Intro by DM
Drug “paradise” in Tenderloin — it is Kamala territory. The video demonstrates the shocking state of affairs of Fentanyl and other concoctions on the streets on San Francisco. Meanwhile, while American citizens are abandoned, millions of illegal aliens are housed in hotels, fed and have medical care. It’s obvious there is a “replacement” in process.
And Moscow — A video entitled, “Walk in MOST SANCTIONED COUNTRY in the WORLD!”
But to provide balance, Moscow is not all roses. This video HERE called “Horrible MOSCOW, Russia ghetto? Poverty? Homeless everywhere?” reminds me of the commission housing and the streets in my neibourhood — St Kilda, Melbourne.
Make up your own minds.
Putin resurrected the Russian church in time for it to die, the new generation has probably mostly given up on all that stuff. All you need is 40 years to install generational change.
More video
Maria Zeee with Olympics satanist ceremony highlights, perverts, climate change injections, Trump saying “… no people” etc etc Christian conservative stuff
I’m pushing 77 years old so I won’t be around much longer, so I get to see this whole ridiculous drama play out at the end of my life. Fork me, although I have seen so much stupidity in my life, so many self-serving parasites, so much ‘bad’ management, so much lying and deception, so much bad ‘science’, so much whatever, that you would think I could could laugh at it (and I do at times), however, I’m ‘out!’. Fuck all the morons that go along with this crap. They don’t deserve to live, let alone procreate.
I’m now an observer, I refuse to participate with stupidity. Leave me alone.
What I hear about the MED beds, they say you can go back 30 years max twice in a lifetime. Just think of the fun you could have if you were 47 again💁🤪🍿🍿🍿 .
Not sure if one will be able to go back on first go to 47, then the birthday after go back to 18 years. …. Then you could go to war again, survive and be a lawyer, then e Prime Minister.
Bah, you will just grow more potato’s🤷♂️🍷🥃🍺🤪
Then again, you could just be a monk.🙀🤷♂️ and study the bible under professor Berry.
I was reading a post by someone and they mentioned popcorn. Sounded like a good idea so I microwaved a bag of popcorn, I’m munching on it right now. Looking back, it was the most satisfying post I’ve read all day.
Hang around for the Med Beds mate, they’ll soon be here, and you can become the fittest, healthiest, and the meanest you would ever have thought you could be.
I’ve already had a pretty good run this time around. I don’t feel like starting it all over again.
Where ‘they’ were herding us all to has just about run its course. All we want to see now, is the total collapse of the Cabal and its deep state institutions.
I see they are already rioting in parts of Britain.
I remember an interview of George Carlin and he said something that has stuck with me, “I gave up on my species”. The more I thought about it, the more profound it sounded.
This is the most significant interview that I have recommended to our dear normies.
At beforeitsnews.com – people powered news. So much so that at 4& mins I put my cooking on hold to write this comment..
Bosi takes back stage but he is there – Australia one.
Where is the Labor party, the liberal jokes, the green huggers, babet, Pauline and co, the waddling teals et.al.
They are all frauds, dumb if not completely on board with known evil available to their simplest dumb staffers.
They have to pay
Why, at the most obvious level, because they do not tell us that Biden is a fraud. [YOU AWAKE JOE?]
WORST OF ALL, they have not taken note that …… and ….. carved off the face of a child and danced around having orgasims with their deeds.
I have read of this a decade ago and kept my counsel as no one would believe the reports and consequences.
WELL STUFF THAT, time to wake up, so go to about 45 mins and bloody well listen.
Then dear MM GO BACK TO THE START ANT DO A 5,000 word essay on the Logan act.
I would not make this comment unless Bosi is in the interview…. Listen to him.
Stuff all the other political pretenders, they are gutless as is their msm running hyenas.
Biden is for the kids, here is a serious documentary for you if you can handle it
This is not “watching a movie” this is the deepest expose you can find anywhere
Something special for Trump fans at 1:41
And who could forget this
Bloody hell Joe, I am starting to consider that your plodgers mate has a point.
I worked through all that historic mostly known stuff you linked.
Are you going to cover that or not?
If not do not waste my time on other issues.
Bloody simple issue!
From about 1.28 mins to the end .
How may you 6 year olds in a board game just at any time during the exercise spit their dummy and toss the board?
How many normies will not even play the game?
Charlie Ward was hanged at Gitmo this morning 8am local time.
Michael Baxter scheduled for hanging tomorrow.
Dear Joseph, very funny, you upending the board?
I have heard out many things on BIN but none of it anywhere near as riveting as the Brighteon link I supplied you above, points finger at Roche biggest pharma in Swissyland for murder of PCR test inventor, goes on to House of Savoy mafia and eventually ropes just about everyone in.
What ‘brighteon’ link where? What is the source of the alleged report?
I haven’t seen the Hillary video, but I’ve definitely heard from multiple sources about its existence. Apparently the NY cops that viewed it had some issues. Wouldn’t it be great if some hacker put it on MSM during prime time.
Co-star of Frazzledrip:
Congratulations are in order for Huma Abedin and Alex Soros. The couple has confirmed to Vogue exclusively that they are engaged. Soros proposed to Abedin at home in New York City in late May.
Soros jr. reportedly a very nasty piece of work
Hmmm. 🍿🤪Soros better be ready for her opening bite and what comes next.
Do a search, she was married to Weiner who allegedly (has the lap top ‘insurance’ file… from memory)
In the US can a spouse give evidence against a spouse?
Way back I saw a video allegedly of HIL’ and Uma spread out on a table tennis table after the fraying session.
There were subsequent reports that that about a dozen fbi viewed the video and some had to leave and be sick outside.
Further reports allege that about all fbi, other than 2-3 committed ‘suicide’.
If all this blows in due course a lot of normies might do likewise.
Follow up reports after some time came the account of H’s behaviour at the hearing., if it has legs one would not be surprised if it was hanged.
From memory, the scene of her collapsing into her transport after leaving some 911 memorial function is claimed to be the date of her arrest.
Thus it is claimed that there have been many younger ‘Hilary’s’ on the public scene….. thus my interest in ‘the Bidens’ also that some will not examine.
Clearly, the evidence of ‘many’ ‘replacements’ is FUNDAMENTAL’ in trying to assess what is going on THAT MANY NORMIES AND OTHERS AVOID.🙀💁👻
I suspect tha it is avoided because some:
Are to dumb to think.
Some just cannot conceive a likely reality or even,
Some at covering for the politicians ( the Uba party) in general OR
a particular group of politicians. ( such as the Pauline’s or other minor mobs)
Thus our politicians and their supporters can be measured.
There is an interesting back story that is a bit nebulous and we have to wait and see if John John turns up to gage some possible veracity in the account.
It relates to he collapse when looking into the vehicle referred to above.
We know that Hillary wanted to kill him so she could get his Senate seat.
Just imagine what she thought if he was sitting in the back seat that she was to share.
Thus the collapse and she was bundled in by the security all around her.
BTW Joe, I have seen the video🙀💁🤪from the time.
More from the globalist play book
“Ukraine may be timing Crimean bridge threats with US election – Moscow
Kiev wants to showcase “achievements” to attract more Western support, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said”
from Clif
Clif High
Ship of Monkeys
Cruising into the Fall…
Military set mid August-Iran General /Israel-40′
Moon connections-47′
Matt joins Del Bigtree on The Highwire to unpack the occult symbolism behind the perverse ritual that was the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremonies.
A deeper dive
Excellent last 7′.The path forward.Historic past failures of the oligarchy attempting global resets.
Worth remembering the AFL did a “homage to isis” boat parade before the Paris olympics boat parade, Melbourne cops a few symbols for example in this photo
An Emergency Public Service Announcement by Anton Chaitkin on WW3 and Reviving the Republic
Historian Anton Chaitkin outlines an important set of considerations regarding the Council on Foreign Relations’ efforts to spark WW3 and outlines the too-little understood anti-imperial traditions of the US republic that must be revived if a global cataclysm will be avoided.
If anyone cares about the Kamala, just scroll through the headlines on 3/8 at Mike Rivero’s NEWS SITE:
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com – new.
It is historically scandalous and devastating. Even her VP pick wanted to join the Israeli army, reports he denies now, which may make him an intelligence minefield for the US when his clearance status is raised. That may affect Australia’s interests, being a fifth of the five eyes!
Just recall Hilary’s private e-mail
‘pay to play’ service.
Plus a lot of other political and world worries that are ignored by; our Griffin pelicans, the ABC and lame globalist corporate mass media.
Something there for you to really chew on Joseph🙀💁🤪
G5 said Camel will be gone on the 19th so why should I care about Camel until at least the 20th but in the meantime I assume she will be gone.
So how did you like the video I recommended to you above, not sure you found it yet, this is not the daily trivia, this is real indictments, here it is again
I answered your reference to that video above in the comment.
You have ignored it and just obfuscated with a repeat.
That satisfies me after reading many of your exchanges with T. O. That he is correct. My opinion; you are BS.
BIG show over at beforeitsnews.com tonight – from Judy Byington, read aloud by the gorgeous, Mary.
Much info for those who wish to learn about the true nature of the Cabal, and its Deep states.
This world is changing for the betterment of all those who can accept a higher spiritual calling into the 5th Dimension.
There is a problem, most have no concept of a higher spiritual calling, let alone the spiritual domain. They are stuck.
Alternatively they are in the dark spiritual world and nothing can be done…. Just hear Mel Gibson, for example, on the Hollywood satanic devotees.
That is the real war… remember what Dr Zelenko described before he passed.
He was a genuine Jew who knew. Then add Archbishop Vigano and ex Jesuit Malachi Martin who has also passed.
I suppose I am a self hating anti-catholic and a presumed anti semite in one hit because I have an opinion. E.g the present Pope is a globalist heretic.🙀🙀🙀
If I can face that, then others can face their own conclusions of their own controllers.
I haven’t ignored anything of yours, and about once a week or fortnight I listen to some Tale of Lake Woebegone that you have recommended, not usually finding anything much to comment on I don’t. I also listened to the likes of x22 off and on during the contested election period until the SCOTUS failed in its duty, when I lost interest in daily events.
Now after years of er, somewhat dubious recommendations and frequent complaints from you, that nobody was listening to some of those radio shows, I gave you a good one, the question is, did you last more than 7 minutes ???
Here is my research, it looks like the documentary “Coronagate” has only been viewed a few thousand times since being made
Are you sure this is the one you watched, did you make it all the way, it starts to break the mold about 40:00
Ned, the problem you outline is not, in my opinion that is based on my own research, due to willful ignorance, but more to do with an influence outside of our wider comprehension, and that has been put in place deliberately as an exclusion, whenever folk cannot elevate their own spirituality above the third dimension.
A figure of around 4 to 6 percent of any population has been given as the numbers of folk who will never ascend into the higher frequencies of spiritual existence – and I hope I am not one of them – which is completely necessary, if individuals are to evolve into what we were put on this planet to evolve into – higher dimensional beings.
The coming ‘tests’ for the individual acceptance of what must be embraced, to further evolve one’s spiritual existence, will test all of us, especially those who have not been able to deal with what has already been exposed, and who have rejected the evidence available out of hand because their third dimensional existence blocks them from seeing what they must see.
Life in this world is largely lived via the choices we were given to choose from throughout our existence on this plane. Those of us who have been able to grasp the information put before us, and to use that information to further our knowledge, have been the one’s who were always prepared to accept the obvious, while always searching for higher enlightenment as to the purpose of that which we have accepted as being obvious. Some, simply look past that point and move onto something else while failing completely to learn from their experience of finding out why it is obvious.
Now for some real discussion.
Again I refer; readers, pelican Griffins and the msm to Mary’s situation update at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
Chose; the football, the Olympics, the ABC, SBS the globalist fake lying msm OR JUST CONSIDER MARY’s report.
There is much to consider, like the financial mess from about 20, fazledrip about 34 or Gillard about 59 plus more that I could not be bothered to AGAIN INFORM you of.
I am ready for anything and at least on guard, I do not give a stuff for those who will not make themselves aware.
Btw, Joe, you referred to Ward being arrested and hanged but provided no sauce. ( as in a exchange above)
Strangely he turns up toward the end of Mary’s report… in Bulgaria. ( I think his wife is from somewhere near there or there.)
Of course, the most annoying thing about so many videos is the absent of dates of many recordings generally.
I suppose if he has been hanged, then it is old…… just like all those who appear, but you will not opine that they are even real or not. But happy to record a report re Ward.💁🙀👻🍿🍿🍿🍿
For normies who will not consider what is happening, well, do not whimper if your world is turned upside down, you deserve to land on your head and be buggered if I could be bothered to care… it was your choice. The record is here at GS.
Ho ho ho, sauce
alcoholic drink.
“she’s been on the sauce for years”
“My name is Charlie Ward”
“Did you say Charlie Wart as in Fraught ?”
“No, Charlie Ward as in Fraud !!!”
If he is hanged for burrowing under the Vatican and stealing all their gold then carrying it halfway to Jerusalem via a tunnel, well no-one should be surprised.
As for Frazzledrip, we have all been treated to a high speed induction into Deep Fake, including on M$M, a potential purpose being to excuse anything emerging from Hunter’s laptop or other saucers, as being Deep Faked.
The story goes on, and on, and on.
The next Trump assassination attempt may well be desperately spectacular, how many attempts did Hitler survive, and that was 1930’s, more complicated now.
I wonder how many so called “normies” apart from those that have been “designated” as such in the commentary group actually follow GS?
“Vatican (and every other mob?) Suppression of Inner Earth Contact”
(Vatican decree to seal off all ‘alien’ facilities in about 1550)
Enter the ‘cultist’s world ‘ at rumormillnews.com on 4th August 2024 at the 01.23.45
Explains a lot for those who are prepared to get off their comfy couch. Note a source based in the Albury Wodonga area at the start.
Have fun; Joe, EB and MM🙀🙀🙀🙀
If it is real, I do not think it will be long before normies land on their heads.
Make your bets or just watch tv.
Well normies. What do you think of that🙀🤪
Of course those who cannot conceive how children are abused. Can skip from 20 mins or so.
After that those who think that the speed of light is all Mickey Mouse CAN PUT THEIR MIND IN GEAR AND ‘THINK’ of something
Faster. I have previously commented on that ability.
Sink holes are mundane now that we have leant a lot about inhabitants.
Oh, and do not forget project bluebeam, the scam coming up to disguise what is real.
Well Joseph, maybe Mary’s boyfriend commander thaw might exist🙀💁🤪🤪🤪🤪
MM lot of fun ahead🙀💁🤷♂️
Ow, how does Q do it?🍿🍿🍿🍿
They say the “Apocrypha” was deleted from the bible because it contained too much alien evidence. However they kept those guys who lived to 900 years. They said the reason for the deletion was to refocus the bible on Jesus-centric Christianity. “The sheep will inherit the earth” and other such comedic material, most likely pulled from some unlit orifice.
Commander Thaw claims to be from Venus, I have seen Venus many times at dawn or sunset and accept that it is much closer to the sun than this planet, so I would say Commander Thaw must be very well thawed out indeed
Molten in fact
Venus covered by thick clouds
Due to this atmosphere, a very strong greenhouse effect occurs, and the temperature on the surface of Venus is 460 degrees Celsius both during the day and night. This temperature is much higher than that of Mercury, which is closer to the Sun.
Bangladesh UK Canada Australia— there is a connection— Colonial rule -slavery- Mass military media mind control–
Joseph, I have noted your character watching your modus in the treatment of Terry O and I am not inclined to bother with you.
There is enough on record.
One last point re the Biden, (or the real Biden for some time) I am informed that he is on ice in a fridge and more, that I do not care to thaw you out with..
As I have said, Biden and others are installed to play a role, it matters little whether it is one or another playing the role, when the entire legislative and judicial systems are so broken, and the reason is the controllers, who are getting a free pass, because of the entertainment from the 3 ring circus that is Washington. The controllers as I have repeated, in the video I twice proffered to you above, centres perhaps on the House of Savoy. How much mention do these people get in the general debate ? Not much. Instead we get the circus clowns “hanged at Gitmo” on a regular basis, as if this would affect anything.
As for Plodgers constant insults, thankfully they have ceased. If people could generously supply good concise new information and limit the hectoring, the tone would lift accordingly. I am cheerfully in a minority of one and I am not the aggressor, but also I am not trying to win points with Jesus, I don’t feel the need to turn the other cheek and I also don’t feel a need to accept things just as I am directed to do. “Hanged at Gitmo” is a cliche around here, sorry you do not see the humour. The original author of the phrase describes it as “satire”.
“On ice in a refrigerator” is not satire.
T. O and Ned—-the record is stuck— so I share — some very recent trending threads– to get back on track so to speak–after all this is what Dee and Mary have been exposing for years—along with the amazing whistle blowers and commentators who have shared their lived knowledge/experience and research. Thank God for Trending Threads and the WWW.
Terrence you mention Judy Byington??– yes I met her in Oaklands California in 2016 when I met Wendy Hoffman so very on topic.
So I will download some of M M articles and pay tribute to the long term commentators
False Memories, Part 3: Wendy Hoffman’s Lecture
December 5, 2017
Wendy Hoffman to Mind-Control Survivors: You Can Reclaim Your Life
February 13, 2021 69
A Comment from Gumshoe Three Years Ago
Cherri Bonney of Perth added the following comment to an article about Wendy Hoffman, dated December 5, 2017:
“For the New World Order, governments must grab all young people to brainwash. Kids have to be robotlike and “do what they say.” But the biggest thing is Satanism, cults, and pedophilia. Basically, Satanism is the ruler of the world! a law unto themselves, easily hidden, but seemingly falling apart to a point.
“But once the high ranks are found out, their world CAN come tumbling down! We MUST speak out!! NOW and FASTER than before. Reveal the EVIL posthaste!”
crisscross767 February 13, 2021 at 11:04 am
I have not as yet listened to all of this so make of it what you will.
How America ends: Mass mental poisoning triggers tipping point of collapse
Today we examine the fall of America and how mass mental poisoning through 5G, heavy metals, herbicides, and toxic disinformation have pushed our nation past the tipping point of sustainability.
The America we all once knew is over. It will never be restored. Over half, the voters are mentally ill or cognitively damaged beyond the point of rationality, and there is no coming back from the collapse of reason.
We must all now prepare to survive the global culling of six billion people as the globalist depopulation plan unfolds in the years ahead. They will likely succeed.
The “survivors” of all this will be those who rejected vaccines and who practiced personal preparedness to the extreme. It’s time to build your ark. The flood is coming.
Listen to the full podcast here.
And there is more from the mind files
Wendy Hoffman’s Fantastic Invitation to Mind Control Handlers: You, Too, Can Go Free
March 7, 2024
In Her Own Words:
From the Trenches: A Victim and Therapist Talk about Mind Control and Ritual Abuse
Pieces of Self
“Integration – when the divisions of the mind self-erase and you get to know your abused selves – usually occurs in waves. After the one or two tidal waves when most of the pieces of the brain come together, you often find fail-safe measures. There is should-you-ever-integrate-programming. Mine was placed under layers of psychedelic plastic sheets. Here, my infamous mind controller sectioned off little pieces of my main role – that of being one of the Illuminati queens – and hid them “never to be found” under these toxic barricades.”
Hand signals
“By the time these babies are toddlers, perpetrators begin to attach assigned meanings to the movements. Over time, the children learn the specific hand sequence to sit, go, lie down, fall asleep, be quiet, run, leave, enter, drop the evidence, hide something in specific places, such as under the steps, deny, murder, shoot, kidnap, steal, poison, drop a pill in a drink, forget everything, or remember nothing.”
“A hand signal coupled with a visual cue or sound is sufficient for a trained, programmed assassin part of a person to perform a murder in public, and I believe this has happened.”
Shattered But Unbroken: Voices of Triumph and Testimony
On Writing A Scary Memoir and Using My Own Name…
“But if Alison Miller or I die in any way that could possibly be construed as suspicious, then a list of people’s true identities will be released. Twelve individuals who live around the world are in possession of this list and will make it public.” (pg. 19)
White Witch in a Black Robe: A True Story About Criminal Mind Control
Part I Streams of Consciousness
Act and Don’t Remember
“My memories included the trainings parts of my brain received to be queens, Illuminati heads, seers, prophets, psychics, sexual slaves, prostitutes, soldiers, porno actors, spies, thieves, memorizers, reporters, cult therapists, mules, ordinary people, and killers. I may be forgetting to list some of the functions of those who existed in tightly sealed communities and ghettos that resided within my squeezed brain.”
How they created thousands within one person, 1946
“He showed a series of slides of nodes of the brain. With his black pen, he carved out individual nodes and said, “This person lives here. This section of people goes here. This person doesn’t talk to that person. This group doesn’t know about that group. This section is movable. This section is stagnant (doesn’t move, stays frozen in). If someone comes up by mistake and has to be restrained, they go here.” His pointer would knock against the slide of the node of a brain, which he pretended was my brain. He presented each node or module of the brain as a separate person. He did not permit me or others to think of ourselves as one person. I had to be composed of thousands of sections of a brain, each belonging to a different person.”
“All people in sections have to be trained. All groups must obey training.”
The Enslaved Queen: A Memoir about Electricity and Mind Control
Chapter One
Mengele in America
“Also while in the lower levels of Montauk Point, Mengele said ‘I am taking out your womb and putting in a cow’s womb. I’ve done this hundreds, thousands of times in the camps. You will only give birth to animals from now on.’”
Learning and Unlearning, 1948
“Using a whip, Mrs. Twartski taught me how to be learning disabled in the special classroom underneath her apartment building. I had learning disabilities put in my brain before first grade was over.”
Chapter Two
Mengele’s Return, 1951
“Mengele had access to my foundational homicidal and suicidal programming. Earlier, he had worked up some homicidal programming while in Mrs. Twartski’s schoolroom in Pleasant Hills. Mrs. Twartski was not permitted in while Mengele showed us children a cage filled with parakeets, fluttering green and blue birds with busy beaks. Mengele wore his preferred devil suit. As he wielded his whip, we had to jump. If his whip hit us, he took us to the altar where a little bird was pinned down but still fighting for its freedom, its wings thumping. There was a difference between killing a human who was already dead or drugged into a lifeless state and killing a fighting bird. Mengele-he wanted to be called Menkel for this display-held our hands over the knife and stabbed the little bird. “If you tell your parents or anyone at all, all the birds will die and it will be your fault. All the birds will die.” He reinforced the don’t-tell program with his gold watch, which we had to follow with our eyes. “Never tell what we have together here,” Menkel said.
“We had to choose the weakest child in our group and kill that boy or girl. If we didn’t, they would; but they would do it slowly, first skinning the child alive, then in slow motion pushing a knife into the solar plexus but so slowly-it was more than death, it was slow-torture-murder. We saw that happen to a girl named Nancy and a boy named Richard. After that, we stabbed as fast as possible to spare them. Mengele’s hands always covered ours. Most of the children wanted to be chosen to die but a few of them wanted to live. The meanest children wanted to live. Our group had thirteen children, six girls and seven boys. If a child was killed, the parents got more money. A child who didn’t learn the programming fast enough would be chosen.”
“Dirty Therapy,” speaking at Survivorship Conference 2017.
“A cult plant therapist is also a victim of mind control and ritual abuse, and has been given the job – the odious job – of pretending to be a therapeutic helper, but is really blocking your memory process, and closing you down yet again. I will talk about my own experiences, as both a victim and a perpetrator, of this abuse…. We survivors desperately need outside help…. Our programmers know about this need, and will do all they can to make sure we do not receive the help we need so desperately, so they have flooded the therapeutic field with their own, meaning perpetrators.”
This is key— share this on as many platforms as possible —
It certainly applies to Australia– the great secret the great southland the master plan the blueprint
I also share
“This thesis is an examination of the professional identity of the psychiatrist Dr Eric Cunningham Dax. It places the life of Dax within the context of psychiatry in England in the 1930s and 1940s and then in Victoria in the 1950s and 1960s. It uses his life-narrative, as it exists through interviews and his unpublished autobiography, to scrutinise the ways Dax has constructed a version of his life which accentuates his own ambition and sense of himself as a persuasive leader. It also describes how Dax’s leadership is also clearly tied to the treatments practised by psychiatry in the 1940s. In the thesis, the concepts of ‘hero’ and ‘magician’ are used to explore the various layers of meaning of his career attributed by others to Dax. The changing forms of heroism and magic suggest that Dax’s identity needs to be understood as an amalgam of various historical moments for his profession which he acquired and adapted in his immediate circumstances. There are distinct ‘life narratives’ which can be identified in Dax’s autobiographical accounts. This thesis examines how these were produced and sustained during his professional life. In particular, his interest in collecting art of psychiatric patients, an interest which derived from his work at Netherne Hospital in the 1940s, offers a focus for the discussion of his changing sense of professional power in his older years. There are several implications of this thesis for history of psychiatry. It offers an example of how biography can be used to explore the construction of a professional identity; it provides a study of myth-making and the role of myth in the formulation of notions of ‘reform’, particularly with the transfer of care from institutions to community-based settings; and finally it also suggests how ‘modernisation’ as a mobilising concept within the history of psychiatry was communicated through the media and through networks between government and groups outside government.”
Dr Eric Cunningham Dax —— The work he did with/for Brigadier Rawlings Rees Tavistock Military Mind Control— Asylum to Community
Steve McMurray Research and Reports
Enough for today -Really and truly my last contribution for a while — just popped up my mind file –trending– and again the comments -I select Simon’s bless his soul–and thank you G5–connected
Simon January 15, 2020 at 12:02 am
“It’s my theme, I’m compelled to give it. We are all being played. Must be, just the stories get more convoluted.
How is it, that the world have pretty much the same gear, except for alleged breakthroughs. Convoluted stuff like glide missiles doing 7x the speed of sound, so fast that they can not be shot down. They must be made of diamonds.
How is it that North Korea can make nukes and possibly put them on a von Braun express and Iran can not. Why would Iran if had developed one then shoot a nuke at Israel when the reply would be 200 x back. You know the secret we all know of Israeli capabilities.
Did America win the war. Unusual win, to take so many of the enemy and give them a high place in your society. They could not have done better yet they “lost”, all their secrets known. Looks like war never has a winner, except for the “showmasters”.
Yes Dianne, most of us accept the material you have referred to.
Now what about now and tomorrow and what is to be done?
Some knew about 911 others still do not know plus all the other concocted events to kill millions.
Most will not conceive what you know.
At present even in Congressional hearings back a bit there wS a question to the fbi head to the effect how many children have gone missing……85,000 immigrants? No idea said the fbi.
Then there is the deagel report, the mass killing from injections!
Oh say some that is scare our lovely medical people and politicians are keeping us safe! Really!
Say some, who cares who is a pretend President, who cares that the inauguration was FAKED.
Really, we have to face what is on board now imminent and in many respects materially happening now.
What if Trump was murdered? It was a real event or was it a charade?
We have to react to a real attempt to take control of government. Why, for what purpose at this time?
It suggests that there are two opposing groups. If there is opposition, then why?
One of those purposes determines if we are dead tomorrow…… no committee or demo will change that.
To think otherwise is to be a Gazan.
Ok it must be obvious that we should be cognisant of every nuance Today.
Why was Biden an actor, was he hanged, if so why by whom and so on.
Basically we must keep our ‘ear to the ground’ ( no pun intended)
You want whistleblowers? How do to know if they are genuine or not etc.
Well work this one out:
“Air Port exposes secret CDC moves you must know”. For 12 minutes.
At that awful site beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
Ignore it go to our msm Telegraph and read a horoscope…. One can only trust everything in the msn.
For god’s sake if one told a copper that there may be a domestic problem should that be ignored and no welfare check be made?
We are aware of swatting when false reports are made to cause problems with an innocent household. Therefore ignore all reports🙀💁
If I have not made a point then that is not my problem it is the problem of those who should be alert but not alarmed.
At least spend 12 minutes listening to the airport report.
( not drafted, edited or proof read- I could not be bothered if others could not be bothered)
Thank you Diane, for your contribution in understanding what has indeed controlled this entire planet, and for a very long time, but has been deviously hidden from the masses, even today, and even with all the evidence now exposed, there are still the masses who just cannot, or will not, look beyond what the satanic programmers deliver to them, via the fake news and what was once the evil of Hollywood.
I know exactly why this war, this so far silent war, is all about the children and the systemic abuse of God’s children, involving horrific actions and rituals that is beyond the imagination of many, but who will soon be forced to see, what the unwilling to look must see, and how this world has been controlled, and for what purpose.
In a last ditch effort, everyone will be shown why and for what purpose, eight million children go missing every year.
I invite you to look over Trump’s Executive Order, 131818 to comprehend why such an order has been in existence since, December, 21, 2017, and has not been rescinded since then – in other words – it is still legally in effect, and being acted upon.
Soon, everyone will be given the opportunity to see what has been ongoing since that Executive Order was first put into action.
Some, unfortunately, will still refuse to believe it.
Will they listen, my bet is that no other commentators, except us have any knowledge of the Executive orders or any idea of the significance. They have not even taken heed of Derek Johnson.
Pray that T is as promised, on the job with honest powerful backup. If not, we are stuffed.
Most do not even realise that T is the COMMANDER IN CHIEF and gave no idea of why or how.
Is anyone taking any notice of the stock exchange reports this morning?
Gold is back up to about the $3770.oo level.
Shock jokes this morning are getting calls on high costs of some food items….got olive oil!!!?
“got olive oil!!!?” – Yeah, I’ve got a few extra bottles of olive oil. However, I also have four jars of coconut oil. I got used to the taste of food fried in coconut oil while I was in PNG. It tastes somewhat different, some people don’t like the taste, but it is more nutritious than olive oil, plus it lasts a long time sitting on the shelf. It does go really well in pastry as it adds a nice taste (cookies, pie crusts)
Now $A3,784.00!
We need a committee meeting to resolve who is responsible and file a court proceeding to obtain justice with danages.
Ned – some are saying, silver may even become more valuable than gold.
Terry – a taste, as an oil, I could never get used to – but it is good dessicated when rolled in chocolate covered sponge cake.
“Pray that T is as promised, on the job with honest powerful backup. If not, we are stuffed”
Lets hope so.His previous administration.
Rothschild Puppet Trump May Appoint President Of World’s Biggest Hedge Fund As Deputy Defense Secretary
December 16, 2016 by Infinite
Choosing those to be in the tent has to be considered against those outside the tent pissing in.
There is the old mafia mantra, keep you enemies close.
Some seemed to have not listened to Trump’s favourite aria? Played at his gatherings, get it from the film ‘ victory at dawn’ ? bugger I cannot recall it “fear the dawn,?
Anyway I have commented upon it back a week or so back… the final scenes of the film are the key to a cunning co-operative mind set. Have to go, transport required to a airport.
‘SUM OF ALL FEARS’ 2002 based in a Clancy thriller.
See the ending 5 mins or so and note the message.
This is what you were thinking of, Ned.- Nessuno dorme stanotte – no one sleeps tonight!
indeed…. I listened last night to a U tube channel with 25 of the great opera arias. Some (I am ignorant) were crap then came Pavarotti with Nessuno ….
I slept 2.5 hours later than normal🫠
‘ in the morning I will win’ .
One has to FEEL….. IT.🙏
Sorry to seem materially superstitious., presumptous and ignorant for those who might not appreciate.
There is an old encouragement for those in doubt or troubled.
A man with a troubled soul walking the beach with little hope met an unknown stranger.
They walked and talked and at the end of the beach sat together and the previously troubled man felt consoled and grateful for the counselling proffered by the stranger.
The man looked back upon the beach and commented: ‘we only have two footprints in the beach to here, very strange’
The stranger merely replied; “that was when I was carrying you”!
Bless you DD, and GS.
I’ve been thinking a lot about where we are headed, and its bad. However I will never take my eyes off the prize.(spoiler, its the children). It makes me sick to bear witness, but I do and I will.
Never think I have left the station, how could I with the station masters here.
* Diane
strength and much love to you Simon and GS fellow travellers
Great doco Joe.Well researched deep dive of the 3d spider web.Italian connection very interesting.All roads leading to Rome,Geneva/Switzerland and New York with Trumps connections.
2 hours well spent.
Interviewed-Iain Davis- Author-Pseudopandemic
Produced by Chris Hampton Wolf Clan Media April 2023
Yes they really push it all out.
Here’s a funny one with the hated Princess Ursula taking a beating (2 min)
Trying to laugh it off with support from other co opted members
Problems and solutions
I had a lovely crisp green lettuce , tomato and cumber (with cheese and boiled egg) salad yesterday. My greenhouse is producing very nice vegetables at this time of year. The wife loves radishes (I’m not a fan), but she said they were the best radishes she had ever had.
I make my own salad dressing and the very ‘traditional’ next door neighbor not only gobbled up the salad, he drank the salad dressing from the bowl. I gave him some of my Turkish bread to sop it up, but he just drank the dressing. – He probably buttered the bread for breakfast.
You can only try to advise people of what is coming, but beyond that – protect your self, nobody else will….
Strewth, they have been pushing this “RSV” virus now the Covid has fizzled out and in South Australia they are now talking about using monoclonal anitbodies ( snake antivenom ) which was banned for Covid !!! The snakes are everywhere.
90 year olds are dropping like flies from Legionnaires Disease ( “Legionella bacteria” as I recall ) but no injections seem to have been invented since this disease was first noted somewhere around the middle of last century, shortly after aircon became popular.
Why do we have to pay medicare so these “health” experts can perform like blind L-plate dodgem car drivers crashing into everything in sight, I’m sure our society was healthier before all this expensive “health” came along.
Nyla Nguyen.
Only for ’the abnormals’.
Never heard of her ….. presentations?
I listen occasionally when she turns up at that dreadful beforeit’snews.com
‘Olympic games …….’ Alternative take🤷♂️💰💰💰
She is the ‘Asian’ lovely lady in the promo’.
Chose the msm ‘horror-scopes’ or relax with some thoughts.
A few short subjects not understood by the 3Ds.
The Olympic Games ..real? Function.
G Maxwell.
IBUPROFEN! (Sp) You on it? 👻
Best are the studies on saline injections and conditioning. Causing belief systems and conscious reactions.
Dianne, the latter belief system might interest you?
Homie Hross has been doing some video analysis of Christchurch a couple of years ago but it showed up on Brighteon, banned everywhere else, since it features a lot of gun stuff I post it as some here are clearly interested in shootin’
For Ned
At the time of the communication, the spouses were in a valid marriage;
The communications were intended to convey information between spouses, and neither spouse has disclosed the communication to a third party; and
The communications were intended to be confidential.
The spousal communications privilege generally survives the end of a marriage, but communications made after the marriage ends are not protected. This privilege does not apply if the spouses are suing each other in a civil case or one of the spouses initiates a criminal proceeding against the other.
The spousal testimonial privilege precludes one spouse from testifying against the other spouse in criminal or related proceedings. Either spouse can invoke the privilege to prevent the testimony. This privilege does not survive the dissolution of the marital relationship. If the spouses are suing each other in a civil case, or if one of the spouses initiates a criminal proceeding against the other spousal, spousal testimonial privilege does not apply.
[Last updated in April of 2021 by the Wex Definitions Team]
For Ned (the Logan Act): 18 USC 983:
Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
Ta MM.
One has to be aware of potential trickery.
Now what about two men (or women) who ‘marry’.
Partners or spouses?🙀🙀💁🤪🤪🤪🤪🤷♂️
I could not be bothered examining it….. the relaxation of ‘retired’.
Btw, it is not uncommon for happy spouses to ‘divorce’ and launder likely risky assets to the other with the ‘sanction’ of the ‘divorce’ court.
And kids inheritances are more secure? Also Pay off grandchildren’s ‘school fees’ in advance!
Less risk then robbing a bank💁
What would happen to society without lawyers and accountants?
Make a note
19 October 2024
Alignment of the 4 gas giants
“If the Kiwis aren’t rioting in the streets of Auckland at this very moment, if this isn’t the straw that broke the camel’s back — either because the information space in New Zealand is so tightly controlled that they don’t know what their government is doing to them or because they are too psychologically/spiritually compromised to be bothered to do anything about it — all hope of a popular resistance may be lost”
They won’t riot. I was interested in immigrating to NZ and visited twice in 1979 and 1980. Loved the country and the people, but there was something seriously wrong with the way the population had such a ridiculous deference to authority. The pathetic bureaucrats made it even worse.
I’m not alone in noticing that aspect of NZ society, I’ve seen multiple posts by others that comment on their ability to imitate the flocks of sheep that dot the countryside.
When I tried to get the attention of several ‘gun clubs’ after the Christchurch massacre. Crikey, they nearly shit themselves trying to block me before their idiot government sent them to prison. Scared was too light a word, they were TERRIFIED of discussing anything about that massacre. – Nope, Kiwis aren’t the kind of society that would resist tyranny.
Search Māoris, AWOL redcoat soldiers and convict riff raf sent to Van Diemans (Tasmania) land from 1&41.
Thus NZ had less recalcitrants than Australia, thus more pussies in NZ🙀💁🤷♂️?
Thus more two headed Tasmanians.💁🤪
And we had the Eureka Stockade in Dan Land.
Makes all the difference now!
And Albanese maintained the basic policy to satisfy Ahern.
Link from
On 4/8 at 14.01 timeline.
Read the questioning of Rowe transcript.
SET UP💁💁 💁
Where’s our ABC, fake MSM and ‘gagged’ politicians?
Do OUR political paid lazy staffers not research and inform our representatives?
As if the news outlets like WRH, as above are asleep!
Why do we pay them? What is their function? If they cannot do their jobs then our representatives should sack them and employ someone who will do the job for us.
More from David DuByne and Jeffrey Nyquist
Come on consider the discussion with Mike King. I have noted Mr King at beforeitsnews.com and he is a real Bogan sit on the fence cynic.
However he knows a few Facts that even some bogans have not apparently grasped in the real scenario underway.
So forget our gold explorations for a while and listen and THINK….. psychology!
It is all jolly fun, even Fasca comes up again early at the shooting gun fight.
“Mike Kung: patriot underground WW111 45 update operation stock market crash’.
It is not for concreted normies.
Be grateful, I could have suggested Derek Johnson today at bIN, if you have three hours to spare, save your patience a bit and start at about 11 mins….. Sandra, MM and Diane et al. (ladies) he opines that you will fall in love with him. I gave up after that and went to King. I have heard him in all if the continuity of government information, that I presume he would get to, — for those who have been ignorant..
I wrote out a ‘last opportunity’ email to all (I have five) of my children to grab what they can from their financial institutions, and at procure at least a month’s worth of provisions, if they have not done already, including poo paper, for what should be now obvious to most, which is about to hit the fan.
On my own estimation, we probably have no more than a week or possibly two, before the entire financial and media system, including the lying media, implodes, or is deliberately shut down.
To, Ned and those who are able to see what is coming – Nessuno dorme stanotte, or in English – No one sleeps tonight!
Most grateful for the link that ALL should listen to. It is so short but culminates many signs and years OF HOPE to this time.
If you are in Sydney, a long lunch is our reward. …. Dee has my phone number.
Terry S, a few nips of your 80% with your company would help to enthral the conversation.
However, ‘Have time, can travel’.
I shall sleep again tonight.🫠
Thank you, Ned. A long lunch would be my pleasure to attend. I have sent off an email to Dee for your phone number – any particular time you would prefer me to call you?
9 am – 9pm
Have advised Dee by message accordingly.
Thanks, Ned.
Presently Dee is on bike, ‘have tent will travel’. Said the man’s card- Paladin?
Seeing that the alleged ‘hem raiser’ is the topic.
2.42.50 on 6/8 at rumormillnews.com
Retired judge ‘does Kamala’.
Autopsy? What autopsy? – Just as we suspected the autopsy of Crooks goes missing.
There was only one picture of Crooks’ face that we know of. It is clear from that picture that Crooks bled out face down as the dried blood flows were down and across his face. I would expect that who ever took that photo must have also taken other photos, especially before Crooks was rolled over for the photo we’ve seen. Perhaps the reason for the release of that photo was so that the ‘exit’ wound would not be seen.
Crooks’ photo link now a no go.
Will try a screen shot.
I recall another photo taken showing more of the left side of his face and the apparent exit site.
“the apparent exit site.” – I think I’ve already seen the ‘exit site’, you know, the one where one of his teeth are blown OUTWARD and still protruding from his mouth.
If there ever is an autopsy report that becomes available, I would be surprised if it wasn’t total bullshit.
At some point the amount of cover-up going on must ring a bell with the stupid people, but then again I’m reminded of Einstein’s comment – “There are only two things that are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity, and I’m not so sure about the second.”
Terry, I think that should be “…..and I’m not so sure about the former”
Correction accepted, I should have looked up the quote.
Got food? Here on GS we have been discussing food availability for around 6 years. During that time someone could have planted various trees, bushes and vines that would now be producing food. Further, it takes a while to bring the soil up to level that a vast array of nutrients and the pH level make the soil very fertile for growing nutrient rich and strong, disease resistant crops can be grown. – Unfortunately, most people are REACTIVE and not PROACTIVE. Time is your friend, until it isn’t.
13;44 Election script has already been written-Harris win failing an equities crash.
Biden gone before election with Harris running as President.
Journey to the centre of the earth
What Life On Earth Will Be Like When Its Magnetic Shield Weakens | Naked Science
Net Isotopic Signature of Atmospheric CO2 Sources and Sinks: No Change since the Little Ice Age
Submission received: 19 December 2023 / Revised: 23 February 2024 / Accepted: 29 February 2024 / Published: 14 March 2024
For those who are still not convinced that Washington DC is now a fenced off and segregated from the rest of the United States, foreign city – then, Mary over at WTPN situation update – beforeitsnews.com -has some hard to dispute information, with pics and videos, for you to consider.
And don’t miss the happy snap of Nancy Pelosi – deceased.
Bill Gates, or his clone, strapped to a lethal injection bed.