by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Dear Pastor Paul Robert Burton of Newcastle, NSW,
First, thank you for caring both for our many stolen children and for those who have led the way in courts to try to stop this practice.
It is now 3:00am here in the US and I have just finished attending your court case by zoom. For the first two hours, the audio was awful and I got disconnected twice, but the last two hours were thrilling. The audio was so good I could hear the judge think.
Well, that judge, whose name I did not catch wanted us to hear him think. Clearly, “His Honor” (and for once I am not being sarcastic) was struggling to stay within his ambit yet also reaffirm your bringing in of principles. The “court’s” conscience was showing all over the place, what a welcome sight!
I mistakenly thought this August 11, 2023 day in court was a committal hearing, to set a date for your trial. I take it you have been charged for six years — child removed May 19th2017 — (outdoing Patrick O’Dea’s and Russell Pridgeon’s four-year ordeal thus far, since their Operation Noetic drama in 2018). As I gleaned from the zoom meeting, you, and one other person, Dr Katelaris, are “the Accused” for having violated Sec 105 of The NSW Children and Young Persons’ Care and Protection Act, in revealing on Facebook the name of a child-in-trouble.
I heard you say “But Channel 7 and others had already revealed it, and they have not been charged with anything.” (Buckley’s chance of that happening!) Then I heard the judge say “True, true, and you can bring out that unfairness at trial” but he kept saying he had a lesser job to perform, which was to decide if a properly-instructed jury would convict you.
I heard the judge said — verbatim — “I’m fairly confident that my morals are OK, but I have to administer the law.”
Pastor Paul, I am older than you. I can remember when it was not the least bit threatening to go before a judge, as he (or rarely in those days, she) did simply administer the law. My experience in Oz — that is, my proxy experience for others — has had none of that. I have mainly encountered judges who are immoral (or, to be generous, off their rocker). This zoom hearing was hugely restorative. Maybe you did not see it that way, as your corpus is in the offing, but it looked good from afar.
[Note from PPRB: Magistrate Stone is a good man and I have appeared before him a few times over the last six years, if I had got Janine Lacy as originally listed, I am doubtful she would have heard me like Magistrate Stone permitted]
I note you kept your cool, no colorful phraseology. (But see Cohen v California 1972, in US, known as the Fuck-the-Draft case; the defendant won.) You seemed to lose it only when discussing a removal of a little boy. The judge said “You’re not a party, because you were not the parent.” You countered, with emotion, “I was there. I experienced it as a parent.” (Dee McLachlan has lately experienced a few removals, over the phone, as a parent.)
Additionally, “The Court” took you up on the matter of Dr Knight’s (Dr Knipe) statement about that boy’s blood test. I believe the judge did not have to open that issue, it is outside his bailiwick. It was fatherly advice. Moreover, he (this wondrous “Court”) asked the prosecutor to help you figure something out.
And then — wait for it — the prosecutor DID help you. Shock city. I hope the prosecutor does not get the sack.
[Note from PPRB:Hamish Fitzhardinge is a good man in a bad job.]
Oh dear, see how I have become twisted by the norm of bad practice, and by malevolence at the top? I am sick of it — may your case set whole new precedents on procedure as well as substance! (Amen to that)
It’s now 10:30am, the next day. My scribbled-in-the-dark notes are almost completely unreadable. At one point, the notes attribute these words to the judge: “Perhaps if you’re found guilty, and have no prior record, it will make you feel a shampoo.” We KNOW he did not say that! (I suppose there will be eventually be an eight-dollar-per-page transcript to make absolutely sure that there was no mention of shampooing.)
In the final half-hour of the session, I gleaned that, by October 25, the judge will decide where to send the case. It seems there is a reasonable chance he will end the whole kit and caboodle (fathom it, taking a man to criminal trial for naming a name on Facebook that Channel 7 had broadcast to millions!) — by issuing a nolle prosequi. That is, “drop the charges.”
Well, that would be beaut for you, Pastor Paul, and I am sure you deserve the relief. I’ll help you rejoice. But for me, and my little mission in life, it will be equally delightful if the case goes to trial, indeed all the way to the High Court, or the Temple, or wherever principles get sorted out.
You have already mentioned, last night, the principle of self-defense, which traditionally includes any person’s right (duty?) to defend the helpless, such as that little boy. I always love quoting Zecevic:
The High Court, of Australia, in the 1987 case, Zecevic v Director of Public Prosecutions, said:
“The question to be asked … is whether the accused believed upon reasonable grounds that it was necessary in self-defence to do what he did. If he had that belief and there were reasonable grounds for it … then he is entitled to an acquittal.”
[Note from PPRB: “Yes if it happened again I would fight to protect the child using all force reasonable up to and including lethal force if necessary, I.e this is what they have taught me, I should have killed the caseworkers and the police to protect the child and got a criminal trial like the classic Sed Morgan case.]
A lot can happen, Pastor, between now and your acquittal — or your conviction, if juries are truly bombed out. And I’ll be right there with my little Biro doing all I can (Please see my latest book, Society Is the Authority: Law and the Russell Pridgeon Case). Plus I heard you mention that you are doing a Private Prosecution, which will add to the public’s awareness, though I will eat my hat if Channel 7 gives it any publicity.
[Note from PPRB: It is a Malicious Prosecution and is already in the Court of Appeal now against two senior public officers in their personal names Lloyd Babb & Michael Coutts-Trotter.]
I think the glorious outcome of R v Pastor Paul (technically, R v Burton and Katelaris) would be that it led to a complete overhaul of “inherent powers of the court” and exposure of the utter illegitimacy, and deception of “Children’s Courts” (at least the one in South Australia, which is known as the Youth Court and ought to be arrested and handcuffed this very day).
It seems very proper that you are carrying out your work on the role of preacher. I have just sent a donation to your fundraiser, earmarked “Romans 10:15.”
“How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace! And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?”
The court had a crowd, and many were on the video link. Thanks to the judge. It was the first time for quite awhile that there was open justice (with regard to child matters) — that is allowing members of the public from other states (and Mary in New Hampshire) to view proceedings. It was a good day to be attend court.
The Pastor got to outline the corruption of the case of the child him and Dr Katelaris were advocating for.
HOWEVER… In the case of Pridgeon O’Dea et al,, Judge Clare has denied any link to her proceedings for some time now. They even put the gallery in another court.
Contra spoliatorem, omnia praesumuntur.
Just sayin’.
everyone knows,
bless y’all
“A lot can happen, Pastor, between now and your acquittal — or your conviction “
Acquittal or conviction in relation to what?
PAUL BURTON: 24/07/2020
“The DPP was still proceeding with the charges, even when I made them aware that they were doomed to fail. I went on to file a collateral abuse statement of claim against the DPP, whilst the criminal matter was still afoot.
That statement of claim was ultimately struck out in the District Court, so I appealed that matter to the Court of Appeal.
I appeared before three judges and my appeal was upheld, and the matter was sent back to the District Court.
Shortly after this, the DPP dropped the three charges against me and the two against Andrew, as the Court of Appeal had ruled that those orders were invalid.
Once the charges were dropped, I discontinued the collateral abuse claim. I then filed a malicious prosecution against the two senior public officers responsible for maliciously and vexatiously prosecuting both Dr Andrew and myself.”
Thanks, Berry. I don’t know, I willl endeavor to find out.
I do recall Pastor Paul making a remark (during my midnite video link) about his being protected from double jeopardy. But this new judge wouldn’t be hassling over fine points about the current accusations if these defendants shouldn’t even be there, owing to double jeopardy.
Remember this crime of Facebooking occurred 6 years ago.
Note how there is no structural way for government to have to meet any criteria when choosing to hit one person while NOT hitting a more major player (Channel 7). I am glad the gallery was crowded, as the “structural safeguard” is, ultimately, the public.
Let’s call it the Peekaboo-We-See-You approach from the gallery and the zooms.
This is not Australian, this is US: I just phoned a lawyer and asked “Is there any way in American law for an accused to yell “persecution”?
The said lawyer told me “In the court of Equity, he could refer to SPIRITUS ANIMUS.” I then said “Please give me an example.”
Said the said lawyer: “Imagine the Defendant lives next door to a Prosecutor. The P doesn’t like the way the D keeps his lawn unmowed. So he accuses him of stealing a car.”
(But spiritus animus is hard to prove, the lawyer said.)
Sunday morning concert –
98,986 views Jul 6, 2010
You said you belong to Australia, my friend,
and rightly you’d die for this land to defend
but let us be honest it’s sad but is true
Australia my friend doesn’t belong to you…
Jesus Christ the True judge, will judge at the end. We will all stand face to face with Him and give an account of our short life here on earth.
Some people think one should spend one’s life staring into a coffin and praying, if so what is the purpose of life ? Why bother to be born ?
If the idea is to evolve from a beast to a sublime creature in the space of a lifetime, by f.eks. purging malice from one’s heart, then why was the malice put there in the first place ?
Is this existence just the quality assurance at the end of the production line ? Is there a certain level of humility required for immortal souls to endure eternity ? Can’t they learn that during eternity ? What happens if one is not particularly interested in eternity ?
What happens if one is not particularly interested in eternity ?
Well I daresay you’ll find out sooner or later
What is the use of religion if they can’t answer the simple question with anything except the old heaven/hell or reincarnation etc. All they tell is have faith and keep donating. Do not step on ants and so forth. I want to know up front what else I have been suckered into.
The stitches on THAT garment have long ceased to hold
And the weave gets more threadbare every day
You’re evidently missing the fact that a replacement became available 2033 years ago:
“it’s good in the winter, it’s good in the storm”
The ink on your previous comments has hardly dried:
“putting blind faith in ANYONE is always a big mistake”
“The ultimate deception is the belief that there’s any such thing as a “good guy”
Look at the context fool !
I’m talking about fellow mortals
Not the King of Creation
Next please explain the dinosaur bones
The many problems of being mainstream-mummified spelled out here:
“The survival of DNA within dinosaur bones would be powerful evidence against a millions-of-years age for those fossils. The findings support the view that these dinosaurs lived only 4,300 years ago and were buried during the global Flood.
A team in England confirmed the existence of soft skin tissue, known as keratin, in fossilized lizard skin. A team in Sweden showed that collagen has survived in the fossilized bone of a mosasaur. Since the researchers believe these fossils are 50 to 70 million years old, they need to explain how fragile biological molecules can survive so long.
Dinosaur Bones Hard for Evolutionists to Explain
Paleontologists uncovered a Velociraptor apparently embroiled in a fight to the death with a Protoceratops. The Velociraptor’s hands were grabbing the head shield of the Protoceratops, while its sickle claw appears to be lodged deep into the body cavity. What explanations do secular scientists offer for such sudden burial and preservation?”
That’s just an anecdote, but we both know lizards can’t function in the cold and their bones show up everywhere.
“What explanations do secular scientists offer for such sudden burial and preservation?”
That’s not an anecdote, it’s a rhetorical question, like, you know “What explanations do secular scientists offer for the post-covid jump in the death rate ?” – “secular” being a euphemism for “politically-driven”
Like it or not, all health and medicine related lies are just an offshoot of the BigBang dogma that’s intoxicated the entire world
If you believe everything about Noah’s Ark and a guy living inside a fish for three days you could also believe in the Rainbow Serpent if it was re-branded
“Then some of the scribes and Pharisees said to Him, ‘Teacher, we want to see a sign (attesting miracle) from You [proving that You are what You claim to be].’
But He replied and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation [that is morally unfaithful to God] craves and demands a [miraculous] sign; but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah;
for just as JONAH WAS THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS IN THE BELLY OF THE SEA MONSTER, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”
MATTHEW 12: 38 – 40
What a jumble, I think you have proved my point
“What the Warlpiri Aborigines Believe About the Origin of Everything”
When people believe this story or that story it’s hardly worth arguing because they can’t prove it, like commenter nemesis with his realrawnews beliefs, these graphic descriptions of certain famous people being hanged at Gitmo, and replaced by doubles. I do agree Biden seems to have a double and an earpiece but I am skeptical that everyone has doubles running around. Same with religion stories, and they change over time, very slowly of course. As well they are simple stories anyone could have dreamed up. They say Mohammad had a magic carpet, split the moon in half and ascended to heaven. There is just nothing remarkable about this type of story, like the guy in the fish, or the boat with two of every animal on it, except dinosaurs. Eyes roll
As for the topic of this page what explanations do secular scientists offer for the declining faith in the justice system?
Oh, our misgivings are apparently not based on anything more than
“negative media and biased memory”
I know that some readers had read the above article before I added in the comments received today from the Pastor. [They are now inserted in sqaure brackets.]
Here are the changes: I had got the doctor’s name wrong — it is KNIPE , not Knight. The judge is Magistrate Stone; the kind prosecutor is Hamish Fitzhardinge. (Surely the name Hamish says it all; there could never be a bad Hamish).
What I claimed as a Private Prosecution by a ciizen is not that. It is a lawsuit, a tort, on the gounds of there having been a malicious prosecution of Pastor Paul.
(Just you wait, Jahar Higgins, just you wait. Till we sue ’em when I spring you out the gate….)
Of course the biggie is that Pastor Paul says he would use lethal force. (See above.)
I am not going to take it on here in Comments, as I hope to deal soon with the matter of Wilfred Wong being now in prison for using a knife during his attempted rescue of a child in Wales. (or in wails).
But if readers wish to jump in on this, please do. Oh PLEASE do. The world is waiting for this issue to be addressed.
Lethal force is ill-considered since captives have more value alive. Decades ago I tried telling this to a hick from the bush and his lips curled, he thought I was a do-gooder. The do-gooders are another problem, they want to turn jails into motels. All this do-goodering, wokeiism and so forth never built any infrastructure but they all love living in amongst it. Look at Melbourne CBD, they voted The Greens party into the lower house !!! These people love intensive infrastructure, built on stolen land, funded by the gold rush, half the time the government is paying for their outgoings such as drainage and they barely realise it. Their nutrients are being processed and pumped out to sea causing the coral reefs to bleach and they don’t even know that. They think it is The Greens Party ClimateChange™. The problem with everyone is they can’t think, and they don’t want to. They are experts at watching televised sport. How can the guy be a pastor and be Clint Eastwood at the same time ? Lock them all up, bring back the public stocks, that’s how places were built, from the ground up. Do-gooders are part of the 3rd cycle, that is destruction.
Justin Trudeau’s Wife Left Him Because His Pedophilia Is About To Be Exposed
A nice sign-out, “If the mainstream media refuses to do their job properly, somebody has to”. When are they going to roast Zelenskyy, he is sending the women to be killed now and rounding up the rest of the males, next he will work his way down through the teenagers like they did in Iran about 1980’s. I really hope they get Gates before he releases his smallpox early. If Bill Gates is actually ( formerly ) a lady I wonder what his pedo activities entail. Gee I bet the fake news M$M could sell lots of ads if they ran all this stuff, instead of ignoring it and making us all leave and get on the Alt-news
Whatever gender Gates was, Gates was hanged, 01, October, 21, at Guantanamo Bay military prison. According to reports, it took Gates nearly five minutes to expire as he/she strangled to death at the end of the rope that did not snap his/her neck, as it was supposed to, on the long drop.
Perhaps that will cheer you up because it certainly cheered me up.
Realrawnews likes to make up silly stuff about hanging details.
Is this clip made by AI ?
Look a little closer Joe, – that is not Bill Gates who died by hanging in 2021.
I wouldn’t know
crisscross767 – in his younger days, Trudeau presented himself as a teacher to a girls school, and was let go some time later for misconduct He was also involved in the running of a pig farm with some other notable Canadians, which was subsequently investigated by Canadian police and shut down.
Rumors were, that the young victims of Trudeau and his cronies were killed and then fed to the pigs.
I have no exact times or locations, only working from memory.
Back in another post that Mary put up recently, concerning Kevin Annet, and his ongoing investigation into the deaths of hundreds, probably thousands in reality, of aboriginal Canadian children that also involved ‘royalty’, I mentioned a British Colonel, related to Prince Phillip, who had been seconded to the Canadian military, and had a history of cross dressing and following young women home to see where they lived. He would then eventually sneak into their residences when they were out, and would pleasure himself by dressing in their underwear as he waited for them to come home to rape them – killing some in the process.
He has also been implicated in the murder of the young child – Jon Benet Ramsey – that some on this site may remember when she went missing some time during the 1980s or early, 1990s? – Again, from memory.
I only raise this here because of the obvious connections between royalty, government and the military, and pedophilia and its subsequent darkness.
As the prosecution against Burton and Katelaris was dropped 6 years ago their joint claim is presumably based on monetary compensation but I’ve yet to see any such mention:
“Getting Damages for Malicious Prosecutions in NSW………..If a person believes they have been the subject of unjustified criminal proceedings, they may have grounds to claim back their legal costs or even sue for malicious prosecution.”
Like most ostensible provisions looks pretty good on paper
But going by the general direction of the hour I’m cynical
A carjacking on a quiet street before 6am, of a judge, and there is a QUESTION that he was targeted?