Home Trump Kamala “Significance of the Passage of Time”

Kamala “Significance of the Passage of Time”


(DM — scheduled a few days ago.)

by G5

She will be gone on 19 August 2024 as the head of the ticket. She actually believes she is a raconteur. Which is why she speaks in nonsense postured as profound. I doubt she finished high school.Β 

As with law degrees and the other arsewipe thrown about America, who cares. They fool themselves.Β No one in the real world believes Made in America. They rattle The Chinese Economy is collapsing and America is the greatest military. No idea.Β 

The Fed manufactures the digital numbers to absorb The US Treasury Bonds and Notes, that no one in the world wants. Even the rubbish dollar has to be blackmailed through transfers and tourism. Otherwise it doesn’t really exist.

America has to default to block The Fed, and halve the size of federal government to begin control of The USD. The nonsense of sanctioning and tariffing other countries over trade, is for the mental consumption of fools. All such action only damages The American Economy, already in free-fall, with uncontrollable foreign debt and inflation beyond its GDP control.

The true numbers for America are missing some zeros.

Like Trudeau and Macron; she hides, knowing she has no idea about anything. 

Carried through as the promise of becoming president in the second coming term; she can coast along coke guzzling and cavorting. 

And now for Kamala’s ad:



    • Sure, in America it is regularly done. Take a look at ‘Pocahontas’ Warren or the myriad of people that apply for jobs, admission to universities, etc. that are ‘black’. Not only is Affirmative Action your friend, but you may be able to get ‘reparations’.

      The same thing applies in Oz. I had a blond, blue-eyed client who listed himself as Aborigine/Torres Straight Islander. I asked him about it and he said his grandmother was aborigine. Then six months later (such fools are job security for a lawyer) I was again representing him. He then admitted to me while we were waiting to ‘get on’ that the grandmother story was bullshit, he just did it because the benefits were better.

  1. Another video about Harris by Judge Joe Brown – “she’s a piece of shit”, “I know hoes, she is an old hoe”


    The dementia of Joe Biden was but a metaphor for the United States, Harris is an illustration of its substance.

    • Seems, from what I have learned so far, that all ‘cleared’ judges and lawyers, will get to re-learn what common law and constitutional law is all about, before they can continue with their profession.

  2. This prediction for 19th August is interesting in terms of the party donations, Camel already picked up Joe’s campaign warchest and it was claimed by the parrot infested tree that is M$M, that Camel had received the donations direct, a world record, then in the excitement, Camel picked up another 20% or so from people who identify with her new blackness, et al. So now if they swap her out for, let’s say Tayla Swift, they get a whole lot more donations swung their way. Finally the real puppet gets the job, maybe Gavin Newsom, BLM goes berserk and the US goes into some type of state of emergency with Camel and Newsom running it, the great new Republic experiment is over, nearly made it to 250 years ( or did it ever exist, but that’s another story )

    • I think some people don’t realise that a place is turning into slum around them. It reminds them that they are privileged and they look past the squalor and homeless. That existed in south africa

  3. About 40 mins, I have decided I need a modern woke vehicle, all terrain – goes like a rocket.
    Cheap but worth every dollar, I have ordered the convertible. Delivery in 18 days.
    Situationupdate at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.

    • THE marker prior to the Stock Market crashing and the Banks becoming insolvent, is the removal of Biden – so get ready.

      • But consider Cassidy’s interview referred to below. One aspect is free energy. That will make a few windmills spin off into space, with the climate greenies hanging on into spaceπŸ€ͺπŸ‘»
        Energy stocks would COLLAPSE, that is why the controllers do not want it known, they will go broke before lunch.

        • I gave that a listen earlier. Not having his ‘thoughts’ patented and then be subject to U.S. Government controls or worse, and instead, put out in the public arena, was a very smart move on his part.

          William Tomkin was mentioned. If anyone wishes to comprehend how the ‘breakaway civilization’ first began to test their inventions, you could do no better than to look up, The Great Airship Mystery of 1897.

          Tomkin assisted in designing the space craft mentioned in Cassidy’s report based on shipbuilding – l always wondered how they got huge ships into space without the usual, for public consumption, means.

          Sheer genius!

          When Trump announced the founding of Space Force, all the usual suspects laughed. And I would wager, that those who did the ridiculing, didn’t bother themselves to even look, at where Trump was pointing.

    • Terry – get it from the horses mouth and watch the video I put up in the previous article – The Great Awakening Comes With the Storm.

  4. yes Terry and Terence John Wilson—has lived and knows his history and connects so many dots.

    He keeps the focus on Australia

    Ah trending for today– MM article relevant as always

    Don Redford comment spot on. I went and met him in Dalesford several years ago and we spoke for hours about London and a good friend of his who wrote Death of the Family. Big cults around Daylesford — well everywhere really.

  5. This for the abnormals only.
    Kerry Cassidy interview at BIN with informant Patrick. What is happening in America.
    All abnormals already have a fair idea about the secret space abilities disclosed up to a hundred years back in technology.
    Normies, there is a world that you cannot conceive because you are just couch potatos and will not look…. No matter, stay as you are. No need to know
    Some may be thinking if it is so, we would Know. Poor disddims, secrets are contained by applied wholesale COMPROMISE AND BLACKMAIL for the knowledge of the few.
    Awake now?

  6. “The American Psychiatry Association Owns the DSM”

    “The origins of the DSM date back to 1840– when the gov wanted to collect evidence data of mental illness”

    “Can the diagnosis in the DSM be covering up symptoms of those who are victims of MKULTRA”

    Sydney Gottlieb
    from 30 minutes –DSM Manuel created so MK not recognised


    Did Gottlieb disappear in Australia

  7. Do we need to dump the olympics and the US for an hour or so?
    Give Lt.Bosi (retired) a go at beforeitsnews.com on an update for Australia in his interview TODAY.
    Corporate lying fake Mass media, you lot better listen. That rope is there swinging in the breeze. See if you can face 27 mins where I am up to.
    I have even forgone sweet Mary for Bosi. I will get around to Mary later.

    • And for those who wish to know our origins as a species of Humanoid – please log onto, beforeitsnews.com and listen to what Linda Moulton Howe has to deliver about the UFO Whistleblower Files.

      Presented April, 2023, and very relevant to what everyone should know.

      A word of warning, if you are still beholden to the Bible as to your source of Truth, then don’t bother with what is presented by Howe.

    • MM, Joseph et.al., if you are bored with Bosi just check up on your Biden with the Rogan interlude at about 1.05 for a few.
      Now what say Joe and MM, who is your daddyπŸ™€πŸ’πŸŽ¬πŸŽͺπŸŽͺπŸŽͺ????πŸ€ͺ

      • I already listened to Bosi and Commo John for two hours today, dishing up the dirt on the unions and ALP, why anyone would vote for the ALP is beyond me, a pie and a can of drink every week is not much to let ALP trash the country and make themselves squillions, too bad the opposition is hardly any better

        • Did that take you about 1.5 hours as for me that I have just finished
          I think we are on different information planets.
          Are you citing today’s interview? May we see the Link to your singular topical reference.
          Others can go to BIN AND FIND THEIRS.
          Perhaps T.O. Can clarify any errors with the link to enable a full discussion on Bosi’s abilities.

          • Channel 17 – The Truth behind the narrative.

            Bosi knows his role in life and puts out all he has got – if anyone can find fault with his presentations, then I feel sorry for them.

            I nominate Bosi for our first military governor!

        • Joseph, I made the last comment as the kettle boiled, now that I am relaxing with the produce I have a funny feeling.
          In regard to the two hours you spent on a Bosi interview which fits your comment that takes in about 6 mins, that is of the subject interview. Then is THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOUR TWO HOUR TIME INVESTMENT?
          Hmmmm, I spent about 50 years listening to witnesses from the witness box… do you regard me as stupid?

          • Yes it was about CFMEU John Setka and so forth posted by commenter Schulze 6:56pm today

          • There is a heap more, you seem to have missed the ROGAN interlude demo showing that Biden is a fraud. Did you note it, considering our recent exchange in this and my question as to whether you have an opinion on Biden being Biden. Surely it goes to the heart of the whole charade of U S governance!
            Therefore is Trump the CC and the military have control? Therefore are their military hearings presently likely.?

          • I already said, the actual actor doesn’t matter, the role is what it is, it’s all fake news and the presenter can be anyone that fits

  8. Back to the assassination attempt, here’s a video that is starting to ask the questions that have popped up on Gumshoes. Apparently, from alleged evidence, a cop fired his weapon to distract Crooks (thus the ninth shot). Then some few seconds later there is another more muffled shot where the crowd goes ‘ohh’ as they see Crooks’ hair fly up.

    Apparently, the video of Crooks running across the rooftop is legit. So where did he come UP or OUT to get on the roof?

    Still waiting for that autopsy…

      • They are now releasing “bodycam video” from the Train murders, they are working hard to write the history but rumours abound and what the authorities don’t realise, after the Covid exercise, trust is totally gone, gone forever, will never come back.

    • 5 ft ladder seen on right of building behind Crooks just up from the cypress trees where the large ladder was also seen on the drone footage.Crooks would have accessed via this ladder and walked across the connecting section to the roof where he shot from.
      Perhaps the reason he was seen running from the left hand side of the roof back to his shooting position was a communication with someone in the window of the 2 storey building where the fatal shot was eventually fired.
      It would appear from the photo as has been discussed with Terry that the head shot was from behind.
      We won’t be holding our breath for the PM.

      • I note the location of the wound to the back of Crooks’ head. It is much lower than would be expected for a head shot. However, if the person that shot him from behind was using a suppressor on his rifle, then the scope would necessarily be positioned higher. Thus, a perfectly aimed shot through the scope to the back of Crooks head would have hit Crooks lower in the head.

  9. A bit of background -History- Military–maybe something hereβ€” is relevant to current discussion -situation– from my mind files indirect links to Ricardo Bosi and his travels


    This article is about the union of Egypt, Syria, and Libya. For the 1958-1961 union of Egypt and Syria, see United Arab Republic. For the 1974 union of Tunisia and Libya, see Arab Islamic Republic.

    The Middle East in 1958: Reimagining A Revolutionary Year
    Author: Jeffrey G. Karam | Dec. 21, 2020

    Haven’t watched –but could be of interest to some

    Riccardo Bosi Full Interview with Carnage House Productions

  10. I did not get to Mary today, just noted Byington whom Mary deals with usually the following days.
    For a change I am listening to SGAnon at BIN.
    β€œSGAnon file note 78 dated at bottom of headline: 30.7.24.
    Want a scare? – guess we have to wait for end of October? Unless it is this weekend in the USπŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸΏπŸΏπŸΏπŸΏπŸΏ
    Then note from 13 minutes …. Speculation: The week’s schedule of the collapse, – developing mayhemπŸ™€πŸ‘»πŸ‘»πŸ‘»
    I need to be put to sleep with earphones from about 20 mins. He works wonders.
    All fun, but no surprises!
    Gold: highest that I have ever noted; $A 3,744.94 . For the peasants, ag; 44.56.

      • House prices still roaring up in Perth, because the dollars are so worthless, also probably just too much to put up with winter in Melbourne unless you have money to go to Queensland and skiing. In Perth you have to go to Asia in winter instead of Queensland but here it’s starting to warm up already

  11. TO, I am in touch with someone that is following the Train assassination. Here’ the first video he sent me.

    I noticed various ‘stills’ in the video. Likely used to imprint ideas in the public’s mind. I asked if the still shot of the bearded fellow wearing sunglasses and a cap is in the actual police body cam. He’s checking. I note that the still shot is inconsistent with the earlier ‘confession tape’ (likely Deep Fake) where the Train is clean shaven. I’ll post my email reply to him next.

    • Here’s the email –

      The initial reports indicated that the Trains were wearing camouflage fatigues. After our correspondence about the pattern of the camouflage (as in the Police pattern), the narrative seems to have shifted to them being in camouflage ‘hides’. Of course, with the property being sealed off such ‘hides’ could have been later constructed.

      Victor’s evidence will be critical. He and Dare did not recognize the assailants or the ‘other car’. Did the ‘other car’ remain on the property after the ambush? Were the assailants in camouflage during the ambush? Wearing Police camouflage would protect the assailants from being accidentally fired upon by back-up police or SWAT.

      As an aside, at Port Arthur the extraction of the team in Seascape was done during the morning shift from the police dressed in black for the night operation with the police in camo fatigues on the morning shift. The camo is a UNIFORM to designate police.

      Good luck with all this, you are up against the system.

    • It’s a can of worms, Terry. We don’t have any substantive info of what really occurred on that property at the time, and find ourselves relying on the obviously corrupt Queensland Police and the controlled, MSM.

      But an exposed lie in that video from the so called ‘reporter’ is, and we are told, that the cops were there for a ‘missing person check’ or, what some other MSM reporters have stated, a ‘welfare check’, when the official reason for four police to be there comes from a male cop, as he states to the other police, that they were there to serve, “an arrest warrant, on this fella.”

      So, we are given the true reason for the four police to be there at that property, which was to serve an arrest warrant on a particular male whom they believed was residing at that property.

      That ‘arrest warrant’ would have the name of the person of interest (POI). I wonder if anyone has any further info on that, ‘arrest warrant’ which is another lead worth investigating.

      From my own experience, it seems to me that the officers clambering over the locked gate to the property, had no real concerns for their own safety, and were not expecting to be shot at. And for example – their lack of body armor, and their seeming lack of concern of possible danger ahead. That then begs the question – were they warned before attending that property, that the Trains who were known to be armed, could also be dangerous?

      If they were not warned – then why not? Station Occurrence Pad should have a notation that police were being sent into danger, and too, when calling off at the property on arrival, to police radio, any red flags about that property should have been given to the officer calling off.

      An alarm that goes off in my head, is, why were four police sent, when two police could have done the job?

      I think it very apparent, that four police officers were meant to be killed that day.

      Who organized the ‘arrest warrant’, and who signed off on it? I would like to question the officer and the magistrate.

      I’ve had a look over the still of POI, Train, as he leans over the female cop. It is difficult to ascertain if the person leaning over the cop is actually, Train, when compared to Train’s photo without the sunny’s and the hat – although the beard hair coloring is the same.

      And obviously, not wearing camo gear. And that hide, who really was expecting who, and when?

      Whose car was noted by the neighbor, and from his reaction, he did not appear to recognize it?

      Why was he shot? Would the POI really shoot someone with whom he was acquainted with as a neighbor?

      I know where it leads me to – but that is just guesswork at this time.

      • And I should have added – when the first two cops were downed, how come only one ‘Train’ emerged to check things out?

        Where were the other two? Maybe the Trains were already dead?

        • When I saw that video, I was reminded of the few videos that were released of Martin Bryant’s ‘interrogation’. Also the tip of where to get the ‘Police Eyes Only’ video and the few released audios of Bryant on the phone in Seascape. In each of those events there was crucial evidence that was being released by someone covertly.

          “that they were there to serve, β€œan arrest warrant, on this fella.”, I noticed that too right off, it was completely in opposition to what the voice over was saying. Further, as you noted the police were not wearing ballistic vests, but the narrator said that Train took the police woman’s vest and gun after killing her.

          The inclusion of Alan Dare’s audio comments completely opened it up. They hid the presence of Victor Lewis going with him for 2 weeks. I had to find out about the presence of another neighbor from a NZ newspaper. Then it was about another 2 weeks before I found out his name. However, the media only mentioned Dare and only Dare was given a medal.

          I suspect there are people in the police that know what happened and what is going on and that there will be more bits and pieces coming out.

          That was a significant episode in the cop’s life. Things would be ‘imprinted’ on his mind. It was telling that he said on several occasions that he ‘couldn’t recall’. I’d love to know the questions that he suddenly had a lapse of memory.

          If I get any more information I’ll keep people advised.

          • “Where were the other two? Maybe the Trains were already dead?” – Initial reports were the police were ‘triangulated’, that is, the assassins were in positions to be able to fire without hitting another assassin. So, likely (if the body cam is legit) the other two assassins were back to cover the one that went forward.

            The Trains could have been dead at that point. I’m hoping for a legitimate coroners report on the time of death and where they were hit and with what kind of projectile. I seem to remember that the alleged shoot out with the Trains occurred about 6 hours after the initial confrontation. However, the Trains could have been restrained for that period, so the autopsy report might have indications on the body of being restrained. Perhaps marks of handcuffs on wrists, etc.

          • The story that the land was sought after by some state infrastructure I forget what, and also that the cops “bought” it for a “memorial” is probably of most interest to me because it’s harder to cover up with deep fake videos etc

          • Yeah, with the place a ‘memorial’ I wonder if we would be able to visit the place and check out the alleged bullet holes from the siege. The initial reports indicated it was somehow ‘reinforced’ as a fortress. Perhaps we could take a look at the camouflaged ‘hides’. Better yet, maybe we could go there with Victor Lewis and have him give his comments. That would be a hoot! Do a walk around, “That’s new, never seen that before, nope the shots came from over there, etc.”

          • Hey TO, if you still have mates in the service, it might be interesting to see what the prevailing attitude is. Crikey, if they are up to speed on the rumors, then it should be clear to them that the police are expendable to the leadership and fellow members of their own service. – You’re more valuable dead than alive when it comes to pushing a bullshit narrative.

          • The cops are controlled by the Freemasons – all their bases are covered, even when it is obvious that what is being laid down as having occurred, is complete bullshit.

    • Camel identifies as black but the Indians or “south asians” as they are have to be called in the US, came through from some Germanic place, to north India around Punjab, Delhi etc and anyone can see their faces are not Asian even if their skin is a sort of ashen-brown colour, so Camel is really a type of Caucasian identifying as black.
      North Indian cooking is vastly different to south Indian and the south Indians are there by walking around the coast probably from as far as Somalia to judge by their skinnyness.

  12. Another interesting FF
    The Manchester concert bombing
    The Bizarre Trial of Richard D. Hall
    which links in with the recent alleged slaughter of Taylor Swift fans at Southport
    Will No One Think of the (Probably) Fake Children??
    Again,shades of Sandy Hook

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