
Editor’s note: The letter below was sent by RWA, a reader, and contributor of GumshoeNews to Associate Professor Sanjaya Senanayake. I have attached below further correspondence regarding a video “COVID19 Ivermectin-Saved lives in Canadian Nursing Home. Pandemic Protection-Turning Point?”
Letter from RWA to:
Associate Professor Sanjaya Senanayake,
Infectious Diseases Section, Medical School,
Australian National University,
Canberra, ACT, Australia.
1. I became aware of your existence recently when I saw a TV interview in which you were involved. A Google search then revealed that you are an Associate Professor at the Infectious Diseases Section of the ANU Medical School. I congratulate you on achieving such a prestigious position.
2. The aims & intentions of the Medical School’s Infectious Diseases Section are described inter alia, by the URL above. I would like to discuss one particular phrase in that description which is:
2.1. ” …. (we seek) to understand design of public health approaches to control the (infectious) diseases ….”
3. I assume that in your position, you in particular or the Infectious Diseases Section in general, would be involved in the matters quoted in paragraph 2.1. Given the current Coronavirus pandemic, I assume you would be investigating ways of controlling the highly contagious & somewhat deadly COVID-19 infection. I assume that you also probably advise the Australian Government (AuGov) & other related authorities on such matters.
4. I would like to discuss the medication IVERMECTIN which is sold in Australia as STROMECTOL. Before I go any further, allow me to say that I am not involved in the medical or pharmaceutical profession in any way & do not claim to be a medical expert. My knowledge of Ivermectin however, has been gained from the considerable study of carefully selected entries on the internet. I take great care not to be influenced by false information!
5. There is an ever-increasing amount of evidence from around the world that indicates the efficacy of Ivermectin in combatting COVID-19. The evidence shows that Invermectin has the following properties:
5.1. It markedly reduces the chances of dying from the disease, especially if the patient is an infected senior above about 60 years of age.
5.2. It markedly reduces the period of recovery & therefore the suffering that the patient might endure. As a consequence of this rapid recovery, it will also reduce the chances of being afflicted with various severe after-effects or possible long-term effects of the virus such as the loss of taste & smell, loss of energy, breathing difficulties & even some mental problems. This list is not exhaustive & there are probably more that have yet to be discovered.
6. All of these problems confirm that this is not a disease that should be treated lightly. Consequently, the authorities have introduced certain procedures in an attempt to control the disease’s infectious aspect such as lockdowns, border controls, social separation, mask-wearing, etc. These have achieved varying levels of success, but they have also been very unpopular with the general public.
7. Regardless of these procedures & their success or otherwise, the authorities have failed to introduce any positive means involving a medication by which to reduce or control the deaths or suffering of those who are infected with COVID-19. Their only suggested salvation is to “hope & pray” for the quick development of a successful vaccination!
8. To a realist such as myself, hoping & praying for a vaccination is not a viable solution. This is especially true in the current Critical Emergency Situation which is wreaking devastation on the lives of numerous members of the Australian public & on the Australian economy. A suitable IMMEDIATE SOLUTION is required!
9. I am sure I don’t need to explain to an expert such as yourself, the large number of limitations that exist with the successful development & dissemination of any vaccination. However, for the purpose of recording the information in this document, I will now provide that explanation.
10. The most immediate limitation is the amount of time involved in the development before a vaccination is released. At the very earliest, it is predicted as early 2021. Even then, the amount of time involved in vaccinating all of Australia’s population could take up to a year or possibly more. Meanwhile, the deaths, devastation & suffering continue …….!
11. All this indicates that a vaccination does not provide an IMMEDIATE SOLUTION or even one that will arrive in sufficient time to reduce the current devastation to a reasonable level. IVERMECTIN does provide an IMMEDIATE SOLUTION, yet the authorities continue to maintain a quiet denial of its existence. Why are they doing this?
12. There are a couple of possible reasons as far as I can see, & this is one of them. Generally, the medical authorities whom I assume advise the AuGov, suggest that there is insufficient evidence to support Ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment. This “evidence” is normally related to the lack of (Controlled) Clinical Trials (CCTs) or Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) to confirm the acceptability of Ivermectin to combat COVID-19.
13. Acceptability generally considers:
13.1. In the very first instance, the safety of the medication when applied to a large variety of a population’s members ie the existence of any side-effects, especially those that are severe, long-term or that cause death.
13.2. The efficacy of the medication in combatting the target disease.
14. The CCTs involving Ivermectin’s safety were conducted some 40+ years ago when Ivermectin was first being developed. Initially, it should be confirmed that the medication does not adversely affect a fit & healthy test subject ie one that is or was not infected by anything, including by default the Coronavirus.
15. A total of about 4 billion doses of Ivermectin have been distributed since 1987 to more than 400 million people annually as a preventive / therapeutic drug for tropical diseases such as onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis, as well as strongyloidiasis and scabies. It has made a great contribution to the improvement of human health & welfare.
16. During that 33 years, Ivermectin has consistently proven to be an utterly benign medication with virtually no side-effects of any consequence. Only 15 deaths have ever been reported in The Lancet. These deaths were associated with elderly patients given Ivermectin to successfully combat scabies.
17. The deaths that supposedly resulted from this use of Ivermectin are disputed by a later Lancet report. This independent report provides a more extensive assessment than given by the original report, & it assesses that Ivermectin was not responsible for the deaths. Nonetheless, when these 15 deaths are expressed as a percentage of the multi-millions of Ivermectin users throughout the world, then deaths attributed to ivermectin become an insignificantly small percentage.
18. To suggest that these results are not acceptable because they don’t conform to CCT or RCT standards indicates a certain narrow mindedness. Further, to continue with this attitude given the current Critical Emergency Situation suggests a certain
callous arrogance. This is especially true given the ever-increasing human & economic toll involved when Ivermectin is not available to halt it!
19. Professor Sanjaya, you appear to be an intelligent, progressive & considerate individual, so I trust this description of callous arrogance does not apply to you & that therefore, you have had nothing to do with this or similar inconsiderate statements.
20. Let me now consider item 13.2 from above ie the efficacy of the medication in combatting the target disease. In this case, we are now considering the efficacy of Ivermectin to combat COVID-19.
21. It is certainly true to say that just because a medicine is useful for one purpose, we cannot automatically assume it’s a miracle cure for another disease. This statement or similar ones have been used by one or more Ivermectin-vs-COVID-19 detractors. I doubt any intelligent medical practitioner or similar individual involved in prescribing various medications, has ever held such an opinion. Nonetheless, in the short period of the Coronavirus’ existence, many random off-label applications of Ivermectin to patients infected with COVID-19 have proven to be amazingly successful & without any side-effects, or certainly none of any consequence.
22. The fact that these results have been achieved by casual processes then reported as anecdotal experiences or observational studies & not conducted or reported as officially recognised CCTs or RCTs, is totally inconsequential! That’s because Ivermectin has already been proven to be a particularly benign drug over some 33 years of use. It is already known not to adversely affect all sorts of individuals with all sorts of pre-existing conditions, so the chances that it will adversely affect a patient with the formerly unknown disease called COVID-19, are extremely remote!
23. As it so happens, each random application of Ivermectin vs COVID-19 has unfailingly demonstrated that not only was the assumption correct of no adverse effects but also that Ivermectin vs COVID-19 was amazingly successful, often 100% successful! Even the most arrogant skeptic would find these results difficult not to accept as a very reasonable replacement for any CCT or RCT, especially in an emergency situation as currently exists.
24. I now wish to consider risk versus reward. For this purpose, I will consider two 70-year-old individuals, each of who has been confirmed by testing to be infected with COVID-19, or where infection is suspected because of the existence of 2 or 3 relevant symptoms. The pertinent questions are:
24.1. What are the risks to the 70yo individual who takes a Standard Single Dose of Ivermectin. A Standard Single Dose consists of 1× 3mg Tablet of Ivermectin per 15kg of body weight.
24.1.1 The answer is: “There is absolutely no risk. Otherwise, if there is any risk, it is so infinitesimally small that it is not worth considering,”
24.2. What are the risks to the 70yo individual who doesn’t take any Ivermectin?
24.2.1. The answer is: “The risk is extremely high that the individual will suffer from some or all of the problems given in paragraphs 5.1 & 5.2 above In addition, the risk of dying is medium to high, especially if the individual is obese or has some other pre-existing condition.”
25. The next question is: “What is the reward for each individual?”
25.1. The rewards for the Ivermectin individual are enormous. They include a quick recovery, far less pain & inconvenience because of the shorter recovery period, the probable avoidance of all the long-term effects of the virus, a quick return to work & a normal life, & the avoidance of death associated with well-meaning medical staff being forced to use often inadequate attempts to aid the recovery without Ivermectin.
26. When more than one infected individual receiving Ivermectin is considered, such that each individual in a community or in the Australian population is able to immediately utilise Ivermectin when COVID-19 infection occurs, then the lockdowns, etc can be removed, Australian businesses start to recover, unemployment decreases, the economy recovers, etc. It’s hard to believe that such a remarkable series of results could start to take effect IMMEDIATELY with the simple AG action of making IVERMECTIN available IMMEDIATELY …. and I haven’t even mentioned that very recent tests have demonstrated Ivermectin’s ability to effectively act as a Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for COVID-19, but more of that on another day.
27. There is absolutely nothing that the Australian population has to lose by using Ivermectin. There are, however, many millions of dollars that could be lost by the pharmaceutical companies & associated organisations involved in developing a Coronavirus vaccine, & whose sales could be severely reduced due to Ivermectin’s success. Perhaps this financial loss might include those Governments that have taken the risk of backing them …. but that’s another story …. or is it?
28. Perhaps the potential negative effect on vaccine sales is the real reason why Ivermectin is being restricted. Does the AuGov have a logical reason not to allow Ivermectin to be readily available to those members of the Australian Population who wish to use it now or in the future, potentially at their own risk & not that of the AuGov or that of Merck, to combat COVID-19? (Merck is the license owners & manufacturers of Ivermectin.)
29. Did AuGov’s logic consider the foreseeable risk of Australia’s seniors dying when they became infected with COVID-19, & that the AuGov was & still is responsible for preventing Ivermectin being available for use to combat COVID-19?
30. I wonder if the grieving relatives of all those senior citizens who have died unnecessarily from the virus because they weren’t given Ivermectin, will accept the logic of the AuGov for not allowing access to Ivermectin? in this regard, I believe a class action is under development right now, with probably more to come in the future, claiming AuGov negligence leading to unnecessary death & suffering from the virus. “Suffering” could include physical suffering from the virus, or mental suffering from the lockdowns, loss of jobs, etc. How inconsiderate & lacking in empathy must the authorities be, to allow this situation to continue? IVERMECTIN must be made available IMMEDIATELY before too much more death & devastation occurs, & before the Australian public gets even more irate than they already are!
31. With every passing day, the number of people who have good reason to join a class action, will increase. Do the authorities really want to become the defendants in not just one, but many class actions? If the AuGov is not concerned with the results of the class actions, then perhaps they need to be concerned with the results of the next election.
32. Prof Sanjaya: Allow me to make the following comments specifically for your attention:
32.1. for your further reading, I have included two URLs below which provide some additional information on the Ivermectin situation. The information provided in one URL has been written by myself & probably involves a repeat (in part) of the details herein.
32.2. I would appreciate your honest response to the following queries:
32.2.1. Please confirm that you personally are involved in directing or investigating ways of controlling the COVID-19 infection, & in advising the AuGov & other related authorities on such matters.
32.2.2. Have you or the Infectious Diseases Section ever suggested to any AuGov authorities or similar entity, that there is insufficient evidence to support Ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment & that only CCTs or RCTs will suffice as acceptable evidence?
32.2.3. Given what I have revealed in this document & in the included additional information, do you or the Infectious Diseases Section continue to agree with the suggestion made in paragraph 32.2.2? If so, please explain why. If your opinion has changed to conform more to mine, will you immediately contact the relevant authorities with the intention of having them IMMEDIATELY revoke the restrictions on Ivermectin when used to combat COVID-19 with the intention of making it IMMEDIATELY available to infected seniors, frontline medical staff, carers, & eventually the general public?
32.2.4. If my suggestion of paragraph 32.2.2 is incorrect, can you suggest what is the REAL reason for the following situation, or what is the POSSIBLE reason for this: why does the AuGov not allow any seniors, frontline medical staff, carers, or the general public access to Ivermectin to combat COVID-19?
32.2.5. If none of the above items apply to yourself, will you please forward this email to the relevant individual or authority, then advise me accordingly.
33. Thank you very much for your attention to this matter, & my thanks in advance for your potential help. Please reply ASAP before more deaths occur & more damage is inflicted on the Australian population & its economy. Please feel free to contact me at any time to discuss any matter.
[Name and address supplied]
Watch “COVID19 Ivermectin-Saved lives in Canadian Nursing Home. Pandemic Protection-Turning Point?” on YouTube.
An Outbreak of Scabies
Here is a video that I’ve literally just discovered, even though it is some three months old. Its subject matter is so strongly linked to that of the email that I have just dispatched today (TITLE: Ivermectin: Immediately Needed vs COVID-19 date stamped 21/09/2020-0514 AustEST), that I felt obliged to forward it to all the recipients of my earlier email.
In this video published 23 June 2020, a remarkable story is told by a woman which involves Ivermectin and the woman’s elderly mother. The mother is a resident of the Advent Valleyview Nursing Home, North York, Ontario, Canada. In early 2020, before the advent of COVID-19 in that country, an outbreak of scabies occurred on two floors of the multi-storied Valleyview building.
Various topical creams were tried, but without success. Eventually it was decided to try oral Ivermectin because it was known to be benign so wouldn’t adversely affect the extremely elderly residents. The scabies problem was quickly resolved, but the most remarkable result was to follow shortly after when the whole of Valleyview became a COVID-19 infected area. By default, the two floors that had received the Ivermectin became the equivalent of a double-blind study of Ivermectin versus the Coronavirus.
If this doesn’t oblige the hard-nosed sceptics to reverse their demands for CCTs & / or RCTs before accepting Ivermectin as a viable medication to combat COVID-19, then it is only reasonable to assume that something more sinister is afoot. This is supported by the fact that the Valleyview authorities have suddenly become tight-lipped about a subject that could only be described as good news from their perspective …. but NOT good news for the “Vaccine Mafia” who stand to lose $$$$ millions!
Enjoy this enlightening story.
Bewdy! Congrats to RWA (who told us in a previous article that he is 74 years old) for pulling it all together.
Of course his/her politeness is covering up some well-deserved seething! This letter needs action, and fast.
Dear RWA, please see my book “Consider the Lilies” (free download at maryWmaxwell.com). On page 232, I mention that deaths are often caused by SUPPRESSION OF CURES AND GOOD TREATMENTS.
I gave these examples: autogenous vaccine for cancer, electrification of blood for Gulf War syndrome, and phospholipids for AIDS.
I did not threaten any practitioner with criminal charges, as I realized that the decision to suppress a cure is not made by the doctor but by government (really, someone above govt, as you pointed out, such as Big Pharma).
But today I would threaten the doctor with lawsuit or criminal charges. Since when did a doctor’s responsibility to a patient get obviated by legislation? If the legislation is itself criminal, it has to be nullified by whoever can nullify it. In the case of Ivermectn, by the doctor.
Thank you. If you want us to deluge the professor with copies of your email to hm, please indicate.
At consortiumnews.com, Craig Murray continues with excellent courtroom reportage. Today an American lawyer, Shenkman, was giving expert opinion on the Espionage Act of 1917. The UK prosecutor Dobbins, a lady [sort of], was trying to make him look bad. I’ll give just this one sweet quote from Craig Murray:
“Dobbins then asked a three-part question that rather sapped my will to live. Shenkman sensibly ignored it and asked his own question instead. “Did I anticipate this indictment? No, I never thought we would see something as political as this. It is quite extraordinary. A lot of scholars are shocked.”
Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 13
Friday gave us the most emotionally charged moments yet at the Assange hearing, showed that strange and sharp twists in the story are still arriving at the Old Bailey, and brought into sharp focus some questions about the handling and validity of evidence, which I will address in comment.
Read more of this post
Trump Directed Plot to Arrest Julian!
Julian’s extradition hearing resumed today with important witness testimony. A witness statement read today described President Trump’s involvement in the plan to evict and arrest Julian. Earlier in the day, the court heard expert testimony that devastates the prosecution’s case against Julian dealing with publishing unredacted material.
Read more of this post
RWA, if you follow http://www.gumshoenews.com , you would know that I believe there is no such disease as Covid-19. This belief is shared by many, more intellectual people, than myself. However I commend you for your effort to bring to account public servants and Government who have deliberately kept the use of Ivermectin from use which could have been used to alleviate the suffering and deaths of people which has been caused by the annual flu, under the guise of Covid-19. In fact this medication could have used in past years for apparently many health problems.
“32.2.1. Please confirm that you personally are involved in directing or investigating ways of controlling the COVID-19 infection, & in advising the AuGov & other related authorities on such matters.
32.2.2. Have you or the Infectious Diseases Section ever suggested to any AuGov authorities or similar entity, that there is insufficient evidence to support Ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment & that only CCTs or RCTs will suffice as acceptable evidence?”
I do not believe you will get a direct answer to these two questions, as the answers could activate a criminal charge against Professor Sanjaya Senanayake and or the Australian Government. I think this may happen anyway.
Assumption 2: The PCR Test for COVID is Accurate
As I covered in previous articles, the PCR test (Polymerase Chain Reaction) was invented by scientist Kary Mullis as a manufacturing technique (since it can able to replicate DNA sequences millions and billions of times), not as a diagnostic tool. COVID or SARS-CoV2 fails Koch’s postulates. The virus which shut the world down has still to this day never been isolated, purified and re-injected, or in other words, has never been 100% proven to exist, nor 100% proven to be the cause of the disease. When used to determine the cause of a disease, the PCR test has many flaws: ………
I agree [almost] totally, Mal (et al). Here are my thoughts.
The “COVID-19” virus has not been isolated. Nevertheless, I accept that it may exist as a variant of the known SARS family – but that is not the issue. I will add that the reason they prefixed it with the psychobabble word “novel” is so that they could negate all proven science related to its cure and suppression – “Oh this is new – so none of that peer-reviewed published science applies any more” – including HCQ as a cure – that part – the use of the word “novel” – was very clever indeed.
And remember – it was ALL planned as a pretext to introduce a global police state – they told us so.
• Rockefeller Foundation’s Operation Lockstep: ‘Under The Guise Of A Pandemic, We Will Create A Prison State
• https://crazzfiles.com/rockefeller-foundations-operation-lockstep-under-the-guise-of-a-pandemic-we-will-create-a-prison-state/
So it is no secret that the existence or non-existence of “The Novel Virus” ™ is irrelevant – and they certainly were not about to just wait around in case one came along, now were they?
Back to The Novel Virus ™ itself …
A “case” is only identified by faulty or fabricated ‘testing’. But more particularly, its presence is falsely claimed according to SYMPTOMS which are simply those of any variety of the common cold or flu (which in turn happens to more lethally affect the elderly and those with other comorbidities and a deranged immunity system).
Firstly, drug such as hydroxychloroquine (+ zinc, for example) or Ivermectin are PROVEN to be SAFE and EFFECTIVE. What they do is minimise or eliminate those symptoms that are common to many diseases INCLUDING the common cold and flu (high temperatures, fever, rigor etc).
They achieve this, for example, by optimising the take up of oxygen by red blood cells, while at the same time creating a biochemical environment (by reducing the acidity for example) which restricts the ability of any toxin or virus to survive and/or thrive and renders them ‘cured’.
By eliminating those very symptoms, the phantom ‘COVID’ is thus automatically ‘cured’ – when all that has really happened is those symptoms have resolved, and hence the compound risk is removed for people with comorbidities or weakened immune systems, especially in those elderly people already well over the expected lifespan range.
Morrison, Andrews and their anti-science and anti-health so-called ‘health authorities’ and cronies simply cannot afford for this simple phenomenon to become self-evident.
If the symptoms go away the pretext for a police state goes away – simple. So I would not expect a reasoned response from Dr Senanayake or anyone else – it is about controlling the narrative – they’ll think of something to say.
From 2:55 to 13:55 in the following video Dr Mobeen Syed explains HCQ scientifically as a weak base and how viruses enter cells – virus needs acidity – by lowering acidity in and around the cell HCQ prevents the virus from entering and replicating. Dr Syed explains that and much more.
• https://www.bitchute.com/video/DFobUvM3a4Tq/
Dee, in your video “Systemic discouragement of Hydroxychloroquine is a ‘national scandal’ (on Sky News) Dr Paul Kelly looked completely out of his depth – professionally and politically – poor thing.
JS, thanks. I’ve documented your post for future reference.
Me too Fish.
Your post above is the most comprehensive I’ve read on Gumshoe.
Cancer cells also need an acid environment –
“……….One man claims he has found a cure for cancer using baking soda and molasses and actually successfully treated his own disease by using baking soda.
When taken orally with water, especially water with high magnesium content, and when used transdermally in medicinal baths, sodium bicarbonate becomes a first-line medicinal for the treatment of cancer, and also kidney disease, diabetes, influenza and even the common cold……….”.
Murdered Holistic Doctors Discovered Cancer-Causing Enzyme Being Added to All Vaccines
So apparently the holistic doctors who were all being killed in FL had found out via their research that the nagalase enzyme protein is INTENTIONALLY being added to the population via immunizations. Nagalase STOPS vitamin D from binding to the Gc protein. This completely strips a human being’s body of it’s natural ability to kill cancer cells.
Nagalase is a protein that’s also created by all cancer cells. This protein is also found in very high concentrations in autistic children. And they’re PUTTING it in our vaccines!! This prevents the body from utilizing the Vitamin D necessary to fight cancer and prevent autism. Nagalese disables the immune system. It’s also known to cause Type 2 Diabetes. So basically…they weren’t killing these doctors because they had found the cure to cancer or were successfully treating autism… they’re killing them because these Dr’s had been researching and had the evidence that the vaccines they’re injecting our precious children with are CAUSING our current cancer and autism crisis!! And that it’s obviously being done knowingly and on purpose! The Dr’s they killed in FL had been collaborating and were getting ready to go public with the information.
Depopulation 101..add poison to vaccines…make it law that all children must be injected to attend school. Slow kill methods. They think they’re being fair w/ their “survival of the fittest” type mentality. Only the best genes survive? These people have no souls.
Cancer and Glycolysis – The Warburg Effect Explained …
The Warburg Effect refers to how cancer cells prefer burning glucose via glycolysis even in aerobic conditions. Usually, your body burns fatty acids via the more efficient oxidative phosphorylation pathway and switches over to glycogen at anaerobic intensities but this is not the case with malignancies.
It’s no use eating bicarb soda because as soon as it gets to the stomach with its hydrochloric acid the acid and the bicarb instantly neutralise each other into NaCl (common table salt), H2O (water), and CO2 (carbon dioxide as in beer gas) which is why if one should eat a spoonful of bicarb you’ll burp a lot shortly afterwards.
However, some bicarb will be directly absorbed into the blood through the membranes of the mouth and throat particularly the tongue. I’ve been using it as a tooth cleaning powder for over 30 years. I don’t rinse my mouth afterward but leave the residue to dissipate quietly. The stuff tastes a bit like a nasty medicine to start with but you’ll soon get accustomed to it and it’s not very unpleasant after a while.
Coupled with chewing rosemary leaves (straight off the bush) halitosis (bad breath) and some minor ailments of nose and throat vanish.
Many years ago I read about some doctor bloke (from Mexico, I think) who was successfully treating some cancers by injecting bicarb solution into the abdominal cavity from where it could be directly absorbed into the blood.
Anyhow, there seems to be good evidence that many of the “Western” ailments that might result from an unbalanced diet of “soft” and refined or “processed” foods might be partly offset by an “adjustment” of bodily acidity.
As far as Hydroxychloroquine goes, there are many “stuffs” that help promote the production of monatomic oxygen that is naturally produced by the body’s defence mechanisms to attack foreign pathogens. The most basic of these are Ozone and Hydrogen peroxide. There are many other compounds, both natural and synthetic, that have beneficial effects in this regard.
Cancer cells love sugar, so the bicarb is mixed with maple syrup or whatever. It is not taken neat.
So what?, XX? I’ve never heard of any kind of chemistry that says that any kind of sugar prevents stomach acid from reacting with NaHCO3.
The best I can see of mixing bicarb with sticky sugars is that it might encourage little children to savour it in their mouth for longer before swallowing it.
Why Drink Alkaline Water When the Stomach is ACID?
Well, if this letter was sent to the editors of our fake print mob and all the shock joke producers, it will never be printed or referred to by any of our alleged ‘ethical’ Control freak controllers
Wonder if Dan’s office will be provided with the information, after all he banned the alternative hcl and his Qld comrade made it a criminal offence for a medical practitioner to prescribe it.
Love the smell of a class action in the morning!
Kommondant Andrews knows nuffink and his Chief Medical Officer is just following orders, maybe they will be put on a lower payscale since they are just there to read the teleprompter. They won’t care, they are looking at their next career step already. This is how everything is done now it’s called IBGYBG (I’ll be gone, you’ll be gone)
Career moves for both should at best be jail, at worse hanging by the neck. They are traitors to Australia and the population. If they escape either of those two options, anyone who employs them should be charged with treason.
Mal, what you’ve stated above is more than magnanimous to the guilty parties.
Let not posterity record, that the last man hanged in Australia was Ronald Ryan, when there are those at large who are far more deserving of the noose.
“We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.” – Aesop
Thank you very much for your attention to this matter, & my thanks in advance for your potential help. Please reply ASAP before more deaths occur & more damage is inflicted on the Australian population & its economy. Please feel free to contact me at any time to discuss any matter.
good work, double blind, may leg some up, and a subtle mocking to boot
One more opportunity for me to bark on about the fact that there are only 3 possible explanations re
the continued appearance of Covid 19 cases in hermetically sealed communities:
1) The respective inmates are being deliberately exposed
2) The testing mechanisms are so inaccurate hay-fever sufferers are being classified as positive
3) Locking people up doesn’t stop the spread( the original rationale was that it would merely slow it down thereby obviating a hospital overload)
I’d say a combo of 2 & 3 is at play
The test kits were purchased in 2018 for something which then did not exist. Can someone explain how the testing mechanism works?
Numero 1 looks good to me….
There doesn’t appear to have been a whole lot of publicity re the fact that the empty hospital scenarios that emerged in March weren’t just due to an absence of patients but a lack of staff. I have a family member who was able to keep her job but she witnessed a suspension of countless other qualified employees. I also know someone who runs a Perth beauty clinic who happens to be a registered nurse; when she had to close up shop she offered her services accordingly and was told she wasn’t needed. Go figure
The situation in Victoria is living proof that the fear of a hospital overload was entirely engendered by the Few’s “need” to maintain control of the many:it had nothing to do with saving anyone from sickness or death as borne out by the shutdown of critical elective procedures such as cancer screening( any estimates re the prospective mortality toll?).
So as far as I’m concerned trying to appeal to reason is utterly pointless
As a septuagenarian I’d rather carc it via the flu than cancer.
How come I’m not being given the choice ?
The situation kinda betrays the fact that the likes of euthanasia-Dan couldn’t give a rat’s arse about autonomy
Nice letter but can’t see much hope for a sensible reply.
When the stormtroopers are inciting, assaulting, taking citizens hostage and demanding ransoms, it has all got a bit beyond polite language.
Meanwhile in Sweden, everything is normal.
What sort of horrific UN punishments await the Swedes I wonder.
They’re already being ‘soft-genocided’ with immigration – like all western countries.
3 lies go about in relation to HCQ
1. It doesn’t work
2. there’s not enough of it
3. It’s unsafe
These lies may be applied in rotation &/or by different liars until the questioner is exhausted.
So we can see, 3 lies can = a truth
Here’s an update from Sweden. Perhaps they are going to get the shaft a different way – and this lady seems to be onto it. Probably need to keep our eyes on this as it may be coming here.
Well it appears the Big Tech Masters have deemed the video you were linking too, must have obviously been Far Too Truthful In The Content That It Represented!!! That is very disappointing, to have missed the video!
“When the stormtroopers are inciting, assaulting, taking citizens hostage and demanding ransoms, it has all got a bit beyond polite language.”
I suspect that is now the case. I hope not, but the trajectory has been downward for quite a while and I don’t see it leveling off, rather, I see the decline increasing. – Oh yeah, protect yourself, yadda, yadda…
RWA, what a brilliant letter, thank you for compiling this on behalf of all fellow Australians.
I do however feel that this is a David & Goliath issue.
The letter is very confronting, to be sent to just one individual.
I will be just as surprised as you, if you receive a personal reply from him.
Rather, I believe it will passed on, to possibly be dealt with, rather than be replied to.
Stay safe.
It is up to us to pass on the letter to some sms and pollies, e-mail lists, even Facebook I hear.
I have, what have you done?
So stuff bureaucrats whom it will not be passed on to.
Just do it. Pass it on or climb under a rock. We can manage.
Recall.Peter, did Goliath represent the magnificent powerful state?
David on the other hand had a bag of stones and only needed one to do the job.
Shit, we the 99% have bags of stones in reserve.
Poor Goliath, Poor msm , running dog fascist control freaks
Let the stones fill the sky. On NWO Goliaths and their running dog msm hyenas.
Like most accounts recorded in the Bible the closer you look at that story, the more you see.
There are a few fairly obvious hints re taking out an enemy such as:
* Get lots of practice with natural predators(David was well versed in protecting sheep from wolves and lions)
* Don’t don anything along the lines of standard battle-gear: do maintain an ingenue non- threatening appearance
* Use a technique with which your opponent is totally unfamiliar
I’ve already printed the letter and will present it to local hospital doctors, with the advice that they now have no reasonable means of denial that they did not know about Ivermectin. Meanwhile, the 10,000 Aborigines who are in the process of declaring national sovereignty in Arnhem Land, will also have their attention turned to Ivermectin. If push comes to shove, government wil have no mandate to force the vaccine on the Yolngu people and we can probably import Ivermectin from Russia… or wherever. Gotta be some place Big Pharma does not yet control.
RWA I thank you for your letter, on behalf of all those who haven’t got their heads buried in the sand or that other place where the sun doesn’t shine! I love the implications and accusations hidden between the lines. This fake virus is nothing more than a smoke screen for something more sinister, the deaths of the aged in aged care homes have absolutely nothing to do with being FROM COVID! The numbers are counted though, WHY? because it is to keep despot danny boys’ ‘Numbers’ up! And doesn’t he love it when they are up?. Notice his demeanour when the ‘numbers’ start to decrease, oh my Lordy me, “everyone, go and get tested, I don’t care if you don’t have the slightest bit of the flu, because after all it is winter, JUST GO AND GET TESTED!!!” He practically becomes apoplectic! and his urging becomes frantic. Then Sutton, his sneering sidekick gets on and bursts his lying bubble and says that all aged care deaths are being put down as FROM COVID! When they ARE NOT. Isn’t it against the law to lie, as to the cause of death, on a death certificate?? Is there no end to their treachery. These lockdowns are literally killing people and I hope to god a class action can and will be taken to send these despots to jail. We, the people of Victoria in particular are at the end of our tethers, even though andrewsan has bought and paid for the disgusting piss poor excuses for police, they are few, WE, THE PEOPLE ARE MANY! An uprising is coming and when it does it will NOT be pretty. I think the ante needs to be upped as peaceful protests are not achieving anything, maybe by escalating the protests in ways that the establishment is not expecting we will achieve more than we are now. I don’t condone violence, BUT, tough times call for tough measures.
Clearly, we need a Royal Commission to track down those responsible for the lies, misinformation and deaths of many Australians.
That Commission should include examining those associated with the criminal msm and lying shock jokes.
Australia is in more danger now than when Darwin was bombed.
Also included, should be an examination of the Victorian police thug force.
Families of the the deceased affected should be fully informed of the evil health bureaucrats responsible for unnecessary deaths.
Get onto it Morrison or get off your tv presentations of BS.
The Mal Hughes song
“No such person, no such zone”….
Thank you Alice, Fiona your work is complete. Peace and calm and deep deep love travelling home. We, Aishe, Diane de Vere are connected, we are family we are fellow travellers, Ulkamun still with some work to do with the old ones. Thank you for your amazing work, strength, brilliance and courage in extreme adversity, you never ever gave up. You have been an inspiration and life saver for so many. In gratitude.
“I would like to thank all those staunch supporters who viewed these works and understood the essence of our motivation and end goal. Thank you for the multitude of prayers uttered all around the world – this is what truly kept Fiona alive. Know that Fiona finally reached her destination (i.e., integration) and, God-willing, will be A-okay.
The same can’t be said for Fiona’s enemies. Their demise is coming. The relentless attacks on Fiona, and the blacklisting of these writings is testament to the existence of the evil system depicted in Eyes Wide Open.
All the best to you as you board the hellish ride which is the manifestation of the things predicted and explained in unprecedented detail in Eyes Wide Open. Here is your last chance to download the free book. Click on this LINK.
Over and out.
wow, I’m speechless
Its like losing family
The Chinese make fun of Trump and Pompeo
Chinese netizens joked about Trump and Pompeo. Someone made this video that they lip-synced to a well-known Chinese patriotic song “I Love You, China”. The mouth actions are so perfect, even the expression is so fit.
[…] URL2 https://gumshoenews.com/2020/09/21/letter-to-ass-prof-senanayake-regarding-efficacy-of-ivermectin-an… […]