Introduction by Dee McLachlan: A letter from the esteemed researcher Elias Davidsson about the new medical regime creating a new global Apartheid. Those, like myself, who were brought up in South Africa are aware of the cruelty that existed under that regime. Logic escapes those who advocate for this class-duality agenda today. Elias’s Open Letter is then followed by a discussion with attorney Thomas Renz.
The Revival of Apartheid
Open Letter to the State Government of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
I am honored to send you herewith a proposal to avoid the unconstitutional discrimination of citizens, as threatened recently by the Chancellor’s Office Minister Helge Braun.
If unvaccinated people are excluded from many services (restaurants, concerts, theaters, sporting events, trains, etc.) violence is likely to erupt, as many citizens would not accept being excluded from normal life. To avoid this unconstitutional discrimination, the following is recommended here:
In all restaurants and major cafes, a room or a section should be reserved for the unvaccinated. Similarly, on trains, some compartments should be reserved for the unvaccinated. In theaters and concert halls, for example, certain rows could remain reserved for the unvaccinated.
This method was used with great success in South Africa to separate blacks from whites. In the USA, too, this separation was successfully enforced until a certain Martin Luther King shattered this peaceful coexistence.
As a Jewish resident of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, I would look forward to a critical evaluation of this proposal by the state government.
Elias Davidsson
August 4, 2021
And now for the second item:
Tidal Wave of Law Suits
A second whistleblower is coming forward that says the 45,000 deaths is a low estimate. The legal obligation to provide informed consent has been violated. In the video below Attorney Thomas Renz is interviewed by Mike Adams of Natural News.
Situation Update, August 5th, 2021 – YOUR KIND aren’t welcome here: Unvaccinated people now treated WORSE than blacks in the Jim Crow era
4:45 minutes:“centuries of slavery – generations of Jim Crow – did not destroy the black family, but one generation of the welfare State did”
Better to weather a few inconveniences than to wind up on the receiving end of benefits and handouts.
Critical to wake up to the fact that if the State has the power to stop you going here or there any sort of exemption ticket is a hand-out
Thomas Sowell is one of the few intellectuals I want to listen to what he has to say. Other ‘black’ intellectuals I like are Neil Tyson and Sonny Sotomyer (sp).
Mr. Crawford, be consistent, better ban your most ethical staff from any reference to Mr Renze’s exposure in this interview ……… you know all lawyers are liars are they not?
So here is a headline to direct your staff to run.
“Crooked lawyer lies about claimed number of injected persons being killed due to adverse affects”.
There you go, can I have a job at the Donkey Mail?
Will work for a hamburger and coke per day….. I am worth it.
For curious visitors; to meet with Mr Crawford and get the context, see preceding article here at GS and comments.
We are told you can become infected with this alleged virus without even knowing you are infected. We are also told, you can recover from the infection without even knowing you had been infected. We are also told, that once having been infected and recovered, your body builds your immunity to further infection, and you are safe from further infection. Given all this, I need to understand, WHY then is it neccessary to partake of this so called VACCINATION, if your body has already developed immunity ???? WHY, are such people being COHERCED into being vaccinated, when they are already immune ? And that immunity is 100% better than anything any vaccination can provide. Why is there no consideration given at all, for such people ???
The answer is in the Adams-Renze interview in the article above for those who have not listened to all of it.
Surely you would agree Mr Crawford….. as you bloody well know?
Put it on your zoom conferences to redeem some humanity to the ‘Daily Mole’ and for your staff to find some integrity and GUTS.
A virus so virulent that they need to stick a probe up into the far depths of your nose to get a sample to try to determine if you have this deadly virus. The virus is just too smart to get caught in a saliva test, or something.
Just noting a lttle legal dilemma for Republicans here. We “R’s” are strong on a business’s right to hire whom he wants and fire whom he wants, and accept or reject customers as he wants. (Doesn’t like your blue eyes? Stiff biccies.)
Some restaurants in Boston won’t serve, or even admit through the door, the unvaccinated. That is legal.
But I hear you say, they couldn’t do that to blacks, gays, or oddly-dressed religious folk. True, but that is because there is specific legislation to protect such people from discrimination. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 took care of race or religion as non-no’s for discrimination. The Fourteenth Amendment (cica 1868) made it illegal for a state to pass laws “which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of the citizens of the United States… [or] deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, [or] deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” (This was to negate Jim Crow laws in the US South.)
Going into a restaurant is not included. Hence if the unvaxinated want to be assured of the right to eat at the Ritz, the Dairy Queen, or whatever, they will need to push their reps to enact a law. Correct me if I’m wrong, O Barristers.
Maybe Aussies could point to their nation being signatories of the ICCPR.
So what about “no shirt-no service” establishments?
So-called integration was naught but an attempt to turn the population into an amorphous, and therefore more controllable, blob
a political manoeuvre that had diddley to do with compelling niggers to sit at the back of the bus
Cheers Elias
Best approach to the entire covid fiasco yet.
Easy to overlook the fact that it’s actually served as a reasonably accurate demarcation of who can and cannot be trusted
And who really wants to rub shoulders with the latter?
Surviving anything in this world is a matter of taking hold of the fact that any situation can be turned on it’s head
Why is there so much INJUSTICE and CORRUPTION and outright EVIL around this world?
IMO, it’s for many of the same reasons — among them the largest reasons are the seeking of MORE POWER and the seeking of MORE PROFIT (which equates to MORE POWER).
Pure and simple.
So why are people BEING COERCED to get the (probably never-ending) “JABS” and to DESPISE AND TO FEAR the very EXISTENCE of those persons who DON’T accept the coerced narrative?
Self-evident to me.
Consider the SHORT-TERM projection. Then consider the LONG-TERM projection.
Consider the lessons of HISTORY.
Consider too that those who are pushing this oppressive goal through to completion are ALSO applying the lessons of history to THEIR advantage.
And think NOW — and think FUTURE.
What do you see?
****HUGE BREAKING NEWS****MEDIA BLACKOUT OF LAWSUIT SUCCESS in Alberta Canada resulted in lifting of all covid measures forthwith***** CAN BE COPIED EVERYWHERE*****
In his NoMoreFake News blog today, Jon Rappoport says Pfizer admits to a shedding problem in which the vaccinated person sheds to the unvaxxed pregnant lady: Jon writes: Here is the next piece of the Pfizer document. It’s crucial:
“An EDP [exposure to the vaccine during pregnancy] occurs if a male participant who is receiving or has discontinued study intervention exposes a female partner prior to or around the time of conception.”
This is a dangerous situation, too. A man who did get the shot then gets physically close to his female partner, who didn’t get the shot. This doesn’t necessarily mean sex. It means close physical contact. But the warning is obviously all about danger to the woman who is going to conceive a child or has just conceived, and the warning is also about a danger to that child. Some kind of severe injury. Or a miscarriage. Again, the document is obviously referring to the transfer of vaccine components from a vaccinated to unvaccinated person.
And then, in the Pfizer document, we find an example of this dangerous, immediately reportable situation: “A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact….”
I am a bit lost on this last paragraph, is Pfzzzr claiming an “immaculate conception” or how should I read it
Here is an amazing piece on the growing trend in vax mandates by employers. In it Arthur Caplan, once a champion for ethics has tossed ethics into the bin:
Write a letter to your employer that you refuse the vaccine and that if they force you to get it, then you hold them liable for any damages suffered by you (and maybe your family too) as a result.
So watching the last bits of Q&A on the ABC on thursday:
One member of the panel stated that those children who contract covid can suffer IQ drops of between 1-7 IQ points.
As this may mean the difference between being a janitor and being a lawyer then this is indeed a very serious matter.
This would mean that it is imperative that we do not allow anyone with covid into our country under any circumstances.
This has been a successful strategy by which we have kept covid out of our country.
If we had closed our borders as soon as hearing about covid19 in january 2020 we probably would have not suffered any outbreaks in Australia at all.
Alas, it was mid-March before our politicians decided to do just that.
Victoria suffered a prolonged outbreak, thanks to the Victorian Govt allowing BLM protests to proceed in June/July of 2020. Amazingly Sydney did not suffer like Victorias did.
All outbreaks of Covid 19 occurred due to the various state governments still importing covid cases under the guise of repatriating australian citizens back home.
Governments acted in an idealistic manner when they thought that they could repatriate possibly infected australian citizens that were caught out overseas when the pandemic hit.
When an outbreak has occurred, states have ‘locked down’ their citizens, thus socializing the costs of government failures. Nevermind that quarantine centres are usually placed in the largest population centres of any given state. The reason being that should any patient suffer a sudden downturn, they need to be close to facilities that may help.
They have been placed there because successive governments have run down remote facilities over the decades.
Now we are at the stage where our government says that nothing is working so we just have to live with it, as part of the 4 stage plan to re-open Australia.
Well, thanks, but no thanks. Though some may say that Covid doesn’t exist, I’m not taking chances after hearing things about ‘long covid’ etc. And certainly not after all the bullshit the government pushed us through last year.
Australia has proven we CAN get rid of covid, if we catch it soon enough. We did. But the government kept on importing cases into quarantine, and outbreaks have followed as a result. This doesn’t give me any confidence of our Bio warfare labs being safe, infact, in light of the covid scare, I think all bio warfare labs should be dismantled, posthaste. They have not earned any confidence.
When we consider how our government is strap-happy to drop lockdowns on us for just even a singular case (even if this has never happened, you know they would) the idea that (y)our government would even bring potential cases into quarantine is absolutely reprehensible, especially given the possibility it might reduce your IQ as detailed above.
The government should start learning to appreciate its citizens, in that they try to do the right thing (and they have, to the detriment of common sense) instead of treating them like cattle (sorry, convicts).
This situation is made even worse by the government doubling down on bad policy instead of admitting that they were wrong. Never seen is policy initially enacted stopped due to it being the wrong thing to do.
This is perhaps our biggest problem, that governments will never admit they are wrong, but will instead double down on bad policy regardless of what the facts really say. Like they always do.
The forces of globalisation have had their way too long. The ‘naysayers’ were ignored for far too long, and now we have come to the point where we may need to accept that international travel is dead.
Thus, it is obvious that the only way forward is to stop the importation of potential covid cases. If this means aussies cannot be repatriated, then so be it. I am not interested in going into lockdown, or the costs associated with it. Tell me why I should go into lockdown just so you can go overseas. 25 million people must suffer for a few thousand? it would be cheaper to fund accomodation for these tourists for the rest of their lives, if need be, than for millions of people to go into lockdown simply because our government doesn’t want to consider evidence that runs against their preferred agenda.
As far as I am concerned, the government has proven itself negligent. If it were a partner, I would be seeking divorce, like I would from an abusive partner, because this is exactly how our government has behaved.
Do you think after all your lying, censorship, coverups, use of inappropriate testing, fear campaigns, ignorance of alternatives, that I want to listen to the thoroughly corrupt political class and get injected with your non-FDA approved ‘experimental’ quaxxines? especially when vaccines normally need at least five years of testing before they could be declared as safe?
And I haven’t even touched upon how the government only cares about the letter of the law way above any compassion for anyone who suffers needlessly at the hands laws badly enacted.
But at least Malcolm Roberts seems to have a brain:
Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts Delivers Epic Speech on Freedom (5m)
Ned also spotted this,
For $1/Day’… Double-Blind Ivermectin Study Reveals COVID Patients Recover More Quickly, Are Less Infectious
A double-blind Israeli study has concluded that Ivermectin, an inexpensive anti-parasitic widely used since 1981, reduces both the duration and infectiousness of Covid-19, according to the Jerusalem Post.
One of the hallmarks of msm reportage is the way in which the truth is distorted via repetitive misuse of certain words, “quarantine” being a classic example.
With the possible exception of Nth Korea there’s not a single government on earth that has the will or capacity to implement any such thing. Curtailing fundamental citizenry freedoms once a contagion is at large is NOT quarantine – as evidenced by the fact that such measures have caused more damage to national health and welfare than any actual pandemic could possibly have done
This has always been about the crown virus with kabal and komunist variations, now injecting mark of the beast. Top ten oligarchs net worth around 2 trillion bucks, it’s not about the money at this stage.
Actually the vaccine is a mere foreshadow of “the mark of the beast”referenced in Revelation as elucidated by Dalton Thomas from around 4 minutes below:
Two of the most obvious giveaways that the vaccine is NOT the mark of the beast are;
1) There’s no charismatic religious leader anywhere in sight
2) As espoused by Thomas Renz at the onset of the above interview, it is, in fact, all about the money
You don’t have to look very far to see that the respective interplay between government and big business has permeated every other facet of existence – bailiff services, telecommunications, child protection to name just a few. The GROUNDWORK has thereby been laid for a major MAN-MADE cleanup headed by ONE WHO POSES IN CHRIST’S STEAD
Medical insanity, as described by an MD
By: Matt Bettag, MD
When did the world become insane? What is the reason for it? Big Brother? Depopulation? Or people in love with control? I don’t know and it’s driving me nuts. But I’ve decided I’m tired of complaining about it to my friends and family and I’m willing to put my name on the line. If the woke culture wants to ruin me for speaking the truth, I guess I might as well just get it over with now.
I have been a physician for 24 years, a practicing ENT for 19 years. I have never before seen the medical establishment just stop thinking. Insanity is the new rule, and common sense cannot even be discussed.
From the beginning, 15 days to flatten the curve, I was shocked. We had never done this before, but perhaps this virus was really bad, so I gave the government the benefit of the doubt.
Then came Fauci. He initially said social distancing didn’t work, and masks were largely ineffective. But by late March, he pronounced both masking and social distancing necessary. Weird…red flag. But what really hit me was that he went on to say people should use Tinder and Grindr at their own discretion. What? How do you socially distance that? So now I am alarmed.
I started researching the utility of masks. There were very good articles I found — one out of a respiratory center in Chicago, and another a good dental review. I bookmarked both of them. Less than a month later, the dental website was down, replaced by a text saying basically that their information is now irrelevant because of COVID. The Chicago article also had a disclaimer that previously wasn’t there saying people shouldn’t use their article politically. What? Don’t use a scientifically derived article to make a scientifically based decision on the utility of masks? What the hell is going on?
Next comes PCR. Let’s conveniently jack up the cycles to 40+, resulting in a 90–97% false positive rate, then let’s start testing all elective surgery, asymptomatic exposures, and hospitalized patients. In addition we will reimburse hospitals greatly for COVID admissions and ICU visits. Oxygen doesn’t work; go home until you get worse. Oh, and bring your family and friends with you; they’ll need testing.
Steroids were advised against early on, which makes no sense, because they do decrease inflammation and in ENT have been used widely for viral illness. Next we find a few weeks later the secret drug to treat COVID: steroids. What?
HCQ, not safe. Has been used for decades worldwide with a great safety profile, but not anymore, because orange man bad. Mention it, and you are a lunatic. The same went for any other proven therapeutic, such as ivermectin and vitamin D.
Vaccines? I wouldn’t trust anything the president made. That was Kamala Harris back in the fall. Now if you don’t get vaccinated, you don’t care about other people, and you wanna watch people die. Oh, and by the way, we should vaccinate everyone, including those who previously had COVID, pregnant women, and small children.
What about VAERS? That’s the open record report system that the CDC has made almost unnavigable. It’s slowly crept up and showed up to 12,000 deaths coincident with the vaccine. Then dropped to 6,000, only to come back up to 10,000 and now back to 12,000. Just a little glitch from our trustworthy government. There are reports that the numbers could be ten times or more as high, and perhaps the CDC is misclassifying deaths to hide them. But let’s trust the government; they’ve been so good thus far.
Now the latest, the delta variant, is surging because of the unvaccinated. Ignore the data from other countries that have very high vaccine rates but high spiking cases, and ignore the data from other countries that have low vaccine rates and almost no COVID. As a matter fact, let’s not even look at Sweden, who essentially didn’t do lockdowns or masking, has a low vaccination rate, and has almost zero COVID.
I have never lived in the world like this, where open medical dialogue is completely suppressed and there is only one party line. I thought the left was always talking about how we shouldn’t bully people, and we need to have “dialogue.” Well…let’s start. The media and the government need to do their job and start opening dialogue to the other side. If we are crazy, it will come out. If we are right, and the data show that to be the fact, then a large apology is warranted.
W.H.O. Concedes the Covid Virus Is Just Like the Common Flu! 500,000 Americans Dead From Vaccine! – A Must Video
The winners always write history, at the cost of human lives.
War is not the answer, just like these death jabs manufactured in bio-weapons labs, Oz has five.
In the two world wars, over 120 million people died, everyone suffered on all sides for no reason at all. In Germany 20 million perished, rarely mentioned in books. Under totalitarian communist rule in China and Russia over 140 million dead. In other wars, since ww2, at least another 30 million. Only for the profit of the few, washing their hands with the blood of innocents. How long will this insanity carry on? The bottom line is, they don’t need people no more. What we are witnessing is their final solution with death jabs. The devil in detail, create a hoax virus, and administer the kill shots in the injections. With booster shots incremently, as in boiling frogs. The possessed are on all bases loaded, look at their eyes there’s nothing there, souls taken. They have all the guns and control everything, media their main weapon for genocide now.
All we can do is ignore them and all their decrees. Walk away have nothing to do with them.
All up, with snoops and goons, they are 1% of population. Like the moon landing in Nevada, it’s a movie set don’t watch it.
Pardon error above, substitute Russia with Soviet Union and Jugoslavia.
Pandemic Control — A Global Propaganda Operation [Video]
by This article was posted by TLB Staff
Never before has the world witness such a coordinated propaganda effort, featuring near perfect streamlining of messaging and policy, as well as an Establishment launching attacks against any dissenters by deploying “fact-checkers” and using social media firms to deplatform any voices who offer an opinion which differs from the official narrative. It is nothing short of a completely global, corporatised war effort.
Asia Pacific Today talks with Dr. Piers Robinson, an expert on the subject of propaganda, as he explains how governments, mainstream media and the pharmaceutical industry have combined forces to push forward an unprecedented global propaganda onslaught since the onset of the Covid crisis. Watch:
Read more of this post
Lambda Variant Shows Vaccine Resistance
Corona virus (Covid-19) is a generic term for all colds and flu viruses. Covid-19 then is obviously just colds and flu (Corona) of which the so called variants Delta and Lambda are a part. No vaccine has ever been made that prevents colds and flu as far as I know. –
“Lambda Variant Shows Vaccine Resistance”
(Reuters) – The Lambda variant of the coronavirus, first identified in Peru and now spreading in South America, is highly infectious and more resistant to vaccines than the original version of the virus the emerged from Wuhan, China, Japanese researchers have found.
In laboratory experiments, they found that three mutations in Lambda’s spike protein, known as RSYLTPGD246-253N, 260 L452Q and F490S, help it resist neutralization by vaccine-induced antibodies.
Two additional mutations, T76I and L452Q, help make Lambda highly infectious, they found.
In a paper posted on Wednesday on bioRxiv ahead of peer review, the researchers warn that with Lambda being labeled a “Variant of Interest” by the World Health Organization, rather than a “Variant of Concern,” people might not realize it is a serious ongoing threat………………..
Read on –
You can prevent your self and family members from getting the flu by earthing your house.. Kevin Woodman
What we can all do, instead of hiding in fear of lambda, is to get out sing and dance the labamba,
‘party like it’s 1999’. We are the change that can make this a better place. The BS is bs and that’s all it is. The system is fake and evol, with no feelings and compassion it doesn’t know how to create, it only destroys.
Real love is all that has and always will be. Every child a gift from heaven, life is a miracle every living moment. Hug your families, take of the masks, and share His smiles with everyone you see.
Ah yes 1999, I think it was Nostradamus who said something like the beast would rise or the “time of troubles” would start, in the blood moon of 1999, this was exactly when W got the nomination.
On topic, the headline video is very good. Complete with “suicide” disclaimer. The 50% below average still chewing their cud. “Moo !!! You’re a conspiracy theorist”. The “time of troubles” would not be complete without big big troubles. Revelations in full swing after 2060 according to Isaac Newton. Not sure if I will live to see 2030 “spars pandemic” at this rate.
How Dare U, its
Sir Isaac Newton.
Riddle me this, this fine day.
What cycles like there is no tomorrow, What has an uncanny resembalace to Jimmy Saville and consumes what thou whilst.
Hint;(but its advanced class only)
Who has given me a pound of flesh(9.28675 Newtons) this sunny day
Holy linguini Adam,
its a pedovore
People think it’s hard to find them, now they have decided to teleconference. Not so !!! They are in pedo castles, on pedo islands, and easiest of all to spot, in pedo Lear jets and pedo yachts.
Dont buy SPC products.
I stockpiled a few cans of peaches, on the side I later noticed, “made in China”.
They said Edison, Ford and Firestone were best mates and used to hang out. Another lesser known bunch seems to have been Rockerfellas, Gatesy and Bushs. This is all going way back. Gatesy must have probably been in supermarkets … leading to “Costco” and the other famous distribution racket, but now of course “MODeRNA” too, also distribution of massively overvalued junk. “The only thing wrong with this shop is the customers”.
Through Bushs a very strong Nazi connection. Rockerfellas were ordered to split up Standard Oil about 100 years ago, the divisions are still very huge, eg. Exxon-Mobil & Chevron. But we hear less about their foundations. We hear more about “wonderful American philanthropy”. John D Rockerfella used to hand out dimes in the street, that’s where it started. Now we hear Rockerfellas have about 200 foundations, aside from the famous one, handing out little bundles of a few thousand up to a few million, for training, mental conditioning projects and service delivery etc. They can get do-gooders to add to their foundations and the do-gooders may imagine they are saving koala bears or something like, while the Rockerfellas control 51% of the foundation and its assets. Of the assets, various companies and other investments, they need only own 51% to control the companies, which they can do through fronts like Black Rock. 51% of 51% is 26% so that is the minimum they can get away with owning to get 100% control. But with controlled friends like the Clintons etc they can get it down further. In this way they can exert a massive leverage over their actual wealth, is it just 4x ( from 26% or thereabouts ) or is it closer to 10x or more ?
Swissy controls the old world through agreeable agents in castles with “I know nothing” and “get orf moy laand” rolling off their tongues. Rockerfellas seem to have most of the new world pegged out. And the New World Order is all mapped according to the ancient prophesies, which of course they have experts to decipher, up to the minute, not stale old interpretations from various amateurs. So as a Moloch-worshipping plutocrat, as long as you stick mostly to the ancient prophesies you can make them work for you. Why would you go against the mark of the beast ? It’s a great concept, thank you St John.
I went to the big supermarket very recently, observing the acceptance of the mark of the beast was strong amongst the sheeple, and the conditioning of junior sheeple was being done. Inside the lost souls were wandering around mentally almost lifeless. Magazines were provided at the checkout so I read up on the cover story “desperate Queen in tears over Harry” or something similar, it seems rebel Harry is doing a 4 volume book deal !!! We all know about the book deals. Wonder who wrote that ? Maybe the Queen’s private secretary. I wonder if it will go into that horse riding instructor guy James Hewitt ? I just looked him up on the MKpedia to see what he has been up to. Quite a lot !!! The MKpedia does him no favours. On the current tangent, looks like he will be lying dead in a gutter before much longer.
Can employers require employees to take the jab?
This is a three-minute video from a lawyer explaining your right to refuse.
‘Alex Jones was right’? US govt-funded project ‘harvests’ ORGANS from aborted babies for medical research, documents show
The US funded a project that collects body parts from aborted babies – some of them apparently alive moments before their organs are harvested – new documents show, prompting claims that conspiracy theorists have been vindicated.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has awarded at least $2.7 million to a University of Pittsburgh program that sought to create a “tissue hub” sourced from aborted fetuses ranging from six to 42 weeks’ gestation. Forty-two weeks equates to more than 10 months of pregnancy.
Read more
‘I will not suffer Q people’: Alex Jones wins MSM plaudits for venting fury at QAnon in viral clip ‘I will not suffer Q people’: Alex Jones wins MSM plaudits for venting fury at QAnon in viral clip
Details about the program emerged after conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch and the Center for Medical Progress obtained 252 pages of documents as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought against the HHS.
In its 2015 grant application to the HHS, the University of Pittsburgh explained that it had been “collecting fetal tissue for over 10 years… includ[ing] liver, heart, gonads, legs, brain, genitourinary tissues including kidneys, ureters and bladders.”
Read on.-
Yes XX,
That is why the abortion fetuses age limit is 3 months (12 weeks) because that is the optimum age for harvesting Human embryonic stem cells for injecting into all the ‘beautiful’ people EXCEPT they aint so beautiful at all!
HELLO LAWYERS anyone know any smart lawyer in Sydney or Melbourne wanting to make a name for themselves this looks like the easiest way to do it HELLO – HELLO
And now if you have a few minutes ( which you will never get back ) watch how THE STATE spins this whole thing right around 180 degrees into a quaxxine promotional exercise
“which you will never get back” – I had to keep fast-forwarding through the video, so I didn’t loose as much as someone that watched the whole thing.
They even claim they can detect specific viruses in sewage now so anyone should be able to take a dump and the doctors and cops could keep busy sticking their swabs into that.
Verdict: revenue raising at its most base.
x22 going nuts about “Space Force”, when Trump announced this BigMedia treated it as a non-event, however, it becomes apparent the Space Force agency was created with a view to bypassing all the agencies and dishing up all the gathered dirt without any other crooked agencies getting a hold of any of it. I think he was saying something like Lincoln was the last president to do anything like this. If I recall correctly Lincoln started making his own dollars up until he was shot.
In Pennsylvania a senator requested all the materials from the voting authorities to commence and audit then after waiting the requisite couple of weeks the voting authorities wouldn’t hand it over. So looks like there will be an ongoing shitfight there for a few weeks or so. Various noises coming out of Wisconsin too. Most of the news lately is Gov Cuomo (NY) who is being pulled down for molestation stuff.
This is hilarious on ABC this morning 7/8
Malcolm the failed prime mistral ghost claimed, That Biden won and those who disagree are conspiracy theorists.
I will not waste my time trying to …….
Malcolm, such a nice man they say, like HW Bush, a real gentleman, that’s what they call him.
When we have lost everything but humor, will we still have humor? Probably not.
Who is that at 1:48?
Does not ring a bell with me. Any ideas?
Dunno – that’s why I was asking – perhaps a Chief Molesting Officer – or a Foreign Affairs/Defence Minister for the Occult
Something different from the usual – very interesting.
Thanks for the link.
Very good link Dianne – thank you
Readers may also want to watch [at least] the first episode of “NWO: Communism Through the Backdoor” (Denis Wise)
“… Does any of this sound familiar now?”
Also of interest …
• Gary Allen – The C.F.R. Conspiracy to rule the world
This picture
and article
• Admiral Chester Ward and Other Insiders Dire Warnings About What’s Transpiring Today
confirm the demonic nature of this secret society that has offered all our paedophile protecting politicians and chief malignancy officers/’experts’ a place in their club.
They should look up the fate of the vermin Beria … or Trotsky … or Andronicus
Finality of Babylon’s Fall
Rev.18:23 “For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery (pharmaceuticals) all the nations were deceived”.
Capitalism/Socialism are two wings of the same bird.
“Contrary to what so many good people – out of sheer terror of ‘Communism’ – think, Capitalism is not ‘free enterprise,’ an incentive for success, ‘a chance for all.’ Capitalism is trusts, speculation, parasitical usury. Capitalism is J. P. Morgan, Rothschild’s bank, ripping apart the nations like maddened swine. Capitalism is the Jewish frying pan in which culture is rendered down to the grease of money. Following it, as the night to day, is the thrice hotter Jewish fire of ‘Communism.'” William Striker
Marxism, Socialism, or Communism in practice are nothing but state-capitalism and rule by a privileged minority, exercising despotic and total control over a majority having virtually no property or legal rights. As is discussed elsewhere herein, Talmudic Judaism is the progenitor of modem Communism and Marxist collectivism as it is now applied to a billion or more of the world’s population.
Only through thorough understanding of the ideology from which this collectivism originates, and those who dominate and propagate it, can the rest of the world hope to escape the same fate. Communism — Socialism was originated by Jews and has been dominated by them from the beginning.
There is no moral, philosophical or ethical conflict whatsoever between Judaism and Marxist collectivism as they exist in actual practice. Marxism, to which all branches of Socialism necessarily adhere, was originated by a Jew, Karl Marx, himself of Rabbinical descent. Every Jewish source today boasts of his rabbinical ancestry, and his “keen dialectical ability” (as presumably manifested by his abstruse, hairsplitting, Das Kapital) being due to his Talmudic inheritance.
Marx did not actually originate anything, but merely “streamlined” Talmudism for Gentile consumption. The Socialist” system he conceived merely brings about a practical means for a state dominated and controlled through a Jewish minority to rule by absolute dictatorship over everything and everyone, a concept which has been carried out very successfully in those countries of the World brought thus far under Marxist dictatorship.
Socialism is indeed merely the clover held in front of the cow’s nose to get her into the barn under the milking machine. It is a mechanism whereby a “human” can lead a whole non-human herd into the Jewish controlled barn.
The next time when some Christian dupe tells you: “Socialism is not Jewish!,” for one thing, pull out the pamphlet “Jew and Non-Jew,” put out by the Reform Jewish “Union of American Hebrew Congregations” and their “Central Conference of American Rabbis” and read:
Socialism was originated by Jews; and today Jews play a leading role in its spread and interpretation.” (page 30) (The Commission on Information about Judaism, Merchants Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio, Exhibit I, page 71)
In a publication of the Jewish Publication Society of America, “Jewish Contributions to Civilization,” it is stated that, “We find a strong Jewish participation throughout the socialistic movement which, from its inception up to the present day. has been largely dominated by Jewish influence. (See Exhibit I page 71)
Says the 1905 Jewish Encyclopedia: “Jews have been prominently identified with the Socialist movement from its very inception.” (See Exhibit J, page 72)
The leaders of the 1917 Russian revolution were mostly Jews. (See Exhibit K, page 73)
Read on –
Who had all the gold before the Roman Empire, answer is easy, the pharaohs.
Who was world leader at whipping slaves and getting stuff done, the pharaohs.
Who was kicked out for questioning the pharaohs god-king status, the jews.
Who ended up in the scrub with no money and just a few goats, the jews.
SO, how did all the money, power, strategies, influence etc migrate from the pharaohs to the jews, over the last 2000 years, to the extent that you even claim the Vatikan is run by some type of barely identifiable jews.
Listen up – I am not ever going on one side or another, but if people are going to scapegoat some group with flimsy evidence coming from mostly obsessive nutters, I will have to call it out.
The reason we “believe” things and think things are “right” is often because that is the first version we ever heard, it’s a type of tribal conformity thing. No assurance goes along with anything you heard first that it is “right”. It may be, it may not be, one should not get too stuck on things.
Who were the Canaanites? Who were the Edomites. What happened to Joseph after he was taken captive by Egyptians? Judah married a Canaanite whose progeny by law were Canaanites. What is the difference between Judah and Israel? Why did the Edomite Herod only govern one third of old Judah.
Learn the relevance of all of the above.
From about 2:15:00 “debunking the jewish bolshevik”
especially for you boys.
I don’t get too deeply into it, the defence of Queen Victoria’s offspring in Russia is not my speciality, it’s slightly off the money trail.
Judea, Israel and Zion are local stuff. At present the Zionists are still battling their way into south Lebanon. Small stuff compared to organising ww1 & ww2. You think all the nobility in Europe just handed over to random jews who turned up with a suitcase. Please, please, please, stop it. So, was Swissy the centre of it all since the fall of Rome, with port of Venice, MK head office in the Vatikan, and shop fronts everywhere like the national reserve banks. Did swissy allow the jews a banking monopoly in Europe via the Vatikan ? Did they then use the jews as a front for their operations ?
Maybe every bankster in the world is only allowed to be a bankster if they toe the line. Look at Christine Holgate in the news a day or two ago, got a $1m payout for getting kicked out of Australia Post.
Official reason: buying gold watches for staffers.
Actual reason: TRIED TO TURN P.O. BRANCHES INTO BANKS as they did in New Zealand many decades ago.
Jews today – Edomite/Canaanites from Judea.
Jesus of Nazareth – a Gallilean from Judea
and who today are the Samaritins from Judea?
Mark Crispin Miller: 2020 A Propaganda Masterpiece Perspectives On The Pandemic
Not sure about Mark Crispin Miller but this is highly topical and relevant
Miller: “When someone calls you a ‘conspiracy theorist’ [or ‘denier’] they have already lost the argument because that epithet is a way to prevent discussion from taking place”
Arguably the single biggest issue of the last 18 months is the banning of HCQ.
Everything pivots on the availability and correct implementation of HCQ.
Since the banning of HCQ innumerable lives have been lost through suicide etc. and future lives will be wrecked through divorce and so forth though those people don’t realise it yet.
The banning of HCQ was based on an outright lie and is backed by corruption from the very top.
The corruption is TOTAL, the corruption runs right through and includes every agency.
The sickening liars block everything on the public TV all channels and pump their lies relentlessly.
I suggest to anyone living in a Liberal Party held seat, go to their electoral office and demand to be exempted from medicare, no more medicare levy and no more “care”. The (economically) Liberal Party should be fully in favour of user-pays privatised health, because that is economic liberalism, the opposite of socialism. The health system has got to a point now where it is useless and causing more harm than good. It’s such a problem that we are funding it compulsorily. As anyone knows it struggles and over-promises and always under delivers. This is because of the socialist funding model, which exists because of fear. The average worker in Australia gets $80k per year, over 50 years they will pay 100% of that to the system. In order to pay $80k they will have to work another year to cover living expenses, that means medicare levy sucks approx 2 years out of every working life. What do most people get back from that, just a few pills !!! In Asia you would just go and buy the pills from the pharmacy. Here you have to jump through hoops to try to get anything. The whole thing is a racket. When you go to protest or make any sign all you need are the letters HCQ. Go to your local ( Liberal Party ) representative and ask that they make medicare optional. This has just got completely out of hand. The system is totally corrupt and getting worse if that’s possible.
Now they are even having supply chain problems getting fresh organs in for the junk-food addicts and alcoholics, probably harvested in Chinese prisons.
Average worker $80k a year, you’re dreaming. Did you mean the ‘privledged’ worker?
No offence.
Net in hand?
In real terms, taking into account inflation alongside deflation, workers wages are a fraction of what they were here 40 years ago. $600/wk then bought you a house for $60k and a new car for $6k. In today’s terms not even comparable, and it’s still $600/wk in hand, if lucky in the not so lucky country.
Sorry, quoting some “official” figure, before tax. Average of everyone, not average blue collar. Probably a tax office figure [1].
[1] Maybe you can find it on their website.
Hey W3, don’t underestimate panadol!. The hospital gave me one when I was transported there a few short years ago. It helped! but the help wasn’t long enough to last until someone eventually saw me hours later, even though I was the only one waiting in the emergency department for 4 hours on a tuesday night/morning. Oh, wait! no one did see me, so I started feeling worse than when I came in. So I went home, knowing that no one was going to see me for god knows how many more hours yet.
So don’t knock that panadol!
Why did the witch in the Wizard of Oz have green skin?
What colour is Serpentine?
Serpentine: mineral, gem, ornamental stone, asbestos source
The most obvious physical properties of serpentine are its green color, patterned appearance, and slippery feel. These remind the observer of a snake and that is where the name “serpentine” was derived.
Yesterday at 11am, on the Gladys tv show, health minister Hazard made a direct accusation at non participants.. Crown virus no longer the enemy, the unvaxxed the new terrorists. Is this the next increment of the agenda – ‘operational considerations for implementing the shielding approach to prevent Covid -19 infection in humanitarian settings’ – Serco prepared camps for diseased minds?
How long before they start removing ‘infected persons’ and taking them to these detention centres?
Anything possible now, look at this year so far martial law under General Freewhen, with tanks on the streets in Fairfield. This is not speculation, this is the dystopian future in our face, we have been warned about. Without opposition, the possessed are going all the way with satanic luciferace agenda.
Russian roulette for would-be travellers
Dan Wootton
My heart breaks for the teens and 20-somethings who should be exploring the world, learning about other cultures, discovering who they are and working out what they want to do with the rest of their lives.
You can never get those precious years back. [Emphasis by me]
Time to set the young free.
Of Interest to some –a different lens on the big picture perspective— insightful practical overview
5G zombie apocalypse mind controlled human lab rats (one minute footage)
the fact-checkers efforts to shut down any suggestion that the virus doesn’t exist are extensive and somewhat amazing – some are even contradictory in their ‘verdict explanations’.
this article, to the contrary, is persuasive indeed and deserves to be shared!
“The world has been shut down over a lie – a coldly calculated, carefully curated lie – that was simulated & war-gamed for decades in advance. The COVID cult is an irrational superstition based on nothing but in silico, theoretical, make-believe viral sequences. Yet, the real-world consequences for millions who have been thrown into stress, despair, poverty, joblessness, alcoholism and suicide is anything but theoretical.”
http://www.srilankaguardian.org/2021/01/virus-causes-covid-19-imaginary-and.html 30 Jan article by Makia Freeman