
[Editor’s note: Virus Research from Mal]
by Malcolm R. Hughes
Medical News Today defines a virus as:
“Viruses are living organisms that cannot replicate without a host cell. They are considered the most abundant biological entity on the planet.”
Another definition:
“Viruses are very small infectious agents. They’re made up of a piece of genetic material, such as DNA or RNA, that’s enclosed in a coat of protein. Viruses invade cells in your body and use components of those cells to help them multiply. This process often damages or destroys infected cells.
“Not all viral diseases are contagious. This means they aren’t always spread from person to person — but many of them are. Common examples of contagious viral diseases include the flu, the common cold, HIV, and herpes.”
I have looked up measles, mumps and chicken pox — all are viruses and are spread from an infected person by droplets (sneeze or cough) or in case of chicken pox, fluid from blisters. These viruses do not create epidemics on a worldwide scale. They are generally local.
Nowhere can I find, outside the recent videos, the initial cause of a virus. That is, how does the first infected person become infected if the disease is not airborne.
Tom Barnett’s VIDEO:
This original video by Tom Barnett has been taken down by Youtube, but it has beenm uploaded to Vimeo. Scary, most of these informative Coronavirus videos now taken down. Unfettered censorship!
Barnett in the above video suggests that the viruses are created by our own bodies when there is a toxic overload to save the cells from death by these toxins.
David Icke a researcher, writer and speaker says something similar when he talks of exosomes. Explanations HERE, and is defined (in the free dictionary) as,
“A tiny vesicle created and released from the plasma membrane of various types of cells, especially immune cells, and capable of inducing antigen-specific immune responses. (and/or) A cellular protein complex containing enzymes that degrade nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA.”
Exosomes are of general interest for their role in cell biology, and for their potential therapeutic and diagnostic applications. It was originally thought that exosomes were simply cellular waste products, however their function is now known to extend beyond waste removal.
I tend to think this definition virtually characterises what Dr Smith has said.
This is interesting because Dr Judy Mikowits says that “viruses can only be spread by droplets being sprayed as per sneezing or coughing, they are not air borne, nor can they be picked up from surfaces. ”
Dr Smith says that the only other way to pick up a virus is by foreign genetic material, being injected into your blood stream, by vaccinations. This could be the most recent vaccination or from some time back, as that genetic material will still be in your body. (This is my interpretation of what he is saying.)
Dr Buttar when being interviewed suggests something similar when he requests that health records of those testing positive to Covid-19 be correlated with vaccinations of those same people, over the past 10 years.
Once again I will refer to David Icke. He says that the Coranavirus has not even been identified, but that genetic material taken from the lungs of 98 ill people in China was named Cornavirus. If this is what is being defined as Covid-19 in testing, the question needs to be asked, “how did this genetic material get into peoples’ body?”
If there is really a virus, which people all around the World have contracted in a short period of time, how did this exact same virus infect the World population? This season’s flu VACCINATION!
When you think about the number of people, reported as being positive, there must have been a lot of sneezing and coughing around the world, if vaccines have not been a part of the problem.
Going back to Dr Smith’s answer to the virus situation, it sits well with those like David Icke and our own Dee, who suggest that 5G electro-magnetic pollution could be playing a big part in this pandemic and questioned the role of the 2019 flu shot causing viral interference. We know that 5G creates radiation toxicity but also saps oxygen out of the air and many viruses attack the respiratory systems creating pneumonia which is the real cause of the death.
People from all around the world have succumbed to the propaganda that vaccinations are a necessary protection apparatus against certain diseases, especially the flu.
The people most prone to fall for this propaganda are those with poor health and compromised immune systems. These are the very ones that the epidemic would bring premature death upon. When a resident of a nursing home, you will be given a flu vaccine unless you or your guardian objects in writing.
The northern hemisphere winter being out of kilter with the southern hemisphere would explain why the epidemic was later to arrive “Down Under” than when it hit the northern hemisphere. It would also explain why the Australian outbreak is ongoing at this stage, as we are still in the winter season and people are still being vaccinated.
Due to my research shown above, I have come to the conclusion that the epidemic is caused by the material deliberately inserted into the flu vaccine of 2019 / 2020, which would have been used in northern hemisphere probably Sept 2019 onward and April 2020 to present time in Aust. N.Z. etc.
If my conclusions are correct from above information, then I make the accusation that this epidemic was planned to murder a percentage of the World’s population. Particularly those with comprised immune systems.
I base this accusations on the fact that it was known that the pandemic was going to happen and the time frame it was to happen in.
This information was given in the self-incriminating talk by Anthony Fauci. His cohorts involved in the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) would also be part of this murderous scheme, as they had estimated the number of deaths that could be reached. They also are the group that formulated the unconstitutional regulations that would be circulated to our ever obedient politicians to foist upon their constituents. According to information from world renown doctors and virologists, these protocols were the exact opposite to what should have been implemented.
See Amazing Polly’s Health Mafia videos.
Of course Big Pharma is part of the conspiracy and have been getting away with this sort of behaviour for many years as the ordinary person such as myself knew little about viruses and their part in biology. Some people in the health industry were aware of the bad behaviour, but because of their careers they could not safely say anything.
Very helpful, Mal. Gumshoe will soon publish a review of the book “Invisible Rainbow” about the role of 5G in all this.
During the northern winter this year (January 2020) and last year (January 2019), the push for flu vax (and “anti-pneumonia vax”) was hilarious. You would be walking down the aisle of a supermarket and a cardboard cut-out of a doctor would pop up from the shelves with the words Why not now?”
Meanwhile over the loudspeaker would come the announcement “!0% off your grocery bill today if you get the free flu shot in our pharmacy department.”
Thanks Malcolm,
I of course have a lot conjecture.Your article of course includes some science as well. Bacteria/virus- chicken/egg kinda thing.
Distribution of disease causing agents through the air worry’s me, especially when I see Bill and Melinda smiling about the second wave. Smiling does not come naturally to them like the immunity will seem, therefore is a heads up to me. Their preference always seems to be a wasting tactic rather than a outright kill that exists even though forbidden.
Great article, you wrestle the beast, can not disagree with your inference.
Hard to find the words to respond to the total disinformation in this piece.In fact there is so much to refute and my time can be more constructively spent delving into the plethora of currently evolving scientifically researched peer reviewed work on SARS-CoV-2.
Because the peer reviewed science has been so conclusive?
Where did it start, Cov-2, wet bat markets. Where’s that evolved to now, so hard to keep up.
Make it simple for me, in your own words, this refutation you speak off.
Peer reviewed, ka-ching! ka-ching! Wait for Covax-20™ and then Covax-21™, would you like subscription ?
Very good piece of work. My suspicions that the flu vaccination last year has caused the current situation are now solid.
Government are not the solution…they are the disease.
By the time the masses wake up to the reality of this fact…it will be too late.
If you just could have gone to the original source on exosomes instead of using Ike, I would have shared. A great YouTube talk- do viruses even exist- mirrored.
Have you a link
Sorry, already read the Benedict option, Rod Dreher- moves to 🇫🇷. Happy to set up a chat with other Christians to talk.
This is the link.
He won the court case
I meant, sorry for late reply, been looking for land and house. Met some inspirational 70 year old informed French peasant farmers🙏💰😎🇫🇷
Thank you Brion – here a couple of links on exosomes
• COVID-19 — is it really about a virus? – Sayer Ji
• Dr Andrew Kaufman M D | The Truth About Viruses, CV19 & Vaccines
Think you. Kaufman yes , but link above just added. He is the first guy
Nice to recognise Sandra Johnson as a new reader, perhaps I missed madam’s contribution/s in the past few years?
We await, if she is minded to assist our understanding of this interesting pandemic.
Perhaps we may be enlightened by Sandra on a possible touted treatment for the virus with hydroxychloroquinne with or withot zinc.
Welcome Sandra to we in ‘puzzlement’ land.
Yes, Johnson must also be very young or immature, her profile name is incorrect english. Attempting to disguise her lack of education with a “plethora” of words…lol.
k, I’ve been guilty as charged by this, possibly fairly(nah-if u ask me) I did hope for a reply from Sandra, my questions were genuine.
Fair audience here, I orientate to a contrarian view even.
Hope we not to harsh Arlyn style.
Gotta go for now
Chief W.H.O. puppet on TV this morning crying about why can’t everyone in the world co-operate and eradicate this miniscule particle, next story Covid-19™ can migrate in and out of animals.
They’re dragged kicking and screaming towards existing drugs, lying their faces off saying the existing, ancient drugs HCQ and Remdesivir are unproven/unsafe.
Government was running TV ads constantly “get your flu shot” but what about social distancing and hand washing, doesn’t that do the same job? Now they have a stockpile of the stupid fluvax they can’t get rid of, they will have to try to flog it to the northern hemisphere before the expiry date.
Politicians and officials on TV every day lying their faces off. I wish I was in Sweden bul!$#!t free zone instead of stuck here with their hotel quarantine and dodgy testing.
We cannot discount anything. I still have this nagging feeling that there is so much more to this. Paul from “pockets of the future” describes getting Covid. He describes that it was like nothing he had ever experienced. I don’t think he went to hospital, but also describes the later complications which he sorted with Natural medicine. (His family most definitely did not have the flu shot).
I am sure that the flu shot causes viral interference and makes one more vulnerable; certain ranges of 5G in certain cities may have their part; the treatment protocols make an enormous difference — so I am still amazed as to why people just died in the street.Just like that.
I look forward to every possible option being brought forward.
This link doesn’t want to come up so I’ll re-post
Basically -sartan pills for blood pressure suspected of opening the front door to your cells
Written by some doctor guy in Australia somewhere
In Kazakhstan there is a real national emergency.
The strain there causes pneumonia in many victims and is out of control.
If you check the latest Bill Melinda Gates 31 second clip, they actually look like lizards, especially the closing sec.
Oil rich Kazakhstan, maybe they have been getting out of line, maybe they need a bit of discipline. I see the Bush clan is now actively trying to split the Republican vote away from Trump. The Bushs didn’t go away, they are still operating business as usual.
“Get away from my coke you kids, I’m saving some for Nancy and Ghizlene!”
Readers, I hope you are not confused by the name “Dr Smith”. Because http://www.youtube censored the original video of Tom Barnett, I did not have a name for my contribution, so invented a name for this character.
Great article Mal
Dr Buttar explains why the testing itself is part of the hoax crime against humanity
I have a copy of about 32 videos downloaded on the subject of viruses and the crimes involved with the current so-called pandemic. Interesting that most of these informative videos by world recognised doctors and virologists have been taken down. Why? Is it wrong or a crime to disseminate educational material via the internet? It would seem so. This is apparently so, when the distribution of videos is in the hands of a near monopoly.
Another one worth downloading before it disappears – at around 12++ she uses the classic phrase for people on “hopium” referring to those who still Trust the Plan and lays it out quite clearly.
It’s time to GET where we’re GOING & channel update. 🙂 – Dana Ashlie
• Tom Barnett, Neil Pascoe and Fanos Panayides on 5G, VIRUSES, DEMONS, HEALTH + MORE
Good to see a bit of humour for once!
• Dr Richard Bartlett | ACWT Interview 7.2.20
I think Dr Bartlett overrates the existence of something called COVID – (The Virus ™) – see Dr Buttar link on this page – nevertheless his advocacy of nebulised budesonide (Pulmicort) as 100% effective in treating The Symptoms ™ is worth noting as those (politicians) pushing this scam don’t want anything to be revealed that might expose the hoax and negate the need for mandatory vaccine$.
Good interview you posted above Fish.
Dr Bartlett should definitely be added to the honour role of truth-telling medicos.
Perhaps even the honour ROLL.
Paul’s situation is interesting. It does not sit well with my theory. However I would be interested if he was willing to answer a couple of questions:
Paul have you proved positive to a Covid-19 test, or did you or your doctor assume that you were infected by said virus. The reason I ask is because I don’t know personally anybody who has been tested, so I can’t line up a positive reading with a Flu shot. Also there have been many false positive test results.
If you have been tested, have you had a flu vaccine in past recent years, or had other vaccine treatment?
I am not being awkward, but as Dee says, we don’t really know the real answers except we do know from the “specialists” that the virus is not air borne, cannot be picked up from surfaces or from other species. It can be transferred by sneezing and coughing or by vaccines. Apparently end of story, according to the specialists.
Of course that doesn’t preclude foreign genetic material transfer during operations. Though I should think that would be a rare occasion unless done deliberately.
There is a possibility that you may have caught the virus without a flu shot but that does not preclude all others from being infected in such a manner.
Excellent synopsis of the nature of viruses
But I don’t go along with the “planned” theory
Big mistake to give a bunch of imbecilic political lackeys such credit
Ah berry–I speak from my personal knowledge and experience –planned it is—-if you look up unethical medical experiments conducted in the inter war years and trace the history– join the dots– you would be amazed how covid 19 is now the ultimate weapon of the super secret master plan for “the final solution”
I heard a mention of “cat-ebola” the other day
I’m with you Diane on that score.
Avian flu, H1N1 swine flu, SARS etc , and now COVID-19, these were all bio-weapon attacks on the Chinese to disrupt/destabilise their economy so that the U.S remained the world hegemon.
The video from Tom Barnett in the main story is worth being open minded about, medical science seems to know so little about so much except by gathering empirical data. Cause and effect are frequently confused. Symptoms are misunderstood. Evidence is ignored in favour of prejudice etc. Just look on the MSM news yesterday, they are having revelations after 6 months no less that their Covid-19™ particle may become airborne. This is after 6 months. During which time they are in denial about everything except their non-existent Covax-20™ cure. Well in reference to Tom Barnett I have myself cured the common cold by this type of method. I sued to get colds 2 or even 3 times a year, they would run for a week or longer, it was fairly awful, finally I cured them using what I would call the Hippocratic method and I haven’t had one for ten years now. The Rockerfellas Big Pharma™ would not approve of the Hippocratic method as there is no product involved. It came direct from the stories of Hippocrates 2500 years ago, he apparently said, “Give ma a chance to create a fever and I can cure anything”. After about 5 attempts, over a number of years, I got it to work, and very convincingly.
Nobody would believe me though and nobody would be much interested because I am not a big pharmaceutical company.
Drug addicts are only interested in drugs.
Oh come on, bg, you’ve got us lining up for yur cure. Please share….
“medical science seems to know so little about so much except by gathering empirical data.”
The detox theory to which Barnett adheres certainly makes sense to me: Last flu I had was in Oct – Nov 05.
Throughout the winter of that year I was plagued by arthritic pain in the feet to the extent that I couldn’t wear most of my shoes.
For the 3 week duration of the virus(or whatever you like to call it) I had no appetite so I scarcely ate anything, but perhaps more to the point, the very thought of tea, coffee and wine made me feel downright nauseated. By the time the bout was over my foot problem had disappeared.
Actually I’d argue that there’s nothing on the face of the earth that can’t be put toward some benefit or other. The idea that there are “baddies” out there to get you is totally skewed; it’s all about how you interact/respond.
tell a trafficked kidnapped child and their parents that
Well going by what I’ve had to deal with personally, there has to be some sort of generational bondage in order for such attacks to get so much as a foothold. Problem is that mainstream culture is averse to acknowledging any such thing
I hear you
Well since the editorial staff is asking I suppose I’d better try to deliver but there’s not much to go on, and I doubt you’ll get it working first time but there’s no harm trying. You just try to create a “fever” (elevated temperature), this is probably best done by getting in some warm clothes including hat, in the bed, personally I had no other heating and the window open. You get quite sweaty by morning so be prepared to wash everything if you’re at all particular.
I heated myself up like this on a few occasions, to the point of sweating, and nothing happened but I kept trying over a number of years, finally when it worked, I was not especially hot, I felt comfortably hot, so I would suggest that somehow the body has to be ready and maybe you can’t force it by heat alone. I don’t know.
Anyway here’s what happened, after laying there for probably two hours I noticed my heart rate had sped up to I think at least triple the normal rate, but it was only beating very lightly.
At that point I wondered if I should give up my experiment in case it was going to kill me, but I decided to keep going and probably only about ten minutes later I went to sleep. When I woke up I felt like I was at the tail end of a normal cold, it lingered a bit for a couple of days, I didn’t think too much about it but I knew the date I did the experiment because I moved house not long after.
So, a few years later I suddenly realised I hadn’t had any more colds.
I can say that before this they were steadily getting worse and worse so maybe you have to get to a certain point before the cleanout will initiate. I don’t claim expertise in applying this to anyone else apart from me, so others will have to figure it out somehow for themselves.
bg, sounds reasonable. I read some time ago from Dr Campbell Douglass that upping the body temperature could kill off cancer. He stated that victims of cancer were known to have recovered completely after having undergone a fever. Seems that cancer cells cannot tolerate temperatures of 104 degrees or there abouts. So if the cancer cells can be artificially heated to that temperature without endangering the patient, cure would be possible. Can you imagine Big Pharma allowing such a treatment?
I do the same thing when I feel something coming on. I just go to bed, turn the electric blanket on, use a bunch of covers and ‘sweat it out’. I end up soaked in sweat, I can feel when I have broken through the other side and have beaten it.
I am only down for a half a day sometimes, usually overnight will do it.
They’ve got the “Hippocratic Oath” but they threw the rest of Hippocrates out.
Interestingly, the ancient Greeks could get to Asia via the Caspian sea which used to be a lot bigger. Imagine you can just sail across with fresh water and fish to eat and come out in Afghanistan. So Hippocrates revolutionary ideas almost certainly came from somewhere around there.
If COVID™ is real, one has to question why there are so many fake high profile and celebrity cases … not to mention the fake statistics and falsified death certificates previously documented by Dr Buttar et al.
Here is another fraud and professional criminal exposed – ‘dr’ Joseph Fair.
• “NBC contributor didn’t have coronavirus but NBC or MSNBC asserted he did 10 times”
• ‘Anti-science saga’? NBC contributor who documented harrowing battle with Covid-19 NEVER had the virus
I remember GIllette came out about 20 years ago with their new business model, they were going to get $1 per day off everyone in the world. At the same time computer programmers put themselves on a course to stop selling software and instead get people “on subscription”. All this is called “rent-seeking”. Now the mentality has spilt over into medical first via insurance I guess, with compliant governments, looking to bring their budgets down.
In computer terminology a type of immunisation is called “ransomware” and all this computer virus rent-seeking stuff has spilled into the Big Pharma™ system of wealth creation.
So it hardly matters if Covid-19™ comes directly from the top since the whole system drives towards the end we are now at and the whole system comes directly from the top, those slime-balls from Arkansaw.
One thing that I do note is that the COVID™ sprang up first in central China, Iran and cruise ships. From cruise ships it’s an easy jump to touristy places such as New York, London and Venice. But from Wuhan to cruise ships, it’s a bit unclear how the jump was made so successfully. I can see a vested interest in shutting down cruise ships, not only do you get rid of pesky tourists, you also can destroy businesses and you might like to buy them up cheap. China and Iran are unfavoured places of the current US thinking. There is some scope therefore in the idea of a controlled spread. The reaction seems to be well orchestrated, we don’t hear much about Sweden, life goes on there much as normal, like all the places, they get a spike, then the orchestrated media hysteria moves on to the next spike.
MSM presenters condemn the unbelievers while going all day without a mask and BLM protests happen everywhere with little or no discussion about any spike.
Some people think Tom Barnett (video above) is a nut but we would all be better off following his type of advice than waiting for Covax-20™ and wrecking the economy in the process.
Tom Barnett is not a nut as some people think he gave his credentials at the beginning of this video–he is removed from you tube silenced– he is an authority to listen to–
A lot of people have their opinions planted in their head for them, I’ll give you a long-winded example.
I used to spend lots of time in Asia before the current situation, they used to have a lot of magic type traditional medicine, some of it actually works a bit, this is more than a placebo but I can’t say how or why, it’s like religious mysticism, I can’t suppose anything about it.
Anyway BigPharma™ got in everywhere with the chemist shops and products etc and now the lower classes think toothpaste is a cure-all for anything. You just put toothpaste on anything, it will help to fix it. Before anyone laughs, the brainwashing works the same here !!!
Here it’s arguably worse, at the very least, people are swindled out of larger amounts of money.
Many of my associates are getting their nickers in a knot about the number of positive test results in Victoria. But to my knowledge not one of these people have undergone a test to see if they themselves have had or are positive to this ultra dangerous entity.
If a person is in the workforce, can they financially afford to be tested for this scam and found positive, to then be forced to isolate for 14 days. No pay packet for that period or loss of holiday leave of a fortnight.
Nobody is talking about tests for the yearly global flu. Why have there been no tests done to find out who is positive to flu but not showing any symptoms? Wouldn’t it be a fair assumption for such a test to be done to compare numbers of positive tests to number of actual deaths caused by flu?
Then compare those results against the results of Covid-19 tests. It may be a lost cause this year, but I challenge the medical and political authorities to enforce such a procedure during the next flu season.
Mal, this is all I can say for now:
Yes Mary, as Trump says above at the end :
” I’m not the problem. It’s the other people that are the problem, THEY should be wearing the masks “.
Yes, it always the OTHER people. It’s never Trump and HIS people (ie :’ Trump and the patriots’ as Zio-Dave likes to call them).
After all, ‘HIS’ people are always the righteous ones and could never be leading us astray – could they ?
Hi, Troof. Not sure is Dave is Zio – watching one of his videos a long time ago I noticed him reading a Q post. At the top was Jerry Nadler’s name in parenthesis. a result of the add-on ‘coincidence detector’ so I’m guessing by that small detail, that ‘Dave’ is not zio. Just a small morsel for thought.
Fair enough Justin.
Seeing as I’m not privy to specific information that confirms it (which shouldn’t come as a shock, as NO ONE has any info about this guy’s history or WHERE he came from), I willingly concede that Dave may not actually be Zio.
But, I strongly suspect he may be in their employ.
I’m still waiting for someone to give me credible information about his background. ie: previous employment history (did he work for some nefarious government three letter agency ?, was he employed by the CFR ?, did he work for some George Soros funded NGO ?) , history of political activity / allegiances , reasons why I or anyone else should trust him. (ie: what’s his track record on opposition to malfeasant entities ?).
BTW, I’m not familiar with what a garden variety ‘coincidence detector’ is (let alone one that has been ‘added-on’). Perhaps you could enlighten me ?
And, not sure what Jerry Nadler’s name in parenthesis is supposed to entail.
(If it was on a Q post then I suggest you not lose any sleep over it because there’s never been a Q post containing any information that wasn’t just purposely cryptic and unintelligible obfuscation).
From https://coincidencedetector.com/
“Detect (((names))) for a reminder of what total coincidences have occurred in the past, and continue to occur today.”
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to parenthesize"
— Anonymous
Have a look…
Thanks for the link Justin.
I clicked onto it and got a message saying the website ‘uses an unsupported protocol’ so couldn’t get through.
More likely something to do with my outdated operating system.
I’ll check it out on the missus’ lap top tomorrow and see if I have better success.
“Viruses don’t know borders.”
BSL4 bioweapons factories worldwide;
Buenos Aries Argentina
Geelong Victoria Australia
Uni of Melbourne Victoria Australia
National High Security Laboratory Melbourne Victoria Australia
Pedro Leopoldo Minas Gerais Brazil
Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
Wuhan Hubei China
Harbin Heilongjiang China
Techonin Pardubice Region Zeich Republic
Bretigny sur Orge France
Lyon France
Very Le Petit Essonne France
Franceville Haut Ogooue Province Gabon
Berlin Germany
Hamburg Germany
Riems Greifswald Meckenburg Vorpommem Germany
Marburg Hesse Germany
Budapest Hungary
Pecs Hungary
Bhopal Madhya Pradesh India
Hyderabad Telangana India
Pune Maharashtra India
Rome Lazio Italy
Musashimurayama Tokyo Japan
Tsukuba Ibaraki Prefecture Japan
Koltsovo Novosibirsk Oblast Russia
Johannesburg Gauteng South Africa
Cheongiu North Chungcheong Province South Korea
Solna Stockholm Sweden
Geneva Canton of Geneva Switzerland
Spiez Canton of Bern Switzerland
Mittelhausen Canton of Bern Switzerland
National Defence University Taiwan
Camden Greater London UK
Colindale Greater London UK
Mill Hill Greater London UK
Potters Bar Hertfordshire UK
Addlestone Surrey UK
Pirbright Surrey UK
Porton Down Wiltshire UK
Fort Collins Colorado US
Atlanta Georgia US
Manhattan Kansas US
Bethesda Maryland US
Fort Detrick Maryland US has 3 labs
Boston Massachusetts US
Hamilton Montana US
Galveston Texas US 2 labs
SAN Antonio Texas US
Why the need of so many bioweapons factories ?
Are we connecting the dots, why it is Pirbrightly Crown virus.
Israel “generally reported as having undeclared offensive biological warfare program.”
“Unofficially, US government officials also privately acknowledge concern over Israel’s speculated biological weapons capabilities, but there is little open-source information to verify these claims.”
nti. org
Requiem for Epstein
(response to off topic comments)
Latest from Sky:
As for Mal’s theory, during the 2-day Gumshoe shutdown a took a good look at the whys and wherefores of the thalidomide saga.
And we’re supposed to have blind faith in Big Pharma ?
Good stuff Berry. Alan Jones has featured in several clips on Sky News that I’ve seen telling the truth about the Covid hoax.
One of the few people with the guts to tell it as it is.
This, just in from Jon Rappaport on Trump’s culpability in prolonging the Covid hoax :
A few salient paragraphs from the article above :
” Several times you [Trump] said, “It’s no good if the cure is worse than the disease.” Surely you understand by now, the cure IS the disease. The H-bomb that went off in the middle of the economy was and is the whole point of the invasion, which has been taking place under your nose.
With your assistance. As a result of your failed marriage to Tony Fauci.
You allowed Fauci to become head of the coronavirus task force, and to remain in that position, spreading vast clouds of overblown lies about the “pandemic” and the fascist measures needed to stem it.
That’s a crime you’ll have to live with.
As you know, COVID is one supermax lie. Nothing worse than a flu season is happening in the world.
You sat in the Oval, when Fauci slithered up to you with the absurd computer projections Neil Ferguson authored, and that psychopathic freak, Bill Gates, bankrolled. You accepted the numbers of deaths Ferguson predicted. Two million in the US. You never had your people investigate Ferguson. In an hour, they would have discovered he had a long track record of abysmal failures. Failure is his whole story. Yet, you took those numbers and allowed Fauci to run with them. Leading the nation into a crushing economic dead-end.
So you see, you’re actually part of the war against the people “.
There it is. I could not have put it better.
If Trump genuinely wanted to make America great again, if he really wanted to bring down the cabal, he would’ve stood up and addressed the American people and said that the Covid plandemic is a hoax.
But he won’t. He doesn’t have the backbone to stand up to the puppet masters.
This is just rubbish. I had my usual flu shot last October and I haven’t contracted COVID-19, and of course I haven’t had influenza either.
Paul, I’m glad you are confident. Firstly you won’t catch Cov2 from the flu shot obviously. But a military trial (on just under 3000 military personnel) found that the 2019/20 new flu shot (for four flus) caused viral interference in some cases and raised the risk by 36% for coronaviruses
[…] Malcolm R Hughes’ Conclusion “COVID-19 Caused by Material in 2019/20 Flu Shots” […]
Here’s my favourite exosome (extracellular vesicle [EV])/virus quote (note the date):
“to date, a reliable method that can actually guarantee a complete separation [of a virus from an exosome] does not exist.”
Gianessi et al, “The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses.” Viruses 12 no. 5 (May 2020): 571. DOI: 10.3390/v12050571.
That’s right. Read it again. “…to date, a reliable method that can actually guarantee a complete separation does not exist.”
Here’s the full paragraph, just so you know it”s correct in context:
“The remarkable resemblance between EVs and viruses has caused quite a few problems in the
studies focused on the analysis of EVs released during viral infections. Nowadays, it is an almost
impossible mission to separate EVs and viruses by means of canonical vesicle isolation methods,
such as differential ultracentrifugation, because they are frequently co-pelleted due to their similar
dimension. To overcome this problem, different studies have proposed the separation of EVs
from virus particles by exploiting their different migration velocity in a density gradient or using the
presence of specific markers that distinguish viruses from EVs. However, to date, a reliable method that can actually guarantee a complete separation does not exist.”
Virus = Exosome. Straight out of the virologist’s mouth.