Home Corona Lots And Batches — Dr Mike Yeadon, Reiner Fuellmich And Wolfgang Wodarg

Lots And Batches — Dr Mike Yeadon, Reiner Fuellmich And Wolfgang Wodarg




    • I remain convinced that the entire show has, and continues to be orchestrated by a form of idiocy known as self-absorbtion. It’s a classic case of the blind leading the blind: both parties are equally selfish and inconsiderate; the covert version of such qualities is every bit as destructive as the obvious variety

  1. Well MrMorrison, do you think that we do not know what your agenda is?
    Well Premiers, do you not think that we do not know what your agenda is?
    Well politicians, do you think that we do not know that you are cowards.
    Well medical health ministers and medical bureaucrats do you think that we do not know what your agenda is?
    Well mass media and shock jokes, do you think that we do not know that you are lying paid prostitutes?.
    Look forward to happy days. Do you think that we do not know that you are bankrupting our country with pharma injections whilst you kill people by denying well historic and known treatments.

  2. This is timely and highly topical, especially for those aware of Dr Richard Day’s ‘declarations’. I don’t share Lorraine Day’s core beliefs but what she describes is precisely what is going on and why the COVID global scam was devised by these deranged self-absorbed psychopaths.

    • ACH (1688) Dr. Lorraine Day – The Headquarters Of The One World Religion Under Construction NOW!
    (the complex is being built in Abu Dhabi )


    At least jump to 39:00 for a good summary.

    Dr Day is discussing the following:

    • Announcement Of The Chrislam ‘Abraham Accord’ Between Israel And Uae Was Missing Link Needed To Launch Vatican Abrahamic Faiths Initiative


        • Good morning Globalist Assets Jufish and Bman, does B mean butt ?
          The internet is full of this quote so why not take it up with the internet.
          According to the popular imagination, the nazi Goebbels was at the cutting edge of censorship so you might get some ideas there.

          • Stop wasting your time on nazi fantasies and learn some real alt-history, it’s like a whole year university module laid out for you in two hours and you will clearly see why there were no winners in ww2, except for Swissy, I don’t have to publish hundreds of dodgy links, it’s all here. You boys think history started 300 years ago, you think 150 years ago was “a long time”, that was still the “modern age” and not much has changed apart from the tech. Tragic.
            You are really being taken for a ride, with the whole duopoly system.
            Forget constantly reinforcing your tired old rubbish at 2x speed just this once, get some new material.

          • A big fat talking head from Zurich insurance just appeared on the MSM news warning us about AGW (Global Warming) / climate change, get ready for bigger insurance bills, compulsory of course, brought to you by nanny state, whose massive collection of building regulations has obviated any need for common sense, so that buildings are falling apart faster than ever and all captured on video so it must be true.
            Meanwhile over on the US CBS morning MSM TV the guest has come up with a revised definition of AGW / climate change, goes like this:
            “You see climate change makes the hot hotter, the cold colder, the wet wetter and the dry drier”, WTF, I thought that was the MSM’s job.

      • Will you pull just anything out of your ass?

        About the book you ‘quote’ from:

        Surfing the Tao combines powerful information regarding an alternative version of our reality with a simple Way to overcome its daily trials. Consider deeply buried mysteries about UFOs, the pyramids, modern warfare, Biblical technology and prophecy, and learn to discern them from the truth about God.

        A secretive and selfish elite has kept spiritual knowledge as well as Earth’s true history and science hidden from the masses for centuries. Today, technology, religion, politics and apocalyptic scenarios continue to serve their agenda of ultimate global control.

        Be aware of these forces, but never give in to fear. The battle is not fought in the outer world, but in our minds and spirits. Use your free will to fight back. Understanding fractal and geometrical realities and choosing love to become part of the Force of God helps the spirit explore a higher potential. Turn away from the self-centered physical illusion, and learn to internalize peace in a daily walk. Learn to create a new reality in harmony with the Tao. Just by changing our minds, we can change the world.

          • The “internet is full of this quote” actually (if you actually took the time to see if its true) is but a bunch of regurgitation that lead to the link I shared. ALL OF THEM.

            But believe it, if you must (and you obviously must).

          • So since I wrote that you have checked every source on the internet and you ask me to believe that.
            The only thing I believe is that everyone is being swindled by the duopoly system and that includes you.

          • w3,

            I really don’t expect you to check what I’m saying. Preconceived beliefs from jewish brainwashing is the hardest to shirk. Takes real, honest men.

      • @w3 how stupid to rely on jewish-controlled wikipedia for “NAZI” quotes. How can we account for the current tyrannical state of world politics if we don’t identify the singular kind of race that has consistently gained power from century to century – the jews – as being the ultimate agent of the world-wide despotism? It isn’t German or Swiss royalty or any other BS you put out to shill for the jews for the criminality that now engulfs the world world. It is international jewry.

  3. How the “Elite” Think –

    “…………..Leonard Darwin, son of Charles and president of the British Eugenics Society, who in 1925 warned that biological decay would drive civilizational collapse unless the reproduction of the unfit was curbed by eugenic means.

    As the decade wound to a close, such pronouncements only grew more dire and disturbing. Charles John Bond, a doctor and euthanasia enthusiast, would deliver the 1928 Galton Lecture in which he proclaimed that the biologically feeble poor were akin to “parasitic cancer cells” that threatened humanity by out-reproducing the wealthy. Assuming that “civilized” temperament and fecundity were inversely related, he speculated that increasing the fertility of the elites “might prove to be the deciding factor in race survival in the future.” As for the lower classes? “We ought to welcome the extinction of the degenerate race,” Bond counseled………………….”

    A commenter posted – ” If you do not accept God , you are doomed to play god “. Oft stated by Roy Masters and played out daily by Bostrom, Huxley, a myriad of Globalists , & Climate Saviours , ad infinitum. Giving to us the lie and expecting us to elect them ‘god’ . Silly deceivers, a pox on you – – have you not read ‘the Earth abideth forever’ . ….. ……..shalom, my friends – al jenkins


  4. Prof. Qimron at Tel Aviv Uni sticks his head out against Israel’s health department.

    “Two years late, you finally realize that a respiratory virus cannot be defeated (Me: with a so called vaccine) and that any such attempt is doomed to fail. You do not admit it, because you have admitted almost no mistake in the last two years, but in retrospect it is clear that you have failed miserably in almost all of your actions, and even the media is already having a hard time covering your shame”.


  5. The Pilgrims in London run Klaus and Davos. We speculate the illuminati, Freemasons, Jesuists, Khazars etc, and yes they are all involved, yet it seems that the ‘captain’ is Pilgrims Society based in London. Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) is known today as Astra Zeneca. Lockdown and plandemic propaganda is directed by these pilgrims.
    “Patenting is a lawyer’s game from start to theft, then thereafter to preserve the theft.”
    Every patent in the US is sent to Crown company Serco. Our world is run by demons, the front men such as Fauci, Schwab, Gates, Soros etc, are puppets. Absolute order out of chaos comes from the Pilgrims Society. Anything that CCP does these days, has to be approved in London, going as far as controlling the software that runs Chinese banks. The bio weapons labs in China were established by the British Pilgrims, ditto for Oz (CSIRO Doherty Institute) and all nations where they are producing the Code of vaxxx ID, over sixty world wide.

    • Tony, I gargled for “Pilgrim Soiety” and got this from website of edinburgh uni press:

      “Founded in London in 1902, this upper-class dining club acted to bring Britain and the USA closer together in political, diplomatic and cultural terms. Drawing …”

      [That’s as far as I got. Lately every new site I go to, asks me for cookies.]

    • Ant56… very interesting. Then I bet the Pilgrims run the LPE and maybe even NYMEX. That all makes sense, because i have never been able to discover who actually runs the Tavistock, Vatican, Rhodes, 300, Bilderbergers, Masons, and so on.

      If i may suggest a yin for your yang, I strongly suspect there is an opposite power group who have dipped their pinkies in the frog-boiling water a couple of times recently. I refer to the attack on Rupert Murdoch (News of the Word saga) and the more recent cyber attack on the CIA and Zuckerberg.

  6. I cordially invite Bman and w3 to do their jousting elsewhere. The world is in flames and we don’t have time to read it. Gumshoe is beautifully free of that kind of stuff, unlike many other sites that are filled with it. It’s a real turnoff.

    • I attract abuse because I have called for some balance about jews, and I will maintain that stance.
      For me, the constant jew-bashing from particular individuals is the turnoff.
      My position is that jew-bashers are Globalist Assets and constantly attempt to degrade these blogs with their dull and mediocre offerings, slipping them in every chance they get.
      They like to paint all jews with the same brush and if I, on the sidelines, attempt to intervene in this compulsive behaviour, they want to attack me.
      Again, my position is that jew-bashers are Globalist Assets, and that a bunch of presumed jews (of unclear pedigree) are frontmen, just like any other frontman. They seem to be placed in positions to misdirect attention. This comes at a critical time in history – now.
      I denounce any suggestion that I should “go with the flow” in relation to assertions by Globalist Assets, ignorantly pushing a Globalist agenda, that is, the jew smokescreen.

      • W3… I endorse your position.

        Use of the term ‘Jew’s is either profoundly ignorant or deliberately diversional. Yet the unbroken sequence of events, from Nathanial Rothschild in London of 1815, to today places Ashkenazim clearly in the sights of the anti-globalists. And, of course, these are so-called “Religious Jews”, as opposed to ethnic Jews such as Misrahim and Sephardi.

        It is useful to the Ashkenazim, as represented by AIPAC, to promote bigotry because this becomes their smokescreen and defense, enabling them to scream “antisemitism” every time they are exposed for committing a crime; super-ironically as they are not Semites.

        As all current leaders of the NWO are Zionists (Christian or Ashkenazim), this identity cannot be excluded from the attention of the Covid Tyranny Resistance and anti-globalisation movements. If we do so, we die. It is as simple as that.

    • Going by what I’ve experienced, all hospitals,both public and “private” have a strong element of prison-style control that’s totally averse to the general health and well-being of the clientele.
      I always wind up having some sort of corresponding confrontation, a reminder of the pervasive bullying within all government controlled institutions.

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