Home Corona Leaked DARPA Document Reveals Use of Aerosolized, Skin-penetrating Nano-particle Spike Proteins

Leaked DARPA Document Reveals Use of Aerosolized, Skin-penetrating Nano-particle Spike Proteins

Is this our future?

Introduction by Dee McLachlan

Today’s article is from Mike Adams — about the DARPA document leaked to DRASTIC which shows that EcoHealth Alliance and Fauci conspired to release aerosolized, skin-penetrating spike protein nanoparticles into wild bat populations in China (which would immediately leap to humans as planned).

DRASTIC also confirmed that Daszak and Fauci, working via the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) were able to create 180 strains of coronavirus bioweapons and put them under the control of the communist Chinese. Adams writes,

“We now know from other sources that CCP-run bioweapons deployment teams have crossed the US border, carrying MERS-augmented biological weapons with at least a 30% fatality rate, with plans to release them in major US cities when commanded to.

“With full credit to DRASTIC, we have mirrored their PDF analysis of the DARPA documents at this link on NN servers (PDF). The original EcoHealth Alliance proposal to DARPA is numbered HR001118S0017-PREEMPT-PA-001.

“Investigative journalist Lara Logan has confirmed all this through her own sources, as she is now warning that the migrant crisis in Texas is the “perfect cover” for America’s enemies to sneak in a dangerous biological weapon…”

Adams wrote that a “Super MERS” attack is now imminent, and the bioweapons deployment operators are already pre-positioned across US cities. To detail some of the points in the article:

  • “DARPA originally funded MERS but refused to support any effort to release it into the wild…
  • Fauci and EcoHealth Alliance finagled a way to get their hands on MERS, which became the template for the gain of function research that was laundered through the WIV, using US taxpayer money. Elements from MERS, HIV, SARS and other viral strains were engineered together to create the “chimeric” bioweapons with special affinity for human ACE2 receptors.
  • SARS-CoV-2 was never designed to kill. It was designed to spread rapidly, with low fatality, to create worldwide panic and demand for vaccines…
  • But MERS is a super deadly bioweapon. This will be released next, a souped-up version of MERS that has been weaponized via Fauci, the NIH and the WIV under the control of the PLA (People’s Liberation Army).
  • The EcoHealth Alliance project proposal to DARPA mentions their plans to develop three to five coronavirus bioweapon strains each year…
  • …The CCP / PLA has hundreds of military advisors working with Mexican narcos, with the promise that the narcos will receive a piece of the southern USA once China occupies and defeats the United States.
  • These Chinese bioweapons operatives are told to simultaneously release “Super MERS” across US cities when given the activation command, which could come via public means such as the New York Times being ordered by China to use a certain phrase on a certain day…
  • This Super MERS strain will kill at least 30% of those who are infected…
  • The Super MERS strain is effectively the second half of the binary weapon system, with the first half being the vaccine…
  • The release of Super MERS will be called a “variant”…
  • …CDC’s current “quarantine stations” which will be transmorphed into covid death camps.”

SOURCE to article here.

The Arizona Audit



  1. Bulletin – carried forward

    Manufacturing Narratives: Lessons from the Hong Kong Protests with Nury Vittachi

    This is EXACTLY how they instigated WWII by demonising the German National Socialists – it’s now the Chinese’ turn. (not to mention WWI, the Gulf wars … and every other ((bankers’)) wars in between

  2. It’s the batty Yanks that are doing the bat research.

    Bats, Gene Editing and Bioweapons: Recent DARPA Experiments Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

    Posted on January 30, 2020 Author Whitney Webb

    DARPA recently spent millions on research involving bats and coronaviruses, as well as gene editing “bioweapons” prior to the recent coronavirus outbreak. Now, “strategic allies” of the agency have been chosen to develop a genetic material-based vaccine to halt the potential epidemic…………


    • What, the seppos are not alone or even early.

      Why this mechanizim


      Why is Peter Doherty famous?
      Doherty, (born October 15, 1940, Australia), Australian immunologist and pathologist who, with Rolf Zinkernagel of Switzerland, received the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1996 for their discovery of how the body’s immune system distinguishes virus-infected cells from normal cells.

      They Shoot Horses, Don’t They, just horsing around unlike these freaks

      • Diagnosis
        Laboratory tests that are used to diagnose Hendra virus (HV) and Nipah virus (NV) include detection of antibody by ELISA (IgG and IgM), real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and virus isolation attempts. In most countries, handling Hendra virus needs to be done in high containment laboratories. Laboratory diagnosis of a patient with a clinical history of HV or NV can be made during the acute and convalescent phase of the disease by using a combination of tests including detection of antibody in the serum or the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), viral RNA detection (RT-PCR) in the serum, CSF, or throat swabs, and virus isolation from the CSF or throat swabs

        PCR test, cool, its safe and affective


        relating to moods, feelings, and attitudes.
        denoting or relating to mental disorders in which disturbance of mood is the primary symptom.
        "affective disorders"

  3. United Nations Common Agenda

    “A digital one world currency that allows the tracking of all buying and selling.”

    Leave no one behind
    Protect our planet
    Promote peace and prevent conflicts
    Abide by international law and ensure justice
    Place women and girls at the centre
    Build trust
    Improve digital cooperation
    Upgrade the United Nations
    Ensure sustainable financing
    Boost partnerships
    Listen to and work with youth
    Be prepared, global vaccination plan.

    more at un. org

    “Now is the time to end the ‘infodemic’ plaguing our world by defending a common, empirically backed consensus around facts, science and knowledge. The ‘war on science’ must end.”

    Secretary General’s report “Our common agenda”

  4. Luciferian Satanic Age world disorder, all religions banned with satanism, the official nwo allowance to enter and participate.
    Where abortion is a ritual sacrifice. “We look to the people of Australia, as our slaves.”

  5. If I may digress for a moment,… I am preparing info documents on covid-related issues for trade unions, local resident Resistance groups, and Aboriginal communities in the Top End. I intended to include the video clips of police brutality, but have lost track of three of these.

    Can anyone please send me the links to the full clips showing: the two cops attacking the 74 year old woman; the cops kicking a fallen protester in the guts; and, the midwifery-nursing student being stripsearched by male cops.


  6. China this, China that, China , China, China. Would somebody explain to me, why Fauci and the Folks on the U.S. Congress, (who voted on passing the funding for this work to China in the first place,) are not being charged with being traitors complict with undermining U.S. Government, IF the allegations being made in this article are true ? Without the complicity of this group of people, China would not be able to carry out any of this ALLEGED work.
    So, why (if this article has any truth to it) are these people not already under lock and key ??
    I have no difficulty in believing the actions of Fauci, as I have copies of the patents he and his associates have been working on and registered quiet a few years back, combine that with his involvement in the Covid scare, IMHO, he has MUCH to answer for, now IF there’s any truth to this article, he has a LOT more to answer for. It appears to me, the whole idea being put forwards by his group, is solely HIS group’s ideas, NOT China’s, though I’m sure, there are thousands of Americans grouping together, to lay the blame at China’s feet. After all, it’s always easier to blame others, for your own shortcomings than to accept that responsibility of your own stuff up. I’ll believe the above claims, when I see Fauci in handcuffs, detained and charged. Until then, the claim is simply more hollow American LIES.

  7. Thanks, Simon, but this stuff is peripheral, albeit crazy… I hope that guy talking blowdarts gets recognised in the street. He actually thinks the CDC could hire a bunch of Jevarro indians.

  8. Well its not as though Americans Scientist haven’t done it before …
    On June 6, 1966, a group of US Army scientists made their way into the Seventh and Eighth Avenue lines of the New York City subway. Some carried air sampling machines in boxes and on belts; others carried light bulbs….read on and follow the little white rabbit …

  9. Hi Dee,

    I’m not sure if you’ve seen and shared this information (pdf link), but it seems quite thorough and has some amazing information contained. Definitely worth a quick evaluation.

    https://www.docdroid dot net /kZZXcGS/covid-19-the-spartacus-letter-pdf

  10. trust the gov they are here to help you🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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