Everybody’s in a tight spot. Even the biggest criminals do not have an easy life. This article is about compromising with the bad guys as an alternative to letting everything get worse.
Is it getting worse? Yes. I don’t see anything that indicates an improvement, anything to suggest that we are going in the direction of reclaiming rule of law. I believe tyranny is on the way. Hence, I am scared out of my wits.
Don’t Wait for the Rescue Truck
Let me briefly dispose of the issue of “no help is in sight.” I keep hearing that more and more people are becoming enlightened about 9-11 or possibly even about The Federal Reserve crimes — thanks to the Internet. But that increase of numbers does not translate into action.
The fact is that (as we are seeing in Australia regarding the child-stealing cases) most parts of government, media, and the legal profession have been captured. Thus, even if the citizens become greatly enlightened, they have no way to bring down the mighty. They can’t work toward a goal of prosecution, indictment, and conviction of the worst offenders.
Folks don’t yet realize that, but it’s a fact. There are corrupted Individuals stationed in every role (police, prosecutor, judge, legislator) to prevent a resolution. And any loose-cannon witnesses out there who aren’t sufficiently receptive of bribes or threats will be killed (or arrested on a trumped-up charge) so that the “protected” persons will never face punishment.
And don’t get me started on how many of our citizens are mind-controlled without being aware of it. Those citizens need to be subtracted form the pool of persons who would normally be willing to “stand up for the right.” They should be considered absent from this fray, or perhaps be considered a fifth column, waiting to take orders “post-hypnotically” from their masters.
Eschew False Hope
Ah, but don’t we have a legacy of law and of high principle? Yes we do, but it is presently inaccessible. Conceivably it could be accessed by violent means — revolutions have occasionally succeeded in the past — but there is no sign of a revolt today and, anyway, peeps don’t know whom to aim their wrath at.
Moreover, we are hopelessly outgunned. The Powers That Be have not only disarmed us but could starve us out in a fortnight merely by curtailing the transport of food. It goes without saying that they could shut off all electronic and telephone communication. It goes without saying that they could torture or kill any citizen leaders or potential leaders.
So let’s get realistic as to how to improve the situation.
Engage Them, Invite Them to the Table
We should try to engage with those who are doing great harm.
All of us are human beings. Each person has 46 chromosomes — 23 from Mum and 23 from Dad. The gene pool contains easy-to-understand characteristics. Even the most peculiar behavioral trait — a fetish for toes, for example — is related to normal (statistically normal) traits.
We can all relate to what the “baddies” do. Granted, some people are absolute monsters; they do things that are way, way beyond the acceptable limit. But even they have the standard human repertoire of emotions and motivations.
In most cases, their ability to carry out their monstrous work is due not to an errant gene, but to us having allowed them to rise to a “position” of power. And the fabulous weaponry that they might use against us is, for the most part, provided to them legally or even legislatively.
You might say “We asked for it.”
Try To Empathize with Them
My purpose in this article, entitled “It Can’t Be Easy for the Protected Criminal,” is to offer for your inspection a plan that does not rely on things “working themselves out”
and also does not depend on heroic individuals standing up to the bad guys. It has to do with the bad guys figuring out that they are not really having such a fine time.
Let’s look at what the king is doing tonight. Recall the song from Lerner and Lowe’s Camelot, in which the king muses that his subjects are “wondering what the king is doing tonight”. He says they wonder:
“How goes the final hour as he sees his bridal bower
Being regally and legally prepared?
Well, I’ll tell you what the king is doing tonight
He’s scared, he’s scared.”
For our purposes, “the king” is whoever sits at the top making many decisions that affect our lives. He would naturally be scared, as so many things can go wrong. Even if most people still don’t know what his rulership consists of (because it’s hidden), the king would realize that they may suddenly find out. Just think of all the effort he puts, today, into the coverup!
Do you feel that it’s wrong of me to empathize with a king’s worries? Note: we are not talking about forgiveness here. Empathy means fellow-feeling. If we get accustomed to the idea that “the king” (I mean all the upper-level deciders) is human and has to worry, we may then notice that he is burdened. As Shakespeare wrote (in Henry IV):
"How many thousands of my poorest subjects Are at this hour asleep! O sleep, O gentle sleep, Nature's soft nurse, how have I frightened thee, That thou no more will weigh my eyelids down... Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."
The Lowest Level
Probably we would do best by inviting the lowest level of harm-doers to simply say how they feel about being ordered to hurt people. We know from some policepersons in Adelaide that they do not like grabbing kids away from Mums.
We know of at least one Tassie cop, Pat Allen, who complained about being told not to shoot the snipers at Seascape Cottage. The instruction given to him was “This has to happen.”
Pat said his anger had disabled him for 6 months after the incident. Granted, we would not have heard from him except that a morning radio talk show covered the subject on the 20th anniversary of the Port Arthur massacre, and he dared to call in!
Sometimes we get the dirt from cops who have turned state’s witness after they themselves get charged with crimes. At the Fitzgerald Inquiry in Queensland, Graeme Parker testified:
“I would receive hundreds of calls every week from police who said [Police Commissioner] Lewis was corrupt but were too scared to be named or provide a statement for fear of losing their jobs.”
Fitzgerald, who conducted the Inquiry, spoke disparagingly of the pressure of loyalty within the Force. He said”
“It is impossible to concede how an honest policeman could rationally believe the acceptance of a situation, that involves corruption by any of his colleagues, benefits either himself or his force or is justified by his shared interest and burdens with any who are corrupt – merely because like him they are policemen.”
You may recall also the the conference of “Winter Soldiers,” in which US veterans who fought in Iraq in 2003 told how reluctant they had been to take part in that massive harm-doing, albeit to a supposed “enemy.”
The Middle Level
If we invite middle-level persons to the table, with an eye to “converting” them, we would probably have to call their attention to their diminishing chances if they stay at their present game. I assume that the middle level includes government officials, covert agents, judges, military brass, and also Mafioso.
They are invested in a system that has given them every luxury. (Well, every luxury except that of a good conscience.) So, tell them that it is bound to collapse. We can easily imagine that some may see the handwriting on the wall and want to get out but can’t think how to begin.
Almost certainly they calculate, as a risk of disobeying the kings, that they may face prosecution. Here we can be creative. I see nothing wrong with offering immunity when it would help society. Heck, I see nothing wrong with pensioning them off.
In South Africa, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of the 1990s recognized that police officers who had enforced apartheid were not going to lay down arms without some compo. The offer they got was to keep their pensions if they confessed their crimes and apologized.
Still, prosecution for treason should cast a large shadow behind the discussions. In the US, the penalty for treason is death. I see media leaders as being vulnerable in this area, for the lies they have told in order to cover up the king’s sins.
The Highest Level

We don’t know who the biggies are. And it is indeed hard to imagine them “coming to the table.” They, unlike the lowest and middle groups, have felt protected against the anger of the masses by the fact that they can simply kill us all.
They, at the top, have the hardware to do it. It may worry them, though, if the middle group starts going to the table. The kings need such middle persons to operate that hardware for them.
Consider the position of Napoleon, as reported by Sir Walter Scott in 1828. How many loyal henchmen did he need for control of the population?
“All France was one immense army, under the absolute control of a military commander subject to no control or responsibility. Napoleon … built new prisons and filled France with spies and jailers. He had so completely prostituted the liberty of the press that France could know nothing whatever but though Napoleon’s own bulletins.”
But if some of the “spies” got antsy, this could fall apart.
It may turn out that the middle group, seeking their own salvation, will turn the weapons against the Highest group. I believe this is not unknown in Mafia circles.
The Positive View
Much of the foregoing has a negative tone. But what I really have in mind by “engaging” all parties, is that it would provide an opportunity to remind everyone of our social nature. The human species is not made up of loners. Living the human life is a joint enterprise of many people.
A given society should have low, middle, and high people, and it always will. Remember Robert Michels’ axiom “Who says organization says oligarchy.” Modern society has to be an organized one. But it is never fixed — show me any arrangement that lasted forever.
I think it should be announced that coming to the table would give everyone a chance to rethink the current crazy set-up. A society has to be an organic entity. The weak need protection. The strong should act as role models. The creative should do their thing — let a thousand flowers bloom.
Shouldn’t every member love his/her society? Those who refuse to engage in a discussion about their society arouse suspicion. Let those who come to the table figure out what to do with them….
While I am still reading …
“The fact is that … most parts of government, media, and the legal profession have been captured.
… There are corrupted Individuals stationed in every role (police, prosecutor, judge, legislator) to prevent a resolution.”
A perfect illustration of this is also in New Zealand as highlighted by Dr Sue Grey’s testimony to the ITNJ released just this week.
• Sue Grey ITNJ Testimony – ECOCIDE (1080 in New Zealand)
From around 46:00
Dr Grey:
‘After the poison drop a group of us asked for a meeting with the police. They didn’t respond to our request so we went to the police station and waited until a policeman was available to meet with us. They eventually gave us a senior police officer who came and spoke with us, and … I specifically put to him that “Do you not understand your duty is to enforce the law and protect the public interest”. He said “No, our duty is to look after the authorities”.
The panel us chaired by Sir John Walsh of Brannagh who gives opening remarks.
Dr Chris Cleverly gives some great introductory remarks and outlines the five criteria for the tribunal’s scope of interest:
1. of these firstly where scientific data has been negligently recklessly wilfully perhaps fraudulently manipulated or omitted altogether
2. secondly where any attempt by the independent scientific community or lawyers or men and women of the living soil to question is prevented by state nation or international law;
3. thirdly where following such prohibitive legislation all criticism is censored, freedom of speech and action is removed;
4. fourthly an inability of state national or international organs to admit that they make mistakes that they are human and that they are not God that inability to admit this is sometimes some ways worse than the original omission or action; and
5. fifthly that this may be part of a continued conspiracy running through the ages to desensitize humanity from our sole sovereignty from our natural justice as we accept one assault one upon the other one infraction against our humanity after another and in a seemingly perpetual and ignominy as' enslavement and torture.
Dr Grey also explains how she lost her senior job as a scientist because she didn’t go along with the ‘official narrative’ – in this case supporting Ecocide (ecological genocide) … and this illustrates how time and time again we here that “the majority of scientists support the narrative” and how we arrive at “the science is settled”.
I was going to share this with Diane re the ‘climate change’ marches and demonstrations in Melbourne … I bet the organisers are not telling their followers about this.
Supplementary viewing as recommended by Dr Grey.
• Poisoning Paradise – Ecocide New Zealand – Festival Version
https://www.y outube.com/watch?v=yQRuOj96CRs
Last link …
Bullseye, Fish. Bullseye! “The Planet” is why Lowest Level should”deal” with Mid Level and why Mid Level should”deal” with Highest .
And the sooner the better before everything is destroyed.
Lights! Camera! Action!
some truth telling from two knowledgeable men
“Dr Grey also explains how she lost her senior job as a scientist because she didn’t go along with the ‘official narrative’ – in this case supporting Ecocide (ecological genocide) … and this illustrates how time and time again we here that “the majority of scientists support the narrative” and how we arrive at “the science is settled”.
Thanks Julius –I hear you–I get the “big picture narrative’ and we keep going. Exposing that which is hidden–
“part of a team” — and if you are not part of the team???
Funny you would mention it, Dee. It is that very video (which you showed last year in a Comment) that gave me the impression that your basic Mafia foot soldier may wish he could cast his lot elsewhere.
I also have wondered if certain people at the top (not mentioning monarchial names) get sick and tired of their enslavement. Has any monarch ever worn a cozzie in public? Has any monarch got sloshed with a few beers? Heck you can’t even be human if you are in the rarified department.
Poor old Margaret fell in love with Group Captain What’s-his-name, but had to break it off. I wonder if she ever had the thought Hey, what am I doing in here.
[Note to anyone who is planning to watch the above video. Don’t watch it too soon after dinner.]
He’s all class …
Who didn’t know what was going to happen when he picked up that bat?
One of the first things that I would like to see happen and Gumshoe is at the forefront in Australia is to have their motto. “Reclaim the Narrative”. or Reclaiming the Narratives” Put that out on all of your future posts.
From a Christian point of view God is removing His Grace from the Earth and things are only going to get worse not better…. I think many of us know this and that we are at the tipping point in our era. Never before in the history of mankind has there been so much evil and violence towards others. Truth telling is a rarity amongst men and women today.
Other countries have fought for their rule of law, fairness, equity but not Australia. We are still the only Commonwealth country not to have a treaty with the indigenous peoples. Poverty and homelessness is mounting while the docile and submissive client state of Australia takes it orders from the UK, the Crown, The Fascist US Empire, the evil Zionist Israeli regime and all of the military industrial trans-corporations for invading and occupying in foreign lands with their false flag wars creating death, havoc, mass migration and chaos,
Australian society tends to occupy themselves with sports, drugs and sex. We get a few seconds of sound bytes for the political arena with no real substance but plenty of doublespeak. They have an agenda and it is not for the benefit of Australia or Australians.
We have sedition and High Treason and it appears we can do nothing but grumble and complain. Many are asleep and have no idea but a few are waking up to reality. The Hong Kong demonstrations have said they are willing to die for their beliefs. Are Australian ready to die for their beliefs for a fairer Australia and to get rid of the corruption and criminality that is so rampant in this country? Why are they stagnating and procrastinating of doing nothing….?
No I would not sit down with them as many of them are pure evil and greedy and power and control freaks with their NWO and their surveillance society. Many need to be tried and sentenced for long periods.
For example lets take Treason:
Treason Laws
Charges & Punishment + Statute of Limitations
Treason is the only crime that is specifically written into the US Constitution. It is defined as intentionally betraying one’s allegiance to their country by levying war against the US government, and/or giving aid and comfort to its enemies. This is the most serious criminal offense one can commit against the government. Punishment is imprisonment or death.
Click on Articles for more subjects
Australia’s new espionage laws target whistleblowers and political opponents
New laws against espionage and treason threaten whistleblowers journalists and the rest of us
Has News Corp and other old Australian media committed treason?
High Treason
According to the old laws of England which are still in force many current British politicians qualify for hanging and their laws are null and void
What Is Treason?
Treason doesn’t apply to foreign nationals who don’t owe any allegiance to the U.S. However, it does apply to American citizens holding dual citizenship. It also applies to aliens domiciled in the U.S. who owe a temporary allegiance to the country while living there. (The evil Zionist Israelis behind 9/11)
Arlyn “Reclaim the Narrative”. Yes and no –I ask whose narrative. Words of the dominant controlling society are tricky.
We need a new inclusive language that levels the playing field.
Value your mind files-but too much information can be distracting–the word TREASON-resonates and this one for “me” resonates–working together
Reclaim the narrative from the prostitute media and press from their lies, omissions, exaggerations from 9/11/, the port Arthur Massacre, the toxic and contaminated vaccines that are causing a plethora of vaccine damaged babies, children and adults, on the dangers of Western medicine, on sedition and High Treason, by the politicians, on the CIA Pine Gap instead of US government officials, on the Bali bombing, the war on drugs, the corrupt banking system and the laundering of $billions of dollars, on the seditious Australia Act, and all the other propaganda used by the corporate-government apparatus mouthpiece. Anyway you get the jest of it.
The point is: the “Biggies” have lost any real connection to mankind. they look at us, the “common People” like the farmer looks at his cattle, his crops, his gras and the weed. What serves his interest, his profit, he let it grow, what is not in his interest he´ll exterminate, as long as he is able to do so!
“Connection to mankind”–connection to self –connection to family- connection to culture, language, spirituality, history, community, country –argghh life each other humanity–our future
Thar ya go, Diane. (Dee, r u listening?): Humanity Is Our Future.
Greetings, Schluter, “he’ll exterminate, as long as he is able to do so.”‘ Maybe not so long if everyone has your insight.
Please search Gumshoe website for “outlawry.” (There’s a video by me that I don’t want our “alumni” to have to watch again….)
The animal-farm realisation might be a little more grounded than the above “police-duty-is-to-protect-the public-interest” credo, but in terms of opening opportunities it’s just as much of a dead end street.
No sitting down at a table with this type and trying to reason with them, would work. Most of them believe that they are invincible, at all levels of crime. Just look at the street level criminal that repeats crimes continually. The idea that I will never get caught, or caught again is their way of thinking.
Let Donald Trump and his team of “Patriots” win the next election before judging his program. There is apparently a lot going on behind the scenes, that a great number of public are unaware is happening. If he is able to dismantle the Federal Reserve and thereby take the power back from the Central Banks, the World will be a changed place forever. In the meantime many arch criminals from both sides of politics will be facing the courts with very serious prosecutions and sentences.
Don’t forget it takes time and precautions to get the proof required, so that the accused cannot escape due to technical B/S.
I don’t completely agree with your last sentence, Mal. In a trial by jury, the jurors can hear the prosecutor or defense pull all the bullshit you can think of, and then go to the jury room and say Now wasn’t that hilarious.
Then if it goes to appeal, and there is a panel of three judges, if THEY are “taken in” by the bullshit, you’d be sure they are on somebody’s payroll.
Note: in the US, as regards federal judges, the public can tip them overboard by asking the House of Reps to do an impeachment.
The public can also, at any time, try to get the bullshit lawyer disbarred by complaining to the licensing board, You do NOT need to have standing for this. Everyone has standing.
Hi Mary-will be forever grateful for your work—and have learnt so much— I used to be a leader- a change agent-in a position of influence and I did have a role quite influential actually–rethinking education for the 21st century- yes Dee an expert “team leader’–ahh love that video–they are part of my “heritage”–the mafia-oh well–
“lets invite them to the table”. I ask whose table– And yes I have sat at their table- that is- the dominant colonial power mongrels table–love that round table Dee– thinking “I” and my team could make a difference—but now know it is “bigger than me”——and that is the world I now live in–and I now no longer want to sit at “their” table.
“The human species is not made up of loners. Living the human life is a joint enterprise of many people.”- yes we must find our tribe –our truth- our community-our fellow travellers.
“A society has to be an organic entity. The weak need protection. The strong should act as role models. The creative should do their thing — let a thousand flowers bloom.” The truth –horrific as it is needs to be told–even if it alienates–I am currently alienating myself by pursuing the the truth about the experiments -the breeding programmes- the genocide torture -the fraud and deceit–that permeates my life–my reality-my tribe. and live with the cost
“Shouldn’t every member love his/her society? Yes
“Those who refuse to engage in a discussion about their society arouse suspicion. Let those who come to the table figure out what to do with them….”
thanks Dee and all Gumshoers– for expanding my horizons
from an alter personality- a non de plume-alias of Diane de Vere- “the woman who walks between worlds”
Backatcha, Diane (and/or your inner people who may be listening),
You have majorly educated moi. Especially by reminding that all roads lead to Tavistock.
Speaking of the Tavi chaps, I hereby invite them to try to sort out which of their “scientific experiments” have actual merit, from those that are done for sheer sadistic pleasure.
And that reminds me that when the Iraq war began in 2003 (no point calling it a “war” but you know what I mean), a journalist — I think it was Wayne Madsen — immediately reported that the White House had a video link to where we were doing torture. Pure voyeurism.
A Canadian named Harold Funk, does anyone remember him — said that the back of Langley has a secret entrance to a basement where torture is carried out. Funk also specified many other locations. I tried to visit him in Ottawa but was rebuffed at his Intercom.
Speaking of which, there may be many like him who tried valiantly to get the story out but who failed. Funk did not fail, although his material is no longer on the Net. Suffice it to say that the torture victims located at the places he mentioned would appreciate being rescued.
Hi Diane, always spot on with what really makes us tick. Funny it should even need saying but thats how it is nowadays.
I think you and me with many others have come to understand the fifth column is our saving grace(and us theirs). This is why all us here, bang on day in and day out.The extend of the control is monstrous, and I will not welcome the controllers back into our collected view without full admission and an acceptance of a outcome that has no promise of relief(take it or leave).
We know that the individual can be stronger than the best programmers endeavours. The collateral damage to our home and friends is hard to witness without becoming crushed with paralysing fear. Flight is not possible anymore, so we fight.
My anger fuels my defiance and I will stand alone if I must. Luckily with you all, I don’t have too.
Simon — “We know that the individual can be stronger than the best programmers endeavours” — That is absolutely true. The women i know who underwent MK-Ultra are outstandingly strong.
Funny thing is, the perps have not really absorbed that fact. They live in a dream world.
Any sort of unfettered communication is always good’
But controlling others for a “good cause” would work more ruin than behaving like a bare-faced bastard
And the idea that the show is being commandeered by mere mortal “baddies” (approaching a spiritual issue as though it’s merely sociological) couldn’t possibly do anything but compound the deceit in question
Easy to lose sight of the no. 1 cause of human powerlessness, namely the belief that there’s nothing more to contend with than some humanly devised plan or other
Which belief is invariably convoluted with a warped concept of one’s very existence:
“The way we react/take ownership of a situation is critical to the outcome”(7:00)
[…] with looking at the members of each level in connection with inviting them to the table. (See the September 15th article.) I am hoping most would bring an expression of their disgust with harm-doing and ask for help in […]
Excellent Mary. And I am not for one minute suggesting that we not act in ways that our consciences dictate or cravenly ignore evil. But don’t overlook the metaphysical in all this. Christians know that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities, against the forces of evil in the heavenly places.
And don’t overlook prayer in all this as it is an extremely powerful tool! I know from experience that it is powerful. So we must also trust in God (but row away from the rocks).
Aussiemal is correct re what is going on in the background to take down the elites etc behind this corrupt scam slave system and these people are not going to be dealt with in the normal corrupt fake courts – that is why Trump has been spending millions on Guantanamo Bay to deal with these people under military tribunals.
The elites have already been given the option of stepping down and helping to sort out the world that they created but declined as they know that when the people waken up to what they have created and been involved in that the people will string them up from the nearest street light. They have already lost most of their power – especially the US Military which is in the hands of Trump and the white hats now. This document from a court case exposing the corrupt “legal” and banking system and the FACT that we all have Trust accounts in our names exposes the fact that these elites have been locked out of their system :
The One Peoples Public Trust (OPPT) was part of the Q-anon movement that Foreclosed (SHUT DOWN) all of the Vatican/Rothschilds etc Private CORPORATIONS that included our Countries, Governments, Political Parties, Courts, Councils, the UN, EU etc etc etc but of course some of these elites and their lackeys are continuing to run everything as normal in the hope of getting their NWO into place before too many people waken up to help this movement bring them and their corrupt system down. More and more people are waking up even if they do not know everything that is going on. Once the FISA stuff is declassified in the US and the stuff about Epstein and the Clintons etc comes out that is really going to expose these elites and all their lackeys in our governments etc all over the world. All of the OPPT UCC Filings used to Foreclose all of these CORPORATIONS including the banks at the following link for those who haven’t seen them with the documents numbered 2, 69 and 71 explaining what they are about and number 76 being the legal document in the video I linked above :
Thank you Billy, my scepticism is certainly assuaged by the source blog site and poster for these archives – Paisley Expressions
Excellent post “Jesus, Hitler And The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz! …“ and attachments including TGSNT.
I recommend everyone read that article and view ALL embedded attachments – it’s all there.
… Yet this is now over two years old … Oh, and I would NOT trust “them” at the table.
I am starting to believe in alien life forms – what the heck!
A beautifully written piece Mary, however we have psychopaths, sociopaths and, not to mention narcissists all swimming around in the aquarium of our civil society, species who deal very little in the currency of empathy. Unfortunately like the scum on a stagnant pond tend to rise to the top.So be careful who you invite to the table lest you become part of the menu.
If you said we could become part of menu two years ago, I would have brushed it off. But not anymore.
You don’t invite these people to your table you invite them to court where deu process and the rule of law can take its place.
Finally! U.S. attorney in D.C. district to recommend charges against fired FBI official Andrew McCabe for his role in ‘Spygate’ scandal
“you invite them to court”
So says One who’s has zero personal experience of said forum
Oh really? Zero experience…? You got to be kidding. 🙂
It was a tongue in cheek comment by the way
We all wait in anticipation to see if it genuine or another political trick agenda
PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”