Introduction by DM
A couple of topics today.
Is This Land Theft?
I was sent the video below: it’s about digitizing land titles — with a difference. Graeme Bell called up and got a public servant to check any difference between his paper land title and the digital one on government files. There’s a difference. The digital record matches the hard copy (which are no longer lawful) but with one exception. The names and numbers match, but it excludes the paragraph about excludes the “fee simple” — thus leaving the persons named as joint tenants. It appears they are (you are) only tenants of the land. Once he has a copy of the transfer document he’ll update me.
As a real-estate agent said to Graeme, the government is not just tiding up the document — “there is no reason to take this clause out.”
Nicola Charles being interviewed:
Forbidden Topics Now on TV
RFK Jr can now speak about the unspeakable on mainstream media: Poisonous foods.
Wikipedia and how Google manipulate the Written Landscape:
The Last Gasp of the US Dollar.
Dee – spend an hour with Mary over at WTPN Situation Update, beforeitsnews.com and let her voice wash over you with what is now occurring and what has been occurring worldwide – I guarantee you some peace of mind.
Those who still co-operate within the Cabal of a belligerent government system are soon to be swept up for their criminality.
As for WPTN, I refer you to the current episode, Sept, 2, 2024.
I’ve listened to a lot of Mary’s Situation Update. It provides temporary reprieve. But I’ve been waiting for the “broadcast” for 3 – 4 years. Waiting for evidence on tunnels and 100,000s of children (just one pic will do). I pray that the “sweeping up” to unfold. Eagerly. But not holding my breath.
After selling every public asset off and wasting the money, the LibLab government has turned to bipartisan borrowing, $200 billion a year is now de rigeur added onto the $1 trillion current national debt. At some point houses and land which are owned outright will be stolen by the government, Victoria leads the way, where prices are now falling due to the massive increases in expenses for owning property.
NOT BY COINCIDENCE Victoria also leads the way in state debt, by a huge margin.
If you fall behind on your massive ripoff property taxes, charges, levies, rates etc your asset will be taken. The only new thing about this is the massive leverage of charges against property.
Terry 0,
On many occasions Mary at SU has been logged in comments at GS news.
It is up to individuals to make their own beds and consider all matters that may concern them and their family futures.
Just the samples logged in Dee’s article are matters for deep thought and consideration WAY ABOVE THE MSM FAKE CONDITIONING.
If the public dupes do not want to see, then that is their cross to bear…… if these matters come to fruition.
A TYPICAL MATTER AT TODAY’s SU is the reference to Clinton (and Trump?) conceding to the introduction of JEWS NOAHIDE LAWS AND PRACTICES. I recall an Oval Office photograph of T surrounded by some Rabis? Conceding the principles.
Just a fleeting reference to some implications is from 30 min at SU update today. From memory it is worse, those who accept Christ must be beheaded.
I am sure some of our usuals might wish to PLEASE EXPLAIN.
There are many other topics to consider.
Terry, you can lead a caravan of ‘’kamals’ to a oasis but you cannot make them think
Ned – the NOAHIDE law would have been enforced under Hilary’s presidency – that’s why 30,000 Guillotines are now rusting away in various FEMA camps along with millions of two body per plastic coffins.
I must have missed that part while attending to dog – I have looked up the original basis of NOAHIDE law, but there is no mention of Christ at all.
1991 – that law was enacted by Congress. WOW! But who inserted the acceptance of Christ as being worthy of losing one’s head?
I am only too aware of the old adage about leading horses (kamals)- in most cases when attempting to alert those who pretend to listen until their eyes glaze over – its also like flogging a dead horse. 🙂
I only alerted Dee to today’s Mary because I felt Mary has put out toward the end of her show what could settle one’s nerves.
Terry O,
There was a chap who once was recorded as observing:
So many these days have no f’n idea what they are doing.
Sorry MM for a bit of common day vernacular but I do not have a whip, it is probably illegal anyway.
Actually, words (in context) now can get one a custodial sentence…. In the UK for example.
The Albanese government are working on it via the Government Minister for Communications and BS propaganda as recommended by that Obama appointment for government lies, anti conspiracy theories and propaganda, professor OF LAW, Cass Sunstein justifying in his co-authored paper in about 2010.
I have referred to that appointment in old comments, but no one here expressed a shit.
Terry O.
There are so many who have no idea as to the available information path, it seems, that we have been following and connecting the evidence.
We are the victims of our past professions … who would want to miss it!?
Not I.
The cranium lopping is definitely coming :
“I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”
Revelations 20:4
The more of it happens when Anti Christ rules the world and the prophetic assures me the Lord will not permit this to happen until the appointed time .
So I do hang on to the hope that the bad guys have to be taken out of the way so the Gospel can be spread across the world unhindered in a final last call before the world that rejects Christ will get their wish and have life on earth without Him .
There does appear to be some kind of a divine judgement spreading across the world today .
John 3:3
Infectious Disease News or…Groupthink Runs Amok.
The government’s crazy policies are fast-tracked.
Robert W Malone MD, MS
In the news, the European Vaccination Card will begin to be rolled out this month in Latvia, Greece, Belgium, Germany and Portugal. This roll-out will pilot the new tools to ensure vaccination compliance
What is the EUVABECO project?
Hard to imagine the Greeks will put up with this type of shit
But, the signs are that our dimwits will.
After all, the ABC, SBS, Globalist msm genocidal fascists and their shock jokes will tell us what to do.
It is about digitizing land titles”the thing here”. Why, so it fits on the blockchain.Whats that, its a contract of faith, thats the thing here”terms and conditions”. That you never did fully read or decode. Me either, because a knowing of contract and concluding a one way street pyramid scheme, “hell” of a choice. Your reasoning your own.
Nicola is great but I could only do 7 odd minutes and if from SA…
Thing is all anyone never had, was a land ownership title. I have a “contract” on paper that I liberated from a “fire safe” when I was a believer.
Turns out its a Torrens title “only”, an Australian first, new world subscription. Once you drill/decode into the terms and conditions, it also seems like a liability.
Well you are always there at the pleasure of the King and his army but now your ownership is more fictitious and as far as my experience your documentation has a legal use-by date of 6 months after which you need to pay again and await a new one so you are no longer the custodian of your land title in any sense
The mortgage ‘contract’ states that the ‘owner’ is really just the Tenant.
No one really owns their house under the old Central Banking system, even if they have the Deeds – however – we are now coming under the new QFS financial system, so, the ‘Tenant’ will disappear, and the rightful owner – who paid for the house with blood sweat and tears – will be acknowledged.
Nicola Charles
The White Rabbit Podcast 🐇
Senate Candidate for The Great Australian Party & Host of The White Rabbit Podcast
Some interesting tweets
Well Mary, on que as usual, not interested in the last article?
what about the Noahide laws introduced by the Rabis exposed in a comment yesterday.
Nothing like a Quigly distraction of Michael Baxter style from the ‘dispicable’ ’ Raw News site.
Oops, this was meant to be a comment to MM contribution in the next article to have the distracted ferrets scrambling down old rabbit burrrows.