Home Media Julian Assange Extracted From Ecuadorian Embassy and Arrested

Julian Assange Extracted From Ecuadorian Embassy and Arrested





    • Terry’s link includes this paragraph (re Assange):

      “The other thing not widely understood is there is NO JURY in a rape trial in Sweden and it is a SECRET TRIAL. All of the evidence, all of the witnesses, are heard in secret. No public, no jury, no media. The only public part is the charging and the verdict. There is a judge and two advisers directly appointed by political parties. So you never would get to understand how plainly the case is a stitch-up.”

      Exactly, word for word, like the Family Court and Children’s Court cases that have been exercising us.

  1. Ecuador buckled in the end as trumped up charges appear. America hangs people for the truth and does business with Saudi Arabia!.

    • United States Code 18 USC 798:

      (a) Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, or publishes, or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States any classified information—

      (3) concerning the communication intelligence activities of the United States or any foreign government; or

      (4) obtained by the processes of communication intelligence from the communications of any foreign government, knowing the same to have been obtained by such processes—
      Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

      • Mary
        It does not seem to matter that the Fascist US Imperial Empire committed war crimes and atrocities and was involved in a number of unsanctioned wars by the Communist UN.

        The Australian Government simply has no “conscience” concerning Assange and have utterly abandoned him to their Fascist allies. He has set the benchmark in journalism to report “Without Fear or Favour” which probably will never be reached again. He was the true and genuine “Fourth Estate ” protector. Australian has a very poor reputation in human rights and this is just another prime example of their inaction against a great Australian citizen who has exposed evil for the public good. This is a damning indictment against the Australian Government!

        We the public have certainly gained an insight into his reporting of topics and the duplicity and hypocrisy of the Fascist Americans and their false flag wars. His release of information and evidence has never harmed anyone or placed anyone in risk and he has not broken in laws.

    • Fractal; I think your right. I think they saw what happened to Venezuela and were told they would be next if they did not hand Assange over.

      Read John Perkins’s Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.

      John Perkins describes his career convincing heads of state to adopt economic policies that impoverished their countries and undermined democratic institutions. These policies helped enrich tiny local elite group’s while padding the pockets of US based translational corporations.

    • I wonder if Assange will do a deal for a pardon – tell where the information came from, an internal download not a hack. Seth Rich may get his revenge and the Russian collusion hoax gets a wooden stake through its’ heart. – The Democrat’s worst nightmare.

      Let’s see how the MSM starts spinning the narrative over the next few days…

      • Terry on the abc breakfast show Trioli seemed to mock his credibility and they spoke of him being a narcissist– I believe the timing with other major global events in the world is significant—last night abc news and 7.30 –focussed on Geoffrey Rush -defamation – all to do with discrediting everyone suppression of truth – both parties said the same line –there are no winners only losers–quite a scripted report.

    • Mary
      The video clip states that Wikileaks hacked the DNC emails. That is an opinion not fact. Many clips of evidence shows that is completely untrue

  2. I noticed last night the Australian Govt said they would support Assange. BS I say, BS!! Why claim they will support Assange when they have never lifted a finger to help him from day one to this day?

    The reason the Aus govt has not lifted a finger to help Assange (who IMO is a great Australian) is because Australia is a slave state of the US. Why would the Australian leadership speak up against their American masters?

  3. Well said Kevin!

    It was heartbreaking watching him being dragged away like that, I met him many many moons ago in Perth before he was famous/infamous. It was at a pub and the guy was hilarious, ivé loved him ever since.
    Shame on the U.S. for doing this, there is no way he’s going to get a fair trial, in fact we may as well say goodbye to him now because once they have him he’ll be hidden away from public view and from the media!!

    • Get a good look at him and remember what he looks like so we wont get him confused with the look-a-likes that have been used since he had a meal taken to him at the Ecuadorian embassy by big boobs.

      Immediately or soon after the meal Assange took ill and a number of vehicles rocked up at the embassy and who knows what happened after that accept that his “internet got cut off” which seemingly, was the cause of his non-appearance on the balcony anymore. Not sure how that could be but I suppose stranger things have happened. Odd that.

      • yes Kevin I noticed that and was very concerned for his well being–as I was for that year or so Fiona was “missing”-out of communication– also Dr Reina Michaelson- and others I know of -they do usually reappear–but appear different– projecting a different persona.

        • Diane regarding Fiona B and the first time she went into hiding 27th feb 2017 and then allegedly her reappearing months later mentioning nothing about her time away after so many people posting comments of their concern of her well being and her noticeably complete change of personality and writing style ect and now again she is missing allegedly in hiding writing a book and f/b taking down her sites and preventing anybody from reposting her stuff calling it spam! myself and others still think she is a victim of foul play since feb 27 2017

      • I’m waiting for the look-a-likes Kevin, if he had dark hair they would say he looked Middle Eastern!!

        How can he be compared to Fiona and the likes, Julian tells the truth, she just makes up fairy tales to keep you lot on your toes..
        Now bring on the abuse, that’s all you lot are good at Diane de Vere, I won’t respond though.
        You should never have brought them into this discussion!!

          • Pilger re: 9/11…

            he says ” think the most plausible is the “let it happen”, now at what stage it was let happen, I don’t know, I don’t know. But certainly that seems to me, the most plausible.”

            it is in no way PLAUSIBLE.. that they let building 7 implode at freefall acceleration.. fails the litmus test he does…

            he is just another gatekeeper.. in my unqualified opinion.. – i used to like him…. i really did.,.

          • Fair Dinkum
            9/11 3D Analysis – 2016 Update

            I have said for many years these were computer generated animated images CGI and that the Prostitute MSN were part of the conspiracy with the Israeli special forces, the CIA, party the the US military, the insidious military industrial complex Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld etc etc. It is impossible physics for a massive 767 plane to fly so low, so could it be a missile that is ‘cloaked’ in computer imaging as a plane? They were fake photos as the flight records show and prove that Flights 11 and 77 never took off from the FAA records from a statement by a former MI5 officer. No CCT footages of the hijackers. Again nothing like the Pentagon with no photos revealed with all of their camera surveillance surrounding the Pentagon! Engines did not fall off nor did the wings it melded into the building which is impossible! They found no aircraft material, no baggage and no human remains. There were planted explosions by the Israeli special forces with their special black ops. Then the missile would be launched by a submarine with distance of a 1000 miles. Was it a US submarine or an Israeli submarine? They now know several small nukes in backpacks were used on 9/1.

            The Zionist Israelis &9/11

            9/11 was by the evil Zionist’s and by the cooperation and consent at the highest levels of the US government

            HERE’S WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON 9.11 — James Perloff

            The arrested dancing Israelis Mossad agents who had pre-knowledge who were there to “document the event” on Israeli TV and let go

            9/11 SIMPLIFIED


            “9-11/Israel did it”

            9-11/Israel did it/Dancing Israelis

          • Arlyn – its what Im sayin! 🙂
            ( im not saying i know what did happen on 9/11.. but… )
            9/11 official account = an impossible fantasy!

            but ya try tell that to Julian Assange.. he just wont believe ya!

  4. This was fun in Iraq.
    Thanks to Manning and WikiLeaks, we were told in 2007.

    They both deserve a medal for humanity and how many of our politicians should be tried for murder and the msm tried for aiding and abetting murder, lying and invasions.
    The world is arseup!!
    The wrong people are in gaol.

    • gday Ned.
      I remember talking online with others about the many USA atrocities & war crimes that were being reported at the time.. well before that video came out..

      the information was there for anyone who cared to look.. just not really ever covered by MSM.

      what saddens me most about wikileaks releasing this video.. is that even after all the media attention – no one seems to have been punished for anything, in fact, they probably got promotions.. !!! and the most damage to be suffered by the USA.. who have a long list of documented history of such atrocities.. was at most.. 5 minutes of slight international embarrassment.. ????

      no illegal immoral wars based on lies against people that were never a threat to anyone ended.. indeed.. more started… so really.. i fail to see any real benefit of anything wikileaks has ever done.. this was but one of hundreds of such crimes..

      Im all for the transparency that julian calls for.. and like the idea of a “wikileaks” – but it should apply equally when the scrutiny is turned towards himself and wikileaks.. and theres examples of requests for such transparency being ignored, re donations to Manning defence fund through wikileaks.. – how much was donated and how much was paid?

      if Ive not made myself clear.. Im no real fan of assange…
      but.. thats just me..( and a couple other nutters ) – I really hope a lot of what I believe to be true- is actually totally wrong.

      • Mary and Ned

        Yes Ned I too share your view of no one being punished for the senseless killing of those journalists and the officer in charge telling the drone operator to kill hem all and egging him on. There are many untold killings in the fog of war of innocent bystanders and those who tried to protect their country from the Fascist US invaders.


          • Did IMF BUY Julian Assange’s ARREST? – The END Of Journalismhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cbp-s9GiixY

            Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the horrifying nature of Julian Assange’s arrest and the true reason behind the timing of the arrest itself.
            Assange has shown himself to be a true journalist, never releasing a fake story, not attempting to benefit his own viewpoint and simply allowing the flow of information to reach the eyes and ears of the populace regardless of what party it helps or hurts.
            The precedent being set by agents arresting Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London is a giant red flag. It essentially says, it doesn’t matter if you leak evidence of terrible things the government does, that transparency means you should spend years of your life in a cage. It’s a sickening notion but nonetheless, it’s what is happening right now as Assange looks at potentially being extradited to the United States where President Trump loudly proclaims “Wikileaks isn’t my thing.” following the arrest. This is despite him saying he loved Wikileaks during the election when it benefited him.
            But why now? Why did Assange get arrested now? Well, interestingly at the end of February, Ecuador was granted a $4.2 billion loan with a total financial package of $10.2 billion. That includes a bailout as the bond market was crushed in recent days in Ecuador. Well, the bond market recovered and shortly after, Assange is arrested.
            The joke is on Ecuador considering the IMF will essentially buy them up, take over their resources and destroy the country entirely. But that’s another story.
            If we sit idly by and watch a person like Assange get thrown in a cage for as much as 5 years, we are apathetic and weak. How could we allow this to happen? This as Chelsea Manning sits in prison as well.
            So we have decided that the people who do terrible things to other people on the other side of the planet with joysticks are fine, but the people who expose it deserve to sit in a cage for most of their life? Time to assess our true priorities here…

    • Fair Dinkum
      The “official story” is simply a fiction! It is unbelievable and not plausible. We have the Australian government of both sides of the political spectrum and with the aiding and abetting of the prostitute media and press in this country lying and denying for the Fascist Imperial Empire about 9/11 and a number of other issues as well.

      We are expected to be believers of the corporate-government propaganda apparatus which is merely an extension of government to manufacture consent for wars and to lie to the Australian public as a whole for their evil agendas which is against the wishes of the population. There will be no discussion, debate or dialogue you must believe resistance is useless!

  5. Dee I just watched the video, fascinating that the fact, that he is an Australian citizen is never mentioned. Perhaps the message to all whistleblowers is the fate of being “too honest for your own good,” and is that Billy Connelly at the top of the steps. No mention of Snowdon or Chelsea Manning yet or —-or mmmm

    • Pilger just interviewed on abc news – says “it needs to be taken up by politicians -it is an election issue-it is about citizenship.” he points out Julian’s father father to Turnbull and apparently he and Julie Bishop met with UK foreign office, —”they were walked all over”—they then went to US again ignored.

      Time for politicians and Australians to educate themselves about the Great Australian Silence that Pilger Robertson Assange.[and many others] have been doing systematically for years.

      I agree with Pilger this should be a major issue. Free Julian Assange party.

  6. Wikileaks shows the innocent being machined guned down from a helicopter, if Establishment can murder the innocent and having a veil of secretcy this shows how corrupt Establishment is, noted the Prime Minister of Britain spoke in Parliament on Assangs as a criminal surely this shows how and who are the criminals are? the British Government and all those who support the global criminals now well entrenched and supported by most of us the masses untill you or someone you know gets it, then pesto, I did not know this could happen?when establishment hits you then surprise, why does God allow this? because you are stupid.

  7. Anyone wishing to help Assange might buy a used copy (10 bucks) of Raoul Berger’s 1974 book, “Executive Privilege: A Constitutional Myth.” Here is an Amazon review by Bob Guess:

    Berger states, “A long-standing guide to construction is: What was the mischief the draftsmen sought to remedy?”
    [as stated in our Comments the other day by Terry Shulze]. That theme runs through all of his books.

    The man is extremely well read. When he published Executive Privilege, A Constitutional Myth, no sane Supreme Court Justice dared challenge him.
    Where in the Constitution, by direct quote or implication, does the Executive Branch of our government have the authority to withhold information from its partners, the Judicial and Congressional Branches? … . A breach of the design of government is actually a form of sedition. [Yay!]

    Berger reveals; Professor Arthur Schlesinger, Jr, concluded that the term “executive privilege” seems to be of very recent American usage . . . [started with Eisenhower.]
    Executive was not considered a noun; therefore, imputing exclusive power in any branch that would exclude oversight, would be to place it above the law. Some quotes from the Constitutional Framers in his book:
    Roger Sherman ” . . . considered the Executive magistracy as nothing more than an institution for carrying the will of the legislature into effect” [Too right, Mate]
    James Wilson: the only powers that were strictly Executive were “. . . those executing the laws and appointing officers.” [OK, in addition to foreign relations, with advice and consent of Senate].
    Governor Randolph: “What are his powers? To see the laws executed.”

    This book is a gold mine of information and like Toto in the Wizard of Oz pulls back the curtain, where the Wizard himself says; Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.” Berger exposes him anyway.
    — end of review

  8. The BBC has published a timeline:

    August 2015 – Swedish prosecutors drop their investigation into two allegations – one of sexual molestation and one of unlawful coercion because they have run out of time to question him. But he still faces the more serious accusation of rape.

    October 2015 – Metropolitan Police announces that officers will no longer be stationed outside the Ecuadorean embassy
    February 2016 – A UN panel rules that Assange has been “arbitrarily detained” by UK and Swedish authorities since 2010
    May 2017 – Sweden’s director of public prosecutions announces that the rape investigation into Assange is being dropped

    July 2018 – The UK and Ecuador confirm they are holding ongoing talks over the fate of Assange
    October 2018 – Assange is given a set of house rules at the Ecuadorean embassy in London. He then launches legal action against the government of Ecuador
    December 2018 – Assange’s lawyer rejects an agreement announced by Ecuador’s president to see him leave the Ecuadorean embassy

    February 2019 – Australia grants Assange a new passport amid fears Ecuador may bring his asylum to an end
    April 2019 – The Metropolitan Police arrests him for “failing to surrender to the court” over a warrant issued in 2012. He is found guilty and faces up to 12 months in prison, as well as extradition over US charges of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion.

    The link below is to a weekly report from Greg Hunter………..concentrating on Assange and his great work.
    Suck it up; fake, phoney and false MSM.

    A hoot:


    Do not stop before he discusses the gold. Hey: Where is our gold, Reserve Bank of Australia?
    Perhaps my local candidate, Phelps might tell us? Right!!!
    The last thing our msms will mention in this election is our increasing debt to the bankers and what interest per day is being paid by the taxpayers to the bankers.

      • Ned, I noticed that unlike, say Russia, that Australia debts keep going UP!

        Gee, that doesn’t bode well for the future. – Yeah, how much gold does Australia really have in its’ control…

        • Our politicians (all of them) have been deliberately sabotaging Australia with debt to make us 3rd world slaves to the bankers.
          But the msms will not expose it and the created ‘have nots’ are draining the trough at the behest of those who want to wank us in Canberra for power.
          There is a great U tube video recently interviewing university students.
          Hey, you have a standing of, say 95%. But that is unfair for a student with a 65% rating. So what about you with 95% give 15% of yours to the 65% which means the 65 will be able to enter a good course and maybe make more money in a career,
          Seems fair and socially responsible?
          Right: guess what, the 95%ers said….. Basically… get F.d, I worked for my 95%.
          So there you go, socialism in reality does not get far if idiots understand.

  10. Julian Assange is an Australian citizen of the Sovereign Nation, Australia. You wouldn’t know it by the reaction over the years of Australia’s politicians and newspapers, to his predicament. This is similar treatment that David Hicks received, after false allegations of fighting for the Taliban were thrown at him. The infamous John Howard took the same stand against Hicks to give no help.

    Many people still do not know that Donald Trump’s team have the Global Elite in a panic, with the criminal charges and indictments, yet to be opened. I believe it is the Global Elite who had many of the previous US players at their beck and call, (now under the shadow of very serious crimes) that are pursuing the charges against Julian and not today’s Government in the US.

    The action of arresting Julian Assange is the response of the Cabal to the Trump’s team audacity in attacking the Federal Reserve and the issuing of indictments against many of the Globalist’s goons.

    Julian Assange is guilty of informing the worldwide population of the CRIMES of politicians and public servants, crimes which would normally be hidden by this very same group. Black mail, extortion, murder and torture have kept many of these criminals under the thumb of the Global Elite.
    Many of this group, the Global Elite, are the Central Bankers of the World and their stooges in the Federal Reserve, IMF, International Monetary Fund as well as in the United Nations Organisation.

    Come on Aussies, stand up and make a huge noise that cannot be ignored, on behalf of an Australian hero.

  11. a couple more media reports: apns news
    4:30 a.m.
    Foreign Minister Marise Payne says Australia remains “completely opposed” to the death penalty amid fears that Australian native Julian Assange could be exposed to such punishment if he is extradited to the United States.
    Australian consular officials plan to visit the WikiLeaks founder in a London jail on Friday a day after he was arrested at the Ecuadorian Embassy where he’d been holed up nearly seven years. For now, he faces a single computer conspiracy charge in the U.S. that does not carry the death penalty, but his supporters fear more serious charges may be brought later.
    Payne said Friday the U.K. had sought assurances from the U.S. that Assange would not be exposed to the death penalty.
    Assange plans to fight extradition, but Australian leaders have indicated they wouldn’t intervene.

    Julian Assange’s dramatic transformation inside embassy
    When Julian Assange was dragged out of the Ecuadorean embassy to finally face court, it was his dramatic transformation that shocked the most.

    AP news.com.auAPRIL 12, 20191:56PM
    Also on the Drum Greg Barnes his lawyer spoke of Jeremy Corben rallying support in UK

  12. Could it be that this arrest is of mutual benefit to both Julian Assange and the Trump Administraion. If the extradition to US is successful, Julian will be in the hands of “The Patriots”, not the members of the Deep State. This will be of great concern to this evil Cabal, as Julian could provide much needed evidence of corruption and treason by the Deep State players, such as both Clintons, Nancy Pelosi, James Clapper, Robert Mueller, Dianne Finstein, Jerry Nalder, John Brennan.

    • I’m with you, Mal. I’m betting Juliian is in protective custody until he can introduce evidence in court. We wouldn’t want him “Arkancided” as has happened to so man others about to testify against the Clinton machine.

      Gotta ask one question.
      Why now? (after all these years) Perhaps because this is the right time for the hammer to be dropped on these “elite” scumbags. Declassification of the warrants for spying on Trump and gang(FISA), tens of thousands of sealed indictments being unsealed. And the big one, the Clinton Foundation and Hillary.

      “We have the source”….

      • I don’t think so. Trump has really been nobbled by the (((Deep State))) this year. President Kushner will have no sympathy, but then, given how little Assange had to say about Israel, who knows?

        • I’m with you, Paul. I have no idea why people believe there are sealed indictments. If they are sealed how did we come to know of them?

          And if these indictments exist , what is preventing then from proceeding to the next stage, which is prosecution?

          And if Trump is such a wunderkind, why do I see John Bolton sitting next to him?

          • “why do I see John Bolton sitting next to him?”

            Bolton, I feel, should remembered at the end of his (hopefully shortened) life as one of history’s most malignant and evil characters.

  13. If you can stomach it, look at how the Deep State are managing the PR of this via their Daily Mail outlet. They are piling on with the personal attacks to discredit him and remove any sympathy.

    Its the DM. You’ll need to hold your nose.

  14. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Fiona Barnett’s reports of torture and degradation were fairy tales.

    Wouln’t it be wonderful if Diane DeVere were recklessly retailing that stuff to us (or even sending it to us on the disinfo express.

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful.

  15. Q. What is the difference between Julian Assange and Mary Maxwell?

    A. One wants to get to Australia and escape arrest in the United States. The other got to the United States, escaping arrest in Australia.

    (Section 121 you know.)

  16. Back on topic.
    I’m surprised that the sceptics here accept certain facts. We all make small errors of type or wrong mathematical scale. Not to mention a evolved opinion that is human and natural. We have to extend here because some facts will not be forthcoming.
    So I can extend when say Mary “types to file” that Kathmandu is located at an elevation of 2000 feet. Just a typo, scale, point, thing. Factually incorrect, so I move to a deeper analysis because I know that if Mary were writing a GPS application this typo would soon be found before a plane finds “rocks” in the clouds.
    We rely daily on computers “computating”, because they are as reliable as humans when it comes to repetitive mathematical determinations and no choice. No artificial intelligence just computation.

    So I recommend when gumshoeing the thing that should not be, that a close eye is kept on the factual reality of computers. These “hacks” and data transfers are easy to see if the data runs across your networks. Encryption is real but would be blocked on the network if a real “player were to enter” the system without backdoor. The psyop has the belief, that data packets can freely traverse the “web”. This was started before the Tor(onion network, dark web whatever).
    In this case, Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange somehow communicating anonymously.
    Internet was set up by DARPA as an asymmetric weapon to be used against humanity whilst collecting our IP (both intellect and location). Thats why it has gone from military(they moved on once beta was successful to a must have for scientist’s to collaborate(just a journal also able to be read and copied by a system administrator) to, well almost mandatory for commerce. Snowden able to evade capture, wow, unbelievable.

    The whole point of controlled opposition is for it not to be blatantly obvious. Of course, coercion is used, so opposition might have been the driver at first being the only caveat.

    So yes the “cloud” providers know the illegal content residing on their servers and are the only ones capable of removing unwanted evidence.

  17. More off-topic:
    ABCs 4Corners reports on Chinese influence in australia:
    https://www.abc.net.au/4corners/interference/10982212 (includes transcript, and a brief mention of it in NZ)

    Labor’s candidate for the seat of Curtin quit over remarks she made about the Israel and Palestine conflict

    Nevermind also sharia seeping into the community its starting to look like a gamut of parallel legal systems in Australia.

    Sargon of Akkad at his absolute best (Black Lives Matter disrupts a pride parade in Canada). Language a little NSFW (12mins)

    • “Nevermind also sharia seeping into the community its starting to look like a gamut of parallel legal systems in Australia.”

      could you provide an example of how Australians are subject to any form of sharia law please?

      • Mary

        I think you will find this clip interesting about the possibility of the ‘show’ arrest’ of Assange. At 18 min it gets most interesting…As I have said previously I have watched a number of clips from different sources also mentioning that eventually Assange would testify against the Deep state and the Clinton Foundation, Bush/Cheney, Nxivm child sex perpetrators and the murder of Seth Rich, the Podesta Pizzagate and Uranium One material etc.

        Assange helped to get Trump elected as president

        All we can do is watch and wait to see how all of this develops…however there is more than meets the eye.

        I note in the Trump Russia Dossier at Wikipedia Alexander Downer is not mentioned along with the three other Australians charged with treason

        The Greatest Show Most Will Never See…IT’S HAPPENING!

        It all leads back to the Obama administration and HRC of course

    • Justin
      Concerning the Chinese influence in Australian politics

      Corrupt donations to the Liberal and Labor parties

      The Chinese Government donations to the Liberal Party and Labor Party are part of a lot bigger problem.

      I have written extensively about the corrupt donations the Parties take. Of recent times the Liberal Party has seen $4.4 million of funding withheld by the NSW Electoral Commission because the Liberal Party refuse to tell the NSW Electoral Commission were hundreds of thousands of dollars of funding came from. (Click here to read more)

      Then there is also the Liberal Party and Labor Party stealing from taxpayers and laundering the money into their own bank accounts with the most recent scam run by the Liberals via a company called Parakeelia. (Click here to read more)

      What these dodgy donations and the theft do is help keep corrupt politicians in power because come election time they have more money than the smaller Parties and independents to fund their election campaign.

      When foreign nations like China donate to the Liberal Party and Labor Party they are also helping to facilitate corruption in Australia for their own benefit but which also results in the Australian public ending up with a corrupt government.

      “The donations include $850,000 given to the ALP by a businessman whose address is shared by a centre for retired Communist Party officials.“

      The latest ABC reporting seems to be a follow on from investigations last year where they reported Chinese businessman Huang Changran has donated $1.9 million to the Labor and Liberal Parties since 2012. He also employed former NSW Treasurer Eric Roozendaal when he left Parliament in 2013 hounded by corruption allegations. (Click here to read more)

      Several of the donations have been obscured by the channelling of funds via executives or related companies, or by the donors’ failure to disclose them to the Australian Electoral Commission, in apparent breach of Commonwealth law.

      A spokesman for the AEC acknowledged a loophole in Australia’s disclosure laws, saying: “While the commission can seek compliance, overseas donors cannot be compelled to comply with Australian law when they are not in Australia”.

      The revelations raise further questions about foreign donations linked to ministers with trade and diplomatic responsibilities. (Click here to read more)

      It is obvious that the Chinese $500,000 donation was to try to get favourable decisions from Julie Bishop and given her position as Foreign Minister that should worry all Australians.

      Then we have the nefarious ASIO coming out in June of 2017 warning about foreign donations. Why has it taken ASIO 5 years to catch up and say something?

  18. Stefan Molyneaux on Assange and what it means to journalism and society. He’s one of those guys I listen to as he ‘feeds my head’. He’s also apparently come to the same conclusion I have about where society is headed…


  19. Former MI5 Agent on Assange’s arrest

    “His mission has always been very clear, to expose and impose transparency”, says Annie Machon, Former MI5 Agent, following Julian Assange’s arrest.

  20. This may throw more light on the subject.

    ISRAEL blackmailed President Clinton with phone-tapped tapes of his steamy sex talks with Monica Lewinsky
    a blockbuster new book charges.
    The price Clinton paid for the silence of the Mossad spy agency was calling off an FBI hunt for a top-level Israeli mole allegedly installed at the White House.


    Trump Is Being Blackmailed By Mossad

    Trump controlled by Mossad

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