
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Behold, a new series at Gumshoe. We will see some amazing things. I hope the series will live up to its title, “Light versus COVID.” Works by Robert O Becker, MD, Royal Rife, and Harold Saxton Burr will be included.
Part1 is about the work of Georges Lakhovsky (1869-1942), a Russian-born scientist who lived in France. The coil-bound copy of The Secret of Life that I have in my hand says: “First printed in 1939, revised [posthumously] in 1951, reprinted 1970.” You may recall Lakhovsky’s oscillator with which he cured a geranium plant of a tumor.
First, I present comments about Lakhovsky, made by a later author, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn., on the Internet (at ReadKong.com). I do not know his work and cannot vouch for his science, but here is what Hatonn says about light and truth (at ReadKong.com):
Hatonn’s Comment about Light and Truth
“The time is at hand for the realization of TRUTH as it now rises through the entropy of the eons come before. LIFE IS BUT LIGHT IN RADIANCE AND THEREFORE ALL THINGS HAVE POWER AND RECOGNITION THROUGH THE LIGHTED THOUGHT OF GOD (LIGHT). LIGHT IS, TRUTH IS, LIFE IS—GOD IS!
“What is the use of propounding a new theory of life? … Human knowledge of a positive character is not solely made up of a mass of experimental facts. …The future of science lies essentially, in its dynamic sense, in the expansion of its fundamental concepts, that is to say in scientific hypothesis. [says Hatonn] … Medicine, biology, the natural sciences … seem to be still separated, sometimes by watertight compartments, from the physical sciences, notably from electricity and radioelectricity.
“This is your “Electric Universe” brought forth from Light in every instance but presented in various and sundry forms….”
Fabre and the Lady Bird
In The Secret of Life, Georges Lakhovsky presents the 1910 investigations of Jean-Henri Fabre entitled Moeurs de Insects — bug mores, so to speak. Basically, Fabre was trying to figure out how male moths knew how to find the female shortly after she reached “puberty.” (I mean “emerged from the chrysalis.”)
Note: Lakhovsky claims that “the antennae of insects function in the manner of complex oscillators vibrating with the frequency of harmonics of a far higher scale than their fundamental wavelength.”
The rest of this section is me paraphrasing Lakhovsky’s discussion of Fabre, with me using double quotes if it’s verbatim Lakovsky from The Secret of Life. This is about “access to the female moth” in Fabre’s laboratory.
Fabre observed that, at night, a whole swarm of males invaded the place. He pointed out the difficulties of access to his laboratory, as there were numerous trees. Still, the males always reached the female.
Was it sense of smell that guided the moths? No, his experiment disproved that. The species he was dealing with, the Great peacock moth, had come from afar (None were near the vicinity of the lab.) “Sound, light and the sense of smell are out of the question, for the moth makes straight for the cage in spite of a variety of scents intentionally diffused by [Fabre] in order to lead the insects astray. The factor of place memory may be ruled out as irrelevant.”
That was the night-time test. Now for a similar daytime experiment. This requires a diurnal species, the oak-bombyx, which is similar to the Great peacock. “But this insect is not to be found in the region where Fabre was working. How are we to account for the fact that it was able to come from its distant habitat? The males hurried along and found the female locked up in a drawer or under a framework covered by a cloth, in spite of nauseating effluvia emanating from all sorts of odoriferous substances placed there by the experimenter.
Fabre “placed the female in a bell-glass and gave her a slender oak twig with withered leaves as a support. The glass was set upon a table facing the open window. On entering the room the moths could not fail but see the prisoner as she was placed directly in their way. Without premeditation [he] placed it at the other end of the room, on the floor, in a corner where but little light could penetrate, about ten steps away from the window.”
Again, the males did not glance at their proper mate in the bell-jar. They all flew to the far end of the room to the dark corner where Fabre had placed the tray. They alighted on the wire dome… All afternoon, the moths danced about the empty cage a saraband – “which is what the presence of the female would normally evoke… Finally they departed, but not all. There were some who would not go, as if held there by some magical force. Truly a strange result. The moths collected where there was apparently nothing…”
“What had deceived them? All the preceding night and all the morning the female had remained under the wire-gauze cover, sometimes clinging to the wirework, sometimes resting on the sand in the tray. Whatever she touched, above all, apparently, with her distended abdomen, was impregnated, following a long contact, with certain emanations. This was her lure, her love-philter.”
(Hmm. I don’t quite get it. Dear Reader, so far I have not heard of emanations. Lakhovsky says that the sand retained these “emanations”! which “diffused the effluvian turn.” )
As for the irresistible philter, he now quotes Fabre, in Mark Clement’s English translation thereof:
“[The philter] requires time for its elaboration. I imagine it as an exhalation which is gradually given off and saturates whatever is in contact with the motionless body of the female… With these data in hand and unexpected information resulting from them, I varied the experiments, but all pointed in the same direction. In the morning I placed the female under the wire-gauze cover; for support an oak twig was provided. There, motionless, as if dead, she lay for hours, buried under a cluster of leaves which would thus become impregnated with her emanations.
“When the hour of the daily inspection drew near, I removed the twig and put it on a chair not far from the open window. I left the female under the bell-glass, plainly exposed. The moths arrived as usual… They hesitated… They were still searching. Finally they found something, and what did they find? Just the twig . . . With their wings rapidly fluttering they alighted on the foliage exploring it all over, probing, raising and displacing it until at the last the twig fell on the ground. Nevertheless, they continued probing between the leaves.”
Long story short, Fabre, according to Lakhovsky, concluded that these moths were endowed with a sense of smell very different from that of the human. But Lakhovsky says:
“Fabre’s conclusion fails to satisfy me. The act of smelling is dependent on material particles which excite the olfactory sense, but the diffusion of these particles is limited to a short radius in the atmosphere. Thus it is not due to these particles that the moths were enabled to fly long distances. I thought it fit, therefore, to repeat these experiments. In my view, what attracts the males towards the female in the case of the Great Peacock and the Bombyx, is not the splendor of her colored mantle and her velvet wings, nor is it the odoriferous particles. It is rather the infinitesimal particles given off by her ovaries, micro-organic cells radiating according to a scale of determined wavelengths and exciting in the males the desire of procreation.” [Emphasis added]
A New Experiment
Lakhovsky invented a different experiment. During a night, he left the female lying on a leaf of cotton wool. (Remember we’re talking about moths here.) The next day at noon, he placed that cotton wool about 15 feet from the female. The males came as usual. But when Lakovsky on another day dipped the cotton wool in a solution of pure alcohol, the males didn’t show.
He concludes that “Neither pure alcohol nor corrosive sublimate could have had the least effect on the odoriferous effluvia. On the other hand, these solutions had destroyed by sterilization the living cells which gave off the radiations that attracted the moths.” [Emphasis added]
Lakovsky then considers the activity of the species Necrophorus — known as “burying beetles” — that attack dead bodies. They perform a hygiene function in the economy of nature in fields and woods — they restore the material of the corpse back into the land.
But how do the beetles direct themselves across great distances to the bodies of rats, birds, etc?
“It would seem that it is the micro-organisms arising out of this decomposition and oscillating according to a determined scale of wavelengths, which direct the burying beetles toward their food….My theory of radiation of living beings, confirmed by conclusive experiments, is in perfect harmony with the facts in question. … Similarly, the role of orientation in the flight of birds, the problem of migration, are explicable by the phenomena of auto-electrification in living beings.”
What Is Life?
I have skipped over other experiments to get to the main statement of Lakovsky’s theory. Here is the way Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn renders it:
“These fundamental principles cover the whole field of biology. WHAT IS LIFE? It is the dynamic equilibrium of all cells, the harmony of multiple radiations which react upon one another. WHAT IS DISEASE? It is the oscillatory disequilibrium of cells, originating from external causes. It is, more especially, the struggle between microbic radiation and cellular radiation.” [Emphasis added]
“You cannot control a world if you do not control thought, knowledge and expression. … truth in understanding is BURIED AND HIDDEN from you….”
Hatonn continues:
“It is quite sad that greedy man keeps truth from humanity that you might not find balance, harmony and wondrous expression. The Lords of the Land of Physical shall NOT PREVAIL— save to continue as long as they can to STOP TRUTH from revelation unto you whom they would control.”
There is no conclusion for this Part 1 of the series “Light v Covid”! The point was to bring in the idea of radiation. Maybe the Fabre and Lakhovsky experiments, and the extrapolation made by Hatonn, are dead wrong. Even so, it helps us to have some “mental furniture” about elements in nature, other than what we get from the glib remarks of say, the CDC.
Think about it.
Spy satellites can follow the foot prints of a man wearing boots by reading the heat signature, which lasts for several hours.
Moreover, it is only presumed that dogs follow scent. I am unaware of any experiment to identiffy some other sense, but there are many in nature (biological radar) and now in military science.
Colour spectrums is one, ion flows are another, and who knows how many more forms of radiation.
Hey, perhaps we could train dogs or some other animal to sniff Covid infectious people, and bark a warning. its done with cancer, so why not covid?
When native trackers follow a spoor where none seems to be visible, they can be attuned to the residual that exists in the 4th dimension.
Those that can tune into the 4th dimension describe such a spoor as being a ‘silver trail’ which is the track that they are following.
Time has a different quality in the different dimensions.
This 3rd dimension is derived from the 4th, which is derived from the 5th etc.
“As above, so below” is an esoteric truism.
Here’s something along a similar vein, the new improved Joe Biden. People may remember Biden’s cognitive abilities and physical condition being in very poor shape about a year ago. However, he now appears to be cogent and in better physical condition. Many people put his performance at the debate being ‘chemically augmented’ (loaded to the gills with drugs).
Take a look at this video of something that happened during the debate. Some people have theorized that Biden has been ‘upgraded’ with nanobots. The ‘things’ on his wrist wiggle around, then pull back inside his skin.
Artist implants ‘third ear’ on his own arm
Last updated at 14:22 11 October 2007
A man lives at the corner of the street,
And his neighbors think he’s helpful and he’s sweet,
‘Cause he never swears and he always shakes you by the hand,
But no one knows he really is a plastic man.
He’s got plastic heart, plastic teeth and toes,
(Yeah, he’s plastic man)
He’s got plastic knees and a perfect plastic nose.
(Yeah, he’s plastic man)
He’s got plastic lips that hide his plastic teeth and gums,
And plastic legs that reach up to his plastic bum.
(Plastic bum)
Plastic man got no brain,
Plastic man don’t feel no pain,
Plastic people look the same,
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Kick his shin or tread on his face,
Pull his nose all over the place,
He can’t disfigure, or disgrace,
Plastic man (plastic man).
He’s got plastic flowers growing up the walls,
He eats plastic food with a plastic knife and fork,
He likes plastic cups and saucers ’cause they never break,
And he likes to lick his gravy off a plastic plate.
Plastic man got no brain,
Plastic man don’t feel no pain,
Plastic people look the same,
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Kick his shin or tread on his face,
Pull his nose all over the place,
He can’t disfigure, or disgrace,
Plastic man (plastic man).
He’s got a plastic wife who wears a plastic mac,
(Yeah, he’s plastic man)
And his children wanna be plastic like their dad,
(Yeah, he’s plastic man)
He’s got a phony smile that makes you think he understands,
But no one ever gets the truth from plastic man (plastic man)”
Raymond Douglas Davies circa 1964
Any every plasticman needs a plasticwoman:
Sorry Mary, this is URGENT AND HILARIOUS.
you will love what Willie reports on the Vatican heist.
You will all laugh yourselves stupid……. all so obvious.
TV will examine it and sift the bs and let us know how much tea he coughed over his keyboard🤡
I won’t be examining it Ned – lest I cough up something over my keyboard.
A reminder of the obvious in an update from Mike Adams.
I shan’t be tuning in to that episode of ‘Before-It’s-Shown-To-Be-Disinfo’ either.
At the end of the day, Mike Adams has no credibility.
At 63, just a discarded used up former wood and composite materials worker.
Fleeced on numerous occasions, even more so a few times in court. The only advice given,
‘get over it’, after winning but never receiving payments for sweat and tears, then having to pay legal costs. The just ice in a reptile system.
My thoughts probably don’t amount to much, in a world of educated mavericks leading this place to armageddon. OWG is a triumvirate technocracy, with crown kabal communists sharing full spectrum damnation over all living. Turn on the idiot box, same program on all channels in every nation. Don’t have to be a scholar to realise that all bases are loaded.
My eyes are fooling me, went grocery shopping yesterday, everyone in megastore masked up. Went upstairs to park above complex, a mass of people rubbing shoulders maskless.
I refuse to participate in this imposed BS, but how do I visit my daughter in Perth without taking the vax?
For all doubters and sceptics, this is the mark.
Shame on anyone who would discard any woodworker, let alone you, 56.
You are valued here on the GS premises.
Mary’s comments on ’56’ certainly seconded by me.
Meanwhile, seeing as ’56’ brought up everyone being masked in the Megastore he visited, I’ll provide an update of these two weeks, going about maskless, despite the tyrannical mask mandate in my locale.
Details in the comment that follows.
Mask Mandate – Greater Sydney Area :
It’s been two weeks since our Premier, Gladys Berijik-chick announced a compulsory mask mandate for most indoor areas.
I have meanwhile, gone about my business without one everywhere. I’ve been to Woolies, Coles, Aldi and IGA.
No problem whatsoever, I just walk in and no one insists that I wear one and no strange looks of disapproval from the patrons that I’m aware of.
Upon entering Woolies, a staff member at the entrance said I don’t have a mask.
‘That’s correct’, I replied.
She reached into a box and said I can give you one.
I replied that this won’t be necessary and went about my shopping.
When I entered Coles I was approached by a staff member who offered me a mask.
I said I prefer not to have one to which he replied : ‘OK, but the Police were around not so long ago checking for non-compliance and I don’t want you to get fined’.
I told him I’d be OK.
In all cases, no one asked if I had an exemption and no follow up questions.
In Coles there was one other bloke without a mask. I went up to him and said ‘Good on you, we have to set an example for these compliant fools’.
He said he was never going to wear one of the bloody things and we had a good chat thereafter expressing solidarity on the issue – he too knew the Covid Deception was a fraud.
My take on the Police doing a non-compliance check at Coles :
I know that the Police station is less than 100 metres away from that supermarket. So, my guess is that some coppers will be ordered by higher ups to make the short stroll and put the fear of god into those that don’t prostrate themselves to the Wise Overlords that rule over us.
So, if you’re going to go maskless anywhere, do so at a venue that doesn’t have a local cop shop nearby.
(Less likely that the coppers will drive to an isolated venue, get out of their cars and do the inspections – ALL the supermarkets I went to, except for Aldi, were in stand alone buildings in small shopping centres that were NOT within some large shopping mall).
My guess is that Police would be more likely to do their rounds in a big shopping mall as that would be more worth their while. ie: many shops with more visitation and thus greater likelihood they’ll catch someone out.
My 200 word limit is approaching. Will post Part 2 shortly in another comment.
Mask Mandate Part 2 :
I went to the Post Office to collect a parcel.
The sign on the door read : Condition of Entry – Masks must be worn.
So I entered immediately, not wearing a face muzzle.
No one said anything to me – no disapproving looks.
Of the three staff at the Post Office, two of them had the mask drawn down and not covering their noses.
I ordered a Dominos Pizza the other day and went to the store to pick it up,
The door at the front of the store has a message prominently displayed :
So I entered, maskless..
Immediately upon entering, the staff member said to me : ‘No entry without a mask’.
I told him : ‘The mask impedes my oxygen saturation levels and can lead to the inducement of hypoxia.
To which he replied : ‘Oh, OK’.
And that was that – no further follow up, no interrogations.
The pizza wasn’t ready so I started chatting with some of the Menulog / Uber Eats drivers that were there.
I told them that the Covid Deception was all B.S and they said they suspected all was not as portrayed.
I said to one of them that the numbers are manipulated and that people dying from other causes, are listed as having died from Covid.
I mentioned that deaths from influenza were of the order of around 1000 -1200 in a typical season in Oz but this year they were well down. (That last bit of info courtesy of Dr Vernon Coleman).
Then the Uber driver comes up with this :
‘Yes, I read that only 55 people had died in Australia from the flu this season’.
There you have it. People ARE doing their research and know what’s going on.
Flu deaths suddenly down 95 % in Oz …. REALLY ???
OR, did they just employ a bit of creative accounting and relocate these flu deaths into the Covid column
I then went on to mention the Great Barrington Declaration and told them about the world’s leading infectious disease epidemiologists (Kulldorff/Gupta/Bhattacharya), the lead signatories on this petition that had over 700,000 signatures – including tens of thousands of medical professionals and specialists.
I told them to see the proof for themselves that the lockdowns are doing far more harm that the virus itself and to spread these facts far and wide – which they said they’d do and thanked me for the info.
Regular advice given to me -“get used to it”
Always value your research think we share some history
Attention: All health Ministers, Health bureaucrats and treating doctors.
Just be patient and await the civil proceeding for NEGLIGENCE.
.. just sharing
Just sharing one example.
I recall years ago a video of a dead mouse’s (spirit/soul?} arising from the corpse caught in a mouse trap.
Go figure! There are numerous examples these days with cameras rolling. Plus reports I have received from friends. One following a accident where a young police officer was killed. He was hanging around the scene in confused ‘spirit’ state after the body had been removed and was seen by the ‘friend’ that he had to leave. Seems some people can sense or even see spirits. I have other reports. One I have mentioned before, requiring a Franciscan Priest to carry out a exorcism of the house…….no more sightings and problem solved ………… for a protestant!
Even a better example that I cannot mention, re a relative, as a report might identify the place and circumstances of police saving her life. Some people have certain abilities.
So what is ‘life’ really? Not plastic! Just ask the moths.
The Babylonian Talmud sheds its light on America –
When Rabbis Bless Congress
“Now, thanks to Howard Mortman, we have a comprehensive and fascinating history of the participation of American Rabbis in this important tradition of opening prayers in both chambers of Congress.”
In 66 hours it will all be done, so just stay cool Everybody, hear?
Someone just emailed me to say “Can’t wait for Part 2. Aw, music to mine ears. I will try to post Harold Burr as Part 2.
Want to excite you also about a new series. I said I would use Philip Allott’s work as Part 4 of the Eusociality series. No, Allott will get a series of his own. Meanwhile, if anyone wants to get his book, Eutopia, please do . It is THE BEST.
Just checking the Gay BC website, nasty task but somebody has to do it,
The Berghofer Institute in Qld, admittedly received only $335,000 in grants from Bill and Melinda Gates as per the last Annual Report at their website, (but which donors are hidden under: “Other”, for about $4 million?) .
But how timely that the pharma-luvvie Great Reset Gay BC, the same outlet floating the Universal Basic Income idea as well, sees fit to insinuate the Covid uselessness of Vitamin D just now, in spite of
showing positive studies being published about every 48-72 hours for months now.
Unfortunate, by the way, that Monica Smit’s Reignite Democracy from Melbourne
and the free class action suit of https://makeaustraliahealthyagain.org/legal-action/
also Melbourne
do not seem to be known at GS, given that this website is run from Melbourne.
Not clear to me why Smit has not been ejected from Youtube yet, as she is producing unique content.
Going back to what is of imminent importance……….listen to all of this and note the FOX LOU DOBBS report (fancy a FOX awakening!?) (So the mass media now has no choice but to admit culpability in lies for 4 years.)
Better check what company’s shares you own in those associated with China………divestment!!!
Sorry, maybe the link was censored?
I don’t know what everyone is stressing about, “Health Ranger” and so forth flipping out. Surely all the soldiers in Washington are guarding the swamp while they are locked up in the Capitol and doing the military tribunals ? And lots of soldiers in California, maybe they have so many left-wing mafia over there they needed a branch office. We were told again and again “drain the swamp, the best is yet to come, the storm is coming”. Trump would be dead already if he wasn’t well protected, just for saying this stuff. JFK got shot for getting out of line, Reagan too, so 3rd time lucky.
Meanwhile on MSM morning TV today I saw a report of a dead baby killed by a hospital overdose, I have never seen that before, looks like the worm is turning, I hope I can stop paying so much medicare levy soon but that is probably hoping too much.
I’ve heard it said that the Curse of Tippecanoe ( 20 year death-in-office cycle) was broken via concerted prayer after Kennedy was assassinated, but that Biden would otherwise certainly be taken out
But I reckon that given his age………..
Ditto Trump
Why does the Illuminati hate America and her Industrial Civilization?
Now, ANTIFA jumps on the “destroy America” bandwagon
NEWS BRIEF: “A Domestic Terrorism Bill Only Antifa Could Love: “At its core the United States was founded on white supremacy, and therefore needs to be destroyed”, by Kyle Shideler, American Greatness, January 13, 2021
“Moving swiftly on the wings of the violent disturbance on Capitol Hill on January 6, the newly sworn in Democratic-controlled 117th Congress is pushing a radical domestic terrorism bill that singles out ‘right-wing’ terrorists and labels local law enforcement officials as potential terrorist threats. “……………
U.N. Shares Antifa Flag, Tells U.S. Antifa Has Right to ‘Freedom of Expression’, ‘Peaceful Assembly
“Antifa” is in the air. It’s on President Trump’s lips. It’s trending on Twitter, but it’s not a new thing.
Indeed, it has a very Jewish history. It’s an ideology that was born in order to oppose Hitler. “Antifa” is short for “anti-fascist.”
It’s so Jewish that one of the items being shared widely on Twitter right now is the Yiddish and Hebrew manifesto of the antifa arm of a group that was an offshoot of a Marxist-Zionist political party, “Left Poale Zion.”
Jewish Mafia Tied To Death Of America!
By Mike Stathis
” “There is but one solution. The root cause of this cancer must be extracted. This would be the Jewish Mafia. The objectives of the Jewish Mafia include both Zionist and non-Zionist elements. Their main goal is to extract all wealth from every nation and seize complete control of the entire world. Until Americans come to acknowledge the role of the Jewish Mafia in the subversion of their nation, they will remain enslaved indefinitely. The same applies to Canada, Australia and all of Europe.” …………………….”
http://religious leftexposed.com/home/2011/11/vaticans-pontifical-council-for-justice-and-peace-endorses-global-socialism-in-new-document-and-warns-of-anguish-and-suffering-on-the-road-to-world-government.html
I accidentally ran operation midnight climax.(left the porch light on one night).
Sorry to slut shame male moths, but this show was so successful that I was too scared to follow up with a red light or LSD.
Then there’s the Christmas beetle, shameless hussey’s.
The comments have been both entertaining and compelling in the last few days. Can not look away, like the proverbial moth.
As the Israelites freed from captivity in Egypt were commanded to wipe out the Canaanites from Shems inheritance but failed to do so, Christ will not fail in his vengeance against this worlds Canaanite/Edomite rulers and their hangers on in this modern day Babylon.
Jeremiah 50
10And Chaldea shall become plunder;
All who plunder her shall be satisfied,” says the Lord.
11 “Because you were glad, because you rejoiced,
You destroyers of My heritage,
“Handel’s Messiah in Grace Cathedral” (complete) • Beautiful HD • American Bach Soloists
Phsyops Dave is very persistent, Two current reports
The second video does not suggest any ‘conceding’ and China is the target.
That fat lady must be getting very VERY impatient.
Mask Mandate Part 3 :
At the end of the day, I’m not suggesting to anyone that what I’ve done is a fool proof template that will prevent you getting a $ 200 fine – although it seems to work just fine in relation to getting into stores and bypassing the Covid Marshals policing entry etc.
I forgot to mention my excursion to an OfficeWorks store on the weekend.
Here I was stopped by a mask enforcer girly at the store entrance and told I needed to wear a mask.
I replied that I don’t need one and that they don’t work anyway and just proceeded to walk in.
No push back from her, no running off to tell the store manager that I had broken through the barricade.
Nothing but smooth shopping ….. almost.
I got a couple of disapproving looks and one old bastard yells out : ‘Put your mask on you galah’, to which I responded :No need, this whole thing is a hoax – no worse than a regular flu season’.
He called me a D_CK. To which I responded : ‘What do you know you ignorant fool’.
All said in a fairly loud voice (the old bastard was some distance from me), and all heard by dozens of store patrons (the store was pretty busy).
Bottom Line: I’m going to go maskless for the foreseeable future.
If I cop a fine, so be it.
I’ll be playing a numbers game and hopefully I can go a couple more months (or longer) before getting busted.
At the end of the day, the more people that go around maskless (and occasionally put up a public display slapping down a busy-body compliant sheep), the more others will be inspired to go maskless.
And if there are a few more maskless people the next time I’m in the supermarket, hopefully there will be a few more the time after that and so forth (as people see that a maskless person not only gains entry to the store but that there is no confrontation with management as a result and no phone calls to the Police to arrest said non-prostrater-to-authority.
If the MAJORITY of people start going around maskless, then WE WILL HAVE WON.
They can’t fine / arrest a critical threshhold of us.
That is my hope. Let’s begin with some pushback.
(If you’re doing it tough and can’t afford to risk a $ 200 fine, don’t follow this template I’ve outlined. I’m willing to take that risk and can afford the repercussions).
Went to Bunnings Brisbane a couple of hours ago and an employee manning the entrance told me I had to wear a mask. I replied that I have a medical exemption and went to show him the Qld government directions that I had printed. He replied that he had no requirement to see an exemption so I carried on into the store. It put a smile on my face seeing the eyes looking at me as I strolled around.
Just walked through Woolworths to the Chemist shop – no problem ’til I entered chemist when the checkout girl signaled that I should wear a mask. I just kept walking as I said I had a medical exemption. Oh, okay then was her reply.
Good stuff Criss X – you’re doing God’s work.
I have not used the ‘Medical Exemption’ line yet.
I prefer to use the following lines (as they are technically correct) :
A mask impedes my oxygen saturation levels and can induce hypoxia OR ..
Mask wearing is detrimental to my health and I’ve received advice from a doctor* to not wear one.
(*In the last case, they’ll ASSUME you have a medical exemption when in fact I don’t).
However, I am indeed telling the truth because I GENUINELY have received advice from a doctor.
That doctor is Vernon Coleman :
According to the video recently posted the police appeared to have no power to request evidence of a medical exemption,so I gave myself one there being no proscribed/prescribed/described format for one in the government directions.
Found it – thanks TV
TV you naughty recalcitrant you…………I am flabbergasted!
I be pussy and have one around my neck in store to save arguments……..fancy that!
Anyway, I am on the escalator on my way up to the Woollies mask exhibition and a couple of youngish tradies are ahead of me.
They said. oh s^%t we need a mask.
As I would always wish to assist. I said ‘no worries’. ‘Just take off a sock and wrap it around your breathing spaces the masks are useless’. They replied yes we know.
So keep a spare sock in your pocket. (it might be useful for some wheelbarrow commentators as well.)
Very handy too if one comes across a politician.
am cleaning out my files–this one survived so I will repost before deleting
Aevus Lucifer pt.21 – Racism is Manufactured
Error—this is the one I intended—
I surrender–claim interference ??!!
Hi Diane – a playlist will always start at #1 – to post a specific item from the playlist Right-Click and “Copy video URL”, rather than using the url format at the top of the screen ending in “&Index=#}
I presume this is what you were after – #1 of many titled “Aevus Lucifer”
Thanks Julius–some interesting expansive perspectives —
This is the one I wanted to share
Aevus Lucifer pt.21 – Racism is Manufactured
That’s an excellent looking playlist Diane – quite a few have caught my eye for later viewing:
• #126 – Manly P Hall – Mental control of the Energy Fields of the Body
• #139 – Albert Pike Morals and Dogma audio reading and many more.
I watched #28 (part 21 of Aevus Lucifer – Racism is Manufactured) and was prompted to share this in return …
• NWO Communism By The Backdoor part 1 – 22
Start with Part 8 – Hollywood (topically related to your Part 21)
Here is the full table of contents:
• ‘1. The New World Order
• ‘2. Occult Connections
• ‘3. The Evil of Freemasonry
• ‘4. The Music Business
• ‘5. The Roman Catholic Church
• ‘6. Satanic England
• ‘7. The United Nations
• ‘8. Hollywood
• ‘9. The War On Christianity
• ‘10. Jewish World Domination
• ‘11. The Khazars
• ‘12. White Democide
• ‘13. The Enemy in the Land
• ‘14. How America became Communist
• ‘15. The Mystery Teachings
• ‘16. Usury: The Cancer of the World
• ‘17. The Rothschild Dynasty
• ‘18. Secret Societies
• ‘19. Slaves For Israel
• ‘20. Who’s Running America?
• ‘21. The Bottom of The Rabbit Hole
Doctor David Martin points out that what Moderna has produced is not a vaccine – by definition – but it is gene therapy, as originally defined by Moderna. This has legal implications. [One wonders, is it too late for Law?]
Since it is gene therapy and not a vaccine, it is not covered by the 1986 law that indemnifies vaccine producers against litigation. 31 minutes – precis below
Perhaps this loophole has not been sufficiently investigated by lawyers who are currently working on the COVID and vaccine problems?
This is also discussed by Dr. Martin in a video I recently sent to some people with subject line “Focus on Fauci with Robert Kennedy, Judy Mikovitz, David Martin and Sacha Stone ..”
Governments justify the rushed vaccines which have not been fully tested, by declaring a “state of emergency”, so they must at all costs maintain the “state of emergency” because it maintains the illusion of the liability shield. Moreover they cannot use the PCR test if there is no state of emergency, says doc Martin. Diagnosing with PCR is a deceptive practice under the Federal Trades Commission Act (perhaps Australia’s Fair Trading Act?). This makes them liable for deceptive practices. It turns out you do not have a waiver of liability under deceptive practices, even in a state of emergency.
Here in Australia we have 26 people in hospital with COVID country – wide last I heard, yet every msm news report is still breathless with the drama of the “national emergency”, and the “race against time”. Do people still buy this BS? Most of them, yes. ONE person tests positive and they make it the first and the longest report on the news bulletin! Moreover, murmurings amongst the plebs has led the government to announce 24 million dollars on a propaganda campaign about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, even though the CDC has said they cannot promise:
a) that the vaccine will prevent infection, and
b) that the vaccine will prevent transmission. .
Why bother with it then? You would have to ask!
I can’t say whether this statement applied to all vaccines or not. However it paves the way for them to keep on administering follow up vaccines “in the desperate attempt to save lives”. Whereas in fact it is the desperate attempt to commit genocide and inflict totalitarian control on the remnant.
We must not cease to care about these things my friends. The lies are incessant, they are wearing, and they are monstrous – but when we stop resisting, it is all over. So please share. The video is worth watching.
His closing remarks “do something with this video” …
I personally dont feel that sending the video to the Health Minister or a state governor, premier or whatever is going to have the desired effect, because these people have their minds set upon what they are doing, they may be either complicit or simply ignorant. No this needs to be dealt with by professionals through the right channels such as litigation. If litigation is passe, maybe you can suggest something ..? if you send it to the “authority” all they will do is try and work out how to plug the loophole, because personally I believe they are complicit, they do not want an answer to “the problem” because they already created and developed the problem in order to achieve the [hegelian] solution: depopulation, de-humanisation and totalitarian control of the plebs by an elite ruling class.
Please share with Serene Teffaha, Reiner Fuellmich, German Doctors Alliance or anyone you feel has a chance of using these insights creatively.
Anyone heard of Charlie?
yes well worth listening to–without judgement
“When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl, it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this (three years and a day), it is as if one puts a finger into the eye.” The footnote to this passage says, “As tears come to the eye again and again, so does virginity come back to the little girl under three years.” Passage in the Jewish Talmud, Kethuboth 11b:
Riccardo Bosi on Mask Mandate exemptions (watch the first 5 mins of the video) :
That’s right people, ‘anxiety’ is justification enough for not wearing a mask.
And, who isn’t anxious in these troubling times ? (those contemplating suicide as non-essential businesses were bankrupted, homes used as security for business loans foreclosed on, movement restricted due to lockdowns exacerbating psychological stability etc).
As Bosi says:
‘You cannot be forced to wear clothing or a mask or have your movement controlled unless you’re under a CONTROL ORDER.
And to be under a control order you must personally have been proven to be sick in a court of law and then there must ALSO be a Pandemic – which we don’t have’.
EXCLUSIVE: Police get REVENGE after mother’s arrest goes viral
Last week I showed you a video of DJ Barker, a single mother from New South Wales who was wrongly arrested and searched by police in front of her young children, for not wearing a mask.
Well after that video went viral, that same cop and his partner tracked DJ down — and slapped her with a $500 fine. Even though they had already admitted, she had done nothing wrong.
So much for apologising. This was about revenge for making the lockdown police look foolish.
Luckily, DJ had the good sense to film both interactions on her cell phone.
There are so many things wrong with this:
The police still don't know the law — but they're enforcing it brutally anyways.
They tracked her down at her ex's home — an obvious attempt to intimidate her.
The police weren't wearing masks themselves — which shows this isn't really about health; it's about control.
And they had already apologised to her — but clearly, they didn't mean a word of it.
Riccardo Bosi–seems an authority on some global matters–but as Karen highlighted recently–maybe has been removed–not so well informed on Australian matters. For example not aware of Bill Heffernans speech or suppression orders–or reason given for the need for these suppression orders ie–Brandis I think–the people would lose confidence in there leaders. or correct me—.
So I watched above–and was particularly interested in his “Knowledge” re Trump-Insurrection act–he says nothing unusual about that–been used 22 times-quotes 1996–state of emergency- martial law–Lincoln did it– and I wait for him to share his knowledge re Australia and the use of martial law–states of emergency–the military–but like Karen says he knows nothing or if he does he is diverting –distracting–maybe working deep cover–unwittingly—programmed to play out a role
I have previously posted instances about martial law–states of emergency–military control-since occupation invasion takeover possession —choose your terminology—but okay that is suppressed history and history is being rewritten every day so we cannot expect Riccardo to know that –but hey
John Howard called a state of emergency –martial law–military intervention-where the tanks rolled out and cyclone fences were erected–compounds detention centres constructed–and hey dan called a state of emergency–or was it a state of disaster–where troops rolled out–curfews– and the rest—-and yet Bosi only speaks with authority re USA and defames Karens well researched work and refuses to speak with her
a pattern I know only too well
his mutterings about Silicon Valley–such ignorance arrogance and self importance
All noted Diane – thanks.
I’ll certainly be taking all that you’ve said on board.
Woman Who Suffered Convulsions Screened For Permanent Brain Damage From Metals In Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine
We are reaching an unthinkable ‘level of totalitarianism’: MD on pandemic
A medical doctor is speaking out against the ‘collusion’ between authorities and tech corporations targeting doctors and scientists who dissent from current COVID policies.