by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
I am here to say that the publication of government documents about the US’s waging of a war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the assessment of interrogations at Guantanamo Prison camp, was necessary and good.
This article is about the criminal charges against Assange. However, in my opinion, government secrecy is the larger issue. Citizens have every right to know the policies and practices of their government. It is truly unthinkable to claim otherwise.
Would it be disloyal of an American citizen to reveal the secrets of war while a battle was waging? Of course. We would want to see a traitor executed for doing that. But it doesn’t happen, so let’s not waste time looking at that.
Julian Assange, born 1971, is Australian. Would it be treasonous for him to publish American secrets? Of course not. You can only be a traitor to your own people.
Is Julian Really Working for the People?
I don’t know what Julian was doing before 2006, so I personally cannot say if he founded Wikileaks on his own, or if he has Insider friends. I suspect the latter. Indeed the fact that he is still alive suggests to me that he is not Public Enemy Number One as advertised.
However, in order to argue that his divulging of government secrets is good thing, I’ll not continue to express any skepticism about his mission. I’ll take at face value his claim that Wikileaks is “the intelligence agency of the people.” And that he is a brave hero. CIA director Mike Pompeo called Julian a coward, which in slanderese means he must be the opposite.
Free Speech in the US
One piece of good news I can spread to Assange’s admirers is that he can’t be jailed in the US for “loose lips.” I’ve got loose lips myself and I know I will not be “serving time” for it. The 1971 case United States v New York Times went to the US Supreme Court over the issue of the Times’ publication of “The Pentagon Papers.” Six out of the nine judges said “Don’t worry about it.”
But who needs a Supreme Court case. The American government consists of the people (they rule via Congress). The First Amendment to the Constitution says “Congress will make no law… limiting the freedom of the press.” And if Congress won’t make such a law, who else could? There is no one else. We are in charge here. Ever since Tom Paine got here – after already having helped his native England – we have placed top value on free speech.
You can’t say “fuck” on the bus if it’s traveling interstate. But that law was made by Congress to guarantee passengers a pleasant bus ride, not to prevent them from scrutinizing, say, Hillary Clinton’s trove of emails. Or John Podesta’s. If you know what I mean. Or the operator’s manual for torture at Gitmo.
Wikileaks: A Quick Chronology
I’ll sling a few dates here, and then we can discuss Julian’s current legal situation. I mean political situation.
2006 Wikileaks makes its debut.
2007-2009 It springs all sorts of embarrassing memos belonging to various governments and companies. France, Iceland, Japan, Bank of America, etc.
2010 It receives a bunch of stuff from a lad, born 1987, who worked in US Army intelligence as a Private First Class. That person is now Chelsea Manning.
2013 Chelsea is formally charged under army law, known as the UMCJ, the Uniform Military Code of Justice. (“Uniform” meaning the army, navy, and air force all agree).
She pleads guilty to some of the charges such as theft and leaking publicized documents but pleads not guilty, and is acquitted of, “aiding the enemy.” She started to serve her 35-year sentence, but Obama commuted it to 7 years, which ended in 2017.
Wikileaks leaks thousands of “pager” messages recorded on the day of September 11, 2001. I told you Julian Assange is Good for America. In fact where else can we get government information, not disinformation, that sheds light on any aspect of 9-11? The only hot item to come out of a court case is the spilling by the FBI, at Khalid Sheik Moussaoui’s trial, that Todd Beamer’s cell phone continued to be in use for hours after the Shanksville “plane crash.” And the only hot news from the entire 9/11 Commission Report is that Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta said he overheard an employee ask Cheney if the order not to shoot was still valid when a plane was headed to the Pentagon. (Answer, si,si).
Assange’s Legal Situation Until Now
When a prisoner is a risk to the Powers That Be, there is a chance the prisoner will be killed in jail, such as by “angry inmates.” This happened to Albert DeSalvo, James Earl Ray, and I think recently Whitey Bulger. Therefore since Julian is currently imprisoned – in the UK – he may die soon at the age of 47. Or even die from a cause other than murder. But I am ignoring that.
His legal situation is that he was wanted by three governments – UK, Sweden, and potentially US – but he sought, and was granted, asylum in the embassy of Ecuador in London. There he remained for 6 years, at first having Internet access but lately being cut off.
In May 2019 the Ecuadorians decided to permit the UK police to come in and escort him to prison. The UK has had a charge against him for yonks, saying that he broke bail condition or something like that. Thus he was recently sentenced to 50 weeks in UK Belmarsh Prison.
Whilst Julian is under wraps the Home Secretary can cogitate on the request of Sweden to send him there for a re-ignited charge of sexual assault, or to the US. In my humble opinion the Australian government ought to make a diplomatic move, also known as a show of balls, to intervene and let the prisoner walk free on Queensland’s sunshine coast or wherever he wants to rest up after his ordeal.
In fact, had Australia a pair, think how it could use Assange’s amazing knowledge to gain the upper hand over three countries – I won’t name them – that today like to kick Australia around. Wow. Fireworks in the Antipodes. The blackmail potential alone is staggering.
(Pardon me, I slipped. I wear two hats of citizenship – US and Oz, but in this article I only mean to wear the US hat.)
Julian’s Current Status As an Accused
The 17 Charges that the DoJ (Department of Jerks, for my money) have now filed against Assange have to do with the Espionage Act of 1917, still in force. There is also an 18th charge of “conspiracy to commit computer intrusion,” as defined in 18 USC 371 and 18 USC 1030.
You can follow his fate under his federal case number 1:18-cr-00111-CMH. The ‘cr’ means criminal and the CMH must be the judge’s initials. It’s being handled in the US District Court of Eastern Virginia. You will want to know if that is one of the corrupt federal courts. I ask: which one is not?
You may also ask, How did the United States get jurisdiction, if the sins of Julian were not committed between sea and shining sea? I don’t know. It baffles me, but I read it on a reliable website, the reporter’s committee for a free press:
The following is a quote from the DoJ’s charge sheet:
- For example, on March 7, 2010, Manning asked ASSANGE how valuable the Guantanamo Bay detainee assessment briefs would be. After confining that ASSANGE thought they had value, on March 8, 2010 Manning told ASSANGE she was “throwing everything [she had] on Joint Task Force Gitmo [at Assange] now.ASSANGE responded, “ok, great!” When Manning brought up the “osc,” meaning the CIA Open Source Center, ASSANGE replied, “that’s something we want to mine entirely, btw.”
Thank you Assange and thank you Manning for throwing the Gitmo stuff at us.
The Espionage Act, section on Disclosure of Classified Info
Now, but only for those with a need to know — as otherwise the boringness can get out hand — here is part of 18 USC 798:
(a) Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, or publishes, or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States any classified information—
(1) concerning the nature, preparation, or use of any code, cipher, or cryptographic system of the United States or any foreign government; or
(2) concerning the design, construction, use, maintenance, or repair of any device, apparatus, …[etc]
(3) concerning the communication intelligence activities of the United States or any foreign government; or
(4) obtained by the processes of communication intelligence from the communications of any foreign government, knowing the same to have been obtained by such processes—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
(b) As used in subsection (a) of this section—
The term “classified information” means information which, at the time of a violation of this section, is, for reasons of national security, specifically designated by a United States Government Agency for limited or restricted dissemination or distribution;
(c) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the furnishing, upon lawful demand, of information to any regularly constituted committee of the Senate or House of Representatives of the United States of America, or joint committee thereof. [Isn’t that nice.]
(d) (1) Any person convicted of a violation of this section shall forfeit to the United States irrespective of any provision of State law—
(A) any property constituting, or derived from, any proceeds the person obtained, directly or indirectly, as the result of such violation; and
(B) any of the person’s property used, or intended to be used, in any manner or part, to commit, or to facilitate the commission of, such violation. [Too late, a kazillion people already downloaded it to their memory stick. Shouldda thought of that before you let us have the Web.]
(5) As used in this subsection, the term “State” means any State of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any territory or possession of the United States such as Australia. [Nah, kidding about Australia]
On Needing To Have a Word with Chelsea
Just one thing, Chelsea. I know you are in prison and I am sad for you about that. You are in contempt of court for not being vexatious enough. I mean for not being willing to give more information a to a Grand Jury. But I heard you say on TV that we should stop having Grand Juries. No way, José. The grand jury is our salvation.
But we need to wrest it out of the hands of the US Attorneys where it don’t belong per the good old Constitution. There was never a law passed by Congress to make grand juries obsolete. (It’s only in the regulations fine print.) ANYWAY THERE COULD NOT HAVE BEEN a law passed that conflicts with the parchment.
Prosecutors and judges now bluff their way into being the boss of grand juries. It is up to the folks to stop letting them be the boss. For this we need more solidarity than we presently have.
Chelsea, don’t be too downhearted in jail. I’ll make a stink for you. I’ll make a stink against secrecy. Wow, how did we ever let them get away with secrecy! Listen to this quote from a Yeneni guy at Gitmo:
Al-Alwi says that American interrogators tortured him until he made false confessions about his involvement in terrorism. Despite having now spent over a decade in custody, with no foreseeable prospect of release, he has not been charged with any crime.
Describing his brutal treatment by riot guards who come to restrain him for force-feedings, al-Alwi told his lawyers in the petition: “I weigh less than 100 pounds. I wear braces on both ankles, and both wrists, and one around my lower back. I am five foot five … and they claim that I am ‘resisting’ … How can I possibly resist anyone, let alone these men?”
Julian Assange is good for America.
Julian Assange and people like him are good for the World.
How often has the British, American and Australian media pointed the finger at USSR (Russia) or China for supposedly doing the same acts of atrocities?
These Western countries have been acting in such a way for centuries, while supposedly civilised and democratic.
In Australia, remember the Port Arthur Massacre and the aftermath whereby a person who had no part in the killings has been in prison for 23 years. Don’t let the authorities forget that we know.
My favourite is the two with James Perloff
9/11 3D Analysis – 2016 Update
The Zionist Israelis &9/11
9/11 was by the evil Zionist’s and by the cooperation and consent at the highest levels of the US government
The arrested dancing Israelis Mossad agents who had pre-knowledge who were there to “document the event” on Israeli TV and let go
“9-11/Israel did it”
9-11/Israel did it/Dancing Israelis
Your Bossmess,
Why are we tolerating this? Arlyn is clever enugh to know that on a newsy topic like Assange’s arrest, people will come to us via a link. It would be nice if they thus discovered that Gumshoe commenters can perform a serious critique of the subject.
I say Arlyn enterd this 9-11 jazz on June 1st to clog up the flow.
Sure, James Perloff is an excellent writer about false flags, one of the best, but we are not talking about false flags today thank you very much. Nor are we talking about Israel for a change.
My apologies Mary
My intentions are always honourable and I never want to clog up Gumshoe
‘We have it all!’ as ‘Q’ has stated so many times in ‘Q’ drops. Assange is the keystone to the coming prosecutions of many Western traitors, and Assange will be playing a pivotal role in those prosecutions with his testimony in a court of law. At some time in the future I believe that Assange will be nominated and receive, not only the Medal of Honor – the United States highest award – but also the Nobel Peace Prize for services to Mankind.
Assange is an Australian Hero yet to be appreciated by the ignorant.
I guess assets can work for the nefarious thinking they are working the good side.
The nefarious always seem to play the two most power sides off, fostering both and the third most powerful/useful party, to maintain the narrative.
CIA “MK” say a foreigner who hurts the prestige of NSA. NSA hit back exposing the tools the CIA has been allowed to acquire by another at the same time unimplicating them.They also show strength by protecting their asset behind the “iron curtain”.
Theater/smoke and mirrors – how long has it been since we got a look at the daily battlefield atrocities while this plays out over years now.
How lovely to see these testimonals. More, please.
Now I am copying a quote from Diane’s Comment yesterday, as it got moderated out by mistake:
“[ABC’s] PM contacted the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Melbourne, which was identified in the Senate inquiry as having used children in care for experiments, to ask if they would also consider offering an apology to the Forgotten Australians.
“The institute did not respond to the request.”
WE CAN DO BETTER. We can do better. Australia can slay the world.
Rah rah Assange. Rah rah Gumshoe. Kill ’em, Dee.
Julian’s father says
“Julian has never received due process”.
“Which truth is it that will set you free”
Well, there won’t be any need for a DNA paternity test here!
Note: at end, Dad says there is a 30,000 signature petition before Parliament, and at least 12 MP’s are supporting Julian.
Asked if the boy shoould be badged as a spoiled brat, Dad says he’d like him to be thought of for his “courage and perfection” in the effortt to be a journalist and a publisher.
I say Here Here! Thank you Mary for your time and research.
Julian Assange is good for those who treasure transparency, accountability, the rule of law, due process, fair trial and freedom of speech. This is a crude political oppression tactic against anyone who dares to expose the wrongs of any government.
The Fascist US Empire are the war criminals let us make no mistake about this. Just because Assange revealed their murderous hypocrisy that was ‘concealed’ was breath-taking at the time. It is tactics to go on the offensive and shout Julian down instead of the main emphasis should be clearly focused on the war crimes and out right murder. Then comes the government secrecy and let me tell you that in war there is all sorts of unjustified killings, rape and torture that never get ‘reported’. If you do then you are liable to be shot by your own as there are real killers in the military so you have to watch your own back for survival. I am speaking of first hand experience. There is always cover-ups in war…always!
The US Fascist regime with the help of its “willing of the killing’ allies inclusive of Australia, have broken every international law of illegal invading and occupying Iraq and Afghanistan for their own nefarious purposes of “Full Spectrum Domination” Geo-political advantage, Commerce, Natural Resources, Gas, Oil and Drugs. All the while the US brings up these trumped up false changes against Assange in which they have been dropped twice because they are revengeful from the exposure of their lies of duplicity.
Mike Pompeo is just another Fascist shouting negative comments on Assange and part of the Christian Crusade. I would love to get him in court of law for the insidious assassinations, over-throwing of governments, distribution of drugs world-wide etc etc.
Water boarding was invented by the Jesuits who are renown for torture techniques for those who are unaware.
The 500 Year History of Waterboarding – and Why It Doesn’t Even Work
In the Spanish Inquisition
Once you corner them they are simply cowards themselves. They are protected from their criminal activities in the name of national security. They are simply murderers sanctioned by government who are also just a colossal criminal syndicates.
It is my understanding after reading much material that no harm has come to anyone from the WikiLeaks dump.
Australia is a wimp towards the US and we all saw it in the Howard days…it was absolutely sickening. A docile and subservient client state will do as it is told. Having a Protectorate and singing treaties with a Fascist Empire has its consequences with “Our friends the Americans”.
My problem always is, “the dump” is so selective.
%5Eyes know everything, little doubt( project echelon even wayyy back).
John the Baptist may have been waterboarding way back … nah, too much
Selective in what way?
What would you have done?
John the Baptist was definitely not waterboarding! What a thing to say…if you know and understand the true background.
5 eyes know everything…not really another fiction not everything
Sorry Arlyn,
I would have done the same or even not been good. Just saying, I’m a button pusher as I need. I can say can’t I, challenge.Some say he was “very close to Jesus of Nazareth”. My most comforting tales do lay in this historical era.
Got a good bite, more Turning points for you, wink(funny right?)
o selective, no smoking gun.
Email: 910-HK ….. Stand down NORAD tomorrow- something like that
Ok Simon now I know. 🙂
My problem always is, “the dump” is so selective.
%5Eyes know everything, little doubt( project %echelon% even wayyy back).
John the Baptist may have been waterboarding way back … nah, too much, {needs moderation(repost)}
He failed the test, I’m afraid.
Yes, but why?
Surely he is not informed and/or dumb!
Am I going to have to moderate you, Dee? What is this video doing fhere? Can’t see the relevance except that at the beginning Trump says he got a prisoner out of Turkey. He could have got Julian out. And right now he can control that indictment of 18 charges.
He should not be able to control a grand jury, as i was saying to Chelsea Manning. But he can. Not to mention that he should RIGHT NOW give certain federal prisoners their walking papers. I’ll start with Leonard Peltier, age 74, and come down to Jahar What’s his Name, age 26.The pardon process takes less time than to drink a cup of tea.
Locking her up would probably take a full afternoon but why isn’t he doing it.
Good point. Don’t know. I was hoping to initiate discussion on Trump and Assange.
But I need to open debate on the 9-11 narrative re: Assange.
Wikileaks leaked tons of stuff (much probably he never read), yet Julian is mum on the big crime.
He was happy to take the credit on making soldiers out to be horrendous murderers, and captors. That’s great. But why not the source of the war. We need to go back to who designed the menu, not the waiters delivering the food.
Julian is part-author of a movie called Mediastan, which you can rent at Youtube for $3.99 USD.
I have not seen it but here is a ponderous phrase from the advertisement:
“A potent road map of the fragile connections between the press, the public and the silent powers that control them.”
I often think “What if the Boston Globe tomorrow put out a front-page headline ‘9-11 was an Inside Job,’ how many readers who previously rejected that fact would accept it?” As far as I can guess, they would ALL accept it.
Yet I, situated right here near Boston, don’t know how to get through to folks about a lesser bombing, the Marathon of 2013. I mean, how can I appeal those who would change their mind about 9-11 based merely on the Boston Globe’s say-so?
If you’ve got any practical advice for me, please sling it here.
The photo at upper right. Why are the Gitmo prisoners wearing dust masks?
Are they kept in that stress position all day? Some have been there for 17 years.
Naomi Wolf was allowed to tour Gitmo and she said there were hornet’s nests positioned above a prisoner’s head for torture (although there were no hornets on the day she was there).
One of the Assange’s releases was of a Pentagon acknowldgement that some prisoners are kept off-limits when the Red Cross pays a visit. Gee. If the hornet’s nest is ON limits, you wonder what is OFF-limits.
You must watch this Anderson Cooper interview. I had no idea about Joseph Darby, the guy who “blew” Abu Ghraib:
Was the CIA behind the Las Vegas Massacre & Will Trump Disclose it Publicly?
President Trump is aware of the false flag attack on Americans at the Jason Aldean concert in Las Vegas, Nevada on October 1, 2017. Abel Danger’s Field McConnell sent a 17 line message to Trump via a member of Abel Danger who has a connection to the Las Vegas police department. That message was delivered to Trump before the president gave his speech. As soon as Trump’s reverse speech from the David John Oates interview on is available, I will post it here. In a nutshell, Trump’s reverse speech said disclosure is coming and it will be good for the financial sector of the economy. Abel Danger reported that Trump is set to print money backed by gold on an Indian Reservation in Nevada. The banking cabal does not have jurisdiction on Indian Reservations.
Field McConnell, leader of Abel Danger, provided President Trump with a list of 120 names who are involved in covert operations including blackmail by pedophilia, assassinations, false flags including 9/11, and other treasonous acts against the United States.
I decided to face the music by googling for “Julian assnge, Anne Hamilton-Byrne.” There are many offerings. I tried only one which I will quote here. BUT THIS IS NOT MY STUFF.
The author thinks Aliester Crowley’s mob is somehow involved:
“Back to Raynor Johnson (1901-1987) — his religious work led him to Australia, where he was the Master of the Methodist Queen’s College at the University of Melbourne from 1934 to 1964. As a side note-Julian also attended University of Melbourne.
“Raynor has been tied to LSD use — Especially on the children of the “Family”.
“It is interesting to note at this point, how the ties between mind control (MK Ultra programs), universities, these cults/movements, brutalising young children are showing their colours in the story of Julian….
“And whilst he claims he was “on the run” from the cult, his claims of links to Australian intelligence services, his obviously platinum coloured hair (a sign of the children in the cult) are just a couple suggestions that his ties to this cult run much deeper than originally anticipated…”
Yours truly finds “the family” very murky and does not know if the one in Adelaide is connected to the one n Victoria. To repeat, I do not vouch for what is said in this Comment.
Don’t think these families are linked in a direct sense.
Hamilton-Byrne seems to have been training future leaders, but was derailed mid project Vic.
Adelaide family(one in particular) are satanist’s doing ” what they wish/ their will”- a Crowley/Tavi connection though.
Yes Simon Mary -They all have a Crowley /Tavi connection. From my perspective Julian has all the signs that he has been subjected to CIA Military Intelligence mind control experiments. MKUltra Monarch and other subproject programming.
The three abc episodes- series The Cult of the Family– Identify Melbourne as the capital of LSD experiments-carried out at Newhaven by psychiatrists, nurses, cult leaders under the watchful eye and protection of the Tavistock clinic and –also not just a little cult in the hills in Victoria but a part of an international network–they all, including Anne- Raynor- Aunties and the children, spent time between London the Catskills, NY, with a Guru- NZ. Hawaii.
Please read Tavistock Agenda 2012 Timeline and watch the three episodes. Also Operation PaperClip and relevant to Australia Operation Matchbox.
Torturing children, breeding children, splitting/fragmenting the mind body soul, creating multiple personalities altered states, DID, programming the brain with different frequencies, using electric shock, “deep sleep”, hypnoses, LSD and of course leukotomy lobotomy–along with implanted thoughts, beliefs and being brainwashed handled controlled tracked through programming frequencies.
Yes to me it is obvious Julian was subjected to this and he has had the integrity and genius to Blow the Whistle. Same story only a bit different to Fiona, Reina, Sarah. Ya Basta- Wendy Hoffman Cathi Morgan, and thousands of others have been telling these stories– not to mention Andrew Rachel and I could name 50 others who I know of personally.
Yeah agreed, any way it is sliced, Julian deserves and needs support.
Diane, I sure don’t know 50 but I am willing to vouch for most (or in some cases, all) of what is said by: Carol Rutz, Kathleen Sullivan, Trish Fotheringham, Ann Diamond, Cheryl Hersha, Fiona Barnett, Sarah Moore, Wanda Karriker, Wendy Hoffman, the late Blanche Chavoustie, Brice Taylor, Fritz Springmeier, and (sort of) Cathy O’Brien.
There is another group of survivors, not MK but “targeted individuals,: where i am less able to verify reports. However on the strength of internal consistency and the person’s integrity I accept anything that Mary Gregory tells me and also Janine Jones of NZ.
And I say again that Jose Delgado admitted to me on the phone that Blanche had a delgado implant (and he “was sorry” he could not help her today — “today” being 2011.)
Yet we have almost no collection of confessions by the perps. Or even by academics who knew what was happening.
“Walter Boward”? — can’t think of his full name — is one. (Said to be in the Mellon family?)
Diane, your hint — and Simon’s — and Dee’s — that the dump by Julian is selective is important. As for Manning, he/she just could not have done it without permission or assistance. A Private in the Army is not God.
Old jaded me thinks that the old Johnny Walker scandal — a navy man making photocopies for the Soviets– was fictional, meant to tell us that yes there are traitors and yes they get punished.
And since we at Gumshoe have to worry about our “broadcast” being shut off, was the government of the US (google) not able to flip the switch on Wikileaks?
Diane, if u can link us to the Tavi 2012 item, please do. And thank you for your intense labor on getting to the bottom of the Aus-Tav story.
“As for Manning, he/she just could not have done it without permission or assistance. A Private in the Army is not God.”
I’ve always thought the case was naught but a face-saving attempt; almost as clumsy as Port Arthur.
As for Assange, what trends to get overlooked is that having a particular talent invariably goes hand in glove with having a significant weakness/ blindspot; esteeming any mere mortal as a leader/god/saviour is always a big mistake
Berry when I said an army pfc is not god I meant surely the grunts, as they are called, do not have a magic wand to access classified shite.
Which kinda suggests that they were unable or unwilling to identify the real culprit so they had to come up with a stand-in.
“Able Danger” & 9/11 Foreknowledge
Abel Danger Interview – 9/11 Serco MH370 Drone Tech #QAnon “White Hats”
ABLE DANGER and the 9/11 Whitewash
Drone Technology employed on 9/11 Aircraft
no Muslims involved – It was an Inside Job!
Abel Danger SMACKS DOWN Barry Soetoro as Trump Knows Hillary …
Watch The Children’s Crusade’s Abel Danger SMACKS DOWN Barry Soetoro asTrump Knows Hillary and FBI Comey Profited Billions 9/11 on Hillary Clinton and Kristine Marcy brokered 9/11 Field McConnell + FBCA + Wells Fargo
Able Danger and DIA had advanced knowledge of 9/11
Really, these substantial links are relevant here. I’ll take your word.
I do try, not to, read a book by its cover but why the dump
Brothers always welcome bytheway.
Fair enough and relevant “911” as Dee asked, apologies, we all on the same “page”
Hey you fake phoney and false media people.
So you want your children to have that future????
I have the most respect for Ron Paul, over every other politician in the world.
Paul on Assange.
Why they do not like Assange.
He let the world know that we are killers.
Long version of killing.
Now what happened to the killers/warcriminals?
Come on ABC and mass media.
Go to the link above and see how you lot have been complicit in killing human beings and a couple of your Reuters colleagues……………… and millions more.
Your lot and your political running dogs are psychos.
What makes you think that you lot will not be next at the hands of the fascists, if they do not like you?
This is a test, for the record.
I have put up a number of comments with video links.
They come up when I see my post but seem to disappear/not appear when I go back to GS
We await.
OK, my comments have turned up on another system. So I may presume that eventually they will appear here on this system. Very strange!!
My question to Howard, msm and Co on the Iraq invasion, killings and theft based on lies that should have been known to those whom we pay millions for to examine and protect us… !!.
How is it that any self respecting human person can possibly be in your company even on a bus, let alone at a political rally or being interviewed as a representative of humanity or even being in the same restaurant
Everyone welcomed Ivan Milat’s miserable death for killing so many people, but the msms ignore the culpability of Canberra killing millions.
Here is an interesting article…quite honest reporting of a witness of reputable testimony
Julian Assange: Criminal or Benefactor?
Off Topic but relevant to what is going on in this country and in NZ
Australia’s Freemason lodges exposed. It’s all a conspiracy on us.
Am unable to post link- to Tavistock Agenda 2012 Timeline-
tried again with no luck
another try with a different link
Remember the SERCO van picked up Assange at the Embassy
Ron Paul: Are US/UK Trying To Kill Assange?
Assange Is Reportedly Gravely Ill, And Hardly Anyone’s Talking About It
ANALYSIS: Deep state behind arrest of Julian Assange in last-ditch desperate effort to take down Trump with forced “confessions” (Click on Link for full article)
Natural News) ANALYSIS: The arrest of Julian Assange was actually triggered by DOJ AG William Barr telling the world that yes, Obama’s deep state operatives spied on Trump campaign officials. Now, the deep state is in a total panic, and they are pulling out all the stops to try to frame Trump and derail the DOJ investigation that will reportedly lead to criminal indictments by June.
Those likely to be indicted include Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, John Brennan, James Clapper and many others who attempted to carry out treason against America, as President Trump stated today. They attempted a coup; they got caught; and now they are going to face the legal consequences of their lawless, criminal actions. (The entire left-wing media was also part of this criminal conspiracy against America… will the fake news journo-terrorists ever face arrest for their role in the plot?)
But the deep state isn’t dead yet. They still run large groups of operatives inside the State Department, the FBI and even the DOJ. And traitorous globalist criminal Barack Obama sits on top of all these groups, running “the resistance” from his command bunker near the Capitol in D.C. Make no mistake: Obama is behind the arrest of Julian Assange, and the gambit here is to pressure Assange to fabricate accusations that implicate President Trump in the “Russia collusion” hoax that has already imploded.
The $64 million dollar question is why i the Marxist Obama and HRC still free at large?
As long as evil remains in power , seekers of truth will be imprisoned or worse .
Wars are good business (for some) and peoples lives do not figure in the equation .
Now they send young women to do what Julian exposed a decade ago .
How can we expect them to be “normal” after a “tour of duty” in bringing peace to the innocents .
One wonders what dosages of amphetamines , or whatever , they’re given to perform .
Surely it’s not within our hearts to kill other hearts . It is a sad realisation that 10% are psychopaths and that their numbers are growing everywhere with the marketing tools imposed from above by the satanists in control . Our compliance and servitude is not doing any of us any good , on the contrary …..
Unfortunately many people think it is just a battle of good vs evil when it is about God’s Divinity vs His rebellious creature Lucifer aka satan or the devil and his pack. Freedom of choice or freedom of will for evil instead of good has dire consequences upon generations. We are at a time in history where the whole of the world is in peril. Julian Assange has revealed much to the world and has set a benchmark that no one has every attained. However there is so much more to be revealed that has been concealed by those who wish to control us into slavish beings.
Fascist Corporations or Corporatism are masquerading as ‘government’. We have biological warfare being used on the worlds population with toxic and contaminated vaccines and chemtrails. We have draconian legislation drawn up after state-sponsored terrorism murder against their own citizens. Directed Energy Weapons or DEW are being used against civilian populations. We have corporations creating massive pollution and destruction around the globe with impunity. We have unprecedented world poverty. People have surrendered and succumbed to the many evils and watch as it happens all around us. People are afraid to speak up and to speak out against the perpetual breaches of criminality by corrupt government.
For those of us who are Christian it is an exciting time as time as we know it will change. Our only hope is in Christ and nothing else… as we can see how man rules over man with cruelty, lack of conscience and compassion with the perpetual conquering of invading and occupying foreign lands for their control and benefit with the corruption of man’s greed and power
The Time of Trouble
Daniel 12:1 …’And at that time shall Michael stand up the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered every one that shall be found written in the book.’
NOTE: The “internet kill switch” is being tested today (Sunday), causing huge outages of Google and millions of other websites. The entire Shopify e-commerce system has been taken offline, shuttering hundreds of thousands of online e-commerce companies.
This is all being done in preparation for a massive event; most likely some sort of staged event. Notice that this took place immediately after the DOJ announced a bombshell anti-monopoly investigation into Google.
Something huge is about to hit. We will cover it more this coming week.
For today, the big story is about how a U.S. hospital has been exposing its patients to a deadly outbreak of disease, just as we warned about.
NOTE: The “internet kill switch” is being tested today (Sunday), causing huge outages of Google and millions of other websites. The entire Shopify e-commerce system has been taken offline, shuttering hundreds of thousands of online e-commerce companies.
This is all being done in preparation for a massive event; most likely some sort of staged event. Notice that this took place immediately after the DOJ announced a bombshell anti-monopoly investigation into Google.
Something huge is about to hit. We will cover it more this coming week.
For today, the big story is about how a U.S. hospital has been exposing its patients to a deadly outbreak of disease, just as we warned about.
What’s Really Behind Julian Assange’s Arrest
Julian Assange: Prisoner of Conscience
AFP: Does Assange Indictment Set Dangerous Precedent for Journalists?
“You may also ask, How did the United States get jurisdiction, if the sins of Julian were committed between sea and shining sea? I don’t know. It baffles me.”
The Fascist Empire just makes shit up! They play by their rules “Might is right!” There is no resemblance of due process, the rule of law, justice or fair play with Empire. They ignore international law that they may sign or not sign. You cannot reason with them as they give the orders. They know best. Resistance is useless.
Honest Government Ad Julian Assange
Tucker Carlson: Julian Assange’s ‘Real Sin’ Was Preventing Hillary Clinton Presidency
Flashback: Hillary Clinton Suggested ‘Drone Strike’ on WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange
Ecuador Spent About $1 Million a Year Protecting Julian Assange
Trump’s forces prepare London raid to free Wikileaks founder Assange who’s reportedly near death (click on ink for full article)
A startling new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that US military forces loyal to President Donald Trump are preparing a daring raid upon the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in order to free Wikileaksfounder Julian Assange — who, in 2014, developed a life threatening heart defect and a chronic lung condition due to his forced confinement, and is now reported to be near death. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
Aside from the FBI having never been allowed to examine the Democratic Partycomputer servers to determine if it had even been hacked by anyone, this report continues, growing evidence has accumulated that a Democratic National Committee (DNC) data analyst named Seth Rich had transferred more than 44,000 DNC emails to WikiLeaks through its director Gavin MacFadyen — with Seth Richbeing mysteriously murdered immediately thereafter, but whose death the FBI isn’t investigating — that Wikileaks responding to by its posting a reward for information about Seth Rich’s murder — but that shortly afterwards, resulted in Wikileaks director Gavin MacFadyen (who authorized the reward for Seth Richmurder information) mysteriously dying, too.
Therefore, this report explains, all normal investigative logic shows that the first person to be interviewed by Special Counsel Robert Muller — who, on 17 May 2017, was given an order to investigate “any links and/or coordination between Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump” — would be Julian Assange — who without his Wikileakspublishing these DNC emails there would never be anything at all to examine in the first place.
To this very day, though, this report details, Special Counsel Muller has neither sought any information from Wikileaks about these leaked DNC emails, nor has he even sought to interview Julian Assange — leading one to seriously wonder what it is exactly he’s actually investigating and presenting before the Grand Juryhe’s assembled, that one witness describes as resembling” a Black Lives Matter rally” — and that a just filed lawsuit by Trump’s former campaign convention manager, Paul Manafort, is seeking answers about, too.
To the true reason, however, neither Special Counsel Mueller, nor anyone in the US Congress, dares go anywhere near Julian Assange, this report explains, is due to their knowing of his being one of the CIA’s darkest, and most feared, hacking assests—and that began in the 1990’s after Assange had been arrested in Australia for hacking into the US Department of Defense — with his afterwards coming to the United States where he worked on sophisticated computer security programs for the US intelligence community at Oak Ridge National Laboratory — with hishelping to develop, at the time, a state-of-the-art computer surveillance tool for use by the US intelligence community — one that ended up being used by the National Security Agency (NSA) and CIA — and who, also, performed his technical work at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico, where the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) conducted computer surveillance work.
Also, this report continues, in 2007, the globally feared private nonprofit intelligence organization Cryptome (whose stunning leaks of MI6 and CIA operatives shocked the world) exposed Wikileaks for being the CIA front it actually has always been— and that led others to expose the dark CIA past of Julian Assange, too — and is why no Russian intelligence agency would ever give Wikileaks anything, or even associate with them — as the SVR has long known that both Julian Assange and Wikileaks are nothing more than “factions” within the US intelligence community whose loyalties change on almost a daily basis.
WikiLeaks is CIA part of project Pegasus so they are claiming after the above paragraph
Here’s Why the Book Julian Assange Was Holding When He Was Arrested is Vitally Important
Let’s just quickly revisit that Rothschild “connection”. When Interpol issued it’s Red Notice for the arrest of Julain Assange in 2010, he obtained legal representation from Mark Stephens, a prominent lawyer from Finers Stephens Innocent. Finers Stephens Innocent are apparently legal advisers to the Rothschild Waddesdon Trust, allegedly assisting the trust to avoid payment of taxes. Waddesdon Manor was owned by James de Rothschild until he bequethed it to theNational Trust in 1957. The property is administered by the Rothschild Waddesdon Trust which is overseen by Jacob Rothschild. Nevertheless, Julian fired Mark Stephens in June 2011, accusing the firm of overcharging, and hired a new legal team. Doesn’t sound like a very cozy partnership was formed between Assange and his Rothschild “connected” lawyer afterall. I cannot locate any Rothschild “connections” to his fellow Australians and long time legal representatives,Jennifer Robinson or Geoffrey Robertson, nor with the new head of his legal team – the controversial anti-establishment ex-judge from Spain, Baltasar Garzón Real.
18 Ways Julian Assange Changed The World
Assange won’t face charges over role in devastating CIA leak
[…] colors. I have to say that I do not yet know the Wikileaks man very well. See my earlier Gumshoe article “Julian Assange Is Good for America” — thanking him for outing the Gitmo […]