To Biomedical and Immunological colleagues, Epidemiologists, and writers and editors at News Ltd & ABC : I ask you all to pause, reconsider and reflect on your positions on Covid-19 – and then take some responsibility for them given we know that jab-in-arm mRNA vaccines do not prevent infection nor transmission nor severity (any variant), are dangerous with high adverse event rates (being fully vaccinated then catch Covid is the most serious).† The ineffective vaccine mandates and lockdowns have caused great harm to millions of trusting Australians, where the unvaccinated truly now live in a totalitarian state with a loss of many democratic freedoms.
As scientists, particularly those of us with Immunology, Microbiology and Vaccination research knowledge dating back many years (50 years in my case), we have a professional responsibility to tell the truth and then admit any mistakes we make. It has been most distressing to watch how the scientific and medical establishment has provided its professional imprimatur and endorsement of coercive totalitarian policies imposed by State Premiers led by Daniel Andrews† and which Prime Minister Scott Morrison used as cover to allow a “Reign of Terror “to flourish unchecked in Australia for political gain.
Elizabeth Hart – in her email on The Conversation and censorship (below) – has identified to her wide circle of concerned and aware Australian citizens the destructive corruption and webs of conflict of interest in Australian biomedical science. In particular the wider medical establishment through the insidious “Friends of Science in Medicine “ network. That network of profound conflict of interest and corrosive corruption needs to be exposed to as many enlightened Australian citizens as possible so that news can be widely spread.
This is because, as sure as night follows day, another pandemic will arrive on our shores and we need to understand more accurately what has unfolded with Covid-19, now the most molecularly-tracked virus pandemic in scientific and medical history.
Given the past track records of my scientific colleagues and Elizabeth Hart’s systematic exposure of the corruption web, we can now understand how the massive public health failure unfolded in Australia under Covid. We must learn from our collective mistakes in order to handle the next suddenly-arriving cold or flu pandemic (in all historical probability). To this end, I have made a submission to the Dr. Peter Shergold post mortem independent inquiry on Australia’s official Covid response and I have particularly identified the destructive leading role of The Peter Doherty Institute at the top of the list on the “expert panel” of advisors to the Shergold inquiry. Discussed this past weekend on TNT Radio:
“Politically Incorrect “ with Mike Tennessee & Richard Carsson Interview 16 April 2022 from 26:30 min mark https://tntradiolive.podbean.com/e/ted-steele-on-politically-incorrect-16-apr-2022/)
To my biomedical colleagues: For posterity please reflect on your actions and decisions, say you got things wrong and then apologise to the Australian people – and then learn from your mistakes.
You need to confront the fact that the vaccine mandates and the governments’ public health responses have been a massive failure at all levels of established scientific and medical understanding.
Ted Steele
† Premier Dan Andrews and his entire family (n=5) all fully vaccinated and boostered have caught Covid over the past week or so — and according to Dan Andrews he (they) “have suffered terribly”. The significant elevation in Covid-19 associated death rates these past few months in Australia post Covid-19 vaccination – increases in a vaccine-dose dependent way since the Omicron/Delta Covid sudden strikes on scale since mid-Dec 2021 DOI: 10.31038/IDT.2022311) has been established by the Perth group of Dr Judy Wilyman and People for Safe Vaccines https://www.peopleforsafevaccines.org
Edward J Steele PhD, Member: AIMS,ASI,ASCIA
Life Fellow, CYO Foundation, Piara Waters, 6112,Perth, AUSTRALIA
Research Associate, Immunomics
“Premier Dan Andrews and his entire family (n=5) all fully vaccinated and boostered have caught Covid over the past week or so — and according to Dan Andrews he (they) “have suffered terribly”. – Best news I’ve heard in quite a while. – I hope they get another booster, do the ‘right thing’ Dan!
Israeli hospitals were overflowing with the quad-vaxed:
There doesn’t appear to be any evidence that the ritual benefited anyone
It now appears that the Aus henchmen are set on backing out as unobtrusively as possible:
OZ; these rules are most likely dropped to get more support in the coming elections/
To be re-introduced after the elections, when winter colds and flu are hitting us.
Quite apart from anything else the purveyor’s weren’t counting on the contact tracing requirement eliciting more support for the Ted Steele cosmic contagion theory than otherwise(The theory outlined in the interview I posted below)
e. g. at the beginning of the year in WA a guy nicknamed “the delta backpacker”managed to tot up 779 strikes before being sprung & quarantined and only 23 bods within the wider uncharted “cluster” tested positive:
Hardly a high rate of person-to-person infection
“WE must yah-d-yah
WE can’t allow yah-d-yah
WE need yah-d-yah……..”
At face value said “WE” might denote exclusivity but it’s actually the trademark of personal weakness & insecurity.
Just press “mute” and watch Bill Gates in motion: the perpetual nervous grin fair screams an insatiable need for some sort of “good-little-boy” affirmation or other
WTF? – Russell Brand thinks Yuval Harari is a beautiful person
[…] Source […]
At last, a medico of Peter Steel’s standing, has confronted the medical research and policy establishment, and exposed the truth.
Or, to paraphrase, yet another priveliged egghead has finally acknowledged the incontravertible evidence of genocide and infanticide and appealed to professional associations of medical psychopths to cease and desist and… wow, this is the cherry on top… to apologise.
Ted. Ted. Ted. When are you going to get it? There is no mistake. The democide, and destroyed lives and economies, is deliberate. If you want an early, albeit painful retirement, much like that of Doctor Noakes of Scandanavia, just keep provoking them.
Or, you could wake up to our real dilemma, raise as much money as you can, send it to me, and I will do the job that actually needs doing; prosecute the criminals and restore civilisation. I know how to do it and you do not.
How much A$ would it take Tony?
Given the political nature of NASA he does seem to be a tad naive re it’s denial of extra-terrestrial life
It’s become hell on earth where a relative few in possession of the money, resources and technology, pull all the levers of control. Many people are dying so that these anti-human creatures profit and gain more power. The ultimate plan, of their collective, is to gather the entire wealth of the world. As we the mass majority end up with no property and no assets, chained to the enforcers system of slavery for survival. Now we are witnessing their de-population agenda on steroids. The shot is a stealth weapon by which mass murder is committed while perpetraitors remain anonymous protected by “plausible deniability”.
Another great Mark Dice video where he takes the Mickey out of a California board. Just further evidence of the decline of the West – the sooner the ‘vax’ eliminates the morons the better.
LIVE: Cobra Venom Found in Spike Protein, Dr. Liu’s Murder UNCOVERED, Plan To Resist Tyranny
First time I’ve heard of the respective theory; it sure does make sense.
Particularly in view of the fact the long-held belief that maggots were generated by rotting matter without any external input
obviously it doesn’t fit the “bio-weapon” narrative but that’s something I’ve never bought anyway
As for the vaccine, I fail to see how reckless disregard for human life is any less grievous than malicious intent and the latter imputes far too much talent in any case
At 5 – 6 minutes he demolishes the “bio-weapon” story
it makes sense what he says there, but maybe its the jab that is the bio weapon.
he goes on to say it came from a meteor shower? was that part of the plan from those attending the event 201 scenario? –
In the first instance the bio-weapon argument never held any water because, as he says, a virus that couldn’t kill anyone bar a few geriatrics and individuals with extant health problems couldn’t have filled any such bill
And as that information was exhaustively broadcast well before the advent of the vaccine, only those who had some sort of pre-existing personal investment in the entire gamut of medical rorts that’s been up and running for decades would have succumbed.
So we’re talking about an entity that fashioned a deadly weapon for exclusive use against it’s own legions?
“The chances of anything coming from Mars
Are a million to one” he said …”
U.S. Department of Defense awarded a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist
Very interesting. Given the ramifications of the emergence of something that simply wasn’t within the control of such “authorities”, quote,
“It wasn’t until December 31st 2019 that the World Health Organisation (WHO) became aware of an alleged cluster of viral pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China. But even at this point they had not determined that an alleged new coronavirus was to blame, instead stating the pneumonia was of ‘unknown cause’.”
I guess they had to conjure up something quick-smart, the best bet being something that served to justify their existence
He might be toting the same evolutionist baggage as the officially approved “scientific community” but as his work could still serve to smash the encompassing agenda to smithereens it’s hardly surprising that it’s been given virtually no press.
As for the silence on these pages it’s not exactly hard to figure out that the entire “bio-weapon” dialogue buys right into the same agenda
Has HUGO hit something big?
Do you believe that Trump truly is an Anti-Vaxxer? Go back to March, 2020. Trump had an open line with Zelenko and his HCQ. Then Trump got the CCP virus and disappeared to Walter Reid military Hospital, where he got the best of the best treatment (Including monoclonal antibodies), I took for granted that he also got IVM and HCQ – he was fine after 3-4 days.
Then Americans started to get infected en masse and I believe this was the point in time when Trump was forced to change C-19 therapy direction ( follow Fauci!) Big money went to Fauci, Big Pharma aso. And Operation Warp Speed happened.
To me this is the crux: “Trump aims at a “Come Back’ sooner than later. If he sticks to his “Pro Vaxx” status he should have the support from most jib jabbed Americans, but as we see in HUGO’s 30 min video – TRUMP is involved with the people mentioned!!
HUGO: “How can this be”?
You judge. (I have listened to these doctors many many times in the past 24 months, and have personal question marks on: Ardis, Madej, Cowan+ Lanka+ Bailey, Kaufmann and Northrup.)
I did notice this: at 12min50, stop the video at all the photos and you will find the photo of no other than
RICCARDO BOSI (second from right at the bottom!)
The Father of the Vaccine
March 24, 2022 renegade 3 Comments
It’s absolutely insane that the MAGA crowd opposes the vaccine, but loves the man who takes all the credit for it.
I used to be one of those people that gave various speeches. Often times I would end up giving a speech after or before some person that I disagreed with. However, it would become very convenient for a detractor/troll to say that I shared the stage with some clown that was off his rocker.
A person should be judged on what he has to say, not on what another speaker has to say.
It doesn’t matter if what was previously said killed millions of people and turned out to be wrong. Nothing seems to happen to the guilty. There is no justice. But God hears our groans.
And what’s with contradictory information being disseminated one day to the next? I think it’s to first confuse us, then demoralise us and finally paralyse us.
The Truth About Nazism in Ukraine: And Why the Media is Covering It Up…
“Remember what C14 leader Yevhen Karas said in the video from earlier: ‘We have fun killing, we have fun fighting…’
The occult side of the Russia-Ukraine war
On March 31, 2022 a group called Witch Cauldron, based in Kiev (Ukraine) engaged in spiritual warfare, using witchcraft against Russian President Putin. You may recall that they did the same with US President Trump.
A group of witches in Ukraine is planning to hold a three-part ritual to punish and stop Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Taking to Instagram, Kiev-based Witch Cauldron shop put out a statement, saying the ‘witches’ will perform the ritual in collaboration with their foreign partners….
“On March 31, on the 29th lunar day, the day of corruption and curses, we, the witches of Ukraine, in collaboration with foreign partners, will perform a ritual of punishing the enemy of the Ukrainian people – Vladimir Putin,” the shop said on Instagram.
A few days later, the Russian Orthodox Church confirmed this.
The Russian Patriarchal Church believes that the Ukrainian government is using “witches and satanic rites” against the occupiers.
Archpriest of the ROC Andriy Tkachov made such a statement quite seriously.
The priest stated that Ukraine allegedly has nothing left but to ask for help from demons, Satanists and sorcerers. Tkachev addressed the Russian audience:
“Obviously, all human means have run out, demonic means have begun … Arestovich’s appeal was to witches, to the sorcery community of Ukraine. They responded to him and announced some rites,” Tkachev said.
Ruach Raah – Under The Insignia of Baphomet (War Arts Productions)
Ruach Raah – Under The Insignia of Baphomet (War Arts Productions)
In the faith of Judaism, the Ruach Ra’ah is the manifestation of evil that comes to rest upon the living during sleep. The spirit, reckoned to be one sixtieth fraction of death, can only be removed by ritual washing of the hands. In the faith of black metal, Ruach Raah is a Portuguese duo dedicated to the promotion of hatred and fanatical opposition to ‘society’. Thus the modern aim lives comfortably with the ancient threat.
Ruach Raah deal in primitive brutalism, nothing more, nothing less. There is little variation in the material offered for consumption. Each track is mid to fast paced, with buzzing, saw-like guitars and propulsive drumming. Vocals are rasped and delivered with no concession to melody or to legibility of lyrics……………..”
This system of control is built upon sorcery, intimidation, propaganda, lies and every other tactic and scheme now enforced.
“The Christian religion is above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times, the religion of wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity.”
– US President John Adams
It’s called the ‘Theory of evolution’, because it hasn’t been proven and will never be proven.
For those that missed my belated comments Gumshoenews “Who Has The Intel……”
Email to
Premier McGowan & Chief Health Officer Robertson,
I have previously notified you or Health Minister Cook on 15 occasions since April 2021, the dangers of the so called vaccine but to no avail. You have continued the genocide program until hopefully today.
I now suggest directives to halt future deaths and health problems being currently created by this bio-weapon.
Ignore all instructions from the World Health Organisation and the TGA as these bodies have knowingly been involved in a counter-productive cause for a healthy outcome.
Immediately cease the “vaccination” rollout and revoke all mandates to do with the Covid hoax.
Through a series of advertisements using the main stream media, announcements of the above actions be made.
Additional to that, it is to be announced that the Covid “vaccine” is very toxic and that the recipients need to make use of the antidotes in a package that will be supplied by the Government. Recipients are to make bookings through the same facilities where they received the “vaccine”.
(The cost of this recovery program is to be recouped from the pharmaceutical companies that provided the “vaccines”.)
You are to beg Clive Palmer to send his supply of Ivermectin to Western Australia for the use in the antidote program.
A copy of this email has been placed with numerous others around Australia, to be used in your court trials, in the case of me not being available.
Malcolm R. Hughes.
On Voting Day Remember
Labor Gov. Injected “Killer Vaccine”
Liberal Gov. Supplied “Killer Vaccine”.
It all sounds dire above.
But I wonder, I have noted references for future treatment with ‘ med beds’ ( medical bed treatment used for years in particular situations)
At beforeitsnews.com the latest ‘situation update’ has a few minutes on the subject at about 55 minutes for ten or so.
Seems that the treatment is based on hidden Tesla patents etc. so who has been making the money.
If they ban Ivermectin it is consistent with the PTBs hiding advanced medical technology.
Julius will probably claim that I have no credibility by referring to the reported technology.
So for the record Julius, I do not adopt it but have some hope that the technology has some substance.
Matter for readers.
The interesting theory in the report is that we will not need many doctors or hospitals.
Merks, BMs and Ferrari’s will be much cheaper.💁💰 so save off for awhile on purchase?
If any one could be bothered, follow the last situation update today at beforeitsnews.com
A report is that the med beds are being used in Japan and Germany.
Well, there is a report that one is in Canberra treating a Brain tumour.
Only one for all our half brain politicians in Canberra?🤡
fancy anyone’s doing some research with a bit of ‘fishing’, I want to consider your ‘verbal’ interpretation.
Gumshoe needs to upgrade to a bigger hosting plan. With over 90,000 comments the hosting plan is way to ‘slow’ — and caused sluggishness etc.
Sorry Dee, completely off topic.
RT : “Assange extradition order issued by UK court”. Priti Patel has the last word.
I am devastated.
Romanian European Representative Asks Again for Pfizer Contracts
Transparency 🙂
Uncle passed on yesterday, 15 days after aunt. They got Covid, both unvaccinated, doctor on island didn’t want to see them, so they were taken to hospital in Dubrovnik. There they put them on ventilators and remdesivir, family were not allowed to visit.
They were murdered, tragic. They died without family support. (Did they come from Mljet)?
All over 50 should stay away from the toxic jab, but be on Dr Zelenko’s prophylactic regimen designed for their age/risk group until the Covid has disappeared.
Are all Qantas pilots jib jabbed?
Well, Joyce has a duty to disclose to the passengers who is holding our futures with their joystick.
Episode 2757B at X22Report.com today is well worth a listen today.
In the first few minutes Piers Morgan is skinned alive, together with the fake phoney false mass media liars.
Delicious 💁🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Our menu is served on a stinking platter by deceivers who’ve wormed their way into controlling all nations and rotted them from within.
Enriching themselves, beyond measure, on our labour and goodwill, as we embrace the lies of the bloodsuckers.
Judea declare war on Russia – with China next.
As was so with Germany and Japan, Russia and China have formed their own Central Bank and booted the Jewish Bankers out of the country resulting in a Jewish declaration of war.
What happened to Germany is now happening to Russia.
“Judea Declares War on Germany!” – Daily Express headline, March 24, 1933.
“Judea Declares War on Germany! Jews of all the World Unite! Boycott of German Goods!
Mass Demonstrations!” – These were all headlines in the Daily Express on March 24, 1933.
“The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany.
Fourteen million Jews stand together as one man, to declare war against Germany. The Jewish wholesaler will forsake his firm, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his commerce and the pauper his pitiful shed in order to join together in a holy war against Hitler’s people.” – Daily Express, March 24, 1933.
“Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike, who has not already enlisted in this sacred war should do so now and here. It is not sufficient that you should buy no goods made in Germany. You must refuse to deal with any merchant or shopkeeper who sells any German-made goods or who patronises German ships or shipping…. we will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends.” – Samuel Undermeyer, in a Radio Broadcast on WABC, New York, August 6, 1933. Reported in the New York Times, August 7, 1933.
Joining with Samuel Untermeyer in calling for a war against Germany, Bernard Baruch, at the
same time, was promoting preparations for war against Germany. “I emphasised that the defeat of Germany and Japan and their elimination from world trade would give Britain a tremendous opportunity to swell her foreign commerce in both volume and profit.” – Baruch, The Public Years, by Bernard M. Baruch, p. 347 (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960).
Samuel Untermeyer was a Jewish leader and close friend of presidents Wilson and Roosevelt. Bernard Baruch was a presidential adviser to Wilson, Roosevelt and Truman.
Read on –
USA targeting of Moskva ship is Russia’s “Pearl Harbor”, retaliation is next
It has now been revealed that the US military ran the entire operation to sink the Moskva, including running the tracking of the ship via a P-8 Poseidon surveillance aircraft, which then handed off fire solutions to the Ukrainians who were all trained by the US military as well. Thus, the United States provided the weapons, the training, the tracking and the fire solution to sink the Moskva.
By sinking the Moskva, the US just handed Putin something akin to “Russia’s Pearl Harbor moment,” in which Putin can claim to his people that the USA initiated an attack on the Russian Navy, sinking one of their ships and killing hundreds of their people. This news has, of course, been paraded all across Russian media, driving domestic support for Putin even higher than before.
Just like with Pearl Harbor in the United States, the people of Russia are now demanding “payback” from the aggressors, whom they see as the United States. In effect, the USA just handed Putin the final piece of the puzzle that he needs to launch retaliatory nuclear strikes against the West.
Get the full details in today’s feature podcast here.
Adolf Hitler – Man of Peace – Audio reading with PDF download link
Wake Up Kiwi Up Kiwi
All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars
April 14 2015 | From: MichaelRivero / Various Sources
A very eloquent and relatively concise video discourse on how and why the title of this piece is so tragically true, followed by a very detailed article for those who wish to read more.
This really is a must see / must read piece to be aware of the real history of banking and warmongering over the last 100 years – along with the how and why such nefarious plans were implemented; and to what ends.
Read on –
The RBA is a foreign privately owned Central Bank and under section 44 of the Australian Constitution no politician is allowed to sit in parliament while being subject to it.
Thanks for the hint. They (X-22 Report) haven’t mentioned the French or Aussie elections yet. (Or did I miss it?)
If Palmer, Hanson et al. (anti jab parties) show below graphs regularly in their ads, would this give them more votes?
Why is it that according to official Government figures, the vaccinated population account for 84% of the record breaking number of Covid-19 deaths in Australia?
Are the minor parties utilising statistics like these in their present election campaign?
Nothing surprises me anymore!
Did Putin have info about this US/Ukrainian Lab activity before the “Operation Ukraine started”?
“On the basis of this data, groups of migratory birds are caught, digitised and capsules of germs are attached to them that carry a chip to be controlled through computers. These birds are then released to the flock of the migratory birds in those target countries toward which the US intelligence has malevolent intentions”.
Defibrillators every 400 metres in Northern suburbs, Melbourne
totally clotted within 5 mins so ambos no good.
Making teachers get a booster?
Amazing. The guy says the news came from ABC: “Plan to roll out Defibrillators every 400 metres”. Who’s plan?? VIC Health dep.? Most likely.
The Vic Gov knows that heart problems are going through the roof.
At the same time keeps jabbing, boostering people.