A gumshoe/DM adaption
Comment by DM
2025 and 2026 — the years of DISCLOSURE.
Epstein List:
The video is only a day old, and it already feels out of date.
The Guardian report
This report about Musk
“Elon Musk’s Enemy, USAID, Was Investigating Starlink’s Contracts in Ukraine.” The agency was in the midst of a probe into the billionaire’s equipment at the time of Musk’s assault.
“…The Lever reported Tuesday that USAID’s inspector general was in the process of investigating its own public-private partnership between Musk’s Starlink and the Ukrainian government at the time that the billionaire’s DOGE crippled the agency. …An announcement from last May reads: “The USAID Office of Inspector General, Inspections and Evaluations Division, is initiating an inspection of USAID’s oversight of Starlink satellite terminals provided to the Government of Ukraine. Our objectives are to determine how (1) the Government of Ukraine used the USAID-provided Starlink terminals, and (2) USAID monitored the Government of Ukraine’s use of USAID-provided Starlink terminals”.”
Jan 29, 2025
Trump’s Tech Donors Have Big Plans For Greenland
Vast webs of money laundering and tax avoidance systems, devised under:
British East India Company December 31, 1600, (to 1874) under a royal charter granted by QEI; Dutch East India Company (1602-1795)
Date of 4th Anglo-Dutch war where the Dutch were finally trounced, 1780-1784.
( Possibly used up all their trees )
Commenter aussiemal saying Mein Trumpf is planning to get “killed” to trigger his suicide belt commitment to Persia and finish the Bush’s job, “the axis of evil”, those Bushs are so gay coming up with flamboyant rubbish like that, I would not put it past them to have Shock & Awe parties with the seat cut out of their leather pants, it’s surely not just Hillary getting up to weird stuff at Bohemian Grove, it’s like Australian politics, do you vote for the red pedo team or the blue pedo team. Either way you got to choose a pedo. Good or bad proto-populist Gough Whitlam showed who really runs this country. It’s the offshore pedos with all the offshore loot. Reject the pedo $.
No more consignments to and from Malta and other such jurisdictions.
From Bretton Woods to Mountbatten to the cancer crew, you never saw such a slow death.
The Bush gang’s involvement in the JFK operation must have been good training for the Reagan operation, far more successful, never questioned, almost forgotten, gave HW a 12 year run, but if you include puppets Bill Clinton and Obama, HW got nearly 4 decades !!! Is Mein Trumpf too good to be true or is he controlled opposition too. The Global Elites have nearly got us all trussed up in their e-web, they don’t care anymore what we know or not, it’s all out there, what matters is if we want to live hand-to-mouth we will have to endure the regular injections. If we got the e-money and injections scenario then all the other stuff is pure theatre. We are in the quicksand already, everyone is waving their plastic or even worse their phone, every chance they get. Some still getting their kids shot up with weird gunk. Well then, collectively we deserve to die and Yuval Harari will also die, of boredom, when he finally realises his beloved little machines are actually boring as batshit.
Short version …
Boom !!! Trump and RFK reduced to particles.
Ka-Bam !!! Persia reduced to particles ( next on axis of evil, People’s Republic of North Korea ).
President J.D. Vance wants to appoint Peter Thiele as V.P. but Lord Muck offers more $$$.
Palmerston’s zoo
Nice story, would combine well with a selection of national cheeses.
They said Venice was the sea-port of Osterreich but more likely / accurately Osterreich was the hinterland of Venice, after most of the loot was shifted out to Confederation Helvetika.
Venetian-style manipulations from a nothing place ( Osterreich ):
“In 1438, Duke Albert V of Austria was chosen as the successor to his father-in-law, Emperor Sigismund. Although Albert himself only reigned for a year, henceforth every emperor of the Holy Roman Empire was a Habsburg, with only one exception.”
2.15 PM
Lived history matters tho ned
“Trump Is A Deal Maker” Whitney Webb’s Take on DOGE, Elon Musk, DeepSeek AI, and the Elite’s
Excellent in depth analysis as usual from WW.
Whitney Web says !!!
Judging by Thunderbirds-ish string-puppet style movements Whitney Web is an experimental AI bot, which webb-crawls through sites like BIN and WhatReallyHappened and RumorMillNews, tirelessly joining all the dots without pause, in order to numb us and blunt the cutting edge of conspiracy theorists.
US-centricity directs us away from deeper analysis.
Why would Whitney Web include a funny story like the one after 20:00 ?
That would be to add a dash of authenticity, allowable because the Global Elites are so comfortable with their project schedule that they will tell us anything at all without fear, conversely it’s predictive programming.
Wow Joe.
What’s the basis of your vehement critique?
Bloody Americana again
These raccoon hat people got the MIC contracts for WW2, as well a(nother) base for BigPharma, I am starting to doubt there was ever anything in Fort Knox except a few spiders. How they were persuaded to take up arms against each other I’ll never understand. As for Lincoln !!! Still sitting on his big chair there in DC. It’s all a big fraud. Is HW really dead ?
Dear Sandra,
May I sincerely suggest that you please consider:
http://www.what reallyhappened.com each day, just scroll the headlines and pick those that interest you
Rumormillnews.reading room.
Just use discretion, pick the seasoned commentators and laugh at the bullshiters and distractors-just as you would here and understand why your freedom to join dots is being discouraged.
It is a challenge but after many years using your mental aptitudes, then old Al-Zeimers is at least delayed accordingly.
Never be surprised as to those who will walk with you if you seek🙏
And have fun and laugh at the world, it is a short window on earth.
This is just about the most incriminating thing I have seen featuring Trump and Musk, basically they are superficially running a “fat-cutting” operation as a front for the real DOGE which is basically the same thing as Bill Gates’ ms_CoPilot365 that he sold to Elbow a year ago.
Lord Muck babysitter MKUltra type weirdness
All sorts of stuff
C.U.N.T.S. – Corruption, Usury, Narcotics, Terrorism & Subversion
The dirty history of globalist sanctioned drug addiction
Frances Leader
Feb 07, 2022
“From the point of view of the rebranded and barely disguised Roman Empire we can clearly see that the Five Eyes nations, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are its primary slave colonies established to provide cannon fodder and labour for its globalist ambition.”
“It should be noted that the cannon fodder of the Five Eyes Nations (as mentioned earlier) are now surplus to requirements in this totalitarian space age robotic technocracy.
We are no longer required to grease the wheels of outrageous fortunes.
We are required to die quietly in a pharmaceutically drugged stupor – one way or another.”
The Advanced Covid-19 Agenda: The Era of Forced Convergence (Technocracy)
More disturbing info coming out of the helicopter crash :
Just scroll the headlines at Mike Rivero’s site at:
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com – stories
Catching up now?
You will love DOGE and what about THE USAID CRIMINAL LAUNDRY SCAM.
Is there another laundry in Canberra that we do not know about…. A billion for Ukraine. Gee what a washing day?
What happened to all those millions the Turnbull government gave to some outfit in Queensland? At the time I do not remember if it had any office bearers? Seems that the tide took it all away.
10.52 AM
Hey censor, where is my comment of about half. An hour ago.
Some problem with me citing;
http:/:www.whatreallyhappened.com with all the juicy headlines, particularly about the USAID laundry being looked at by DOGE or was it due to a reference to the Turnbull government grant of millions to a entity in QLD with no known office bearers/ allegedly.
Or to the billion for Ukraine.
Seems that we need a DOGE IN CANBERRA?
22.28 AM
Ah, there we are, small typo:
WTF is Trump doing?
[SPECIAL] COL. Douglas Macgregor : Can the US Own Gaza?
Pepe Escobar : World Reaction to Trump On Gaza.
Max Blumenthal : GAZA Treachery.
Netanyahu has joined with Saudi Prince MLB to institute the NEOM project.
Multiple regions are planned, including a floating industrial complex, global trade hub, tourist resorts, and a linear city powered by renewable energy sources. Saudi Arabia claimed that NEOM would create around 460,000 jobs and add an estimated $48 billion to the country’s GDP.
The plan would now extend through Gaza and greater Israel- 8:30.
Netanyahu’s 4 stage power point presentation.
To be used as a model for Yemen,Syria and Lebanon(the next targets in the axis of resistance)
“The ethnic cleansing cat is out of the bag”
Sorry Prince MBS.
Those Yemenis are real breeders, they have to ration the water in that place, and they are on prime real estate. Couldn’t paint a better target on themselves, it will be a marvel if they are intact in ten years
I had been advised that the Gaza war (allowed) result was a ‘plan’ (another one💁🤷♂️) for a tourist resort also to be financed by some Arab states.
Add to that some old perceived plan to run a canal to the Med to take on the Suez monopoly. Thus Egypt loses income.
So who the F knows? When Mike King has his theories and with Fulford, that a new country will replace Israel and be called Judea.
Then ‘Q’ claims that Israel will be left for last.
Have to love McGregor opining that it is ‘UNAMERICAN’ to do such a thing as kill, take land and replace governments. He must have known what the British did to the American Indians and what General Smedley Butler reported what he was.( ref’ WAR IS A RACKET’) Then there is General. Wesley Clark with a pre 911 ‘PLAN’ to do 7 countries in five years.
Sandra just look up Mike Rivero’s report at what really happened.com “ALL WARS ARE BANKER’s WARS’.
Even Hitler could not have a war deal with the left out Jews (1933 transfer agreement – 30,000 to Israel) if the zionists did not finance him💁🙀 the result was Israel💁fancy that and now we are where we are.
It is all a scam McGregor says it… they are the suckers brought in for ….
Do any of our MPs have a clue when they are compromised and run by a complicit mass media.
All I can think: KEEP OUT OF IT AUSTRALIA, not our brawl. Not worth a little finger nail onf one of our soldier’s hand.
( ref: I think, as to some Israeli general commenting on one of Israel’s predicaments)
So who wants to go die in the Middle East?
Those who do, off you go and take a politician and the propaganda msm editors and their commentators with you.
DON’T COME BACK, get a new condo on the old Gaza waterfron AND BE HAPPY.
12.34 PM
And the usuals follow hereunder as the solution, being with God as their real estate agent and the goyim will pay the rates.
At 2.07:
“Gazans should have a choice: As long as migration happens by an individual’s Free Will regardless of the location in the world and as long as there is a country willing to accept that person, can anyone claim it is immoral ?”
At 4:26
“I’ve got to point out what could be a fatal flaw: If you let people who want to leave, people who want to have freedom who want to have opportunity for themselves and their children and their grandchildren,if those people have a mass exodus, what is left is the hardcore ideologues and you can’t build a jewel on the Mediterranean with that kind of population. They’re constantly going to be fomenting and planning to attack Israel – that’s in the basic ideology in the Hamas charter – to wipe Israel off the map;that’s the fundamental problem”
“its aim is to displace our people and eliminate our cause”
“Our people” being the fodder of said “cause” – which cause, as everyone knows, is the annihilation of every Jew on the planet
“its aim is to displace our people and eliminate our cause” – which aim, as everyone would prefer not to know, will, very obviously, trigger the antithesis of peace:
“Now about the times and seasons, brothers, we do not need to write to you.
For you are fully aware that the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, ‘Peace and security,’ destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”
Do CBN-style “Christians” even read their bibles?
What sort of fool would entertain the notion that, quote:
“it’s a bold idea and just might help bring peace to the Middle East”
No doubt such “peace” will prevail for a season – a precursor to all hell breaking loose
“like labor pains on a pregnant woman” – pains that herald a new creation, one that’ll obliterate each & every man-made solution
I do not wish to get back into the who is wiping out who debate. You and I have already done that here and people can decide where they stand on their own. Zionism is high on the list of reasons that many have for disrespecting the Bible, and it is the assumed Biblical land claim that I wish to address. Normies that prefer to hate the Bible are free not to read.
The covenant between God and Abraham in Genisis 17 seems to be the foundation of the land claim, and this study will only be meaningful to those who read Gen 17 v.1 to 14 in full. In v.8 God says: “And I will give unto thee, and thy seed after thee, …all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession:” I have been asked what part of “everlasting” I do I not understand, and I ask you what part of “covenant” you do not understand. God continues to lay out the deal, asking that every male of Abraham’s household must be circumcised as a “token of the covenant betwixt me and you”.
In v.14 God says: “And the uncircumcised man child…that soul shall be CUT OFF FROM HIS PEOPLE; he hath broken my covenant.”
Well it circumcision is not just a commitment to sexual morality, but to keeping the entire law of God. Those that break the law are counted as uncircumcised.
The question here is: Have the Hebrews broken the covenant of circumcision beyond repair?
Whether or not they have received Jesus Christ I think the Biblical answer is a crystal clear “yes”.
If Christians wish to challenge me on Biblical grounds, please first read the following:
Rom 2:25 to 28; Phil 3:3; Gal 3:26-29 (note that believers are called “children of Abraham and heirs according to the promise”) Gal 6:14-16 (note that believers both Jew and Gentile are called the “Israel of God”.
Why is it that this particular group continue, like they have for millennium, try to brain wash many into believing that their tribe is the most unfortunate and betrayed peoples on this planet when in fact many of their group are in most positions of influence and together probably have the most finance in the world?
However they make all others, apart from their tribe hate them. Would this illusion be because of the guilt factor for all their crimes against mankind?
Because they are using the rest for a human shield
Interesting theory; owning owning Gaza at rumor mill news.
It will stuff up the Zionist’s Eretz Israel.
(If Gaza is a tourist resort and the Arabs are in on it, then who will buy in?🙀…have kids and influence it.. Just a a simple goyim thought)
What the hell do I know?
Hang in there.
For those who do not succumb to some who want to ban you from thought, knowledge and research, listen to Real Mary, WTPN SITUATION UPDATE on 6/2/25 at:
Shall I mention a banned site?
Bugger it, make up your own mind with Real Mary at:
Sorry for the tease at the start💁
Watch from about 1.07 …. Less than 7 mins to the end.
After that watch the opening on the DOGE AND US AID and enjoy thereafter to 1.07.
What do we want x 2?
What do we want………
8.03 PM
This is just for a continuation of the evidentiary record, that might support a case that many, especially for relevant governments and mass media, may have to answer for.
It is on public record and that its gold for prosecutors and plaintiff’s lawyers in due course.
Generally, the gold seam may be found in the alternative media with many interviews etc.
So I suppose that the mass media should be placed on notice of an another nugget at beforeitsnews.com with Michael Jaco today.
It is trite, that to successfully prove a prosecution case that the evidence be collected to demonstrate that the mass media must have been complicit in misinforming or lying to their viewers and readers because they refused to just do their job, or otherwise!
Love to draft a few subpoenas for service to our pollies, journos, bureaucrats and msm editors if the occasion arises. 💁🤪 that would only be the start🙀🤪🤪. Bank records are fun
Indeed, a few commentators here could be on the list to assist.
If only I had not retired! Prosecutions are tiring and timeless.
9.20 PM
USAID: Not the Largest Fraud