by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
In January this year (21021), I started a new series at GumshoeNews.com, with the idea of talking about electricity in nature. But thanks to the pressure we have all been under, dealing with political malice in the area of Covid, it got postponed. Only Part 1 has appeared, and it was a bit of an oddment. It outlined Georges Lakhovsky’s ideas about the mating of a moth.
When that article was printed, Tony Ryan of the Northern Territory (where they tend to know things the rest of us don’t know) commented as follows:
“Spy satellites can follow the footprints of a man wearing boots by reading the heat signature, which lasts for several hours.
“Moreover, it is only presumed that dogs follow scent. I am unaware of any experiment to identify some other sense, but there are many in nature (biological radar) and now in military science.
“Colour spectrums is one, ion flows are another, and who knows how many more forms of radiation.
“Hey, perhaps we could train dogs or some other animal to sniff Covid infectious people and bark a warning. It’s done with cancer, so why not Covid?”
That said, I feel encouraged to “try anything.” So, for this article, I am simply going to print a lost piece of science. It exists in the form of a deposition made by Royal Rife in support of his friend John Crane who was being sued. The subject matter of the suit is not of interest to us. Rather, Rife here gets to explain the magic he did with a special microscope. As far as I can glean the precious machine was made for him by the US Navy.
Many people know of Rife in his capacity of “inventor of a cure for cancer.” He did cure some cases of cancer by “zapping” microbes. Please put that idea aside for now, as we learn his views on … um … you decide what his views are on, OK?
1961 Deposition of Royal Raymond Rife (sworn testimony) in the case of The People of the State of California Vs. John Marsh, Lallas Bateson, and John Crane. Deposed in Tijuana, Mexico
Question: Please state your name? Answer: Royal Raymond Rife.
Where do you now reside? As a tourist in Tijuana.
Are you the same Royal R. Rife who invented the system of killing or de-activating pathogenic organisms by electronic waves or frequencies produced by instruments similar to those made by Mr. John Crane, one of the Defendants in this case? Yes. …
What is the basic theory upon which you sought to find a means of killing pathogenic organisms? The theory of coordinative resonance with frequencies which I proved would kill microorganisms by electron transfer and internal stresses of pathogenic cells owing to electromagnetic and electrostatic forces.
What kinds of pathogenic organisms did you study, in these experiments? Tetanus, typhoid, gonorrhea, syphilis, staphylococci, pneumonia, streptothrix, streptococci, tuberculosis, sarcoma, carcinoma, leprosy, polio, cholera, actinomycosis, glanders, bubonic plague, anthrax, influenza, herpes, cataracts, glaucoma, colitis, sinus, ulcers and many other virus bacteria and fungi.
From what sources were these organisms obtained? The Hooper Foundation, Paradise Valley Sanitarium, from Northwestern Medical University in Chicago, from the Mayo Clinic, and from many medical doctors.
What sort of laboratory facilities did you have? I had one of the best privately equipped laboratories in the world complete with a million-volt x-ray, frequency instruments, electronic test equipment, precision lathes, mills, drill presses, shaper and all equipment necessary to make instruments …. I had animals in cages in the basement with facilities for 1000 animals. The Rife Research Laboratory was airconditioned and humidity controlled to one tenth of one degree.
Were any special instruments required for your study of viruses? Yes.
What were they? Prismatic virus microscopes and Berkefelt porcelain filters, a micro-manipulator and electronic test instruments and frequency instruments.
Were all of these obtainable from ordinary commercial sources? No – I could not buy them on the open market and they are still not obtainable even today.
How did you obtain them? I had to design and build these instruments to accomplish what I wanted to attain with my research.
Who designed these? I designed them.
Describe these special instruments for us. The universal microscope was described and published by the journal of the Franklin Institute. Time does not permit me to describe all of the many instruments that I designed and constructed. The micromanipulator was used to dissect and operate on cells. The spectrometer was used to measure the angles of crystals, the frequency instruments were used to kill bacteria, virus, and fungi, the microscopes of the prismatic virus type were used to study living virus, bacteria, and fungi, a petro-graphical micro-polariscope was used to analyze chemicals and color frequencies with polarized light, special rare gas glass contained atmospheres were used to provide ionized radiation to transmit energy to increase virulence and to devitalize all microorganisms as desired…..
Describe your experiments by which you isolated these viruses. After the filtered form was obtained, a micropipette is used to place a drop of the fluid on a slide. This slide is placed on the microscope stage of any of the five virus microscopes that I designed and built.
A special risely prism which works on a counter rotation principle selects a portion of the light frequency which illuminates these virus in their own characteristic chemical colors by emission of coordinative light frequency and the virus become readily identifiable by the colors revealed on observation. 8,000 to 17,000x magnification is sufficient to see them. Before building the virus prismatic microscopes, I sectioned over 15,000 slides trying all types of acid and aniline dye stains with no results over a period of ten years.
How did you determine whether these viruses were pathogenic? By animal test and from known sources and by microscope examination which reveals the true identity of microorganisms to the trained observer.
Describe your experiments made to prove that these viruses were pathogenic. On one series of cancer tests, I inoculated the virus which I had isolated and filtered from an unulcerated breast mass into an albino rat, the tumor was allowed to grow and then I surgically removed the tumor and again isolated and filtered the virus from a portion of the ground up tumor and inoculated the next rat and repeated this procedure 411 times to prove that this virus was the causative agent of cancer. Tests on many other diseases such as those previously mentioned are too numerous to even start on at this time.
About how long a period of time did your work/study of these viruses, and proof of their pathogenic character, cover? 15 years on virus only.
Did you also study bacterial forms of pathogenic organisms associated with these viruses? Yes.
Did you find whether some bacteria were capable of releasing a form of virus? Yes. Virus are released from bacteria just as a chicken lays an egg.
How did you determine this? By virus observation and cell study and virus photographs which I made and one which John Crane made from a film of cancer virus which has been copyrighted.
What are some of the bacteria which you found to be capable of releasing a form of virus? Bacillus coli, tuberculosis, typhoid, and many others.
Were certain kinds of culture media better suited than others to the study of the relationship between the bacteria and virus forms?
A media developed by Arthur I. Kendall known as K media proved superior to other types of bacteria media. Why, or in what way, were some culture media superior to others for this purpose? Because of the results obtained.
Were any physicians or scientists associated with you in any of these studies? Yes…. Initially I worked with loose couplers to get an audio oscillation and then with the use of transmitters, I tried to balance the audio and modulate the audio on a carrier wave to transmit the audio energy but I found that both the audio and the audio transmitted through a tube as an antenna worked equally as well in a painless and harmless method to human tissue. …
Walker and I studied leprosy and I isolated a virus which we jointly demonstrated was common to rat, and soil, and human leprosy and I found a frequency which would eliminate leprosy. From 1950 and on, John Crane has continued on with this research. The others were visitors and interested parties. Many others have aided in promotion of this research and the AMA has suppressed all effort and research knowledge of my developments.
Did you grow bacteria and viruses in various culture media? Yes.
How did you determine what they were? They can be readily diagnosed by their own true colors which are emitted when placed in any of the five virus microscopes that I designed and built for this virus identification and study.
What study and experience did you have in the science of optics, before commencing these experiments? I studied for 6 years with Hans Luckel who was Karl Zeiss’s optical scientist and researcher. I also made all the photomicrographs for the Atlas of Parasites which was done at the University of Heidelberg. I also studied eye surgery for two years….
What is necessary, in order to make bacteria and viruses visible under the microscope? First there must be high enough power to enable the observer to see them and second they must be identified by a frequency of light which coordinates with the chemical constituents of the virus or filterable form in question….
What study and experience have you had in the science of bacteriology? I studied bacteriology at John Hopkins and the University of Heidelberg . . .
Did any other scientists observe, without actually assisting, any of these studies or experiments? Yes.
Who were they? Dr. Kendall, Grunner, Johnson, . . . and others … As a result of such studies, did you and Dr. Arthur I. Kendall publish a report of some of your experiments in “California and Western Medicines” the Journal of the California Medical Association, in the December, 1931, issue? Yes.
Did Dr. Rosenow publish a report of this study in the July, 1932, issue of the Mayo Clinic Bulletin? Yes.
How did you obtain the device or mechanism used to generate such frequencies? Some coils I wound myself. Other parts I purchased.
How did you determine whether particular frequencies had any effect upon bacteria or viruses? By observation with bacteria and virus under the Rife Virus Prismatic Microscope in conjunction with the application of electronic energy.
Were you able to kill or de-activate any bacteria or viruses by the application to them of electronic currents or rays? Yes.
Can you name some of the bacteria and viruses which you were able to kill or to de-activate by such means? Tetanus, typhoid, gonorrhea, treponema pallidum, staphylococci, pneumonia, streptothrix, bacillus coli, tuberculosis, streptococci, sarcoma, carcinoma, and many others. And it was found that by using combinations of these frequencies for the different microorganisms that many other diseases could be helped like sinus, ulcers, cataract, arthritis, poliomyelitis, etc….
Was there ever any change in the appearance of such bacteria or viruses as seen under your microscope? Yes. Some types will explode or disintegrate and some will gather together like log jams or agluetinate….
Did you furnish one of your electronic frequency-generators to Dr. Milbank Johnson for his use? Yes.
Over about what period of time did he use it? 8 years….
During the period of time when Dr. Milbank Johnson was so using your electronic frequency-generator, were you acquainted with Dr. James B. Couche, M.D. (now deceased)? Yes.
Did Dr. James B. Couche participate in the work of Dr. Milbank Johnson in the treatment of human patients with the frequency-generator? Yes… I saw cancer and tuberculosis cases that had completely recovered. I saw Dr. Couche’s brother who had come over from England. He had a 30 year sinus condition with terrible drainage. Dr. Couche used the frequency instrument on him and he was well in three weeks.
Dr. Couche had treated Dr. Hamer, M.D., for a sinus condition which cleared up. Dr. Couche had treated Dr. Butterfield, M.D.’s brother-in-law who had a stiff wrist a tuberculosis of the bone which cleared up. Also I saw a Mexican boy who had osteomyelitis of the bone which Dr. Couche cleared up with the frequency instrument.
I saw George Lemm, being treated by Dr. Couche for tuberculosis and he had come out from Chicago to die. He was sent from the Vulclain Home. As soon as they found out that Couche was getting results, they tried to get all of their patients back but Lemm said no that he was going to finish up with Couche and he completely recovered. …
Did you observe the condition of any of Dr. Arthur W. Yale’s patients after they had been treated by him with your electronic frequency-generator? Yes. They completely recovered from syphilis, cancer, tuberculosis, and many other infections.
Did you perform any experiments on laboratory animals …? We also did a great deal of work on tuberculosis with animals and proved that the rod form and the virus form must both be devitalized to attain results which requires two frequencies, one for each form before recovery can occur.
Did you compare the subsequent condition of the animals so treated with your frequency- generator with the condition of “control” animals?… Yes. The inoculated controls died and the controls which were not inoculated were not affected.
Were you able to determine whether each kind of bacteria or virus which you tested was affected most by some particular frequency? Yes.
What happened when you used a different frequency on it? It was not affected. …
Did you ever request any governmental department or agency to make a test of your electronic frequency-generator to determine its effect upon diseases? If so, which one or ones? Yes. The Department of Health, Education and Welfare and the National Research Council, Committee on Growth, Washington DC, The American Cancer Society, The Damon Runyon Fund, The Sloan Kettering Institute, and others. They had no interest in the electronic method.
— End of Deposition
You can find more on Rife here, and in my 2013 book Consider the Lilies, which is a veritable compendium of medical magic.
I do have a Lakhovsky Multiwave Oscillator. Kevin Woodman
Dear Santa …………………..
Bloody simple.
OK, better turn up your volts and consider this, it is all too much for me to understand but may be a explanation for THE MAGNETS clinging to the INJECTION SITE.
A quick glance:
THEN THIS is the article referred to from RMN.
Getting interesting???
Has anyone thought of ways to sterilise the mad scientists and mad doctors, they seem to be breeding out of control
The idea that we we will be implanted like Elon Musk cranium implant except by some microsoft product, and become connected to the internet of everything like appliances, and have all our thoughts implanted, goes a long way to explain “you will own nothing and be happy”
Do not test me to honestly comment on what I am now thinking and understanding
There is a limit, that Mary could tolerate if my thoughts were publicly expressed here..
Re: the main story above, these frequencies, vibrations etc reminds me of homeopathy which is not as some may think all about like cures like but more about some type of mysterious frequency that things have. Homeopathic “Ledum” is made from some wild plant and used for all types of puncture wounds, so particularly appropriate at the moment though not sure how effective against mRNA and so forth, however, it works very well on bee-stings I have found. In any case I heard something of Rockerfellers’ secret medicine chest which they will be needing if these viruses get about and these vibrations are possibly something they intend to rely on. If they have developed ways to amplify them as the story suggests, they won’t be using all the crude treatments such as ventilators, chemo and radiation therapy and electro-shock treatments for themselves. It’s beyond a certainty now they calculated that they have the scamdemics beaten before they started. I think the relevant information could be easily obtained via thumbscrews.
You are making sense.
Except thumb screws may have a residual implant and could be regarded as torture.
Whilst ‘water boarding’, per official US bureaucrats and the then msms was considered as not torture, it was classified as just enhanced interrogation.
After all KSM, only was reported as only enjoying 83 ‘drinks’ per month.
That reminds me. Whatever happened to KSM who with ony a few drinks, admitted to 9/11 planning from A to Z.
How strange that our msms and ABC forget and think we as idiots.
But msms, some of us have VERY long memories.
So, msms want to lie back and have a long drink?….. For a few extra considerations, a few flagons of Grange might be more satisfying for our politicians and msms?
Here we go, the Indians know how to waterboard our fenced in pollies in Canberra;
I prefer cow’s milk but Oregan is planning on banning pasture animals.
Well that means and end to Cow urine before breakfast.
Well we will still can have fluoridated water with our porridge.
As Gough Whitlam mused when asked about Ghandis’ drinking of his urine for breakfast:
“Bit early in the morning for me to get on the piss”. (paraphrased)
Sorry for the wheelbarrow brigade (honoury member)
But we have to take the Mickey from BS. Sorry Greta and wokes.
I should have added that I do not endorse the products on the market today that claim to be Rife-ish. As far as I know you’d have to have the big microscope.
Wikipedia just offered me a new idea (re Covid). Their article on Rife quotes a magazine called FDA Consumer, In the 1996 edition, it said:
“It has been known to shatter cancer cells and AIDS cells in people.” –Salesperson for Life Energy Resources Ltd. (LER), Falconer, N.Y., referring to the firm’s REM SuperPro Generator.
“Your kid gets chicken pox, use the REM [SuperPro Generator] immediately, and it will knock it out.” –Pascal (Pat) Ballistrea, LER distributor.
“Two New York men are serving time in prison for making claims such as these touting the electrical-shock-producing REM device as a cure-all for many medical conditions. A third man is on probation for three years.
“In a felony prosecution for device health fraud, the three men–LER’s top distributors–were convicted and sentenced in 1993, 1994 and 1995, for selling unapproved medical devices and drugs.”
DEVICE HEALTH FRAUD. — very interesting. Hmmm.
DEVICE HEALTH FRAUD – Present day mechanism fitting that heading known as Covid-19 vaccine. It has already killed and maimed thousands around the world without preventing the disease it is aimed at. A perfect title for such a diabolical device. FRAUD in capital letters, should come with capital punishment.
In China, less than 1% of the population have been vaxxxed. In Gaza, the locals are blown into the Med, children the main victims. Just desserts for doing 911, with wire cutters and a walky-talky from a cave in Afghanistan. We should be proud of our boys and girls defending Oz in Afghanistan and elsewhere. What now, when they’ve handed us to communists, without a shot fired?
In a normal or standard medical course to become a Doctor, how many hours are spent learning about drugs?
Herr Google is the doc, type in the ailment two seconds later all the drugs come up in order. You and I can do it all we need is the masonic pass.
What’s med in Oz these days, local private practise like everything else, barely hanging on.
We have Indian gp’s in medical centres, the specialists mainly Jews and surgeons Chinese.
Nice views of Rio after dark
COVER UP? Wuhan Lab DELETES Connections To Fauci And N.I.H. From Website
According to a report from The National Pulse, The Wuhan Virology Lab has removed connections to Fauci and The N.I.H. from its webpages.
incl. screenshot and videos
Latest headlines on this site, Maricopa county ballot audit: deleted databases recovered – Arizona might audit ALL elections – How they cheated in Pennsylvania – etc
“Seychelles closes schools to fight a ‘critical’ surge in Covid cases despite being the most vaccinated nation in the world after receiving shipment of Chinese shots”
Prince Charles announced he will be spending more time at his country estate which probably translates as less time cutting ribbons and more time at the “playgrounds of the rich and famous” once they have been cleaned up a bit. I am sick of all the tourists too, they should stay home and watch travelogues of Venice on TV.
Meanwhile Charles’ adopted offspring Harry Pothead seems to have lost his marbles
re; above post–mostly random quotes from article
“freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to assemble, and the right to petition the government”.
Ah Cry Freedom
“It’s amazing how many people default mode is to attack rather than argue his point. If you disagree with him then say why. Referring to a past war you was never involved in doesn’t help your case.
Harry appeared on Dax Shepard’s podcast on Thursday last week, where he appeared to criticize one of America’s founding principles; the freedom of speech.”
‘For Prince Harry to condemn the USA’s First Amendment shows he has lost the plot. Soon he will not be wanted on either side of the pond,’ wrote British politician and chief architect of Brexit, Nigel Farage.
‘I’ve got so much I want to say about the First Amendment as I sort of understand it, but it is bonkers,’ he said during the podcast last week.
“Harry appeared to be confused by the First Amendment which provides for freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to assemble, and the right to petition the government.”
I looked up BONKERS
Bonkers is an informal British word for “mad” or “crazy”. It may also refer to:
1 Television
2 Music
3 Other
4 See also
Bonkers (American TV series), a 1993–1994 American animated television series that aired on Disney Channel and in syndication
Bonkers (British TV series), a 2007 British comedy television series that was broadcast on ITV
Bonkers!, a 1979 British teleivsion variety show starring the Hudson Brothers
“Bonkers” (The Price Is Right), a segment game from The Price Is Right
‘I don’t want to start going down the First Amendment route because that’s a huge subject and one which I don’t understand because I’ve only been here a short time, but you can find a loophole in anything.
Harry is destined /programmed for Australia—well more based WA.
Think it belongs to The Crown
Part of
Ideal Human Environment–experiment– Salerno Cult
Speaking of radiation energy waves and so forth here is some amateur video of birds falling out of trees from 5G
Dianne, part of W.A. did belong to the Crown in 1969. When my parent’s land at Kwinana was resumed by the State Government, the title deeds were stamped transferred to Elizabeth II. That land now has a BHP Billiton nickel refinery on it.
Melbourne QR code persecution
yes local neighbours in units nearby are telling me this is already in place
there is also new “legislation” re suburban fencing compliance–lawyers set up to assist you with disputes—at a cost
A great reading by Jeff J Brown however thoroughly reinforces the fact that COVID is an extension of the century long bioweapons programme. (Not that I believe COVID-blah actually exists in the community.)
• 40 years ago -abominable USA dengue fever bioterrorism attack against Cuba. Prof Ariel Alonso Pérez – Jeff J Brown
Jeff is reading the following article from his China Rising site
• “Forty years after one of the most abominable USA bioterrorism attacks against the Cuban people: dengue hemorrhagic fever”
• By Prof. Ariel Alonso Pérez
• Historical researcher, author of the book The Biological War against Cuba
See various related links including to his online library
• Bioweapon Truth Commission Global Online Library (Jeff J Brown)
Your guy in the video shows his bias saying Gitmo is illegally occupied.
Without endorsing the wikipedia in any way, the stuff they have written there is more in keeping with how I understood things to be.
Columbus claimed Cuba for Spain, there was plenty of history (rebellions etc) for about 500 years, then the US got it:
“After the Spanish–American War, Spain and the United States signed the Treaty of Paris (1898), by which Spain ceded Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam to the United States for the sum of US$20 million and Cuba became a protectorate of the United States. Cuba gained formal independence from the U.S. on 20 May 1902, as the Republic of Cuba. Under Cuba’s new constitution, the U.S. retained the right to intervene in Cuban affairs and to supervise its finances and foreign relations. Under the Platt Amendment, the U.S. leased the Guantánamo Bay Naval Base from Cuba.”
So when a source shows a clear bias like that, one has to suspect everything they say.
They have Dengue fever in northern Australia which spreads down from Asia. How do the mosquitoes get all that way. Is it the CCP. Very small birds also fly from Melbourne to Siberia or someplace like that. They go there and back every year.
Just saying !
Human guinea pigs
I was subjected to -“unethical” to say the least -malaria experiments–won’t mention Mengele at this time—so found this of interest—-
Ross river virus is of interest also–have had it severely twice–sets off a malaria attack first
Dr. Clayton Chau, the county’s chief public health officer and director of the Orange County Health Care Agency, told the Board of Supervisors that businesses have “every right to do whatever they want to do to make their environment safe,” but the government cannot prohibit someone from a public place with or without a vaccination. (Screengrab from
In their zeal to speak out against COVID-19 vaccinations, some Orange County residents are publicly equating the vaccines and the push for their widespread use to the atrocities of the Holocaust.
On Tuesday, at an Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting, two speakers wore Star of David symbols on their shirts as they joined others in referencing the Holocaust while denouncing vaccines and vaccination requirements. Last week, at an Orange County Board of Education meeting, some residents referred to the use of COVID-19 vaccinations as being not unlike the deadly experiments performed by German physician Josef Mengele at the Auschwitz concentration camp.
During Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting in Santa Ana, more than 200 people signed up to speak during public comments, most decrying the idea of mandated “vaccination passports” and the vaccines themselves. Many chose to make comparisons to Nazi Germany and the Holocaust.
We’ve had two close-outs, the fear and the vax, now with 5G they’ll fry our brains.
Electric shock therapy has been around in hospitals for a century or so, maiming, mutating and murdering all that recieved it. What is being done now is in magnitude exponential, and underestimating their intent is ignorance of events unfolded. These bloodsuckers are satanic minions, and the medium of electricity is how they channel their sorcery and mind control. 5G smart cable will take us to hell, guaranteed with luciferase stamp of approval – the green passports already in people’s bloodstreams. At this late time, can anything be done, to spare the innocents from the sins of their predecessors? WHO knows, everything has been inverted and perveted with the power of illumination from the light bearers – the illuminati.
IMOParty on facebook:
“Michael O’Neill speaks about A Stand in the Park, the absurdity of mask wearing, and how the vaccine rollout has lost the public confidence: 17,000 adverse reaction reports waiting for review by the TGA!” they say including death of a 55 year old man and a couple of young people whose friends say were fine before injection.
For the religious, this may be an interesting commercial –
is that what is meant by the ‘harvest’?
Religion is used as a cover by the warlords.
Race, religion, culture, define a competing group.
Territory, booty and slaves are the actual motivations, as always.
Some places like Georgetown in Penang have all religions bunched up together.
There are no issues so long as the economy grows to match the population.
The Chinese (essentially aspirational / refugees) population in the northern part of peninsular Malaysia was cut down to about half according to hearsay because there were too many. I don’t think there are any official records of rural massacres, but here is a good website documenting some of the urban stuff.
My name is Tony, not to confuse articles and comments by Tony Ryan, will print Ant56.
Conplan 8888 US Military Zombie Plan and the Animal Zombie Infection Plan (Prions) Kevin Woodman.
The publisher put this up a couple of days ago and I am concerned it may be dying a lonely death.
(Bill Gates would say, “I don’t understand what you mean by concerned”)
To me it is maybe the most significant piece to emerge in recent times. I forwarded it to a few people and they seem to be finding it challenging.
NB the lady being interviewed says “correct” at about 00:15 seconds.
Texas Senate committee of some sort.
Big thanks to Julius for the info on dengue. I have always felt bad that we attacked any country with that painful disease but did not know it has been researched down to the very mozzie.
Note: Y’all can be denguefied if you misbehave.
Dee is away at the moment so Al Haig is taking a survey: what topics do you want us to cover? Or which ones do you like (or hate) of those we already indulge in?
I feel I should be canonized or at least beatified for getting my tax returns in before 5pm today. IRS gave us a Covid 2 month grace, from the usual April 15 deadline. I filed mine on paper and then realized they want everyone to do it online, but that’s way above my pay grade.
Speaking of pay, Dee says dumpster diving hasn’t been too bad lately, and that Hungry Jack’s dumpster is marginally better than KFC’s. Send her some dough-dio-dough, would you?
Speaking of idiomatic English, I have noticed that the minute I set foot in US, all my Seppo expressions come flooding back to me, as it were in one piece, and the Oz ones disappear. Then when I set foot in Oz, I lose my americanisms.
In 38 years in Adelaide I would never have been able to access the word “dough-dio-dough” as it was firmly locked away. (Please explain it if you’re into neuroscience. Ta.)
On dumpster diving… Woodfrog bakery dumped their artisan bread every afternoon, until the elite bread-hunters arrived at the back door instead of the front door — so they locked the bins.
That reminds me, I was going to buy a bread machine. I have a penchant for the paleo bread.
OK, I’ve become so cynical that I think this may be the next move by the PTB. – Facemasks are going to be mandated to help curb Global Warming.
I read this article in the Babylon Bee and thought, ‘Yeah, the dumb-asses would buy that’. The ‘Bee’ is already ahead of the curve, they have focused into the agenda of the globalists and the mental process ability of the masses and have figured out the next move, bloody brilliant!