribe AZT myself, cept “the incident”
ahhh Simon what do you have to add, mm, nothing, Eustace(Eustace Clarence Mullins Jr)killed this decades ago((and Jon Rapport I had hoped, had, subquensley, killed the undergrowth)). Some Maxwell characctor from memory did some good work making this conspiracy more how we say “lucid”(((not me)))
Nice to be here among you however(wink)(((((still)))))
The Rotschild story is like the Elon Musk story is like the Bill Clinton story – just came up from nowhere !!! Come on, pull the other one.
Soros, Kissinger, Obama, Zbigniew, Lowy, all just came up from nothing.
Who gave the jews licence to bank ? Vatican.
Who gave Charlemagne their blessing ? Vatikan.
Where did the Egyptian and Western Roman Empire go ?
Konfederation Helvatika ? ? ? You tell me.
The Joys of Judaeocracy: How Jews are in charge of the so-called Biden administration
It’s a “Democratic” administration in name only, of course. In reality, it’s a Judaeocratic administration working for Jewish interests and Israel. That’s why it will encourage all other races in America to continue working for their own interests. Except one race: the race that actually built America and has been responsible for America’s astonishing scientific, technological and cultural achievements. Whites will not be allowed to work for their own interests. Any attempt by Whites to do so will, of course, continue to be anathematized as “white supremacy.” That’s yet another example of how Jews believe in the audacity of mendacity. Jews like Janet Yellen and Anthony Blinken lie as naturally as they breathe. After all, lies are What’s Best for Jews.
Wow, they are going to have injections for everything and inject them in everyone, that is like about $50 billion maybe every time they tweak the product, you just have to change one bit of the DNA / RNA then marketing dreams up the thing it cures and then you bang on a mandate every time you need $50 billion for some space rockets, bunkers or whatever. World Bank / IMF will be there with their SDR’s ( Special Drawing Rights ) to cover any crooked government who wants to get in on this deal.
Dr Richard Fleming
Sars-CoV-2 Delta Variant is “cleaning”itself and deleting GOF inserts and much more
Hey Bishop Fisher.
Further to my comment a bit above at 8.26.
Ever heard of father Dernhard Lichtenberg?
He opposed what is now being imposed by our ‘freedom democratic Australian governments’.
He died on his way to Dauchau.
Many more examples if you search at DuckDuckGo, ‘Germans who resisted Hitler’.
They stood up, may they Rest In Peace.
Now what about you, where do you stand?
Where do you stand SMH, ABC, politicians, et al.
The T lobbyist slush fund, not enough? Better go for more, you lot will need it to escape.
For a little while, can we put aside historic Jews, zionists, etc.?
We are facing shit.
Now we have to deal with the present, May I suggest we do and start screaming and wake as many as you all may……
The only risk to all the egocentric and wheelbarrow pushers at present is your life….. you have the powers to prevent it….. make history now, do not soak yourselves in what was with endless histories. Another time, then go theorise with endless chatter.
That includes the Sandy chook crowing book.
Dimwits keep tearing my signs down and I have to go back every day and put new ones up.
One has a list of URLs such as stopworldcontrol.com.
One has a list of “inconvenient questions” for our leaders.
One has the latest on countries banning the injections.
Putting new signs up is a daily chore as the dimwits tear everything down, they are getting more and more brainwashed every day by MSM and the echoes from other dimwits.
Well, unfortunately for your preference, the topic of the story today is the Nazis !!!
My investigations into all this type of stuff started some years ago with “who funded ww2” and what was the background of companies such as Krupp.
It is important to clear up exactly who is hiding behind all the minions. Let’s say the minions are all put in stocks, from Dictator Dan, Skerritt and Hunt, all the way up to the Clintons and Larry Fink. But Mr Global aka Swissy gets off scot-free. This will just start up again in another two generations. People are so easily bought and counterfeiting schemes are abundant.
Right on the Money Ned
Try it.
Isn’t Jon Rapport jewish? Bashing National Socialists of The German Third Reich is the fanatical hatred inherently typical of jews. Because international jewry world tyrannical domination was threatened in a way it never experienced ever before.
There you go Ned, 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Part 1 of …
This article (and its title) demands a more detailed analysis of I G Farben.
Here is just an inkling … a bit long but it is really interesting (quoted passages) …
“Louis Rothschild was a prominent man in Chicago in the 1890s. He belonged to the Grand Lodge of the Scottish Masonic Rite, and had reached the 32nd degree. Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild became a freemason while studying at Oxford. He was recruited by Lord Alfred Milner, the leader of the Round Table.
Paul Warburg was married to Nina Loeb, daughter of the banker Salomon Loeb. Kuhn, Loeb & Co., of the most influential finance company in the United States in the early 1900s. Paul’s brother Felix Warburg was married to Frieda Schiff, whose father was the notorious Jacob Schiff. Schiff, a leading Zionist, was the principal owner of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. He had helped finance Lev Trotsky when the bolsheviks seized power. Prior to that, he had helped Alexander Kerensky (Aron Kiirbis) to power. Jacob Schiff had further ordered Lenin to execute the tsar family, as demonstrated by the telegram he sent to Lenin.
Controlling a government receiving loans from foreign private banks is very easy. According to Antony Sutton, several Jewish finance companies – Dillon, Read & Co., Harris, Forbes & Co. and National City Company – were the prime movers behind the establishment of IG Farben and Vereinigte Stahlwerke (Antony Sutton, “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler”, Sudbury, 1976, p. 163).
Together these companies produced 95 per cent of the explosives used by the Nazis during the Second World War.
IG Farben played an important role in financing the Nazis, even though Hitler called the company “an international Jewish organization”. Max Warburg, one of the main stockholders, instructed other leading Jews not to boycott it, or protest against Hitler’s persecuting the Jews, according to the historian Anton Chaitkin.
The Warburg family had after all contributed greatly to the creation of the American central bank, the Federal Reserve System, in 1913.
IG Farben grew into the world’s leading chemical industry, manufacturing everything from arms to medicines. As early as 1928 the company decided to support Adolf Hitler and his program. The management of the company consisted entirely of freemasons.
IG Farben supplied the chlorine gas during the First World War. This company had developed plans during the Second World War to fluoridate people of the occupied countries, because it had been found that fluoridation caused slight damage to a specific part of the brain. This damage had a very particular effect. It made it more difficult for the person affected to defend his freedom. He became more docile towards authority. IG Farben officially began supporting Hitler in 1931. In the autumn of 1932, at least 400 000 marks was paid to the Nazis on the order of IG Farben president Carl Bosch (Joseph Borkin, “Hitler and IG Farben”, 1978). IG Farben also gave financial support to Himmler’s SS, as did the large American companies ITT and General Motors.”
“On 4 February 1999, Deutsche Bank was forced to open its archives from the Nazi era. Deutsche Bank admitted to having financed the concentration camp Auschwitz and the Nazi war effort on order from IG Farben.
The Jewish-owned IG Farben gave 70 million Reichsmarks in total to the Nazis. Without the aid of IG Farben, the Nazis would not have been able to act as effectively as they did. IG Farben was happy to use Auschwitz prisoners to test its medicines.”
In his book “All Honourable Men” (Boston, 1950),
James Stewart Martin revealed that the IG Farben plant near Cologne was spared from bombing during the Second World War. This is obvious since nearby buildings were totally demolished. Nor were the Ford plants and United Rayon plants on the Rhine bombed. John Foster Dulles, as well as Allen Dulles (CFR) were involved in financing Hitler (ibid, p. 51). All German companies owned by German-American cartels escaped bombing. The IG Farben headquarters were entirely unharmed after the American bombings of Hanover, even though large parts of the city were destroyed. The American pilots were instructed to spare the buildings, which was the backbone of the German war machine. After the war, IG Farben was turned into three companies: Hoechst, Bayer, and BASF (Frankfurter Allgemeine, 6 February 1999). The spreading of this information was diverted by giving priority to news of the German carnival season. The chance to prosecute the prominent freemasons behind Hitler has never been explored. But the documents are still there! Even the companies are still there, although under different names. Why have they never been called upon to pay damages?”
“Hitler received help only from a few Jewish capitalists, whose enterprises were based in Germany and who were closely connected to international freemasonry, in particular IG Farben and the Warburg family, who acted as a front for Rothschild. In 1937, Max Warburg changed the name of his bank from Warburg & Co, to the Brinkman Bank, in order to camouflage the business. Herr Brinkman was a gentile who would not attract attention.
• “Architects of Deception – Secret history of Freemasonry” –Jüri Lina (2004)
Swissy hiding behind “jews” hiding behind gentiles, the old royalty of the former German kingdoms hiding in the SS, the Khazar Mafia / ashkenazi jews hiding amongst the red sea pedestrians, they are allegedly tearing down kingdoms and huge states like Russia with their socialism and genocides BUT they have been unable to deal with a tiny bunch of Palestinians who could have been easily trucked to Jordan and dumped there.
I don’t think the answer lies in books or universities, though you can pass time quite fruitfully in those places.
I was talking to a girl in the far north of Norway, Tromso or thereabouts, and they still hate the Germans up there. My old defacto’s mother used to be in the Dutch resistance. My uncle’s second wife was from Wiesbaden and she said Hitler was a madman, I never asked her again. But all the street level gossip is always anti-Jew. The Germans themselves have a sort of cringe about them because they didn’t bury their past like the Japanese. I was in Frankfurt briefly once and all I could see everywhere was pill factories and the Euro Bank. Somehow I don’t see David Irving as the way for Germans to fix their damaged psyche.
I never get my ‘Nazi” information from a jew.
I often get my China information from Japan, and my US information from RT, but there’s one thing I don’t like to watch and that’s BBC
As the spiteful comments roll in I feel more sympathy for the good Jews I have known ( I know a bad one too, and some average ones ), they have to endure this anywhere in the world, being framed up for something they aren’t even a part of. Just crazy.
Maybe if those few jews would take the others to task instead of profiting from the criminally insane portion, you might have a point.
But they do not. They are complicit.
I thought of saying something like that to the recalcitrants on one body corporate I’m dealing with but what would be the point. They are lazy and scared.
The laziest tact is to simply believe all the jewish lies foisted on us for generations.
I understand someone being scared to question the faked narratives. But it is truly much scarier to actually address and understand exactly where the poison emanates.
I am very frustrating to the sports fans because I often take the position that the truth is somewhere in the middle.
Who is a Jew?
Revelation 3:9,”Behold, I give out of the synagogue of Satan those saying themselves to be Jews, and they are not, but they lie,. Behold, I will make them them come and bow down before your feet, and they shall know that I loved you.”
Romans 2:28-29 “……….For he is not a Jew that is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that outwardly in the flesh; but he is a Jew that is one inwardly and circumcision is of the heart, in spirit, not in letter; of whom the praise is not from men, but from God.”
“Today the Gentile Christians who claim of holy right have been led in the wrong path. We, of the Jewish Faith have tried for centuries to teach the Gentiles a Christ never existed, and that the story of the Virgin and of Christ is, and always has been, a fictitious lie. In the near future, when the Jewish people take over the rule of the United States, legally under our god, we will create a new education system, providing that our god is the only one to follow, and proving that the Christ story is a fake…Christianity will be abolished.” (M.A. Levy, Secretary of the World League of Liberal Jews, in a speech in Los Angeles, California, August, 1949
So you’ve already watched this superb series of lectures by Kenneth J Hammond – 36 lectures – 18 hours in total. I say, where do you find the time to become so well informed?
• From Yao to Mao: 5000 Years of Chinese History
What did you think about episode 27++ and the opium wars, and the central role played by the Sassoons [whatever they call themselves] – the “Rothschilds [wtct] of the East”?
I go for the short ones, and I don’t care if I go against the grain, and I like 3 onto one for an argument.
So you are saying you know
f*ck allnothing about China (except for some hearsay from Norway – or was it Japan?) – and yet you have an ‘opinion’?I know quite a lot of Chinese and Malay Chinese and Thais and I have been to Asia about 30 times (never once to Bali) so I probably know a thing or two by now and all without reading any book.
When I was much younger I was reading some massive volumes on aboriginal history but I don’t know it got me anywhere. Have you read Jean Malaurie’s “Last Kings of Thule” ? I can remember that one. Those esquimaux were also part of the Chinese diaspora.
My image of you is an old guy with a dressing gown and slippers in a comfy chair.
I’m booked to go walking in the mountains early tomorrow so unfortunately I have to sign off about now.
On and on they go.
Never ending, so why the persistent historic distraction?
Go get injected, die and leave the rest of us to survive and deal with the present planned genocide.
I don’t consider Rappoport’s article to be “historic distraction.” He has been fighting tooth and nail against the pandemic since it began. He never deserts the main points.
Mazeltof, Jon.
It is easy to play the Nazi card, especially when jewish. I don’t see any connection to today’s events, since the main instigators now are jewish… not ‘Nazi’ or German.
Jews using the Nazi card has poured over into everyone else’s usage due to a continual brainwashing of 60+ years of propaganda.
I see the Nazi card usage as little more than a misdirection and the perpetuation of The Big Lie.
Seriously, there are NO jewish Nazis. They are ‘jews’. Full stop.
Here’s some turbulence modelling equations you could start with to develop a system for defining or categorising human interactions
I don’t blame you for the misdirection. That’s usually where this ends up… people who champion (((their))) cause must use diversion when confronted.
Part 2:
I meant to preface Part 1 of my comment with a rhetorical question – “If, in some imaginary dystopian world, Australia went to war against, say, England – and/or the US – what do you think ‘we’ would do with BHP-Billiton or Rio Tinto – or Woolworths – or Coles … would we not functionally and structurally preserve them and incorporate them into our war effort?”
In case you hadn’t noticed, the article focusses heavily (and quite relevantly) on I G Farben (even including it in the title). Rappaport then goes on to make snide insinuations and give a blatantly inverted perspective of ‘history’ [you know, the ‘official’ one], while throwing in the usual touch of ad hominem, thereby implying and inferring a direct link between the current agenda of medical tyranny, genocide and transhumanism under the cloud of the COVID hoax to his ‘official historical narrative’.
It is therefore absolutely topical and relevant to dissect the validity of his historical narrative. By dropping the standard cheap and cowardly (and historical inaccurate) Mengele pejorative, we can all go home and relax, hoping it all goes away because, you know, it’s Halloween weekend and … “MENGELE!!!”.
My previous doubts are now confirmed – Rappaport has decimated and eviscerated his credibility and any hint of journalistic or ideological integrity.
[Just by the way, did you see where Naom Chomsky is calling for the Unvaccinated to be ‘Isolated’ from Society? – there’s another]
[… Or where the ‘Catholic’ Pope is demanding ‘radical action on climate change’ … why doesn’t he just demonstrate Faith and let his G_d be in control of the climate …?]
I’ll sacrifice some time and listen to Dave at X22 and dose up on hopium if you read or listen to what I have previously shared and actually provide comment as to where you specifically agree or disagree.
• American Pravda: Understanding World War II – Ron Unz (American Pravda series)
This can be followed as an audio reading in four parts. You don’t have to listen/read in sequence.
See also …
• World War II Was Stalin’s War – Paul Craig Roberts (Unz Review)
As to the ‘financing Hitler’ – almost certainly true (see Part 1) – standard tactics of the [antihuman Swissy/Khazar] usurers [whatever they call themselves] to profit by backing both sides and hopefully instigate war. But they were backing a political party and economic system that dragged Germany back into economic prosperity for the benefit of the 99%, and at the expense of the 1% private banking usury oligarchy [who then declared war on Germany and openly and publicly committed themselves to the extermination of the German people]. He [AH] also took away their control of the media and education as means of propaganda and dumbing down the people. {Look where ‘Western’ society is today … Do you think this is-self inflicted?]
Meanwhile, w3 is insisting that Soros, Kissinger, Fink et al are all nazis [a swissy-invented word] who are in control of the mainstream media (including Hollywood and the porn industry – and child trafficking etc), the pharmaceutical industry, global finance and the US Congress … and of course Israel (whatever they call themselves).
w3: Six million –> One million … Oh dear, it appears that w3 has become a Divisionist – call in the ADL!!. That’s what you get when you sit on a picket fence being ‘neutral’ and blocking the view.
More reading:
• The Hoax of the Twentieth Century by Arthur Butz
• The Iron Curtain Over America by John Beaty– Audio Reading by Chris Curis
• The Iron Curtain Over America – Audio Reading by Chris Curis
A breakthrough !!! “the [antihuman Swissy/Khazar] usurers [whatever they call themselves]”
This is the breakthrough I have been begging for, for months.
But when you say I think Kissinger et al were nazi do you mean Nazi or Ashkenazi ?
My view of Nazi is that it was indeed national socialism probably up to roughly the Berlin Olympics when they were infiltrated by the upper classes and became fascist.
This is really important, why do you keep harping about 6 million.
6 or 1, the 1 was provided by the 100 year old surviving prosecutor at Nuremberg 1.0, did you watch the video here from last week ?
I was calling a certain faction Nazi 2.0 about a year ago, in discussions with the late dearly departed Veggie. This reflects the crowd from Paperclip to Brazil and Bush gang etc but was never meant to include NY jews and Washington jews, so you’ve lost me.
But look you are making great progress with Swissy/Khazar, terminology is so important, otherwise no progress can be made.
Aah – the Berlin Olympics – Jesse Owens – another breakthrough – keep going, almost there
Don’t ever let the truth get in the way of your neutrality
The Nuremberg Trial Institutionalized The Slaughter, Pillage & Plunder Of A Defeated People: 74 Years Later We’ve Achieved Peak Hypocrisy!
Do you read all those books or are they just props while you watch sport on TV.
Why should I not stay neutral, Sweden is allowed to and they have inflicted Ikea on the world, me, I’ve done nothing like that.
btw I would agree the Nurmberg trials did not require a prosecutor, that position simply a formality, the outcome pre-determined by some committee of course.
Yes … and No
Yes, I do read them
No, I turned the kosher TV off five years ago (and the kosher radio two years ago when those boys on SEN kept going on about their glory hole) – and I completely lost interest in sport and Port Adelaide when that antihuman terrorist usurer ‘Kochie’ infiltrated and took over. Although I was pleased that the Demons won this year – a dear friend had been waiting 54+ years – pure sentiment – but a great distraction
Gutnicks beloved Demons ? Aren’t you missing a satanic angle ?
Not at all – I knew they would win (just like the ‘Patriots’ in the NFL back when) – it’s a gematria thing – that’s why I bet $10,000 at 20:1. GO THE DEES!!
Sounds better that “Go the Fuchsias”
That’s like me, I bought 100 bitcoins when they were just over $100 each. And later I went to the masonic temple and they invited me to sign up. They have pictures of occult stuff on the walls and symbols everywhere including a very prominent pyramid next to the thrones. Do you think I should go back and join up and learn their occult ways to use down at the track ?
OK I’ll admit the bitcoins was bullshit but at least admitted bullshit doesn’t require verification, I can amend it to “I was very intrigued by bitcoin when it broke through $100”, that was about 2012/13 I guess.
Ima thinkin’, Boy, that Rappaport cannot depend on his audience to know what-all has been going on in mind-control since 1930 (actually since Pavlov circa 1890?) and so it’s easy to pull up a symbolic name, “Mengele,” to get the point across quickly.
I do not read Jon as trying to enforce a myth or hoax. His gaze is elsewhere, such as on the creative mind of (potentially) every human.
Your efforts to find out who is in charge are GREATLY appreciated by me and no doubt many others, Julius. If it means saying that Lionel Rothschild did such-and-such, well, say it. Fine.
I am jaw-dropped that Ned thinks my Sandy efforts are not on the main highway here. They are defo on the main, main highway. Couldn’t be mainier. The Sandy issue (which I hate dealing with, as such) is so much less of a threat to the public’s cerebrum than 911.
By the way, if you want to hear about Mengele, ask Diane. I believe she’s got a connection and I don’t think it is “biblical.”
Now I’ll go read your Iron Curtain stuff. Gracias.
Speaking of which (were we?), I wonder if Our Fredrick got taken out. He was a wonderful person, age 77, in good health as far as I know. Devoted to truth. I miss him.
Hey, up thar, Fredrick, we haven’t forgotten you and your efforts.
To Ned, you know all the German companies go back to the Nazis, Bismark and so forth, so this story can only go there too, so all the debates just amount to nazi good, nazi bad sort of intellectual shouting matches and what’s a nazi without a jew ? The debate how it goes is just inevitable.
It gives us a reference point for people like John Skerritt (TGA), our Corporate “Health” Officers, “Health” ministers, FREAKS like Dicktator Dan, and ….. what the hell is going on in Queensland. Is it that nobody wants to be Corporate Health Officer up there ??? Would that be something to do with Anasty Palaceattache’s paternal business connections ??? How the hell would I know, normally the unco-operative minion is dispatched BY SCANDAL but this one has slipped free.
Can we have a story about Queensland ??? Anyone home up there ???
Sorry to be slightly off-topic, but here is my latest video derived from Tom Jones’ “Delilah”, called “Moderna” (I cannot post to YT, or they would delete my channel, so this is housed at Bitchute).
Enjoy, altho the last note is a strain.
Zelenko appears on x22 later today if someone might care to consider the present as a distraction.
Thanks for the hint. Zelenko (50 mins) Under Chemotherapy as he speaks.
And Cristine Anderson (Germany AfD) EU parliament, strong warning: Under no circumstance take the experimental injection! 4mins
.@SikhForTruth Thank you for sharing my speech https://t.co/2jiSHiT4md
( https://newsvoice.se/2021/10/eu-parlamentariker-covidvaccin/ only C.Anderson’s photo here.)
More from the EU.
EU parliamentarians want to know what vaxx contract says. Start at minute 14.
Slightly off topic also … or not
Kalergi Plan: Chronology of Kalergi’s books completely changes the history of the European Union
“The infamous “Kalergi Plan” quote is often misattributed to Kalergi’s 1925 work, Practical Idealism. However, the original source is Kalergi’s book Adel, published three years earlier, in 1922.”
Why is this relevant? In Practical Idealism, Kalergi explains that leading international financiers — namely the Warburgs (founders of the Federal Reserve) and Rothschilds — had read Adel and offered to fund his European superstate project in response. They worked closely with Kalergi, introducing him to globalist kingpins, such as Bernard Baruch, the original Wolf of Wall Street and personal advisor to Winston Churchill and FDR.
In 1923, Kalergi co-founded the Pan-European Union alongside the libtard archduke Otto von Habsburg (a Knight of Malta). To this day, EU leaders are awarded the Coudenhove-Kalergi European prize …”
• Freemasonry – Ideology, Organisation, And Policy
kinda reminded me of …
“We must build a kind of United States of Europe” Winston Churchill 1946
“We are engaged in the process of creating a European unit in the world.” Winston Churchill 1949
“The immediate creation of a unified European army, subject to proper European democratic control” Winston Churchill 1950
• Founding fathers of the European Union: Winston Churchill
• United Europe Is Near – Churchill (1949)
• “Europe Unite” Says Churchill (1948)
• Churchill – United States of Europe
WWHS? What would Hobbes say?
The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan was not the only plan along these lines,
The Hooton Plan
108 years on, winners take the spoils and loosers are crushed, by jackboots of oligarchs goon squads. Oz in 2021, case in point.
Washington DC ( a foreign territory inside Maryland I think ) now houses its own “Gitmo”
What Does the Jewish Last Name Rapoport Mean?
Today, Rappaport, Rappoport, Rapoport and Rapaport are all common Jewish family names, found both among Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews. The name was borne with pride by successive generations of rabbinic leaders and their families since the 15th century. Although shrouded in mystery, there are certain facts we know for sure about this name:…………..
wow, I stand corrected,,
great comments…
Mary, yes pls to more Sandy Hook.
thanks for posting the link to the report, here’s link to the appendix for anyone who needs it
Jewish dominion over the Earth –
“………..Paraphrasing Genesis 1:25 – 1:30, it states that “man shall multiply and subdue the earth, man shall rule over the lands and the seas, man shall have dominion over the cattle, fish and birds – man shall have dominion over every living thing on the face of the earth.” …………..”
An article from Catholic Forums –
“Topic: The meaning of the word “goyim” (Read 31952 times)
Regardless of what the literal meaning of the word is….it means or has the equivalent meaning of the word cattle.
Try arguing your point JanyneK to the rabbi that was sitting next to me on a flight to washington 4 years ago. I was debating this with him and he admitted that the word goyim has always been understood as cattle as used in a derogatory fashion to compare gentiles to cattle.
Read the The Protocols of Zion, I know its hotly debated, but it makes it quite clear that cattle are goy, goy are cattle.
I dont know why you are so eager to literally translate the word? Its very clear that the word is NOT used by Jews as simply ‘gentile’, it has always been used as a slur. Ultimately genitles are viewed as ‘cattle’, the Talmud makes this very clear. We are not given human status JayneK. We already debated this in another thread.
Do I have to repeat the Talmudic references? About Jews being allowed to rape goyim, pay prostitutes to have sex with animals? To rape 3 year old girls? To sodomize boys up til 9 years and a day? The Talmud has no respect for human life….let alone gentile human life.”
Jews are Man and everybody else are cattle in their way of thinking.
The following article is an extension of the above theme –
The Occidental Observer
2030 Vision: Conclusion
October 30, 2021/9 Comments/in Featured Articles /by Scott Howard
Fortunately, the World Economic Forum is obsessed with digitization, so their entire website features linkages and graphics outlining the various networks and how they intersect (for instance, that of COVID-19). This is highly useful for many reasons and shows in stark visual detail how exactly they are trying to shoehorn humanity into programmable “realities.” Strategic planning and war gaming scenarios allow the ruling class to try to predict outcomes, aided in their endeavors by evermore powerful artificial intelligence and algorithms. They then craft a narrative to pre-plan our behavior and focus it where they need it to go………….”
Jewish Leaders of the Covid Cabal
apology if this has been posted before, but it’s vital information. If it IS true, the jabs are worse than I could have ever imagined.
Speaking of continuity and long term plans, Joe Biden is now sales rep for “unrealised capital gains tax”, what does this mean, it means in the US they are going to steal your house.
Remember the effect of money printing, an ounce of gold was $35 US in the year 1971, but they printed so much green stuff the ounce of gold now is worth about $2000 US. If you bought something to avoid owning cash, when you sold it you had to pay tax. Basically the government steals by inflation (printing money) then if you manage to keep up with the printing (by buying land for example) they take tax, could be anything from 20% to 60% depending on many things. The “unrealised capital gains” are the money value now of the house you bought back whenever, comparing the now price with the then price. So house markets are pumped up so much a house in Sydney doubled in price 2000-2010 (say from $300k to $600k) and then doubled again 2010-2020 (say from $600k to $1.2m), so based on that you might expect to pay tax on the difference, the difference being $900k. So under Australian capital gains tax rules you would have to come up with probably about $200k even though you had just been living in it !!!
Basically you could be forced to sell.
Under the US system the federal reserve prints money and loans it to the government for interest, the US government gives them bonds in return for the printed money. The bonds are for example worth 9 million at time of issue and in a year or three mature and are worth 10 million. So the Federal Reserve asks for its 10 million and either gets a fresh bond or some assets or (less likely) some cash back. So if the tax office grabs your house it could end up being thrown into the Federal Reserve. Now we have the intriguing story that Trump put the Fed inside the US Treasury. Was he aware of this plan ? Probably, it’s so devious it might have been around since Whitewater. The Fed in theory is separate from the government to stop them going out-of-control on the money printing but this stopped working anyway after 2008. The big banks are shareholders in the Fed so it is theoretically a way of balancing the banks’ interests against the government’s. But if the tax office threw everyone’s houses into the Fed the banks would own the lot. They said Trump was feeding the Fed junk assets up to 2021. So, my guess is Biden will want to get this bill through before the inflation goes ballistic. This looks like the train wreck to end all train wrecks. How will it end, I wouldn’t have a clue. I hope we don’t get it here or I will go and live in a tent.