Home Fam-Court Letter from Furious Mum About State’s Mistreatment of Her Child

Letter from Furious Mum About State’s Mistreatment of Her Child


Introductory note: 

A protective mother had her daughter removed from her care over a year ago by the Department for Child Protection — initially for just over a month to investigate an assault. This was over a year ago. In challenging extended guardianship orders, she successfully subpoenaed a police interview with her daughter in 2017 (previous FOI requests had been refused). The police and the protection agencies never acted on the disclosures, so she thought it could not have been that bad. But on listening to her daughters interview 2 weeks ago, she was shocked on hearing, for over an hour, her daughter describe the most horrendous abuses.

The mother called the Department for Child Protection explaining to her daughter’s Supervisor/Team Leader what she had discovered from the police interview. She asked whether they had seen the interview, and why they had not investigated. The following letter (now slightly abbreviated) was sent shortly after their discussion on the phone, with copies to Federal Assistant Minister for Children and Families, Minister for Child Protection SA, Chief Executive, Department for Child Protection, The Premier of South Australia, and Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister of Australia.

This one letter explains part of the crisis in child protection and children’s courts. 

The Letter

25 July 2019

Dear [Supervisor/Team Leader],

I am speechless. During our phone conversation you emphatically confirmed to me that you are NOT child focused. You seem totally blind to, and willfully indifferent to the terrible abuse that my child has suffered over many years. You are now the person in charge of my daughter, and I am shocked that you said to me that you have absolutely NO interest in viewing, investigating or concerning yourself with what was done to her.

You (and the department) were all aware of, but ignored many disclosures in 2017, e.g., [REDACTED]. Yet you NEVER investigated these, and never informed the court. The Family Court judge was never aware of these abuses, and so was unable to make an honest judgment. I was unaware of the detail of these disclosures and abuses, and I deeply regret trusting various authorities to do the right thing for my daughter. 

The Family Court trial could have been adjourned, as my daughter disclosed the most horrendous abuse in her police interview with the police officer. These are a few details she disclosed in the police interview of what her father did to her when she was 6 or younger:


I finally got to see this interview about 10 days ago. It was heartbreaking for me to watch, as I had never imagined how bad the abuse was.

Yet you remain indifferent to the suffering and trauma of this child, a child now in YOUR care. In fact, the department, aware of these abuses, has been attempting to force reunification with her father – even though the DCP submissions earlier this year claimed him to be a danger. You were planning reunification even after sexual abuse and exploitation had been substantiated in 2016, and after my daughter claimed she was assaulted by him in 2018.

After a (weekend) visit to her father, [CHILD] returned (to me) with a significant INJURY. I reported this assault, and she subsequently told doctors that her father [REDACTED] and threatened her life (and my life) if she spoke out. Yet nothing was done or investigated! In fact, the department, in attempting to find an excuse, said that the notification was of a kind that should be raised in Family Court and the investigation was therefore closed.

I ask you: how in the world could you possibly think that the Family Court could investigate an aggravated assault? (They are not an investigating body, they adjudicate.)

NO investigation was ever done on the wound and not a single person bothered to view the injury. The hard facts of sexual abuse are now in plain sight before you, yet you now claim you WILL NOT INVESTIGATE. I know how the trick worked against my child in Family Court nearly two years ago. Family Court should NEVER have proceeded, and it is outrageous that the department allowed the abuse to be repressed.

It was said that the 2017 disclosures weren’t followed up because your department determined that my child was safe in my care. You cannot now say (twenty months after the interview) that it’s up to Youth Court.

Having been through the court process for over two years, the “game” the department plays is very clear:

How deceptive to use the excuse of Family Court to NOT investigate, then use Youth Court to remove the child on the pretense to investigate. And then say you’re NOT investigating because it is in court proceedings.

And now, after the most terrible abuses have been revealed, you glibly say, it’s not your problem, “Let the court decide.” It should be a criminal court that decides.

You said you don’t get involved in SAPOL’s investigation. The department, as guardian is legally required to must consider complaints of the child, and investigate. You are the Department for Child “Protection.”

I reminded you in our conversation yesterday that [the father] was to be arrested in 2016 (for much lesser crimes), and that later abuses must be investigated. I will not proceed through Youth Court on this basis. You say it is up to the judge to decide, but it is the DCP that is bringing this case to court in the first place. The DCP could withdraw from proceedings as new evidence has now been revealed, this for the child’s sake.

And your outrageous accusations against me for “coaching” are now rendered invalid.

Why do you think she [the child] wants to come home, and why do you think she feels safe with me? Because she trusts me, and I make her happy and make her feel safe. The social workers openly admit we have a special and loving bond, yet documents indicate that there were no plans to reunite us for 24 months, this decision made secretly before social workers finally met with me.

Because no one acted in 2017 she was further hurt and put in danger. You openly admitted several times in our conversation that you have NO interest in what really happened to [CHILD], and whether she was hurt. It is clear to me that this has now become a case of “public interest”. How many other children are in this predicament where the department uses the Family Court (or Youth Court) as an excuse NOT to investigate – then uses Youth Court to unwarrantedly remove and keep children away from loving parents?

If what you said to me on the phone is what you believe, then Australian society needs to know. You just cannot ignore the most egregious sexual abuses just because you feel like it.

There is another sinister aspect to department’s attitude, which [SOCIAL WORKER] relayed to me on the night she delivered the order to (unwarrantedly) remove my daughter. She said, don’t bother challenging us, the department “always wins”. What an abuse of power and process.

My daughter has bravely spoken out for so long, and even though she desperately wants to come home, you and the department continue to defy her wishes, and act AGAINST her. She should be home with me, as there never was a case to keep us apart.

After what has finally been made known, via the video’d police interview of December, 2018 I will not participate in a process that mocks the law.





  1. How much more evidence do people need to be convinced that this is a spiritual war.Thousands of years ago people sacrificed their kids in the fire to baal.God warned against it.Now these satan worshippers are doing the same.This is a sacrifice to their god the devil,satan baal whatever you want to name the beast.The dept doesn’t always win.In fact once they know their own families will be a target they back off quick like most cowards do.

  2. Dee, I am looking at the list of CC’s. I did not know there was such a thing as federal intervention in child protection.

    But, speaking of that, shouldn’t the AFP be on the list? And did the mum merely send a “CC” rather than a separate letter to each? I would advise her to put a cover letter on it and send to each, return receipt requested.

    That way if the child is further injured, it will be on the hands of the said recipients. Certainly the mum is using the right tone of voice on the addressee. If the Department of Child Protection is “not interested” in protecting a child, pray tell what are they interested in — gardening? embroidery? kickball?

    Child trafficking?

  3. If the Department of Child Protection is “not interested” in protecting a child, why does that department exist and why are all those people employed and being paid a salary, by that department?

    So it is not only the Federal Government that is in total disarray, but also apparently State Governments as well. This is how our taxes are completely wasted, on Government and Public Service “dis-services”. All can create havoc and not one person is accountable.

    • The havoc keeps getting more havocky, Mal. As far as I can figure, the wrongdoing of the child-stealers now up-ends the legal profession and certainly The Bench.

      Wouldn’t you think a coterie of good lawyers could meet at a local pub somewhere and draw up a plan to declare “Enough already for Pete’s sake!”

  4. Mal, not one single person in authority will put their hand up top help. This is a national crisis on a scale I would never have believed.

  5. On Evidence — from the survey:

    1. Which of these people / departments DISREGARDED evidence of abuse/injury? [of 67 responses] [Multiple choice]

    Members of my family (7)
    Doctor, medical personnel (13)
    The police (46)
    Your psychologist / psychiatrist (7)
    Social workers, supervised visit personnel (29)
    Child Protective Services (44)
    ICL, Independent child lawyer (52)
    Court reporters, pre-court services (43)
    Court appointed psychiatrist (29)
    Court appointed experts (45)
    The judge (the court) (58)
    Other (9)

    1. Did the police, at any time, REFUSE to investigate abuse claims because the matter was before the Family court? [62]

    Yes: 50x chosen (80.65%)
    No: 12x chosen (19.35%)

    I didn’t ask the question: Did the protection dept refuse to investigate because it is before the court?

    • Dee, Until your article today I had never heard of the DCP refusing to investigate “because it is before the court.”‘ That’s rich.

      Anyway don’t forget that the police and the DCP are the same thing. Granted there are 2 ministerial portfolios — Minister for Policing and Minister for Child Protection, but the latter works for the former.

      In my opinion, the Childrens Court is also but an extension of the DCP. As it does not honor due process, or even claim to, it should not be considered part of the judiciary.

      Its behavior is like a Star Chamber. Unaccountable. Anyone wishing to learn more on that, please use Gumshoe’s search box for the names George Potkonyak and Maurice Kriss.

      Any reader out there who can challenge me, please do. I am not on firmest ground. I’d like to hear of any case at a state’s Childrens Court where the judge seemed to listen to both sides and then proceeded as in Solomon.

  6. The terrible clutches of the law revealed.
    Please lift your voice in prayer to God in the victorious name of Jesus for this child and mother. I will.
    Here is the victory told us over evil workings: Colossians 2:9-15

    14 – Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

    15 – And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

    Here is God’s promise to us: “And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.”

    Does Jesus care about this mother and child – even this family?
    7 – Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

    AND SURELY KNOW – All power is given unto Jesus in heaven and in earth.

    I know of no other greater name than Jesus to share with you, to help, save and deliver us from evil.

    • Unfortunately, relying on religion these days, is just as dangerous for our kids. Past precedence has proven, beyond a shadow of doubt, there are just as many pedophiles hiding behind the curtain of religion as outside. Where was Jesus when all these poor folk were being abused by the people supposedly representing his religion ???????? Even today, despite all the evidence coming to light, and the guilty sweating in fear, the churches have rallied to the aid of the abuser.
      You ask, and I quote, ” Does Jesus care about this mother and child – even this family?” Unquote.
      Clearly, the answer to this point, is an emphatic NO !

  7. What terrible suffering!
    I know of no greater name than Jesus who can help and deliver in the terrible processes working here. Trust in God who tells us:
    13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;

    14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

    15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

    I will pray to God for this child, woman, family, because there is no other greater name than Jesus in this world. That’s where the true help and power comes from. “And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.”

    Jesus said, after he defeated the powers of sin, death and the devil, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

    And this is the victory that we have, even our faith. That’s why Jesus encourages us to pray and believe when he declared – Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?

    God helps us in this earthly life and strife. Christians are called to pray for all men and all in authority – first of all.

  8. Police and F&CS (so called child protection) both often refuse to act on serious abuse matters, when a matter is in the family court. The family court states police and F&CS did not think it necessary to act. Everyone passes the buck, mean while the serious abuse and torure of the child continues.

  9. Whilst I sympathise with the lady and her daughter’s plight, writing letters will achieve absolutely NOTHING.
    IMHO, there are two avenues that would, I believe,really stir the pot. If no satisfaction has been achieved by dealing with the Protection services individual, then the next step is arranging an appointment with his/her Supervisor, if that is unsuccessful, then the Supervisor’s immediate Superior needs to be approached. If that is unsuccessful, Channel Nine Current Affair needs to be availed of the whole sordid story, mentioning the attitude of the supervisors and head honcho to the complaint.
    Di I need to point out, every approach to these people needs to be made in writing, and said individual informed if issue is not dealt with satisfactorily, their next superior in line will be informed of the issue, and if that proves to be unsatisfactory, then Current Affair will be appraised of the FACTS for the whole of Australia to be informed of what a farce this authority is.
    It would probably be prudent, to also advise the relevant Minister in charge of in the State and also Federal of both, the issue at hand, and the process you are going thru to achieve satisfaction.
    From where I sit, experience has taught me, approaching the low hanging authorities never achieves anything as they are too busy covering their butts, and hanging onto their cushy jobs.
    However, when approaching their superiors, it’s a different story, though in some cases, you need climb the ladder, so to speak, to get to the top.
    One last suggestion. Again from my first hand experience, DO NOT HOLD BACK ONE IOTA, expressing your outrage to ANY of these individuals. I have learnt from experience, you need to give it to them with BOTH BARRELS, HARD AND FAST, that’s the only thing these pigs understand. They are supposedly there to SERVE the Community which pays their lucrative wages and perks, their responsibility is to look after the kids, NOT THEIR OWN POSITION, nor that of the abuser. No wonder S.A. has gained a nasty reputation as Child abuse central.

    • Eddy, she’s contacted everyone, up to the PM — I believe. So wonder whose pulling the strings. The only person not yet contacted is the Queen.

  10. Sorry Eddy if you think my reply was glib.
    but I want to assure you that Jesus does care…the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them. See how that shows he cares.

    Where was Jesus? Jesus, after rising from the dead, is now gone into heaven and he has left his followers to tell others about him and what he has said. There’s so much that could be said, but sharing those promises was how I can show that Jesus can help in our troubles. Jesus does hear our prayers and answers them. The name of Jesus is a name of power in times of trouble and mighty to save from evil.

    And we have to realise that we face an evil foe : For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places : who can get a hold of people: there is terrible hurt done against others by persons whose sinfulness is most apparent.

    Yes, by all means continue to rally authorities; we should pray for them too.

    • I have to agree with ‘No more coverups’. This mother is amazing. Her letter is both furious but also calm, intelligent, and above all else, SANE! Coaching? What a LOAD! Is this really the Departments reason to keep a child from a loving parent – that’s a rhetorical question, because I know the department does this frequently. However, it beggars belief when it’s already been established that the other parent has abused the child, yet re-unification with the abusive parent is still being attempted BY THE DEPARTMENT. I am beyond horrified. I am livid. I hope that the department is aware of cases like this one: https://medicalkidnap.com/2019/08/01/beverly-hills-harvard-trained-doctor-sues-county-of-los-angeles-and-social-workers-750-million-in-whistleblower-lawsuit/
      If I was the mother in question I would be saving money for a lawsuit against said department, and a civil case against the individual case workers involved. Maybe even save a stash to take some ministers to task for not doing their jobs. I would happily help to fund raise for such an endeavor. Perhaps a good QC might offer their services pro bono for such an important cause.

  11. From the Guardian (UK) IT IS RAMPANT

    “The Health and Care Professions Council has just suspended a social worker in Derby for lying to colleagues about a woman she falsely alleged had threatened to burn down her house with her children inside. The children were removed after an emergency hearing, with the mother given no opportunity to hear or challenge the evidence. In another case last year, an Essex county council social worker was struck off for creating a false statutory assessment for a child’s grandmother to provide care, which was later presented in court.

    “Distortions, dishonesty and mistrust are leading to an increasing number of parents opting to film or record – either overtly or covertly – their meetings with foster carers or child protection social workers. Annie Johnson, who has extensive experience of care proceedings after suffering a mental breakdown, explains how things can go wrong. “You’ve perhaps asked for help, you’re struggling with a child’s behaviour or with an abusive partner, and then [social workers] come out and start asking you how often you wash your towels, they look in your fridge, and at any point during these interactions you can say something and it’s taken the wrong way, and you only find out later when it’s written in a report.”


    “Minutes of meetings are taken but Johnson believes that parents cannot rely on their view being reflected. “What I’ve said in the past has been twisted to help the local authority’s case. You just cannot win,” she says.

    Rebecca Carr-Hopkins, an independent social worker, has some sympathy with this view. “I’ve been to meetings and had the minutes back and thought that bore no relation to the meeting I was in,” she concurs.

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