Comment by DM
You remember… Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley, also known as the QAnon Shaman, Q Shaman, and Yellowstone Wolf’. He was jailed for 27 months for walking into the Capital Building on January 6 (escorted by the police) and saying a prayer. Labelled as a far-right conspiracy theorist he was interviewed about a year ago by Tucker Carlson. Lone Ranger posted this video up yesterday.
Jacob gives Tucker a very clear and concise lesson summarizing how the deep state functioned (hopefully past tense).
I had seen some interview with the Shaman but had not seen his summary analysis. A lesson for friends that need a little education.
Jeffrey Sachs sets out US foreign policy, irrespective the political party of the day, in an address to European Parliament.
Well gumshoenews is not;
Albanese, Dutton, Greens, Teals and the rest of our ‘WEFers’ with the Canberra bench sitters,
The ABC,
Globalist tv ,
Globalist ‘shock joke’ radio,
Our MOCKINGBIRD free 🤪 press filtering, letters and references to the editors,
So why do we listen to them, let alone put up with them?
Want to disagree? Then put up your mits here and be ‘heard’.
11.34 AM
It would be interesting to hear what people think of this analysis — it would be good to hear from you. It’s easy to post a comment.
This is the debate that politicians or the media don’t give us.
This was always considered “conspiracy”… but the conspiracy is to control the brain of humans.
And from the debate, people will have some ideas on questioning candidates for the next election, consider their stance and real knowledge to decide if they are worth your vote.
Then when over 75 most DICTATE THAT
YOU MUST GET a Few doctors to certify that you have the ability to not endanger yourself and other road users.
So why do we not test our politicians’s competence and knowledge before they get millions killed …… and they send our kids off to ‘drive’ in foreign countries for the globalist’s tour.💁?
Then they sit back safely, getting their pay in the Canberra BUNKER awaiting their government (our) pensions and superannuation while denying surviving veterans their needs.
12.11 PM
A simple question to put to a candidate to recognise an ignorant idiot that should be shunned.
Tell me of one war, since say, 1900 that was not previously planned for economic or trade reasons or as a result of a ORCHESTRATED FALSE FLAG EVENT TO PROMOTE and ‘JUSTIFY’ (in the public’s mind) THE WAR/S, killings and conquest?
if you feel sorry for a idiot; refer them to Mike Rivero’s article; ‘ALL WARS ARE BANKER’S WARS’ at Mike’s news site:
My bet is that the present bench sitters in Canberra have not a clue and the mockingbird propaganda mass media has ensured that they stay that way together with 95% of the voters.
Has anyone ever seen the Goodman-Clark interview on our ABC OR SBS?
12.38 PM
how do politicians on decent wages become millionaires ? how do investigations of war crimes / goverment wasteage / misconduct / legal system decisions / media exclusion zones / result in prosecutions ? define manipulations . define corruption. define social engineering. Follow the Money.
“how the deep state functioned (hopefully past tense).”
omigosh, I just saw 6 pigs fly right past my window.
Ok, this is not for those who ban
http://www.beforeitsnews.com -[banned] people powered news
‘Greg HUNT…ER (not HUNT) and Bill Holter- ‘DOGES FORCES US BANKRUPTCY RESET’. (The big take)
Nor is for idiots who trust governments.
It is restricted to those who look after Thenselves’, as repeatedly advised here’s by Terry S.’
At least from 35 mins. Do you really think ‘CHARMING’, the Hunt, Dutton, the ‘ Ticks’, et.al., are going to save you financially and even keep you safe from cancer?
AS FOR THE MASS MEDIA, save your money and time💁
Then go back to the start for gold and silver etc.
3.14 PM
Ashton Forbes who disclosed the MH370 Orb videos(unearthed 12 months ago) and continues to investigate,interviews Salvatore Pais mentioned above by Jacob Chansley.
UFO Disclosure w/ Salvatore Pais ft. Dave Rossi
Deep dive into Salvatore Pais’ patents and the science of zero point energy.
Asking Salvatore Pais about the MH370 videos.
Discussing Cold Plasma and EVOs.
I love videos that ‘feed my head’, that expand my understanding of the universe. However, sometimes I walk away feeling like I’m just too stupid to get a clue…..
An after thought – imagine a breakaway civilization and how it views the moronic political figures it would have to interact with. Like, bringing Nancy Peloski up to speed on reality and then what would she would want to do with it. – Hell, if I was one of those blokes I’d also want to keep the information unacknowledged special access.
Hmm, maybe that was the point of the ‘vax’. If you were stupid enough to fall for that shit, then you aren’t a desirable person for the future.
Well, you all have free choice, listen to fake news or listen to Real Mary with her commentary and material at WTPN SITUATION UPDATE FOR 23/2 ‘… trump brings back THE GOLD STANDARD…..’
http://www.beforeitsnews.com –
[baned🙀💁some wish!] people powered news.
The gold standard!
Gee whiz what will the bankers and government do with their federal private banker’s fiat IOUs🙀😭😭😭😭😭😭 and what about you?
5.57 PM
Well, now that is another issue to bring up with our ‘wannabe’ bench sitters in Canberra, as to their policies for the next federal election so they can produce a ‘Charming’ ‘cleared’ BS government response.🤪
6.07 PM
Finished with Real Mary.!
Had no idea💁🤪that our msm and their running mocking bird dogs were so far out of their loop and Now exposed.
Easy to understand that some do not want to wake up the normies whilst they sunbake on their fence posts with their turtle friends..💁⚖️
Crooked Melbourne council “City of Casey” attempting to invade and steal ( more ) from residents
UK becomes e-dicktatorship
Another Queensland cop charged with Child SA (pedo) offences
Senator Lidia Thorpe: Australia is a corporation
Victoria Refuses to Prosecute King Charles for Genocide: Interview with Uncle Robbie Thorpe
Paul Gregoire21 Feb 2025
Love the next video of the skate boarding corgi!
Re UK!
How ironic, now the UK will be filled with criminals and have no colony to transport them to.
10.13 PM
Brian Berletic
🇺🇸 DOGE = Streamlining, Not Ending American Empire
For those who banned beforeitsnews.com note that a regular who appeared on BIN with his show is now deputy director under Cash Patel.
Pity no one took any heed of his show and that you would not know him anyway, so forget it.THOSE WHO KNOW, know, those who don’t are irrelevant.
2.43 AM
Hey censor, where is my comment on Dan Bongino appointed Deputy to Cash Patel.
Those who never go to BIN OF COURSE WOULD NOT HAVE LISTENED TO DAN’S broadcasts.
Now censor, what about this from what really happened.com at
7.20 on 24/2
Australian defence officer loses security clearance because he would share information with Israel. So for loyalty to Australia!??
3.23 AM
Well that moved things along a bit. See if it stays?
3.27 AM
Censor seems busy today Ned
Dee runs in the family:
I clicked the arrow in the bottom left hand corner of the “video blocked” message and a selection of stuff relating to my recent viewing appeared:
But this is easy enough to find:
All and all very interesting
I clicked the arrow in the bottom left-hand corner of the “video blocked” message and a selection of stuff largely relating to my recent viewing appeared:
But the Tucker Carlson/Jacob Chanley interview is easy enough to find:
An interesting watch by all accounts
Also interesting that what he says doesn’t exactly line up with what he says in a December 2023 interview, quote:
At 9:42
“do your research’ I’ve accepted responsibility I’ve said that I broke
the law. I should not have broken the law”
Also interesting that when confronted by the complete absence of evidence for many of his claims at 13:03, quote:
“you’re also not citing any sources for these things”
He just laughs.
At 17: 29:
“I am a Bodhisattva”
What’s never given enough attention is that the best way of passing off any lie is to couch it in truths
Looks like Tucker needs to take a closer look at Shamanism:
More about the the peyote-induced enlightenment of his protege here:
DAVID PAKMAN: “you are extremely skeptical of accepting any official source for any claim but at the same time you argue that if I’m not familiar with every proverbial small fire that you’ve just set that it must be true, even though you’re also not citing any sources for these things. It’s tough to have a real conversation when when someone does that.”
Mr. Chansley responds by reversing the onus of proof re the same old hackneyed series of highly inflammatory sensationalistic claims that have been pushed by his cult for years, the same old stories that have done nothing but serve to discredit genuine issues – hence his demonic euphoria
“when you destroy a nation of course you destroy the people within it and you start with the weakest because they’re the easiest to crush”
He isn’t, of course, talking about Nth Korean or Chinese infiltration of the U.S. – he just assumes that everyone watching deems the political opposition therein to be consciously & deliberately pursuing a destructive course.
In other words he’s missing the fact that all it takes to destroy anything is self-centredness, short-sightedness, and ignorance; that adhering to any sort of cabal-theory(imputing unwarranted credit to those who’re simply entrapped by personal degeneracy) just testifies the very same lack of personal skill and humility that drives every shape & form of internal destruction
As for Chansley’s banter, what needs to be taken into account is that, in a Sept ‘21 press release his attorney, Albert Watkins, disclosed that his plea deal incorporated, quote, “a recognition of mental health vulnerabilities, and a coming to grips with the need for more self-work.”
His subsequent attempted repudiation thereof has simply proven him to be out of touch with the real world to the extent of being unaware of being legally bound by an official document to which he put his name
Real Mary for at least 13 minutes-. WTPN SITUATION UPDATE TODAY AT:
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – banned people powered news.
Cannot wait to see later via Q, whether Kennedy tricked them.
Get a cup of 1775 on the way for your
4.51 PM
If readers cannot get to the end of Mary and realise the evil and DECEIT surrounding you with ABC, SBS, globalist corporate media and their shock joke propaganda lies, then when it all hits the fan, ( SOON!) you will be kicking the cat and the cat will be laughing at you for not having the brain of a mouse.
Well Mr censor, where is my update reply about half an hour ago?
Dianne, I think for you and Dee and the children from about 30 mins …. Section E and F?
6.47 PM
Well! ‘ I’ll be banned’? the censor just decided NOT.
No choice have you?
The world is awakening up. At the start of Real Mary and elsewhere, TRUMP wants to know what you do…. Work on your golf handicap?
🤪🤪how’s your handicap going Joseph?
Watch the ball with a follow through swing. I HEARD.
Sorree! REALLY!
No ads on tiktok
Your stance is not steady and grounded, you are slicing your ball.
Try croquet.
Jeffrey Sachs: PUTIN FORCES Zelensky To SURRENDER As NATO COLLAPSES! Europe LEFT Defenseless
Our fake news M$M, that is ABC-TV and SBS-TV but probably also the commercials, are saying Russia started the war, but they do not mention how. They did it by supporting the separatists and conducting a vote amongst the separatists who voted about 2/3 to RE-merge with Russia since they have always been Russian before 1991 or whenever the Soviet Union split. After the vote the fake news said it was a fake vote, and the Biden vote was a true vote, then Putin announced he was backing the separatists then everyone did their false flags and the gravy train left the station.
More enlightenment on Covid-19 connection to radiation via 5G and other sources of radiation.
X22report.com 24/2 episode 3580B
Well you can go to the x22 report site or to
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – the banned stuff.
OR GO TO ‘OUR’ ABC, SBS and the deep state fake lying controlled propaganda mob and their shock jokes.
11.41 PM
X22 was selling an early end to Biden, over sold and under delivered.
Totally corrupt and useless, what happened to the law ???
As for the present. Ask Trump and his team as observed over the last month.
Trump was great at opening up free speech, 2016.
SInce that event everything seems to have devolved into real estate deals and sucking up to Gates.
Commander in Chief did not command anything due lapse in congressional funding. Elon is a dancing monkey.
Will anything come of all this ? Predictable elite agendas are disguised as will of the people.
What on earth is going on here????
Cui bono.
Ashton Forbes has IMO, unearthed the fate of MH370 and it certainly isn’t lying at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.
Malaysian government launches new search from MH370 with company Ocean Infinity
If they really want to know what happened they can ask me to give G5’s ‘oppinion’ – with his leave.😎
Maybe someone leaked the information of where the US got rid of the plane.
This could get interesting. After being re-fueled at Diego Garcia, they could have flown the aircraft well away from any possible area that the aircraft could have flown. Imagine if the site is somewhere close to Antarctica, how are they going to explain that? Hopefully, it will be a valid search and not more gas-lighting.
A new search = a new cover-up = a new scheme
Douglas Macgregor Trump SENDS US BOMBS to ISRAEL Gaza COLLAPSES Egypt and Jordan THREATEN WAR
Detailed overview of possible pending eruption in the Middle East.
No doubt our Canberra bench turtles would not want to miss out on another good eruption.
Any of our bushmasters and cash still available?
11.36 AM
Why do generals, pollies and theorists know?
‘Three countries that will collapse in 2025’
Ask Nostradamus.🔥🙀💁🤷♂️
A ‘thunderbolt’ 16th century explanation🤷♂️ or a missile and a bang🔥?
Make a bet on the forecast gold pice in a few months.
I studied him 60 years ago with a few other predictors.
The King dying a terrible death in his ‘golden’ cage interested me. But not mentioned by the commentator, been a while since Kings enjoyed jousting.
Only for ‘DICKEY’ fans.
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – dickey people powered news.
12.17 PM
Sorry; ‘why’ should be WHAT🤪
How to Make Crystallized Honey Runny Again
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – the ‘DICKEY FOX’ powered news🔥💁🤪
12.47 PM
Shades of Paul Keating’s 1986 report to John Laws…… we will soon be a BANANA REPUBLIC UNLESS…
And we were soon paying 16% from a private lender for some real estate.
Last I listened to Marinaro, there was no beard.
Oh well, it is either; just WEF’s Klaus’; own nothing, be happy with crickets and bugs, or the quantum NESARA reset ‘PLAN’ with caviar.
Stock up on some more sardines and beans, anyway and have a world war, problems solved!
What do I have to do?
Slap all with a dead fish
I have mentioned the matter of 432 htz benefits. (Why was it BANNED🙀)
So just spend a few minutes from about 8 on as to what Trump has apparently done to the 5G towers.
It is the topiic after all the chem trails.
By the way, for more scientific chem trail exposure listen to redacted news today at about half way.
Do you really have the guts to be awakened? If so listen to Alex Jones for 90 seconds at the opening on the SECRET GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES SEX CHAT FORUMS.
Well I am up to about 12 mins and I know most will not take heed of Real Mary at WTPN situation update for 25/2 at:
4.52 PM
Well, not going to listen?
Well you will really know sfa.
Two matters that have been in my mind
– 432 htz for a few years.
– but the doozy I have had for ten years or more…. The way back visual presentation of history. Hidden by the Vatican because if you knew the history, that would threaten control. I had heard that the crucifixion of Christ can be viewed.
Clif High touches on his means of picking events the consciousness of mankind that is ever present but not utilised. But he tries to relate it to future events. Historically the controllers have been messing with that potential in most people.
So I am mad? Then carry on and watch the mass media, the ignorant and believe government and not in your potential.
Note the Ben Fulford preview as the last report. CHOSE; Lead or silver! I haven known of that for over a decade.
They use to show our leaders President Kennedy’s dead state. The Japanese Kharzarians do it slightly differently.
6.16 PM
432, 440, been there done that, no conclusion drawn
Have you really, did you listen?🤪
No doubt you are also on to the Rothschilds secret deal with the musical artists to be controlled for fame…… for what htz you in the brain.
8.07 PM
As I retire for the evening I might suppose that you are NOT aware of the varying harmonic frequencies as YOU HAVE ‘COME TO NO CONCLUSION’.
You really make me giggle as you apparently do not have the intellect of a lettuce.
Have you not examined the scientific studies of the varying sound frequencies on even a cabbage.
11.07 PM 🤪
You are very quarrelsome. I have known about harmonics since about 12 years old.
I have also had a small collection of homeopathic remedies since the 1980’s. I have had a person attempt “sound therapy” on me in the 1990’s. I have played around with various audio treatments and listened extensively to lots of stuff. I was aware of harmonics in the context of UFOs from about age 14. How much more do you want ??? It is not even my main area of interest. Please cease and desist from your provocations ( at least, 5th request )
Come off it you found NO CONCLUSION COULD BE DRAWN.
Now you recite a claim of some knowledge. How can you possibly NOT come to the conclusion that vibrating sounds have been scientifically proven to either enhance vegetable growth or adversely affect growth?
Now you claim I am provoking you, pity if you feel provoked.🙀🤪
But in view of your stated CONCLUSION, it is a reasonable response to examine whether you are fair dinkum and your basis of coming to that CONCLUSION.
Now tell us again that so far as you are concerned NO CONCLUSION CAN BE DRAWN.
It is reasonable to question as to how the scientific studies have not apparently been understood by you.
Let’s go a bit further🤪
Tell us about the studies of sound vibrations on water that you have considered.
THEN REALLY allege provocation by telling readers; ‘what percentage of the human body is liquid – water?
Ever been questioned in court to clarify a prior statement? I can not remember a witness ever claim in such a situation: ‘🙀aahhh 😩😫🥺😫 stop provoking me😫😫😫😤🤬🤬
💁🤪🤪🤪come off it Joseph, people read comments here and some are influenced by reported experiences. Your alleged experiences can lead readers to think that a study of sound vibrations is just WOO WOO.
EVERYONE IGNORE JOE’S ‘NO CONCLUSION ‘ from all his experiences stated unless you have competently done your own research and not be influenced by claims stated under provocation!
That would be a pity!
8.15 AM
Your’e making a big mistake, playing the man not the ball. Nobody is interested. Keep your eye on the ball.
Just promote your own interest instead of making demands on random people, you will get a better result.
Joe, you are getting funnier.
You want three sites banned, now what interests do you as a home grown ‘influencer’ have in that?
As for playing the man🙀
Just go over your replies to Terry Odgers and suggesting I am in the ‘plonk.
I am not playing the man I am dealing with your opinions, the basis thereof and your omissions. What is not said on a subject indicates much.
I merely asked you had you researched 432 wavelengths affecting veggies and water (quality)
One can reasonably conclude from your replies that you have not. Thus I must question your conclusion that you ‘cannot conclude anything’ relating thereto.
This other readers, considering your non conclusion can discount your influence as being ‘non conclusive’ therefore to be of little use.
Surely you can understand that.
So just get your swing under control🤪
2.47 PM
Again Mr censor asleep on his fence post.
Oh well, Go re-read you at 7.02 on the 26th No conclusion’!
Then you explained your reasoning and experience.
I questioned it and thus far no answer to the concepts.
It was an intellectual and learning exercise for debate.
Now who is playing the man.
Not going to repeat what has been disappeared.
Could not be bothered, the record speaks for it self, so I will go get on the ‘PLONK’💁🤪
3.33 PM hmmm!
Bloody hell-again!
The 2.47 turtle just woke up at 3.33
Weird as🤷♂️
Ashton Forbes
The media won’t ask the real questions.
MH370 Debris Found in the Wrong Location
The debris would have been thrown on the beach in Africa, not allowed to randomly float there and get lost in some mangroves.
Hornets-nest UFOs
I just want to know why the pope hasnt just jumped on a med bed?
“Jacob Chansley is NOT the Lunatic The Left Wants You To Think He Is””
the shaman spoke well and i dont argue against anything he said, but the perpetuation of ye olde left v right paradigm – im need a med bed to get over that
‘You have the highest prices in the developing world!’ – Robert Bryce on energy poverty & EV failure
Robert Bryce, an energy expert and author of The Question of Power, discusses the state of global energy, electric vehicles, and government policies both in the UK and America. Freddy and Robert look at how government subsidies and mandates have driven automakers toward unprofitable EV production, what is energy humanism, and how foreign interference has shaped climate policies over the past decade.
Trump rooting out the Administrative agencies.
“Elites” Race for Total Control: Where are we standing today?- Catherine Austin Fitts
Breaking: EPA Reportedly Urges Trump to Repeal Endangerment Finding, Washington Post Claims
The Washington Post published a report today stating that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has advised the Trump administration to repeal the 2009 “endangerment finding,” which classifies greenhouse gases as a threat to public health and welfare. This finding has underpinned federal emissions regulations for over a decade. The Post suggests that such a move, if enacted, would mark a significant shift in U.S. climate policy. The story relies on unnamed sources, leaving its claims unverified but noteworthy given the potential implications.
Some may have noticed ‘the discussion Joe and me had above.
I was thinking of taking the ‘discussion’ further.
Some may recall my reference to Trump varying the 5G towers from 440 Htz to 432 htz wavelengths.
Now we really know sfa.
But there is a thought.
What is the effect of the 440 wavelength in a human within range?
What is the affect of 432 in similar conditions. Some have proven that veggies and water react to all wavelengths. But veggies do better near 432htz. Water under certain wavelengths even react to certain key words- sounds which are wavelengths💁 per study in Japan. Like ‘love’ ‘hate’ etc.
Now there are reports of graphene being included in some injection BATCHES.
They form certain features in the blood.
We know that graphine responds ? To wavelengths? SUPPOSE – BUT I HAVE FORGOTTEN THE SOURCE OF THE THEORY. But if iron filings can react, why not graphine’
We know blood flows through the brain.
We know that various entities want to control the brain— I.e. thoughts, reactions and behaviour. They have been working on that even before ww11. Which requires resources and effort.
Now: what if a simpler way was to insert it into the brain and control many in one hit. By ‘it’, I am referring to possibly graphIne.
Some missed my reference to a report that Trump changed the wavelength in towers to 432.
What would be the varying consequence between 440 and 432 on a brain.?
Oh well we did not get there did we?
BUT? Yep I must be mad, distrustful of globalists and just too cynical for the average trusting naive gullible normie.
That’s possibly why they did not get to inject me.
4.18 PM
That’s more like it
But we never got there💁
You could not conclude anything despite the questions and clues.
“Trump is CiC” but the wars started anyway. Maybe G5 will tell us Crazy Nancy and other walking skeletons have been removed. RealRawNews not referenced. Visibly, just a 4 year election cycle with everyone making excuses from Durham on down. Kari Lake did not unseat the governor or senator and now boss of “Voice of America” since she was a journalist anyway. There is no conclusion. The circus rolls on to the next town.
Clearly, I have many more thoughts on this.
But remember the WEFrs, globalist the UN records on their agenda and the Dooley is Harari in Israel.. we have to occupy the minds of the useless eaters! … in effect.
So switch on the 440 in the suburb and off they go, they will be all on the street yelling ‘hail Harari, there is no God’, kill all the recalcitrants’ and be happy with bugs and crickets…. If you want to live …. Under ‘SATAN’s protection.’
I have develish thoughts🙀🤪just the professional consequence of a lifetime!⚖️4.40 pm 💁
Are we just water and a bit of pumped blood contained in a glass beaker.?
Is that all?
At what age does the “soul” enter the body of the foetus, and how much does it weigh then compared to at exit.
You are such a tease.
Let me guess.
The soul/spirit is ageless before and when entering humanity at conception..
It weighs the same when exiting the body., having completed its tour.
Now you tell me your answer to your own wonder.
And explain the law of whatever it is that theorises that all life is energy and where does that go upon being used as energy, when energy is constant.
I understand that we run on about five volts, where does that go when it leaves the dead?
Sorry for the tease💁
8.04 pm.
You have had a little time.🤪
Now why would I suspect that you tried to set me up?
Now tell us what it weighs when the ‘soul’ exits?
I suppose a butterfly net might be handy at the right time💁🤪
But energy could just pass through.
Before you have another swing, place your ball on the tee and aim for a turtle on a fence post.
Try a five iron.
8.54 PM